Exeter Advocate, 1908-08-27, Page 3 (2)' Opened Fire on Them With a Wiiohestor , ,... .. sound Ieg, inflicting a ileelt .wound, in.the . ss,ssessi asss 'thigh:, ' .A4* Anight reitleitetrithe..ittin. , , t • #. ts„ ,..• vait'S, eavagelsesettstekedswit .- the, 4, ari, ,rank Sp .I la , ,.0 0.40i, ,ot11 ivoi:, .,e,„: ,s;:"'''' : *'.'.::11);4,:.:.'0:4.,s'AsIr::4‘:1' ii:;evi.141.1?6,101'ss3,th":;4::::4::::o:" lid iet (f 4IEzL Irstl'i;3''s:telll''... : . is, t .., 'MO' tiMO•liise ' 1,, .far„ ad eluded u rt ' ‘,.'' otia of bIt,od and• Oxertionti. 9 •• . A,ke pt,ueiat Constable the' strezittoss4t. r„ • . that.. s, Wits ir "Unight and ..I)istriet COn-ICtiziipelled tOsXctnaitl :OP thehattle'- ble'•Ws„.Malligari, got trace of the field# ,StiortlY iefterWaird Madigan tali,Who was 'working insts field, tetarned wi,t1t essistabee and both ., .s...,g, Inlet, for assitmessiamest, wounded ntab1er :and ..prisoner , an ' Assyrian. As the' On- were Conetsyed to Bytng -Inlet), approached the 'Italian he where the coastabissis confined to •ithsans sat sta 1 * WLh v r tug , $elgnzng to have been shot, fell into *ozne hushes. The other censtable, teeintt his companion fall and thiuk- lastbnn ierioue1y wounded or kal- e, turned and went to the Inlet r assistance and & inedical man. Meantime: as soon as the Italian d emptied -the rifle, Kniglst rose ran toward hira, and on the Ztslian turning, he shot him in the • •1 111:00 .11 1- 1 tie viho sbroktestitbsitsliderding-lidirse at Key Harbor Junction and stole about $80,. the other two having been previously caught by Kaight and landed in sail here, but from which they escaped in a clever man- ner and are still at large. Knight deserves great praise for his cour- age and good judgment. The coun- try 'is being ” searched for the es- caped twee NEGRO USED THE KNIFE. Vsj.tain of American Barge Stabbed at Quebec. A despatch from Quebec says :- A stabbing affray took place in St. ItOchs on Tuesday aight about 10.30, in 'Which ea American canal boat lovr, rcceveathouwdii ts -pietty-Who edema -I -ell -the deed Ise 11 1 *1-2* e that the two men had a dis- With regard to the payment of Jit The altercation became so heated that the negro whipped out it knife and plunged it into -111e body Of the captain, inflicting a gash four or °five irtches in length. The unfortunate man was tettended by De. ge, -*Vs srestorta-tlie-ini dangerous, though he hardly (madders it fatal. The Bigelow is in port with a cargo of coal which it being discharged here. . (WAKE CALIFOINIA. " Over a Hundred Chinaleys Thrown . Down at Eureka. • despateh from Eureka, Cal., goys: Three sharp earthquake shocks. which knocked down more •than a hundred chimneys, shattered abroirforty glats-avholowersin business portion of Eureka, •roke muctiserockery in the hotnes- s/Id sent- inny, people hurrying from their beds into the streets, ,oc- turred here early on Wednesday. s The damage reported so far is es- timated at between $2,000 and $3,- 000. The first and sharpest 'shock came at 2.58 cm. It was almost •at severe as the one felt here on • April 18, 1900. At 3.06 another slighter ,shock was experienced, fol. lowed by a, third at 5.30 o'clock. • The first shock caused practically all the damage. Reports from the azy ranch near Freshwater, six Miles north, say that the earth- quake left a big fissures half a mile SIX BURNED TO DEATH. ro11111,111 Terrible Reknit of the Race War it Tennessee. despatch from Knoxville,- entt. says: On Rich Mountain, severth miles east of jellied and near the Anthras mining f,I,e ti o n , a negro shanty, where a helpless ne- ' gress and her five children bad • lived, was found burned to the ground on Wednesday morning. None of the inmates had escaped. The burning is supposed to have been the work of the