HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-16, Page 4 (2),
b 1
mteelttre witlivareit:tuivekeseri egrukthitite_litroiti
a Jean Baird of Perkbill spent a few
daYs with her friend, Miss Carrie Wilt
, re. Ilea eStineen •-brett
eliered to a'great tkgnie by his'ehild.s
reit (end, we believe, by *II, thong
some manifest thek love in strong
wereand rather illtteeeteuent of th
so -celled lower creatures of (iod) set
who had been wog' rkinwith Aglaia Co
eel On tia,turdaY iteame, onSende
frieeds 'Perlthill and Satillik. Mist
-LVOrg „eoth comoober g-vt!':tdauslt:i:atiuestiga4e=e1:,
itovoyognooliocoharshototoro. IA071; E.140.,,qt• tb•e its' eye*
wlH get Oa pitor fent* brightlY 011uning she e4 11
YMisEye Eggeet Of, Detroit pend -
fug her vaeatien at bete .home.-4r
Yin* YOttnitAnd Itfiat 117,rt1e Ititickett
took ite.tboocuttelOit trnia 00 tt,te;
4104 ,Mrs4:
on ErldaYtteitell
ing tiohd$:40 Ailsa
• .t erof $4014p5uCtio 04*te,
40111Prias .Att Iii4sleigartleAr
easediersee-h-eVh(ttriltatri-fio ro tite
ntlettattltlOeths. Itt4teteort J visit
Lig telittiveetin this vihvfl
hesitpprenttiry bf thit 410 Y fgt.* looked the Picture Of. stfreet
,.•-• Dominion' , nse4rggregate, (M Ji'Z Z1t4flt. 'Mat 1.ythe" Way; IOVe, Of
!, and ntake :t0,141:0Vela;0%009"4e..kovtar :VriPr„ Of _th0e I' bniiTa
••1106 tor, le, - .bo Onpqtumge4
• Oratrig vovots-ivetiO-rw
lor,poq tig
T'iq up,4,111,00 :4116pff od the. 4%14step,i.and we h
te. Wick .4E441% ."14'
e tba
etietnple 44ori eotro tentletly for helplitee
°ones (Whether human or quintal, fish
or bird) and that Mester ceeverelehinet,
ftttil.r.etrittottit: 'ha loving Aand-
ttveye, ami peihape some day he
ii -iflgreat.tat te4k.
, g ttaellaO‘Skt, • ortirbor others ',will4tititate KaSter -
'qtnprovernetit at Grand Bend-
' Three Weeka titto aft Osvele _ t nri
mita taught his dog. a flue, Weil.
* • - -
tive,tlegr* '
careless at meals, gets burps in his
, tail, etays out at night, goes with a
law class of dogs, and it is leered he is
-beginning to take art\interest in poli-
The special postage stamps to be is-
sued in commemoration of the tercen-
tenary celebration at Quebec are now
ready, and will be plated. on sale this.
stre-ofenee_e teeteeiettel
design, and are larger than the biai-
nary size, to allow adequate represen.
tation of historic scenes, portraits, etc.
The -description denokninatlon-
�( tie Prinee and -Princess- • Wales;
one -cent, green, portraits of Chain.
plain and Cartier; two -centered, King
Edward and Queen Alexandra; five -
cent, blue, representation of ItEtabita-
tion de Quebec; seven -cent, yellorse
pictures of Montcalin and Wolfe; ten -
cent, mauve, picture of Quebec in 1700;
fifteen -cent, picture of the Parliament
of the West of the old regime; twenty -
cent. green, picture of a Courier du
Bois, with Indians..
The deParttnent of Wiley will under.
tertlettlatiVewttertreettliii-iit ion o
the large peat deposits throughout the
Dominion. The supplementary esti-
mates will include an item for the es-
tablishment of an experimental plant,
probably in Ottawa, where investiga-
tions will be made of the inethodstof
obtaining producer gas from peat and
other modern ways of utilizing peat
for various industrial and domestic
purposes. The peat areas in Canada
coven at least 37.000 square miles, and
• in many cases the depth of the bogs is
considerably greater than six feet. Of
the total area, over 10,000 smtare miles
are in Ontario, and some 25,000 squate
miles iu Alberta, Saskatchewan and
The official figures of the general
election on June 8 last, as shown by
the returns to the Clerk of the House,
place tire Conservative majority at
95,034, with two constituencies yet to
hear from, namely, Storntopt and
Kenora. Stormont went with the
We are pleased to state that Geo.
lioltzmau, who was seriously injured
by falling off a scaffold last week, is
progressing nicely and le rapidly re -
.covering, -Jos. Lawson W making ra-
pid headwew, tvith the cement walks.
