HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-08-06, Page 5 (2)eter twin
1.00 if ►4.1i *device.
I.40 a leer !toot 00144
'e United dist Iaacr1Mrs$1.$O
4.1141. 0 Test etr tfly i !J eevatteo.
SAND ' a t catgut,. rat ars.
These to Cry a Malt Bo ore Complete
Wi 1 Results..
There are thousands, both fieri and
vromen, who .do not take time to eat
properly. They rush through life, end
.es a testa We'have a:! ago of indi'igee•
turps. fervouatese, irritability, r Jeep-
puerto; xtti 11te,� anti merotte disposition.
uv p.ationat, langelr is Stoniaelt weak.
► °due,to ,theirt�rentanrz , lst,f"e.. •
¢YIf tabieb,,etroingt �n th' walla'
tlh °et . fnaelyaut'1. etlmUitate. tsar t o
be thgeotive. i�tfces, ° bey . rxt k -.
ie" fitoinAeIseom rt bk, and ' ere U +
g'stjon. ' , 4
S%k t eatdcrrh: "e, p t1pit%Lt iotl,yellow
43104 -an ee ten: tongue are -a..few of
the, hrriy iritr sling; 'results.o indi•
t gektlor .that Mich , net, ,1' . fall t0
tc a~ potur d eures.t'remale ills and A 8. etIltr •b(ll* I*-o?rill, In. Cent
tura*lir' %ve lu safely through theboa ea, and goes g to . refund the
Cha age of Life. Isfacmoneyif it does not'give complete sat
_Mrs. Letitia Blair (uuutton,O.nt., iafctct on.
writes to Mts. Iiukhatn :-�......
..1 wsrtts niCI fair il'i , scars. 01Q d,ot~- •St. Marys; By-law No.:1<t .t_o ltor-.,
tool lire it. w+xss u1eei tj .�.`_aud.
_ h r. 1
Hd "T
.t'Y i
r tiff '
l •z %I
�lr� �+ , rrr, ,
atyy y� #. .W. .', }o.� .'ixt��i� ". ti �a .'�'-"' is e. u.1..'7Gi.'
5: li U�''.tiYFt j' fCU'�kt� R �1 i.
now* v at ,I su'ff'ered, and the bear- roe ridge over Trout Creek. and
$9,500 for constructing permanent
ing down pains wore terrible. ,
" I wrote to my sister about it and she grarnolithic sidewalae, was voted tw
advised Inc to take.Lydia E. Pinli:hatu's ffeat ed by to matorrit�_yye of and was
Vegetable Compound. being 70 for and277 a allnsit.---11.. S.
"It has sur c, of all my troubles. Lang & Co:, Masssey-1 arrls._ agents,
and 1 did not -have to Nav° titan opera- pp have -Started a
tion after all. The Compound alio and apple exp� mere,
helped tote tom pass safely through cooperage at the rear of their Queen
of Life. Street premises. and have already ord.
era in for 10,000 barrels. --The St.
FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN Marys and Western Ontario Railway
For thirty ears Lydia IC. link -Company have acquired from the
A. i ' J. 'i 3 a .. t n;4 oupc1LwJaa?t ss" .moi _ i .�
as the Look -U
'from roots and herbs, as b ni the p.�achex property, and ala
slog it for extra. lewritA'
datap .any. Mr. Isr N. Eachern, of
Whitby, has been appointed Science
Master in the Collegiate Institute; sal-
ary $1,200.
Large and Beautiful.
The price is not large and
the terms ere easy.
ue tial
rt ite,.1efi iwit.wite for
,axwell is recovering ftoM
severe illnesei.—Miss Anes Dirk 'of
Michigan is the guest o Iris.Jeuny
Mcqueen.—Mks s Pearcy Scott of `rar.
onto is spending a few weeks et her
hornet -44v° acv° Cantcic ns" iQ ppendjng
couple of weeks among the urkee ot.
Northern .hitter;o... Rev. J. Theist eupl-
plied theelpit of 1Itnsall..M
_cthoc asst
t' tntcit� tuft Att#E'1: oath' oii.
was: in I hutl ,atutptof 1zi'. t week attend,
tlsse funeral f hie h n ev- Pik
nillet• .0 Vise to l i' .a few a �a .:
Lha .trent . f c�£nr ince W 1o,: reui
t•7 ul1esclo , `atetlot'M-00.:.
