HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-02, Page 2 (2)txti pwelt TwentY Years le the Weeds. e weed aboat thirteeartiles front tendert, Eneiefid, !Weis an Gel man who -teViererity Seep has lieresein eie ether Teel than, an unthrella. "theeeity yeers eke° I tooh to tho weeli.5,t. .vald. Da - .g ,t,h4 'in few wielis sago I slept .ezundly, TAheaa 1,worse Fut) in tho• tne.tla.44 I wo.3 eeeezeel witti kf,'-i4 melee- !where deee, Put I ;eon Ireer0 i;ier* 1, haye‘ cot''. had a- dalre. tfteasi ltree lieserIt'Vest zeirenteeiriegie ato fekre *err/ tbant: %ha tree, he* :flaaV tip ratka And taieaS pay. h bevel Ver vete le lietirreene.,ni 1 hew:pleat e.if •*4'"Ilitee, 'lel:leer 'Weil, 'ell, ;)I tt.cy rkpf,140 e. - etpes era 'ntettei buthiV 'My ,old beetle. • "I ern seei es well as. et teilereend'I intend' all my clotim. I have &event --tbeUgeieiatefAtti,WAIe-T:it aagi.J1ur ebirig-P-'tallrtahkh' • „Atom/ ,..afaeli Ivy thirgs here. foto ens ever Interferes WW1 me. - I rfeVer light a ,fire, and inever ask for money. "When. darkne. comes on put up toy big tumbrel's, take my bo-ots off, put key lege' into a sack, and ever myself 1, tie with clothing, en top of which I . place Ills mackintosh, anti &settle down lo" Use night." FROM GIRLII000 cANADA'S MOVING_ GARDEN SPOT. , r TO IVIIDDLE LIFE it onkr„ Followed the Ittarch Wsetward • land. Is none .la REIllah Colum1411,„. Unlade, Le all th t me it ec)veri9g fele Ite„ TI, J. eieless, 401 litJIkll Ave., ......--. tile "districts of 1 Idol extent, wh.ch lit 4.11 Women Need 28 Rid R„,a calLe cloriten ex• The ana c L ot litoutreal, quebeeris an gentler:us* . - ---- J -- oIA rieogrephies 431. nenty -ware ego' gavel oi wide aqu*iUt*flC1P, hominerred that riarne .to the, Anneipolis 'Valley *ri thirty-eight yeselint re Genersi Foote Blood Br. Williams' ,Rint: Pills NoV4 'Swtia, where the eiliieles-` eesnv. 1 /nee •et tiontt'etas ree9r4 willeh Actually 140. , 'The western thinter,o fOt let° the fruit ' it stays the Neev York Sire, ,.. • firtielesioritastlf. Cencerrittigide use of' 4154PPiiir;,, ,Lowdopittridy,altic-Istritilb.40 1;3,11 Aitp. 't,44,1143,k4p0.,i.t. verY- LI* te'r to, gm/ IOW giltZt below*, \ , . or, her hi4eL hilier•t* 14 ' r. ;eit le the Ottanagan.Valleef Brit: :''w4?te.:111t' Sli',#a tovotc4 ,,,iles4-. .,,, . ,, • oaToolt,),(1. • 1,t14.1i,v*Veak The pattiolln, .. , ,, . ' • 1 1 4z1xt •toto, Itypeo,,vo -01 $.0004. ' ' _e„iV,Otal sW,h`liff0e ^Sit •IreerlOel m.4004(41„,•Vit 4 ',ORrPc$73104,in the Pieed'rielkotis.'rlf tot IWO •A'a arLet tecleerhes„ ande:',. ,°,ungieekaDle AIAI)PetieA t*tInQirte„,r4fert4; end .seruth"ter. Atlites.. wkoh 40111S, "WOnwfi I 'iv'i: . IA, 4P0 9rAn 1§0-017.10„ ,x.t.ltokts A loco at. , every ',,sta0 'eV& weinanYsnkt0,111.'e*11'-''MP 104-43.414:11C/e %Y44h l'"i"i 11411. ;14}41'E1414..V1115. 1 rOetx..'best: tri4nchAtte,..; if1:111g -' old 'cl` .P/X. ayerage Yiyieltili. ** . three; 4 'iti,i1),:-Iiatitkitflilatfollie,tte,44403,- ...tn,ir„,,„LW',:•T'til'4 °mai; '"ill. ' t/145 /CAlte 10 th4)1 Weed Which giVes.;itealth. and Strehgtte, Xt :114 111411°4 - tillint V1) *Attic tellutku s ;"'The !mate there -is somethieg to won - arid tone to elver,: euigan eL,Ihe , 1,i; They ItzeLp a %verdure:Sept retteet notur to e at.. Tifeett tree -e bteSreme in Marcie , makes Che greateSt eternati4elitpon her, I'M) noldree end dry ess of the ocr eeteeplye-ehlreseVer,Oik. '71 P.49_,f9, irtake it' ible to rase fruits whicht I-. WEEKLY