Exeter Advocate, 1908-08-06, Page 3 (2).14 • 41 *� trialSee ,as>Frak 111111010.3 L!brar!ans and Library Boards will ...do well to --consult Library Bureau of Canzttia before -ordering Book St>sackas, Fur- niture, Charging Systems, or Card Catalogs. We are the recognized authority on Library Equipment and and Supplies. uohn charge on a ,., lica.oir: -. -:. Library Bureau of Canard* LIMITED - Y WlLQN"SFLYPA' M��M Kill teens a a an tea malar Mow • tying about whew t.iosd are are dtrateed. SO> KY ....... 0110M1srs, CROCE*$ Cf$E AL. gnus 10a., pat paaacktt„ or* pa ckNar'fist UV - will last *whale *,*weal. 'ofiel:_Cumberland e.W S. siread uy at Volta alt., NEW YORK soiu lletatirti +t Vit% war aura Ord/Arcot mould Stages. Ideal Location Hsu Tbeatsrs, Sbopr and Central Park New, .Modern and Absolutely Fire Prof Tr*natent ;Raatoi $2.50 With ?iatbe asci • up, Malt Outside rooms. Bead for Rookie!. Valor th3 a titar.aier,.wdttof !IAltRr r $flM$Os R. A, Rtniftf01$1 'tyofIlotetrsapc dal Plaqut1rt,lWoodward! QUEEN Gtl`1f WRQ. WHITE Ives Perfect Light. Fob, SAL BY LE'EVERIVIER Among the begging letters recent w' e to c+sl• at, the , y # oslftcas of as . bene- volent �society was; one 'running, .g. atlatlir ' - _ "Thi, unff3rtuntatd' ° nn elan the a ib �)t oei w o, , .. d c t lessw al e h and �rsra: iK +easr< n N mea' t+�1if• aged ' �akr r' . C and infant_ brothers, , whose solo stip- port he ii. T1 * sseeretary' iof" the atociety wrote on the margin of the gristle the following note:; - "The crrculustanees• of the case are evi- dently exaggerated." When it gRrl Once ,}stets the repute - tion of being vivaci ut, no: power orx ,earth tan shut her up. t, i tot cff win k '1 Iw tat &them �. �ut, reed t = r ght yyV 11 aa' �lV , ro OM J.RINL'S GREEN IS �P. BY, KL FAOM f 1.1'4°ltl's . ORh St- . a o. eotaaagrri •' a port. �n,WA :T. T&ud feet.in wai `,c i t ii Wines;' .11srg�az. a A 'mitts m tts *story. ,solution of the I grazi»g';question in Elphin haat at nat.beeo broughtr.10400401:3 es batAirtikt e�yty�+�a }�yp 1$ , ig G + ye ' t'o Lice Uw . `Lea e. S h. - e er�aMs providing for the erec- tion Of 6 .cottages with half acre plots, at ap estimated outlay of ¢663,135, are being considered in Armagh. The agricultural tenants on the Marquess of ;L, rnsdowno's Limerick estate haye agreed to buy their holdings on the terms offered --23 23 years' purchase on the present rents. Miss Darby, the last surviving member of an old and respected Downpatrick -family, has presented a beautiful new organ to St. Pat- rick's Memorial Church Down- /r..Y.,..� `kU - - mea rr 1c. Yr x.{!!91?. a1lSKr � MPsT•S>.•* °"' v:c+! x•"' The Imo.egal harvestmen find their- stay ichiefly to the Lothians and in Berwickshire in Lnglendh Wages range from 96 cents to $1.20 a day, with free lodging and coals. Edenderry, has achieved they dis- tnietiern of winning the Lord Chief Baron's gold medal for mathemas ties at Clongest-es. The Cork Corporation has beer r : end for the costs of the cablegrams of sympathy which tfiey sent to ths~a. mayor and other pub- lic men in San Francisco, Cal., at the time of .the. earthquake. Voting, as she declared herself, "for the honor of God and the glory of Ireland," Mrs. John Mc- Giade, aged lois cast her vote in South Derry, where the county csunci!or3hip election tot* place. Owing to the depression at pre- sent exrstrg in ' the linen trade in Portadown, fifty weavers and two tenters have been put on short time .in the Tavanagh Weaving' Compan's factory, near Porta- .adcwn. • The North of Ireland constabu- lary are engaged unravelling two ramatie domestic mysteries, in whid] the wives of Ulster farmers assure in custody charged with the al- leged attempted . murder of their husbands by poisoning. A Cure for Fever and Ague. — Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are comp -branded te, and they will be found to preserve their powers in any latitude. 