HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-03, Page 4 (2)..
Ifirco.et C4=,,
TTIVIODAY, Sept. 3, 1908
TI) coamENT
T13t Ellarald Sutherland* wilt give
falaUolea Ss4ell ektn infientth
Ogfordrgee. fartnera And
ot4 PoPtl
the Op
wit toe Ulootittie •
a 4 •
-°-• .4401i
0 watt am )100- .
Apgpitie% 'IOWA*
0,0,SerVistive Fairt5: sVhe,,er.tho 004,1,4to
4,1 to 40.11;,top, 01.0.3 irlade
Stettn nlithnnsanAlrst hi
ite h;andied- Oasts
ors left 'Critati for the 'We
Ie * ftY0 f bah vestals+ excursion,
were women and
Area- •
abOut 121) coache,s to aceornmodate,
them.....ACeording to snorts, there is
than are needed.
The churches of this country are
barren Of capablo minbters because of
• the regrettable change in the Public
schools, When male teachers were
almost universally employed a goodly
number from their ranks enterefl, the
Christian ministry. Other learned
professions also drew their brightest
men from -the public school teachers'
ranks. It has been the proud boast of
many a successful man, that he got his
start upward in the world of business
minds because of changed conditious
in the teaching profession.
Don't let your children be, punished
• for stupidity. It would be as unreas-
onable to punish them for being blind
or lame. If a child is obstinate or lazy
the matter is very different. The
worst effect of punishing a child for
stupidity,is that he is thereby robbed
of self-respect. It is best to educate
hive where he will not be brought into
•kigreire-:'---Witatever -other-luittake-
you make, forbear impressing on the
.Zoungster_thelelief that belt a fool._
That is the most sure way of making
him one. Children wfth splendid in-
tellectual endowments are sometimes
thought to be stupid. The sharp child
who learns a lesson in the shortest
possible time, who is first with his
answers in the mental arithmetic -class,
who can produce dates and geographi.-
eal names on demand, is the one the
teacher loves and most commonly he
is the one who in after life gees on the
safe road towards competence. But
he is not one of those whose thoughts
will be treasured by the world long
after he has • quitted it. And quite
often the so-called stupid child is, one
of the dreamers in whom are the pow-
ers of the artist, poet, or pteIsioeher
struggling for expression.
School Grants.
General satisfaction should be felt
with tbe Ontario Government's School
$ ;
• Holmes.
No. oi Rural Schools. ......._.-107
No. of. Principals 99
No. of AssistsatTeachers.---: .... 8
Aehtleld $185 $1003
Colborne .. _..— 428 190 '848
Goderich —_____ 482 105 687
60 7337
Stanley ----- ..._ 710 235
Stephen -_-__ __ 1110, 150
trebome • 632 105
482 110-
11. Wawanosh--.... __ 300 30
116714 .1190
On equip. and *mom, -average 'of $12
on 103 teachers — •
Total grants ...$8000
SEPAILATM te11001.9
No, of Rural Schools
No, of Priacipals therein ....- 6
No. of . .2
9bir SUL. ON CIL
Aibitefli --.. ..., . SUB 430
Hay.... .-,......... ..—...-. 40 4)
Stanley . - -. •.......10
Stephen ...- . .. . 103 se,
W. Wewes'e-ala........L.......... 5 30
$1S0 $100
On equip. tad &mem-. •••••• • .3108
For the purpose* of comparison it will not be
suttee to sire the !kart* of the tzrants made in 1904,
.the last 3 CU' et the Roes goecramenVI dietribution.
11-11saaalollowaz, - -
Ashriclel ._:..........- .. 8 331
Coltrarne ---t- ..... . .-tit
Ocdcrizh ....._._ . ..
6taniei .........--...... ....244
Stiephen , . 482
traborne....-.- .. _..._.
