Exeter Advocate, 1908-08-27, Page 8 (2)ser 1I; Ctr�i'x:
e have the
JY, 4 •
Work that must
bring uteTde
Merchant Tailor,
eters {j
Vushiss locals -- Read Them
Pea Stra-v at 15c for one-hori'se-load
and 23o for two -horse load at the Can-
nitig Factory.
Stewart T
Ttts9O rpt lm
u : c � rled,r�r-�aD
,J .� tro
anewa-a,rs thtaear istger- tlr�i
noirtl rpm r Attended
nt Carmen annual picnic on .",tae
theat"ths ,e[lalptalt�
lion n that abeehee .of
who .. Yi at 8t
C �1*
Mr's.- . Gley st•., eve•
nay fro app nd it
r, Tho., + r ory. who bu been su
y ill for the t the
is now aw;;lightlyr. ter
J �n was preeented wlatlx,
,a last week byher 'tether. Mr.
,. ging,. as a4! • restaard for s
oo , w'+ 'l on tba. entrance 'exatainl,.
`nf Cliht �ntl�
fat as v �!, cWm Lin 'ew On
8 nze of..o `
til s Ott ec+a
l .. ilia . ,o tto8t
tllsr adell n " 'Scut oe. 'aa a e[. ,to 0.ta
' Is. 2mi 0:Libo c Rt hY, vats
� U.
Rom Mr..Grigg will i'ike the service
In the Harris: retirees a iii � Sand*��rr
evening, and shortly rward he end
Mrs. Trigg will return to India to re-
sume their mf. Zonary work.
The Exeter i1 'airhattertli
The prize list has been revised and
u and 'tbebig-lithos are out,
xmember the dates else Sept. ` '2st
and $2nd.
Exeter has no reason to complain of
taxes when a rate of 18 to 21 mills has
been customary. Seaforth • public
school supporters this year pay 27
DWI)* and separate schoolsupporters
pay I-10 n li i. -
Mr. J. W. Broderick on Tuesday en-
tertained the choir of the Main street
church to a picnic at Grand Bend.
Mr. Broderick belie�+es that the faith-
ful work of the hoer, e
11, " is
Mr. E. E. hardy last week sold
confectionery. business to Mr. Be
Wilson of ,Peterboro. Mr. Wilson has
taken over the business and we wed -
him to the ranks of the business
men of Exeter.
From reports of the ticket agents
Huron the number of people going
west topp
assist in the harve:�ting fl
tt►eetto of 'ti s ,town cotes:••
ePi#:. CJ i8ton, :ogt eSiaa,y fk^ 13fe' rr
hersoh. • the a rficient ere rk. vaPsaes' , ap-
pointed treatiturer, sueceediiag Captain
McTaggart, reedi �nud.
Fre arset M*rrled
"itf Y ssa" St. Jloseti i'A church,
Stratford, on •T sday,� the _l8tb, Ina }
when Miss De 'sChisholn, late et
Goderieh, became the bride ' et Freder-
ick Sweet, mathematical teacher of the
Kincardine high school, and son of Mr..
Jaynes Sweet c • Exoter. The cex ttmoz y .•
was performed by Rry .Father McGee.
The bride looked charming in a tailor-
made suit of cream panatac cloth with
tan trimmings and a *largo ,'picture - hat
with ostrich pinnate. She cs,rried a white
prayer book and pearl ireetary.• The
bridesmaid was sties Marie hicAvoy,
of Goderich, who looked very pretty .in
utt of steel grey tr med with silk:
•� . h�,., , "Sx r.r , Y. rY;�;�yu„�'�; ��� .�++:D., �c'`�',���Si'ei
a cream "Merry- Widow' hat and car -
bis ried a shower bouquet of phile -and
White gladiolus. The groom was at-
tended by M• DfcA.uley of Stratford
After the ceremony the bridal party
drove to the home of the bride's sister
Mrs. Frank Kuntz. 1tiOE Nile tit. where
in a sumptuous wedding breakfaeot was
The bridal couple lois by the
a•a�• t aloozs train for LoPt[lon and other
.... ..._.J^•. . °_."^l.'il:w•.!'!._.: --.,,'4•rt4^'1 -..
