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Exeter Advocate, 1908-09-03, Page 5 (2)
tlO Af RAR iMM` i. r Stat / *. tl; acl.t .wit Stst ROO ell th adoc ruga o. 1 e 1ra►+atr ntclear is Acv* ce, Tba, l e of chi di,atrl t� red uttdcn ' couni,ry, wer'o 1e.. a►l a atti. hetes on' ueada _ of last wee n. [hail being the annual socia and bsawliceg tournament. Rinks were pre int m Exeter. t'tediton, »asbawood n d'at hili : • A . at umb t s . extol a� enjoyed MCI play a well as t e socia features of . the ,gaath-ering. The Mt. camell Ll wire ' ciltta t$1. the oceasiou of providing good tbin .:s icor all.,tn eat. And t. e •emit it the evening as well too: Otago,' to ;the. nueie ' of t ndmu- dreg :w*v _ ten ar f TIP), two Exeter *4"0.40, irlt + 0P00;10t i' $t. xe of ,boWieend .fn the flea is fs t iol w�.ott. 1. , Gladw a s. getting .theold t .aded cane. a- which it said Will aarried° by the u•turn.' Large and Beigntii. - The price is not large end the rano are easy.. _. ISewing Machines, Bicycles, rs .,.,ikt;, k•1.,t,�, Bicyc_,_ l.es rt' 40r^1Q p ,, a• you smile. • ne Stationery. . MARtIN & SON The Bell Tele one Com - pan: of Canada is about to publish anew ..Issue of the On cial Telephone Directory --FOR TUX— District of Western Ontario including EXETER. Orders for new connebtions, changes of firm names, changes of street ad - dr, or for duplicate entries should he handed in AT ONCE TO. A. MARCHAND, Local Manager. 4 t TI O* � 'from plea', operat "* When I wrote to you time ge, I was a very sick woman a'cr"sng from female troubles, I had inflamma- tion of the feminine organs and eould not stand" or walk Ler Ndistanee. At last Prates confined to my bed and the doctor wild I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. "A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkhamis Vegetable tpound. After using three bottles of it, 1 feel like a new woman. " I meet heartily recommend Lydia E. I" imkhaam'a Vegetable Compound to all women who suffer with female troubles." VilteirgitUrad ,srun .,aA.fitt` , ,-fad;,, ` • 5 ham s Vege ble Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the. ,standard remedy for female . andhas positively cmedthnusand. of women who have been troubled with diitpla a nent amnlatio a ulcera- tion, l rg1,- tion, fibroid tumors,' 't s, periodic pains, backhe,tt bear- ing -down feeling, flatuleney,indi - tion, di:Ziness ornervons _. .Yw.titnetiroo..atritio=-7.� m;� Mrs.- Piuich,m Inatitee *11 women to write her for advice. Sher-has.dthousands Adam me, Nam Zurich - There was no preaching or Sunday School in the Evangelical church last Sunday*. --Mrs. Ilse, who for the fat fewrs made her home at the Coun- ty [louse of Refuge, dse4 there on Monday of last week, baavin'leached the great age of 100 years and about 2 Months. The remains were brought to town Tuesday morning, the inter - inept. taking plaice in the Lutheran Cemetery. --A chance will be held in Raau's Hall on Monday evening, Sept, 7th. Zurich • Orchestra will furnish the music.. -Tone friends of lifenno Scbwartacentruber of the Bronson Line, will learn with regret that he is not improving. ruuc'att aauit et JQran 'W rd, mall carrier tt;o 1p cif Ill Cwpin to. weever sixty` dollars, the price .of, a tome he 'toot through defcctivo roadw on the. Sant to hill Tait winter, carni up Thura- day. The decision wart, gins / avor of the defehda.nta,--Allan Caroline Rowe, who tis made her hou4 at Dr. Hea- sack's!for the past five years, left on Friday for Moutrcal, where she was married on August 20th to Wm. &lathe" son. -bliss Rowe wan a valued mesnb;r of the Presbyterian Church choir here and on the eve of her departure wan presented by the Rev. Dir. Stephenson behalf of the congregat!on, with a ;land some silver bake dish and ePooni she .:.:44t74likyieliliDelOWA5teit&T`,Jrg,C,URS* from her many friends in the village, • : otarround1 .. - ,country:—Jan. Salts les, who has been representing Manson. t Ca. npbeil of Chatham for the past year. has moved with his family t o For- est. --John Ward has Bold hts evapor- ator to the Caladonla Evaporating Canning Co.,who Intend improving the property and carrying on a more ex-, teaeiv© business.