HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-30, Page 8 (2)fir• !""+ ' .e 1Tht � -Tree W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Pizeter, °a&l° �ulnass, Locals - Read -The r ' steaarart"s is Me market for live Poul- it%4 J v i rrketee; — Wilt any. any t Safuri7cay. Pero for ansate. -stere-faa~rasarr-sritu>aate-wean of -the -G. -- T. R. and north of the salt$block, Exe- ter. Terms -easy. Apply A. Q. nobler; • Gents ! 1/ ,you want a pair of Fancy Striped Worsted Pants Stewart's is the spot where you can get Me selection. Just received a sample lot. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocsite office. Gents ! If you want to see the nearest tib in Vies you can see therm at Stew- art's in all Me new shades. ?saint. Dressmaking_ Shop to Rent; aloe for Sale or Rent, Famishing* for same. V. Thema, Exeter. the Hare a few Whyte Undershirts kft to clear at a reduction. tai at' Stewart's - e AL DO NOS* Sew at,ISc for . 1 1t at the ('snning FettOry, yy'�� The seven 4*ht...te, a O ..a7si, ye l werea11•..p .r. 0 . rT0 st►nver» fourhogri hoe on Tueaday, rets y- tbaedtor 1170.70. D06. it pay to h _l' g�Certainly , f they are the right kW, aidr*ie properly, as Mr. Shute does, the past fow days. with friends here, the guestat of Mr. and Mrs. Pam R, Bis*. ett, Th y 1+»ft'(-Thursday fs visit to K ' a ,.Deloraaina and Cern- duff.—Crystal City Courier.. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Sweet and little daughter Myrle, Mr. Dan. Prior and Alta?. Ii'. Sweet, of Clinton, enjoyed. a pleasant drive to Exeter and backs on Saturday and Sunday evenings, spending a happy day with friends in and around town. •M�r�. Gni, representing the Heintz Picbiaatgr oL'•r, t c e in the p world, Was liere Wednesday with view to establish- ing a branch beret Ile was favorably impressed with the. town and country, over which he.looked in company with Reeve Dobler. Prof. W. J. O'Brien, 0. '8., formerl Comm l tar bf_ b e s 1 ✓n/e tr' orvera rsh .. iia ::, ►i. position --4-4:1001 merciail speciatliet at Woodstock Qv1?, lege, has severed his connection with that Institution and accepted a elinilar gone in Regina;Voll* late Institute, at a salary of 11,300 peryear, and will corn mance his duties after the holidaaay& The death took_ place in Salem. Ore- gon, recently, of Mrs. Jennie Weeks Holman, wife of John Holaman, man - agar of the Albany Iron Werke, and brother of Mrs. Winn. Drew of Exeter and Mr. Geo. Holman of Rgmondyille. The funeral WAS a most. impreasivo one, the singing and ,service being particularly beautiful. The husband, , ides two daughters and a eon sur- Tive. 'm a1li Reeve A. Q. nobler has received an. official. invitation from the London Old Boys' Association . to accompany 'Mayor of the city at the ,bead of the big Mardi Gras procession on Mon- -day the first -day of the 'Reunion. Ex ter`s Gloria _.Holiday- is on that dater *` ate them, lr Ov.aass Coaaetea. Dr.. _Orem London, .E•yet and fi an wijt be at the Coinmercial Er xetteer, on Friday, jolly Rist. Glasses propel/ r.. fitted and disease. of Eye, Ear and Noose Wasted. c We hare 40 Toilet &tato choose front. " They are lovely; come and see Mess at . tie Btew irt"a. We know you will want one. n same Apples altar ams.A few $ gallon apples for isleof s at cta.'ed per can �ay or two for 25 ctaa, at the Factory. Stewart is giving a b feta t s and boys' Straw and Line* Hats to clear as we dost want to carry any born over. and a .large number of people from Exeter will wend. Needless to as the Reeve bas accepted the,invl on, " first-class Ars l sheen arrange Or. Mr. W. Triebner_, of . Stephen, /c- ured the Graphophone given. at The amity on Saturday night for guessing the neared number of beans�in a►. I ot- in their window. Other prize win-. ers were: Alf. Holmes, Mies Irno weet, Miss Maud Quance, Ernest lor, Dr. ICiiteirl an, of town; MIs. 0. '''atso:, -of Detroit; A.1.., Lfrdsay, o elbouram, Ont.; A, 3� . Bennett, Park- in, Ont. A Camera will be offered f Mr*. Washburn of Sunshine, Us- e Tp., an aged ladyr, who is visit- ing at the home of Mr. R. S., Richard- son, Is veryiii. She is 70 years of age end .has aalwua as enjoyed the best of health until the present illness. She is not • expec to . rer•over. W. J. Washburn of Chesley. Allan of Com. ber, Robert of Harrison, Frank of Ar- thur, George of Nebraska, N. s,, Rev. Charles of Millbank. Miss Jennie of St. Marys, Mrs. Godbolt of Sunshine, and Maas. Russell of Fergus are here owing to the lady's illness. In order to cover thecourse for Tor y " it 1. r. ca standing,_ the Exeter Public School Board bas secured the services of a B. A. Graduate of Toronto- Chiversity- as Principal for the ensiling educa- tional year. With eight: years of