HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-08-06, Page 8 (2)1• is ever o e We have. the Goods and do the X.;rrrc 'Work-th : `k �I 1 it • . r,�Lw. bring the Trade iV. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, - ffixeters D ax o MusIaes locals --'Read Them Stewart's is the market or live Poul- try. Briefs along yentr a irks, hens .and ellte2.li `fitill ckS ..tea 'i Prdiekl e. laar* tor Salo 535 ilea °e farm, situate west of the G. T. R. and north of the salt$block, Exe- ter. Tereus easy. Apply A. Q. Bobier. Gents ! If you want a pair of Fancy Striped Worsted Pants Stewart's is the spot where you can get the selection. Just received a sample lot.' '• Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Gents ! If you want to see the newest lines in Ties you can see them at -Stele. art's in all the new shades. To Rost. Dressmaking Shop to Rent; also for Sale or Rent, Furnishings for same. V. TREBLE, Exeter. Have a few White Underskirts left to clear at ra reductions G'atll at Stewart's .and see them. We lean-4OvToj1et Sir to choose from. They aretove2y; come and see them at Stewart's. We know you will want one. Galla* Asiotos for sato. A few cam of slightly rusted tins gallon apples for sale at 15 cts. per can or two for 25 rte., at the Factory. Stewart is giving a big reduction in men's and boys' Straw and Linin Pats to clear as we,ddo>n't want to carry any arer. Subscribe for the Advocate --40c. to Jan. 1000. 1 For Salo A female Irish setter of good pedi- gree. Apply to Mrs. D. Hartleib, Ex- ter. Misses Hazel &More, who have been visiting here for a couple of weeks, re- turned to their home i Wingham on Monday morning, withtheir moth- er, who came down for thein and for a visit of_tsfew days last. week. is order to cover the course for Sen' for Leaving or First -Class •:Certificate standing, the- Exeter Public-_ School Board has secured the services of a B. A. Graduate of Toronto University as Principal for the ensuing educa- tional year. With eight •,years of High, School experience to his credit, five of which bas been spent as Princi- pal, and doubling its attendance, the Exeter School, under his leadership and that of the old staff. should take a still more �pronounced place in the minds and heads of the surrounding district as its higher educational centre. We note that the incoming Principal is an Himory graduate in English History, French, and German, and aSpecialist in Mathematics.Intending applicants should apply to the Secretary, Mr. I. Grigg, for desks early. The school opens Sept. 1st-. and weanticipate a full register. '. suitable A Sesz THE BIG unit for Summer ' ORDEJtRD CLOTHING bass Man already, UT CS TAXI Tot* **A$ , *4%04 are theHeath trle. Fit and Finis On ae aip<:t1 t. �lF�� ren • 1.7 OAL DO : Swan of Fullerton h la ed to teach in. Eden school. trraw' et'1 , for,:one-horse.10 fror twO-horS0 10, fid,sstt he. e :r�twal> A A a i t! nn players froutParkhill ars sly t • here Friday to play it game tb the Exeter bo !>R. MA 1117m. Bowden hoe 00 acre farm, bein lo tanley Tp., from, Ins therefor thefor ,l arebeed the 2 •Clog. `} Staubixrn. hc, ere no. inss on the lend. , -..� t stni y h Who d :Via; 1'. t wet itt u h�• stt,r r.. .p.rA.i{li►..iA s i !.T'.r..n..r. P,"F,f'.4n.?•q�'i+T7,•--.::-:ii'IR ...�,. , .,A. - ...,i'_-..u.tilA.rX,+f 1r,!1:JF•"I`.'P41MaN > new '. it, . Ott t> a .s ;l%. Lha d tl k � rsvaret JU ssa«, letter*ntbiw ardphirw wialewh f e ter - i tO anew the need.or. *gm ' he . r f:t t lel gtla ' , oat cr p.i,n pptacd+ ''�i'otild r�'cei'v'eit gQ `sa Min ►up�y, Branch•` of the dlrezach;ng,lrut. would not be material - 'The Ontario Prohibitory Alliance is. Miss stlyones esl es l i o few' ta►e3d ize l .heti tering a cwanatl>aeips about ;•flier sale of astauel.in► town. liquor) lis, the mllitsry camps, and asks - �" i41 olida► r. Wille, cluie't Mo aw p� i . 'i1 t ng the salsa of liquor. to R'�t trails to is t The Exeter bawler°se who were In Union. Londonter attend the old bays .