HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-23, Page 8 (2)4.
Flax nullity;
t gen.
. , ('oo is of �fottb has ' been
elected . D. U. . ` OF +s onic rD =
o. 4, �. H ion. , . `
Mrua itnple T1s'" n 1,4 04 week cou.
tiue .o esa Lied b1IInes*
teeAy, .R i b b
tri in ails secs
hu eras Rowe iss ag41n'coitelow
saaaF, Main st.
- in, S>lrcet1lo.li.,t.C"hurrh
arty will bet held on the
Chum Lawn Monday evening nextt,
.,Ire t.
T)i essrnakin Shop t ► Rent; also far
Sale or Rent, 'uLn1 hingepfiw fie.
BLE, eter.
weir Testas.Cssse ibsr.
Yore know this 'is., the `tlmo of ,Abe
vibe* the, deli a' cdKiin cue
.. . ,�, .w+, of l'•t er e h ell i sPrit
cats a; ;
ti ei p�nt with two : b*nds
+clear Y ,aav~t:bae ; the'
' by t►. ti1.'� ,. ; brae i1
lh Keo *' ,+star neer t
�► 4 ; seri tak+a t 'p tte4 y jyi
+ AtItait en,t w ,
�' in Pang and' +tit . `th+at'n ttxa*1n y tr. ►UrQugbi'
f ceras"°'coon "� b i c t I7t'{ at ted t ba.
the team hada l Itlaao't yes doe any. vein,
ning, -they were basin one continual:round of feestiing and. in exec lama
time. .
A quiet wedding took place aiat . the
Trivitt Memorial Churchrectory on
{ ednesday of :drat week. when Miami
e� ass n
to i bai
. Tisa ' loci of : C'
en>traliaasc. t�. o Dere
moray being performed by Rev. 0. W.
Corbels. ,
Mr. Geo. Hawkins. Mishits been on
a visit to friends and relative*, in the
%Vet, returr-iirnme----Monday
•• ---ven-
in nfortunately, Mr. Hawkins ins haad
all his baggage (which had,been check-
ed) stolen when on his way out and..
wr as thus inconvenienced, but he re
asole nd outlug and too as
with him.
siVtiftiti-on-rs in cirenlation for pres-
entation to the Reeve asking that he
proclaim one day of the week between
August 3rd and 1:001 as Civic Holiday,
the exact day not being decided upon.
This will give the citizens anoppor-
tunity of attending thee9OId Boys Re-
union at Landon: LATER—The reeve
has proclaimed Monday, the .3rd, as
holiday. and an effort is being
mad � -
� ro� �r
as . t
a� -f'
►►d' +'" :. Vic►, the
work that, must
chant Tailor.
�-n.F J,Wtpgs. •ld� �„Y.YI�,e�.��'r , l'�it
Vuslnass locals --,Read Them
Stewart ria in the tnarhit or live
chicks and lama, for which he will pray
-market price Will take any day but
Saturday. -
Vero for Sate
T': -' and-irr th-otthe saltiblock. Exe-
ter.. -Teems-easy; -asy; Apply A. -Q. 3'obier.
A few WI; te Skirts lift td cream; at
$1.95. _ The .1 are the finestiu the trade.`
Cow at +,iter? to ' Stewart's anti see
Marriage Licenseaa,issued at the Ad-
Stunning sane waists at $1.00 to
clear at Stew., re's.
1a Tk,ritti t: raizsaeirte st,
Tbe Spectacle at the Canadian
National, ,• Exhibition, Toronto. fills
year will be fouirdeed on the siege of
(Sebastopol. One of the most famous
scenic artists of Ainerica_has been en-
gaged to paint as a massive picture of
the siege and to peat up scenery ru .an
exact Counterpart of Sebastopol itself.
British, Russian and French -soldiers
in tbe uniform of the different armies
of the period will be seen .engaged in
the siege work and with thee•aid of ex-
plosives it is anticipated that the bate
tie scene well bft plae 'of thraillin and
intenee realism,
qty rrecluctioni on oil ealored nnusiin s
/4 clear at Stewarts,
Wester* rnir,%ossdosast.
Tho programme of _attractions for
thif ye'ar's; Exhibition is one that will
furnish instruction and amusement
for everybody. Kernp's Wild West
Show and Hippodrome performance is
the largest company ofple ever
presented ti) Western Fair 'visitors -
118 peop fr, Indians, Cowboy Band,,
esit reee.-broncho,, mules, etc. Cha-
riot rawest, maga coach capture, etc.