Ile is at pretentewoikiagett-the tower -
fix will. -The Misses Finkbeiner of
ehewaing. Mich: are visiting Itheir
cheandeettut, -dr, and Mrs. -Samuel
atn."?tateelltt/tetchlt hittitenteZettig_. teecet
Vise jithirTrevethiclr -of 'tendon- are
spending a few weeks in town, the
guests of their sons. -Solomon Beaver
.of Sandusky, Mich., sang a beautiful
solo in the Evangelical Church last
Sunday evening -Our boys were in
Exeter on..Mon aaseYeniegtatalviayed
a game of baseball. They won out
with a score of 12 -2. -Mrs. Hill of Zur-
ich is visiting her brother. Art. Ilene -
di; -Mrs. ltosina. Finkbeiner has re-
tu edhome after a pleasant viait with
her daughter, Mrs. Russell I:Listable
enfeellarottletteetGottlottl teen
Motz tiara returned home from Ches.
ley, where they had been attending
the funeral of Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Brown.
They were accompanied_ byRev. Christ.
len Brown of Allegheny, Pa., who will
visit friends here for a few days. -
Quite a number of Indians have arriv-
ed from the Muncey Reserve to pull
flax. The season started on Tuesday
and there promises t� be a good crop.
-The local Orange lodge attended the
walk in Sarnia on Monday. The boys
.report having had a pleasant time. -
The remains of the late Wm. Fritz,
who died very suddenly at Grand Bend
last Saturnay, were interred in the
cemetery here last Monday afternoon.
The funeral was largely attended.
Rev. Carriere of Grand Bend and Rev.
Eidt of Dashwood officiated at the
grave. The deceased was well known
here and his uaany friends were great-
ly sheek.ed at his sudden death. He
Gov_ was in the village -Edwin a week ago
Oppoeition and Kenora with the
eminent-.. According to the figures of and was then in the best of health
these constituencies in the press de- and spirits. The bereaved family
apaches, their combined addition have the sympathy of the entire com-
I* •
would eret tiae Otrvernment a majority
of 487. If • these be correct, the
Whitney GoverninOt' s total major-
ity will be 90,121 Over the Oppositinn,
and 80.107 over the Opposition and
Independents. Laborites, and Social-
ists combined Approximately, the
Government secured 00 per cent. of
the total vote cast; the Opposition 38
per cent., and miscellaneous elements
2 per cent.
Notwithstanding tbi fact that for 33
years Ontario had a iberat adminis-
tration, the Province* has for 25 years
past given n, Conservative popular ma-
jority. In 1883, when Sir Oliver Mow-
at had a majority of 10 in the House,
the Conservatkves bad a plurality of
3,137 on the Popular vote. In the
election of 1887 the Conservative ma-
jotity of votes cast was 9,869, and in
1902 the sante party had 7.3.13 ot a ma-
jority. In 1905, urhen the eh Lego a
Government took place, Mr. Whitney's
The Evangelical Stinday School Pic-
nic, which was held at Grand Bend
last Friday was an imaiense success.
Zurich, Dashwood and Crediton
Schools were in attendance ,and all
had a very enjoyable tane. It requir-
ed 8 large busses to convey our people
back, besides a large number who
drove singly.
'Xile following pupils were successful
in their recent prouaotion examina-
tions. Required to pass, 60 per' cent.
Honors, 75 per cent.
Jr. It to Sr. II -Honors: Clara Oest
treicher, Pass: Rothe King, Har-
rington Finkbeiner, Verna Hill, Vera
Redden, Irene Wolfe.
Sr. II to Jr. III -Honors: E. Treitz
and A. Hedden (equal), Reymond En-
glish. Pass: Herbert Shenk, J. Guen-
majority by the popula,r vote was 31,- ,ther, L. Winer, A. Sambrook.
