HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-27, Page 8. ES M.422 1Q0 Choice Music. ROSE 01" r1'BAL1t1 "ClittEE FISHERS I1 ALF retAS'T' 111.6r1I \vi+iAttY' BRITISH L10 - 1, WII.A.T A.1 .E TUE WILD WAVES, lee. Leet. COME O'ER. TIIE MOONLIT SEA Duet. Price 10 cents each. South postpaid ou receipt of ln•iuu, 1130 in ttuett "Juusst s'Musicnl(`.ate- chism " Price 36 cents. Cxeruy's rel Velocity Exorcises, yr t•1'4atd everywltare as a means of tt:nitti ing delicacy and rapidity in auguring '�tttbAv 11Utlll stuUk tlupplled to order. (Song.) tt J. GRI( -G, ttuolealler, slain Street, Exeter, Ont' Oi 1( ,+a Iced' THURSDAY, \1.AY 27 1880. LOCAL NEWS. The Ye otic Belt Co., Marslutll,:tXlcll., t1'ill Rona their oetebratee Else tro-Foltaio Belts to the aittietud upuu iJ da3s trial. Speedy ogres puaranteud. They moan what they say. Write to Brent withtiat delay. Laud salt for sale at Bissett Brhs. Crompton seed corn, whish took first prize at the South Heron Fall Slum. Excels auy other. For sale at I. CAnbtsa's Laird salt fur sale at leis,.ett Bros. The only piece in town for' oltildren's oarri- a:;es aid velocipedes is at Chas. I;aorett's. Gafi cad see them. eieuptou seed corn, wltiuh took first prize at the South Huron Fall Show. Excels any other. Fur side at I. Carling's. Croquet setts, at Central Drtig Store. -Buyyoar combs, brushes, toilet soaps anal hair (die at the I)omiuiun Laburatury. Sign of Golden Mortar. Save tuuuey by subscribing for the Casei n:ex Femme the oulvr anriovltural weekly in the Dominion, now ie els scooted volume. 1i i:raetical hints ou farming are very valuable. lttad the advertisetueut iu another column. For the teeth. buy "Teabo,ry"-at the Do- minion Laburatury. Sign of the Golden Mor- tar. 3.CIM IIEAualr.-Mr. Will. Drew's now hearse will arrive this week. Mr. Drew claims to LAW tltcl ltaudsonlest hearse in the county. C"oxmwtr 1-arr.-The contract for digging the celiac fol Mr. L Carling's new store was let on Tuesday evening to Mt. Tnomae Veal. Ix Towtr. -3Ir. F. (3•. Simpson, teller of lfol- s"us Bank, lrtgersoll, was ht town. on Sunday hast. lie shot in a. glass ball match as Lucau the 24th, and, as n.nal, made a good score. Itrrntss:irerlv)..-At the moetiug of the Loudon District of thielfethodist °Much., Leltl at London last week, Mr. Geo. Willie appeared as lay reprtflontative of the Exeter church. Svezitextrersr>.-The many friends of Itev. W. Lund. of1)ulcihester, and for three years Methodist minister in Exeter, applied to the London 1)htriut at its meeting last week • for suite:auuxted relation, a request wiriolr will, no doubt, be granted by the conference. Mr. Lund has been a tang, suceessfnl laborer for Methodism, and has well earned the retirc- lueut widen he is about to receive. You Bcoreee n. -On Tuesday eveuing last, Mrs. David McLen:tan, of 111yt[t, formerly of Exeter, posed sed through Exeter on the L. H. & D. R. on her way to Scetlaud, her native coun- try, where site iilton.i:t to spend. the summer Blot the in vision;; her friends. A. few of her Exeter friends met her at the etatiun here,aud wished. her bun voyage. innovate res Pnorju'rr,-Mr. I, Carling of White, of the `mitts. Its opposition appears to bo determined. that uo private resi. donee in this part of the country obeli be wore eotupletta in every appoiuttusut than his. Hie 1atett improvement is in the shape of a large windutill erected in the grounds in the rear of his harem, The twill is guttgod to run either fast or slow, and immediately beneath it is an iu x r, Queoe's Birthday, was very quiet- ly nbserve,l iu Exeter, all places of bubiuees be- ing eluseel, tau l tete. most of our