Setae*, ” Kin of the Air," tbe
kett Family', White & Lemart, Kro-
nosmon lime., the funny . • .lee; Pan-
retissers -Sisters, Deike = tiers, and
many otbera, Fireworks each even-
ing, eencluding with the "Railway
Disaster" and the "Destruction of
Mount P. -lee." Everyone should come
to London for at least 'one day this
year.. PrngratsuiGneee and information
given on application to the Secretary,
A. M. Hurn, London.
Pspea tiii eseisesios-staralis apapotr lt, .
The-pf p.t1ttu ex • t.. ♦ RY `.1 Y. . l
Detroit it will be held On Saturday, Au-
gust Sr.h Train loaves Kl atg8.23
14. TIL Res urn fare to Sarnia
is .1.85.
• Return fat C,on the msaagnidlentsteam
err" Tassti anio " from Sarnia to Detroit
ie 75 matt, Soot tickets good to re.
turn•on shy boort fro time to catch ape-
ciaal resin traaving Mira at 10 p.m. on
Monday. ,Au'10th, running.
through h • Kincstrdi ... Arrange to
spend a few ye pin the beautiful
city of l ettolt.
ix ma'ke�
'2YCRv.�twt �
Ec "eT JUNK`� ►a
sheat .,,..�•14..A.gA.Rld,ta N,
,i�?e�,!'6/Yw.an�l w�ast�Y*A.gIr o. 4,,%
ra f atoes,per hag
cwt,, 'Oman
geadspec grit. 1
ti '..lt. ert%y,'wp.h+'S�IFs,yjeu»l0000
her, i urieetly►' lay in Wait until the eaten
fiat gone tO dem the night,
,t Then.'
they get up, on.their ,feet, uub>► ttott
t e . vest*, roll up their sleeves 4014
proceed to businews At• the fist at.
tack the sleeper only dreams that Nor..
Tian Schafer has hit him in the vitals
with a base -ball bet', but the e scurn-
bers rrseptdly get warmed. u
become ina.ore picturesquebew-
gins to think that someone is dancing
the Highland fling on his abdomen.
Things then get • desperate end doctors
are telephoned for, and instructed to
ring:their full -grow esstonxach
When the sleeper awakens in the
morning the first thing he does is to
feel�t�his stomach to see if it is still
there.- Me. ands the -stomach there,-
e-eueu , eh thee* night be
44;r p a d:,aaznit . a<t•iiina
; �F ;fid -kite air* q� +
they are ripe,
sirup y because they absorb more cu-
cumbers into their anatomy than
their digestive apparatus earn cope
The pinch of -thea depression isbegin
nin to.*e felt in even ,some of the
Huron towns. -The furniture factor;,
in Seafortir; which was closed for sev-
eral weeks last winter, is again shut
down, not to open again until the lst
of August, it is said. Three of the
factories ireWingham are also closed,
and it is said the chair factory owned
by the Canada Furniture Company
may not resume for some time. In
Oo erich two or three of the -indus-
tries are not being operated.
if you are a kicker and see the shad-
ow of failure in everything that is pro-
posed to help the town, for Heaven's
-sake go into some secluded-canyon=and
kick your own shadow on the clay
bank, and thus give men who are
working to build up a town a 'cb nee.
One long -faced, hollow-eyed, whirring
kicker can do more to keep away bussi-
neeu a andtal from'town thanalldroughts, short •--sal- crops. chinch bugs, .
-clones and blizzards combined.
The D. D. G. M., J. G. Starabury►,
stalled the officers of . Exeter Lodge.
LO.O.. on ' Tuesday evening. e
following are the ollicers:--- . P. G.,
At s EaauSmIID; !NUG. " Clue. Birder;
1.0., jos. Lanb k;1t,S., 11. N. Tay-
lor; PIS., A. E. Puke; Trees., E. M.
Dignan; War., Shirley Dobler; Con.,
Q. Nortbcatt; 0.0., N. Paterson; 1.G.,
W. Martin; R.S.N.G., T. Bople; L. S.
N.G., 8. Waiters; R.S.S., 0. Sweet;
L.S.S F. Treble; 0.0., H. Lam k;
Chaplain, O. Southcott.
An iron ball measuring nearly 4
inches in circumference' and srelghin
nearly 3 ounces, was found eanbedd
in a rock -elm tree, to the depth of 7
incbes from the innerbark over 15 feet
from tbe ground. The tree stood on
the farm of Mr. Stoddart,, West Nish
sours, on as piece of ground, which at
high water forms an island in the
north branch of the Thames. It was
found by some men getting out tim-
ber for vs born. Aduplicate .was found
in a tree near by. One of, these curios
may be seen at Grafton 'Meths the
other ret Jaaames ISimithat, Cherry Grove.
oft: MarysIt mtssiti
Miss May Armstrong is visiting in
Mr. E. WHorne o...Taronto-is-hexa
for 4 few days.