white miners and mountaineere, who objected to the negroes remaining in that see- ti(Hri For more than a week reelsl feeling, hes been inflamed in !sever- al of the mines in the Jellico dise • trict. • 1 T$4.:* • *, 'COTTON SPINNERS" WAGES. Are to be Redueetl rive Per Cent. ist Lancashire. A despatch from Manchester, England, says: The Lancashire Federation of Cotton Spinners has decided to reduce the wages of on- ati'S„Skft-ssless. fstiacciateaszde- Irn-e let- &beet* this-reauction thik wilFbi lockedsoatiorsasurontIrs-Nu- tice to- this effect -sal given to. the operatives, 200,000 of whoni would be iintnediately affect- ed in the event of a refusal to, ac- cept the demands of their employ- ers. If the spinning opeitativea should be locked out the weavers would also be compelled to cease work, which would greatly increase test. 1 1 41.1M1.01114.1.4'•.•14.4,11•1*40111141141111141.0.4.11 f 1 1/1.$ TRAIN AND AUTO COLLIDED. Mn and Wife KMed Near Mane- ' apolie. A despatch from Minneapolis, Minn., says: John Cluek, a weal- thy Minneapolis brewer, and his wife were killed on Wednesday at Cottagewood, lake Minn. etmike, in collition between their automo- bile and a train on the Minneapolis. & St. Louis Railway. Two other oes ft- of -The automobile, Mrs. Edward Lebaire of New York city and her two-year-old daughter, bah received injurieS which may prove fatal. RIG STRUCK BY TRAIN. Tensyeaisold Boy Killed and Grand- mother Injured. * A deapatch •from Pert Arthur, Ont., says: At Stanley, twenty miles from here, on Wednesday af- ternoon a rig containing three per- sons, crossing the railway track, was "struck by a Canadian Norther,n' work train. Edward McLeur, aged ten, was killed, and hir grandmother, Mrs. S. A. Mc- Dowell, seriously , injured. Miss MeLeur, the third member of the party, escaped uninjured. The in- jured woman was brotight here by special train. sItArVAGEP CHOLERA, Working Its, Way Down Black gee Aloag Caucasus Coast. A despatth from at. Petersburg says: The centre of virulence in the cholera epidemie has been transfer- red to Rostov -on -the -Don where 31. new eases and 10 death; were re- ported Aug. From the Province of Astrakhan 61 new 'cases and 21 deaths were reported on the Berne day. The cholera le now working it e °way down the' Meek Sea along the 'C ueasus coast. ors Entonflie , Englatql, A despattli from Wigan, England; saya: The worst fears have been realized in the expl teion which oc- curred in the Maypole mine on Tueiday. The entombed miners number about seventy, and it is lea- poisible that any of them' can have . wartived. Efforts at rescue, how- ever, contirtut unceasingly. Thirty bodies were discovered OD Wednes- 00 in the working% but the fumes front the burning coat prevented the retening party from reaching the others that undoubtedly ttre, ing down in the mine. A few bodies were brought to' the surfaco. but all were so hlteketted and mutilated Oat identification was ininctikible. -it wilt be impossible to Make a ugh examination of the work. itd the has been subdued 4it , ?4,4a&kka.'104.*; gut, and, the air putified. When the 'first irecric party descended on Wednesday morning the sisatt that niet their eyes was horrifying. Not far from the bottom of the shaft eighteen bodies were foetid, all friOtfially mutilited, legs and arms being blown off, and beads batter ed almost beyond recognition. The manageinent of the mitt° de- Oares that between 60 end 70 Men we ce under. ground at the time of the explosion, and that there is no tussle that aOssaie will be brought cut alive., Tito 1,1611101 and ebildren, however, who remained at the pit head, all night refused to leave tin. til the bodies of the demi are brought to the surface," Nothing else will tonvince them of the hope- les?rie:A of waiting. ON) NEW HAPPLYINGS FROM ALL OVER ° THE` GLOBE. le Brie% From. Our 'Ow t141! C.Ona ries, Of • llei t" Xvt, lQfldOfl 14.48:31,A* Oas•StI11 F. On t. :.trct at questions tnAnt Ballesge'f. eus was ‘wrocke:ti 0140t. United States *1(04104014 rege. latious, ' ° • Financiers; are offering to*uPPort the Banque de St. eclat's° of Montreal... ---Vintnes2W-strdetif, tilet :Waits le - pressed the opinion that the net- ting of minnows is illegal. aegftsr#4. 