HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-27, Page 7MAI' 2 , GBSO
£i~IliCU11IS.1.ANTIA.L J YI.1:: ENC.I ..
11tany lnu'lcaut ellen have suffered
for the crimes of tabors, about forty
ytttree ago, a gentlemen was tried and
eotlyiclUti upon .it'etirrrt3ttLntiai evideuoe
of We Haulier ut hie niece, Shit was
hoard to exclaim, 'Don't ]till filo I' and
that iustaeit a Histol or fowling. ieee
was fired off. Under these cfrcutnr
8tancee theehtlemen wee convieted
lend meowed, Near twelve months af-
ter, the niece, who had eloped, arrived
in England, and, ie ing of the affair,
'elucidated the whole tutusact.ipe. It
appeared that she had formed an at-
taohtne11t fur a 'Terson of whom her
'uncle disapproved. When walking ie
the fields he was earnestly dissuading
her from tho eo1111ecdon, when she re-
plied that she was resolved to have him
or it would be a death awl therefore
said .: "Dotil kill me, nucle, don't kill
ilea 1' At The moment she uttered
there worths, afowling piece was dis•
barged by a sportsman iu a neighbor.
ing field. The statue night she eloped
from her uncle's house ; and the com-
bination of the suspicions circum-
stances oeasioued his ignominious
death. For the mischief she had
wrought the poor girl had her whole
life to repelet it.
who is declining there 2' 'Yes.' 'That's
a frightfully ill-niadedret)s she has on.'
"Yes, but if it waeu't ib vs ouldu't fit
Painted dresses --with flowers, etc.,
painted on they by hand—eontintue
fashionable. No lady should wear any
of these paintings, however, melees in
a suitable "frame" of mind.
An Ottawa dispatch says : "Princess
Louise visited Parliament, took a seat
on the floor of the House," Could not
the gallant Oituadiaus hand the lady
a chair ?
1)aubury News :: Over five gallons of
castor oil h'ad been used in oiling the
skates at the Hartford rink. We are
thankful that a new line of industry
has been opened fur the dreadful
Tito Bloomington Eye publishes
births, marriages and deaths. under
the heading ; "FIaohed, illatched, Dis-
patched." it would take less type to
say : "Bred, Wed, Dead."
"Zephaniah,'" said his wife with a
chilling severity, "I saw you corning
out of a saloon this afternoon." "Well,"
replied the heartless man, "you would
not have your husband staving in a
saloon all day, would yon ?"
Lawyer 0. (entering the office of his
friend Dr.11., and speaking in a hoarse
whisper) : "Fred, I've got tench a cold
this morning that I can't speak the
truth." .Ur. i1I.: "Well I'm glace its
nothing that will iuterfere with your
Baltimore Every Saturday : A "Con-
stant [leader" writes us to know what
is the origin of the Easter egg. Well,
without giving the matter any very•
deep consideration, we would say that
it is the hen -but thea we may bo mis-
A drunken Scotch parishioner was,
ndmoatished by his parson. "1 can go
into the village;" concluded the latter,
and come homeettgain without getting
drunk." "Ah,`ineenerter, but I'm sae
popular 1" was the fuddled Scotchman's
The good are better made by ill,
As odors crushed are sweeter still,
Reason and virtue alone can bestow
lie: erty,
The last man to correct a mistake is
the man who commits it.
Trus merit, like a river, tree deeper
it is the less noise it makes.
1'eetry is the art of sobetantiating
shadows and of lending existence to
nothing •
Love, undying, solid love, whose
root is virtue, eau no more die than
'virtue itself.
As the firefly only shines when on
the wing, so it is with the human mind
when at rest in darkens.
It is not merely the individual but
society that suffers by'every idle, every
selfish, every mean,* every unjust
i`1be highest, the greatest pleasure I
know is to do a good action by stealth
and have it found out,K, by accident.
Half the man is what he knows ; the
othje r "mills what he does ; both, what
5)e knows and what be is, constitute
the man.
How can be look with confidence to
t heaven above who dons so little to
help to make a heaven here below,
'around. and about him.
Libraries are all shrines where ail
the relics of saints, full of true virtue,
and wi".•bout delusion and imposture,
are preserved and reposed:
Real mirit of any kind cannot lung
be concealed; it will be discovered, an
nothing can depreciate it but a man'
exhibiting it himself.