citizens off to other pies :a. The retiway appeared to be do. Mga guo.l iietvinees in 1iaseenger traffic. The day wed waeie. but the temperature was not so higu fes to provv.ht po•iple amu.tiug thuweulveb. to his aged father, with the care of a family .on leis sliouldt're, in opptlsit1on oleo to his pronounced; political prinai plea, and I have heard of his Solemn ttgreemont, he started the paper. Not content with turtling his batik on lite family, friends, principles anti honor to excellent well and pump attached to the mill. gain a livelihood, he at hist stoops to At nearly the sante }light as tlluwiudruillthere ttdwiiiug an 'allele into hie paper in is a large tank to reeeive the water whiult is forced lute it through a pipe, when the mill is wonting. To this tank hose is attached;whielt runs over the grouuds. There is also a fount. aiu attached which eau be moved to all parts of the garden. It comes iu ustfnl as lawn sprinkler, or it calibe need in the ease of tire. The affair is a novelty. Who will Fay that Exeter has not waterworks after thio? 0ocson, U:a'avu os. --The Council met by order of the Reeve, at the Market House ou May 10th. All the luenibets present except 3. Pickard. The miuutes of the previeuslnoeting were read and confirmed. lu oonsequonce of it having been foutta that the requite number of names were not upon the petition presented to the eonnett at the meeting held on the 14th inst., it wall noon eary to rescind. the motion respecting the potitiou. Xt was moved by E. Drew, seeonaed by W. 13is: ett, that the motion respeottug the petition be roseinctod, and the petition returned to the petitioners for ata- uleuthneut,--Carriect. Moved by J. Manton, abounded by W. Bissett, that this council ad- journ until Friday the 21st inst., at 7.30 p. m. -Carried. Fuse, .'v rmar:--Tiirongliovit the surround- ing eo•lutry sirs eairti, except where wattr- kille., it ver. i.e. .lee.:4, louke oxee+lout, and 1)rlle..,l :,)i a... :dee, harvest. The :veather of the east :u.. ;...i 1,:1 b !,,11. very fovorabte,aud only r.er,` + ,., cv.l :..• t;, ensure one of the nloai-h'uat:.1I it,o 1'A4 (CL t.Ii thuds uf grain eisr lateen i" c -t,1 ea.lu ry.. 'Some. To A er. erteette.-Iiietrnetiens have been let 1 e •...1 tii.s 1'eet O,tico 1)opurtuteut Ill rni. t:tee 1) : to .S.lnioea..e of lta.t:l-bill:t Sn 11,'. Y•iee eel .t , L)-,4 el Lit;. 1f n1i:y a..1 on - The council met pursuant to adjournment at the Market House, on May 21st. All the tnernbeta present. The minutes of the pre. riuus meting were read confirmed. The pe- tition for watering Main street referred to pe- titiuuers at the last meeting was amended and again presented. Moved by 3. Pickard,. seconded by E. Drew, that this council aeoeed to the request of the petitioners, and that a by-law be prepared accordingly, provided the sura of $20.00 be guar auteed by the petitioners for that uurpose.-Uerriod. illovea by J. Pick- ard, seconded by W. Bissett, that this council adjourn until the 28th inst.-Carried. M. i�Acn31s', Clerk. which his father is tleserioed iii lan- guage unfit for description of the must degraded human Wine, The ttlotrcn% when be ordered it to be inserted taunt have been the arownittg moment of This life; he certainly then won the tiog-skin medal of which Glallins speaks. But 1 am dreadfully nauseated when I think of eoudnot so base nod treacherous, It is an ill bird Ste. But we leave him to the scorn he deserves. is struck lie very forcibly on reading the article. that the other editor and Gladtus were one and the share person. The medi- an) editor has an extended reputation for a superior education and vast lit, orary culture. I