HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-30, Page 2 (2)pia rile ntand' a .coop d ►' Nobietoot mi d pIV1 its mo>stioz was funded. over r' " ire been; reties duaraaa ;�, t !GI u diyiay Mer .- —.r riot, .�,... • -B oil ,* tMBMo *, eta. QIP, Itirmi► srrrites*.."Perrusto is the hem ''lam a Sok man ca* :hove* 0A, few mouth* no I caulthos 1* a erretchod eonsi m*•_ area mptaoan hatl ram aay ease rollout slue. i' haai eaaa as o C` lite tcb I1t tb ligi• oratteratime woe *doubtsstomyrssca .. 4114,r ..good honest old doctor advised , II, short time my health boom, to isa- prove very 'rapidly, ,the brooch's/ 1lroubteR gradually disappeared, sacrad elan►► three months my bealth'wss fatlyrs- satored. • "A.00ept s grateful man% thanks t* kis restoration to perfect heosltb." Powwow u }nw A. W. Perrin;; M. D.11, IN :missy IL, Bro klyst, N. T., says at of am =dug your runs meat, sad -d--at salo:;- ta. bar snore than you rePr seelat. yams c** be'hsduowof andiuggists la this see, eon, Attit* t Ztooga**slagu%tt, iiiarried wotiiaMei ides aha seats factory compromise is to have her husband agree to do just what she wishes Dim to do. YOUR FRIENDS or agea&seri a r,wa' 111 very tb a gtev,M tr ek , twenty-four' hour* forty-eight tielrst* are .put under anitest#etie*' in 'the 'operating theatres. 'ss wee* such at drive 1»e t e magnitude .of t of estgut, which is use in tying up arteries, an average of one mile per week is used. One rnillion'five beaus- area thousand pills, * ton of cou h ozed nes, a hundred. miles al *tic me -plaster, . and 3,000. Ieeches are ; . every twwelve—months. Then, no fewer then 10,000 codfish are consumed. If the patients ot last year had been placed a line approaching a hundred miles in length. Another little :point—ono which shows the vest differences that small changes entail in so huge a place. An extra pat of butter ,, for each nurse increases the expendi- 1 by $150 * year. It costs nearly. penny per send to run this great hospital, and it is undoubtedly one of the best conducted and most ben. ell nt.. ins itufiou. ;'her . .. SCRAP IN THL MARKET. "But these potatoest have, black yak" protested -thea- angry_hnu - wife. "Oi c t t ielp that mum," repli- ed the market gardener. "You see, the potatoes got mixed with the *quashes, awn got to .fightin,." . may bel you to win the Cosh Prize of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS given by the ORANGE MEAT Com- pany for the largest number of bot - ms of packages sent in. There are,* great number of other large cash prizes given in this contest. Commence . sawing the O&NG MEAT Corton Bottoms and .aid your name —and. --address --to Kingston, TO- DAY, stating that you .wish to en- ter and you will be sent full infer- relation regarding all the prizes and conditions. ORANGE MEAT is a flesh and 401fhod producer and be- cause of its thorough -cooking and tmaala inn, its is wily assimilated. BLOODHOUND TRACKING. The bloodhound does not nes- eerily *Moir blood. He hunts what aisM tee inically termed `the clean boot." Tilsit is the hound follows aa the trul of the is, person with- out any adventitious aid, and it is the possession and gradual develop- ment of - this particular quality which makes .hhn so interesting a possession to the sportsman, and rendsys blooahound tracking " a sport in which large parties can en- gage with all the pleasure of the chess. Everywhere, especially those dis- 4aouraaged by failures of previou* treatment are invited to write. for 41 free trial of my home treatment, with interesting booklet, all pert- Iistid in plain wrappers, with the. mist reliable references and proofs ;which -will encourage _the; mast- 'heartened. You can thus quickly !satisfy yourself,. without coat that Is_ what. - you to `4 nhave sought. I will reply promptly ted *11 who write. Address, DING HO? U1?K R Every mother knows bow fatal the Bummer months are to small children. Cholera infaiantum, diar- rhoea, dysentery and stomach trou- bles are alarminglyfrequent fat this rat -Ant 'WO car►ua attle Ifs is . l asst _ after: a few hours' ill- ness; -The mother who keeps Baby's Own ' Tablets in the house feel* safe. The occasional use of Baby's Own Tablets prevent stomach and bowel troubles or if the trouble comes suddenly -as it generally does—the Tablets - will bring the little one through safely. Mrs. George Howell, Sandy Beach, Que., says :•---"My baby was suffering with colic, vomiting and diarrhoea, but after .giving him Baby's Own Tab- lets the trouble disappeared. I would advise all mothers to keepa box of Tablets always at hand."' Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at Sec. a box from The Dr. Willi- ams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. In writing a love letter -a man should .remember that it may come home to roost. COMM slr** . Don't give a dollar with one hand and make back two 'with the other_ PIOPIPMIPPIIMPIP Biliousness Burdens Life The .hi iioua n» so- r a companion able man because his ailment ren- ders bun morose and gloomy. The com alaint is not so dangerous as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need suffer . from it who Cain procure Par - melee's Vegetable Pills. Bit regu- lating the liver and. latin liobviating the efec of bile_in the ._stornzc,h_ they restore ren to cheerfulness• and run rigor of action. `vet•'.._-nce how many things there are -in the shop windows that you have no earthly use fort t O , la4' p act • Made differene different!Tastes differentend is different r eau! ifitatiesliglat'LIbb 's Vier Ar e Libby Food Products; is carefully. prepared an i ;co ode in Bibb 'i It —6/11— quiclay served for any meal at inn not ovealaV'o red and has that satisfying s - Llh'hy, cN i yr weave. ANIMALS IN COURT. The Irish terrier which " exhibited its tricks the other day at the West- minster Police Court is by no means the first animal which has relieved the .tedium of an English court of law by its antics. In Manchester police—court a baboon,: which sip - peered in the dock with its owner on a ' chargee -of -breaking _.inter -a house, showed its contempt of the Court by stealing end and chewing peas -sunder the very nose of the,. magistrate. At a London court 100 frogs were produced in evidence; in. another ease a porcupine was exhib- ited on the witness -table of a county - court to show whether or not the animal was worth the money claim- ed for it; while among other, animals which have made similar unconven- tional appearances in recent years have been cats, monkeys, and a baby lion. Never call an _aggressive man as. liar to his face. 'U'se a long-distance phone and break the news to him gently. ►lMsa, Loa °ts tl 115( Timis seat IMO aI Ul%dSr t o sraua;iraaa�ek oat aatwa t will be mend bo e�tbs.,�rtit will br with the, Citr oast Istilies -11, Trust* are of t . ts of accommodation the "Tented City'." Electric car line passes the main entrance;, a: "4401 . � �, amu �; �.�,#.�:������:- ,�, :� ��s� ,et��. caterer from Boston furnishing meals froth twenty -tie cents u waw . of the e nest of 't> ' Itr p -O>are It the world, showing the harbor!l and battleships and landing of Champlain. Address W.c, AEL WIOOS, Vice*President.. Tented City Co., Quebec, P.Q0 DITANTAGE OF PROVING :SU --- .... ERIORI i Y. "Pa," boo booed the chastised son, "if I bad let Willie 8intnionds would you've whipper just -the s:aame t" • "Year ; but. remember that in such as case you would be getting two .: ; :► + of onelt'_ Always a. Good Friend—In health and happiness we need leo friends but when pain and prostration come we look for :friendly aidfroze s ympaathetic hands. These hands can serve us no better than in rub- bing in Dr,. Thomas' Eclectr c. Oil, for when the Oil is in the pain is out. It has brought relief to thou- sands who without it would be in- deed deed, friendless. _ The. yodel 4'l. doesn't try 4,0e lds ar t of infatuation. Was aOLISasataaa INMAN BROS. * CO, Toyota** and' Iltontre i U 1AN KNOX it ► N, TOCOPtOS NATIONAL nava CO., London. A. J.PATTISON+Or, 33 Scott. t., TORONTO: -Phone -Main 130 -INVESTM NT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold ..onall a cchwnge a for cash or margin. . Cobalt order r- a ee-€or-_casl• CORRESPONDENOE INVITED, Useful at all TimesInwinter or in summer • Parmelee's , Vegetable Pills will cope with and' overcome any irregularities ofthe digestive. organs which ehange of diet,. change of residence, or variation of temperature may bring about. They should be always kept at :hand, once their ' beneficial, ao. tion becomes known, no one -will be without