�e•. London bat week without an estc+s Union. About 200 tickets were issued P• fromthis station. The day was fairly tion are loud in- their praise of the 'well spent by most of those who -went grand old game and although they to the city although many complaint*did not do any winning they are well were heard that the show for which aatisded and are wishing the tourna- they had to pay fell Badly short of meats came more frequently than what they.had been led to expect. and year.oncei that It was nothing abort of an hn- It takes a sharer knock to break au position on the pubiie, egg from the outside, while a week Mrs. Bobier. with her ..daughter -in - little chick with its soft bill can break law s , ,. with a town. The knocks fr;am the. Thursdayey Dnp%n experience,r 'outside have little effect; itis the blows • evening. London Thep were dhen at home that hurt. If you are an in- cog on the Road North when ,aide k ocker, take they, hint, ani .wine the hors becoming frightei on of a ou 14'You're,not needed'lifter a `x .h e rola quick a.u. bo se, t�:>a._ w_. �.,.11��. au...:that, rse and A school girl was required to write 'occupants rolled ov,r into the rigitch. an essay of 250 wordy-aabout . an auto- The children were unhurt but the mobile. She submitted the followings ladies, were considerablybruised. "My uncle bought an automobile.' He They were soon up and witthe asabiet- was riding in the country when it ance of some amen near by righted busted going up hill.y4 f " gu this ie rnatterss. The top of_ thy, shu . , �'o�,,� J _ _.� �� �erwsx ..�uch<a�i• x - k are -what- uncle d<whe he was walking back to town, but they ,n,lON, Spackman Are enjoying . The =are not fit fot publ ` ion: quoit tournament in London this -An eminent legal authority states as weeks On the first draw of the first follows: '•Persons operating engtane s . series Treble beat Walsh 41-38, while. and machinery of any refight, mut Anderson was beaten by Talbot 41-30 lay down planks of sufficient widthand SpAckanan by Henderson 4147. and thickness to fully'protect the floor- On the second draw Treble beat Sen- na of all bridges and culverts crossed; ne+dy 41 On the third draw Treble and that for engines of . 8 tons or 'over, was beaten by Captain Tom Robson the owners must strengthen at their 41.30. In the second saertesss Farrell own expense au bridges and culverts beat Specimen 31-12 in the first draw, crossed by them and keep the same in 'while Anderson trinYnned Klaus 31-20, repair so long as the highway is used, and the Errington -Treble gaper (urn - the cast to b�lorne by the owners of finished) stood 24.14 in the f'ormer's favor. In the second draw Talbot the different engines in proportion to the number of engines rata over the begat Anderson 3143, bridges or culverts." How to Make Mosey. The GT. R.management is redua sc•All shrewd newspaper readers, espe ally the ladies, readilyacknowledge i ing expenses .n evera,F possible way. r that the real news tht affects the one of the latest being an order to the pocket is found in the advertisements section foremen that they are to dis• of local merchants. The merchant ppeense with the cutting of weeds. along issces is a reporter. He re. their beats. This job kwho advertises the soar= age foreman and his assistants busyports to the newspapers what he .has for ara weekor ten days and. the Ckalsto offer and it is news. If same pet ri redact opt the, merchant I* snaking s zurs_on -shoes ny have figured olxtr o and selling them, tat is news to any expenditure to that extent. As it- sa one who nem .shoes. If another ,is happened a few of the foremen bad partially finished the work before the offering special bargains in °ot►escecoaats, y� underwear. corsets, hats, dreg goods, new order reached them. but others i had not yet started. The• farmers'��' furniture. groceries, mai or along°the line era likely to be heardwood, stoves or anything that thee from.