have heard it stated that he mild recite the whole of Mil- ton's wnrke, and quoted Shakespeare in hie sleep. Ho is a good man to edit a Refnrtn paper. Does he forget, or ()nee he think the Reformers of the vi• oiuity forget the furious and loud m;it7tlred abuse he formerly heaped oil ue? Doer; he forget that bis favorite name for a Reformer was scoundrel and rebel ? Dres be forget the diegraoeful part he tame in this township in the elaetinn of 1872, when apparently Graz eta with drink, he, in the most foul and blaapltemolle language, denounced the harry, threatene.l to shoot any man voting for M. C. Cameron, flourishing n pistol to make his threats more ef- fective, while rumor had it that he car. rigid ret the time a snore or more of dol. terra in his pocket, the price of his onm. ing to vote for Greenway ? Here are two worthy editors for a hbernl paper. I wash my benne of them after this let- ter. The Reform party want no in - imbue like this to neigh them down. These are the leen to dies to not only to the Reform party, lent to the Units. (teal$ aseuranca go farther ? The Ite- OFrICEse eEcTEn: -The ft,ltowing aro the form lterty cannot and do not expect officers elected atthe annual meeting of the any nerticnlar favors from the TI31Es, South Huron Liberal Conservative Associa- vet T consider yen have always Riven tion held in Exeter ou R'udnesday °'f hast tie fnir play. From my stand point week :-President and Treaseror,D. il.ltielrie, yell are wrong but still consistent, erotism P. 0. ; Secretary, (Y. H. Jackson, Eg- and consistency is a jewel. For the moudville P. 0. Viae-Presidents-Goderieh £owuship--G. Hotily, Ceoderich P. 0.; W 111- iiutt, Porters Hill P.' 0.; 3. Peacock, Goderieh P. 0.; J.:'Vhitiv, GotlericleP.,0.; J. Sheppard, Rolluesville P. 0.; W. Murphy, Clinton P. O. Stanley -J. 3osliu, Varna P. 0.; W. Graham, Brneeff.ld P. 0.; G. Castle, Bayfield P. 0.; T. Simpson, Tama P. 0. Hay -\i . Colwell, Hensall P. 0.; J• Swinerton, Hay P. 0.; T. J. credit and good name of the Reform nerty, 1 as rine of thele wish to repn tical the dictation nr organshilt of the Reflector. sod Gtadiils too, whoever he ie. or env snob scurrilous person. We are forced to repudiate it if we wish re - erectable existence as a harry. Re- gretting the extremity that leads me to ask the nae ofynnrarth,mns,audtbai+k- Wilson, Hensall P. O.; W. Fee, Znrioh P. 0.; t i)rg von for the nae of them to ventilate J. Petty, Howell P. 0.; H. Orth, Dashwood P. 0. Usborne-T. Coates, Exeter P. 0.; D. Mills, Wiucbelsia P. 0.; J. I'raucis, Kirkton P. 0.; L. Hunter, Exeter P. 0.; T. 'i•:L. Kay, Fargnhar P. 0.; Jas. 1:Iail,Eliruviile P. 0. Ste- pheu-J1. Keys, Shipka P. 0.; Dr. Rollins, Crediton P. O.; A. Leary, Crediton, P. 0.; F. Evens, Ueetralia • P. 0.; B. Coughlin, Credi- ton P. 0.; W. Beim, Ueutrttlia P. 0. Teeker- sm)th---W.ItfcQaade, Eginondvrliu P.O.; R. R. Elgtu, Brucefield P. 0,; R. Newel, Chisel- burst P. 0.; 3. Itattenbnry, Brucefield P. 0.; S. Wallace, Egtnoudville P. 0.; J. Fitzgerald, Heneall P. 0. Settfurth P. 0.-J. H. Benson, F. Helmeted, 3',hn Kyle, T. Ilitld, T. Ryan. Exeter P. 0.-L Carling, L..Hardy, R. Sand- ers. Glintou;P. 0.-W. Doeerty,lt, M. Racey, P. Cautelon. Bayfield P. 0.