There died at the home of his daugh-
ter. Mrs. Daniel Glitten, Holmesville,
nn Wednesday, morning, July 15th,
(mother of Usborne's pioneer settlers.
in the. person of John Cornish, at the
great ago of 92 years. The deceased
has been in feeble health for several
years, bat the immediate cause of
death was dropsy and diabetes. Born
iii Devonshire, Eng., in 1816, The ehi-
ceased came to C wadi whe a quite
YOUDFC and settled in Usborne, where
he lived and farmed for many years,
having as mach as five hundred acres
of land at one time. Of late years he
has made his home with his de. ighter.
Hrs. Glitton, at Holmesville. fie was
twitce married, his first waft haying
predeceased him about twenty years,
and hia second wiled being We. Ridley,
now lives in St, Thomas. Ile leaves a
grown-up fa,tnily of six -threa 'sons
awl three daughters-Deorge, of
Thatnee Road; John, of the 2nd Con-
cession of UsbOrne; Samuel; of Step-
hen; Mrs. Wm. Jacques, of tlsbornet
Mrs. CM t too, of floimesville; Mrs. Thos.
• Heiden* of /Exeter. • The reinainp, are
1-e4ng brought hr.me fpr burial and the
femoral will take place from the borne
of Mrs. Thae. Belden, Andrew street,
, to - iv (Thursda ae2 o'ctok, to the
er eeenete
A Pet coon.
A baby men caused considerable
amusement to the young- people of
term this week' and evoked a greet
deal of interest to grown ups, as well.
at is the property of Master Cowarti
of ttsborne and was eaptured by him
in a tree on their farm, it being only
stievivor out of a family of ave. It is a
- pretty little thing and as -playful as a
yonng puppy or kitten and as obedient
0' the call of ite name (Top) as one
woold wish, and vill f Cow like a dog.
It was so young when eaptured that it
had to be raised OD the bottle. COMM
40 kielieve, are proverbielly hard to
tamN never becoming 'rally tractable.
ant always have* dt.p (sition Abs.
of *6 yriid".-herite.
ttretteittill ietItbed vollit
. -
ut t wi
Jr. 111 to Sr. if -Honors: Clifford
Hill, Francis Hill. Pam G. Bene-
diete,.0.-Beaveri-EteKie' nzlet-St-Wein
E. Geiser. O. Motz, H. Brown.
Sr. III to Jr. IV -Honors: Lydia
Gestreicher„E. Bean, Evelyn Bluett,
-Vera Efoltzurtann. Pass: Mel. Brown,
11. Boltzmann, W. Mist, Ida Brown,
Flovica Hill.
•EWELL Peole. Wills, Mortgages and all
Legal nacurcents carefully and In.cmptly preparcd.
Charges nioderate.
' The onion Sunday School picnic on
Friday last was a great success. The
day was an ideal one Nr such an oc-
casion aud a great many turned out to
enjoy another thy on the • banks ' of
Old Heron. 'rite committee who had
the arrangement° to look after are to
be congratulate:I on , their , efforts. -
Miss Lizzie Bettschen of Detroit is at
present spending .a few days with rela-
tives in and around Dashwood. -Great
was the surprise here on Saturday on
bearing of the midden taking off of
Mr, Win. Fritz of tOrand 'Bend, al-
though it was known by many that.
hie health Was fast failing. Several
from bete attended the funeral Motile
ditee-Norena Ictelleimanls nursing a
sore' leg this week, the reSult of an ac -
eident tvhilerakin haytone day last
weete-Mte •and, Mrs. Rest,SibOrer of
Noxtli llakotn, itv , have, beerk slond.
ingsontetithe with their uelatives in
tins 'community, left on Monday to
spend eitatetime With friends in Michi-
gan, prior to returning honte.-The
time for holding the Evangelical Sun.
day Sehool has been changed to 11
ittloek, immediately after the close of
the morning service. - With fine
weather thistek most of the hay in
this district will be harvested, and
then will come the garnering of the
goiden grin.
(Maple Grove) •
Most of the farinere in this vicinity
have finished haying a114 havetstaited
to cut wheat. -Mr. Wm. Kiltnere had
two olives killed by lightning tin Tues.
dAy.-Quite A number toAr in the ex-
cureoh to &whits Winlay.;--Virelling.
ton Whiteford has purchased he*
11 tv Mat* hs rr purchased
et-S0t, .110ttrei 4i‘r,1.3"tieV sind
for h
Mudd and astet-.-L*ngoriL.