4*; )l4emiuir -Legion of Honor. The 'damage- done by forest fires in Vancouver is estimated at near- ly $5,000,000. Fears are entertained that there will be great distress among labor- ing ela.sees during the coming win- ter. Prof. W. Muir Edwards, B.Sc., C.E.,, of McGill, bait SAS,s4os. 0..a,leeturer-at 10,Ver„, ,,,,-„•pren000t- aiV reWe, ecietary, has sent 11, message of sympa.thy. with the 'Fernie fire sufferers to tear' Grey. The Hoa. Geo. P. Graham, at Peterboro''declared that the Trent thinal must bo pushed to comple- tion. • The National T-ranscontinental ItailwassLIontitfessirmAtaatt.raseeivas tinders' fer 'the eonstruEtiort tif-516 essof-rdad. An English ineurance company has refused to take any further business in London's 'congested business district because of this inadequate water supply. . Canada's imports show a decrease .sA $39,915,809 for the first Jour months of the. fiseal year. In the same period the export of Manu- s astss the extent of • $350,000. 1 l• 'ROM i'JU LEAHIN(.; T ADE CENTRES. Of t'atfle, GraPt,"Chekse tend Otk1:30P 7404asd vr :114 40nt :14 oe: .011 a heat r new "ba. 'Whia A red,' Many Oo domed t Death By Russian warts in Two Da live at. thlee a; Lt1z., �n ToestIV'therc -WO* ster „reeord.: 's .of 11 pol}rt''sqtt144386:)7:13,24riii:ie::iintt 9.pltpetntl ri 'itleeliemde t» the Black Sea fleet, and e ' former. 'sailor:1s at: Lad been found, guilty a taking the 39c to 400 'le in an attempt to pillage an ,estate. The others were convicted cf strain robberies and 'murders. There were two executions ' on. Tuesday at 'Wstreaw 7arTitlia xt-1474 . rut:- tionate values. tario, - • outs e; old, nominal, at 450 t� 480 oetaide-; Manitoba, No. a, Co to 46e; refeeti, 4.0-6e to 45e, lake ports. T.N• " nye New,, 6e to 70e bid outside; old, no stocks. 41 Corn—Nominel at 88c to 8834e Toronto freights for No. 2 yellow, and 86%c to 87e for kiln -dried. Bran—Quoted at ON to $18 per ton in bulk outside; in bags, $2 more.rts_420 She te $2 e 4 our—MiiiTtoba, first patents, *0; seconds, $5.40; strong bikers', $5.30; Ontario winter wheat pat- eits, $3.30 to $3.35. COUNTRY PRODUCTS. Cheeses -Large, 13c to 13%c; twins 13%c to 13Y2c. Butler — Wholeeale • quotatiens are :— resale -4-rprints-,Thip-_--4:7-----Arrecte:26e do ids fac to 240 Deify printeTschace do oirdloary 210-to=c Dairy tubs 21 t 0° Inferior . .. 170 to 18c Eggs --20c to 21c per dozen in case lots. , A ,,Second 'n eee , • ti.! was ,Inade Tatsmila )121acitttktt::::tlf "1,7°9134k1.0 0. :Thr ee le emPtied their rtsts6 vers the!, * but:failed to hit The police shot tiftwit one a th4E:olitile,v' re• tatioaliste, but tile othbr two es- eaAPdde'sp114-6 front Tehe'rtlya tells of an armed • collision between the in- habitants of two neighbokirin: id vil- Inges lanjad", inrwslitirc 44,--734,--13V110e7 pound lard, 8,Yee to 934e; jure lard, 12%e to 13e; kettle rendered, 130 to 13%9 hams, 1234e to 14e, accord- ing to size; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15c; Windsor bacon, 15c to 160; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, *1T0h;ehibvueheer6.17o5cationla7;• ketsisArall* •.