MARKET' LETTER. le'eteerearreeseetesteeesieeeeresoorieeettiroe A: J. Pattison Co., Toronto, in t/Cdr weekly market letter1 repert as followse - The Canadian Henke report, an in- crease of over $6,00000 in deposes of the Canadian public, and, a decrease • loans in Canada 61 $5_700,coo, for -the imentie-not an unusual condition for this time of the year. Mexican. Power to which attention has been called when on the bowels. They rrontain just the e'll(1 of lhO's4Itallagan• hes a Place at Selling at. 46 as probably going on a elements that actually make new Weer!, Sernerterifinar The Etta of riberdeen dividend basis, has eteesificed to 57, and. and strengthen ttie nerves.h.,That's has a iatriireat Vernon.' district &egrets the rtle of garden spot. -NASAL-CATARRH pOoDucts DEA1FNESS RELIEF I PE -RU -NA. ,;te&Oaafr, game, xteAl earae,x1 the entitle/al IAMBIGUOUS. Mfss Cheiluse-"Del ho hke the due :erirreees:.°.B...r.etieeiee caret decide teem whet Mies Cheiles-"Oh, I suppeee eon,' think Ire liked your VOtfk best?" MosePyri.1-"Well, really, I don't know exaetly what he meant. lie said 1 an wen, het that eon Were) better , Threugh indiereetion in eating green -rpot, to $to(ttner: many. . etogreo b6x!,, .02Pieel,14,) cbaci•R TIK44)115 011,15M ItY. I, riWng aecds ilt t'„ect violently' pp. 'thp lipirft,,,of . ,Atio..; 30.eatilbes.' . 'Pali* „anG', 4010..g001144 Pueginga kiist,t0 970,d Ahe A,i01,,. ' .t3.' d.. i.e.itet,. :wok' terre4.,cers ititeittirgt, „. 4 tili iie:rait nieellcine; tsc oe ',I'. „p.,,, ./e4,11,tegire, be,:hhule;PY Cdial:.11.:411,1 elieek tize.ee. liarrier5Von" enct SeVe tlx eball'‘a bre- 'Use./ fileelitediseid,-,i „ may not mean somPtiOro. 00- A A.01140;ense sLuo4044, ilitollerau mei otriumstentin ire 1. , D_EDUCTIOk1 .-1(tiCC:.v4the„4,02e i tl -,•.'1.,4 , .o. What is -i ;- 'tie' „. ler* f .. .ftr "'Ta.n't fair," said Bobby, "for grand- -Ina to cet my slice, 'cause everything looks bagger threugh her spectacles." prat F y: -"Dr. Will ems' Pink Pi have, a blessing to,me. I weq, wok, worn out and scarcely ehle to dreg fig - self about, euffered frein headeates and d4zzinees, my afipetite was pod ford etterript bouseveerk Jen rne utterly worn *W.. 1 slept badly Le night and what sleep I got aid not reftesh me. For nearly three years I was in this ndition and Was coreeiriatty taking medicine, but found no benefit from e. , 1,,,,pg,,,p010110fr w,,,Whild used Dr. '1/4 Bruins • tufg'Varthiiiirelrierrieltti. advised me to try therne" I did GO, and the whole story is told in the words 'I 'an. well again.' Tad% are times yet When I take the pills:for they stem to Me a gueranteen against the trouble -4 which so many womere suffer." Dr. Pink Rills do not act 4w0r21„,.. the. the are oirnOit Aerywhere in Canada, b petaehes, apri le, nectarines, grapes and -even figs flouash in tho southern part the One enthusastic writer las spoken of regton as the Italy r*ana4a. TIO rainfall is lesa than ten inches a year, eo irrigation has to be reserted to. 'ht eo.1 is amuz.ngly ferele, an orchard (liming its keep in a few seasons. It th, a ,prosperous community. retgetreiteregersl the tewes have 11 prosr peerereeeritirlif. Vite?"Virtillitifferlastt an arp,eaehland. Presumably it is all Happylend. rite X Y1tii' ere liar atrial bolt o ot that Ittliti CC. 79 altar el F Lair tlio)tilf-•k_shou Treeene. age let packher. PlEAOHLANIN O. The Flats of Shim Okekholiotra Letheo 1 to 10 acrelmit 10t4 tr.