-13. Wanwright, W. W. Garners, 3. Rutledge, R. l forrieou. see -sees 7o the Editor of the l:'a'eler Tines. .DEAR :Silt, -Although putitically opposed to you, 1 bog the use of your srtllutnue to relieve my wind. I stn a plan) man and have not a great deal of education, but thank God I think I have Horne of the milk of human Jciud- nets and a little common decency in my breast Politically I have been Ta a 1.i,efornier fur the last 211 yours, when I first voted, rtud cin aiu still. Aa a iibersi man, 1 read both tele Reflector and T»1ga. 031 reading the issue o1 the Rt'llc'etor of May 13th, in which a eonerwtnlatory address ie ieened, stud in which it disclaim, wateringn int,) scur- rilous or persotlal ntattere, I was dis- gusted pixel atnctzai1 at reading in the 01•'8.)41' ' l'''' tt:)ret,'ar titre 11"of pont- ,;a4Ie lsetle i71 which the noble dielttitn- a{,'tt..t , , ,,sr 0,1,11 violate this rule i or is given 11,11 article concerning your- wr.11. ,, .;., ;,..;;aed.ieveru.noet. 2.r our i self, milt bigtted "(Iladini.." FM' down - n 'vsl. ur•. .:.i.td..tJ.l 10 t1iSa.Ihihffitit, tile! 1'iy;ht, 11,w 111)11141' tallii bta1pilomuy,t don't prat:, ., f tilled the atter k weir evt,rt•gnalled,even lIts `T x1114, Such epithets 115 "ar+.swung C -111 l l 41:ty crfmilig;hY1lr•a1lt.," "cluirliell antedelnvnarl, ,. , r, m11.1 4, Mr. Andel.- 'I fuseillg'd' Tore,'" eftl `tIie;zebub" aro . nstinneeut a. atilt; from hurled ie it 1 discritnilIata 1nry sit yaw set horse and leggy ?JAW ti. 1t hs}ltd, Altholrgli 1)1'nsule111eii with a , i)a e.61J0 out, ace11•rree i J..t '1t big words and sonic Latin, 1 cull tt t.1 to conn) to town I make no auntie JOG of the article, only i et plate .n see if it r t ha native, lava llr•tl at rm. 1 sec the' . .i. c"nlil i ee% welling 1 paper is l'tli,lis1001 by \V,,ite It Cowen. of :t., -. t ... .'arra i'n it y ..eerday tnirnine j 1, as 000 to the ItufurtU part•y,have had tvft.'11 .•17 . a •.. Erin,•• nut•,it to Ionil;ert•iiln )nidi nn norfiiaciteo itr the t acct utldca' its Wm ,.'r.ia!,lo,i.t.)'malt a :rem driving i]i11111.1(f l'r''Nrrrtt owmei'1•hip. 1 t.htughtboth of his ill.. 17311+ 1 y:i:.j. I: lead bet111left ,.tttrtlt.' them Tur1°'H of the avni'tt 'damp. 13ut big ?a 'it•, i.:s''+rr it's, rt..71 611,tt goritien)lu, (111•llitta curs the 6tI11 17 that bailie the: teke 1 e0 1 of t1 rtl• ni,;nt, anti fulfil Ile could I 13`I11'41'H )ealt:. I.et, me an d1yza these 140n0 i it.. )•i. " 11., v ;A 51 meet settrvy trir.k,' %le/leetnr pei,lllq tubo liVe in. It glass ttrttite Po t . n `'S r•n t r d r 't ' and fG tv cess , rill 1b t. �\ hltt' tt)ut VW a. 1 + eery, if .li.,tcu�erud; should be •+ ,I'Itn)a1n:U. a•.rItsly.,. - I of tlie.%e'rfle•ctor, is, 1 understand, a sou my honest opinions, 1 am, sir, ynllrs t&c., Ay era I' �itrroltlutslt. Stephen, May 24t3, 11380. ST. MARY S. TWENTY MILL'S FROM EXETi 11-••.•1u FROM WOQDEAM c KIBXTC-N Cutting Gods at CLtse Prices Even, Farmer in tho Country ought to buy his goods now, and. E'1.Ly WhO.•e 'You Can 231.7 the Cheapest Editor «f it)tes-DEAR SIR : Irl the issue of your towu u,)utelnporary of the 8th rust., I Was shown a glint er- tiole which attacked you in a most shameful mad uueal!ed-for manner. Until I read that article I was uudet the impression that shoemaking was a respetttuble 'busiuese, but it seems not to he se regarded by your contempor- ary, for iu a Lateu quutatiou he sneers at and ridicules all bttoemakets. The quotation, I find on commit: ug the back end of the oammon dictionary frons which it wee horrotted for the cc cadiun by the gifted aii.l educated edi- tors, weans this, that a shoemaker halt no uusieess to leave his last to find any other weans of gttieiug a livelihood. I have yet to learn ttnet au honest tradesman is less respectable than either an editor or a doctor, and I am aura thltt a eboeniaker has at wench right to becutne a newspaper publisher at the driver of a Miller's dray Lae to cell Limeelf tt doctor. But I am the more surprised at the foregoing quota• teen being used when 1 learn that one of the proprieturtt of the paper referred to, acid in all probability the writer of the aittclo, is himself the son of a shoemalter. The spectacle of one rIrli- outiug the budiue:,s wiicli supported liiul iu childhood is oue which we are nut utteu uttllad upon to witness. Ile inner be a nice yuuug man who noun du ba. But this, sit•, is not sus worst of that vunornuntt little article. it says the devil id more worthy of respect thau you. Pretty strong language. The young" mitn who could write that of hie owe father tnuet have a high reepeet for himself, It outrages alt deceuey. 