HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-23, Page 4 (2)Oxeter %locate
oa.zuoloo 0';'oec,la„ Vi76p1;
T1,11;138DA.Y July 23,-1908
NI) (;,0.1.1M114 TS
The fwItrth 606+114 of thy) tenth. par-
' lianient ot C.4n,34,-.J.:.V'Mtilt? clop,e, 04
11044ay at pupa infirm"-
• ann. • •
rd Rubmts il1Lond.,7yn 911
Aitgebt $tb., theflailt 4.1Y' of
,the loragleb.ota.mniv neatitep,Ile
‘4,ricee ea, boon4,i,izateat;?At. 1'.t,,ILD)..4 •
totsiOspoople-i:thd city would
je,.et takdz :ap )11014..the prantty
getle 1b1 the gloom of a 4,flIght sd
• • 1:‘,'
pLoOng.ial gclier,A.WvatA03.*,
$iielt`e.tchewan will ha held• ik:uwai41:
Mr. Scott is now the premier and the
Legislatuee stands 10 Mberals cload 0
—cordlog to -the repoinatreireW'llififf.'
tors, going back every day in their
earnings. The figure6 for the week
ending July 7 show the receipts to be
$132,380 behind that of it year for
the same week. The ft mures are as
follows :-1908,8728,831; 1 17, $801,217.
The subject of ThanksgIv ng "Day
vAme Up in the Br _Louse on Wednesday,
July_15.4.1x. 4._E,-Kemp_urging_ the
- Government to change the day to
conyentent to the public, espec ally to
commercial travellers. Sir Wilfrid
Laurier replied that the commercial
travellers' organization had communi,
cated with him on the subject and
that they had been officially informed
that this year's Thanksgiving Day
will be -celebrated on a Monday.
,,. ......„......,.....4„,,,,m,
Ripe tomatoes of excellent size and
quality have already been picked by
Mr. Chas. Birney.
- jiff-7...-ixt--IMITAWITAtrOU'ret-
was taken -quite 111..Ort_Tuesday and is.
confined to her bed.
Mr. G. W. Harrison, the recently
appointed manager of the Bank of
C hederee here, arrived -on-
from London.
Mr. Bert Luxton has received -wo
from headquarters of his transfer from
the staff of the Bank of Commerce
here to Montreal and will leave short-.
lir for that city.
Rev. A. H. Going's Night -Flowering
Cactus, attracted considerable atten-
tion of plant lovers on Thursday and
Friday eveniege., the plant being in
bloom those nights, . , ,
( Mrs. Thomas Case, we are sorry to
say, has been confined to her home
through illness and was very low, but
we are glad to report that the doctor
believes there is some improvement.
We hope the good lady will recover. .
Miss Vespeir, the teacher of the En-
trance Class n the Exeter School, de-
serves congratulations and thanks of
the parents and guardians of Exeter
boys and 'girls for the great success
of her class this yccar, the whole class,
ID in number, having been successful.
The honors of the class go to Harry
Puke, a bright little fellow, who stood
the highest. getting 4/4 marks. - The
School Board, or some public spirited
citizen with the means, should offer a
scholarship in Entrance work.
Master Drew Knight, son of Mrs.
Bert. Knight, entertained a number
of his little friends to li, birthday party
on Thursday. Games and races, for
which pretty and useful prizes were
given, and other pastimes, occupied
the afternoon and pleasantly passed
away the time. A goodly and most
delicious supper was served, interest
'centering around the birthday cake, in
which many thinvs were hidden. At -
ter congratulating the ladand wishing
hitn many returns of the day, all re-
porting having spent a. most enjoyable
afternoon. ,
The following from the Sicacoe Re-
former is of interest to Exeter people:
-A grand surprise took place at the
town hall, Fair Ground, on Friday ev-
ening, July firds when the employees
of the Suttuirlrnd, Innes & *CV* mill
presented Mr. Peter McDonald with a
very handsome emblematic ring and
watch charm of the Masonic Order.
also Mr. McDonald with a beautiful
silver cake stand. After the company
had assembled at the hall, Mr. A. 0.
Stewart read a very short but appro.
priate address, and Mr. Grice ade
ttie presentations. It was a cons lete
surprise to Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.
MLA. 0. Stewart then taking the
chair, the evening was spent in vocal.
and instrumental music and recite.
tions of 'choice selections. Some
of thiite teking:part in the program
are as follows: Mr. Jas. • McDonald.