—The parties who •leas- ed several farms in this vicinity lgst fall for the purpose of boring for oil and gas have arrived. In town to begin ogesatfg4w w.._ L -n _ ._ '!a' . Varna. _1L Cook Appeared before £'ol-- + - 141agijate Andrews and was fin - cd $20- and costs under the Ontario Liquor Act. Varna is in the local op- tion Township of Stanley, and Inspec- tor Torrance's visit was unexpected. It looked as -though Cook had just unload- ed a case of beer whin the inspector dropped ie.. - `f+rcattgnbk O No ooetuson« is'the .nc. tFarg n. eorge easel* mov. hag, to towu And has rented hira, John lfl atebford's ideuce,—Misa Frans awortb, who has been vs t -.;fie ul+ le 1n�. returned.-. John nick, wife and children, who have: beet% viiaiti* relative here, turned to the bore in Olaarka urg. 00,0041E6raporstor baa autteolt l 'r. 3oynt'hiu enlara 'the building ,;aqui . 0,00* to handle the *Inlet'04tpat4, the ' n " ,1 7. cl irtley', ;who salt �lej�'� `gra we. a t�*nig�or p*t ]►i t al "fl circ , tion for thei paSt oVi4ri,Totwitor ofe 'e 1 d »4 tions a' i n• ' he full wiing.w tit; MeV** The a : `,Alert•flarr're aali wi a of i• .pep,'erne Logon. n pi!.Henn ,; ugl ' 4Bpd ,wifs ,e° of,;Bl kee,Ifi s `cEwen, dauli►: er of With "Olivier!. attended thewedding I :of her.W citualra i4y haNalfMc wrt en London .: t . k ca.rs utaM to aMise Stewart of that nit*. 'bey now reside is the state of Arizona. Ile IS a eon of Peter McEwen • Who fo erl owned the farm onwhich the ensali' euth tf' lin , . , al+ ixilt. Qd -Wednesday of sat week John Buchanan, Lecturer on Field Agricultural College, son of W. Buch- anan. Henna,. was married at Roches- ter, N. Y., to Mabel, daughter of S. d. Laaug'hlan. OUR NATIONALS DANGER. Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete .r n There are -thousands, both men and women, who do not take time to eat properly. They rush through life, and as a result we have an age of indiges- tion, nervousness, irritability, sleep- less nights, and morose disposition. Our national danger is stomach weak- ness, due to the strenuous life. Mi-o.na tablets, strengthen the walls of the stomach and stimulate secretion of the digestive ,juices. They snake the. atam,ach comforhlc,n, ire in- Sici headaa lie r, ptalpitation, skin and coated tongue area • the many distressing results of indi- gestion that Mi-o.na never, falls to cure, W. S. Cole sells Mi-o-na in 50 cept boxes, and gaaurantee to refund the money if it does not give complete sat- isfaction.' * .n t S1 etdist isly �te nirll is of Experience Con eivatti re ,' + Seaforth: We regret to have to an- nounce in this issue the death of Mrs - W. N. rs.W.N. Cresswell, which occurred at her late residence near here on August `" "t tiiitir'T four weeks. She was born in London, Eng., in 1835 and came to this country. when 10 years of age. She lived with her parents on the Thompson farm In Huilett township, until her marriage to W. N. Cresswell, the ce braced Canadian artist, when she rem ed to her late home in Tuckers.mitb, ear Seaforth. Her husband predeceased her about 20 years. -'This Is a contemporary's way of cgzm - paring womcafs fashions of ye sterday and to -day. "'In the olden days wanton Wire One button glove* and gowns buttoned up to thio nek. Nowadays wear o w h,�Wy�►�',�u ��`�`�y��u�p.