HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-03, Page 7 (2), r oi ott' ' , 7 TRL heaI 44actL-- nt 'the ' ten ia to Serve, Il-jin thlr' of. 4 0 .'institu !,, In' , tie ., a o a . . e fne bOnse in BroekiIIe, te sehool inapector, through forg- ed certificates, and in May bis big- amous act was exposed through his restl wife's fondly its Toronto, 'was aist,d at the Renfrew home of wife No. 2. After a week in jail lthAdinitted his crime, and was VINDER1GETS DIAMONDS. Tea Thonsatid Dollar Prike for a Montreal Man. A de'spatels, from Montreal soya:. Some time ago $10,00o. worth of ....-rings and diamonds were found in the C. P. R. station by man named Augustus Cooper. Re was Artglitrflogtrar"Vhars'st"941-etesil. them, but now they will become his ptoperty. This is the effect of a communication reeeived !rem Mr. Ulric Lafontaine, Clerk of ths s , la , w ere e was sent as special commissioner to " inquire into the caso Mr, Lafontaine in his letter essthats- lits.....„,aaddgess-Burro.w •I t stkrti „ . u :hOsipitalk.,44.ereihi failt-' :released him. on Wcdtij tin&ePoirca of 114 tieskiiia he, WAS tint 39. After Ins sentene Queen'a University mode enquiries and learned that he claimed to be 4 graduate and specialist of the college. It was found that he had "forged the necessary- documents to l make the showing. - GOOD CR ORT., D rector 'Sausider, Of Experinte ta Forms in Alberto. A despatch, from. Ottawa- sap.: The Director of Experimental Farms wires the Department of Agrieultere from Lacombe, Altos, under date of the 25th ult., as foe - t s D' V -claim to le jewels. The diamonds are at pre- srentin the:possession of the per but will be turned over to. Mr. Cooper: CANADA AHEAD OF BRITAIN. ember ot , Scottish Commission Praises Guelph Colleges A despateh from Guelph says: The Scottish agrieulturists who are 110%, touring Ciinada arrived in Guelph on Wednesday morning and spent the day at the 0: AC., in.. specting the province's agricultur- al institution and being shown around by President Creelman and hi$,# staff. They had hid& at the College, and expressed themselves itch -impressed with .what was he WiRtgttr174100004P441 let ali cut. Crops good.' ei f the spring wheat s still stand- ing, but ripening fast. The heads are very plump and well filled. The thersstrAtasectsesitlesPollseffilsM th 20th does not apnear to have injured the wlwat much. Barley is cut and sir large acreage of oats .tG graiflcrop ozrthe. 4ett are heavy ..# ing wheat are eut. IV * • • anwsweepsessess400esseerseeremee• RL ARK n r 1 -ea z' 11, 0 tr, -Bo New No. Me to Me; . 3 X, 50c to 57e No. 3, 54,dto C.1 a s ntatio, new, W- to 40e eutside; told, nominal, at 45c to 460 outside; Manitoba, No. 3, 45c to 41,0%e; rejects, 43c to . 44e, lake ports. Itye-New, 68e to 70c outside; old no stocks. Corn..--Nonains.1 at 87i4e to Terontb freights for No. 2 yellow, and We to 803-40 for kali-dried. • Bralress$10to $18 per ton in. hulk outside; in bags, $2 more. Shorts ---at $20 to $21 per ton in bulk outside On begs $2 more. • Flour Monitoba, firt natenth, 1.46?..aes ie pat- ents, $3,30 to $3.35. COUNTRY PRODUME silaiiiiital=eVittgI;uotatons are :- Creamery, prints .. ..... 25C to 26C do solids - .. 23e to 240 do ordinary's.- . 210 to 22 I, tit -MEC RAS A StiftplAss. trig one. 5 ne o • cartjoa_vtas_ah t etn state # 4...„,#_. #..... .. e .. matter of ,, agriculinral education, / and expressed the hope , that the . Imperial Government would awake ) the iinport ce of the great bene- . • fits of -suck ' --titutions. as Canada - , ceuld boast o . at •••••••••••••••••••42....•••••••••••••••• TWO BROTHERS KILLED. •••• • Crossing Accident on the Interco. Naiad Near Truro. . A despatch from Trere, N. S., eays: Wednesday niorning at 7 'clock while No. 10 r. C. rt. train was bowling along' towards Truro and was . approaching Eastville crossing .a carriage contaiming two brethers, sons of William Scott, Lernevale, was struck and the oc- cUPants immediately killed. The ,herse was also killed and the car- • riage demolished. Both young Men , were on their way to Moose River, gold mines. Their names Were. Walter and Herbert Seat, ` AREs-WITIL-EIMOS/VES. Receipts ShOW MIIAUCC Over Ex.