....... 266
Plawanosh, East. _..... -.. . . . tr.t3
Wawanbsh, West._ ...... .. ......... IN
'Mtgs. <sr* .• 4.0 lo.••••••••••••• og•.••••••• •••• • •,•-• $2,608
. 1;
Miss Katherine Sheeran and Miss
K. MeEachen, of Detroit, spent the
list couple of weeks at Mr. P. Good-
ing's. -Miss"Emina Baker spent %Vied-
needey evening with Mira D. M. Ed-
wards. -r -Mr. W. J. 'Wilson and Miss
Carrie are attending_ Toronto.Fair,
Mr, Jas. Brophy and Mrs. E. 3tinson
are visiting friends. in Denflelst-Miss
3Iary Hutchinson spent 'Wednesda
'afternoon with her aunt, Mrs. D. N.
Igdwardff..-Afra. Bawden and cbildren.\
LIMO, are vimiting her father, Mr.
Is. -Misses Mary and Ethel
f\ isaeOarruthera left for Detroit On Toes-,
day alter vending a couple of mont/lar
lialidiya at their home herk
W4, are pleased to see Poster Bray
home agand, we understand, not
much it$he worse ef his recent stetident.
While feeding a throliing machine
at Fred Stewart's last week. Mt. GeO.
Bell met with rather nasty accident-. i
In sortie manner he happened to let
his baud Come in cOntset with the ey1-
- h.a
ider of ti4 machine nd had his little
finger broken and two others bruised c
and, Pat e result, he will be off work 11
for a timesQaite a number from this I
vieisii:y Attended the wedding of Miss
Ithotla7 Ilunkin, of Loktu, on
daft, ,20dinst., to Mr. Jolson. of
' that towellatp.' ild of 14
Cierl,totl, preached in Than*. Road
Mutt% sundAy..-,Aonttertary *ex.. w
Wee* ot Bethany Chutc...,h will be held t
ois Sunday next add fretteilt titer. fi
log it atked, rot.
- _
Atibur Xelleruittun of Pashwooda
wlits is *attending the Northwestern
College itt Naperville, III., occupied,
the pulpit in the Evangelical church
Sunday morning and :1 evening! „Mr.
Keliermann it an able speacker and
we can promise a bright gamer for
this 'vino; rams in :the iprefeeisiOn be
ittloptes14-.0ue ,Bowea--wee in
Exeter last Whitireday but Werje4efests
e. Tbree ritiks 'Went from het* and
they 40* 004 tinle.' T,he score will
*ppe&rnip.auother celItunn.of the pliperk
w Vil s
, ray bweeu,
Cr3ig a»d OtarktratOrS rd,Aiat cow alt
It is expeoted.tiat kr,,s'angense nts , wB
be *Ade e, near Ilatore toi.itaVelb,s
give here4-43,1104 ,POtothY". Know int
Exeter is Yisitingher aunt; 3fros„ Sareh.
lierttantL-TheleilloWin'g Arq. ingthe EXhibition in Toronto; Samuel
Own, August Kuhn, Nitta Clara Fah-
and the Mistseti 'Susie and Carry Kuhn.
Metbodistehitrch choir has been
gedlettitseithsr. prevails- 4n .. -the
Zion Methodist church on:Labor Day
• our echool opened on Tuesday with
night. -The HiSchool department
Claude Bliktt n charge. Fifteen Pup-
ila were in attendance, *number being
from neighboring schools. --Tho village
trustees have placed* concrete top over
the fire tank at the corner. Harry F.
Eilber did the work and made a suc-
cessful job of it. -When corning to
town on Mondry. Dat Coughlin'a colt
took fright at a threshing engine and.
bolted but fortunately no one was in-
seessisis e
$4051,0,,m, '-'4;45/41W0z-grottilaam
AiMina rimer left for Stratford on -
Monday to attend the Business College
in that city.-Edniund Wuerth of
Oshawa is visiting his mother, Mre.
Beaver.,- Large quantities of flax are
being drawn to the mill these days.
The crop is an exceptionally good one
this year. This increased teaming has
caused the dust to accumulate on the
road and the good,heuse-wife is in des-
pair. What we want is rain and lots
itt t t
I .
'I 44
ings repainted. -Last Friday evening
the choir of the Evangelical churcb.
were entertained at the Parsonage.
A very pleasant time was spent by all.
Tornpson of Iowa is spend-
ing the week with his sister. Mrs.