.. .,.
_ __ e`�Sc�a�-.w.es�7a�w.a..p+c�ver€td-13o1
Dr. Ovens Gouadaz, - - the people of the east.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear - The large woodentank at the -home,
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial of Mr. Ed. Willie burst last week and
Hotel. Exeter, on Saturday, Aug. 29tb. the large quantity of water pourin
Glasses pro aerly fitted and diseases of forth caused general havoc around the
Eye, lar i nd Nose treated. Hours premises for a time. Mr. Willis has
g a.m. to u pan. \ since put in a cement, tank. _
so foil sato pick from a-Sreacai•t,,, _ _-The Exeter bowlers returned from
I'alurz'> are • great.
Planes:for site.
Mw*. Thos. Snell, Huron street, has a
quantity of first class plums for sale.
$2,96 for mood sensible ladies driv-
ing rain oras Stewart's.
Marriage Licenses Issued at the Ad-
vocate office,
Gallon Apples for Sate.
A few cases'of slightly rusted tins
gallon apples for sale at,15 cts.., per can.
or two for 25 cts., at the Factory.
Stewart's is the spot for new china-
ware and several dieser sets.
For Saal®. -,
50 Pure -Bred White Wyandotte
Goderich Thursday, but failed to bring
any of the trophies with them. They
made a pretty fair showing, however,
and they put many rinks out of busi-
ness before they went under.
Mr. John N. Ratcliffe of the Thames
Road has rented his farm for a term
of years to Mr. %V. J. marlin of
Blanchard. Mr. Sperling conies high-
ly recommended as a farmer and Citi-
zen and the people of Thames Road
will welcome him. •
Work will commence at once on the
new ground of the Exeter Bowling
Syndicate, opposite the mill, which
they lately acquired by making. a deal
of the old ground and a cash consider-
ation. This property should make
one of the finest lawns in the counti.
Purleu , —S. Powt,lr. Exeete_ _ _ . LIL iia ossible that_enh� air skating
Fere Repaired or Remodelled.
Those wishing furs repaired or re-
modelled bring them in this month its
order to secure reduced prices.
' Andrew St.,
rime may be conduc there through
the winter•T
One cannot help but notice= driv-
ing through the country that the farm -
ere are making many improvements
on their premise*. Improved farm
buildinge>t, well Pruned orchards, neat
nes, lawns and flower plots, the re -
oval of the road gate, are little
ins in themselves, but they make a
vastly improved appearance at Little
oat of time or money, besides en.
auncing the value of the premises.
and cultivating a love of harmony 'and
order in the minds of the young;
Mr. James Clarke, of Dewberry,
tau, formerly of Crediton, ,.writing
To=n that place says; Harvesting has
mmenced here in earnest. We have
e barley cut, and the yield is an ex-
llent one. being well filled and of the
est sample. The wheat is fast ripe -
ng and will soon be ready for the
tinder. The crop in this section is ex-
eedingly heavy as is also the oat crop.
e weather was very hot ' here the
ter part' of July and first :-week"
i It- is cooler now and- wfs
e had plenty of rain, but not too
We mentioned last week the return
Messrs. Thomas Sweet and J. W.
or. On the trip they visited many
cat along the line and were much
pressed with the:immense lumber -
g and Minh* facilities, and the mills
r the manufacture of paper, all of
ich are about as near perfection
can be. The land Apparently is not
Mr. J. A. Moore. of Hensel!, has m
taken a position at the Exeter Found- th
ry, as moulder.
The Eden picnic to Grand Bend will
be held on Saturday, and the usual h
good time is anticipated.
Mrs. 3a'. Miller meet with a painful
accident while visiting at Mr. Joseph
Hawkins' in Usborne, on . Saturday y
Last. She and Mrs. Hawkins had been
out driving and when on hitching the co
horse it turned suddenly around and th
steppeal on her foot. inflicting a pain- tele
ful injury. As a result she can scarce- "n°
ly attend to her household duties.'b.