Miss Lillian Amos spent a few days
here this week.
Pure said Oe in
cure for
"that hot, burning sensation so often
troublesome in waren weather."
ssc a box.
Prepared by
Call an
be Gon-
i1:♦.s:54"1..:l.Mit .+l'N1 p"
at ,j�. �� •1111w LT� ,11.1 �� � •
eapes spot in tower.
Mrs. M. Lee of Toronto is visiting
the Misses Wymi.
Miss Wri ht is visiting her sister,
Mrs. L 0. Fleming.
Mr. Wallace Fisher of London is
home for his holidays.
Miss Vera Bowe of London is spend
fn user holidays here.
Mr. Geo. H. Powell was in New-
�r��on business last week.-
-Mr. and Mrsr, John Collingwood of
Port Huron are visiting .here.
Mrs. Bernick returned from a visit
with London friendliest week.
Miss Lottie Hdnaan, milliner, of
Beaton, ishome. or_the. holidays.
Wes Witv'ern& . Quance of All's
Craig is visiting her MOther bore..
Muse Merril Gould„ a milliner, ef.
Beaverton, is home for the vatatlon.
Mrs. Crawford of. Brussels visited:
her sister. Mrs. T. M. Kay, lasit week.
Mr. S. M. Sanders was in Collings
wood a few days this week on raudiews
Mr. and Mrs. G. Loveless of Musslse
on,. Mich., are visiting relatives in;.
Mess terrine Miller, Winchelsea, is
spending thiel week visiting friends in
Mrs. Harry Parsons was vvisitina
Mrs. Eli Lawson at Crediton last
Mrs. T. Richardson of Seaforth was
the guest of Dfrs. D. McInnes over
Mrs. .1.; Watson and daughter Giraac e
of Detroit, are guests of Mrs. John'
Mrs. Ed. Dignan returned last week°
from art visit with Hamilton, Norwich{
and London friends.
Miss Cairns and Miss McFarlane of
Forest visited the former's brother, F.
Mime, v.8., last week.
Mr. and Mran! 11cDoanatid and little
loni of Gait, are relenting friends in
a rain Bend.
sp.ensing '.s" aliity:�.
Mre. John Essevy is in Brantford
this week owing to the death of her
little grandson, the son of Mr. and
Dire. Luther Braund, which sad _event
occurred on Friday and was due to
stomach trouble. The little fellow
was ten months old. Friends here
will sympathize with the bereaved
parents in their loss:
Additional Locals on page rt.
6 0dooaic•k+reatprcrtt,
a te*o eesarse:s stand
int t3 *T. Experience
andante*,aom s��.etuI.. ��8 Yee y', Comae
torre chers � VIouneti, Seth{'portal..
torpestieui*t .
Fal Term Opens Sept 1st.
Geo. Spot ton, Principal.
'Hi _
_ - on
The most unfortunate clam of plegia
town and t Grand •
linin : -u . • t
y �etrty� Sunday, inset - % ` " - -
gr�unn • ersa. . ey rib home °fits
y*► lata while Miss Amy.
society' of iti dues, and themselves of will remain for some time. 110,11'.
the best things ante. Froro the day. Noble Bi settle tTbur'srda 'mornin g
thecbildr.n of Israel - grumbled end for f tdnn. wh+ :be will likely take
wirescent On their tedimns w�ntgs a, o Onion the police force. • Cdih, do' that too'1t4`ith
"for forty year* in the *Wetness" up Mr.t Hector Haywood and a lady
to the present hour, the world has friend from London visited at the for -
been fulltgrurabiers, It ir- "too ,t" mer's home here over Sunday.
or into cold," uton wets' or 'too dry."
People in _r -e aonaable - CitelilliittruiCeS
haira visions of they poor.housee, , while
the rich grumble that -they can'at get
rich Doter.
t EyeThe regular monthly meeting of tied. aur and ter of London are vadtit:
Dar, O>�� �dtsrat aaaroea3 Bar.
f •
aayspiels relatives bete for a est,
C. fr
tarpon* n., with, het 14.•the Commercial. Court Hammy, C.
., r>< C). .� will be held�" 1
ay M.laaast i sriea and hrein` j1"4"iatn 110WEYi
Heni+el, E'xete�,. _ iI`i�f+>daaal .lataty�. 3t+st.:.:on. Mondrra +t'Meatsgg nsratt net g yor�+ak.l � , rGrim prop tri luted cid diieass stye Mr. P. iii. Oladman c ;ut avidwontnt'.tsor. ' ria ;, rr►hapt saettexrded to �
Beet, Ear: anal sleds tested. . the Hi h 'court meeting at 'ia g is den, Melbourne. are visiting with Aire.