1 'hardly know whether to fel pity of contempt for a young Alan who in the vigor of early manhood cot11(t bring himself to eatet itt b)tsitnets agrtiulrt hie aging father to drive him and hie own )pother out uf the place,. and then could permit t<ttolt lallgultge reepcctiug hie father• to enter hie col - wane. I believe that .[iat'uttuors have faith in the. ttttd lini;,w that oue of the CcronrUaurtluer'tHrays "llunor thy father," eze. What do th.-y t.Lielc of r , than way of obeying cltvitlr, coupest at,d i shad I c1u lied uo t)t ee:nue PRICES FOR Tr -IS MONTH. . STRONG TWEED -82o. and 45e. per yard upward. COTTON SIIIRTINGS-Best value in the lm.rket, 15o,, a,ud 160. TOWELLINGS, 50, per :yard up. DRESS GOODS --Special Lines, 10e, 12,1e, 15e, and 25e. BLACK CASHMERES -]jest Colors ---Cheap. See our Suits of. Clothes to Order to,00, e10.00 -STRONG -CAN'T TEAM TEE GOODS. Ready -Made Clothing. LARGE ,8T0CI WELL MADE, -MEN a BOY'S. MILLINERY-Gran'd Show this Season.. TERMS CASH -ONE PIIIOR. Geo. Y. Eaton & Co.., St. Marys. mosmantalamerawaraprmars k for the use of such language. So far as I Lave seen the lams, no remarks have ever been made to draw forth such wicked language. Had the writer ,tuplied it to the most grovelling human being ou earth, he should feel asbarned, but when he says it of his own father, whom ho has tried to ruin in •business1l cuubider it the most blltnleful I ever Lead. Can shill `a young man look any person iu the face? Surely not. Who could ? I also observe that tho article palls you a crawling hypocrite. , As a matter of fact, there is no mall in Exeter, so fear as auy knowledge of your lawn extends, wlhuee reputatiou is a mere complete answer to that charge. 1 have known your family (exeept yourbelf and ohildreu) for a number of years, iu fact ever slice they moved into the adjoiuiug Township of Blau - shard, and they have proved them- selves at till times and under all oir-I cuulstanoes ouneisteut and conecisu- tiuue Conservatives. I know whereof 1. speak, the family having resided but a short distance from me for some time. That mneh I can testify for the mem- bet s of the family who resided iu Blau- shard. As to yourself, the people of Exeter are capable of judging. But what must be said of one or both the editors of your contemporary. Let hoe describe them briefly, end 1 Eball show yon that they are both hvpi,crites of the most detestable deseriptiou, and nuworthy the uoufideuce of any man or auy party. I will prove my charge. They contented themselves with mak. lug a charge against yon, but failed to support it pith a tittle of evidence. When your son was about ettartiug hie paper, I met him op the street and asked him why be was ehauging his politics coal propoeiug to run a Reform paper. lie grew indignant and virtu out -very virtuous. Said ho, " I start a Reform palter. I hope you do not think ale capable of anything of too kind. The paper is not mire at all. I have nettling whatever to do with it, except to get paid for my work. If it takes rnoiley.1 guilt nothing by it. If it loses I don't." That was a clear way of atletiug it. I didn't