HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-10, Page 4 (2)rat
0 40'.. P0.4$1)..
. „ • .
• !.C, ItefKsrfirsw 'aut.b.110iOn wilt
hold "a.fmtuVentlAtt IfeniielV. on'
Efth ft' tbe-p„nts)1,t5Ifc,Oleeting:&-r
.e,-DonsinsOWII0krire. It ii
expted SW_ 11;...1Nirtert,,kbirt"
Whij1* u
,dt"v. .,rd','scOtitil
0..'440,10 OW 0
'at%) 4!;,4 OWen'• • qoen
OtstiP40 =Otragreidp 1Goi
1%4. Iv(;'.4.00.Te4x,s..445v1
Mittfirrortelhionng and torrnit
eavy penalties. As 'the third
offence wn • (WI) year* means the
caneeltation :or tho ncense
eidaer-rfeMINlig jjuo dealers woitiddo Welit o be care-
ful and 'keep hotel." If the Y do this'
they will ba Att, rrOzt. taw and 41/ Pale
at.% the 'King in bis castle."
Mr. W -fl. BUtt. Jr., who has bean in
Dtteeit for sear) weeks Is again -under
the parntal liephurn arid
daughter. Aggle, aro vhetting_felerabe ire
Tbronte.--Mi0i Graham or an*litniuland
IngraWs. London. spent Labor DAY gt,,
r°TU ilorse was atxuek by ,a laeolnegve
on Tuesday morning' and killed. It'will
be quite a loan to 'Billy." Mr.
Tiogasthwho taught school at Eden ute.
Hi recently. has been engaged as teaelser
er t_eforri1ogaide0 4.1bert40 and, vePartli
himeelf as being well pleased with the
work and the eountrY.--Mr. and MA
Sam, Davis are visiting friends at Wat-
tord.-The League meeting was conduct-
ed by Miss Esther Mitchell and Mn.
(Dr.) Orme on Tuesday evening.'
" -attd-lireir:7*.;--mccoy
over -Sunday-. .
Our baeeball boys took tile train to
Clinton Labor Day and' there Played a
double header with the team of that town
.The morning game resulted in favor of
Centralia, 9-4and the afternoon game
in favor •of Clinton. 9-2. We are .sorry
that Milt. Mitchell -got hurt by -Waving
his had split between the two middle
fingers when catching a bail. 'It will
ineonvenience him for some Aisne.
Injured.-Mr.,1 Thomas. Willie Was the
victim Of an Onforitinate accident at the
earlhour of 5.45 a.m. on Wednesday
Of last week. lie was /sitting with his
foot on the ledge by the *refine in bla
butter factorY,- waitrig for the first
churning to be done, when Ids foot slip.
Fed. and the -prank Shaft etruck it,. tear.
-lug off a part 'Of Mc IMO. 4nd so 1 jur=0,
41$ the lalge tee Of ids r»..t4;," Z.r.e. that
the bone to „nearly tho first joint was
smashed It many,,Pleges and had to be
renioved. The *tend toe was aloe bad.
Or bruised. Ur. While waited tor, about
110 W‘t131 tt.ountry,/ac
teal tte“lanit et. will be sometime be.
toidttve; rxeter to °Ida! med.
/ toe'he '..vill have the use of the foot
and he may always be Slightly lame. .•
The Chicken -pie Social given here,
under the .ausplees of the Methodist
church. on Mond* evening was attend-
ed with excellent success. The ehurch
was filled to the utmost capacity, people
being present frorn all the neighboring
villages. The good..thhigo provided for
the oreaelon were served from 7.30 to
9, o'clock,- after which a choice program
was reedered. Interesting gddresSels
were delivered by Rev. Fair and Mr.
purges's. The singing by the Credltan
choir was hIghlY pleasing while the el-
ocutIonary selections by Mies Itdhinson
of larkten were admirably rend:is-ed.