'In fever and ague they act upon the secretions and -neutralize the- poison which has found its wayinto the blood. They ''correct te impuri- ties which find entrance into the system through drinking water -or food and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided, An Englishman travelling in Cali- fornia was much impressed by a specimen of Anieriean humor. Re was'gain , Town itd .en r . maxnn- afaari mead in a coach when he saw these ominous words, branded in black- letters -.upon ax whits board nailed to a wayside tree "How would you like to Have a Broken Neck k and a :Dirty Shirt oza t Go to the Pioneer Laundry." • Yes. Ia ieei, suisos sem tees e beabistelesda �scatck.t e skin. wcrses s cerate su fi llr axaaar,aSyraar state.urt work of all blood and aids't'rra. , "Which do you like best, .Stella, yur dolt 'br'your Teddy bear?" ask. Our as visitor of a little four-year-old. yea�er-olJ After a moment's hesitation the small diplomat %sent over and whisp eyed )in the ear of tbe'questioner : "I think 1 like my dolly best, but please ,don't'tell. Tedder.:, Give Rofawasy's Corn Cure ria trial. It removed ten corns from eve pair of feet, without any,pain. What it has Alone once it will' do. azo a wilt RE SAM' 7 e "Was tir," arse? ao . traveflels ,in a>k railroad restaurant, „ • aur<ant, "did you say I d'- twenty - rimae. s. t +rit it that was tnrenty mitr!tes to eight'!". «Naytler. • Oi 'aid had twinty minutes to sem, an' that's all ye did have. rear tram's just gone." First Tramp—'—''"After all, it pays. to. be rilte, pardner." Second Tramp "Not always.. The other day I was actin' deaf and dumb when serfs man gave me test rents. syr . 'Thinc situ," sir,' and ,he had rine ,arrested." •:?Will, yo* dninkf rJ d at+e bOttl skaxd "�a. iuviatati0ntt) a trtaad`>e ruse nr*1 a� °arlasita .1W. tithing a''1, the s..: that little hike fo T1:RTIJRI WOMEN SUFFER • Are II I ,as#ei 0t Skert Intl 1* Boer Warr... The horse' is o.ns of the nasosit is ! tint fai t rs. modern wertisro, t i his education .,,for :this pairpoa a. e04+ tokefl &t .grey e,s " i it `�, " eery ,notion, in , the , Itorla n trusts et•.1f' pearl only t!wc thi,; ,Marl ,04'sa10 r 0fht ill% h r o3nan e & b1t d uildig` 0 'i.tr. owan a ',,heal ron , tAU i it.y #tr emidd e �: xg •he;r► l.l# �.;a rsdha p i;>» ue 4. o1 va .; wem4n 'pends a o!» S b z `'ha e� r � � � h sxs� a � as P *ti1arity I ;r 'hod ;:p r MT watery 0. iii,40s. , leu i ,pale. axed' .servo strs.. • If; er b�l + UpP1.`' ;i ...irre : h " sufl aches, },aekachee, szda aches aid. the other M .unspeakable di tres>ss which onk *omen Know", Some WO- x;s> ;hors a dv a8'�: dtiiitia the rdo1 j1; rold1 1atu.ne.dr eed nd Bobr4-4 vf:e+o 1 °rnt tt�l a , �, esto . .i sd u t �Qar r' 1>tar'r r�R �� ` .90''', � "s .i estimated n 4*# r Fi arse°i`s errd'at', �'ann.uaally, while G? t' r4y, .zt has been ealeulated, must PLY t least I , ort ' thio Ieaat�'' f ' ry ' rare.'�?�FCr-".., , ..L `*,' M,31 • est► 1• a men"iiiv ''''a e t th; ... suffering at regular intervals Le bear it in hopeless silence. women would - eseape ruph- misery if they took a b x of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills them over each critical peri Thee Pills actually wake blood. They help as woman- 7 when nature • takes the grea. demand upon , ter blood supp They have done this for thousan of women throughout Canada, - w not for you? _ Mrs. Joseph__ inneGil.b.�- Cove, N. S., says .`Fr ten years I . suf'f'ered from nervousness ., .er a those - heals rel 's ° ii rocs' -..A YY•.'11 i • walk fit andBet til se cd.a ere est terse ly. s by `41011S • Ise m^• wr be i eon f{i .l! spent sleepless ''nights and seemed to lose all courage. I tried sever- al doctors, but they failed to give _.,„ .. .r -T1 a-3ast o o 4.,140 will ., could not undertake my case un- less I would undergo an exatninaae- tion. It was then' I decided to give •Dr._Wihl ens' Pink Pills a,trial. After taking six boxes I was much improved in health, -but .I continued t• • take the Pills far a couple of months more when I felt Iike a new woman, and was enjoying such health as I, bad not experienced for ten years before. I have had no return of this trouble since, but I have used this Pills once since that time for the after effects of la grippe and the result was all I hoped for. These are plain facts from my own experience and I have always felt that I cannot too strong- ly recommend 'D.