HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-09, Page 5 (2)•tgx ter Atirtorate
atota,n ststi..ta istvasce.-
aces& car itsot ss jos4d.
i es. Termite** tate' $ ribers$1.1$0
. silfierSteictly hi 4, sasfs
.4spcas 4t „mu. wima, .
',.‘-‘ .
. isilettle ,
2, Rev. Holmes. who for -the **t.AROUND
four ye , has been the )a5 Or of the
Method Cheach. left. on Tuered*y
,eVtaQrxtatWalouttaitti! familyger: for his
generally. regretted In Lucaig-lides.
W. Bowleg. Mr. John Rollins', Mr. and
Mrs, Wellingten :Rollin% Mr. and Mrs •
*sew .
, -
_Mr. Peter Dymond.
t. *terve 'while visitin hisser), Wm
P. tirrad. of Stratfq . suffered
Per 7t ° stoke at an eerlY hour Aren.
talent; A quiet but pretty wed.
4 es WAS, *Own at St. Mary*
. t edriel, Itimilton, Monde morn.
jui40 20tb? when 3418 Edith
liter ;ow and lirtrie 70114 It
. of mitetteno bee' awe tha Lad
3*; COOWSY book-keeper of
,,,,..„ ,,„ * , ,
ruey...-ixora vo.. .
Parkhill; The '' fi4zeral 'leek
St, iohu P. Detteridge, a
e It ally
" res ed Utile -aged' farmer of Dow. •
1 P c ---eni ,• p
II )0, drepRed dead on rZday while
WQrkt1V4'") 'the/Jade' Ile wee 114114 *
a wire fence at the tinal I. etapie
Wes half driveri into * pes hen he 47
LIU htlitah,,e ggenad twenittatt: was
, Wellington lledeinesked Imre, S. Dea,,,,d4Y.eno
'vim In London WedrieSday to
ning. eetitnt his right. Side
th, g-Policer -,Frieeelt, Itlethimg
beep \on Egebey of, efele,,epo,ree. er az,
aiad the tioZ,1 lc al'sflau wine was sum.
moRed stated that life was ,prohably ,
-grOutici.. '
• „TT flT , , .,
,. ,
were on
attend the- marriage of 'Mies Ethel
''lgeelee to Mr. '1=STP4,. 1101410, 101 Corn-
ne will reeover. •
, ,Clatideheyet, 'llasol4,1)1e.e..ef ,C1,40.,
. men 1004w et,-Lerelon. -SIX kirvtli,
ere If deceased were pelt belerers. ' "
extingt. before h6, touelie4 the
Heerolis.ease was the ,O,ause'.
. . , 1 „
. -.
t*Ileel to leartietOn' WV Week :owhig toe
'the ilinees 'olhie",littleedseightere.'Wh.Qe
vilth..tiqr :40130:4`100,prie. '4W 4 visit*VON
4eboyle has ben (*mulatto fog, , tam/
.,hY,SqltleeChittlekein a charge offig
iOg 64.11*Alted his father, EA Ittiet,m1 "
erlotlietshatip i.0.41,4400•4941
.. ,
, . ,
, „
• '•),.•oft - . ,, ,i! . ,
. t0',='ttkeletteelfeperentee ,:rriter,e'sia*:04.
• .elee teer4Oft.'AuAritWetitOt'.4,16,0
06bYttelati,Chtteoli, ti• eonsequente.-
. ''s .': 44010440A 4 Feeirsiveathe0
1 o ". the e Thei 0
,`101,K4ig s,Woneiteel'hifeartil,
pent: ilUilek,"flic-,pait . ,k
, t DisYreona Veast eter •txrifqrt'tt#
.4 .)gtWic , 0.. ' alio:: a ''•
" nernealiel ' ,4' ,u.t....iv
eOr '
, 4
. ,
• , , „,
e ,
• .
', -e.r,A S. ' '"i'l
--wont .