'rho proem,' amounted to about Clo.-
Mr. and Mr*. Berman Kyle returned
from Toronto, Fait Frlday.-Stesere.
John Pcart., John. Thomas and • Jack"
"Iteicn arc attending tha Toronto Fair
thts weele-Mr, Sol. Jacques, accom-.
"panied by his sister, Mrs. Geor,3-1 totohcr
ot Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. ftobt. TaY;.=
ler; ..tfe-tetifillig. To-riiiii.i-V4.irjnits
ck aftx whica they :w111 Vi1 n t
East for c7,‘ couple of wekks.-Mr. attI
Mrs. lieaty Ilern returned Monday
after a few dayo' vlsit 0,t Grand Band
-MisesMary Taylor of Exeter is visit-
-141g friend* here,m.4Ie.-.70:111 Towle* W1l0
Inet.'Witil an aceident while tnri..siting
couple of week* ago, we are *sorry to
atate is not improving `as rapidly as his
friends. would desire. -A new bridge is
being erected over flerseas.creek, a half
mita weat ot here, the old one having
been badly damaged by a tractioa en-
, gine passing over tit.
&Vera) from the village and mielnity
adtended the social at Zion on Moaday
evening,rund report it good time. -It Is
,runlo:ed 'quite ,trenuently that wedding
• ben* writ: be ringing -In our vitinitiin
• tizo near tuturetne beet 'ring infrid a
raveling on Saturday mning levet and
decided to go on 'tor anottter 1.0. weeks.
--Ur. And Mra. ens*. Miners or 14ondott,
' liPent • days the guest* IT Ittr*
.4310,3nd r. oT.In 11,1 a
O. e. • ,lave ir nevr
and *bet; f_tpistl
thtkeia on yrtdax evening isust
lef000p xrtetata pave Met the
---tfan--retestii And altinglesti
, and the walls aAreny& ling ralone
' wtviada- Odd,/ verY 'Much tbtapi
eT the txtii.---Ntr. Geo. reilyilhatl:t ef
St. lititye tad the contract.
Przet:tt:1,_ien-othe tente Ot M.
Mts. Ittetard 'ranter was tte stcm
• pienent autprist On Monday eireans.
Isero, wszrrs rtiattwess and friend' to
• tzttlaber ot thirty repaCecil tO
o.re On sly -pleasant
leing tt`m eve et rale vleparture from
t'..ett4i.:,'o..e.eedto reda 'Ce•
• ther tr.ey. are Ws we inoVing. Tte
tOst and tositta tad hL'enlong
res:4;.'n,:to EA* tOWL100.74$0, ind tbe
ts,to esteem la veakh
by Pzceenting..iltelnwfth
,,q,43rte. (114 ani addtTlitS. ate
1 a ramptuoue atipezt ,
$0 3314,173p! 0011r010. ttade
C nloyablo et:14:17. T:1.1 edir;:et
11ftv;rh, S- "Itb. lI
AM!) ¥s iltot Hoer"
Diter 1!rlows.400,
It ie
r -rktut
The '
0 •
f r
life. You
willbo ti
1 t
in tti*
w11 of
but. in 'you
the.. Chute
ere we 0,* oftl
ratd worr*
that your
re, the - old
,To_et *light tote:,
IniclotrWO jorstr0 wren fOr short
it distance, we deldre, you to accept
this present, whichwetope may be
enjoyed by you for many Year*. to
Signed on helisif of your neighbori
and friende, ,
APO= Aroutem, ,
UNRYPotttlrts, •
jortaxitAs Ooorun.
lost. Monday wit. Labor
ay. out of a • anon had
their regular lollane00 meeting in the
after -noon. Gottlob Brown was re-
appointed Tax Oollector and soon his
smiling tate Will appear and 4 ask. you
to contribute your, portion of the
**white man's burden.". -August
who has,beendonnected with the Sov-
ereign Bank since ft opened here and
biter with the Batik of COMitletee, has
received notice to go to the branch in
Chatham and will fill the teller's
• 4.0,_:40. _Om*
ht-fellow-ruid-hist future-looms
bright in thoprofessicin he has adopt.