Tilefibull.'-Edwin Clark returned
to Chicago on Friday, after a couple
of weeks' holidays with bin parents. -
Miss Ethel Godbolt returned to Till-
sonburg Saturday to resume her school
duties. -Misses Peari Squires and
Florence Peart returned to SL Marys
Saturday, after spending a few days
with Miss Ethel Godbolt.-Miss Jessie
Hamilton Sundayed at her home in
Oroularty.-Miss Faith Turnbull left
for Chatham Monday to resume her
studies at the 0. B. 0.-sIobn Bell and
sister, Base Ethel, spent Sunday with
their aunt, Mrs. Thos. Coward. -We
are glad to learn that Fred Delbridge
is still improving. -Richard Delbridge
-of -Exeter metewith-areerieus --aecident
which might have proved fatal.
While chopping with an axe at a oist,
jut t gasceseeray,-
Mr. Delbridge fall several feet, the axe
cutting a bulge gash in bis head and
he was otherwise badly shaken up.
his back and side being badly injured.
-Miss Etna Copeland of Kirkton is
the gueetof Mrs. E. Heywood. -Geo.
Banthrope spent Saturday at the lake
with Eden picnic. -A meeting of the
Winchelsea Beef Ring will be held
here on Friday evening, Sept. 4. A
meeting of the Elimville Beef Ring
will be held in Elimville on Saturday
evening, Sept. 5. A full attendance
at both are requested.
Rain! Rain, Rainlis the wholiscry.-
Mr. Jacob Querrin had the misfortune
of losing his floe driving horse last
week from inflammation of thelsowels.
--Mr. Alonzo McCann, who has been
working in Toronto,. paid a visit to his
home over Sunday. -Mr. : Hy. Holt
and wife called on friends in Khiva
Sunday. -B. Cunningham went to
Clendeboye Monday night to Walt his
father, who le very 111.--Mr-Zaward
Hall, of Detroit, was calling on *Cane
of his old friends here this week.__Ed.
wixd is looking- fiat -Mr. and Mrs.
Kenney andliimilf, of Detroit, who
heye been visiting at Mr. W. Mc-
Cann'si for some time, returned home
his week,-Moster• John -Collins and
sister, of Detroit, who have been visit-
ing their grand -father, Mr. Collin*,
for the past two month's, returned
home lest week, accompanied by Mr.
Collins. --Dame Rumour is current
that several weddings are to take
place in this neighborhood this fall.
The more the marryer."
Edgar Butt, of Kippen, visited hi*
cousins at the persocagts-Misees
Vera Emery and Hettie Handfordstre
*lilting friends in Toronto. --31(r. Wm.
Colwill has returned friam husIness
trip to 'Stottend.-.Mr, and Mrs. John
cotwin were OW to London, last
week to attend the fitheral of Mr.
"ebb, ,Mre. Colwill's father. -The
Exeter Juniors played it game or ball
in 'rcesday evening with our boye,
but lost by 2' to number from,
beim took in the Men Picnic
on Sat-
*.itklai lett, and report a roost en.
tinue-W. J. Fraser, accom-
at&d by Mos\ Clara Cudmore of Ere -
en spent Sandler with hiseister, Miss
tilie Fraser at Mot*vil1,
Ewer Carrier left Monday ' to -re-
sume hs studies. -4 RaVelle' spent
Friday in:London oti busineseh-Jos.
fliirdI iPts rented 4r. Pollock's
biSeksinith shop for it' term. --Mr. • and
/Am Joe, Reveller and thildren are via.
ting in Seberingville,-41. Heiniltsm,
wife and family of near Exeter visited
here Setridey.- James 1Iighttea4 left
Ftiday for British Colutnbish With *
atioad or household effects and mach.
nery.--Mrss Page, who hits been visits
ng around hem for her horn° in
Toronto.-Mre. %Villein and Mile &in*
etus Oreensvay were vialtors at Mrs.
arrieeo Net *reek 14, BAitellos h4k4
"igbtWank Alliste'r's farm...Mrs.
tifeirtrd ifarnittoq is vialting Doh-
asel this week.s.slered Page haotone
o Potty Frank. to make cement, WA*
be Mr. Ilumpt toy. *trier Isla
)flr 10 ParkhiAt to atte hatte,44)
*47 .V4
••• •
itorlisses Net
.X1 Iowa
waVeLv. ,
"ins Ussiat dot trast
11,41, dsits a 'fi;escr
°Arita • es
tto,sosstarata ".