Leis'ire is time for doing something
useful ; this leisure the clilligent man
-will atoll), but the lazy man never ;
eo that Poor Richard says : A. life of
laziness and leisure are two things. -
'11/ 3T.NIB s
A'Moxllru'.s Durr. ---Under •the moth-
er devolves the responeibility of guard -
lug her little ones against the fetal ef-
fects of those sudden and fatal diheases
which ofte i seem more like aoeideits
then anything else, snob as eroep,
acute t1ot"e ti.iroat, c I1111i0,°, ede. ',lutea
1 e
1 0 b u t l e 1^
ed against au.l promptly treated, if
their efoete are not to remain life long
blemishes. If you once come to know
the value of Yellow Cil yon will never
feel safe without a b''. ttle in the house,
Price 25. cents.
apolegetic reply.
"Hy friends." said the political
speaker, with a burst of iogenius elo-
quence, ""I will to honest There
were a large number of his neighbours
present, and the terrific outburst of ap-
plause which followed this remark en-
tirely npset the point which the orator
was noout to introduce,
A. New Yorkpaper tellsof a man
who "stole $40,000 in sixteen years.
Probably the man was sick thirteen
years out of the sixteen. or he would
have made the stun larger and more
respectable. Forty thousand dollars
in eixteen years is very slow work—for
a New York embezzler.
"Give me three yards of mustard
planer," said a physician to a Piffle -
1 dolphin, apothecary, "and be quick, if
s yon please, for the patient is suffering
dreadfully.,' The apothecary was dazed
with surprise, until thephvsiiau added,
"Ono of the giraffes of the Zoo has an
attack of bronchitis. His throat's sore
all the way clown, That's what the
plaster's for.
"Oh, I'm an industrious; little soul,
No rest or leisure I take ;
I make my home in the sugar bowl
rind swarm in the new made cake,
And when to the Sunday school
picnic you fly.
With your sisters, cousins and
I'tn out of the ground in the wink of
an eye,
And Brawl op yonr Sunday pants."
A Kansas adorer's valentine to his
mistress began :
"Thy flair is tike the tawny
hide," and ended :
"Oh,rdarliug wilt Ilion be 'my bride ?"
She responded in a tender, sympa.
tbetie, missive, beginning
"Thon'rt winsome as a donkey carved
in brise," and crnloleuled as Ioltowy :
"1 would not, could not, wed a braz-
en nee."
He was a little lawyer men,
'Who meekly blushed while he began
Her poor dead hnsb+tud's,will to scan,
HIe smiled while thinking of hie fee.
Then said to her, so tenderly,
"Yon dive a nice, fat legacy."
Arid when he lay next day iu best,
With`plttster•s on his broken ,l+ead,
Ile wondered, what on cartel he'd:
Forced politeness—Bowing to neces-
What the
Au Inveterate toper
"eample" case.
When .charity asks her dues
don't get what's odor if you don't give
her a scent.
"lanesty is the best policy," but
too'ininny people claim that they can -
net afford the hest of anything.
"011, pa 1" cried a little fellow upon
seeing a trout for the first time, "it's
got the measles hasn't it 2"
Sound advice. --If you don't want
to be robbed of your good naso, don't
have it engraved on your umbrella or
carpet -bag.
The Philadelphia Ohroucto-Herald
says that Job must have been a very
happy disposition. IIs fairly boiled
over with hamsr.
A Kai gasaper_telis the storyof a
Western man who walked twenty miles
to hear Queen Victoria sing in her ibhtt-
jesty'ss Opera Troupe.
"Another old settlor gone l ex-
claimed tho cook when she tossed the
egg -shell out of the coffee-pot on mot
ing Clay.
"Isn't that your Mend Mrs. 5 --
saying :
is now called a
Wilson's Wild Cli errs.
One of the most thor•otlgly reliable
nsedicines now its luso by the OsAnt litttt
publio is Wilson's Compound Syrup cf
Wild Cherry The 'Income whicli at-
tends it.s use iii' cases rf mels, Coughs,
Bronchitie, ()'nup, :Whooping Cough,
Lose of voice amts Weak Lungs, is most
Originally prepared to meet the de -
eland for a good mecheine of the kind,
in the retail store of the proprietors,
hs sale increased so rapidly and he -
came so large that the manufacturer
felt it was only;necessary to introduce it
through the newspapers of the country
to ensure its adoption as the national
cure fur diseases of the respiratory or-
gans. Every loading druggist in West-
ern Ontario now se118 it.