ed. -Our school closed for Labor Disy,
The teachers op_eat their holidays et
their homes. The Misses Dunlop and
Polley in Goderich and Mist Hartielb
In Dash wood.-Herb,Bilber is spend-
ing a few days in Detroit with his
cousin*. -The Misses Salome and Ent.
ma Tiemartot Dashwood visited Miss
Clara Heist of Crediton Best for a few
dark the post week.. -Arthur
mannagain occupled-the-pulpit-in-th
Evangelical cbotsch last Sunday and
delivered excellent sermon,, Nett
Sunday evening aspeilial song service
will be. given, during which special
music will be rendered by the choir
and Male Chorus. -Miss Mary "Bert.
rand -is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Israel
Smith of Ilainilton this Week. -Art.
Zwicker wee in Louden hilt :Friday. -
Some of our e__,rts Atonded theowes
in Zurich on Labor Day.
Last .Friday the 0.0orts from the 411
• t
• •
w..ks with her
Amy t.-%)
, ire. Tr*
Ur it ;Welber:0? our yoirn
the hall pun* in Luoa
Labor Y't Yea by the Malt NJ
u1ets4.„:„.14 i,'
, 4
' ix' 'i4oiree .vii0i,bis pt 1
„Olio • . ' '41444;:', .q.
3, 'urd mors
. . i.
hur eliUmaPl,"9,4,14.1.,:*4110P,410 . i‘
Credtteire On ftutida Met. Uewilt1e*V
fir, are*: '40* to roAign ' *MOP* *
Naperville Coliratigt. ' St , &zoc
der_ and, slater ,lett'„ Me c -
v itiei.'Ifidir.41'-• 'Th
1: """ •0, , 1,
( cqua1iaueM t
_viflage, Ile ill Pastor . of Rte.. tiutitertalt
congregation at „Tavistock.-70everai from
here attended theA-Citlidren Day sterfims
•Ott ,Zurleb On 8411d040.40**N.I. a. W.
Shore and W. Miler are attending the
Eataihition pat Toronto this' week. -The
Misses Tiernan are spending mune time
with friend*. at Creditorter. and mrs.
SebroederNinent Sunday with friends
at Thedtoril. - -
U.:Aber Source)
. „
ninber ZroinIerejette
top.Iuenger oi tharmere • sank of
Canada. wit* Is.at week ititen r -barge at
adenton to the branch heft. -Ile wM
*Pend three dare Of each Week ist each
branch...Archie. Rutledge of London
,spent Labor Day at WO home beM...et
Illas Dunn or Thoradale arIlkive4 here
Tuesday and nos taken cnarge ot itteri4
aro. Tiernan & Edignotter's rnftUnezy dor
partmentip-A, 11, Weitin bits returned,
trout Pleasant visit with friends and
relatives in Berlin and Waterloo. -Wm
Schroeder of St, Yfarys stent Ronda*.
ittl Monday the „gue•st or WS, parents..
..‘• •
ae di their ,Band;: like &
ctoriia Day Celebration. After • the
Band rendered severe! *Writs *dee.
Mos. the -crowd went to the Eecrea
tion Grounds, where* the vieltere faced
our stars in game of base -hall b
they were defeatedty a *ore of 11, -
The bowlers were here aloe and we
defeated by 2, made up, 00 follows:
Zurich ' Creditor)
Williams Zulus .
pithert Brown
Lamont. . Either Hy*
Rau. skip,20 Mahon, *kip 23
Hess --- Morlock
Greb Sweitzei
Zeller James
Sipple, Skip 21 Either H. P. skip
Dashwood boys were here and
to-friendir Ili tile viihigc On WursditY.
