Exeter Advocate, 1908-08-20, Page 4 (2)4orti Qrsreeee. Peeves
conitervOilvitgA Ito SeL
umidier, Oei0,- the
-.eerie* tetielliet e ea,
e Of filemilioe.* 4,4 a 1
ritt• 00
A, a
tiye. cendidete. o le t
c$di14t to be The than* tfOr
consortittirettsin stem to be so • P;Q°41
evoretily meritioned and may again
be the mate Hugh Speckmen of Exe.
ter, an eX.'Werrlen of the comity an
an able fellow, well known in every
f the riding, le being urged to
date, and if. chosen
LouLd Wi,3..8.. Williamsof Zur.
Prosdnt f the Association, and
Job McNaughton. the strong menet
mationed askorsibit.
while John Matonell of Mtnsall,
st popular feliow, tsetse in the line u
John Shertitt_of
Stepheu. who ieprentedNortb
dleeex when put of Huron was in thee
riding, is uaid to be a favoretLeue. T.
B. Carling of Exater,treasurec nr the
vreitiottetroteltr'eliineed to be' thezflk
for the Joh. Two Sea.forth men, 11.
Broderick and Thomas Haye are each
said to be too strong in the north for
M. Y. and it is largely in the north,
east where the turnovere are made.
Exeter, Stephen ana Usborne, 141:0041
and Stanley ere pretty steady an can
be depended on to give* good Coasters
-•-tteietbe ahla-to-offiet-elitee'Ve.--Itieth
northeast To the delegates whe-it.
tend the convention must be left the
choice of who that man is to be.
Every part of the riding should he
well represented. so that the proper
man may be chosen. Whoever he is
the -people eme-o-my be de.
pended upon to back him on election
day. whenever that may he. That
Sir 'Wilfrid has already been too long
in power is evident in the doings at
Otte**, and the people of Canada are
fully alive to the fact that an end
n3ust be put to the long reign et
cal corruption. In South Huron a
great deal depends on the man to be
men at the Litteral-Conservetive
Convention. He mast be strong, able,
honest, strteeght.forward and without
a, *Igo of "graft" about bun.
A provincialLiberal Coneeletimewill
_ b*iletd Alertly. -
Sir •Wilfred Laurier in his tour of
Ontario is expected to visit Clinton on
or about Sept. 23rd,
The Ontario Government intends to
exhibit and lecture on commingle!) at
several Western OnterieF'all Fairs.
In the recent election In Centre Hu.
rou Proudfoot's expense* were $251.99
and Porter$107.15. That does not
look as though it costs a sessional In.
derimity to run an election.
The Clinton News -Record says that
Mr. Joe. Elliott of Goderich. VsliO was
born In South Huron, preached in
East Huron and resides in Wert Hu
role may be the Conservative etude
deteein tbe South for the house of
/rap. Sankey of Stinky and Moody,
evengellets, tleel In New, rot Thum
day. Asa, writer of hymns and as an
evangelist he was known throughout
the week* ' Favorites are: "The Nicty
and Nine" and "When the Mists. Have
• Rolled Away." -
For $1.210.000 the illeteueetin COM-
pany hes ,been awarded the tender to
erect the Niagara electrical treas.
sisiesiox) lines in ftfteen Months. The
• linear will he 203 miles long. This was
the lowest of 27._ftdents._,...tlie-..begliese
behiirbitra million higher. • •
In- the death of Reuben Fax Canada
. loves one, of her hest _pis .sictotte Ile
atarrecl si Posty Ins*The lite Beier
Basle for *try years. Re was born
In Oxford County. The late "She
PAX, oolgod1411$ was e brother and Jim
Fax. welIknown le Western Ontario,
i• s* ,brother. - •
. It to reported that the frost in the
West lest week did considerable dime
age to the wheet crop in the low lying
kndt but the frost "Mena the out
taut/sof distaste; the drought and bet
. winds did at least as- Much damage as
'Abe frost, and it is note teehisated that
. ***hoot crop for the entire °outgo
• Atilletot seemge over twenty Istishele.