them. There is nothing ua use&ting intheir atructuro, .end the most delicate can use them confidently. • A can's good reputation tray be due to the fact that popple are not ion., to his. mases. . WORLD'S BIGGEST HOTEL.. Chicago is planning to build the biggest hotel in, the world. This i* the naevi LA Salle Hotel wto be erec- ted. at La Salle sang Madison street~. With ,the furnishings, the hoterwill, represent an 'inves t ent spprox\i- mately a *3,090 #, 'And: with the !said, which waaas/rased on the basis of a valve of #1,1,000, the total will run up to 118,000,1,4. The build- ing will .be twenty-two atureys high, with .two basements, and will have 1,111 rooms.._ . . at the scam, Mus is say lade' Tea. ' Sole leadf off, a►wr fa bn� doesn't cars- how!mach money ter husband earns; it is what he gets that interests . her. There are a number of varieties of corns. Holloway's ' Corn Cure will., remove any of them. Call on your druggist and get a bottle at once. , A girl may _threaten to scream if a man attenipts to kiss her,, but she se1do t,ftikees t if a there is .a clraaanoe - f aan n 's eaa `n; .r � , � y� h � � � s, kr growl Oviis Mitts" tie grouchy person roost of oil. Alt prices'and Styles from. ar:a,, ► #o Write %Sar free eataslogua. ns:,. p. SENSITIVE - PLANTS. There are -plants so sensitive that if, when standing by them, you should suddenly put up your um- brella or sunshade, it would be quite sufficient -to . cause them in- stantly to close together their leaf- lets and turn down their leaf -stalks, just as if they were startled and alarmed by the movement. Indeed, ton a- sunny day, when the tempera- ture is sufficiently high, -you need not make even so decida move- ment ; merels7 your shadow coming in contact with their leaves will of- ten cause them to fall slightly. 4ttseks of cholera arsaducl; weir 'come quickly, there seldom Bing any warning of the visit: Reme- dial action must be taken just as, quickly if the patient is to be spared Arrest snfferin4 and permanent in- jury to the lining membranes of the oweels. 'I' he readiest preparation for the purpose is Tr, J. p. Rel- ; Iog'sss Dysentery Cordial. Itcan . be tot at small coat at any drug store ell .aif..- for; relief before a doctor can be called. • Bl beard's -wivesare_swat the only ;women who have lost their .: heads' ont account of an unworthy - Mark. Probably from the viewpoint of amain in the moon a balloon ,doeasn' conte up to his expectations. He is s, wise man who knows what a woman wants him to do without being told. A, R. RICK RSTAFF e Stooks, tends end Debentdarilial Cobalt and ail MMlag and 111 tri*, Canada add d algal Oslo* exssxk wltk lrraoer aaae�riaa. p...tsser sellcttrd. 121 isaa7 Tr rs Isar . Plume SW* ., ke lki'S �if'a~iVT5D. A'TAsa sor+r t` :--417401-t** ala�� rlt talo wt a &rate!• eaisatr4 air s , �1►lr+u ,rs...Mali ax t Marr dM�t#r'gK; a �» 1ffal /srtaarsa &i . eaaw. w. 4?01 Owl l batt Dai' not delay in/ otting relief for the little folks. other, graves' Worm, Exterminator is a pleasant and• sure cure. If You love your Child why , dc► esu ,let it suffer when a; remedy e so near at bona 1. n it, tonareiatol toes , ratdt, t e Owing to. the *banditti ,and eke* Ilea of meat inAustralia, reit tawaurant.keepens have for.yrears been. aaables Ao. give astonishingly liberald tarireaaals for 1g tent*. But they • aaare saatbtfied with the margin of pro- d ►- d they have dedtded in confer- -raise onfer--r aaise the Tarr to Ig rata, Clore they reaalioni supe for. the er ,notrua appetite* eat their stoners. It. le ix ►i sable esnr Australian .... . t`aaaN aalaaraistst not to dote fi" r a ' hslping , a� w of equipment" for a Publie Library As a subject that . w should be caarefulily ooar. ered:` For planning the fink Room, arranging the. • Charging Counter N and w.. Claasa;sa►fying Books for Cats. logs, Library Bureau is re- cognized. the world over as the authority. , Writs for Booklet. Mani turista er timitzp,, . Baat>tr, OZOIrO, 031. r T-- ltrP.) lsake your .arta °emen.t now end join the 'hams -crowd on the best outing ° t • year* W EKS 01' SUP)) ld LINJOYlittifft elA fat tar' kt.SOM it ` x �g � *� i tit l► lardoily* gr toi lain reaitlweal, S1 $$ t rt$ *Mite ace tr*sem. "l ckataw sd +st ail C.P.11.0 .* o* Sty 'Tvizess` 3$ wsits