Cele* Handford Dead.
Word was received here last week ' Th
of the death at Tulleeville, Sask., of a
former resident of this neighborhood
Caleb prated ford. WIT& event occurred bav
on August lath. Mr. Handford had m
been troubled with Bright'atdiseaee for
several year* and his -death was due to
this illness. lie left Ontario twenty- of
eight ear's ago, and since • that' time Tal
he ves!d-J mostly in Winnipeg and la
Snowflake. moving to TuIleesvilles about Ott
'three years ago. -Before leavingOnt- in
aril•► be married Miss Marion Seers or. fo
Grand Bend and she with & family of Ash
ten children survives. Deceased was aet.
a brotbrtr of Messrs, Silas and Thomas
of Exeter, Messre. Richard and James
Handford of Oentrelisa, Mrs. Wm.
May ef.Mitehell, Mrs. John .Hicks and
Samuel ffasidford of Snowflake. The&
remains were interred at Tullesville on
the, 15th. • The late Mr. Handford was.
51 years of ager. '
for Summer
s begun already.
Too MEAS;**.
Our °Goods are
the Beet.
AN Fait and /finish
k . Guaranteed.
Pit Its s
ieww -i a in---- n r rrit ---Trill : dvoc-
ate extends congratulations.
An event in which the people of Exet-
er are pleasantly interested took place
at Exeter on August 19th, when Miss
Mary Telfer Murray, youngest daugh-
ter o3.. 'Mr. and Dire. -James blur -ray of
Exeter, was united in matrimony to- 1.
East - Jordan of Goderich. The wed-
ding ceremony was celebrated at ::.39
-p, m. at the home of the bride's paroats
by Rev. Wm. Martin, poaator of Cave,a
Preatyterlan church. Exeter, only rel-
atives oxtd Immediate friends of - the
bride and groom being present. The
drawing -room was beautifully decorat-
ed with wanderitig--jew and white asters
The bride was charmingly attired in a
costume of cream silk eoltenne over taf-
feta, with bridal veil, and wore - Wee
groom's gift, a pearl and diamond pen-
dant. She carried a shower bouquet 01
bridal rouse. She was • attended, by - Intik
sister. Miss Sean Murray: who wore
pearl grey silk eolienne and carried pink
roses. The groomsman was Henri K.
Jordan of Brantford, brother of the
groom_ t,_and Albert D. Jordans_, of_ Lome._.don, also a brother of the groom, Pre-
sided at the piano. playing the wedding
march and also playing during the eere-
mory. After the wedding festivities
the happy couple left on the 5 o'clock
train for a two weeks trip, atter
which they will go to Goderich and take
up -their residence in that town. The
bride's travelling costume was or blue
broadcloth trimmed with cream broad-
cloth and stilt military braid, with navy
hat to.match. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan •
have a Wide circle of friends, and they
were the recipients of very many tokens
of goodwill. The groom is the well-
known organist of Knox church. God-
erten. The Advocate extends congrat-
ulations and beat wishes.
'Mrs. Samuel- Sweet is visiting
Mrs. .ht -W. _Creech and son returned
to Brantford on Thursday. - -
Dr. Haim Thomas of London is visit-
ing friends in town this week.
Mrs. Richard Bissett of London is
visiting relatives In town. '
Fred Gould returned to Michigan
Thursd&y. after a few holidays here.
Mrs. Clarke of Hamilton is a guest
at the home of her son, W. D. Olerke.
Mr. W. Herbert Gregory, • of Mitch-
ell, spent Sunday with his parents
here, -
Messrs• John fil'orry and` Peter ° Mc.
urn , m tttimes.
adapted for farming, as compared with Donald have ret ed fro T
the soil here, as they thought it hardly ford.
worth harvesting what trasconsideredMr. J. G. St-anbury' has returned
there to be* good crop: It all deipends' from a holiday trip to the l Pllite�
to what you have been :need; • They t Moutitalue. yl
visited en old Exeterite,Janaes• Rumen; ' Sandy Darden will leave for Lon-
who is now located with Mrs. Russell don next week to take a course in the •
end the faintly at 'Victoria Harbor, all Businnes College.