% finest creatuer*-"*Iiti --cpiated'at s , a jebbing way. Prices of eggs are firzn ander a good demand. Selected stook 23e; No. 1, 20e, and No. 2, 160 per doz- en. " Western, cheese were quoted at 1234e to 12Xte, and eisterns at 1234c to 144c. Receipts to -day were 7,- 037 boxes, as against 17,517 on the corresponding date last year. `• Children Lost Their -Liires at Col- , fax, aW 1---Jhrolgton. , A despatch front Colfax, Wash., says: Six children are dead and tsvo others ,are burn.ed so seriousI4 that "DEAD" WOMAN REVIVED. Resuscitated Atter Her Life Had Apparently Fled. A desPateb from New Britain, Conn., says: After having been pro- nounced dead by the medical ex- „ sEekaoTekesitko=14blesiWossateassesse on for -the removal of her body given, Mrs. Eva .Washkiewiss ki. of this city was later revived by another physician and is now ex- pseted to recover. Mrs, Washkiee wiski, who is 48 years old, drank large quantity of the acid, and then summoned her friends and board- ers in the house saying that she wished to say good-bye to them, as she was going on a long journey. ...eitstascolicksitsta $ oon became uneoniiious. The po- jeer •were oetifted, " -- them Medical raLininer_ # Wright went t� the house 11r • i,Vright, it is alleged, pronounced the woman dead and gave permits - skirt for the removals of- the body. Soon after his departure, it is said, Poultry — Spring chickens live recovery is doubtful at the . W. another phycieian revived and ree weight, 13e to gm ; fowl, 100 da lie- Schultz ranck between Colfax and ducks,' 10e to 12c; dressed, 2e high! Belrouse, resulting from a fire that stored her to consciousness. er. destroyed their home on Wednete per da ht. Four of the dead were TWO MEN MET DEATH. rt pound. children o rst o -Ileadssand-Never--Re-- Beans—Primes, $2 to $2.10; hand- were children of W. W. Fox, picked, $2,10 to $2.20, brother-in-law. The WWI were away gained Conselousnese. Potatoes -600 to -we per bushel harvesting, and the mothers were A despatch from Renfrew, Ont., in farmers' waggons. attending a theatrical performance. says: While engaged in loading The two eldest Schultz girls at- telephone pofes on e flat coo at PnovInows. tempted to reseue the children, but. Caldwell's station, on Thursday, lost the way to the door, and were jos. Sutherland, of that place met Pork—s,Short ,ent, 443-60 POI' bar- forced to drop the babies to make death tamest 'instantly firsfaThng - el; rtLestefllrele9s•tontetubs t-; ,c; tgehrear:isa_mownteamtdryei The cause of the backward off the top of the car and pails12%e ,ked and DrSalted Meats— ys striking on the back of hi'shead. S . sr,He died in about an hour after the moy , fall, before medical attendance 1.4011g cleat -bacon, to ANOTIIER CANOE VICTIMf s tons and cases; hams, mediem snit *P.M* GREAT BRITAIN. Miesionaries and workers from all parts of the world will take part in a great missionary conference to be held in Edinburgh in 1910. T.. Wi Burgess was compelled by ail' adverse tide. to give, up his at- tempt to swim the English Chan- nel when within a wile of hit goal. - UNITED STATES. Experiment-Ts—lire being made at Pittsburg with an ozone water purifier. Twenty-five negroes were lynched ja the United States in the last sixty days. Picnickers near Camden, N,J., found thee hi:Ay of a Man of 35 in a _bunk in a. ravine. Two rival merchants at "Robin- eonville, Miss., fought a duel with pistols. Both will die. . • Rev. James D. Phelps, Treasur.. er of Syracuse University, commit- ted suicide at Utica, N. Y. Eighty per amt. of the •. coal mines along the Monongahela are idle, on account of the low water in the river. Chicago customs officials have seized tapestries, paintinge and sta- tuary valued at $80,000 as being falsely entered. The 'United States has given Bol - land a free hand to act Meting `Vretiezuela so long as sob military occupation of territory takes place. airra.....