*, 04401411, brut, et** 401 I60te 01kesksy Onto. a o 010 SO 0101404st arca sei, eriesere aped*. ' her, waterier feeler. 1tetockt1 ei ' loin release st 4141 broo tt* 4, 4 The Valley is filling up rapidly with a high class of se.teers. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy. president oiesthe Canadian Pacific Railroad, which elctrts the upper as intimated, a db./Rend of 1 per cent. they. cure anaemia, indigestion, rheire ' Some figinefis sill show how well this OAR. ft, .11,, AP1LIE3*. NM. beelhe affheite4- with nasal catarrh to such a degrte INA It affected my brazing. :1*his was contracted some twenty years age by being expowel to draughts and sudden changes of temperature. have been under Ihe treatment of -----Leteeeerete4eafreekreefejereenneyeayieeen-ireigtaieeereeingL. aelgt,t ;i,..er4 Medea ohTediclivhland _sold the_effe, specialists and have us,ed many drugs has. bees' declared payable in July. It matism, lumbago, headaches. bac ac lleS • verningeezireernrit -tle vier- Plunges- Wed eereema, -Whylitheir an Ve-eineehesere emir inetfie-lieterrarid roabeaUeto no. pur Ri Material" uce thee the -greatest telp-in the wort :for ..._ berbit A S 'and' Poses _r__pecte. eel,. o w y nieed ad ir *pat Intel r .. . . wiener. expenses by the romp/data of the aka- arrewtig-gitts-7110eueed-nexth b neamig&11/500 Or the fruit W-110-reacir- power system, Nal. being. an expensive 10* women Who are troubled with irre- treekeprthe Fete of $1,200 an acre. Still fuel in that district. The -net earnings gular ,heallb. •Sold by all Medicine ano bee S erniteland man got 44,935 an should show large increase Arithin the deaters or by Mail at 50 cents a box next sixty days. The American mar- or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. acre for rif*e „ efiewberry output. Lain 'tieW Ol ana pan wets now up kets, i.vhich haw suffered a reaction env- Williams' etedieine Co., Brockville, Ont. --.-4,-......--- to $1.000. aii: kre. Imagine that price Ing to the Presidential nominations, of- . - for a woiket but fame in the Ease It fir attractive dividend investments tn , . eests fro '''' 160' 04200 an acre for ir- such standard issues as Northern Paci- A SUBSTITUTE. • rigathea, man tali inake' a proiliable fie, Great Northern, Pennsylvania and Mrs. Milesip's new girl, who never , helm; tout of five acres of .v;rgin ground, A Pleaiint aledicine.-There are some pills Whie have no other .purpose evi- dently than to beget painful Internal disturbances in the . patient, ad- ding to his troubles and perplexities ra,- ther than diminishing them. One might as 'Well swalknv some oorroisive ma- eeseakeelitaseeeleolsioVegeteVe44.4.ekan. not this disagreeable and injurious -pro- perty. They are easy to take, are not unpleosant to the taste, and their action is mild and soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peeve to the dyspeptic. All pricer and st les trosn SUM to$2.40. Writ* tor free catalogue. Dept, D. TORONTO °RAM/PHONE CI: NY 2114 Yorsigo Strome% Toro . Agents wanted ie every town. .11•MMO... OMMNIIR , The telephone has a tendency to ren- der the girl oeerators left -eared. •••••••••••• ••• As a general rule, man's ha'r turns =tee e3re WO 21111:10 by a confrere in office to try Peruna. Pair Samoa Is it not?tur ' Wild iftsprovedlarra-- COXIVICi3P., lite.6.