,,eoterarme .Mr„,VelteOriit_
andlet :
4,4 , , AM:04 „
0 • Piti''1441011I‘tgetitble 'CO 0
,tulAb0,;- . ittndb.lcr, to , -
cef 8,, !. k . VW
leht, e 0014,, .9X4 the: titti r .tvztol*,
ere Rua, senior rielevlog, exe .netion,e/'
0 * i 0,e , ;.,, 0 ,
*4 thne,ago.that hie, river ' rani
away, and be and his 'Oster had a ner:
, 4 • . . AL,' ee.g. .4i. 1. ”
.... ' chartered 11V , tt , WO prove, I*. : .9l*t's , A
, 3,1m4.A. taliberte, of 3v-4,Art1llerle;
- '' -, (-,,kilebecilviitee ttigre pinkhani.,
e a d Beauteul.
six,years I iik.ve oven 41o;toring
he price is:, not large and for female weakness. heart and erves *
• _ , ,,,,:... ,t_e terms are easy. liver and kkinertrouble, but in Lydia
which. began .Thursday morning.
ta. a. T,hom son, in . !Rector of eehools,
to the presi g exa mete -Mrs. Her-
yet andI mgr. hot moved from Ailsa
' - a
Ural • to this vill and are occupy.
, " w
ing Ire., urnetts ouse on a. r
eow escanefrom eirioes inatity..
Parkhill; The death occurred on
woifeeday • Jnne eeth at Detroit • of
walla= Grz,440; won...iniaw, of William
Fletcher of Parkhill. ' Mr. Green. who,
was thirtrei t years •of a = e ha
Is to aCcer the trw eMettt Of i administrator 01, Ole glate. Bytt,1
, ., ,
1 out :swatat O. * pertbn g ortt. h. ..:.lhitat'07`;.ivr tapoittr$9140,6tywiumbe jotted
\ Ills lt cud i finan4 The charges case fixed'
. - .
: - ' ....,,,, iteir
`•-•-•• _..,.., ,.. .._
' 2.6 octave Or,Ons Cheap— --
.2 Pianos, slightly used at a
. , 7
Great Red,uetion.
•4 ..., .. -- At: •
von I • 4.
most distressingtackaehes, headaches
EA bearing -down • '
pains, and I kept
eTvriug repre.and more nervous. ,
t dia, III. Pinkham"s Vegetable ‘Com.
these distress-
1. , ey. ..,:, . err, .w. o ou ._ s
‘.. ."', r.,, , : . ,. • ; ..9., ,.--':, ,.:
- '
.-. . ...._ • . .. . .
front Brownsville on Thursday, and
was given a reception by. the emigre-
cation at the parsoiTge in the even-
v . • ' - .
Din • - :...210.4 • •", '
- ....° ' " - •al' a . e ‘a -
E • beth, eldest daug = ter of Mr. and
Mr& -Wm. Fletcher ank• she veith two
small children aurilve ,
Parkhill: The allows of the death of
--o . retail
_ ,.; . • ra, • ,
• ,_ .
matters. - , eiiiiiii on n ' tiabairtia7- '
U appointed to Act; it' " ' •3' • ' ' ' ,
Older it will asiitune e man ge. Services of f Solicitor
tnent of the estate' co t and pay always retained by Oinpany. .
- iii,c
- -Sewin Achilles, Bieye10,
relieved me of all
Eng symptoms and made me a well'
iibriiiii. I would advise all suffering
EAT NTRANCE Rgsuurs Lucasti-
The following pupae plikatd, the en-
Elizabeth Dorothy, beloved wife of
William Cowley, came_pver the were
debt- distriP* lesacies and, pro* Correspondence (=Red and
h -
hildrens W'agonsat prime
1 .
. , Wi, ll make you smile.
., .
„ lat'4, . ,.
. 71M14, ' 41; °
women, young or old, to
Pinkhams ' Vegetable Compound."
, i . , ,
, 4,4
use Lydia E.
trance examinations here successfully:
Russell Atkinson, Vera Atkinson, Nei-
son palkwell. /Ramie Beattie, Obs Bice,
Eva Bloomfield, Sadie Brown. Amelia
° Itthr •
, ... !.
tshl . „.
Frida,y. It is scarcely a year since she
left Parkhill a }eautiful bride. in the
first bloom of her young ;womanhood
and the news of her death has spread
,.ge , NteOlth
.1!o !..k. ,
" VictiNlitit441.4000W
Verty-smonllier PremPtil,
t ,
1 , . .
