HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-08-13, Page 5 (2)OssSaRIO
ansa tt past fa 0444aLer.
ate uagearofn,C491 d.
Tr+'E?atltcd Stitc#t Sseacrriec rsr~Ut.5O
ss. War a tristiy lass AeIvec.iico.
ii.faiOtssi, curer', rara►raa*
Large and Beautiful.
The 'price -is not large and
the terms are eats .
Sewing Chiuu B1cyc1f;s
ifs at _poi
1 -is n
•s e.: 0.M-'11111
e�Fr�rrr n.
Haw mos Nat women in
lonel homes today long -for this
be a To to utter these words!, hot
because of some organic derange -
went this happiness Is denied them.
Even' Avoran interested in this
subjecttshould know .that pre paira
tion thy maternity is-
..mfplished heEby the use of
GET... ...
Gilmer of West
y m
wastt-,l` itly ruts o hi healweles
.When Lydia. B. P ukham' s Vegetaitble
Compound was recommerfded to me. It
not only restored toe to perfect health,
but to my delight I am a mother."
Josephine Hallof;Bardstown,
• ,as"-a:�
TUE SOONF;.E. YOU complete a course in thiel
school the tower you, may expect to hold a
pasltion of trust. Oureoursesarothorough
_ and - practical,-- Our- student. always sued.
We sssist grativatCs to positions. - We have threw
departmenir.-:Con nercial. Shorthand and Tel.
egraphie. We employ experienced instructors.
Catalogue free, -
,,... «t-•_..zuffer.�_ ..
,f�tr ub1eirot, resp t.t�• , t t X ti@€ 3z -:t
me./,� Lydia B. ' >o ham's Vege-
table Comaep ooand not only restgred me
ttoGtect health, but I am now a proud
Folr thirty years Lydia B. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Com . und, made
from roots and herbs, ' : been the
standard remedy for female ilk
aandhas positively cured thousands of
won who have been troubled with
&Placements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion; fibroid tumors, , irregularities'
periodic pains,, backache, that bear-
,, -down feeling, flatulency, tndx;aas-
tion,dizemessornervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkhaam invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
he baa guided .thousands to
bsalth.. Address* f int Mass,
w(igtiel to a fw1 .,�cg. �c c
11- . #moo. tr 1M tp.r'r A1C . S
lw ,t -low to area", Tso .arc tl433-
a ndsi wdsQ woad liko to ta.4t too tQwata
and sities Asad e;aatsrato t ties; cera-z-
#rg, awl vqq'>easoais tis aascivon o� 124,wca,i
f?Itflo acid*, rte ced ta c alio
twg-L4;4os o tins. W tti or 'ciao otter
esas zr vw cto nuv o norc 6ras1
it3pl zoi l *t tAto li oi?0gsitioa 1~CaiC' �p
ths1 [3 to 4'i frq.p a uio ter .twii 'C47a
tAl rn tgi it ,ta rear (10:74Q Q7,;1,,, .l&1
44),44,Ott►lalr .oculi a. it, , iQ 1 14, : 0,
-11.0g4 �1 OP**, e r: alk,, -$
1--f44 .31104 44 egi4uot
^cif 114 94' ‘e.941 0f£ 1N4 x[�`. �i1 B� 9Yrhop, e
1100#,0.1 to y tarsi. whole o'.*I ; 1
pteaee -,t ,:pt`taapoglty. fro l+s q, od
: ,la
13 uaicr
lucent + .}Ay ljrias en ver �7f N
with appendicitis.—John Ro fids ha
the tilsaails torn >Q twc� of hi flifgen
last week by means of a hay loader. -
John Conine and sister of Detroit a
spending their vacation at the hom
of Title Collins. ---Tom Ryan of Chicago,
accompanied by his wife and daugh
ter, are spending the holidays at his
father's homee e, --�J eaten Boland r'-
Wad last weer V even - -ou
ofthe eight solar whom: he tont u
for the recent entrance ea xaminatio
passed with very high percentages.
Much credit ifs due Mr. Boland for hi
succesful term's work.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
• ' • a cationsrat-theycannotreacI the-dt -
ed_portion of tate ear: -"Thera it an a tom
deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness!. caused by an inflamed condition of th
ya d •,
nu senr44 Vas b
at: + and'�eV'en it Saba . , 1
� etaitired;r�
taken out and this. tube restored t�normal o
elite'' + +�t'i O
o Its normal coal
tion, hearing will be .destrased forever; nine c
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces,
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
Deafnesscaused b.y catarrh) that cannot be c
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
Manitoba, Alberta
Work harvestingfor 25,000
r>t ass ees men. Goowages.•
Free tickets from Winnipeg to points where form
laborers.are needed, whin certain timitz.