Jake is on MS -way to visit 14 loonier;
who resides near Detroit, prior to bis
leaving for Montreal. were has secors.
ed ogood position 'with • it eirYlfeetia
firra.....The Planing Mill Co. lird, bu
their- new factory .-moved an.tk almost
rooted and will be running- tif a tett'
weeks. --Twee or out bowlisur rinks went
to Zurich -On :Labor DO. WO have not
beard the scoro.--Ilerinala- Zimmer 1
nding. it COUPle Of weeks at Toronto,
have great attraction in Miele %Ores' do.
------7.- • ,
neli MIws
ts it -boom ort ter
sots. 3. Writ aucttar.
Imp Attended service at Ver..'
"Ia hen40.Mrs, Pan. Itodpea
ils.7e4iiho_ pessio ._100.1et -01;14- -,7••" '
nc::11r4 ;§und4$7 'CIPP414',. .t.40t SuRtday
lie raise14,14110,01.P4rer:PMP.1141°'
,.114‘4..'!;l: v'4"743ed it19;41i-11114
Lsoai $ :::. '
,•0 '
'Z'Atr t l':** ' P' , 4,,, 'i
. A14
. onnin
or r
• ,
'11413.Y.: 44)41.
ins of Weet
Sunday'evening with' A. It
toethe farmer2 in this vicinit
are through.' rowing wheat. -.A. W.
:Neil and wifetef 1401140:0 *Petit Sunda
and 1110nitay With his parents on the
2.64,--ro Moe spent Sunday with his
rent* on the 2011. -Miss A Lewis of
Denflekl *pent Sunday with, friends on
the 4th eon:-.-Neseers.' Gilbert *10 Can,.
nitng aro doing st rushing .business In
threehing -1,44, venom -M. McGuire
spent undaY with friends in London
V.11, .411302
—KO* 14%,t1h etelt-traister Norton
of Buftalo,are visiting herparepts, Mr
Eggert left on Tbureday for Detroit,
she was accompanied by 'her brother
Ervin. who will a few day" with
friend* there. se Nellie Ilotoon left
for London on Wednesday. -Mr. and
Mrs. Dave -Footer and Mr. and Mrs.
,Nelson Ilayter are attending Toronto
J. Wilion and Ms E.
Stinson spent gonday afternoon at
McPbersons....Miss Mae Wileon
rettOrned. -home on Mondayafter *
'lemma montiett visit with friends in
bewonThe T. UIena
Attended *meeting of the, House of
Refuge Committee in StrathroY last
week. -The Women's Inatitut,e will
meet at tbs. H. Wickert's. Jr., on
Tuesday, Sept. 15th, at 2 -o'clock.
Everybod_y welcome....Fresh Pork and
Ba140)* sausage for salt --WIN.;
Wilson's. -
The final same tor the ttophlea 4101,00,
atbd by the president or the bovinity;
tho. green this Tharaday afternoon at
3.10 o'clock. '
19 SR
''Ara,papi At
aced at. the pnni
,9014 te
Wi Barri
I 14,1
s s's
.e.io•gr=" ,
Afeneger, Br
ub also at Credlton
your future*c' • Von- Wint to
plate thonwhere there is no
- chance WIristever Of losin Ahem.
You can 40 *at by dispoeiting
tiOln with this CornOnYst 9t by
taking Out it, Popotore for szoo
et snort, for on. ricr More rue.
By law no depositoror debnture
holtsx can foie ene dollu of
Drese Goods hi *II the leading Shades sad Cloths in Venetians. /inn&
clothe, Satia-finIshed Cloths. rancy Strip* Plain, Etc., AT 014811 PRICES
-:-Wertandie teCt
t es and Jae
sole *win* for the
Celebrated Puritan Brand Ladies' and Children's
Mantles and Jackets
For style and quality and axcellent, fitters, More is none to surpass them.
We have them in loose -fitting, also seml.fltting. All the latest. Be sure to
call and see them before making your purchases.