--(�liliton News -Record. means needs, why it is news •that mneaans money to .every fawnsand -the- Exeter visitors who 'went out of people knd' it.. That's wby mer. town to spend the holidays: --Miss Ed• chants advertise in newspapers, ith Sanders, Mr. John Farmer,. A ".totrta,"' Salo trait; Mr. asaxad Mrs. Easli Hewoodf3ar- y' Got eeroe againt. _Attnthsr---Batlkr-�r3pt nia-Tun ; Mrs. George Manton. Ay1- Stock of Groceries bought by Auction mer; M� ;las. shaw and Miss in block at London for fifty-one cent* Northcott, Thedf' ' ; Mrs. Geo. And. on the dollar. This is a fresh new erson, Harrisburg; Rev. E. Grigg, stock', just arrived at the Exeter r— Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. Dauncey, . gain Store, and will be offered togeth- Wyomnuc; Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Thos. er with the new and urs -to -date stock Sweet, Mr. Richard Quance, Mises of Boots and Shoes' bought at Toronto. Kestle, Miss B. Lang, Mrs. Ortwein. This will be a LET -GO Sale and will Mrs. Ann Richardson and Miss N. begin Thursday the Gtb of August, Ramsay, Mr. Nelson Heatle and dough- and continue all this week,. Thursday,., ter (ailadyyse. Masters Harry and Victor Friday and Saturday. We mean bus - Sweet, Dr. and Mrs. Sweet and dough- bless and all the goods in the store ter Flossy, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sweet, will be of'f'ered verycheap. No trouble M. and Mrs. Thos. Boyle and daugb- to show goods. Also for sale at half. ter Birdie, Mr..ancd Mrs. Frank -H• price a--dassh register, a steel safe, Sweet, Miss Ruby Treble, Misses Liz- counter scales and show cases. zie and Mary Carling, Mrs. J"xlot, Sweet • J'. -W. Broderick an s"lenghter-Louise, Liand©ixr 1 Elbert Hubbard isn't the best an.. thorityin the world on ,alt Subjects, but he is unquestionably correct in pronouncing against the use of cigar- ettes, especially b e young. n a late number of the the Philistines he ways: "As a close observer and employer of labor for over twentyflve years, Igoe you this: Never -advance the pay of a cigarette smoker; never promote him; never trust him to .carry a roll to'. Garcia, unless you do not dare for Garcia and are willing to lose the roll. Cigarette smoking begins wither' effort to be !mart. It soons becomes a pleas- ure, sa ssatissfaaction, and serves,to bridge over* moment of- ne oueness or em.• barrasetnent. Next it becor ea aa -neces- sity of life, a fixed 'habit. This lu���zt stage soon evolves into a third condi- tion, it stage of fewer and alitreestful, wandering mind, accompanied by loss `of moral and mental control." Mickey". Forecasts lar Atissaurt.. A earctionary Storm Period it ern - teal aal on the 8th ead 9t1, the Moon bser.. lug aiat grfttest south declination ' ow, the Pth. A rsacticsn to stolon: condi-: tions will *make Itself felt on these dates in falling barornieter,'risu g tetra- perature cloudinese and 'pier ble, raai>;cart. A Vnd5r the Venus influene threatening weather will most likely 1,s p'rolonged over the 10th,end II.t rnergtn ileo the storim perod fo low. ins'. Full Moon near perigee fells on the lith, which facts promise not onit to brlclge the time between the tit° storm periods, but to inereeee teittnio roba'bilitiet ou,,,or within three to our days of the 11th.. A ,tegoler storm period begins On the 12tb,, *E- nding to the 1. h. It is centres on . the 14th, with Moon on the ' letsttial equator en the 1�. The seteri l di a gram foe August s Bowe tbaeat Earth's s+atatessa st►sial auluok wilt 40 be a fat. r in sterns. � iststurb� ntee et thilst period. rola and' thr eastint , fq *teas stir to be tet i+clptttog *bias period, ''W'ewot bias ato.notiontbebte, and t� lives ahs expo' aout�: r +viae *hots interest, th rr ;lire this a salt At#iai►NR; stems ►wadiatf0nsw sincere e'eaail o 11 eu1mtnaat on• pas`d+h4y.>ats sl s+y;' tb f th tb *n kith i7 - PERSONAL` r Mr. John Farmer is visiting in Port Huron and Detroit. Miss Grace Howell of Oriel is the .guest of Mre. Wm. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke are spending a vacation in London, Mr. Geo. Hockey is spending his hol idays in London and Eastern points. Mr. Sandy Bawden of Armstrong, B..0., is visiting his father for sea few des. • Me. Ed. Hooper of Winnipeg aarr r• ed home Hatotelsy to visit for ia» five days.. Mr. Frank Mellott, wifeand child- ren, of St. Thomas. were visiting here Part of last week. Mr. John T'hoanpeon of St. Marys s„pent a few days with friends in town during the week. Mr. - Aquihaa Sheere of Ls nsin Mich., arrived ere - t week to visit bads mother f a few dors. • Mr. Harold Weber., who haa's visiting . • sat Dr. Brownings, btu Wills bonieira Hartford, `onn,, daay. ETI 1111110S0 two; tF um=wEDzas Wheat **•*•.....,..4•it 13.0110704 X'ie7...;..,...,,,,,. PON .'