Fells* sew weeksQuauoass:aer
�••ar'•.ai.ft•�.�tr ,. �wilt give ,b�
a!�.. tinsemir ore Mr. 3'.0 Welsh andwife of Medina,
p� nett e
�», are � ghosts + the fon��
► �ar= 'r #* . faaither. Mr. John ivirtisb, London
A �' jinni` wits that when Ta, I'. �. •
rink' beat Bev. Mertiin's rink, 27 to 1s, Arta 'Wellingtoo' Johns end i augli.
waitgh the atter tat, the( end of the ter Milia Airy lot lest weak for Si,'
urn -.o f 1i;ato_o -iar -,i is ...... tha ., itwfth' itt e.aa-T '
The next tilt *a ends ;puede K aid Haiieybury.
111;u Tae ad's tomes The . lays. ' Mho M' ' . s. McKay, who his •00 t
W` T ,I sicos.00 W a� .y *i tiii , 9 F � .. week hot
' era ,� ▪ S'te*aiteI '
H s „ . , eaek for
Oat 41A�tY+rwrt�im in
H �ehxexy M"r,
w .w '" "- i« Martin..1!l
The srseesataoc1.11nnaal for the trophy offerid
#erica ouch' N. B. iiiith, WAS
• " r atasw evenrt
t ri . W.. wising lbs+► 71
s y r 1b �lank Will bo
k awacar. fel f• ore atx _ wlHat..,id rt s ear
WE keep con-
stantly" in
stock •full
li i 4 . v
'and it pay& to
furnish your
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Touche
Buffets Kitchen .Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Y:inin Chairs
and all -Bedroom, FuYrni ute
The • Ceding Heine Furniehtere nd Funeral Directors.
PliONE. Na. 32:
uly Bargain Sa4E
if Summer Goods
This is just the time t6 make a big slit at -all
dour : unimer Goods. We are going -to let them all go
;at BARGAIN PRICES. Do not fail to take advantage
of this Sale. Here area few of the many" gains
SPiEICIAls Sabel Op $urnmER coot•si
- linos of Susaarmo Dress Goods, in Light Tweed' Fancy Effects
at Reduced -Pricer --were 50c and 00c --tor 35c per. yard: _These
akre:this season's goodie and make up well for Separate: per,
**dime them and secure s. Bargain. -
Strit. Arthur Moi in and Mre. $. _ 0,
Import of here, owhlg to the Uinta
of th i father, Mr. Thor'. Rowe.
Mr. and ittrsr.. Anita Barlow and
A: big .af nor meat.
C tsaiouge free.
T E'
for Seam
F"ow.Ih r. and Alf
�''r M Alf
Thornton,, of'►os
d; M'rafrr Powell
at Grand
has nthundy.
k ytis TAX*
'ts*s t 111140gai
" "Our Goods are
f tyhw. lift mod Finish
on Bawl
1k MraRlat
Y arttte#1
event wed la
rIlt tt
tbL i
. :
# * ie wit
fit atnd
1 \
iNM.�i11� aY ..
you know w amt you Want.
earpfariri►t.ilita .
Color. lotus—line
AI110c and 123, Mussliriit for 88c
.. -15c" 49— 10a
it 25c se :. 150
Dome of the hest left.
Fancy. Pasaeols
Only! aaafew left, but each one a
*1.25Para** for90c
Para* for $1
Netts athiLaces*.
of every de cription.
'.Darin ht now your chance to
pbutzwit.bern at •greatly reduced
h attd • r
swath and • etr** hairs art
u dpi ► They Inuit 1*
.rir y
,.. r me -for-
4,• v A
till alto pi ty in tiautopw
t* Curr is* 100
White Muses
in .Plain, Fancy, Swiss Doter
or-EnibroWeteda An to bos sold.
We want none, left over.,
- 8 &1 PAINS irlll d0 it
The 25 Per Cent mount Sale
*1 st.i1t rurieing, Do not missy It.
The elxespest - r' slats you Uwe
bought rediae ares roar
White Night Gown ,' c,°*1,
White Skirts for+'r', #1, #1
'White C6re et Covers, : „, ye
All taut go.
3'aaat ear, few' of
oriel Palo t&keii iitommt.
irEtIVAY sag, to 4 a eloek,
.1.. o Wil" or tit taken *her
D4 Y.
te and
each 'ft ntrtf.
ibe- best
44 4 411,