Be wise in time; got, a bottle and
have it on hand when required. The
large bottles are the cheapest.
Important to Consumptives
A gentleman having been so fortunate as to
cure his son ofionsnmption in its worst stages,
after being given up to die by the zt.ost sole.
United physicians, desires to snake known th.•
cure (which proves sueeessfnl in every ease)
to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis.
Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Arne -
tions of the Throat and Lnugs, and will seine
the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it.
if they will forward their address to DANIEL
ADEE, 84 Liberty St., Now York. liui.
An old physician, retired from practice, hav-
ing had placed in his hunts by an East In-
dia missionary the formula of a simple yoga -
table remedy for the speedy and permanen-
euro for consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarh, Ast
thma, and all Throat and Lung Affeetio us, also
a positive and radical cure for Nervous De-
bility and &1 Nervous Complaints, after hav-
ing tested its wonderful curative powers in
thousands of oases, has felt it his auty to make
it known to bis suffering follows. Actuated by
this motive and a desire to relieve human suf-
fering, I will send free of charge to all who de-
sire it, this recipe, in German, b'reueh, or Eng-
nolish, with full directions for preparing and us-
ing. Sent by nail by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper, W. W. Streaurt,140 Potters
Itlock,Eochester, N. Y.
GEktillAN YRUP."
No other medicine in the world was ever
given such a test of its curative qualities as
lioscnztn's GmrwA.r Srtur. In three years two
millions font hundred thousand small bottles
of this medicine were distributed free of charge
by druggists in this. country to those allicted
with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe
Coughs, Pueuumonia, and other diseases of
the throat and lungs, giving the American
people undeniable proof that GsztauArt Sznur
will cure thein. The result has been that
druggists in'every town and village in the Ca-
nadas and United States are recommending it
to their customers. Go to your druggist and
ask what they know about it. Sample bottles.
10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Threw doses
will relieve any ease.
The )at lugilalt TRADE M.ARK.
TRADE MARK.ltemedy,anunfail r.xy,
ing curet or Semi.
nal Weakness,
Spermato r r h e a,
Diseases that fol-
io w as u, sentience
of Self abase, as
loss of riomory,
Before Takfa Universal Lassi- Lfter Taking,
gtdo.Pizin its
Back, Dimness ofuvision, 2'rosnafireur
te old age. and I
many other Diseases that lead to insanity et
Consumption and a Premature grave rss'Puil
particulars in aur pamphlet, which we desire to
send free by mail t.' every one. t.. 'Tete Speei:fic
Medicine is coldby all druggists at sl per package
or six packages for $5. or will he seat by mail on
receipt of the money by addressing
'foram 0, U\T.,(t 14ADA.
?:`'Sold in Tl.xoterby all druggists and every-
where in. Canada and the United States')y whole.
sale andretaildrugtttsts.
JUSID T,. 'gyp L7. DEPOT
TAKE this opportunity of thanking my numerous customers for peat faros, azid wislito.
notify them and the public generally that
I have Putchastid Mr, D. Johns' stock of
and havo moved niy owl. stock into the building lately occupied by Mr. Johns, in the Post
Oflioo Blook, whore I now have one of the largest tuu.l bast. assorted Stoelca i i the county,
Cooking, parlor and other Stovesi
Also a laige variety of Tinware, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cutlery.
Eastiznates given for Eavetroughiag. Carriage Plating a Speciality. Depend upon it
will give you good value for your money.
The very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins.
r. Remember the place—the Exeter Tin aril Stove Depot, Post °Moe Block, burin Street,
Exeter, January 20, 1880.
SOME REASONS why these Suspenders
are better than others
lst. No Elastic required.
2nd.—Is Slack when stooping.
Srd.—It never slips off the Shoulders.
4th.—Sold at prices of common suspenders.
Try a Pair and Secure Comfort.
Manufactured by C. E. RAMAGE,
282 Adelaide St, West, Toronto.
and don't miss the ehsues.