believe hila, and time has proved that he told me e, defibryttte untruth. To a friend of tnine who interrogated Minix on the sane subject he said tkie paper would be etl•ietl) ifrdopendent, while he hltu-• self would. vote Conservative. He' wouldn't f t o moment thinkk of start- ing a 11.sform paper. Saab a rinlior had been put in circulation by interes- ted parties to injure him wit'.b the Con. tsarvative party. Was be telling the tenth 2 Wile is the bypr.orite 2 Wile deserves the pity: if not the !'corn and' contempt cif the community 2 13ut I might relate another incident which proves how double.fiteed he ill, and Row reedy to ropey cottfiflsnce with treachery. 3 t justifies your statoiticut that he it trying the Iiefurni party as n Cat's paw.to pull his ahesilutm neat of the fire. About noon the day of the O rillernn.lairttr election, one of your tt. +;, llrvtneu [lis store' aoin(;s from him BO T S, EOES .ND„iv.a--s e,. hip hawing purcltatted the Boot and Slim, matte of W. II. 'Trutt, we claw now oiler to tiie I'r'Llio U1107,1 thw Best an . Cheauest Stocks of ready matte work ever offered in Exeter. We would alar; remind tlloke in want of tlrb -alai:,, home-mado Boots unit 91100e, sewed and t egged, that we Dau supply them with what will bi«e sat- isfaction. Repairing clone at lowest rates and satisfaction guaranteed. (:all and see far yourselves. Dun' forget the placo-.Eaerott's Bloch. 0. EACRETT. I R. ABRAHAM. Doter, Fobruary Jt), 7890. 6m. and I can furnish the namo if you re- quire it] was passing the office of the Reform paper. The editor who +had lately been connected with the TIMES was standing at the iter end shut au- costeil the townsmen "\%-all, J., .L believe we'll be beaten." The other, a Conservative, replied shortly, l.1 hope 63." `i Yee, but 1 mean Potter-l'ia afraid He'll be• beaten. and he ought to be sleeted." " Why, surely you're not a Conservative ,.u(1 miming a Grit paper. are you!" exclaimed the aetou- felhed towiistnet. •' Of course I'm a Conservative, the sal, e as I always tics. The paper is only printed in illy offiee for another person. That don't prevent nye having my own opinion,, turd I hope Porter will be elected." Who ever l.eard of more truculent knavery 2 Who can be certain bow lie voted'? • "Aud yet ho talks of hypocrisy. els to the person whom you term the medical editor, we Coneervetives know I hila call oue of the noisiest and fonlest- tnoutbed Tories in South Baran -e, dirgrade to any patty -yet 1.e likes to be print for his abuse of Refortllert, I will say flus for Lire, 'however, that if lots, attarse abuse fe worth,Nay, 110 is %illiu0 to tlo his share very e leap, audit: )till give an unlimited quantify of it for $50, and will ever, take S 20, f tiling to exact $50. As 1 sit and think of it, ..[. ftw amazed at the hardihoed of these luau ill ohnrging anyone with hypnc- ,rity, and amused at the huge fraud 'theey are perpetrating ou the Reform party. I challenge OAtatic to produce a parallel to this transparent fraud. C'How 1 or.yy the foolirtge of diose good, 8)110818 ltefortrters who have to - dip into their pockets to 65811tin 1111 O1rtilu: Lion controlled (n two. sited linen 1 The experiel 00 1113181 lie a peculiarly happy one. hypocrisy 1 Every word in their paper is dictated by that loath- some viae. They charge at7ynrie with hypocrisy 1 It' 1s the cheek ie4t piece of business I evi'r traced ni, crXeel)t per. haps tite astounding and phenomenal. cltcelt which enabled tl)tttn to pet thein- ttelv.ie forwvkril its the mcuthpu•co c.:f rho llefoi tit party. Yours fruly, A CoNsst:hi'VAS Ivr i3n711olt71l1t of THE Tli1Fs. Uoborne, gay 22, 1880. {