L dl lw ot! .t 0rrtcv. et'0t gtiettt,
e1`'K ll ab acl %ifo en, 'tt
;fait».;OW 1 *nder:41�1 is etitadu,:
.s#F'Ttablu attf�bo r�`0.e�a�ro�f, lils
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
'feat Reduction.
Sewing Machines, Bicycles,
tildi ells s Wagons, at, pric s
,that will make you smile. -
ti r4,
standard remedy
FallTenn Oens Septi
TUE SOONER YOU complete a course. Is this
school the sooner you may expect to hold a
' position of trust.. Dureouraesare thorough
and practical. Our students slew eueceed.
We assist graduate* to positions. We have three
depu►rtmenter-romnierclal. Shorthand and Tel-
egraphic. We ~employ experienced instructora..
Cattaloguo free,
men who have been troubled with
displace nts, inf ammatio ulcera-
tion, llbroid tumors,,, Inc_rities
periodic pains, backache, t at bear-
wg-down feeling, flatulency, iudi s-
wN tra,.-
hy on't- you ry i t `
Mrs. Pinkham invitee all sick
WOUIfflilli to write her for sdvlee.
She has pfuided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Masa.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
;Croat Uterin. Tante, and
safe eJlt etna1 Monthly
labs -on widch woman can
depend. Sold iIn throo d
of str'e h—No. 1, i o• 3.
10 degrees strenter 3i o. a
dull per seas
prepadd on . ptof peak
lite*' pam Addrei ; T
Conic MUISIStOlr~.%. r. v °tu wi�
Manitoba, Alberta
Work harvesting for 25.000
mon. Good wages. .
TOTE*. Diit. rat 'fw CLL . Tera.se
Going WO 00
• C nss
'e C
Free tickets from Winnipef to polinti where farm
la orers are needed. w thin certain limits.
oddliko,folr $J Oil after at laud• 3O days weak
AUG. 14 & SEPT. 8
from all stations in territory b.twmen Toronto-
Sarnia line and: Toronto -Korth bay line.
Ask O.P.R. Tkket Agent for tfrno of special
uraln-rm A guM-I4 th.--'= epee- ogeM- e.nv*nf nt; -
write tour .
Crowing Time
Is .most strongly
Marked by the
Increase of its
-s.ro-=•.m.••-» � :mow
The Bell Telephone Co! of Canada
'affords Service with 100,000 Subscribers
Canneeti6 its l Au Extension.
t ,
10 Cents lel` day .I • bei3k 3 1.3 Cent;
Brewed from sc
lected hops, choice
barley malt nand
° jvirc npriirg water,
with the utmost
flare. Bottled. ext:
. to roarer° raver
i>«radgi g. That is.
k why lesisatt' . ` A,!e
eckka l t he fait,*.
• t ^fit, ,t 4AA'piz!b i' ' `_ t1 a`
! V
rrrc�, ...tltaOi1la t.
4ifinik hulk a ' iuiccIb i riot v't
:e t former has to . post-
E. Met, Smith,wife: and.
children, drove to Luean last- week .to
enjoy ' a month's bplid,L e.�-Rev. 1 ,
TO l and wife left last Tueeedayy for
Overy, Essex Co., where the father of
the Fortner resides. --The G. T. It.
painting staff are here e, ting the
o going
R o g t e. new station this
year. --About 1$0 Indians from the re-
serve passed through to Kiper► last
week, to pull flax for McEwen and
Geiger.'-- W. Bonthron and wife are
here from Grand Forks, B. O. He
left here 13 years ego for the coast
where he worked at carpentering.—
Miss Tena Sbirray returned on Thurs.
day. after spending a month visiting
friends in Detroit and Saginaw. Mrs.
G. Moorehouse of Saginaw accompan-
her home and is auest at Mrs. Shir-
rs 's. --The following wiIl`su ply ,tgh�e
s)efitsests-thwote'issehterehw-< ft.,
ev. 3`. Welles, Toronto; Au loth
atoll,° a *bard: ""@
following are the newly elected`oficers
for the Zurich Lodge A. F. & A. M.:
John 13. McArthur W.M., Rev. W. J.