Retest tor $18.00 ater as Leas
addltloaai 30 days wort.
from s.0 staation,r in territory between Toronto-
__ -_.'- Dar iiYallnes Dino Ttironfs-Nart?i"0ay71on:' _ ".
Ask C.P.R. Ticket Agent for time of spectra
traln on August 14th. if no agent convenient,
write to: -
C. $. FOSTER, DIA hiss. ail:, Cll., Toronto
Take Fall's Finilty Phis for eonstipatlon.�
Mrs. Albert Gunning is visiting with
her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Arksey of Pais
ley. -Mrs. Suthurby has return -
home from her daughters in Lendoe.
-Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Parkinson o
Bryanston visited • with the latter's
mother, Mrs. J. Morley. -Mrs. A.
Dinsmore and daughter, Maggie, o
Bay City are visiting her brother, J.
V, Miilson.--Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Og-
den were guests of friends in Lucan on
Sunday..° -Mr. Hazelwood and sister
Mary, of'Kirktoa visited with their
brother, John of this. place. --Nelson
Gunning of bland, B. O., is visiting
his parents and friends around here. -
Newton Millson of St. Marys visi
friends here on Sunday. -Mrs. A
Gilbert and sister, Miss Jennie Neal.
cif Parkhill are guests at Mrs. J. V.
Millson's this we, a k. -Miss Sessile M
ley is home after a vacation with
friends atiBryanston and London.
Catarrh Now Curable.
But sever by Medicine swallowed
Snuffs, Sprays ?es °Douiches.
Catarrh is not a blood disease an
that is why it cannot be cured by any
medicine taken into the stomach.
Catarrh is a germ trouble contrac : t
from the germ -laden air you breath
inward. These germs fasten themsel
ves in the tissue and air cells of th -
breathing- organs. multiply by mill
ions, causesneezing, coughing. raisin
of mucous, discharge from the nose,
tickling in the throat and other symp-
toms that can only be reached by th
dry air principal of Hyomei. '
It medicates the air you breath
with the curative properties of th
Australian Eucalyptus Forests wher
catarrh is unknown.
The reason you get relief in a min-
ute or two from Hyomei is because it
destroys every catarrhal germ in the
air you breathe, and its dry penetrat-
�. •. s �. a s & wiILreach ...the nnermos
recesses of the air passaageest kil n y.
millions of germs a minute. Their de-
struction means freedom for opp
respiratory organs. W, 8. Cole sell
Hyoinei_under s. guarantee of ear.
tion or money back. Price, $1.00.
Shlpkaa .
The fish mill cotntnenced rennin
last week.-sAlleurReitz of New Ham
ar The treat 'Uterine Tonle and
N oenly safe effectual lion
it azit4tarcn which wa ntentaan
Seale threea
of atrengt—Iga.s, 1;
idgreve �,r a.
for ,r`jd"' ' perbox.
Bola se MI .i
Deg on ts' rks*
CtIownocts "`
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
affords Serie' 'with 100,400 Subscribers
�►r Rurat,Line connection. Over 800 Aural Sjs
terns now connected.
;a bcargtiarr3r<M
ng edr ,here Iast wept: and is
ls Miszrg
►N; LiL-I, zt1 r i W:aori.
Ang t ic1. ane cf the old landmarks
ty in theTersora of Jelin
Sharpe at the zadvanccd ago of 83
years. The deceased was born .in Eng.
hand and cane to thins . country about
the year Imo» Ile first lived at Scar-.
.borougb,. •wbcrt' he workefV, fear 14.
;,4eari with J. P. ' Wheeler, £O • many
. ;esto r ve of the township. Aster,
}' i5'msx1r4ige he nrred: to Ste up
le t,avt s
i Ito
, u 'la, '' •:live
Eire h
e>aa ak..r (Peb..:Bt ,
caber e�
;tuoi i
run : hien
the e
lit la�,1 t
4rdr..wl-.s s►.
t,te ;al • cGillitray,:. The
s• 'asiat c# scup t sat xtc3 arts :sav taug: Vies; uthera, tats c 8 t a
r3risttL - t ;'t a 14,tt9a 4 4ttai1 ilk t* tease -4s ; ei'*Alt 34€ ° *-
ei egui41 d1; . �F�;r `r'` t•" £r 1% �.hY�� t!�.,M1: ti 1 4 '
ceased Paid aaaifered fele years frozi
chi . +lutwil».'JTi
esu '"e;dne9y art• ibe Parkhill Rewe*
tery to which place it was followed ba�rr
a:large nuauber of old neighbors and
friends. Rev. Steadman of Corbett
conducted the funeral sez vices at the
house and the grave. The sympathy
of the Community is extended to the
bereaved family.