-srar tulbAf.etorasaotometubesusitatboainte,r awn Imahnady I !vim sn,, to $iszi,r,,rtv.iriv.741,1, failures, I ve cruse, a trial, and am ‘, wateltdcrreatt.e. saak." Saskatchewan Settles Land Arnim happy to sta •alredter using eight -ore- . proved inke,te AtIErff5wANTED. A reliable makia per tem n bottkrie.of m much i nix. I ant. ! through the nostr ' In. breathing itti7spatvratt:rticlira iellirte"adAesded iVetliverywahtolicorwe°, ThWietott° asenlidl , ,, 41q, " 110 biLli 0111)dliji. Seta at ilea, Iluatters eau, , t._ bad are saktus $41.00 a day. Write at ours tor feixtlaulank Geo. T. Cole, Owentlouud, Ontario. Phil Man ---- . du., hut, Orno,' -"'f,.. -----'-- "AhouLthree_y_eera alp era* induced St. Paul. Industrials have advanced had gone out to service befure, and had chel he desn't have to wait' -'king for re - steadily, but still show large earnings had scarcely any experience as a cook, thins. We doubt if the present pond.itn one was quick to learn. In v.ew of her tures, In prices quoted for standard corpora- appeared to to will ng and industrieus, • of trade in United States, warrants the inexrerience, she had read ly agreed to advances, but certainly no more preen- work for three dollars and fifty cents a bin g caop •conditiorts have existed for week. • Mrs. Millsap, who wasan ex - many years than are now general pert cook. had token much pains with throughout Canada and the United her education in that line, and at the States. •end of five or six weeks Jemima was Cobalt shares have advanced general- equal -to any demands upon her in •tho ly. The expected dividends on a num-; line of kitohen work. The mistreise*was of-shippinge mines- have- been-. in greatly sureetedi -therefore, -when -he lized. Crown Reserve 4 eer eent., Te- maid one morning gave her a week's. neskaming 3 --per -cent -and -City ,of Co- - bait 5 per cent. tire among ,the recent -What does this mean, Jemima?" she declarations from -mines- which havenot asked. -"Haven't 1 'treated you faint?" heretofore been regular dividend payers. eYes, ma'am," answered the girl, "but It is stated on apparently good au- tvelearmed hew to otiok new, and I've therity that Trethewey will. be placed on feund a place where I can get five dol - a dividend basis within the nextmonth. lars a week right at the start." Recent eareings appear to warrant from "You didn't ask me to rase your • per Cent. to 5. per cent. quarterly. Ile- wages. Do you think you are acting puts from the mine show sufficient de- fairly w;th me?" wlopnient :to warrant expectation of a "Oh, I'm going to do the 'square thing continuation of dividends. 'McKinley- with you, Mrs. Millsip," said Jemima. Dar. is also expected to declare quarter- "I've got a sister about a year younger ly dividends, beginning in July. Recent than I am, and she's perfectly willing quotations are: Crown Reserve 4749x to come here and work for three dollars ,vr Teneskaming 44-46; City of Cobalt and a half a week -till s‘he learns wok- 1.72,Trelhewey 82-8-1, buyers 00 days, 90; ing, anyhow." Mettreoley-Der. 76, 68. LaRose, the new Cobs% merger, which wee placed in New York at $4.75, has sold up to $5.13. EXPLANATION. Sifering Cobalt mines may be consid- "A lazy man." said Uncle Eben, "is erM a fair speculative investment. We allus good-natured, foh de simple rea- think that the other stocks should be son dat he's got to be to git friends to left alone for the time•being until the hold up his respensibilities." propellers; have given evidence of ifrounroavoniawma "THE NEW FOOD' One little mistake Ufa drug stare may Have