, -
' '' '* '" ''''' ' ' ' ' "'*'''''':'' ' ' L ; ' ) B.., —
1. ..,..,
.. • t
fr�m roots an ,berbS,
fitandard, remedy for
and has positively cured
las been the
female jj
thousands o
si. ore Casey', shown, oseph
Cahoon, Mary Coleman, Mabel Elliott,
Clement Glavin. Fred Grieve, Muriel
of the lite ugh Leonard. After her .. . ,......, . ,
marriage to Mr. Cowley , she went' ' LONDON, CANADA.
with him to bit:home in Mobile. Ala.
women who have been. troubled "Uith
nAakett. Gerald Hodgins, Grace Hod-
hams. The remains Were brought to - -',, , .
- The great Uterine Tonic, and
' i 1 CPZIatozon which w(Litill can
depend. 'Fold In:three de
or strength -No. 1. $i3; c''. a
10 degrees stronger ' 0. as
-8 r-431Vieffi -Ver- -
- • z• , , 4 .
tion, fibroid- tumors, irrt` 1 4 i
P -al -t-
Periodic paini,, baekache, that bear-
mg-downfeeling,ilatulency, indiges-
tion,dizziness or nervous prostration.
don't try it? ,*
ins, Jennie Hodging, Muriel Bodging,
HodgWitins. Christina H_tafmann,
Delia Isaac. 'te. Kent, Ida Kimball.
Ethel Lipsett, Lin A Mc'Rwen,1 Fred,
eric McIlhargey. Alfred Miller, Vernie
Mitchell, Harry Neil, Salome, Obany-
out)._ Arthur O'Neill, Mte-• O'Reilly,
. - ." .
rk,--0 ,. -
Parkhill, the funeral being held to Mt. , .
Carmel cemetery.. . ,
Brucefleld; At Creelman, Sa ilk!,
sudden death came on June VIth to. . Farmers Bilk f Canada o ...
A. P. 'Kitchen, deputy commissioner The
of agriculture; due to sunstroke. which • . ' •
bought on-- plexg. A plOwinvt., Incorporated br Special A.ct of Parliament.
• . ._. ._ - ,
•• tch-was-bel n, e• Xent-Wr otthe --
. -by-all'
.t to .lxvinsittr itit-sf
womin to mite: her for
Phinii,_- Charlie Read lohn -Re ' = 4,•
- -t --far -of--Nir.- - — •
Rittek-, tomb -eau tit hereua di Mr. --TOR-ONTO- BANKERS! -ASSOCIATION and the
essallameetta.Tottrunwralsr. tfertirWslaCQ'
Mai -hits' - guided thousands .---to.
beiltb. Address. Lynn, Mass.
Clara Rosser, Liirtan Shipley.- 3fartha
Shipley. Lorne Sholdice, Mary Siddall,
jessieSprowI, Lucille Stanley. Chester
- _ -
Kitchen acted as udge, ' the ther. , . •
molneter registering 83 in the shade.
He collapsed early in the evening, and HEAD OFFICE • - ,.. TORONTO.
Weir, Ross Weir; Milda . Westman,
though kept alive by Dr. Mahon by . W. It. TRAVERS, General,
37 trZ Pub-
awratisffgarintnirrauteeio;141.ied *4nager.
a 0 Pinal 81712e.
, '
Time to Cry a_ Halt_ Before: Complete
lie School, won the first Scholarship
offered by the Luta* High School
nat. •
an4 was educated at , London, Ont.,
andiGuelph, where he took the degree DAB,ELWOOD BILANCE.
Tilt leii Telegole
Wreck Results.
Boar -&-to the pupil -UW -6g the lin-thest
mark at the entrance examination
of12t. fl. A7. Orthe Outer% Aglieiiittiral
College. He went to Winnipeg in No. A branch of this Bank has been opened in Dashwood, and a
, Compooll Of Si Raga
is about to publish a new belie
of the Official Telephone , DI-
—... . .
There are thousands, both men and
women, who do not take time to eat
properly. They rush through life and
as a result we have an age of indiges•.
tion, nervousness, irritability. sleep-
lessInights, and morose disposition.
held at Luc:in.-and Alma Burnett, of
the same school, won the second Bohol-
arship. • Amelia Brownlee 'obtained
50.1 marks and Alma Butnett 301
. Word was received here a few days
the in Toronto
vember, 1904, taking over the editor- general banking business will be transacted at this branch.
ship of the Northwest Farmer. On
Feb. let. 190%. he married Miss Mar- Interest allowed in We Savings Bank on ONE DOLLAR
and upwards at the highest current rates and paid 4 times a year.