Just Rcroeived-
3rd Let of those Cheap Mink Setts,
3rd tut of 'lobes, Hudson Bay prices,
Dress Goods and Wineeys—dirt cheap,
Blankets and Etoffes at job priees,
Grey, Scarlet and Pitney .Flannels—mill prices,
For variety and Latest Styles, don't fail to see
Cloths and :Tweeds, nover better seleeted, end
the Lost cutter iu the county.
Por assortment and price unequalled.
Bought before the big advance, and our customers
;cit the advantage not only of selecting from the
largest Stock in town, but
Our objeet is to buy and sell at Bottom Prides,
and by the way people are flocking around wo
think we are cluing it.
Black Lustres for 12 'cts.
Black Lustres for 20 ,
Black Lustres for 25
Black Lustres for 30
Black Lustres for 35
Black Lustres for 371
Black Lustres for 45
Black Lustres for 50
Black Lustres for 65
Black Cashmeres for 30 etS.
Black Cashmeres for 45
Black Cashmeres for 55
Black Cashmeres for 65
Black Cashmeres for 75
Black Cashmeres for 90
Black Cashmeres for $1,13
Black Crape Cloth for 45 cts.
Black Crape Cloth for 75 ets.
For anything in Black or any other Goods, try
Eacrett's Block, Exeter.
Having triumphed. atthe polls,
oprepared togive alihis customers tnobet:efitstthatwill accruefrornits adoption, and has
haul alarge stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and
Liquors, Crockery, Ere.,
N, B—'rhe demand of oar business have neons-
stiatud our rermovfu c to Tortnnto, to Rbiel' l+1ueo L t
pee"tsn address anfutttrs coininuuioatoas. I At 1115 tole, Main Street, Exeter, which will. be sold
which will be sold at prices unheard. of under Tree Trade.
The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad-
vantage to sell their produce without paying market •
fees, on the Exeter market,whicli is second
to none in the west, and then
call at the store of the subscriber and
'X' 31 M3
Delo Wackly Agricultural Paw
I.1 TE(]! D®1i&xIl:O1'"T.
Unparalleled Success!
New and Improved Form. x6 Pages
Only One o11ar Por 'Rear
FOR. ga F3iJTi;tiI�JCr"L9.
4 Numbers. a Month; S^e Pages a Year;
3,128 Columns for One Dollar.
Devoted strictly to Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock,
Dairy. Poultry, rite Apairy, Household , and
everything pertaining to a Farm, bout
out of doors and in doors.
Its Weekly Commercial Reports and Prices aro
iavr.1 mble.
Thu extraordinary success this paper has met with
at th.: hands of the yeomanry of Canada during :be
past yea, stands unrivaled in the. annals or journal.
ISM of Canada or the United States.
A ktrgi staff of able and practical writers are en-
gaged, and corrc„p.ntlence of a valuable nature
appears wceklyfront its many subscribers in Nova
Scotia in the East and British Columbia in the W :ut.
Printed and Published sit the Welland Steam Print-
ing 'louse, established rOG;l, by
N. I3. COLCOCfi, Proprietor.
W. P. PAGE, ]•;direr.
Drawer II, Welland, On...
c'". . ?. r i .; 'c '` gain.
here to be had in Overcoating, Fall -cloths, Broad -cloth
Doe skins, Silks, Wincey s, Delaines, and everytning
nooded in the Dry Goods line, The Grocery
Department very Complete. All inspection. invited
No trouble' tel slit)vv' (roods ISAAC% CA1%L1.N
:° ) .LH NO r.3O.1-iL13..A..A.
d Truth Concerns You' More Than Counterfeit,
tClletd.r,n•a.r'tocl.pto•car,e., and en;ins its bargrithe. Whin l say 1 manufacture nay own °emit tro I
m prepared with uty pront-feted that the people can suspect atony time by d,ailinz; at t.:y Watt;
roams where tete, r; ill Set? ttaalwrh 010 viiiq of ,
Furniture in Ali Its Branches
nit ntft-ttua,lbV •furs lta'1lrov :'tni:iutel rrtistte sum.wit+tr;nosh el:1)1%11 b o. i'tit s r'• it+1
its ttirfyi.ngthep.to,ila with t 4 of to ottani th..:t cauuu bo +,iu•tllud for tl tality or .ri-;o fit
Lxeter,an blowing to tite contrary, uatwith`"tmulir kg.
;t'l'etirlyoppoeito Kelnp's Tobacco $tore,llain Street, .Teter,