yea tried a plickate. ot "TM cause mere trouble. than to.vo bulls in a fiEW_FOOD"? It le Wale of the Choic- est . Great Thaws From Litt/0 Causes flaked. No kitchen •can. produce a be Crow-tt tithes very little to derange the ,..,,teLmaderrine or cleaner article for h eternach. The cause may- te slight, a order to introduce orid. semething eaten or drunk, 'oriel- HE NEW FOOD" ety, xvorry, or some other simpec cause. a prize has been placed in every fick- Out if precautions be not taken, ties age. Already THIRTY-SIX Blue Card simple cause may here west &mewls tailing for LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, consequen ets. Many a chronically de- .have been redeemed, and SEVENTY- bilattled constitution to -day ewes its de- FIVE lied Caids. 'Each one of 111060 elruction in simple causes not dealt with lords has been fnund In -a peeks& ol In time. Keep the digestive apparatrie ".4%W FOOD." 11 healthy &quieten and all will be 1" Parrnieve's Vegetabte Pills ere thoTheice northCarde fotowgeg ,01e1-11?, c finder till better than any other ter the pureiteSee Ile_ye* hackle Watch. Towne--"Yolf took relher weary, ed "our. Pride Gefil icilb-Youitattin., Pot man.'' Browne -"Yes; I've had a trying Bueeau Cover, Dugh,ess Pa,ttc,r11,. pow tiirre • this past rweek." Plec°' Browne* -"No; on a jury." Table Corer,Onor:Yard Square, Oa mask. Why gn limping arid whining Mamie Baby Hdlg. Solid MI& •MmeigI...ENNIN 0181•01•••••••• I your °orris when a„ e5 cent bottle of Szdebcard Covers, Two, Yards Long, s lira kwaY's Corn Cure *Ill eetneve there? LIT1411*. Give it 4 trial and you will net regret OPeh Sgt 'Milers. Cut 6k. Sterlifit e ff. Silver Teici. , •, Cold hieeit Sark, gilver-piatedi flog , 'kiet, test iilake. Mrss, Gu.;11---"And Ethel, dear, what Is is/avail...41s. lik ookmatid, place rio the taby'd !tamer MrA. Nenertellier- iph,/t03(.. A • "I've named, him Ethelbert Algernon." - Ladies° nick Corrib, Tette* Shell, St MIS? Gesh---"But I alorays thoughtiwith nrivilards. f,_ _ Meier puma the boy"? Mrs. New- 6 vet itzlig. lok Geld, place for rwc mother --1-"If you coutd hoer tt'llat his fa- intuar.a. titer calls him whin. he ie 'Walking the A Thew see a prized have been planed the Door with him in the early dawn yeir in the packages. eanaillift orider i toeR matters in my ,Aak our grocer for a Packagg'02 own ands.", , "Tlite NEW FOOD." LIMA ITS FOB,' MEG. moms The hot weathermonths are an anxi- ells time for aU mothers, but partieu- tarty for yoeng mothers. They are the most lake rrkiiithe in the year for batdes--and-young--ehildrene-beeanse-of the -sleet prevalhnce of stomach' and Manufactured by Pe lecturing Canipapy, U S. A. FREE EXCURSION 1 1,......MMI • . To Kererneola the Bub of the lisaltiusamiui Valk% los Southern Irtiblb *Mob Columbia -,,A$0.0..Alaummte t, .s lieumiery and skamiwit - , I..— „,,,....3.4...1,4,..,,,,,,,.., The Sraithesteen Is Canada's -most faribreil mot, wbereOlive,alsead, pasalkwboo graemit escaseleas, alio*. **oat 90*t• 14144.cto *AK and,a0.t., repleolearlitr ~140A111 tba °PO ielr„ sifitiettie- use 0 ai.u. sottl uorthifra trait* paw porter tb.. No 110ircre4 iiiikr*. Fou' Imp' eke.or Idiom. Vern siloittn .1110, SITILW DO , eim 'kW% spite** J 1. Ur Best fruintlistrict in ,Domitehus. N. emu, Mosquitoes or trait posts. Dr Or bolt, the land of health and sunshine mit *veal burg ot Greet Northern Iway. CI to Sad trAdo elarkete. • pea pral lands me of, pa efon, Imit ash, re or„ ow oo on to _ 1 boat arsirof tho-worl r4- opoiiligi tot beelevag, trait grew , s • mdzed tereviegonielug, la str °pent hommeaking, Omene and plume to mot. -Nat a sonutry-to-imperbanet or pioneer but ea. to retire ist—testabiesre. Speed your rticationounswipsre where fish- ing. heating an wait hooey ave par mei- *ace Among th4olty Owed's. ve_. operate epeeist low ra exatosions twlei a month heap auto% a western points. June 10, July 10 and 2.1. Advisees, - „ BEAUTIFUL VAU.EY LAND te.