. •'.. 11 • 4 •. R . • 4 IA'!•:. otaratosssa, r ..0114,7i4441'77 tow gselade cwt -.1 a�l .. ,_ .:x5 .,,.. •\. J..' q. C .Fn tl. Tis L, 80 40 '7 on the market, try the merits of Colgate's Violet Talcum L.$tsr,�iiaNzt�+ COLGATF'S Vratrt ";sasrrr>r t''- �,r'YTISEP1 g1.•.M'•AMA sire?. a?t7h is . tha A, 1/1 • 1 its branches. con - v n e It is the cheapest .pest sot in tomm • sssiSs Ware 9.i E .._keep con- -1W on- - SOC a rin line of furniture, and it pays to furnish your home from our stock. : • • • _Perfumed and :antiseptic, especially for the .Toilet, the Sick Room and after Shaving. PRICE 25. CENTS W. S Cole, Phm.B EXETER. ONTARIO. Dispensing a Speciality. 4-1-14444-144-4-4444444-1.4.-k+.14 600 Book-koepora, Stoitosraphors and Telegraphers trained by our inanaaeuient tut year. Experience counts. Graduates• host successful. Biecial Course tor -Tauber*. Mail Courses. Send postal forpsrticulaan. Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st. CLIN:1111 BUSINESS COLLEGE Geo. Spottitn, Principal. GLASSES. Pe rhaps you often wondered why coxae of the risen among year acquaint- *aces looked older than others. Never stopped to think of the reason. It's'jj the glasses. Some of the old fashioned l- ones add add about ten years to a man's life.•We fit EYEGLASSES ' • that takeaway the years. They setts. ally make as man look younger. s CoxniF in and get a pair. The cost is OOt t: This*, Snell ofssing. Mich., 1. srpeoiling ten days, wit friends In town thteguest of her Pathe r, Nt. Wm. Dixon. •• Mrs. N.W. Creech and son. of Brant. ford are the,gue.ts of Mr. and , M .' Wm. Creech. N. W'.1. expected tire. on Friday. • Mrs. Ceylon Wad* and iron of Detrelt who have _ been v Mr. and Mtn George Edington mer for the past two week, letti tirday fot London. Mr, E. N. Lewis, the bettor West Huron is Woo. WO) the Adroit* �,..... sell on ,ls' edlieedey 01 lasso +i k. While in town he was the *. Bewdei. litre. , Jen** t.in4 . af Cried 7. spa Sed l lit�tlea > daingbter, 'QuoenI UoJgls lrlliaage, aaotiout, aa'w. Mrr. Jq Ften s.ry, trf 1 tot,, end hheiitttle G rs In, nI Luton ',IOW t'elett „ f ins s►+ad ..efound' nd' Eik`et -`41,,1014;1:', 8 &I1OWBY, Phm. B. ChM- idand opticianw aP ' if days fo pair ' it baarte a good • pply b it prulaar- Aism roneitlerehle I' FRED and 'hopeto Ole to *apply you nt „Along our In Ma atifittiotrO a � E R e s E ani mit Parlor Suites Parlor Tables 3 ic- ts,.- - ---00U-dret Sideboards Hall racks Buffets Kitchen .Cabinets Dining Room Tables Dig .Chars and 'all Bedroom Furzaitute 'Olt ;Aa ro V * ')!l) a1 is lll► -OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE.011020101111,111**111.001100111.11001114111444110411410041141111111011411111.010110.11 RCWE ATKINSON- Tho Leading Home „ Furnishers and Funeral Directory'. ONES & CIA. PRONE NO. 32 got eaIlier Bare We are -ehowi x week some Special Quaiities Muslins, were .50e per yard, silk"finish, . to clear at 25c per yard- Also a range of very pretty patterns, were 2e per yard, clearing at 15e per yard. Bargains in remnants 'of Ginghams, Charbra s, Delainettes, &c. Suitable for. Children's Drwsm.' Corset Cover Embroideries SpecialPit• These are Perfect Goods and we have a large assortment of Patterns to select from. Our White Blouse Sale has been a great success dust a few left—AND EACH ONE A BAR6tAI "— must be cleared out! Aft lines of . Wh a ea!, at Beducecl Prices including Cert Cover r we �a Bnd�recirt� ONLY. kisses' 'Pure Linen ressklir Len h34 inehes„ to clear at $2.00 in ...07 a PARA are either ?LASe+se ' 'fq`s can su l Fwill ,supply � ''+�il,t � r1C that plr Menrs Straw LL. suitable for warm weather, llin edn From F,day ntil Thursday even , y the,following prices: young Chic 1 Ducklings, { H 4 111 •.e�"i 8°Woe any ' It 10, k.+ t �iae'>RFCM, 0 a Ate A