TheSeisketclieweri election' on Fel.
derreturne Ham Walter Scott, 'Llber.
al, ati premier of the provinces although
two of hi* tabinet ministers, . et. A.
. Calder, minister ef educetion, and WI
R. Motherwell, minister of egrietiltie
are among the sham. The. remelt ap
peari to)* 25 to 15 with one
ecy deferred. Mr..S. Letts,
formr Ere hay, ' defeated ,
mints is
y frieudo of Mre, Edwards X11. Ge110
rey to boom thee ithe its still "teed
ery ove *volition, and yetylittet e tee
eterteleed for her mover
3IcNrmgiw liugbLudeu
week With !dee
oudbaw. Mi. Leure Merells
Thee. Willie I
»3rer ot Istoft its, Viotti
,*!evtIng rdiUve,In. otir 01
du ter .th i1m,it
00 .
new toacheti on
lop, Mrs. Polly
t Vie nige see the fire.
re! Cawley on re. Tye/lei:end fem.
ily returned to their home In Detroit
lest Saturday, After Wilting their pare
etas, M. and Mrs. Peed Haber. for a
few vieeekie-The Mimeos 14.adeline
Scott, Edna leilberand Elia Link spent
* few din in Exeter and Zurich last
week. -Earl Geiler,. son of William
Gaiez. landevith
disk k, -ted tniefortune
to •be thrown s erff the Seat --and vi**
dragged coliadereble distanee_hefeot
toiddlitritUipPa. Tee
celyed atievere cut in the leg but is do -
Ing Hotter:nano ie im.-
provIu hie horns by Meltitig 1,144,
and Totem Wertz of te Mich.,
are visiting in our midst, 'The rain
has hindered omeferiners great deal
in their crops. A few lino deys will
dry the oats sulTicleettlyto, piece in the
herne-An utnhrells. repairer struck
our town on Tiniedey and .414 it good
huetnese. They are a neceettary evil.'
• Ientlea'
thereternmaten tub -our =own
The game wee* fest one tbroughott
and *nor the sixth innings had
played, the store stood 5.1 in our fa
or. The Brownies are the coming
senior team and even at theirmun
ageesholeseme vereeltrie playa, 'throb
would, be a credit to older teams. --The
following left here on Tuesday for the
Nerth.weet: Rev. t 11. Bian,Ehl time
&Mind Thos. Leered% John Teats,
Fred and Milton Rainete-Rev, A, Y.
Heists Presiding Elder, will preach In
the leva,ngelima church next Felder
evening, Next Sunday, the pulpit in
the German church 'tern he occupied
hy Rey, .L K EideOf Destrwood, 134th
morning and evening.
-Bowwra._O Friday evening the
Exeter Bowlers art/wed here to Pier
one men. We were rather doehtful,
as to the outcome. Exeter has been
howling for yam.* and our toys are
only beginning. Some very • fine work
was 'done ane when,,the game
Jelettlietnt Atelinees, - the score
,stood a tie* The following Is the re-
Dr. McCqe, skip 9 Tatnatesklp 15
Either Acheson
Rub) McInnes
Mahon Leavitt
Bluett, skip 10 Burden, skip 8
Either Acheson
James Melones
Brown Leavitt
Dr. McCue. skip 15 Burden, skip /0
leuhn Martin ,
Mahon Gregory
piaett, skip 14 Taman, skip 15
, 54
Arrangements are being made for a
return match to be played in Exeter
some night next week. Our. Bowlers
went to7Zutich on Tuesday but at time
of writing we cermet state how they
Dam -One of our oldest residents
departed this life on Sunday last In the
person of John Pbihlp Whft.. *bodied
at agree! 80yearesMr,Whftewas
born In CoroveW„ England, and ablaut
yeatweseeemigtettedUlAb country.
residing In Three WON* QtlebekO, for
eettes_yeers. FrOttl that* ha wont to
Port Elope and a Short time -after.
werdstetieette the toWnsbip of Seeps
hen, where he resided for 52 years.