- penditute ot p1,011,696. A despatah from- Quebec says: The official stateinent of revenue and expenditure of the Province of Quebec for the fiscal year ended on 30th of June last, has been issued bs the Provincial Treasurer, ats tested by the Assistant Treasurer, G. H. T. Machin, and the Provien- eial Auditor, M. A. H. Verret, -and shows that the total ,ordittaty re- ceipts amounted to $0,010,615.77, and the total ordinary and extra- ordinary expenditure, including 44-1,000 for public works -to $4-940 • w nes eaves a surplus o i • • erior • • • do• • 170 tell :0 Cheesess.Large, 13Y4c to 13%c; twins, 13%c to 13,40. Eggs -20e to 21c per dozen in case ' Poultry-Sm.:tic chickens. . live weight, 15e to tee; fowl, 1.0c to Ile; ducks, 10e to 120. -Honey-Strained, 400 to lie per, pound. Beans -Primes, $2 to $2.10; hand- picked, $2.10 to $2.20. Potatoes -From 650- to .300 in farmers' waggons by the load. PROVISIONS'. Pork Short cut, $23.50 per bar- rel; mess, $19 to $19.50. • Lard -Tierces, 'Wit s tubs, 12%c; pails, 12%c. Smoked and Dry ed Meats-- TO TAKE BANK'S LAND. Captain Bernier Has Orders 0 t DENSED NE1.S ITEMS . • MI5' 0 0 tr „ 1; Mill 11.1)414 o, w zobbed of :s200 b' Mont s .4ouss';Yette; Iretiring:Lieuten.. atit.Goverstor of - Quebec, will *re. turn to the Rebell. The town of Delorimier will:, be annexed to Montreal on October ist. The population -is nearly 7,- 000. • Mr. II. H. Kerr's' three-year-old daughter was killed at "Milltown; N. B., by a horse falling upon her. There has been 4 great falling ea in the amount of pulpwood ear- ried by the Teiniskaming 4t.North- ern Ontario Railway. -Josephs Ilithels-was---4eqUitttql thecharge of assaulting a con- stable at Montreal, it being shown that the constable struck hint first to keep him back from the fire lines., 7A' Britain'a fifth battleship Of the *inh. triitTertsitiouth on Sept, 10th. The wife of Major-General Laurd was found mysteriously murdered is 4 dense wood 'near Seeenoitks, not far fret's, Lorislon,„7.___ la •euscogroslaboreritsles their lives in the floods trt Augusta, Gas A lone highwayman held up-' and robbed seven- coaelles-of tourists in Yellowstone Park, • John Lyneh, imprisoned in a New York sewer, was drowned by water from floode'd cellars. Rev. Albert Fria, a Presbyteri- an minister, shot ancrElled Wm - self in a Nevr York hotel. The succession and transfer taxes on the estate of the late Russell Sage amounted to $007,583. Two persons were drown"ed and seventeen are missing as the result td the washing away of a bridge at Camden, Ga. Frank Bryant murdered Tlionuts Brady in Chieago_because the latter roaned in his -alegro„Lwhen Bryant was not feeling well. The -trial --of- the-gains--brether J. are accused of the murder of William E. Annii, will probabi commence about Oct. 1st. The Atlas Portland Cement Co. has been awarded the contract to supply 4.500,000 barrels of cement or use. in the construction of the P 4 tons and cases; hams, medium and light, -14%-e-tO 15c, hams, large, 124e to 13e; backs, 17%c to 18c; shoulders, 10c to Ile; rolls, 10%c to 11c; breakfast bacon, 15c to 51%c; green meats, out of pickle, c less than smoked. Push Through lice. MONTREAL MARKETS. '414 1' I .01„ cr 1 enteied the hotel at an • at the point of z gun four ' men, includingw Thomet, *e told to 'throw tip their hands. Tho. met, being behindthebar, put hi* hand on revolver and opened fire . : knee and: t o . .0` I ; • • (1 ld 0. ,, :400r 00 red ' fl) t . tl , 1, IV ell ' '• , .,tbrte more lnllletsintos the, . body '1 the dying 'made their ,escape. liTloohdelYtthounedna' l- ore being hi -ought from Spokane to, • put on the trail of the eriminala. One of .the sdeeperadoes is thoughb, . to be seriously weunded. „. THE RULER OF TURKEY fEW MEN ALIVE WHO 11.AyE BEEN SO .MALIGNED. 3listrust of Subjects Some Pee liar Stories Collieeraing „ ssros-ssfas.„..