DohertyS.W., Jas. McDermid J.W.,
Robert Drysdale Chap.,O. A. McDon-
ell Treasures, Jas,�Bontiron retary..
•ren z`S.Dee: Jo z btepberd
raui Frank lery
1). of 0.,�Fred Manns S.S., John Weis -
rui3 r J.S., Jos. Priest Tyler. . J. D.
Cooke and W. E. Hoggarth Auditors.
An interesting_ game of baseball
MAO_ played. here Monday -evening be-
tween a team of Indians who are here
pulling fat and the Hensen boys.
The game which was well contested
was won by the Indians, the score be-
ing 11 to G.
The, Farmers Bank of Canada
CAPITAL $1,000,®0 TOTAL ASSETS $1.0400. ...
.v.a. +.-r sw
,.k i9Y'. -. Y' :.'�.G
�' vietx ` 0 0t mars _ "1 us'ilaesiisa:
Sale Notes Diseouuted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Interest paid or
added to principal 4 times a year.
Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where
burglars, thieves or fire may take It from you, or to invest in
risky speculations or with doubtful institutions that so often in
the path have robbed men of their hard earned wealth.
When sending mons to any part of Canada or the world,
soldet the lowest ._
1 4
y, pp {{ J
4 V � •1
:.�....D.�a�C�a G
d.�............�.......,.__.m�.e.+win.ann...wa�...a•.m•.a,_w..a..ra '::."J,_:. ,'7'3.s.:
bylocal applications, as they cannot reach the dlaeia-
cd portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness 1s caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tubs le inflamed you have a rumbling sound orim-
erfeet bearin and when it enttretv'ctoeed,
neseG the result. and unless the inflauunatlon can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi-
tion, hearing will be destroyed torever; eine eases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ecce of
Moines' caused bycatarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hail's Catarrh ure. Send for circular, free.
F. .1. OHENEY k CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family fills for constipation.
Miss Margaret McQueen is spending
a week's vacation with Miss Annie
Ellrington of Guelph.—Quite a num-
ber attended the Bell picnic to • Bay.
field on Saturday last and report��a
good days ' ofttio g -.- M
-George. cEwen-
of Bengali has quite a number of In
dians-engared pulling flax on Samuel.
Norton's farm.—Stewart _ McQueen,
who has been ill for a few days, s able
to be around again. --The oats” are be -
in mostly all cut and are a good crop
with the exception of the late ones,
which are coneiderably damaged with
the rust.—Mrs. Thompson of Mitchell
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas
Glenn. --Mrs. Robert McAiordie of Lon-
don is visiting with her daughter. Mrs.
W. N. Glenn.—Fred Ellrington is do-
ing an extensive business with his
threshing outfit. It takes Fred to
keep the hall a rolling. --Miss Vera
Glenn is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Robt.
Ross of London. "
Catarrh Now Curable.
But stover by Medicine tswallowoc,
Snuffs, Sprays or Douches.
Catarrh is not -a .blond disease 'and
that is wbyrit cannot be cured by any
medicine taken into the stotnaeb.
Catarrh is a germ trouble contracted
from the erne -laden air -lou breathe
ries in the tissue and air cells of the
breathing organa. multiply by
oriss,rcasuse-sneezing, coughinw, raising
of mucfous, discharge from the nose,
tickling in the throat and other symp.
toms Mat can only be reached by the
dry air principal of H omei.
It medicates the air you breathe
with the curative properties of the
Australian Eucalyptus Forests where
catarrh is unknown.
The reason you fret relief in a mart.
ute or two from Hyorael is because it.
destroys every catarrhal germ in the
air you breathe, and its dry penetrat-
ing aromas will reach the lnnex'znost
ease of the air paseetgee. killing
millions of germs n minute. Their de.
struction means freedom for oppressed
respiratory organa. W. S. Cite sells
Hyomel.under a guarantee of aatisti1e.
tion or money back. , Price. $1.00.