Mr. Vandlizen and'Mr. CV -Muter.
brook. About 10:30 the program drew
to a close- by the compeuy singing
"8hould Old Acquaintance Be, For-
got?' and three cheers for Mr. Won -
.14. Mr. McDonald has been an em-
ploye in the Sutherland -Innes mills
for ribout 25 years. He came to Fair
Ground last November as foreman of
the mills here and as he has DOW ilitif,‘
ered his connection with the company,
he and Mrs. McDonald took theIr de-
Oarture on Tuesday for, Exeter, and
we wish them prosperity Wherever
• ? they go, Mr. A. P. Stewart will act
as general manager and Mr.I riee as
lr foremen. in iqMcDotaid'ill ilii. -
Following are the particulate' of the
marriage of 1411S5 Day. daughter of Mr.
L. Day of town, to Mr. Holmberg of
Korah:-A very pretty wedding took
pitiee on June 2ith, in Christ chard).
West Korai), near Sault Ste Marie.
Ont., when Endo Florence My of 'te-
eter was united in imerriage to. Guider
Pateriek Holmberg, a successful young
farmer. The bride was attired in it
Brown travelling mit, with bat to
tuatele and was given away by her
uncle. Mr. W. J. Conway, of Kareh,
formerly of tMidon. Miss Alice Pot.
ter of Londoti tided as brideamaid a
Wm. A. Conway. cousin of the b
as best man. The ceremony , iSater
gretited to the home of the nestly
ded *hereabout torty.gitests not
A 44loty wilding ropast. to Abe
,eleifing *bout two.hottdred assembled
41041 to. very pleasaet tans *AA *pea In
Mre. I, Armeereeg and daugiatee self at Shipka, whom he 41(1 an extol -
have returned Irian Strathroy. eive trade ilDil by bli5 commercial dea,1-
Mee. Harris. flor'nu,s.treet, is vi.sit. inge he bad become widely known' and
ug her son, J. T. Ve €'tt in IIani. latest intimately acquainted with near-
ly every pereon in the community.
As a eale,stuan and businves Wall be
had few equals and by hie hottest deal.
Inge, bategrity of porpuse he was es-
teemed by all, end Iiis demise will. he
deeply regretted, Mr. Wisie Merriest
a Alise_Raie, yeengeet daughter of
Jacob nate of liatillent, mid a eleter
of .Valetitie6 Itase, M., P.. Perladq.
by. whore lie 15 'survived tegethee witA
two "avgag.; dasewirteees The furieral
fpole plisse to the IR000m Line cemee
iy, Uy.en Safurday, and Wag large-.
1Stteinlest • The bezslisOesi aniy
Davo,tistssYtinsithy of a large eirele of
Mro. F. J. Knight ()till continues
very and at times her eeeditien
assumes serietifi aspect.
Mrs. Wade and sear of Detroit are
spending a few weeks with their made,
Ale. (ileosse FalierinrsCon; Ijoborne.
Mr. Thos. Bissett, Sis, has veep:rued
bis'eyeoiAt LOT5Asob &L ckxtentlhat 'e
IS.LbL to* take a. waig, 40.014 'tonsi
;4.14) P.. :% •
rses01,eetes-Getitoie kitrd drghter.
:Mieetedit, ors:WI:1445e '1! Sun
Ste),:geestenf t4V.: Wes
rittik $L1044.`
• l'iwExete:r Or14:51ili ;
timee.fOta•few gave t
busine,esoz Trial iI,biys ever, .
'eeeduCted attire oillees. •
teetie,e4 Prablarlat.. 410:;
sesieiting. lile.fatbeis.ltev. James Kes-•
oce opted 4116 Join& 'streetpulpit
yer acceptably en Sunday evening.
V. Will.Knights-re o en!
_ , „
owing to the illness of his mother.
Mr. and Mm C. C. McGregor and
daughter, Helen, who have been visit-
ing at Mr. S. Hardy's, returned to
their home in Carsonville, Mich..
--"AttssEre Rives-see:rho hae Leen taking -
up the study of electricity in Buffalo
and is now on a visit to his parents
here, has successfully passed his sec-
eio4,yearearesesinaLisioes,asse....— --
Prof. W. J. O'Brien, C. S., of Wood-
otoek Baptist College (and not Wood-
stock Business College as stated in Wilt
week's paper) spent the last two weeks
in town in the interest of his college.'