* , -„
4' A.14 '...
Siasa, i
* ,
.N411.4 tbr
‘.. ,
The Dashw
have purchase
,. t .. it
" 4* AJ[tb� r.
1'04 '*ki Ur
4 . 147s-s•etsrl•
,thiwbwjntb. *le
iI netting Mill Om
he feetory at Hensall
ing it demo, after which they will re-
move it this village and build it on
tbeirsold ski hetes They expect to
have it in runningorder in about three
weskse-Mr. Wagner and bis dough -
ter. of Lisboa), who have been visiting
friends here and at Zurich, left for
their home on Monday. -Mr, Arthur
Kellerman occupied the pulpit in the
Evangelical Church at Orediton on
Sunday last, in the „abeence of the
Pastor, wbo is taking a trip through
the Western Provinces. -The homes
of Messrs. ()has. Steinhagen and Jacob
Kellerman have been gladdened dur-
ing the past w.eek b the presence of
AmslAILI RAtth,,%pth,
and tife it einies are &frig nicely -
We extend congratulations. - The
Misses Freda and Selma Eifert. of
Floradale, are at present spending
some time with friends in this place.
Having attained the three -score
span of life, Mr. Rich. Blatchford
deemed it e fitting occasion to cele-
brate the event b a iel_seieherin
&tnmun1ty. Acord1ng1yab�ijtsrjiv
guests gatbered it his home on Wed-
nesday of last week and a most pleas
ant time was the result. Guests were
present from Exeter, Henna% Elko-
ville and elsewhere. About four
o'clock tea was served on the lawn and
the spread was a most gorgeous one,
reflecting much credit on the lady
folks of the house. lir. Blatchford
has nothing but the best wishes of a
host of friends, who will wish him
many happy returns of the occasion. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dick of Michigan
were visitors at Mr. John Moir's last
a ;Ira tr.mts•
a 4
Clark J. D. lirumusaz44t swim a.v;r.s,
serlcus 5.1T.
tc•fAinc;fr 1.4124 byte and r4Ir.
No1I vEwt wao in oats. .^./T.
1.Ucet 110-.14
arzivei at ar.S.1 4;1'34 0.11t
1(3d dt0 t.51.47.41,3) -,i 11-4,4
noticed weav E402,
;g an ezdtr.--asst, to save t(lissaew. wcnt,
to' Sump ,c24, fr,tio ti ole&c, o4,d ropkgtt..
t,44) b siva* =rpm. tho r?csi
.t.13 .ozt,s4Urix,7 on, Alta
shown--- tte-liqVggo wW1
414,6,11X1PteA• V?. a ts.",cas4ti#3 t s33
1'44. tzr
-F-X,ItIt;(4'444./ 4:71i4401e.4.31;0,15
Vt1;,' Levi d(In;„, !ins timu,
, ,
l44.5! " .tho. • r:315f, 3iPct
,vorith t.,10,7„:„'tp,WirAikta. ozu ikei4t5e;'3.‘"0
to,ut,0-44204, ksa.s.hy 'tztetaal:ra tbAs
a are pZE-ast-1.„t k'.arra tho sticimss
o tat ruacr, 13., 1L iner f.eavh-
r ett Weans, aFt who tlas been ap-
pprt-truatcd.t:31i4t:zo..r.e :4112%it,,o4"4n t%t.v,t.7941ttSSitr '501:03-1
. Fe
purchased' ,j;.'