.garet Bell. of Seaforth. May God Special privileges extended to accounts of Townships, Farm-
comfort the sorrowing, unhappy wife era and others. , 1,
and bereaved ones. Farmers', pale Notes .discounted. - 4 . \
rectory for the District of Wes- '
tern Ontario, including the
Town Exeter.
Qat national danger is stomach weak-
nests due to the strenuous life.
Mi-o-na tablets, the walls
ago of marriage. on
June 29th of Miss Rose Sanders, a for.
mer resident of this place. to Mr. Fred-
Do your bankh' ig\business at home and
The Latest Huinor.
• keep your account m the Faratters Bank ct
of .Changes of
firm names, changes of street
addresses, or orders for duo.
este entries should be handed
in it once to . - -
. ,
, -
of the stomach and stimulate secretion
of the digestive juices. They make
the stomach comfortable and cure in-
digestion. '
sick headaches, Palpitation, yellow
crick William Hicks, of Detroit, Mich.
-Mr. Geo.. Cathcart, who some years
ago 'Peed in this village, died recently
ill Tacoma. - Washington. His wife
and grown family survive him -Miss
fa& mondis has gone to Muskoka with
"Why does Amelia hate Choily Sor • Camila.
"Why, when she told him she could , • , R. T. DUNLOP, Manager, ,
i...„.. i - - h - -sted - ,
never ...,-,...11 to ove , e nisi • \ ,, - Dashwood, Ont
,, -.,
that one was never too old to learn.-' - ,
skin and coated tongue are a few or
her aunt. Mrs. Eacrett, of Brantford,
-,-Puck. , ,
the many distressing of Judi-
gestion that Mi -0-114 never fails to
cure- IL -
,w.s. Cole sells ii.o.na in eo cent
to remain for a few weeks -The re.
mains of Mrs. Albert carrell were
brought here --on the-fith, laid. from
Gravenhurst for interment at t.
Igen-Yes, we're engaged, but I tool; 4. .
--try tintabout accepting hint. THE CAN' ADIAN BANK
Belle -+Indeed ? Waited until he ac-
, .
boxes, and gauratt e to refund the
, money if it does not give complete sat-
James' cemetery. Mr. Carroll died
twoyears ago of consumption_, and is
ttrilly proposed. did you?-P,hiladel-
pia Public Ledger. .
isfaetion. ' wifel.contr ted the disease while nuns
, ----.4.----. .
hg him. here four Children
"Wielie, is brother back ,
are our.
woodham viving.
your at col-
if e g o .- asked the girl who is deeply in -
in her inquiry. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO • 'ESTABLISHED 1867
..., I.,
DEATn,--Arthur Eaton
t,vrested the subject of •
"Naw, he's
was sadly
quarter -,back," -proudly ,
. .
N h
bereaved on Monday of last week, in MelallUvray —,veredt
the death of his young wife, Harriet Council met pursuant to adjourn-
Eliza Brethour, to he had hems June 20th. All
the youngster.. -New York _wont ,
Times. B. E. wa,o,a.n—R, President
I Paid-up Capit#1, $1 0,000,000
ort est
whom went on members pre-
married but ten months. Mrs. Eaton sent. Minutes of previous meeting
had been in the best health to
Tominy-INThen you want to call a ALEX.' LAM General Manager
selfish always say he's . ,
I Reserve Fund, - 5 000
. I , .
. .
of up read and signed. A,- number of ac-
Thursday when she was unexpected counts *Mounting to 410.20e.15 were
stricken with paralysis, Her death is paid. Cleo's-Morgan-that the Reeve
deeply mourned. She was a be -in with the
person you • ,
looking out for number ,one don't
you * - Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States. and England .
Pa --"Unless you're speaking of a
, , 1 LeaVe on Tuesdays
June 9,i23 Auld. 4,_jfi
.member appointed, conjunction
of the Woodham Methodist church .Reeve or other representative from
And a faithful helper in the work of 'past Williams to endeavor to effect a
, . .
Fidow, my son. • She's, looking out .
ok Every faCility afforded to farmerS and
lOr number two. ---Philadelphia Press.' COUNTRY. BUSINESS for .