New Flannelette*, Wrapperettes, Flannelette Blankets, •
Wool Blankets, Sheeting*, &pc., &c. • •
New Hosiery, New Gips, New Mitts, New Gloves, New Underwear*
• of all kinds and slue. -
liftrea and lloya* Beady -to -Wear Suite it Bargain Prices.
i •
20.sure and see our sthek of New Fall Tweeds and Worsteds in the new shadea.
ed our boys several setts of Tenn:
winning out as follows: - -
Siebert -Miller vi Brown-Eilber, 4-0; I.
Siebert -Kellerman vs Brown:Bilber,
(14; 6.
Final sett, Siebert..lrellertnan
iLititionurr,Th of Mn.. Vitin
Atkinson at St. 14 was the leen
of* very_ pretty wedding on 'Wedn
• aroviter) her daughter,. ,Grace .
was tUr n mar
ry of Lethbridge, AIta. Pronttati
at noon, while the sweet strains of tb
wedding march was played by Mb*
ft. SHOES •A large id well assorted stock of all SHOES
41 1.7er dilnalvleori of odds IpairvIlt'fbegattaRtglrral !Zit
. the leading styles and makes, at prices as cau.
Gents!' 'N'tirnishink'
trA. The biggest Bargains everoftered,--a* wow our---etock • In ibis'
-*, - ._' "depertment. -Aburitirgainairrour-
i.- insineedotazsult-be-surre-and-see-what *el oft-y-o----p-a-
Wife U r4
t Chase. Collare, Socks, Bracey, Ties, Mats, Caps anitlioderwear. -
See the NEW ItNITTBD TIM the very/ littlest* in stil 11111100-
Ruby Basery of Crediton the" groom STRAW11A[8, 5 cta. —. SHIRTS, SO eta- 8 PAlit SOCKS* 25 et".
entered the - drawing.rora'm asnd. took
-bleplacennder an *rob of - palins and
prated plants with tOirrOr back ground
wreathed with slirmot and tern**. to
*Wait -the bride, who was given away
by her mother. The ceremony was
eoletnniied by Rev. Mr. AttrOanne of
St. Marys in the prewines of only the
hp mediate relatives of the contracting
pert*. The couple were Uuattenlled.
The bride was.gowned in White point
treeprit over-tattrets-siliCa-Aftertt
congratidations,, hatt_been extend
the gtreets 14-sspaired to. the .-.110ing4,
room where it sumptuous' dinner was
se The tables were tastily 400..
ated ith imelleg,carrsationsandsitoet,
peas.• pit $0,eirtsif.ktoutiful and eost-
Ottreents testified , Settenil In
which Mrand,Mvs. neeety, sitIM hold,
After the eutitkirmo shoyerre of do*,
vs and rice -the couple took thee de.;
ore- for the wedding trip :to Port
•• 4 tlICAVI41111
travelbnid• e lo to,*(rair, 010th Wiflt hat
7ba.weet ficrxintin
and fire ...tlutt.,troubleootre.Amon
he visitors here on Labor' Day were
Mr and Mr*. Wes. Illodgini of stk.
omits; Mr. Pullmanand wife. J.
unninghom and wlfe. Allies Ina and
larold flice,',41 London; petty- mee,
of Dett0it,Jim Carter of , London
#pent s. fterdays with, bit motherhere
bum , Lizzie Patton :**).
Mr**, A. E Rodent' have gonelts Tor.
onto to take In the
vyrt E.erinedy, rater rknendltig A eouplm
wftkitt with his friends here, bee re.
rotted to hte'hoene In GrOritet9lott.
Rev.. Hoireird. of LA -Mach, preasheal
,Jekmes Chstreb.,,Sonda
lisle being in tondos* M
London, spent &
lb be anat.
g Lanr& Nemo*
sue After *poled!ng th. wfths A
v brother in
'24ea*ed to bear that
3tbarts it 1100****Itat
fAl4tb..111.11is Etta, hes retiiravd t�
fttit oft*-etoo,,,,ndrtse -&
Cut Naito (*lightly rusted) all
. y, • elnyorite 2c re lb.
