HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-27, Page 66 TIM ES THI; IiANLA: i-- CQUiiTN1 YRRACE. 'Washington, D. Ci, A:i:tty 19. ---Ab 0:.15 the evening the long debated 'lueettou WAS fully settled, and 3iawttrd 1laulu had won the title of a'.:tattipion ()areal= of America. The treat race, if it, may be walled a race, 000upied just iltl minutes and 80 3.10 seooude by the computation. of the o}iioiltl titueke per, though 0 secouds loss were claimed by parties upon the referee's boat, C slug 1 Utes 84 seoonde from the start, to some hilt appreheueiou in regard to A IitION SE71L. the postponement of the race to to later Cu the way hone Iiaulan gradually flour, the Speedwell, which had bawl overhauled Courtney, and the thous. assigned as a press beat, left her pier ands upon shore and upon the boats and steamed up to the start, a mule and steatuers whish lined the oouree, auove, at least a half hour earlier than c not knotting that Couetuey had not had been expected, A score or more turned his stake -boat, imagined that represeutativcs of the press reached' the ,trio was still a debatable issue, the ;tier after her departure and were and rent the air with cheers for their taken up to the start by the referee's respootive favorite. hauler), however, boat, and transferred to Speedwell. s!•,ou passed (luurtuey anti pulled leie- ;.'ith the exception of this delay of .about twenty minutes, there Wad no other flitch whatever iu the arrange• iueute, which were pronounced most admirable. At u 43 the Gedney, hay - lug on board the referee, judges, title keeper, several newspaper represents• tivee and a score 'or more of dietin- guished g'.leete, inolu3lug SectetarLes 4y 8 to seconds from the time of start. Sherm:ln end Thompson, Postmaster- ing. Potline Lip to the referee's boat THE TWO AMU mai in 18 minutes 81'leecouds, just one - eight of a mile iuadvance of Courtney, who stopped, finally, threeoighte of a mile from the tutu, or two and oue• ei;4hth miles from the start, turned his boat and pulled leisurely peek aver the oonrse and disembarked at his quarters nt the Potomac, boat houiio. Jlanlau pulled ou to the turlliug stake, and squared away for the fiuieh iu 17 min- •urely to the last eighth of the source, when, lu reepouse to the blowing of whistles and the clleere from the thousands of slteotatots, he quioltoned to a forty stroke, and exhibited a splendid burst of speed to THE PINI.Si1, which he reached in 80 minutes and General Key, and the 'alias of their Haulan tetra awarded the race by the families, draw up to the starting point, referee, and was cordially congrtttulat- and immedi'ltely after the second faun cd by Mr. Soule, who tatty a decitll.dly etas fired as a signal to the men to get ready. ,i 1t 5.51 Haulm pulled atony from his boat hone a mile down the e:turse Iron the star, and just as he reached the Potomac boat house, a short half mile from the start, he was jj aiued by Oourtuey and both rowed leisurely up to the start, Just as the Hien reached the referee's boat the two judges drew for positions, and Mr. Ward, representing Haulm), won the RILEY >j DFl.1 it '1RSC]s. L'iloio.`. Thin teas auI0ulltretl to Eau Riley, will) was at the start prepared !au by the referee, and by the advice to etater the race it anther Courtney or t.