% Williams' Pink Pills to the many women whosuf- fer as I did." You can get View Pillet from -any dealer in medicine or by'snail at 50 cents a box or six . poxes for $15.,.50 from Tho Dr. 'Williams' Medicine, Co., Brockville, tJ jt. TOOK . TO ART. . �. The girl bad been but three weeks in the employ of an artistic family, but her time had been by no means wasted. The mistress was giving in- structions. .4g -et the toes' she enjoined. "No, ma'am," replied the maid. "Will you have rem_ in their $acketa or in the nood 'Tis Well to Know a Good Thing, said Mrs. Sttrfaee to Mrs. Know - well, when they met in the 'street. "Why where have you been for a week' back 1" "Oh. just down to. the store for a bottle of Dr. Tho- mas' .Ecleetric Oil," and Mrs. Sur- face, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she .:contracted- •a, .weak back there was another customer for . ifectrie Oil. Old Flink"--"L doubt if scr ;e man - out_of twenty can recall to ,memory the language he used in proposing." Young Stewpid--"Probably not. But the girl can.. Mine did. When. the breach of promise suit can u,pp elle was able to repeat my propos I word for word." - Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as a worm medicine; the name is Mother Graves' Worry Extermin- ator. atria. The greatest worm destroy- -yr of tire agcy: • A TOAST. Hero's to woman, lovely iromaan- Saddleast in her sadness when she's s ase d,A . 1 Gladdest in her g1asetdnesszs• when she's glad.' But her sidnes6 when he's sad, And her gl&dfes when ,skiers oke s wt �t• tt. rt ;t h h.r 'h d � ak nes . whoa The bess f + t thea Irrzart g>rr� 'kwha►,es elle fel w " -w` I' o .tree xl to ✓"K N L ; t,*, kiltINE ,71 t 1 NOE' MEAT people to the ono sending in the largest number of bottoms et "ORANGE MEAT pack- ages .before -Marty. 31 1t009. This,insane that the winner will receive One Dollar EVERY WEEK, or F1F "Y- O- L er iy a as he or she lives or' nge T r a OASII PRIZE of SES N HUNDRED DOLLARS.. orid Cash Prize of ONE I 141), RED .i' , SRI. 4 N s Ten Cash Prizes, of TWENTY' DOLLARS each. Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL- LARS each. -ca h iiid".f E HUN= IDD Cash Prizes of ONE DOL- LAR each. The only condition attached i& that you cut out the bottoms of the ORANGE MEAT packages and send them in to ORANGE -MEAT, Kingston. The bottom of a i • ':bo package counts equal to Throe of the smaller size, You should be able to win one of the above prizes if you start immediately and get your friends to' help you. Send your name - and address to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- DAY, and state that you are en- tering the • contest. It is surely worth trying for. sus -LETTING IT. ".:law, Sandy, comer over an' gie us a hound I" shouted an Edinburgh bootblack- to `_a companion when ` s, big Scots Grey private stepped ,at his stand for 'alt shine. "Bee wha's here- sin? me. I've got an army 44,31 - tract." PILES CURED AT ROME By New Absorption I[ethod: I� you - -suffer- - Isaac- b%ee frig, itching, blind of protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell , you - w to cure your- self at home . by the absorption treatment; and will also send some of. -this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immedi- ate relief and permanent cure as- sured. • Send no money? but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 102 Windsor, :Ont. - te,s-raeng4h+rslteil for -the - maid. "Nora it,sar she said, ' I'`1l feed the canaar �r axe. myself taftarr� theirs.- .T o � cisc. N r Tr/ the causes of infant mortal- ity cholere. morbus � rants figures fre- quently.. and it. may besaid that complaints of the bow"elsi are great destroyers of child life. -Iii su mo- thers would a vati themselves of so effective a remedy as Dr. J. D. Kel- logg'' 1 Dysentery Cordial .. arnasny & littleones could.. be. cave , This Cordial can . be given with aafetyto the smallest -child, se there is no ins. $urions sub,tance h it. . A diplomat is as •man who doesn't any everything he thinks; or 'think* everything he says. . . 