•••••• GENERAL., Japanese spies have been arrest-, ed on Peter the Great Bay, south ef Vladivostok. The Turkish Grand Vizer has promised to withdraw Turkish troops from Persian territory'. ' Holland does not want the aid of any °t -he; nations in her demon- stration against Venezuela. Leaders of the Young Turks will meet in Geneva shortly to consider the question of deposing the Sul- tan. It is hinted at Berlin that King Edward's Nisit to the Kaiser may result in, an Angl Gcrnian under- Etzsisditig: 'The nest Turkish binet has Suffered's serious loss through t e :death of Itedieb ,Pasha, the War ,Minister. Oottitt;Zeppetin. the.. ventor, it`prenaring lto build three giant balloon halls, besides factori- es and Ostlers for workinem.' ' Abdul Atli, the' Sultan a Mo. roico, won a commletevititort over his ltrother, Mulai 300 of the Iatter'S Mien and wound. ing 500. W. C. SUIT APPOINTED. New General Manager for take Superior Corporatiou. A' despateh • from. Sault Ste. iittrie, says: W. C. SrAuf of Charlcstown, bas been appoint. tioneral Manager of the Lake Superior Cor9porat19n, lieis ex. Ikf'ctCd to arrive tbie Week to take, c mike of the allied 'industries the toinTany. Sant was 'formerly 'General, Manspor of the Xartawhit, v3t West.Vir rat" Railway. $4; 1, 4•1115110.14. light, 14%� to 15c; hams, large, Mise Margaret Copland, of Mont - 12%c to 13c; backs, 17%e to 180; real, Drowned. A despatch from Montreal says: Miss Maragaret*Copeland, of this city, was drowned on Wednesday in Lake St. Joseph, near St, Adolphe , de Howard,s,,, while out boating. She was paddhng with her brother when a guat of wind upset their canoe about 30 feet from the shore. Young Coplend immediate- ly dived after his sister, and made agallatit•atterapt,to rescue her, ,but when close to shore be clung so tightlylo him that.both went down and he lost his hold. Even then the lad dived several times, but failed to find his sister, and finally became exhausted, and when he reached the -shore was picked up itnconscious. Miss Copland's body was later reeavered. She was a teacher in Prince Albert School. shouldere, 100 to tic; rolls, 1034c to 11c; breakfast 'bacon, 15c t..9 161,4c; green ineats, out of pickle, le less than smoked. •Iimar441••• UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, Aug. 25.—Wheat -- September, $1.01% to $1.01%; De- cember, Sp; No. 1 hard, $1.24; No. i Nort ern, $1.24; No. 2 North- ern, $1.20 to $1.21; No. 3 North- ern, $1.13 to $1.14. Flour — First patents, $6.15 to $6.25; second pat- ents; $6 to $6.15; first clears, $4.- 35 to -$4.45; second clears, $3.50 to $7.60. Bran—In bulk, $19,50 to $20. Buffalo, Aug. 25—Whest—Winter higher.; No.'42 riid 98,140; No. 3 ex= tra red, 97e; No. 2 white, 1:49e No. 2 mixed,8e. ' Corn—Higher; No 3 yellow, 84e; No; 4 yellow, 83c; .No. 3 corns 81 to 82e; No. 4 corn, to__80c 7. No. 3 white,_ 3e. (Mt— Higher; No. 2 white, bi% to 51%e; No. 3 white, 50.34 to 50e; No. 4 white, 49% to 40%c, Rye—No. 2, track, 81e. - • •11.1.wormonem CATTLE MARKET. Torcinto, Aug 25.—In export cat- tle sales were recorded in two in- stances on a basis of $11.40 per cwt. Light export cattle brought $4.50 to $5 per cwt.There is a fair de- mand for butchers' cattle at firm prices. The highest 'figure given out was $4.90 "paid for sotne pretty fair cattle. Buyers maintain that tt5 would be paid for selea stoat. Prices of good 'COWS 'were up 20 to 44e per cwt. Select butchers' cat. tie,' $4.80'to $5.10; good bade, .$4.- 40 to $4,75; wealth *3.60 to $4.25; mon, , $2.50 Or $4.50; 'best cows, 70 to $4.4,Q; common cows), 2..e to VW; halite per e*L. ealveswere, uoted at 3 to ec pe pound.' ' f r, MONTREAL gARKETs. Montreal, Aug. 25. -S -Oats are in quiet demand. Manitoba, No. 2 white, 48e; No, 2, 47e, and reject- ed. 45e per bushel, ex -store. • Flour was fairs Choice Spring wheat patents, $0 to, $6.101 sec - ends, $5.50; winter wheat patents, $61 straight rr,ilere $4.30 to *4,60; dc,., in bags, $1,96 to $2,10; extras, *1.05 to $1.75. Manitoba bran, t22 to $23.4, short $(.'