=f his judge he chose the Virginia 11 I f '1 1 tostarted down share, giving lliiu the inside in the the other edge of the c )orae a few tura alonnd the te:;int of Anaiostan 6m:ids before the worth was glvun, lr,u L Wand. 1'itiiout delay both mon back- and rowed nearly the eutire course in lovers of front of I.i:Wein iecietteing his 1ea,1 to interested ei.eetator ou the referee's boat. Hainan then pinked his way through the seores of stealners and river crafts of every description, and reached bis gaarteis at the Aual3stau Boat house, where he was received amid the wildest denioiistra:•iune of de- light, lifted bodily from his boat and carried ',n the .shoulders of eutbuettstic friends iete the boat e wese. . all tau a1 at appear. alarmed at a remarkable change that was owning over the child. He grad- tialle grow dark. At first his skin be-, camp a pale yellow, then deepened lu- te a saffron oue,and then, to the terror of the patents, grew dancer yet.. The Dolor was uniform all over the body, exoopt at the joints. where it wits a little darker, and in the palms of his hands where it was lighter. The once brown hair grow stii3 and jet black, and the eyes oleo grow darker, so that the line between the pupils and iris would not be distinguished. Iu spite of medical treatment the body became worse, and grew very weak, all the time the color of the skin deepettinc. At last lie became as Mack as a full blooded negro, Then he was attacked by convulsions, which grew more fre- quent and violent until they threaten ed the child's life It was in one of these eases that Pr, Reynolds was call. ed in, lie succeeded in curing the spaynls, and thea devoted his attention to the strange disease which afflicted the child. Ile at onee recognized it as tnelauoiis or pigmentation, wilful) is mentioned in the boobs in a general wary, bat there is no cavo giver whole it had developed all tllrtnrgh the body, This \vas over etsteen menthe ago, the child being then sixteen mouths ttld. biuee then the boy has greatly improv ed, by decrees becominglighter, until now he is of n 1it;lit chestnut brow': color. Singe Dr, iteynoltis has had the case in charge the child has been visit- ed by over 200 physicians, 1FIU ULOQD es •errs j.,IPI;.—It 18 f onl the blood that our tissues are b(nit up. and it is from the S:floc: srt(irce that all the \vastes of the body are re -evil -OA. l t I+ necessary, therefore, to lit•ei' the blood pure. .if the stouetcll or hoe ele become clogged of e.turse tele blood ai once eeeenues impure. Netivual Pill. are the Mort searching fold purifying medicine auld. To be had every where from dealers. Mice .i3 0.13 LS. ed down to their titarting boats, which \sere mo.)retl seventy-five feet apart, lir. C.tulsun holding the stern of "Ian ebout Lala eighth of a mile. turuiug Han' lane ,truce, and rowiug back to the 1411's E.hell, and Mr. 'Ward Gourtuey's. l Potomac: Botta-}Douse, where lie :Thera TUE ra tr. barked with Courtney, filmy pet)pll• \y a3 give4: by the ref"r ee, a4K'.' . 11i11ki't t {slow tsi.l Cwtll'ee, who had not seer) the. 'with the castone ry "lire you ready 2" sear 4, sUill)ur.cil from this that Riley and three second later "at) 1" which t way in i.11e race, aIid was svinni,,g n beet the Lien 11.M7 to a bt:'t(atifttl start. !grt,at vietory „vet, tb0 little C.,,tiitdiatl. x\' oar. s3emed to Batch a t'i- ( •i. flit.