at Shirre4 aral latezas to tolcc pose sa-
lon in about a zugjuth. Ile will rent his
favan.fQ a tents-1cm' warm. ----ssmws
may oFricE. ToRozoto
at 711
e riv
04$1% 00,
etY 40brgled• .0.14
ID 1 RUiI UsP bOingss-, ed° tatk4ilengat0Crk%1‘4".ilot
Otos \yin
ILmonQx ,
Exeter Branch -G. %V. Harrison..Manager. Branch aleo at Crediton
• Blaushard
:Iitansstatawars-The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'anklet of the 10th
Con., was the scene of a very pleasant.
event on Tuesday last, when their
daughter, Miss Zeta, was united in
naarriege to Mr. Ira Marshall, a pros -
roue farmer near Kirkton. The
Rev. C. R. Wells of Grantors perform-
ed the ceremony at 12 o'clock on the
lawn in the presence of about eighty
looked charming in a beautiful dress
of cream silk. while her going ,away
dress was of brown. The ceremony
over and congratulations extended. All
sat down to a sumptuous wedding din-
ner. after which the young couple were
driven toGranton where they took the
train for Detroit and other points.
The large number of presents received
by the bride testified to the esteem in
At* 64
eir oneymoon trIp
*LI tf,".1111i 1 t 444
Miss Pro n and Ante Alderson return-
ed to Buffalo atter spending a tew
weeks witty friends Albext
Moser, who as been sick for the past
three months. Is IlnprovIng steadily and
has gone to, spend a couple ot weeks
with her parents near Dashwoode-Mra,
GI. G. Jones' of Ottawa.' who has been
spending a tewr .weeks with her mother
Mrs. Laurie, and other friends, lett
Wednesday for London oh her return
trip, LT. Cri
Dress Goode in all the leading Shades and Cloths in Venetians. Brord-
cloths, Satin -finished Cloths, Fancy Stripes, Plain, Etc., AT CLOSE PRICES
• 017 CANNOT POSSIBLY effect as great a saving by buying hither and
_thitheras can hy confining yam -Mite theonegreat bargain
•-TIE & EDIGHOFFER'S. Bear in mind -for every bargain
• you see er hear tell of, there is just as tnany,, and just as good,
B4,7-01711--STORE;--Our-Bargain Gi nag is not confined to saiiie or two
ut it is spread over alland the BARGAINS you etin one of our lines
only repreeentetiVes of the many others we are giving.
New Mantles and Jackets
We rre sole agents for the
Celebrated Puritan Brand Ladies' and Children's
Mantles and Jackets
For style and quality and excellent fitters. thore is none to suspass them,
We have them in loosesiltting, also semi -fitting. AU the latest. Be sure to
call and seethes)) before making YOUR PURCHASES. OUR PRICES ARE
See our bleached Table Linens -the best value ever shown in Dashwood
• Bargains in:Embroidery and Laces, ,..
A beautiful range of Ladies' Belts, Fancy Collars, Ties, Gloves, &c., &e.
We handle the Celebrated D. & A. Corset.
Gents' Furnishing
114 The biggest Bargains ever offered, as we wish to lower our stock in this
department. Also Bargains in our Made-te-Order Tweeds and Worsteds
If in need of a salt be sure and see what we can do for you before you puts
chime. Collarkliocks, Braces, Ties, Ham, Caps and Udder/rear.
- See the NEW KNITTED TIE, the -very -latest -in all shades.
TATRAW HATS 5 cts. SHIRTS, 50 et& 3 PAIR SOCKS, 25 cta,
Cut Nails (slightly rusted) all lengths'. 20 perib.
• 1 only 'Favorite" Churn .
. I '' "Peerless" Washer at Bargain Prices.
1 " "Leader" Washer '
1 " Hammock, regular 12450, for 12.00,.
Long handle Shovels, We. " D ' handle Spades, slightly' rusted, 50et
Sad Irons, regular $1.2'.% for $1.00. (set of 3 irons, 1 stand and 1 handle)
Window Screens, clearing at 20c each.
A full line Scoop Shovels and Grain Bags,
if you ate in need °two nosing, ittaq witva win the hest i'encing
be sure and buY, the mug v
We are the agents -for ,the sense. A ' t made.
* AU kinds of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil. and Sep-
strator Oil on hand. We handle the •
Celebrated Sherwba-Willianis Prepared! Painti3.