Ottltittitoeir aunt lo .Granton.
• iss Carrie Wilson of Yorkton arriv-
ettletifttteR;tek--...0k-...Pes44, 4Iret:
paniedii'drub-do ,
who spent a, few tale here. -Miss
Vora Stewardson is spending her holi-
days with her aunt, Mra. W. Couch'
Parkhill. -The Misses Raz of Shipka
were guests of the Missal Carruthers
on Sunday. --Mrs. O. Baird and
called on Mre. W. J, Wilson. -Mr. J.
Manson of Brinsley visited at Me. I.
_itsetrutt_heesieon nday.-Mise M. Stint
sotris ?failing fWittittiFt Bayfiel
At League on Wednesday evening,
Miss Sutton, who has been President
for =rue time, was presented With
ier leaving fiitteitigitry: - 7,
DEAR Miss SuTros,-
We, the members of the Boston
Epworth League and S. S., wish to as-
sure you of our regret at your depart-
ure from our midst. w me:sooftew
heard your voice in our League servi-
ces that we feel the vacancy made by
your going away will be Very hard to
till, Your cheerfulness in working
and giving of your means has always
been an encoura etnent to all associat-
you will find many true friends and he
of use in the many departnaents of
church work as you have been here.
We ask you to accept this purse mere-
ly as a slight token of our appreciation
of your services, and we pray that
God's blessing ma.y follow you.
Signed on behalf of the League.
Farmers are finished haying and are
busy cutting wheat. -A number from
here attended the Celebration at God-
erich on Monday. -Mr. Sam. Dining
and wife of Hutandale vitoited at Mr.
P. Coates' Sunday. -Mr, Bert Luxton
of Exeter spent Sunday tinder the pa-
rental roof. -:Mr. Byron Hicks of Cen-
tralia visited Eden friends -on Sunday.
-Mr. Frank Coates and wife spent
Sunday with relatives in Biddulph.
Farmers are busy those days har-
vesting. Crops are looking good. -
Levis. McCann has returned hoine to
Detroit. -John Collins and sister of
Detroit are visiting at the home of
thelegrandfather. Mr. Collin‚ -The
remains of Wm. Fritz passed through
here to Crediton cemetery. We ex-
tend our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs.
Fritz in her time of troliblee-Mrs. B.
Cunningham was visiting at Mrs.
Heitzinan's over Sunday.
MisstEdith Wiggins of Goderich is
the guest of Miss Ella Robinson. -Mr.
W. W. Kerr and wife accompanied by
Miss Wiggins spent a few days in
Crediton. -Miss Olive Berryhill re-
turned to London Monday after spend.,
ing a few days with her parents. -Mr.
H. Brown of Langton renewed ac.
quaintances here for a few days last
week. -Mr. Leslie Robinson and sister
Miss Ella spent Sunday at Centralia.
-A, nunaber from here spent Saute
day at Grand sBend. •
M0130B3 Bank here for some time, has
retOrned to London.
• mut Bend
A Pit Funks -M ss 0 g
t*r., vita Mrs. Q:revel le mitruttuuda,hanly
who has been here camping for two
weeks, has returned to , her home in
"ra rrigb ."" Mi
ae-t'Surtolay at . tPort es
sses- Grieve frone near rkkilt
Parkhilt spent Sunday lett It. , Without*.
.. Sainuel Pedlar of, Ansa Craig open;
fiundayheie with, ial4tiveos,---4%.•II*4,
,N.' .11P•stlitiO4 from roth ttr,itile
, .
0 thOATIA ".4741* ^: OM M 414t
:**041: frlitArdet4:41'ilittth'be:',0'14::34,te,e ,
identi WI .311Villiam loritz.' vvi4o.'41
on two ia43t 4- ,-tiitt
rdh ece'iidled14.4.*
00 b*d beeu. , aerials*, to .4110 usual,
dittiefitit- ' _ ',ts.
tett Oilt front behind the bar hezihe
11 forward on •hisignees and without
a mb1# Ps warning expired. Alva
year - .t,
the deceased was.. agieted
thWMcb be
never ullet recover'''M'ilir
gradually improving and on thediiyof
his death was in particularly bright
.spirits, A few days previous, how-
ever, it is said be took part, in a game
of base ball and it is thought by phys-
icians that the exertion cauried dila-
tion of the heart. Mr. Fritz was born
at Morriston, a small village near
elph-and-for-saverett-years- resit]
trade as blacksinitli and later conduct-
ed the hotelnow owned by Mr. Clark,
. le Titprilifitt- rt4if litithfiiur
daughters. Froin Crediton the deceits-
kind-lsearted disptiSitintche- nunibered-
mov to Grand Bend three years ago
and li s since conducted the Brenner
House, Being possessed of a genial.