•, e fie auvance of his oltl)ouoLlt, anti) whit a sturdy even grip upon the 1 water snit his boat pall ebly to the l iisnot. Per the first half minute ho pulled eighteen btrokes, or at the rate t.178el to the Minute, while I.Iatilan was ti:l:,ld 41. Before Courtney had pui- • teal ten strokes, however, Hanlon had overhauled. him; and. each succeeding stroke seat hie btat fn;:thee to the fore. Iit?c'LA:L AIili:1D. At the first flag,. malting one-eighth of a toile fi°oiu the, start, clear winter e :ti.i :in -it be seen between the stern of hie treat and. the bow of Courtney's. ..t thi- point C.su•rtuey turned to look over hie shoGider, amt. evidently reali- zed that 1(e was beaten,.. es he suddenly dt opped his strokes to 80, and shook his head to somcc1..o' ou the referee's beat who hald.Sh{,tutee to hiiin, to hull. ea3 ing : ''Ir liN'T r. 11 •, neeeeex melies A NPFEcti. Go teenrning to hip hotel this even iilg 1Har1en.tvns selo:1111 t, a:td in re sponse to itli.•d for. i> spe::e111i;+eapres•'ed hie gratitude for the litany biedeesse, he had rt'c:_ived. at the hands of tl s Witehi-•,,rton pet,ille Living his slue`. He said 11e had came bore to row tt 1 -ace and he very nineb reg ct•ted Hint sn o,)purtuui'y had not been given 11101 to do 80. A CIS:tLi.Y:N(;E TQ NILNY. In couch, iuu he referred to [li1i v'a Vltli,, tone on the eoll • land row sl ba„ over a part of it to front of the coot est . Lt will lia.yyou. Soldhy • I)1(e ON GT.— «'a appeal to al. eti'uo:ay whether they may net prolong the servieetionity of v arieu• pieetos of r;lJli 11ta(l rio0tltl gar I7y 'Vying thorn tu,!•tr. it try l,trson frith a eery little prnntiea can by the nae !!, M $ t!. e•'lnit„'$ art w I}o ilostic Dees, _lull ce t:tllii'ily sad flte'.sintrieS of o don, th.lse prc•d.tc. tl by a ;'r .01 iota dyer. Ther..• tat'*•, arts irut1111, elt('ttl1, R.`ad of •tit cehiirli, w1;1i ll.li tirrotious; price 15 eel&t$; iiageiitn 10 coals. P.:wtim ar C,,e:1•ti:nirm.i z1s, :>trrt�u,c ri! 111i0 le litiltt ton 74.011.4 ti;"t-t.U.ay !, i. Ten.. li.:,s.f)t lar l!1 i cher, ui (:oilch , t.. „Lb !MA :111 .ti:+tl:c$t+;; eT tea '1 u.0 It uil.i 14+tt1�+ int' :riven rise! '41 d"ill"1••11:, llll:t:l;:l!1„S. Ti,,, •rt•1ili- 1:t,: hue tl n'tlne id F. c. afar Yar.l lil.idli 111 tilt h:ltt;t: \thic:L is of th:• •r. • 1;0.1, '.e J!$ tf. 241 MS. W., tiliuit it Dominion Oraus and The Largest and Most Complete Factory ill the D it�l�; 1.40x100 fact. Di hest i-Iouors oyer awarded to any Maker in -the IY orld. 1111)A1 AND 1$T1'TaONIS :S1' 011N'ri NNIIT,, 1>,711. 1)ct tto ;;\iiN; 1, \ ("itiA1 .f , .1377 (rOtil) \tt1)il,T, AT PITO\-1NCT:' 1 la;5 tinox. )Y. 'rl)i1wi•10. 1'17(!. Hiulir,4'i AwAlti:) AT INDUSTRIAL .l.X.11lilrTi(iN, TORONTO, V70. 1,Vo tire now manufacturing Seina,re a.iltl Upright 1'itinenee. Best iu the 1nnrliet. Correspondence solicited. Solid for :11- lustrated Catalogue. Mailed free: Addrt; s's 'Lw m :^1.1.071. 0 I "'1 la()\CtIANllTitrF, .)Ni. HIO. n,1, a to ttlun til, 11for4ititiii•iittog .4_4 i Iii itritig ease, 1..4111,-$. or 1•l!'tlulti`.i Ul:c•i ,a: 'el a sill„tituta'. Ta arm carefully to .this 1t1:, take ue other til/t11, il:.srA:tn'a i'r,ut lit.u, ll:t1.