of whom are ii good health and doing Misses Merril Gould. Maud Rollins
well. Jim sends greetings to the many and Ethel Sweet went to. Toronto . to
friends o hien native village. They a,- 'attend the mil>nery openings this
wr k. -
iss Florence Berteh of St. Marys
and Miss Ruby Essery of Centrt'sa�laiaa
were the�gueests of Mrs. stn. Genius
last wee
Mr, W. It. Telt, of Toledo, who is
visiting n +�
R tit`<'aliara and1'.andon3frsetids«
was a pfrauut calf at then Alto -este
office on Tueeday. • ;
\ M� H. Spaicklhiat4 A. Taylor and
J. Grieve returned from their auto
trlp.Friday witba m any tale*. cf-the
pleasure of a fast ride over the high-
ways of this province.
„Miss Sarah Sweet, Miss Breath
Luker and ,Hr. R. N. Taylor enjoyed
is pleasant drive to Clinton on Surid ay*.
visitlbg at the home of the forme is
lather, Mr. R. N. Sweet,
Mrs. C'hwrles Tom. who Aim been
visiting relatives in Port Rope and
Trenton'during the past month,. tem:
turned to her home on Friday, AttOm.'
esti Care rewtar. ponied b�y, her granddaughter. `Miers'
This **won seems to he ideal syr t Rev. r Rifled* Down,daughter tr'f'
• art. i t. Dk,rir
h. cifTSr+e!aafeon. + � .
B.tVJ. I Hiroo. Mayo of ,.
turned, Alberta, *nd formerly
ton. was a merit teller at the Ad-
#0Cate office this week. Ile..
Mrs. Rivers and child, is
, month vkltlsg rattly' a • '• t fwwa;
Ontarkts The **toe w pe
with hie ***tern,r and fly
a>sa bee s ay s the a sentry ani _ mite warts
r R� I�
:fyT:.d�u+oi;w'. Wit
allwls&tw at ar
Wltaegrat R 911 4.4 • • SO
Barley , r;. •,, ,�ti ��ply 50
"•+ •... R'• .•RB35
.�.Ayi.y�' QA /�•M M t 1.!ryo�yS .. p s F„ 6
Qtat�raa pear brag •,. if•... . 75
IIT.a r +lir 't.,��1i• 7 n 8
cwLL `i►ally' 2
ow;godb per ewr to
tR ..sisssass.SS••, ,.,,.,` 18
✓,�. Cwt, *�»,��.. ' ,/.,�� r,�
•, ,� e.. lA. Y^ 11.1. 1. 7 , nx'f..•T'.V!'M!
t.�y .l",^t
Y'�'1{"�Y.Frs.►5i4 .
It revives. restores andp eer!e�
the -skin, removes blemishes and
gives the complexion the freshness
of youth. A delightfully cooling
preparation. -
For $wiiiueU
—Prepared by --
oug itzt
its bx'anclzes.
h -n
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
W. S Gole, Phm.B.
Mrs. W. S. Cole is visiting in Lucatt'
Musa. Reginald Elliott, after a -pleas-
ant visit at her old home here return-
ed to Norwich •last week.
Miss Sllaa Gregory, sato enjoyed a
trip �uppt e Lakes and visited her sister
in-Chirsi o, has returnedrhonie.
Mr. Thomas Bissett, whose eyesight
has improved considerably since the
operation, was in London Thursday to
have them once more exan;tiued• He
was accompanied'by W. J. Bissett..
with leading business towel
await our graduetee.
Loose Leaf ; Ledger
mien modern ertske methods
which ensure rapid advance.
Gregg Shorthand
° by the only teacher in
On who attended the
&*tletor's Serest
THREE C O U R S BS ••- Stenography,
Commercial, Telegraphy.
Enter any day. Write for particulars.
FALL TenM PRo* SEPT 1st.
Geo. Spotton, Princlpal.
Overcoming troubles of eyesight
is our particular work --our .pro-
fession, if you will.
A uarefull d1a nosis of each in-
dividuiti case is made.