I onl
1 '‘‘ Peerless," Virasher IM Bargain Prices.
1* " i'LeaAler" Washer
1 1* Ilemino3k, regular $2.50. for *2.00,
Longthandle Shovel 44:.0*.t handle. Spades, slightlyyus
Sad Iron., . 'Ott 0111ron0 stand and
Winds)* Screen", cleaning itt Oc oacb.- .
44 full Brie Scoop Shoeels 00a Graln
you are foisted of any Pending,. idavai the best , Fencing
be subtend hoz the.. • 111101 DUI nil 0. - -nudes
are the agent's for the sem..
, Ali kind* of Prnitit4. Oils,'Vattistes, Machine Oil, Cylinder 011, and Sep.
irator Mon hand. W14 handle the „
lebtaited Shoecteili :1*Winiattis,H PrePaSect.,..:Paints.,
o the farthest and *ear the 199104 mewl* THEY farthest' •
A, oroutitirr
or DInns8tte, EoUet
*foil With a I
„nifty Mina, renty
tor kjehool iittocolott
0 ruii of nwatttio to this
rneht. Otir times* rl
lL,ii. Oood :Green Teo, .. Coffee. 25 c
isin,s, 10o lb* its Coffee. 25ti
0' "pg. Ammonia Powder. tSe
4lmon, 10 r,„ Coro -and Pea., 3 eantr for $6c
111 gtoop ir of Pickling Spleeek 'Corry. Nottlipi" .TortmMe Mtottd„0100'0,1
Inger Root, tIbilapia k.. kt. Alt sfss "Cntern” Pro.sit jekte in
Fruit r Rubbers, 15cand 1.0c dor. .
-- iugneet
_MS oast r'
'WS .tnvannez
k •
1cstment, 8- t
COMplifty exceed $11,000,000, so -
that there Is no chance of kaa.•
In fact them is no financial in.
stitutIon in Canada., which tan ,
youlncre absolute ye:tants
of Safety,
Correspcaden,ce will be easily
entexell into with 'those interested
liersforthr john Weberhis dis
ttithis barbering business* to Jas. Pen -
: in Toronto and Michigan before
g ng into butanes& */1 * * steady
young man *raft good barber.
Clinton: Sunday evening last death
elaimed moot .01Intowes pioneers, in
the person of Mn.. Samuel Cook.
ceased. has been afilleted With paraly.
stator upwards °Litz years, and con.
tried to the bed for practically the
w4019 01 the time.
Wood'5 iosvbod
1.rMI*71 0417.014140is
1,47;linleatellboure.$1 POr: "flehrati444141:142"'
hw alt (1ruzfJJra mit
tr y.iediledfreftiuvr.s
on reoel
$11fAT 0 $
istroaagkevereprtiageiltel::013, Iheort•nda w
• 3
. Cesismercials Wort.
head. Tologroolgitlo
Ourgradaattiliveure good perttleas, tad
; teethe trent. Write !brew' *It
will ind itleterosting. Y
thee. •
, •
e Molsons Ban
. Incorporated 1855
Capital • $0744)00
Reet -Fund •,874,000
Mist* Branches in Canada, and ,Agents and Correspondents in ail the
- Principal Cities in the World, • •
- A villitlifiMaiAltiCliftl BUSINflt8 TROSACTilth
1111,Bratithes. itu rest i hest current rat
oAgents csitbi *ern e
DICZI�N XatEnxteteEr fte
& 041.411‘9, Solleiton. 11,.D. nintDON', 010400,
0 R:NEW *�cK OF
O uzd�
Ob$:ahOW. 11
t.' Vo can nit yott hi qua1it1
X100100: rig
a'r .