Council met-on—Wednesday, 5tb,
with all members present. A letter
from. Staaanley Council re Logan Drain
wags ordered to be filed. The follow-
ing ram were struck for this. year:
Township rate, 2 mills; County rate,
I 9.10 mills general school rate, 1 9-10
milks Zurich_ Police Village-- special -
rate, 8 _mills. A by-law confirming
osv�ir- out s were passed
and ordered to be paid; Wm. Kyle,
bal. wk. con. 0, $15; J. L. Thomas, exp.
Stacy req. $11, 70. re Obnsit aw. $31.32;
Twp. Clerk, re Consit aw.. $5.00; 34iun-
World, A & 0 rolls $8.05, legal advice
ill; W. Schwartz, 5 loads stone. $2.60;
E. Henhefer, ct , weeds 0. R VF%;
3eeb.3 cailYOA,..._ `.w: --br.;
Con. 9, $0; Kehl & Nadi -
ger, c. cul. Br. L $30.15; D. Tiernan,
cern. and _p��i�pe, $21.03; J. Preeter, cem-
ent etc., *30.2 ; A. Kaercher, atone,
$L50; -W. B. Carlisle, rep. 2 CL cn, _ ,4
$3; R. McArthur, big. plank, $1; A.
Melick, cul. Br. Line, $2.50; A. 8.
Faust, coffin for indgt., $5,
Council will meet again on Wednes-
day, the 2nd Sept.. at 2 p.m.
Faun Bre. Sr., Clerk.
One of Middlesex's earliest settlers
parsed away on Saturday afternoon,
A n ust 8th, in the person of William
H. a yaws, at the ripe age of 90 •years.
He was .born in Ireland and came to
Canada when a boy and settled near
Elginfeld, which was known: then as
Ryan's Corners. For 40 years he con-
ducted a hotel business at that corner,
and was known for miles around for
his generous hospitality and willin-
ness to aaarst the needy. His services
in a public capacity extended over a
period ole 30 years, and during his term
of office always discharged his duties
with unwavering fidelity. Heas
elected Reeve of Biddulph and London
Townships for many terms, and served
as County Magistrate for a number of
years. For some years past he has
lived with his son," John, of Lucan,
from whose residence the funeral was
held on Monday afternoon to St.
James' Cemetery. He is survived by
four sons --Rev, Francis, John of Lu -
can; George of Biddulph, David of
Biddulph; and two daughters, Mrs.
Phoenix McLean of London Township,
and Mrs, James Crawford. of Dutton.
Lucan and Centralia baseball teams
played a good game of ball here op
Wednesday night. . Aug. Pith, the score
at the end of the 8th being 7-5 in favor
of the visitors. Boyle and Morgan
were the opposing pitchers and both
delivered the goods that prevented
many' safe hits. There were other
features in the game, the- main -one be-
ing the errors _of the ileelders.- .who.
seemed to be off color very badly.
This was the return game and the re-
sult shows that the boys are improv-
ing considerably, the first score . ming
very much one-sided..
pljrs. Dyer and dao Etter of Detroit
are visiting Mrs. (Dr. Orme, the for-
mer's easter.-•Miss tie Elliott of
Loudon is spending her holidays under
merly tcacber Fairfiss Bm visit ong
in -the neighborhood. -Miss Braund of
London is visiting at Mr. ° Villiain
Jas. Keane is to preach
in the Methodist Chards next Sundays
while the Rev, W. II, . BuittsReel► sto:
dames Sty Church, Exeter. -Miss Ite-
be a McCoy. who has been visiting
friends in London, has returned home.
—Miss Lydia Ilandford, who has been
visiting in London during the past
week, is home maim—Some night des
�p ti ass have been committed which
liaa aro a aidera'ble feeling and
air►as! ' require the servicers of Govern.
a meant detectives, -.'A lawn social was
held O the i"w.rsi mage Ground. enan,
Thursday evening. Roth attendance
And. p , mmee were a all that could be
detsirrd.--- _. Christ. Ba erville and
men are busy pae i applee for athip-
t to Ithe ort • - e.t«r- boil ie .'s
a are getting pretty *ell through with
their haarrrersting, and you may now
hear the hunt , of the • threshing ma.
chine shard the shrill shriek of the
whistle the traction engine. A
good alt rotund crop is serer and
the farmers are in good
s tit.
rand Bend •
11,. tad Mrs. ',Nelson
n rye nt
Bund*y at Port Week*. M>r. Rain.