The trouble bested. theme th.
. correct grasses are fitted foryou.
No Gu�ssvork Here
so met r. Ben (ease, only brother of
our esteemed citizen M.r. Thos. ease.
who is well and salsa sends greeting*.
T`Ir,ey also met many other pleasant
nions along$ the way -,-but, then,
t , men never; have any trouble' ,on
•t t, re.s s'little side irwue to the
(rip proper.. they tole in a railway
bet"ry� eters' .excursion, toa+ t
t user 10 miles. north of tl .
"ou could get off •and pick where you
Inst whispering a w d. too the
fee heir of"the Bram crew. It well
desrervedaitss name, as they, gathered
about 54 quarts in 3 hours. Altogether
they be asa,
d pleasant assent rrwa<tiatig, regretting
to haver finished the voyage and that
they had not sten the great steel milts
at the Soo In operation, but neverthe-
less content to .et foot upon the solioel
.Goderich and happy when they *gabs
reached Exeter and kos e. They Were
benefitted very mush by the • ho'liday
every way. .
grnwth of corn. In nearly every field
he atalks hoe teethed * shoat re.
markable height: And they aro wellladen with earsThe yield should be
very heavy ,both�lo seed and feed. d. Mr.
#7 wwy B*Ikwe i.r;so i Saturday e ens
!not biologist to the Advocate oitce w
etidk tiakeeti front the Orden a Mar*
Thorns* Ileritioll. *bleb tarsi lured. I*
fertr fiS.�iar he . -Tills was,* ashorf`t
three,. •T* bt s
oSewrawset 4
To know the trouble.—to_ know
just the right glasses to give you
explains our success. ,
We have something
new in nose-gl -- .
the very' let at—ask
to- see thorny
' Phi
Chemist and Optician.
ssi11.: Bann
RO i-ar Fiour
'Om Meer a lira
;i out
t in estin
keep con-
. _ -__• y _ rs-.
stock a full
eeof furniture,and itys to
furnish your
home from our
stock -• • •
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
e Cabbiets Couches
.Sideboards ---. Nab -Bac
Buffets - Kitchen. -Cabinets
Dining Boom Tablesm FCheri
- _ -
and all Dining
The Lig Home Furnishers and - Funeral Directors.
NES _.4% CL.
^?d�p�Y%kt"x">...*5-•*rte Y
Good News for This We
.. -...
OW Fall lircs3 0111113
DAME FASHION has been very kind to us
this season in the selection of Our New Fall Dress Fab-
rics. We have opened up the most complete stock of
Fashionable Goods ever shown in Exeter.
We wish every lady to see our display:
are the very newest shown for :this season. We are showing a good
variety of them in all the leading Two -Toned, Shadowed, Self and er,-
ringbone stripes. Very nifty.
x .
are shown in All the Leading Colors of Black, Blue. Green and Brown,
and'are Always One of the Best Goods for making up a Good Service.
stile Coat. -
'411 the Latest and Best.are shown here.
We have long been considered
The Leaders for Ladies' and Chlldrens Coals
and are bound to keep up our reputation for the same tbi* -season.
You will find our stock better than ever. • .Loose or tight -fitting coats
are both very mucia the go, in the leadipg colors of black, bltte, green
and brown..- • . A
` . Attilitartr raid a «u
l�at•ei ver much worn,_ whf e . others are 'v elf-streppTg sand- sttte'lii
Dames on and see them.are a only too edeased to *how otic goy
�.' N r of ra,
11 i
As .
AND., ", • T
i time of the year to mike yours hoiceof a sur{litard�iit
Th+ ock neww end not /deiced over. If lou nee. one this rear we
lri tlaae' Very best position to supply cru.; with our matraimotlx stock of
Squirrel, Rem.. step` w uga and ; ►her
at w:+ery -lowest price.. We cannot ail to give you best o alsttlar actio w
1 Furs Galo:
PA" rt►lee,. Mme, Ca
dist be found bete In Abundance r,
': t the furs in the gni y
it itsOM* stioxamisi
Y.: Chip