The deceluted waeone of our most
greeuis fersumersind was well liked by
all who had the pleasure of hie smelted'
temci. Heleriees surverhee a brothers
Thomas in Manitoba ands itietet, Mee.
Ifey of Exeter, outeireis and daughters
who ;mottle with lent on the hotneeteed
and two Ems Its 'Cairo*. In re-
ligion he wee s Heinen Citetheik itnel In
politica * atetinch Mileereet1ve.2_Tbe
sympethyrif-theeiimintioltyis extend.
ed to the hetesive4family.
irucee!d:, Mrs. Risebury. 111.
eta en pailuthgi
latelylnnI ; she 1. 72 years of
le stili abir to 'mink Two nt
re cepiee Of old seas, ters,
it• iteehts, * luting of
SOOte twa
Conies' in Ieket Obn iVAllitONA,L;i:OkirCe
an apint Sundayith
gait* it numbrr attended tbe S 0.
telebration mSettforth an W,dnesday
etel report a large crew
the wetittele--14ie. 3. 13e& of Lnndcyr,
1* vsitfng her'sister, Mrs. John OIij,
Melees' James Ettooteet had return.
ta from Spend:tee eci role or weeks In
Scifettle..4, Glenn and 4. W.
• Stewert, lett for Regime Seek. on
....Taatee Herten and heelliberH,
John, ars **noted heist from the
Wret y. Mew Vette Glee* kft
*'n turdaiyfor Deedellt to teen
her..eektrs **el
T Settforth
eirn4iiy wib fristI,hem,
eel.*is e't
re re tboni,dg botb men and
ho do not take time t� eat
ly They rush through life, and
sult we belie en sete af itedigtee
his, void Moro*. °dig
itionul deterse le *tomtit
41 tht *trent*** lire,
• tablet", atrengtb, the welia
dlgreels *nil eti
Otero jeleme
.erjj noterottehte and
QUb bkr*Air*,,
114V0 On
le Ok wrpri. 411t040044061), ('OV
Id ullst
ArtheeRittken :ii:::::::::oi"t7":
e , . hinieit'Zitrieb end 4:0140,00ns
. :4 , K. ' euentel on StiteideyoveR,'.
O *hue* 04 Seteler ,1**10Ttees
ft o we*Ve holiday at ..the
' t 10
te ,', t te eeteti:
, ire e 0 0011 ebur.,(,,,,,
. , e ne.
:. ik, ,. :., s, . .., ae e
4," eite, :•rii.
o •7"'
e 1eryi�e.
, tor.
and 'Atm
Edtnontoc, Alta.,
• horne on Tbureday even.
lute after elesibsentst off tove
Nee* Schetertserstrisher of the
t°93t 111 uit.tteAted4enlY
it** one of "isiege heluet
Thomas jeerott, editor of
the Carlisle(8eek.), Herald, wee here
lest -week. Sra,reott Wass &, teacher
here about 15 youa ago, het has been
out Weal for some yeers•The total
number of cane* in the Hey Voters'
List for IWO is 001. dieteibut,ed as fol-
lows: -Pert 1,105; pert
-and-son ltarl.-ve
• • ,
in r euto, were tioxonporiled from
Detroit by Mrs.. Xoehleow and daugh-
Lilyrew_ hoesitii-eriettilig'llroditen
friendes-elensitor Samuel Merrier,
brother of Gottlieb Molter of this
place, died at Berlin on Tuesday, in
n SwatzerJandan&caine t Canada in
0 end was elec *member of the
House of Cortimonte for South Water.
leo in 187a Ifll882bewas a Wed
to the Semite by the late Sir ohn A.