They go the farthest and wear the longest be_1111848 MEV ARE BE -ST.
CHINA. (MOCKERY and GLASSWARE DEPT., is fuli'vrith a large range
rof Dinner Setts, ToiletSettse Lemonade Setts., Fancy Chine. 'Fahey Gimes-
were. Our prices are as iowsuethe'Tetrest. • . .
A largo' atocklof 11 kinds kif Schdol Supplies f1or Soh dol, Open*
'• Gr._ erttiepartm.. eat '../(/
Is full of new and *tell goodi.-- We pay' speeid attention to tbirs
department. Our prtgeastre rights
, 5 lbs. Good Green Teit. $1.00. 2 lbs. Best Green Coffee. 25 ets.
Seeded Rotitinai 10o 1h. Wait Rib enffee., 25e
Korn Kink*, Se kg. ."t pig. Ammonia Powder 50
Salnaort, 1.00 tin. Cyrn and Peas, 3 tans for 2Sc
A, full ettpplY-of Pickling e Corry Powder. Turmeric Mustard Seed
elery Seed. *.(igoget- Root, Cbilios, 411m. ke. Alt six's 'sermon)" Fruit Jars in
Stock. Font jar lt,ubbere, 50 And inei'dor.
CelebraW. .114re bandit the.- • -
Salads. & Blue .Ribbon Teas
lb. mut t
Nil and ittamitte our Goods and Pt
In Otero, Black and Mixed. Try a plekage.
:aigheet Prices Paid for Pam Produoe.
eeir and 1* consinted that we DO
th\er /dose
THEN Decide ea the Busbies* Colkg
u 374741,
fact, you really owe it to Lourself to get
a copy and read it thoroug y bforeyou
select the 6113111053 Cate to attend.
This Cataiogneexplain' s all aboutour
• school, our faculty, our different courses.
Tells why we honestly believe our Col-
lege tole the beet for you. After reading the book we will leave
,....Sentlirtigorze. no
'4' St
• 1
StudentaadatIttact any Vat._ Spacial openIngaSeptssabar-andJanuarp:
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
•• mom - ONTARIO
Prisrapal J. W. WiSTE1WELT..14 0.Aillea'slawys1
Ails* Craig: Mrs. W. Bee, (nee
Bessie Easton of Ailsa Craig) who
went west a couple of months ago, we
regret to learn has been very ill and
• was compelled to enter the hospital' at
Saskatoon, Sask., for treatment.
Hibbert: Recently death removed
one of the old reliables of Hibbert in
the person of Ilens7 Clinton Merrill
at the age of 81 year* He was looked
upon as a good- neighbor and honor-
able tnan. The funeral took place on
Sunday afternoon, interment taking
place at MeTraggarts Cemetery.
The Great EnUaJs
T. --rateethewbots
orna)140,,,,i,:\;:cgeitisitl, 8111k51 new
• .4
t .
our D&I/i/A Modal akei Bruits Werrif,
*nodose% Bwa,galirealaseist. Aladisions.
ItorrAtes.tvid Offeettscib:esor Embower.
asafteel ree. ThaVid•Paodlolnir Co.
pvvericemterwionsouhasjortreoctisiali4 of parr ce.On.:111,0ewrIgrael!le.aushautpaiecV
ThracitO, Ont.
Attend The Best
is recognized as the LARGEST, BEST and MOST
SDCMSFUL practical training school in West-
ern Ontario.
tostaserclat Short -
baud. TelearapIsIc _
Our gradtiates secure good positions and forge
to the iront. Write for our fres cateucury you
will find it intereetin. You may enter at any
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1655
Capital -
Rest Fund -
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
TholsoN & CARLIN°, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Managers,
Virgitches, Jewellery, Sity,erwarv„, To let
Etc. eta:,„
We have, undoubtedb, iiie finest lines
goods that have ever been shown intiis
district. We can stdt you in quality and
price every time. '
'Wedding Presents
Weddings occur at all sea23013/3 but the big
season is now approaching. lisie are read
for it with the fhtest rings &best presents
Coll and Examine Early
4 74WA,