Fish are plentiful in the river
these days, Mr. Fred Sweet, the young
ninirod and ardent 'follower of Isaac
Welton se1Abkrokaxeloanqe •
joYed -a few' *Oa_ .txit
both big and little. Pike are especially
large, three of them weighing in the
neighborhood of 6 lbs. a piece. .
It took eight large carry-alls and in -
who attendedthe4amW-Street
-dar Schoolpicnic-to.Oraind-Bend.- The
day was an excellent one and no ac-
cident whatever occurred to mar the
of the presbyterian church picnicked
at_the Bend Tuesday.
The Energetic Thretshing Company,
of lisborne, has purchased.a new out-
fit from the Decker Threshing Co., of
Stratford. The outfit contains all the
latest improvements, ancluding the
attachment to turn out either long or
short straw. Messrs. Dalrumple Bross,
who are noted threshers. will have
charge this seagoing and with such' an
excellent outfit the fanners of that lo-
cality may expect the very best re-
The MissesTillie and Millie Bertrand,
Mee. Cawley and daughters and Miss
Clara Wenzel of Detroit, John Either
of Ubly, Mich; and Miss Madeline
Scott of Philadelphia are visiting re-
latives in our midat.-GeosHoltzmann
is able to walk around town ithd will
be able to get back to work in a few
weeks,. We are indeed glad to know
that his recovery has been so rapid. -
Next Sunday the special Childrens'
Day Festival will take place in the
Evangelical church. In the evening
an excellent program will be rendered
by the Choir and scholars of the Sun-
day School. Everybody should be
present and enjoy the treat in store
for them. -Henry Eilher, M. P., has
returned home after two weeks out-
ing in New 'Ontario. On his way
home he was a passenger on the Co-
balt Special Train, which was wrecked
at Lefroy, about 47 miles north of
Toronto. Fortunately he escapee' in-
juries, although several were seriously
injured and the fireman killed. -Can -
tractor Lavrson, is making rapid 'head-
way with the cement walks. He is
now at Jacob Sweitzer'a and expects
to be finished some time next week. -
We are pleased to state that Miss
Gretta Bedford, who has been serious-
ly ill, is recovering. Her father. Geo.
11. Bedford, will zeturn. toll's _work in
Sarnia' fru a few days.seThe . Affsetti
Kuhn, Bliss.es Beaver, Miss Della
Brown and Mimi Myrtle Clark are
camping at the Bend. They are oc.
eupying the cottage "Linger Longer."
-Several of our citizens attended the
funeral of the late Harry Wing of
Shipka„ on Saturday. -The storm on
Friday night was the fiercest this sea.
son. The rain fell in torrents " flood-
ing the streets, lawns and filli.ng the
cellars. Fortunately little damage
was.done.-Our farmers are busyr cut-
ting their grain. This year the crape
are.esceptionally good and thefartuer
is wearing a smile back to 'hie ears. -
Mose Feist is spending a few days *t
the Bend for his vacation. -Claude
Mu* is wearing it broad ensile these
days. Tetra, .101. -Our .Borters are
hard at work these days. Their green
Is in splendid shape and the member*
of the club *re making stone fine plays.
No doubt the clubs from the neighbor.
Ing towns will be irivited,to 014 our
bo 'Bargains in Ladies' Blouses Corset
fiber McMurray, who has been Covers. Night Gown*, Marti, Vest*.
attending the bleoitob* College. Win- Wks' Hose 100 a paire
nipeg, has successfelly passed 'his
part, Matriculation.' Congretnlations
lngto tbeSevere i1lOgs,e8410x' fatter.,
Mr. Rowe. --Mrs, Ell Bice was in Lon-
don a few days at week. -Miss Ruby
Esser• vent a coupe -of- days with
fr eVetittiewirtbilt- ,stet4cess
rl ringlsnyisrissitartntleastlaso
paren al roof over bunday.-Mrs. sOS.
Oullette and children of Stoney Point
and blifi9 Marie McIlhargey of Hamil-
ton are vieiting their father, Joseph
McIlhargey of this place. -Miss Lelah
Gould is visiting her uncle, S. G. Lam-
port -Reginald Case is in town for a
fest itasy=-Andy Allan IS -house from
London. -Mrs. R. Holly of London
visited her slater, Mrs. M. Flynn lest
week. -Thomas Mollardr Toronto, vie-
,iteditie sisters -Moe ,-AsseGarters last.