High School experience to hes credit, five of which has been epent'aas Princi- ai. and doubling its attendance; the xeter School, "under his leadership and that of the old stag'. should take aaa The western harvest will be 20 days earlier. ticks' Forecasts Fir Mynas!. A Regular Storm Period covers the first five days of August, haiavingg its centre on Sunday the 2nd. The Moon is on the celestial equator on the 2nd and at firat.quarter on the 'ttb: AS early as the 2nd the barometer will o s 1 rm rea + -ngs in western sind central_ seection _attended by Clouds. nes. arid 'severe thunder. torts.. Dur- ing the land, 4th and 5th, these condi- tions will pass across the country to the Atlantic, breaking into severe wined and thunder storms in many localities. Rising barometer will ap- pear in the west, behind the storm area. about the 4th, causing change to some cooler and clearing weather. This change'wili follow in the wake of the storing. touching most parts of the contrtry in the eastward rogre ss hr about the lib. The storm diagram for August shows that the Venus per. • lad begins aboutthefor hence very decided change to it Will be most natural .with the oncoming of the high barometer that follows this . anti and all other August storm periods. • .t Suitable Swn f 01X HE BIG X114 MBE Summer 0 • qv•";;yi � ,gin~ l�l[ar, John Wood shipped a car ex- t cattle froze had on Tbu redelt, « Harold Webber of `Dartfo i, Corin,,., iusl\ visitirr,g at P r. B wuiip .;a T1 l yrktri Post 1. ' tin .tw'.o weeks Off aa►aa d 'no' � lea � we tie dPod haw„ .t ti i�frlleirt going aa,la!a►y for tit* :lute de.bte a r the l F 1 x u�. 1 r* e lle ya 'IAitilcg dw ht r C aria ass G . of.l" r iasnd 40 sc Wendt in 0 Wee before return:. ink home. Mla s Tellies,h><s, bete .way, i11 for some tins., 'we ares lorCir. to say. We hope she nay benefitted. ` .. . • J r. Francis Wrier, the Township Clerk, frit posted u + the. Voters', List s�i-'n. COfltaainatt+ofl esaboth Muni- cipal and Parliameutar�yyltlactio 157 ..re entitled. o vote attdunicipad-E;lec,. tions syn and 72 et Parliamentary y. The person* eligible to serve' as .furors number 380. Ex - 'amine the lilt and see if your name is properly entered. If not,. have the error or omission corrected. Mr. Robert Sanders, who -left iere,`a couple weeks v,o on an extended pleasure' trip, writm s very interesting letter to the Advocate of the first part of .is outing, a t i gaa n cl �ctsing a number + f he beautiful scenes atY.Yellow Stone National Park, Mont. This is one of the most beautiful scenic spots in Uncle Sam's domains and is known far and wide for its unique and im- mense boiling springs. Among the many is the famous "Old Faithful" a"r�yi�.ng 11 aha►u a -bo lji o:Ln S7 Ci "undr :feetin.., Ra11 11 At this famous resort the touri• sts are taken care of in immense tents, ca: able of acconunodatin an guests, an • it is here you come in contactwith people from all parts of the. world. At -this -point the alti- tude is between 7000 and" 8000 feet above the sea level, hence the climate is very invigorating and healthful. For a!last. A female Irish setter of good • pedi. gree. Apply to Mrs, D. Hartleib, Ex- ter. - 1 1, •• • i1 A Close Can. Foster Braaay, the fifteen -year old son of Mr. Win. . Bray of Farquhar, met with a painful and almost fatal acci- dent on Saturday night last which might yet result in his death. He andtwo or three other young men where wheeling to town and were making ,fast time, On arriving at the corner at the north -end of town they met _,Thoo,Alltn, who wee driving home end bad : a to w , ► ;... ` rr • ° y, whoapparently id not notice Mr. Allen'. rig time turn -out: accidcntly:met -the lee squarely, the shaft of the rigpene trat. inghis. t, breaking several rib. and punct ring his lung. When pick- ed up he was unconscious and remain- ed so for some time. He was lamed - lately removed to Dr. Browning's sur.. gery where his wounds were dressed, After which he was removed to ._the home of his uncle, Mr. John Bell, where be is now resting quietly and doingas well *5 can be, expected, but, its Still in a critical condition. Death it Thomas Stew*. The pant. week area another of. the oldest residents of Exeter and one of the pioneers of Stephen townsbi 1 laid to rest in the'person of Thoma: ; + we, Whose spirit took its dight on . Friday last. • For several days the deceased has been in a comatose condition, hove ering between life and death, hence his eeainiae was cot in the least unex- pected. The subject ' s0t. this sketch' was boron i1 Cor-nwall, .Eng., in the year 1 Z. Twenty-five yearslater he was married to Miss Austis Neil and and emigreted to 'Canada the same year, setti tle. Britton with wife - and less than five doll