,Itiatfriendretteanatty and all will learn
with profound regret of his death
. -
The sorrowing wife and family of four
little girlie the oldest of which is ooly
about ten years of age, will have , the
sincerest sympathy of all in their sad
affliction. An aged mother, three
ir f
-of excefit n of t
mother were in attendance at the
funeral. Death is sad at all times.
but when it comes so unexpectedly
the sorrow is much more intensifit
ed. The funeral took place to the
Crediton ..cemetery on Monday and
was laTely attended.
• ClandeboYes
Dr. J. M. Jones, and wife of Brooklyn
N. Y., are visiting Mr. Jones' sister„
Mrs. F. Brown. -Mrs. Yager, of ace-
tate spent a few days with her parents
here last week. -Mr. B. Rowe. of Kan-
sas City, is spending a few days with
his daughter. Mrs. Abbot Lewis. -Mrs.
Deacon of London spent a couple of
days here last eveek.-Misses Lela
Gould and Ida Rowe have returned to
their homes in Exeter. -Mrs. M. 0.
Kecknie and daughter Mena are visit-
ing the former's mother here. -Mrs. J.
,Lintett and daughter Elsie spent Sun-
day here, -Mr. and- Mrs. It. Canning
have gone to the Bend for couple mon-
ths. -Mr. N. Ryan of Edmonton is vis-
iting old friends here. -Mrs. Fraser. of
Port Huron, is visiting her parents
here. -Rev. Mr. Hodgins, of Calgary,
is visiting his old home bere.-Miss
Edith Sutton of York. Pa., is here vis-
iting her father, Dr. ,Sutton. -Misses
Rena and Wray Mellhargey of Hamil.
ton are visiting their grand mother
here. --John Cunningham and wife of
London spent Sunday here. -The smile
that was on Mr. Joseph Flynn's face
a few nights ago, told that there WAS
a little visitor at his house. -Mrs. Par-
Ilament of Hamtilton is here visiting
her parents, Mreand Mrs. Wm. (tun-
ningleam.-Mrs. Holt, of Sarnia, apent
a couple of days with her (Mandeboye
friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Case
spent Sunchry in Exeter. -Misses Mag-
gie Needham and Milts Mattie Douglas
of Ilderton vieited with Miss Rosy
Larnport last week. -Quite a number
from here eelebratedtlie 12th of July
at Goderich and Sarnia. -Donald
Chasten, we are sorry to say has been
under the doctor's care for over a week
but is improving as well as can be ex-
There are 35 Chartered Banks in
Canada with 1,929 branches.
Our Bargain Counter is, loaded with Summer Goods.
They must be sold as WO do not want to carry a piece over
if a price will sell then.
39 pieces of Muslids in all the new. CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE
est shades and patterns. regular 15e. Just to hand the finest line of Toilet
20c, 20:Land 30c yard, Your choice t Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever
for 10c the yard. -shown in Dashwood„ and at prices that
will suit you. We purchased et large
Line of those goods at a special price
and we are giving yin" the benefit of
the same. Call early.
Ail the latest styles in Footwenr in
Bargitint in Ladies! BiOnges Corset ' Patent t Leather. ,Tatee eltocolatee.
'Mutt! nett' re it Pair. . • t to ehat these'are not the cheap kind
Onfrs. Night Glcv.wne, V'eStS• Blucher \Cuts and three/As, element.
metes shityth at bait peke. t that witl not weer, but these shoes are
BoY's Whitte Shirts at 2,14eirltt Men' ad
the ttn. kinat ttitetlik Anti
and Boys Iteady-tO•Wtor Suits at u guatanteed to weir. • Our prices are
bargain prices. Job line of Men's and Ilower than the lowest. .
Boys' Fine Straw Hats at 10e each.
• HARDWARE Our Grocery Department is full of
A full supply of Forks, Rakes, Se
theta. Snobs, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys
Pure Paris Green-St.reen .Doore.