Mr. P. Lewis of London spent Sun-
day with his daughter. Mrs. T. Neil. -
Mr. and Mrs. Vollmer of Mitchell were
.visitore at ./. Ilepburn's on Sunday. --
Mist Al$07.
sesenil *MOW WA"
turned to her position in Toronto on
Saturdays -Mr. Brown, our tonsorial
artist, left last week, but a new man
has arrived and the barber business
merterberc napeW
Inik,14,101v.S14.V-- krenntiesse.newing_ar-
uaintances.-T`he Ladles' Aid of the
Methodist Church held their Annual
Picnic in Epworth Park on Thursday.
ully 60persons were present and a
moot enjoyable time was wept, the
weather beingideat for stioh an occa-
sion. -A large congregation greeted
the Rev. W. H. Butt on Sunday even.
lag. when he delivered a forceful ser-
mon on the Omnipotent Power of
God. The choir, under Nelson, Hick's
leadership, rendered it couple of very
fine anthems. -John Colwill, Ir., has
sold his farm to Robert Mitchell, at a
good figure; and he will retire from
farminge-William Colwill, our hay
dealer. left Monday on it business trip,
to England and Scotland. Bon voy-
ages -Mrs (Rev.) Salton is visiting at
Elijah Colwill's.-W. II. Butt, of the
Toronto Medical College, is spending
his holidays with hie parents at the
Methodist Parsonage,
Alto Deeds- watt, stortipges arid al
rand Bend
$41) Drsiatt. - Death visited, the
home of Me. and Mrs. Walter Nickles,
on July 8th, which took away their
daughter, &isle, it the age of 4 years
and 2 monthe. She has been suffering
for over two years of a disease that
medical aid appeared not able to cope
with. A few days before her death it
was ifetleed that her condition as
a1tly111 I fig aria her father wee 'palled
from Grayetituttst. where be has 'been
f.or his health the leSt eeveral weeks.
She W4O'A SWeet little chitd, who at',
'totted afl to, her, and her; loSs le a
esssOo-blerFiss The' tuperal tools spieee`
on Vdtbif Oresid BOA • Cemetery,
ROvi 1•3ti* 4g '94triOre..,•ofiletetea •at. ti
hens" anovturs graves . s'tnpatby
tWiefriende go. Out toe Mrs aogr
lekles irs,their,ii.eue Of affliction.
oftersisitiegsher mother and beetles,
Mi$4, Mira' has is4urned to. town
at the farm.-Birs.. Ed. McLean: is
spending 'a few davs, at ber home pear
Denfield. --Mr. Winger of 'Ayton has
returned home after "spending a, few
was recently inducted -as pastor of t e
Presbyterian Church here, has been
very ill, but we are pleased to hear he
is recovering. -Mr.., and Mrs. Walter
Gibson, Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Peeeton, and Barney
reelng_tesent Sunday at
Bend. -Fred Porte is holidaying just
new. -Misses Dulcie and Maly -Martin
left this morning to quilt friends In
Port Hope. -E. McLean moved into
week. The house he vacated is to be
occupied by Hugh Craig. -Miss
Louie Stanley. Miss Etta Stanley, Mr.
Algie Stanley, and Miss Tennant have
gone to Muskoka for it few weeks' holi-
days. -Mr. Sprung, Mr. Luke, Miss
Dearness and Miss Carter belie been,
re-engaged as teachers in the High
g0 for 4.13BcomIng-fallite
Reba CCourser week 1jI.
ped eighteen horses to Winnipeg with
Mr. Jesse Foreman in charge. -Miss
Edna Hodgins has resigned her posi-
tion on the Public School' staff. Her
Mr. W. B. Stewart, who has carried
on al harness making business here for
some time, held an auction side of. his
stock on Saturday evening and intends
moving to London, where hie family,
who are at preeent in St: Thomas, will
join him shortly. -Miss Mason has
closed her millinery store for the Bum-
mer and left to spend the holidays at
Spencerville. She intends returning
in September in thnelor the fall open.
ing.-Mrs. J. 13. Preston and Miss Mar-
ion Preston, of Carnduff, Sask., are
visiting Mrs. Sproat -Miss Kathleen
Hodgins, Miss Mildred Hodgins and
Mist Laura Sutton were among those
who passed their final examination at
the Norinal School, London.