Arthur Well of Saginaw is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Well.—
Mrs. Chapman of Listowel visited at
the dome of Mr. -and Mrs. O. Fritz. --
J. Iii. Schuettler has a gang of men at
the cement walks•and the work is pro-
gressing rapidly. --Erwin Greb is learn-
ing photography and is in charge of
Mr. Schlender's studio. -Miss Mabel
Jacobs of the 14th Con.. while driving
into townrecently, had_he - coliarixmer ..
broken by the rig upsetting, in which
she and her,brother and, deter were
The buggy was completely overturned
'but: the other occupants escaped in-
urry.—Mise- Alice Reedding of Berlin
a vieltin relatives in town.—ConradSeim. of New Hamburg is visiting with
his"sob, Edward. --Ed. Moritz is on a
visit with friends at Berlin and Guelph.
J. E. Burns and two children of
Brigden are the guests of Mrs. John
Preeter.—Miss Emma Heideman of
Exeter visited relatives in town last
week. ----Mrs. John Fried of Toronto is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fritz. --Joe Eisenhefer, who worked
the past few months in Wellman, re.
turned to town.—F. C. ICalbfleiseb
started hie sawmill last week.—Mrs.
A. G. Ebner is visiting relatives and
friends; at Sarnia and Port Huron. --
Miss Ella Moser of Blyth is visiting at
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rick.
beil.—JosialfGeiger has taken a pod.
tion in.Schrag's b Ikery.--»Mist+ Lizzie
Truetnner of Detroit is home for her
holidaye.--John Kibler'of New Hope,
Sask., is renewing acquaintances, and
looking up the chums of hie boyhood.
Ile has been out Vit for quite a few
years and thinks a lot of Western"
Canada. •, ,..:, ..
"W 1 DEn.--A very pretty wedding_
took place in Brandon, Man., recently.
at the •home•-of..Mr. an Mrs.. W.-
Merner, formerly of Hay 'Township,
when teir eldest daughter, Miss ;della
Maud, was married to 33101:114 t beach.
The bride was assisted by Miss M.
Train of Hamilton, Ont., while the
groom • was **doted by the bride's
brother, Sanford A. Merner. The
bride"s little sister Hazel, carried the
ring on a silver tray.
(fllnton: Mr. V H. faucet has lven
appointed Division Court Clerk here,
suoce or to Mr. W. W'. Ferran.
whom flutes. hour compelled to retire.
Re ;told the ogice for 45 year*,, and
gave entire sretlsfaetion to All who bad
a thing to do in connection with, this •
Cates *nd ire+r►1; abr in.
Pa s : rite : itis
Oun Mom—Ciourteous Treatment. No Red Tapp,
Of ce—OOne Block North of Siebert & Co.'s Store.,
stforth: On July UJrr b ttln».
►lt: eurploye a of t rain
or sreeitit •-
t was. .w klnI
of the lathe. and was. - 1
tn+e'end tfthe ills
the lather, and .0*
.wr. h bane handle . err.. mit th"rcust
rith conslderablei *Intent* Into his
infileting ain ngly wound.
iotan: Ashy mss (dent, third
daughter of Dr, Gunn, died sit Mid*
night. Thy of last week. She W40
atta eked by ap +ndleltis and *n ,opsr.
ation hed to berted to, his w
rtwi ally perfu
� And thepstient
***doing so well, Dr. Gunn r00.
ed tO an it nt profew ionatl ;dill from
�f tb. But about mk lzalgbt her
weaknee t developed and befit .Mrs.
aunts could reach the d.ide ' plain
da Kht 'wi spirit !fid fled.' +4b* was *
bright and *table g' 1, andp s►tIy'
beloved by' ;all,- it Ind. wait ul n fust.
lsteentb' yeo, The* l t r t
toter funny soot oat t t
t on Year
per day
Rural Line connection. Over 300 :Rural Sys -
toms now connected.
on Mortgages of Real Estate at Current Rates
All Business Strictly Confidentiatu
Liberal Terms of Repayment °
ans Completed Quickly.
Eicpenses Moderate
information gladly divan
Loan anSa
\‘ 4
.,fin S17 ;r i"�'n�'v'Mi'yk'�'i `�.''�'�ti1.::`''r � '•'xr;9i o,t