Window Screens, •Harnithoeks# Co
Wire. Barb Wire, Ideal Woven Wire
Buy your Binder Twine from net, we
-are sole agents for Plymouth Binder All‘Millinery to be cleared out r •
Twines, guaranteed the best.
ardl\ess of cost.
10,000 pounds. of Wool Wanted in the next two weeks
for which we will pay higlie8i; market price, cash or trade.
Brink alongIour Butter, Ogg's, and Wool., and get SOMO or
theak bargains and dOrkforgot that by helpiug us you are
helpiniz yourself., "
• Market Priceis for
A few pieces of Dress Goods, regular
5004 to clear at 25c the yard.
"See our Prints at tic the yard. guar-
anteed fast colors.
, .
Shirts 12tc the yard for 100.
New and Fresh Goode. 5 lbs. good
Green Tea $1, 8 Met Roasted Coffee $1,
*ache; large bot 1de, 3 Cane Corn
26, 3 Cans Peas 23e, .1 Ib. Seeded
ReisinslOte Korn Kinks 53 pkg., 3 lite
Fancy Cakes 2.5c. •
1000, tedir-440it\eskt,'
the Ortiutuentst•, sPris,0 t' -;b
ystA. Of 1ogf,eken*t,*,iiii4i •
awards,,(,),t,the-world$. 0°,01' IN
whcp4 t reeetteall.iiett4itet
uteg0(emlima: buajr�d,. au
hl- be otter i tbe°
Vitited„States or Tanada.
4g, pit'd-Weilelif4Allretrlhe'nfat
AVM 0:043
Miss Wood of London is vieitiug her
aunts, the Misses Wilson. -Mrs. fled -
den of London, is spending the week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ard Handford. -Mrs. A..Hicks of Cali-
fornia, formerly of Exeter, vent Sun-
day with Mr. Richard flicks. -Berry
ickers are off very early in the morn-
letthe_tler_ get_ numbers..__Raspherrie
Aresaitt to_he,A141101-40(1-01-fine ml-
ity.-Rev. W. H. conductpi
ires 1 t'flundity evenin
, tutting -was -held in " E wort
ark," on the lawn, jist1dTroiitot1ie
Parsonage. The service was a most
impressive and enjoyable one,
the good weather a chance to do their
haying and great quantities of good,
fodder were safely gathered.
The Great ' Restiag,
Tones and in vtpuratis thownato
Biome in Old Veins, CUM Nene'
„) " firea. ltrt8/4- Botiitsaings, per.
tate/elate, aad Alerts of Abuse or Rxresies,.
-*Ace $1 per box, sixterle one will atx
era carte-Sceettreet-ertistele
sts-tt .
Wain pkg. on receilit or prioo. Neu, pain
mailealfree. Tho WOOU Modlolno Co*
(formerly tinnelsor) 'Toronto* Onto.
. (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
. Head Office, , a
91g -.1c*--F-F-7•Fr:',.:1,,...,,,,,,.....-
' 'Capital Paid Up $1,172,500
Reserve Fund 3,372,5W -
Assets Over 33,000,000
tong .1101TRS 10*. m. to 3 p m SATURDAYS, 10*. va. to 1 e. a.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
aving Bank Department. oUrnetjitteudrgthucarrtneorlyi%Istileate fret? ohnjayveisT aucctraserrI
I Deponits of $1 and upwards retelvett
Agente at Exeter for \the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. • N. Li. HURDON, Manager,
Guaranteed Cured or No ay.
If you ever had any contracted 0 hereditary
blood disease, you are never safe until the virus
or poison has belt removed from the system.
You May have had some disease years ago, but
now and then some symptom alarms you. Some
potson still lurks in your system. Caayou afford
to run the risk of more serious symptoT
ing as the poison multiplies? Beware mercury
or mineral drugs used indiscriminately they tnay
ruin the system. Twenty years experience -in the
treittillOnt of these diseases enables us to prescribe
specific remedies that will positively cure all blood
diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad
affects On the system. Our New Method Treat-
ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up
all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen
out hair will grow*eand swollen glands will re.
tura to normal f.ondition, and the p4lent will
feel and look like a different person. All cases
we accept for treatment are guaranteed a cont.
pieta cure if instructions are followed.
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