• tr.
• Farquhar.
Anthony Allen, of Stratford, visited
his brother Thomas here last week.-
Mrs. Waghorn, of Fullerton, is visit.
ing old friends in the neighborhood,-
Messrs. Fred Ellerington and Walter
Kerslake have purchased the thresh.
ing outfit of Wm. Towertrand will op-
erate same this season, This is a first -
Legal Documents caret/illyand promptly prepared. class outfit and the farmers can rely
Charges moderate. on getting the uery test results.
Several of the people in this coin- • DIED IN HIDDEItZ-it will be „sad
munity took in the Children's Day news to many to learn of the death of
Festival at the 14th Concession Ap- Mr. James E. MeNicol, who passed
pointment on Sunday lasts -Rev. E. away at his home in Ilibbert on Wed.
11. Bean of Crediton conducted the nesday of last week, at the age of 30
funeral service of the late Henry years, 4 months and 15 days. Mr. Mc.
Wing in the Evangelical church here Nicol bas been in poor health for
on Saturday afternoon. He was as. many months. suffering, from asthma
foisted by Rev. Gischler and Rev. Eidt. and heart trouble, but was in his usual
--Mr.. Wilson of Fullerton spent Sun. health until about a week before his
daystir the home of his sister. Mrs. demise, when his trouble WAS supple:
Routledge. -Mr, Peter Schroeder had mented by an attack of pleurisy,
the misfortune the other day to lose which had a deadly effect and in a few
one of his horses. The animal in some days it performed its mission. The
unknown way broke its leg in the deceased was born here, being a son
pasture field and had to beshot.-Miss of the late David McNicole and was
Florence Rhode of London returned highly respected and esteemed by a
to her home on Monday evening. -Mr large circle of friends, Mr. McNicol
Fred Kibler of Listowell spent several was it !married man, hie wife being a
days here the guest of Mr. J. Keller. Miss Melville, daughter of Mr. Peter
mann.-The heavy rain of the past Melville, but he !closes no fanny. Be.
week retarded farming operations sides the sorrowing wife, he leaves it
somewhat, and flattened certitin of mother, three sisters and four broth
the grains so that the cutting will be ers, all of whom will have the symptis
slower this year and the yield, of oats thy of it large circle of friends. The
partieuiarlY. willnot be so -heavy as funeral to4sarlatelan. Fridays -Ur -the
tritiked-for. xeter Cemetery.
Our Bargain Counter is loaded .with Summer Goods.
They must be sold as we do noLvvant to earr _a _piece over
if a price will sell them.. "
30 pieces of Muslim) in all the new- CHINA, °ROOKERY, GLASSWARE
est shade" and patterns. regular 15e.. Just to hand the finest line of Toilet
200, Zoo and Me a yard, your choice
for 10c; the yard.
few.pieces of Dress Good*, regular
50e, to cte*rT&t 250 the ant
ei our Prints at 7c the yard, guar;
anteed first colors.
Shirts 121c the yard for 10e.
Dr.lern or ligNity WINO. --the sad
news of thedeatli of Mr. Henry Wing
of this place was learned with great
surprise when.the word was mooed
*round on Wednesday of lest week.
For meyerai weeks Mr. Wing Was not
In the best of ktailth, but it was hardly
noticable until the Sunday previous to
his death when he was taken down
ati4 compelled to take his bed. Ph*Arlare sole agents for Plymouth Binder All Millinery to 4e. cleared out re'
tiara; were called, and it was then dis.
covered that hie till* Wail short and
that nothing could be done any more 10,000 pourtds of Wool Wanted in the next two weeks
than to tuteet the' illaesiae and 10"
for which we will ' y highest. market .ptice, cash or trade,
temporary Ile had not long tors tte
*eat for on Wetineeday the curtarn,of ming along your u r, gs and Wool ,and _get some of
death was rung down on, his
anil kindly lite. hearLtallurai beinfrthev,
t bargains and don't forget that by helping us yolf are.
oottit os detail. The deceased was RelDllig yourself. „
Jima, near Zurich 00 has ,beeti tea.
dent of the cottimunit aver . Ifarket Prices for Farm Produce.