Jilly 7, 21 septe 1, is,. 29
Return 2nd Pass Tickets
From nil Ontario Staliont to Winnipez,
Calgary. Edmonton and principu
points In Manitoba. Saskatchswan .
,. and Alberta at
that body: Her mother, three broth. settlement with James Harrison re
era and three Sisters survive. The dan3age sustained in an accident on
brothers are Augustus of Kirkton. McKay,. hill. 5th Con. -Carried.
Michael of Wciodhaw, Rev. W. I of Counciladjourned to Mee in the Town
Hamiots. Man. Her sisters are Mrs. Hall on Monday, the 3rd ay of Aug-
Here of Iffamiote. Man., Mr& Miners wit at 1 o'clock p. tn.
of Miniota, Marf,, and Mary Jane • at . J. D. Drum ond. Clerk.,
home. The funeral was held on Wed-
, others the transaction of their
dtg.p rdon .--Egentsiemen," said the
I who had *ust moved into .
the hole town as he entered the banking business. Sales oIes will ba,cashed or taken for collection.
eeFy store, ' "but is there a chickgrn-- - G ' - Accounts Inn be °Petted bY mail, and
raiser here ?" sitonies deposited or withdrawn a
"Why don't you take an aim ?" aik- this ' with facility.' 115
ed the village Tallsyrand. ".4. razor way I" !Val
will lose its edge ti use it
' ' Brudefieldi David Melatosh. - h
you on a- Branches; at Exeter artd Orediton ,
' en. ----4 n * • , - , . .
. . • -htee-filled the of = =
, -00011
Berths In Tourist Steeping Cars at small
extra cOsk it secured in advance.
, position
Ito ' 'a . ThisP here for several years with credit to
likoself and to tl:ke entire satiefaction
begNii -the agenl as 1'407
Sb to oi p e n e d the, door, "have you a ,
Apply to any C.P.R. Ticket Agent for full
Information and free of Horneseekare
We offer ane Hundred Dollars Reward for any CU*
Os the motile and the de rtreent, has
ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail's Catarrh - • - kft
aotir r
"Yes,'" • she answered. ,
- . ..._ .. :-,e,ereee..e.teree-e • ....e;•.-ee ...e?,...ereere•lee...eore '• lie . vele?. ,
-,.. : ee..,,-*„.......70.,.,.....•• ...« 0.0::
Pamphlet, r write
C. B. IMB. Dist. Pass. Atria, Tomato
. .. - .., ...,
Cure, • resigned, and Andrew . Scott has
• . P. J. CEENET k Co., Toledo. o. been appointed As Mr. McIntosh'e suc.
'Well" .
,he continued. "I am intro-
ducing a new automatk attachment for
. • • ,
---- --*--*
We the undersigned have knoirn F. J. Cheney for
A swindler has been at work recent-
pianos, and fif you" -
"Don't it,"
WhiCheillea 0,
the last 15 yearsi and believe him perfectly honorable
I doctoring UD Bank of Toronto five
In all twines* transactions and financially able to cir - -
Navy out any obligations made by his firig, 011ar bills. The plan is to tem' the
j .
0,‘ - /Int interrupted Mrs. S.
4,4411' ran has a sheriff's attachment,
an I guess that will hold it for a
, rtirty,ficart-bteakine lob. . —
-- ,
-,Follotatin _re .. t of:S._ft-No.
tit Usb)orne., for the s• onth of June.
_ _ wny„._._minimitwa---oy. -rbillsinto-two-or-morapieesetlairit
take enough out of about ten Mlle to
de -Chi -tag° News,
. . . .
Names are in order of merit. V Class.
L Heywood, E Washburn, V Berry.
bill, Sit. IV -It Godholt. Jr, IV. -E
Heywood, A Berrybill, 3 ,Brock. Sit.
- --, - itt.a.Coveard4 Campbell. A. Clar
38. III. -I Creery, E Kellett, R Gould-
Glewle Drlligigto, TOWN O. make An extra 0116. The bank officials
tranweterre Cuis taken internally, acting dl- therefore issue a **rob* to eustOntail
redly on thain&als and iniltonree. ;Arra f
-i, 41V, not to take.* 'five dollar, note *bath'
ret;itt by sunrersists, has been torn, until they *thoroughly
• • hie same, and tee it all right.