Pollee. from Alm Craig, t 8t#tt-
daaay here visiting. -11r. and J ails. Be1�s-
ben WBS *pent Sunday ail Port
Frask.s. °Mrs. ViPt4sh and children of
Stratford are ming at Ion 'PUN.
rt.Wm. Welled** a 'Mrs. Cite o
hepesasrd nisi ThidfOtsI are *telling at
IJ r. as rs, A. Grawsave leis. Ur A,
Onsleii here.—Mr ,air
Green' itf PP I tkti railed on bills
St. Marys: The home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. hicGolrick was the acme of a
pretty wedding when their youngest
daughter, Mises Mies Mabelle Gr
u 'itedn mairlc°ia gssto :
St. Marys: A quiet weddin took
place at the .home of O. Cash, Water
street, on Aug. 4tb, when bis daugh-
ter, Miss Emma, was united in mar-
riage with William Drewry, of New -
bore, near Brockville.
• Mitchell: • The funeral of Charles
Arbogast, who woe .accidentally°
drowned, on Aug, 5th, took &Zee Fri -
da . The body yr found,later on
't edne ay about 20 rods" room where
the young man's clothes were found
on the bank.
Bayne 4: The readers of the daily
peri were shocked to read: x _...
ca �to-deatb-ofDorothy-:a ea
and Cecil,oaged 4 years; children of
Mr. andrs. Robert Howard in Smith
Falls; on July 29th. The parents ee
formerly well known residents of this
district and deep sympathy is express-
ed for them. •
21trtaiiik Alex. Love. hast reeei i Clinton: Ben. Cole met with pain
r fat` acetdaat Wig. lat, He was
,sitaud _ -on one -.of the gists surveying
Vie work at1St. Josepre church :when
he fell and struck heavily�{ against a
word of the marriage of his brother,
ell Love." on July 25th. et But
Montana, to a fair lady of that city.
r, Love was .well and favorably
9 ,yyy ABY -tt
pt. Marys: The home of Mr, and
Mrs. R. Shepherd, South Ward, was
the scene of a prett wedding, on Aug.
4th, when their only daughter, Misses
Alma, was united . m marriage with
Rowland George Whttet,. of Boston
Jlayfleid: Auiet weddin took
la lath �si+img =J =? a =
e"Tt'' Marler, --when
daughter, Miss Ethel Maud, became
the bride of Arthur Henry Nether of
Kingman, Kansas. They will reside
in Kingman.
rsettvand: «.< -a 4::'rfa Lr ,a_four,
he had the Dr. pull it out. Sia mouth
and chin were also 'severely east.
Brucefleld: On Aug. let Miss Lottie
Prime, daughter of the Grand Trunk
agent, was united in marriage with
Arthur E. Shaft, travelling repr n-
tative of the Dominion 'Express Co,
the home of the br at Brucefield,
where the wedding luncheon purses par-
taken of. They will reside in Chat-
Whatever amount of money one
puts by in an nvcstinent whetber
it is $10„00Q or $100—the first
consideration isthe security of
the investment.
If added to the security there is
a prbfltable dividends the invest-
ment becomes an ideal one -
exactly the kind that the saving
people of Ontario most desire. ,.
The Debentures of this Company
are such an inyestanent, safe
beyond question. Assets totalling
over $10,000,000 are pledged to
their • redemption. Thus their
mourn/ atbsolutetly safeguarded.
They pay -4 per coal. per
Put your savings into this safe-
afeand profitable form of investment.
Write asking for full pairticulars.
THEN Decide ea the Bubo* College
We ask the privilege c' sending r
our intern=-intarceting. hal yf
wact« you ropily errs it to yourself to get
a copy and read it thoroughly before
select the Business College to arteria '
This Catalogue explains all *bout our
school, our faculty. our different course&
Tel. why we honerd� our Col.
After' leading the � we will leave
Sending for a ,espy places you under no
name and address on a pox cant •
Viral •paths s Septiat",.aa a lil4rir•
'' harmed Collie
{ Y■ ` J{,
pal a pe S ck. 1 Exhibitiott
of iW 3 ►ern Ontario
Fall Pre commie of Attractions toles daily, inetuding' R'ernp'as
Wild West 8howwi,,Best of Music. Fireworks Each Evening,
001126 and enjoy to rse1f at London's Popular : Fair