MocDontild.-GottliehMertier attend.
ed the funeral of his brother Senator
Monter at Berlin.
second. titue lmikle of two
weekte-been visited by the angel -of
death, this time their daughter Ther-
ese, s bright girl of needy sixteen
years being iedled away, after an 111.
nessorthree weirept--
operation for appendicitis. Sincere
sympathy is expressedfor the parents
*400 Or.
er deelne *asiew,
biteertieteiuntil thigh relieved herot
her ontleering. The einem* syntpato7
otthe oonimuuity is tilt for the he -
reeved f*zpily. Tbe teno,rel took place
an " last, 1tev, Beenof- real.
' _ .
r, 4
Aortterzozt e Rigby' _i
s felt
for the. titIlietien, wide es ber
the:tatett Oentr Verner of. ,th
we; ck with reumee and 'Itters Me,e,.
vend o the little ones ,
withicfhtheria neeemitatier
ng isolation.
Tb� ett child, a beetit boy Of eight
yeara pawed away on Thursday even-
Wart huriettou Seturdw -stored -Wer
to their former
-Our village itti
*red the loos
day nlght ihejj grnIhl was
reduced to Ohm Hew e re (eight
ted is ancereelte but it Is thought t
a frameta etu n
eloped in flame* and & unUon was a
nee pad to the sating of the stock
end Mio odiseent biliMings, which was ih
one with a wile 411 the Other build
girwere saved, with the exCePtlee et
r., Hoffman's stable which was a
frame structure and very close to the
• u
1 EV I
,or a more serion* Conilagratiatt-
o certainly have been ours, as
tizens of this quiet little village.
he loss to the company is a heavy
e as they. carried no insurance. The
xewilreluegadterendered-.- v
1111-ststanoe. The names attracted. an
*nee crowd from many miles
t Sale
Mug -Stones -Gather Not Noss"
OU OAIIINOT POSSIBLY effect. **great a ,saving by buying hither and
thitherfite_you can hyconeulnef.yourvelf to the one great bargain centre
TIEMANAlleSDIGHOPPERS. Bear in nend-for, elmsy bargain
y.ou see or Seer Of, there is _bet as many. and just as good,
Hsi :01ritrOTO= Giving is not confined to* line or two
but it hi stymie over alland • eAINS you etin one at 'our lines are
few pieces -of Fawn titert'eutWored FanejeGinghern, 1.2je to 15te for 100 yd
11 in satilliota frarittinus: 'likes' ice.* " worth 10c, for 8cyd
regular 50d and tkle, to eleerat lac yd.' American Prints, regular 7; for Sc yd
Bleached Shirting., 2 yds wide, for 2050. 10 pieces Print, reg. 120, for 10c yar4
Factory Cotton, wortb sale yde ror 10c sue and white checked shirting*,
Roney Muslin, 15e to 25e, for,10e yard. • worth 121eyar4, for 10c
See our bleached Table Litemse-the best value ever shownir Dashwood
Ladies' Waists, regular 50c to $1, to clear at Wee each
is Flannelette Night Govros..reg. $1.15, for 750 "
44 Si 44 400 -- 416 $1.00, 44 we 44
WhiteUnderskirts, s. ine25. 40.00
" Vithie Night Gowns .4 us% .4 sue ..
s• Embroidery Corset Cover " 60e, " 40c
is lelaik Hoses 3 pair for 25 mit&
is Tan Hose. 2 'I se 25 .•
ss Vests - ..10c each
Bargain* in Embroidery MA Laces.
A hersutiful range of Ladies' Belts, Fancy Collar,, Ties, Gloves, &c., &c.
/Ire 41112e the Celebrated D. & A. Corset.
The higgest,Binweirereffeeedres-we-wislittrioinoreitre stock in Vile
ettertment, -Also Bargains In our Made-to*rder Tweed, and Melte&
inneettofe-suit-bersureetretsiee what: Wie oats do for you before you pur-
chase. Collar*, Socks,. Braces, Tles, Het*, and tr.
See the NEW zNittito TIE, the very West, in ill shades.