Take Ilall's Family Pills for constipation. Counterfeit ten dollar Standard
A Philadelphia photographer tell this
as having actually happened. A wo-
'man entered his studio.
"Are you the photographer?" '
'Teo, -madam."
urro you -take Children's pictures?'
. , -
G . ,... i .,.
caking JO& _...---,--, ,
. • ,.
. •
• --
PLUS nook*
ing, E Coward, Sit. II -II Cornish, ,D
• Bank bills are in circulation. • •
'Yes.. certainly." •
Cornish. III Clark, I Heywood.
Corbett _
_41104/ midi do you Charge."
" "
C. M. Fair. Teacher.
- -
Diram.-The eath occurred here
.. "Three dollar* a dozen:"
Situated singly over feed door . ,,.
on Sunday, 3tine th. \of Mho Mary - ---
said the woman sorrowfully,,..
-on mime -
, .
Jane Corbett, &Welter of the' late
John Corbett. in her filst year. lib* ,
"I'll have to see you again. I've mile
got eleven." -Philadelphia Ledger.
, -.............-.
ommumpor , ..-.
4 illy ., mote ounce from . -
Situatedter • •
• , .
'Corbett had been a resident of, the
village for the past 'thirty years, she ,
"What do *Oa know about women r
asked the thin young man.
1.-",,,:•.: each , same4 from feed' El, .. - .
doot-,-*ft Sunshine: • Furnace. .1
%tut her sister. Miss Margaret, making,:
their home with their father during' „ a t
hie lifetime and since that time t ,
Iwo sistere remained together in th (1 ,
-Old honte.-.During.theirlongriial , ' ' . , . .4.
there they have mode . Many 'or , , , ,, , ,,, .
friendships and the , news of Woe a i I! *
"Nothing." said' the fat man with the
bald head. ,
"I guess- 1 doet either, mid /, hiVe •
'been, •'married ' three 'months, too.
'Yesterday my wife aiked me how I like
eet the, dinner. She does the „cooking,
, .
ator can , clean
bit of soot out noxlia*. , ,
.0 4 4
,_ ' ..
' • a
4 ,
i 'it ' '
AtU D.ia
11‘1716,delith b'1115,talltied , general rtf- • 4 i I 'i . '
gret. , Besidelher sister she is otreiv. ,. „,,
ed bytbrett-trotheregJiideolVo/ It , i e
ltille,,Waeli., il. 0. \of North , . 'A
4,rid W. L. Of Briooley.• The nu ' ,
was held. on Tomdity skfterrition,
etedingtoSt, Ilia We church, Brit e
Where an impressive service was held,
interment being afterwards maim in
Sto, Mateo thumb ceitketery, A 'large
number of the old family friend* were 4
In *trend:ante, Payitig a, but tribute, of
you _know:. ... .
e, The fat man dido't know. but be nod.
ded. ,
/Atli i began to praise the din.
et She 'began to try, and Said she fear.
et/ ktved het only\ for 'her 'cooking."
Oh," said .the fit mare "'she had a
ery ,"eortting. That was all.° Nevi
' .Or.. Times. ° - ,,
, .............t... ,
*What are you feeding to those
rot friend?' the professor asked.
.niiss OPIMATION , .
., 4
... , •,.
Fire pot out', MONO
dowri-on taL.11 .
vire stay'sin,
gsti ,
> r
. ,
, .
rreopeet to the memory of one' beltieed
„and hormeed by all.
. 4.00
Cornt protessor,!' the grittled oh!
Met. who knew the 'learned
by tight, rolled.
. Y ,
0 ril 4,
of cng the house" -
A stons, thole/mese
=Kite Who rteeatly he o
060E11 Etamina
Vicar. Affeet Otelio 0
Wt. - IrtUrrtnediate, te
Mitebell: NV (31 ,r,,, li l'„ -, ,.,.
ere if T. IL Pleksreit . Mem
''' A, kw, 00Attleh; 0 e ,te
At„. iL
yon reeding it *tt or dor'fear
/ . i,
t you Iroolit if ritott teed it
tan ; it la !Mat t
et gave IiiM,* quit* rie
eti `Proftitsor, It
lt do on climate ,
ur Uptitteeit's.
. ,
VA -
- - , --,„ ' ,
- - _ _
0, a se
1 t,,t114V,Mr:!SI.O.LeM4.7.0&