�y bty}tyt{osl oyna�L and blot ` feas:.te Y �l1iy�.l _'' tiTM •R+- 1��EFG7Jt&S7:lC, l�r717L'�j {K ..i:. Cook's Cattail moat Com The great Uterine- Tonic. and only safo. effectual Montilla' Regulator en which sou cn can depend. Sold in -three do of strength --No. 1, 1 ; h.o 1, fiegrecw «503 tronger 3l er box.Bolo all -te. or sent • pal. o res. t of price. Free pace CIIgM uOa,.T gate .:Mir. U i Wt +0r) Successors to v. SAL KENNEDY & .Mtn • NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED , Excesses and indiscretions are the eon Or more sorrow and guttering than all other diseases combined We +ieee the viae cit vicious habits en prery ,hem& the miaow. pimpled facedark circled eyes ateCgiale TOM, Stunted 'ie'reIopmest„ bashful. meXmaa- chotlo countenace and timid near r, clam: toall tLo world his folly Lett t 'Go► blight his existence. Our treatment sr cures all weak men by creme= removieg the elects of tanner iz`da"scrtt ce a and enc s. It sops a all drains and a nlek restores the victim to what eaaatureinttended-- !. as healthy and happy man with ghy$Zcatl, roos- ts.' and nerve power cemeete. fear Over liO y.aars Drs. K. & K. have IM unnoted with the greatest stege asst I$g dissaasra of men and worrptaas. it ;en hare an? Secret disease that Is a w iry and. a*.i==ee t.) leer r heaaith ecosu2 old,established physician***da lent Isar* tO exp meat en.you; _ wegnaranteetocureti�� IU1Y �.. DISUSED, $11UCTVl LIflt;__C KIDNEY AND MADDER MEMEL Cessalle.. Veit Erne. If unable, to call,- '!font a R tor Bois I Mial.liEmr Everyone needs something to • create and maintain strength for the daily round of duties. There is nothing better than an Ale or Porter, the pinky and merit of which has been attested by .Ilemists, • physicians and experts at the great exhib- bitians. cYc ditty—,krdresr Park die " at his home in Dakota ceenntly at do age of at yearn. Deceased was an early set. tier a! Logan Townsklp. His widow who di' aa' isister of `'Jblin Venting -all 'Of the south boundary 01 Ilihb2+rt survives ani Mao' otic+ daughter and fire loons. Messrs. Portia and Malcolm. i"ark, of Cromarty, are brothers, and alai.. Duncan hfclitellar Is a sister. Many people are now counting the.), hours when they can leave for some lake or riycr for an outing, where they can fight moequitoes and bugs for a f lir duras. and perhaps get drowned. It is a great thing and mknii of our ancestor* and died not knowilut swat a vacation or an outing meant, to Harvest Fieldsof Manitoba, S:aikatrieWan Wel-paid, work for over 25,000 r. r, sway. se.cood clams to 'Winnipeg. F pail# 4est ' tits M • j'aw, welt of Morse r' A it # 'Cast per '. ONTARIO ST ING PINT FOR ADDITIONAL ER Q APT'WORKING AT LEAST ONE MONTH DOING SATE---= - - - from unitary y • ..SOITINESTOf MOM acro two b "exhibIWI- Ia this r try from 'tittle to Unit. and that tri often, a maudlin' and uttaatle3 isaithY 10' . sell alg of cetteiti era. 'If s mtn eantt.: its '*G I Com t : ri tt�" -fa", d�i��ke , 4 Ltceny� off b v g aryl' 1 ter^ li�' I i ti'.f�lea fat ltaakeey��: ai the R,iiyt��G,ivor. 1 t a r' 1r', L.,owcver, etA a intlf\ r is 'tvl`at Za a. wO.ititt Is in 4hm'-1 way In . _ 11)11 `t3, nr any __matter of a -SCISA :. b,31. Roffun nt a rtr,,e a . wave o! •umreaas nix; *yui. $arae 'twerps over too hared. "tae 4e. 0 -Ts are title* with tt.' Thi eritignat lata psear tcd• as Mc) rt_tia Ot two a!t . b sandty. Ho is more ag mened 5fat1*t than sinning, no is tilde seam of ptinl* tn'att, tae br*�o les a tt O t Ms omen estimation a► ►3 tttaartyrr In the tuts iaf Iiia hatti ilit3 oaf'" '. p miler,. Costa .reed 3 i ars are t1O t denI" cA taeaar, mei 'Csa e to r'tt1 gu 14y', and tram rti slits of .jastit fat cue tas*d if 'he wilt mot coat -We bin sen,terte'!a or iaardc'sn him ettltei ". l ltttfttl li vett at ttO Ontstilts'. frrdrit app gteitoes' arttlaeciraat5iea mat di -ate thlat 'ih' aaM#I as a sal ala d;: k;4l eaa 14l ►a► 'se. Mil *T3, t ,...:..ax_` .' t-,• ' .._ .+ ,�4.y .f �".y„� � aYs'e ,'p, rf d ...�' rzbtvX',t, '' dit fihr' a..yyy.:�, t a ""•.t‘..0*4+µ.ti.aa"_ e.,..'