STRAW HATS, 6 cts. -SHIRTS, 'Weis. 8 PAIR SOCKS, 25 ctse
Out mai htly rusted) *II Ieugth., 2c iter
only"Favorite" Obrzr
1 si "Peeriso:" Wa*h.t, Iat BargaIoPj,j.
4. _014eadorw Washer J•
.11atemotiler reguhie *200
Long Shovel.. 50e. -sin" lowdla Spedia, slightly meted,
•• 117V111.24 for OA set ttf *elite 1 stand and 1 han
_ A full Hue
11 jou are In neecl'of any roving.
be sure mid buy the. - 1
Alt Mods amain
arator Olt en hand. We handle tbe
• Oelebratect:ElhOncrin,
TbsY go the ferthest end. weer the
4 Z.
, •
11 I111ra° the heit Ponci
the ittimes •
aelatteOi CAuslott *414
Isfull Withit
‘rann* P
/Attention to
11*. Ilesegre Ore. IS eta.
" " ereest, Bib Coffee, :se
do pkg. Atiweetile Powde1,-6e
and Peek $ tans for Se
ry *doe Turmeric Matiterd
All shies "Ottern* Ftuft Jaii
'luso. (mom Tenon°.
__ • Cbeques *pa draft& cn tbe Uudtcd a
Oie*t tsitain and other foeeign countries bcitigbi
zetee Brach-G.W Ifereloon, Manager.: Branch alto at Ct'*editon
Gibb via her dimightir, 'Miss
Loretta of Detroit were the ,guests of
Wilbert Revington last week. --A
number of our leading farmers have
diepoteel of their farms at good prices.
Joseph leelly of Biddulph has sold ble
farm, of 125 *ere* for $10.000; William
Voltade.__AVIlltasiiAlt-ves -and `,43edlie
of Centralia, all sold their farms at
fisir-priree. •
A new directory for the 'Telephone
Ofltpany hee, been imuedseeEeeeIts
etr-Te'reactilreached an ex;
" cellent sermon to the Welt, th Methodist church on Sunday event')
•A very pretty wedding took plac
at the hone of Mr. and elm W. H
- Marshall, Peel St., St Marys, on Tues.
day, Aug. 11, when their daughter
rene M., was united in rnserlsge
ReAre-DeFftee -e-,--Velettiree-Th
• led ye Shier, cantleof, the • bride
e bride, gowned in white silk trim
Med 'with Talencinnes lace soad lase
on and carrying a shower bouquet o
bridal roses and middenhair forte -Wee
venawy by ber -father. Sha-
lt -ended by Teer sister, Mies O&M
arshall, who was gowned in whit
rgandle trimmed with lace and loser
on, and also Miss Ethel Ferguson/
titer of the groom, who was goweell
is white organdie trimmed with valen
nnes, lace and insertion. Tbe groom
supperted by his, brother Clarence,
nd Ira Marshall, brother of the bride.
tAleitiseAtruhrleerguson -tind- es
eeti Marshall tuade pretty little flow.
girls. The ceremony wait perform.
by Itesr. D. N. McCune., assisted
y Tem • Veale of leirkton and Rev.
Anderson of London. *
itectimeray: Recently. as Zither.
Mb Lockhart, of the Town.Line, Mc.
Gillivray, was cutting oatkbla team.
• fieroungiorita Vexes raw away,
lireekIng his ,binder badly. Shortly
after the **tome( the team, his son,
Bruee, received 3 severe kick above
tbe knee, although very painful he
will soon be around again.
WNW Cali for Mon
Preparations have eornmenced In
earnest for the handling of the North-
Wet's big wheat crop, the only dif-
flculty exper:eneett by farmers bting
the acarcity of tabor in the harve,t
fields. It Is to intlitte men to go to the
West that the C. P. R. hail made the re-
markable low rate *of ten dollars
frOM Ontario.' This jare carries the
ticket holder. to- any point on the cozn-
pates lines east- of MoosejaW; trains
are run direct to WittniPES, and the
men are re -ticketed there tor the points
where they wish to wOrk. After at -
least one month's work In the fields
laborers are leaned tickets back to
Ontario starting point at $18.00. Leav-
ing dates of Cane.dian Pacific ereure.
tons are Aug. 14, 19, Sept. I, 8, from
statiorss' northwest of Toronto, Aug.