„. There is probably few. Men alive to -day wheshowsheertsnioresirtia- %holt has Abdul Ilamidt, the " ul- tan of Tiirkey; yet, in spite of his unenviable reputation he has con- tinued to sit on his perilous throne for over thirtlyyeors, says a writer ja. ess.e.4 AitIssItatitasiisszi TiF4trangSittnixtinssa -ot bravery And magtn and so much has been written and eaid about him that to obtain any- thing like an accurate idea of his eat eharacter is almost impossible. Like most autocratic Monarchs he goes about in hourly dread of as- sassination, and it is said that he spends as much as 2180 a, reght to hove his bedroom securely guard- ed. The Sultan's mistrust of his sub- jects has sometimes led to curi- ous results. A iciv years ago he was on his waf-to the mosque, when he suddenly noticed that some new telegraph wires had been stretched across the roadway, No one to this day knows what he thought Would happen, but he gavt. ordets for the royal procession to fl .fl nd nsessen ers were e post -last° to the telegraph com- cs: wires. After considerable delay this was actually done, and then the Sultan and his retinue proceeded on their way. " Not content with merely having the wires destroyed. Abdul Hamid also commanded that they were on no account to be re - 610. at .1 *Li • unrn A despatch from Ottawa says_: Panama Canal. Montreal, Sept. 1: -Flour -Mani - Detectives in New York discover- ed over $15,000 worth of jewels, The Canadian GoVernment cruiser, • toba spring wheat patents, $0.10 to., - $6.20; second patents, $5,50 to ,$5 70; winter wheat patents, $5 to 81).50; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.- 50; in bags, $1.05 to $2.10; extra, 81.50 to $1.70. • ICornmeal -4/.85 to $1.95 per bag. Roiled Oats -$2.59 in bags of 90 pounds. Oats -Manitoba, No. 2, 49e; No. 3, 47c; rejected, 46e. per bushel. Mantled -Ontario bran, in bags, $ill to 822; shorts, 824 to $25; Cheesc-12%c to 12%e and east- -tiros at 1234a to le,%c. ' Butter -24c in round lots and 4 0 to grocers. Mrs -Selected, 230; No, 1 at r 2 nd N9..3 -at lde per dozen.- - Provisions -.:-. Barrels short et Mesas. $22,50; - half barrels, $11.50; clear fat back, $2.3; dry salt long eleak backs, 110; barrels plate. Geef, $17.50; half barrels, ih4., '$9; com - pound lard, Ce to934e; Imre lard, 120 to 13c; kettle rendered, 13c to I3!.1e; hams, i234e to 14e, *wird- iris to size. breaktast bacon, 14e to 15c; Win sor bacon, 150 to 10c; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, 10; live, $6.75 to $7. Arctic hich last month, is under instructions to push its way through Lancaster Sound and Melville Sound, if the -ivy permits, to Bank's Land, and to take possession of ,that territory and other islands in the vicinity. If the ice blocks the passage west- ward, the vessel is to visit the Gulf of Boothia, and may either return in the fall Of 1909 or stay, over un- til 1910. Captain ,Bernier issunder strict injunctions to take no cours which. inisiht -result in international mtaplications. , w sailedfrom Quebec 4.•41.••••••••••1! eff A. :STARVING CAN Transportation Companies Must • Take Precautions. A despateh front Ottawa says: As the result -of the explbsion of a tor of nitroglycerine at Essex some tune ago, regulations have been prepared for the handling of' ex- plosives by transportation COMpan- ille. These regulstions, while .de- signed to permit of the transporta,- on of explosives, will reqpire [resautiens wheh will guard-aigainst be loss of life in.aaiy. accident. The railway coMpaides have expressed • It desire to be beard before regula. tions are finaltv ado .ted. Ate 1tis Brotber'a Wile and r0111,1 Children.• A despatch from St. Petersisurs. says: Details are given in Yakiitsk newspapers of a revolting eafte of cannibalism of the nomadic tribes'A of Lannits, living on the IlAvtr Korkodin, in extreme north-west- ern Siberia. ,One of he noznads, driven desperate by hunger, de. voured the bodies' of his brother's wife and four children. A party of hunters Came upon the desrtcd encampment, found the reinahis s.f the bodies and reported the ease Therq was no vestige of food on the presumes. et, ere Into \ Oklahoma,oal dPi'reii , e. A despatch. from McAlester, Says More than thirty min - wore suffocated on 'Wednesday u'reing- in Milet y Okla., teal ▪ i„, near Ilaileyellle, four- tcen miles east of McAlester,- when fr destroyed the hoisting shaft arl air shaft and cut off air from jlw men ,below. Twenty.five routes suffocated and some of their edies were burned. !orations in the channels on „day afternoon revealed that ne, of the men met death by lurning,, but that all were surto. fled. After 0 LO r* narne, Mrobd: at t 1 i6 the Moisting shaft and the air., shaft, and all commuttiettion with the top WAS eut off. The first e Teflon the people ' at the surface Lad, of the trouble, was the flames ,e and smoke corning out of the top tf te sbaft. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, N.Y. Sept. I. -Wheat,- Spring easier 94o. Northern .car. loads,. store, $ .18; •Winter, Corn -Firm. Oats -Firm, Barley reed to Malting, 00 to 700. Aye - NO. 2 on track, 80e. Minneapolis, Sept. 1. --Wheat -1.001,o $!.; Dec., 9,974e h, No. , 1 hard, $1.04ri; o. Northern, *L021: No. 2 Northern. ys,45; No. t Northern, 900. Flour PAtent0, $5.75 to 4s.85; *et- a d patents, $.00 to $ .70 Arst clears, $4.35 to $4.45 Liteeotid el ars .50 to $3.00; bran, in bulk, 10.. to $11.75. ' ,CATTIA mArttn Toronto, Sept. 1. -Choice butcher, ottle were almost 'Atkins. A very' ew today sold at high. at *5 per wt., and A number of fairly good butehers brought between *41 and • • There was * little better propor- tion of gOO(1 cowt, one or two very tory ones of Which brought *4.80, ud a number of others ever *4. The run of cares was tight. The *ups of prices is ftern $3 tO Sheep and bobs were offered in very large numbers. The prie:%t At oted unettan $3to 114.15 for Itundreds of Miners rushed to the. scene and tried to •get into the air shaft, but this was impo.ssible flames 'and smoke *eft eoming u that way with mull fore as to drive tbent back. Then an effort was made to operate .the eages running rip and down the heisting shaft, but ib was found Abet the\ cages, 'Abe able* and the ' „ Th p*-opeLy 10 silks and furs in the house of Mrs. Minnie Curtis, whoni they arrested foi complicity., in several robberies. Charles Knusley, a young English- man captured at Port Huron, will be deported to England, where he has been sentenced to life imprison- ment for being implicated in a mur- der. GENERAL... Abd-el-Aziz„ithe deposed Sultan, /a Morocco, wll take refuse in•Det- paseust. Ar entina .has docided to build o battkships and & flotilla °flor- a boats and-7destroyffs. Baron, Makin° Yebuski willpro- bably succeed Count ton:tura as Japanese Ambassador at London. Baron Speck Von Sternberg, Ger. man Ambassador to the -United States, died _suddenly at Heidel- berg. A Berlin teachef.caused a run on the rreidrithherser Bank by stdvis ing• his mils to telt their parents that the institution was incolvent. A Irenzitelati court has found the Freneh 'Cattle Company guiltY ist omplitity in the Matos revolution against' President. Castro. and has imposed a fine, of *54000,000. •A , LOY-ZIPS 4VAIllitt. . • . ttesttreal Xoptis rnd 01,4 Try to -Pols** 'Themselves. A, dmops, Attest „„sa *(frestiit-ko • totarr41, Eied Minto, twenty; ,yrtitt of age,' and Miss Nellie, .Burton,, \ about twenty years of ageLtried Ito poi. setithentoilvest At, $3 Cadieux stree43t ott Wednesday. They were hurfiel, to the general' 'hospital, where a stomach pump ,was used with go t1 effeet. It was at first feared th%t the young girl was fatally poisorw& ,Fut at I, lite hour she was reportei •Sus being, out Of danger. Mint* will also recover. • 0 0. 11441". flitelTt,er0est trayeL A despateh from Dauphin, Ma Two children of Peter (lood, r Using near' Ethelbert, buTnCd to death on /Sunday s placed. s MY VOICE." Th 9 Sultan's love of rang was once exemplified -in an extraordin- ary manner. He had purchased a parrot, of which he grew very fond, and he spent many hours in teaeh- ing it to speak. .The bird was an apt pupil, and learnedto imitate ita august master's voice to perfection. One day the parrot was hanging in its cage in the Sultan's -private apartment, when it suddenly called out the name of his Majesty's fav- orite. attendant. The litter eame at, the sununons,,but Abdul Hautid flew into a towering DiI,SltiOn. Tear- ing the unfortunate bird from its case he killed it on the put;sthen, tdrpilig to_the firslitene=aitt,_ he said: "Understand that in fu. ture niuly my voice shall comuiani heitreuriAbdul Tumid bas a Softer -and altos -ether -nobler "side to Ns character, and those who--know-him- ietimately- have -spoken eloquently of his kindness. His own dread of physicol pain has made him thoughtful of the welfare of others, and he has bad , hospital built which is kept up entirely at his own expense. This homital is prinei- pldly for the, use of women and tbit. dren, but anyone is eligible for aits and every patiertb is treat. tid• entirely free oVeltarge. e walla straugercare admit tet.:the 1,anlotsht!;:tdrit:Its. ris un o DIPLOMAOY. The Sultan is * born diplomat, although occasionally his diplomacy is hardly comfortable with gnglish ea*. ---The story is -told of-iicer- - tain Ambassador who while walking in the streets of ConstalltinePle one of his. $tAkIltrta de3ea-Car ,• litarkled from the Pry - o the popultiee, The Aul- t s or was indiscreet enough to endeavor to7p,mititor,,,t14.44441114_,... repented of his folly when he received a, stinging blow If the face from SO attendants Mad with rage, he 'demanded an Audi- ence of Abdul Hasaid, which was granted. After listening quietly to .„. tesstolesnissassersthes - Sultan - smiled and said aye* ar I * • I • your ease, and a er You are, ef course, a, gentleman, and you wOuld neves. have eoramit- ted such a breach of good manners as you allege took place; therefore, your Excellency, no attendant could possibly have struck you. The whole affair must be a product 'of your fancy. Let us then dismiss it." What the Ambassador thought has not been recorded. Z.84 SAVED NIS FATHER'S LIFE.' ei• •11411. Harry Cline, of Ingersoll, is Lit. ,tle Item despatch from Ingersoll nays; Harry Cline, the little -thirteen- year-old son of Mr. W. A. Cline of this town, is 'wing kleked upon as a young hero. Whilesswimmin -River o re, on Wednesday. with his * g s5C-a-r:old son, Mlvin, on his back, Harry's father was seized with a cramp. Re became uncoil- aciees and sank with the young- ster. Harry, who was on the bank stripped off his clothing, and, div - rescued both father and bro- ther from the fiftten•feet of water that is found at that spot. Mr. Cline and his_three-boya w-eie out • sMng, -and- were attempting to cross the river in order to make a short cut to town when the accident happened. The younger lad could ffot. swim. ASSESSMENT FRAUDS. Montreal Properties Estape Taxa. . lion Altogether. A despatch from Montreal says: Some startling revelations have Leen made by -,the new city asses - set's. It has been discovered that .n one division of the city alone OI;er. twenty dwelling were were not as- ssed bY the Did aide's; that a dwallitiga and other structure; up - cu it, had escaped assessment for untold year; and that properties which are now being assestedAtt-- 69,000 we staid=wttl an as- itessinen of -*NA There will be a civic investigation. ijaa I *TM IU OVN IftWNfl TRAIN. Peterkorot'' Mao 'Meets. Deatit e* Route to Birrel, Mans etch from Wtiiiiitieg says: 11. Young, of -Peterboro'. itikillett by st train, on 'sHe was en...route to ihr. „. take -charge of Ji‘ tI*re'' "11 *opt Dodds iioat Co at 1 . • e spoiatio4 ootoop despatch from Winnipeg 1st The Northwest Grain Dealers' A. Keiation has issued a revised esti. matt of the produption of Ole Cana. dion west this season AS a result of the, tour tayert by the members two weeks ago. It places tho ',heat acreage at 0,065,600, and tho aver. *go yield at 17.7 bushels, giving ti,tal.production of 107,18i,000 bush,. els. ' , • Tht, acreage of at is placed at 007,604),Aind the aver0e at 0.5 bushele, giving it, total pro. duction of 14,16o,wbushels. The stre,rtige of barlepls pla s of .11 at s l*d at ••• d the •1001111 - - , 1i.5 bushels, giving * tote Ition of 1,424,330 bushels. The, assoeiation aiso . ' that i50,000 busitols of 'w 1 100,060 bushels pf old 'oats *re still 14the farmers" hailis. The statement adds that alto per cont. of the wheat cutting vi1l i1, be 40(imp1eted by the end' of the pro sent 'leek. The previous • estimite • of tb ,•e,hcat ofrense; moth June 1, is gairded as tea 5!inv1). and an in. treir,3t.(.1 ti•per cc#it. has beel rade. • t, . There litt,s tIcrt ronlc. fr At damates , rral ilisteAs#, Itto ti, tnit fit ,I . "'-.3.*•'w.evAA.4,0 ,o•