Since boyhood he ham
the mercantile
Setts, Ditmer•Setts,• Water Setts, ever
shown in Dashwood, and sit prices that
will suit you. We purchased a large
line of those goods at a special price
and We are giving *011 the benefit of
the same. Call early.
All the latest styles in Footwear in
Patent Leather, Tans, Chocolates,
Blucher. Cuts and Oxfords. Review.
bora that these are not the, cheap kind
Men' Dress Shirts at' half rices th14.*01 not_. weitri but these shoes are
t e good kin at cheap prices arid
tlaranteed to wear:, One ,prices' are
bitter thrats the lowest. I
s /Sr r
Oar Grocery Department is full of
1414-er and Fresh Goeds, 5. lbs. good
Green $1, 8 lbe. Roasted Coffee SI,
Matches large box 10c, 3 Cant Corn
triz, 3 Cana Peas 2e. 1 lb. Seeded
Raisiba lOci Korn Kinks 5c pkg.,
Fancy Oakes 23e.
* htt*,Shirts at 25c each, en's
a 13411' Bexdr-to-Wetir 'Salts , at
bargain price*, rJobline of !tient* and
Fie Stetter Hatrat Dc'each. - •
A full supply of Fork, -Rakes.
thee. Smiths, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys
Pure Paris Green -Screen 1)001`3,
Whitlow Screens, Hammock*, Coil
Wire, Barb Wire, Ideal Woven Wire
Bay your Binder Twine from dee,. we
Twines, guaranteed the best. gardiese of cost.
I Paid-up Capoal., sty Qom
i.Reserve Fan& o
B. Ptcpiticbt
r,4ntr),' oencral *flioaace
Yr 'ORDERS. %Att. An4 04.004y tragstoietit
tgacie,:li; Alt Parte 46±4,1eada' in fol7aign--;*'
-011SINESS-1----theveSzand,dratts'on.. UnCAUttgAi
grea Britain OM othei foreigO countries bonght and sold.' 113
Riceter*.mgh,*AVijamlw.4.41,aonego„..EiBrovelialigqtatt,Witen • _
A farm house with a telephone is no
longer wholly isolated, although out
of sight of every neighbor, for they
are all within eall. The conditions of
Woo.% PhOSPhOttial4
Ti Gr:rat 1:7nodida _Pcntralt.
'IC and la)1 .,Terate3 the who.°
nervous 814.sin, makes new
the market can be ascertakned and ott9 Debility, 21ralcrddglatincf"R‘rt(4n5P1"ernt _Dcert
goods bought end-eold-withootleaeing reeeirese. Trea.ko'sol Prm_s104/4 Aipc.r. •
home, the doctor can be sutoruonedlearaild.Arr t8 ani MSC or .14,
without loss of time, and distant .irost perbox, sixfor
friends can be communicated with at es'aftrre'.4n3"alttreetr1mti_ggt6taIna
tammiA,IxenAtItaAmadtskokat,, „gat rc2lokIttnalrAr,d, octi
.(1aorpOrststby .4etnte
• I •
. •
Capital Paid Up $3,372,500
:Reserve rum& 312,5011_
SATURDAYS” 10 m. to 1 p. es.
°MOE ROUES 10 IL ra. to 3 p.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
aving Bank Department
• Until further noUce Interest on Savings account* will be
credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly.
" Deposits of $t and upwards received.
Agents atExeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON d; aanrarro, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Confined to His Horne for Wks.
. "Heavy work. severe straitens mid ern habits In you iroutht on it
double varicocele. When I worked hard the aching -would-become
severe and I was often lakt up for it week st time. My family
physician told me an operatiee was my only hope—but I dreaded it.
I tried Several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted waif my
money. 1 commenced to look won an doctors as little better than
rogues. One day my boss sattWine why I was oft work so Much and
I told him my condition. He advised me to consult Dni, Kennedy
Kennedy, seta had taken treatment from them himself and knew
they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got ME Nair Manion
TltiCATX12tr. My progress was somewhat slow and during the first
month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. Ilofrever. I con -
tinned treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with a
complete cure. I could only ehrb1112 a week in a machine sho_p be. fore treatment, now am earninLstra never loco a day. I vilah
• all sufferers knew of your VIdUllbte tresixoent.
BLOOD POISON'S are the moet prevalent and most serious diseases. Theyssetheverr
life blood of the vittim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious,
comptications. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the symptoms— our NEW
mErHOD curse all blood diseases.
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