Sept. 11.. 14 from Illation* east of
west St_i_rPr011t01-and- Aug, 20, ez 27'
Toronto. The most important extur-
along ara Aug. 14, 18 and 20, otie
from Sat% district, *114 on these detes
speetat trains -win be rub from all 0.
P. R. stations times of which agente
wits ftrinish. 21he C. P. it .is t on:y
Canadian route to the West, 4ni the
only line carrying Perm Laba.ces
through without change. Apply to
ticibil agents, or C. 13. Poster, ale-
:orliett 114araiwingattorn.Agent, Toronto, for
3 ML NV 'it
Tho 6.7..cat otto
ea (Write ewe!
vita. Oatt Brain Werra
;14,2144 -es, Weakness. •PaiSiriens*
tnatorrAafray grottnuseor.
,,t4ioer a, per bey, Ono wilt
4,11 en 84:4412011:
-7;3- ,
-to-elate-fixtures• ut itt Ids- retitle
astiktuter, e e.tr. Hall
bad the cbitnney tornoff Jile bonar
during the recent etorm, which did
considerable other damage in this yl.
Faillerin Opens Sept.
rsa800$*441T01/ complete* course la tide
tiool tke weer yen way isnws to bold a
peskiest of trues. °wood:imam thorough
Ind poetical. Our students abseil succeed.
'ffe eadatgradastiatoposi
1epartniente.-40cenalertiel. Shortbend end T4t1-
epaphic.. We employ experienced inetiticters.
Catalogue tree.
• Principals.
.43 "
• The abutmerite on the Sauble are •
complettetind the leen for the bridge
is on the frround-Thomas Quinton
and Percil Cavebave gone to the West
on the harvest, excurajon...Le ins visited Iniker this wee
The •v. Wm. Lo rand •Chaplain
of the Orange Order, *will preach a
harvest Thanksgiving service in St.
Piatrick's church on Sunday, Seplek13,
at 11 aan. and I PAD.
McGillivray Council
Council met pursuant to adjourn.
went. on .itupr. 3rd, present X,
son Reeve, W. T. Ulens Deputy Reeve,
E. 8. Monty and J. Morgan, Council.
lors. Xlinutes of lest meeting read
and lagned. Vleiiii-murdy-tbat the
accounts amounting to5.35-be paid.
-Cerried. Murdy-Ulens-tbat By
Mw No. 3 of 1008 authorizing t
Reeve and Treasurer to borrow • cer.
tain.iltline to meet -the current e
diture for the year 1908 as read a firat.
and eecond time be read a third time
and passied.-Carried. Munly-More
gatieethat ley.law No. 4 of 1008
toting2_,„-..U.,../ituois-toengineer tinder'
e 0.* Act Ile read it first *tid
00000(1 tine be, read a third time -
pitetted.-Cateksi. Men* M
the Falkirk Telephone Co be
POrniitted to erect Telephone -poles on
,road allowance from Ails* Cralg to
wrist McGillivray -or elsewhere ire the
Tosrnehip provided the reguietkins for -
the erection of the telepliontpotee are
conipIete With....Carned. The Oatin.
ell, then adjourned to 'meet in the
Town Hall on the - Agit Monday Itt
Septetnher at 1 teeieek rt. m.
. D. Drutmontid. Cite*
AND 11.0(302n5Vittt4Z5, 3yoe h*C5Ivqk
ftstkmoftle Ent,
on frlce,ol
2141.6tYleore. iresitttireas% areth""strit"ilite, thee ekr-
'tthrat i.
art decays teseeeete•s, bor
II tit -tient
rum rob**
ere the 41'444
AV the ttly
eted front the
euppeeste .
. end 'sake*
too Oat nert ,
fa,te fill sad ,
end fakirs