- US1 Supol:•pho2phate:: ter, )Bane Du.s. FOIL 1Ul II \.,Ai4D1(NS. ants, }it'd denouncing flim as no gent- leman. lie said that if ilitey wau(eel to row with him to -morrow or a yeah bonce for ten dollars or for ten thuns itntl dollars he would be ready to meet 1 hin'. • IA Wil ITE IN PANT TIJanis .AS Battler) also eased up, and pulling; LL.i(3ll AS A 1'Ui UIRU. tet1i1:1y ttt i;2 etroliee to the initult(`, ( For over sixteen months 511 111)' town o1ieued. the gup as he pleased. All tile ietea'e,t 1.11 the, race was gone when • Hanlon retiched the. threw lenarter fliig; 1'ni,y ten lren•gths• in ail yahoo. At the firs; i:iile he was palling at strokes to the inintlte,. dud• leading by fully l3 h llut lengths, Courtney laboring 00- 1•tttadily at about 2d, and frequently ec::,tF'1'']]g !a ties iii iiig glance over his$ll '1111 r•3.. 6•.)0n. after [.itseiug 010 mile it ig., coterie NY?' Sti,1.0• 13- NOW 11(1, 116:1 19111..V r1 :114 1t.tu t;alrS11L8f,' ;I:L1tIlr,ti' iv i:1 the water. 11.1111 reel teed. it on hie l:ioat1, re -[seating the. ('1'04'11tl-01 Po half• iaeu ti'iisi$. 1) Iriog ttl•) next mile! 111. 1t:.l-' i ing, wheel, was at the firzt t.atlltl 8 a, ;weenie uu..lro and 1)1are- en. rule, and three of the. 1'1)1 i1)t C from t 0-11411 tulle. to, the, two. Milt; to iilit were e Cher bt it.•ille t t•y the lf''R or ran 0,7p1. tliltec'ly • by his 64at4 1ea.rlltI reach physician 111 Philadelphia, Pat,,, ha- beim a•ttsndl,(g a °ilea of diseatact they is so rare that the like of it has Leve) been known,. ur, at least, reooldel it 'neiljOlti works. It Is a 0a40 of 1 o t t11Clanttsis, or piginectati.•0, where the pigment, or n1'tlaliteUlil1, as it is tech uicttlly c•tlle3, which gives color to the lithe and 0,5i4, t psi uatles the. whole body,. :1. bay bora. of white parente,• surf rerfectly u.ttnral is ''aur at his birth,, turned iii,d r, d.-toaso ars hiaolt aa, it full blood'''1 11I' ru. The p)at!salte. livt al N'1. 1;1,17 J.,mI )it street, the, fttth.al, 'J01La :S t11tar, bai.uv, 11. 1139(511.tulr. 'Heil tn:)It bila aft../l; th,lit• ward. nee there was 1 Ilhoapparently In s l i t h t1 and 6t ell .. •(the f a t b t t } 1p y healthy boy. This infant thrived dud ;trilttli t tl to develop inti rcbost loane tits wee a beautiful 5111111, with. fair f•corn- F ;��aLiau, (lark eyes andsilky,. dark '< ow,i hair, which gruw lu profusion. (1. Ii/;IMP. LACHI E CANAL • NOTICE TO 4MACH.I..NiST CONTRAJTORS • Q t 1LED TF,N,DERS addressed to ,keee the nitet. l huhu i14i 1stary of Its.'1Wa)s Rout un11.:,r.ud eu:ccirs,n1 '•'Prader for t.,,elc fluffs, intubiu t',it!.tl, will l,e t'ucaivc.rl nt his note• iuiul s o io 14 10! t is l ,i tern atl•l \Vc 7t, u 11 )1 no 1.1) ^, 1l ak, hlu la. e ,tt. Far ';Me n i of of stn , mud the a , ,e0ial y 111tt- linetL, P( 11 t 1l1 N. 1W thein, 1,4• LUV ,1c .. .,t;..:. mtto n, 11il. z'te•sti 4313 a'nd 1)s s crnl (lou011ions acro ('u M.•i:1, at Luis i+tliue uu 'tact 14,t(i1' 1'111111.4• OA N7. 1135 .s,.i: tta;, of :.t ;Y Lest, tr'..vru torn), of Gan der eon at a 1 i n n l,trt In i,Q. 1',v td' as t,nulc: l;ai urn i:x{,ec to 1 1,0 previa! the t t . i,tt. tn, l o.•4lt , for. and to Itmvu is jlrttctt- il huilwld • et, works of tui' Alas, ins 1,u•urt- iut ,tett to b r U ,n Hari Y'ldt 101015113 Will uvt.bu u i.,er�.l' nal -s to 4 l .a nutty iu nu ted:411(1.