11 aaii i rsea INkawrr aid 'tillable* *tjks � F grestaerve aaa tt rsleorl: t asaeter, t.* r ,' aa► roast *Ow* ay Ow the. Crean alaaa4iata Welt e► Was. alta ' "talc * All d :. r r • • r • w.w,�•rr.w r ,: . �'lil'* telt �y u''hlre -pipe th# yy � k . �•a �' In • tttGse , tsnt f the bene,ti of u crod_. nee- -"Yes; ply affairs are bat+I shape* I, won't be able scuts in th+ po und." "You're a lure dog. Why when X laded two raeara *go X hod so touch property left that 1 had to pay eta thra pound." .. 11 to for Neuralgia, Roadaiihe Ehcumaliern, 1 ,4144.44 a, � e ;. hx�= e iq it !Spvtt, St., T'O.Phone R E lttl aas>jralei on a e ;c" aange3 4 .• ..o alt orders exec tied Tor—cast. CORRESPONDENCE. INVITED. ' r4.4 )A. .::ii in l44 f N Y Ta,H p � >ta^'. T� _Y .� 4 bw4M .4A",. .aA urF .Y.liS:4 ' w 4 h n •`.,Y aV r'.YW` i i �'0 WILL . FANO anufAeturing-Premises - TRU-714-BUILDING '-- a V '' LQWESr RENTALS,' IN ZLUDWUI t,I Steam Power, .Heat„ Electric Light Fire Sprier system, Lowest insurance Most Central Location. Four ?.arse Freight Elevators. S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St.,- West ThE r ��ty (No Personal Liability) Authorized Capital, 000 00 0„00 LIMITED DIRECTORS. Arthur Mulls,. Gran tr ace r, Pr ?eo rsl. L A. S. Wigmore. gr.IloIn :ss' E!eet.'.e :nd Pe.atecttsm Co.. V'cc Pr- sidarne. Fred. Armstrong;-Caiiiractor, S c. Tres,•urrr. r. 11. 'Hubert; Arch: toot. J. G. Holtby, Contractor rge—Di tine; ., antra!tc-'or. J. B. Tighe, Minor. BANKERS. Thinit, To -lento. AUDITOR. OR. Henry Harbor; Tcirotl. The property cons , of 28 40-c:cre Cia.ms bn;m :al,.1y ndjo,:n.nt tIa now famous II RIIIS MAXWELL, and upon tl:e :searrae automat of d(vy l+ap» mut should prf,; e equally a* good. ' 1C40.000 Slims ace now off,?red b Il pub) c at 15 centi per a.hart lair not tone thts OLDEN OPPORTUNITY of Lyme -0141g :ar on'ro of the most prom. Sang propert ea In the dl strict. For -mr ly . to HENRY F. .DACC LL,. .. FISCAL AGEN . No. 8_ oibiarne► Stroet, Toronto KNEW HIS BUSINESS. Patients- "Iwish to consult you with regard to my utter loess of mem- ory." Doctor -- "Ah—yes—why—r—in cases of this nature I always require my fee- in advance. - Pompous Judge (to little girl in the Witness box)—"Was your fath- er -ceder' the imiluence of akobul when your mother etruck. him. with the poker t" Littte Girl-"I3o, sir r he 'was under the kitehen table." , Just 'the Thing That's -Wanted. - A. pill that act* upon,. the ssto> seh and yet isle s Adm unded that'' certain ingredients of 4 pre- serve rre- serve their power to a .. Y h .,.� 'upon the ne otitis, sas . intestine! n l so 'clear ,as t ..: � sa tr they of , clarets'- the retention, of': . Nth e eat ti r b u *~ . aria 1 t a� `lel refi'n'e,. rrfase fe�ngl looked for .hyo t�,. a 'in+edieal pro- fess ion. It was fonn Paarmebee ax: e eteble' Pills, which are'.the ren,. cult of retell expert study, and are menti &eelly prepared as sa laxative arad„ an alternati-re 1» elle.. VERT MUCH 80. "►Th' > t sir . is sir peasacli h." entla~uskiakas realty rremsa�rked s a'cc>tator. seri, iddd :aanotizcer, and sire the apple of her, fi etlu r's, eye." '"She an+ young kss. wottld aasaakas sirs► Inc pair, " suggested a, ' obajeeted anot'het' t j rare ..� 'sass+ fellow inheioka would isront tieing of sa lemon in 1.1 e,'r ia"ive(.:f 3 fnieal hist/an ar tenfrrg butted is lasllr , 1 1 j The Mild Climate of Virginia eters ^rlendid tpportoultios fair stork rstsing, resit *rowing& *rowingd3ir#i0g and . general lam Winters saw Mort. (Malt* healthful. Lau owl sad swelling bolo* its value taut iceroau(qng a wave each year.. 151at'at�r Gas usoilunt are Walla �'jg ltpls'. 'Write for Ink rmstrora to ii., W. !WINER, • a Cooialwalsa;oaer o' A Kru'.trrr* lebinG tf, 1Yat. VICTOR -BERLINER ee; 4. N;. 11 prices and styles from 1240 tole •, 24o. , Write for free catalogue.? Emir. +bfi tt4r 'tiy tOWn. ,awe 4 55 r,' f 4.h la !