..t; Ontario bran, $21 to $22 middlings, $21 to $25; borts, *20 per ton, including, bagss pure grain $110 to t32, and milled made', $23 to,$24 pet ton. rrovisionS—tarrtl*,, short tut $11.50; ha1fbatel, $11,50; ar fat back', $23; thy -salt ion etear.backs, Ile; barrels plate lice $117.04 hulf-'harrelt 44).1 IK Cosa-, • ,g60. •t( '.A161 BEYOND CONTROL. or-Vst Ifirts—Mth11115 Dtk Great Damage in British Coltimbia. A despateh from Cranbrook, B. C., says a bush fire near Kimberley is _beyond control, and is running north towards. Skookunchuck Ceee Sullivan and Iiiitsber16i are, safe There is a bad forest fire one utile east of Moyle. Another Are is burning at Wan. No rain for over a month heis made everything tio dry that firghting is very di& cult. could arrives—He was 45 years of age, and unmarried; Chas. MeGhean, a prominent far- mer of Bromley, and a member of the Township Cowneil, died on Wed- nesday from injuries received by s fatal fall. He was working in Ids barn and W048 13-tanding in the UMW when lie was struck by the hayfork, knocking him from where he was standing, and falling on the barn floor on his head. He was about tiO years of etre. and leaves a family ot young children. His wife died about two months ago. •••••••••••••••••••••44•14•••11111144.444,....,... PRELIMINARIES. The farmer had the toothache, and to save a trip to town and a dentist's fee he asked his -man stake tii pull out the aching tooth. Jake led him to the barn, seated him on a bench, and took from the harness - room a pair of very large, rusty pincers- • "Here goes," he said, and brae-- ing himself, extracted a huge tooth. The_ fin:riser dapped his hand tx, •his jaw and pointed reproachfully W the large, white tooth in the pin- cers. "Why, Jake," he moaned, "that's the -wrong one." "I know," said Jake, bracing himself again: "but now I can get at the other handior." goremoinwe 411,16.****.mierom He --"Do you believe all this about man being descended from a monkey 1" She -- "You surely, haven't the face to deny itl" REHM OSPERITY, Depokts By Publip itt Canada Show an bus AAA. , Gro Amue ' A ti Leh from ' Ottawa sa$7s: The bank"statenientfifor July was issued on Thursday night. The ehinges from lad month are signi. ficant. They indkate that the peo- ple of Canada have the looney, but are, adopting * Conservative poliey. The !statement is of a distinctl hopeful character. On the liability eid e of the ac- ceunt the notes' in circulation show ' decrease of $1,450,100. The bat- te due to the nonunion Gmern- ent has been reduced by 55,100,- 000, while the belittlers due to pre vintial Governnients hat increasei by $1,16000: 1)ep9site by the public, 1$*yable: eti demand., in ('anada, have in. eatited by $3;513,000, and payable $3,179A)0. This is re. gardetl as dear evidente that tho Cansdisn r* not, rklute *•pA, , , tit sPectiAs.tive ventures. pifs ta elsewhere than ,in Can* ada elthw the astodishing increese in the month of #9s050,000. The total liabtlities for July are $756,328,319, an increase of $9,581 099. Turning ,to the 'assets of the banks, the specie in hand ehowe an nerease of $760,00. and Domin- ion notes of $3,250,000. • • The balance due from other banks r ,ageneica in the 'United States 0 increased by $1,121/000: and m batiks itt foreign,eountries 111 ,082 i ,000. Call and short lovit. n Fula; have, deeretteed by 000,, and elsewhere than in Canada have increased by $2,150000. eiserent leart$ in Canada 'show a eduction of $0,102,000 'The total *sets amounted to $934.411 eornpareJ with $096,017.00. ' 4,4407 *4 • sksltS''ss.SS'SYSI.s4 „..