• 1< "Hetet, ;n11 ilt thec t,.t of rirtus.. •--o\Gent there tub llttulth,r,l due aro W1114i •,n,t the uaturct uF tae , •rico int tion tin„ tiro rest Icii a ut' e.55111 member of the 814n'; .,u,,, lit;ltit r, t4❑ itt- aeptod blot cher ilt) fu 1G Tina etinnl t,> • ;,,, I',u the gates of ettoh vek,utnst tiovoti. ,.uty ,licit 3.aa clu wui :11 sum squill be forfeited LS the pasty ten- dering tleciu ori uttering tato contract for the work 11.t the raters rota on the tonne st.tect.in tl!o 0,1,1'+.1 l nr elr r),te tint• sent tit vii 11u 11tnruuil to the res ttl•ti ti ,u•ti's wi ln,.1• tenders a111< not nosent.ttl NOr, the 1 u-fn1t111uoilt of the 1 otl Pact the party 01 l'', '. a1) 145 1,:1141ur it i4 peollOiog to :ullt tsitl:b,, hot VI, butt tbt it tl uc.11a uc.,.c.i, 1 Ken - pet toa1o14,allupJ ' p„r ,4.,t/ of, the 1115LIfell1 'et tbo neni,4rt-,-ut ttui:•11 the i-;0.11 :utlt to lt'ltn tbi,t,eitder ssulj bo ton1e..1a,n"rt—tuIllsl1101oi- 41 to iJr / G3uclit IL tit i, G tel. i t1 Wltlllit t 4 i ti iJ E girt,/n artcut the ) t.t,• ,of Lao. notice.. Xillotyt)'eJ (eutUniv-of, t1r progrtss-astilllatue. I will bu.1uwll mail Wm to.,tlrirlotL n .,f tau wor:i, 'Pilin bulimia dnut$1101 a1 wtyul:, bluff, t is'1f to aoccjt.tb,3lowust er. iluy Mader. D lit. 1 TI 11 .L`. xl•.1. a,lu1•riury., Dept of itailways ruitt•Cininte„ Qttu,wa,e0tk:Clarch. L881).. 1x1 batt: Lai. 14 tow da ;s the lr,u'ttut. watt �” 4.; (74. r� fir^ eta, . �i ': a .• n �,{t1-T• �who 1111s rcuu:v4rl ni, i itt tl,t •'rate t1 lit wed, ^Xater,lnt::• , uprucd , at :z •1 7u1i1 Underu111i1i„ (;oc.) tlt.:at1:!ll.,nt. SHROUDS, CLOVES fwd all SOCIETY Elf- Monis tnruislsc0, at lot: L3 ' :Ft. NERAI4S A'l.'TESI)i;J) BY MY;;IMP. SA't1 StACTION' G ARANlEED. I t}I53nit nnaittrr!n; c,isttnlltrl; for their (1110151 ill furl l•a3t, and hope to iue'it 11 caution:owe of their plttro:i. so i11 111)' hey mala • JOIIN VP, telTeMe 1�. 1. awsonmenus1 y' %fitir „1. - • it ONE. OF THE OLDEST AND MOST F;'-'•'.LIADi.t:. REMEDIES IN THE WORLD F02 THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoar'sanes3, acc Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHSICIADTWRITESt ” It does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allaysirri- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles. bearing a similar names Be sure you get DIt. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of "I. BUTTS" on the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pro - pared by SETH W. FowLn & Sotcs, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggist's and dealers generwlly, 41 i r i�iit, 'I(f u ,• ! •,;:,--#4:',41"1:' �/ // 1 t 341 A Protected Solutionof the Protozido of iron,. Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the • blood; does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the defreieney can be supplied by the use of the. PERU PIAN SYRUP; it cures. a " thonsanrk ills” simply byTGNING UP, INVIGORATING, anti VITA/12INa the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of th- body, repairing damages and waste, searching; out morbid secretin ,s "' ' )thing for. disease to feed upo13. Anis is the secret of the. wonderful success of this remedy in outing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boi'ls, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, 1 And all diseases originating )nd state of in a the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low - state of the system,. CAUTION.—Be sure you get the "PE-• >, r. C' ,.t cner- 1druggists s YR UI'. Sold 4NS6g g 1�U' Vl.by any. Pamphlets sent free to any address by Surer W. Fmvati & bons, Proprietors, 50 lifts,.. rison Avenue,, Roston, Mas. $,