•5' i� dS'c5'; The western Fair from the standpoint of an ag; icultural exhibition is growing in favor year by year. The management are dohur their utmost to ' make it sue- cessl'ul along the. lines. A large: amount of rnoate3r hay been expended this year on .horse babas, a neW ons having been built, thus .making plenty of acconunoa. ation for all. Encouraged by the splen- did exhibit of ponies last year t ht: Prize list has been 'adiusted in this depart- ment and a fine exhibit is looked for this year. Iar the cattle department _a 00.-00 0 win be u.nd cion silver medal for the winners in Oda class. The Prize List in the other live stock departments has bekrt carefully revised. single *entries. have have best given in the pigeon class,. arid i study of the list t.iroughout will prove that the interest of live stock ex- hibitors have been well attended to. In the dairy department a new section has been added for best colletclon of cheese The • butter making ' competition will again be a centre of attraction, while creain separators will bo in actual oper- ation in the dairy building- . This year's -exhibition should be; well attended by the . Agriculturalists throughout tine country. All-, informa- tion on application to the secretary. There i. mare Catarrh in tbissection of the coon try than all other diseases put together, and - until the last few yaws 'Fab supposed to be incurable. For a arrant many yesra doctors prone -z nt'cd it a loca•1 dir casr.ar pram -bed local remedies, and by constant- ly to cure with local treatment. pronounced it incurable. Science has protea catarrh to be as ccnatttnticnaldises a and therefore requires con.ti- tutloba1 treatment. Ball's Catarrh Cure. rnantttac- tnnedby- F.. J. ('ber!ey „ (o;'. Toleed-.Otalo: Is 'tint only c enstitution al cure an the unirizetr - it It test* is araC Ii d ; teaspoonful. It seta" . - v ria the brood and rzsucous wrtaces 0#' T otter one l ua� circulars tint any �-. ease tt fails to cure. Send tar ulars and testi- Address: Ie.: d. Cel BEY dt CO.. Toledo, Ohio. -Sold Tate Beira familypills far eactitipatiot : Many peopte are embarrassed by urr- coastrainable fits of sneciing in .pa'Wc •pia+ces, which make them very conspicu- ous. It can be easily stopped. Jurat press firmly -upon] 'the fiddle of the up- -per lip with the fingers and the tickling sensation in the rose will disappear. it rarely fails. The teary 1s that a nerve match playa - an important part In tfto sne.:71ng,layar uta4tr tiff, elle. and fa pir- *Med by the • pressure on the lip. CAPITAL $1,000,000 TOTAL ASSETS $1,500..000 38 Branches throughout Canada. Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business. Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest -Current Rates. -SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal 4 tithes a year. 'Your money is too valuable t4 leave in the house where burglars, thieves or Bre may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubtful inetitutiono that so often in the past have robbed when of their hard earned wealth. DRll FT8 AND MONEY ORDS ISSUED. When lending money to any part of Canada or the - world, remember our drafts and money orders are available here. and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our wloo . ey orders are pans hIe at par at anypoint in Canada and princieal points in the United States and eat Britain. Ova Morro—Courteifirs Trey t No Tara We want you to see theSteel-Ribbed! rhaepot In the furnace Pirepot of a furnace being in direct contact with the fire, contains its most effect- ive., hetiting surface. Any increase in this _surface aao .,ihereforel, fatly.__ li----the.. efficiency ency of the furnace, That is why -STEEL w hick _ .avethree .._.times as much radiating surface as any agger style of fire- ., , enable . the "HMLA" LA" Fru. nage to save from x0.% to r % of your fuel bill. This is only one of the :many exclusive fesat'nsees Of Wails "axle Furnace. -We want to explain them all to by*etsi tests, that 'Tiede is - iti that a oqt Afertatrozotiati.