„ . • 100 Colon! St, Wilmlint. Ilan., or gerersoos, D.C. Phone 711Di .earems*.......*walAme.m.......IMI. _ *.e GOODS ,,GUIreSS. One day last winter little Eloise was looking at a fall eof unusually targe enowflakeee "O1ainlnar she, ex-, cia,rned, the popped rain- wipe, ing down! • he Trusts and Guarantee Company 43-45 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO L4r,"11' - •••••••••••••••• ' It Will -Pro'.-carg-tttfte-=-Do--Wa, Ibe paniarcl, lest his life in the wads of DIVIDEND NOTICE • e‘well% ereubies. Tfiese come almost_noridaL whither he went for the pur%_ A CLgAN-UP. "oee whiz, lents! Where'd you get that roils of meno:" met a fellow who lkal a sure tip on the third raze yesterday. saAnct the Up wen?" "NO -this t's that felleW's money." tabtes are wed es bait by tromellite bunters in CAylen. The infanta at* of ceursee never put in peril of their 1,440., - tioarghirls A MeX:ean Kriel' can carry a /Ind ot 400 yentas with teems re are 40,00 keietal eOldient /It iltm "i2,17,:ar1r1,:teterieleetwee.b:,,,s leee ahout warning, and often beferre the mother realties that there is danger the latle.one rntiyire beyond -a -id. It -is -the- -duty of every mother to use all reason- able precaution,a to ward off summer complaints. For !this purpose no other medicine,can equal Baby's Own Tablets. An occasional dose will keep the stom- ach ,and bowels free from offending matter, and will ensure the little ones good health. If the trouble comes un- expectedly the Tablets will speedily cure it Every home, therefore, should keep the Tablets on hand always; they may te the means -of saving your child's life, l'hey are guaranteed hoe from opiates and norootics, and may be given with perfect safety to anew born babe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Tha Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The locusts are one of, the greatest pest; the South African farmers hist to deal with. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator's pieasantJg ewer and effectual ba d<eitreying worms. Many bave trieet with best results. NEW SERUM TO\ CURE RABIES. t\, it Will be Effective In Urgent Cases, Says the Disceverer. ... Dr. Auguste' Marie, chief of the lab- oratory of the Pasteur Institute, Pans, France, has been experimenting for ereeral 'years with the neaddied treat- ment for adveneol case; of rah:es. With the Pasteur treatment, as ustA slaw ils discovery in 1885 mit nowt tut. ImmwIlIyrs riorreeehed matt near, iy five wftlee after the first injeettem givtn, treatment lastng a rninkinuin of eighteen days now. In cases of se- vere bites en the face the dizeases may develop In th ce weeks er even lam Dr. Morie ha's succeeded in ebhilaig from Sh'e, which hod been immunized againtet 'rabies a vermin which. 'when In xi d In certain propoitions with frith virus of robiel, ecsidets the latter -le- n pencils }Oren injectrd into anteelle and and sawn le:mite the beginningei the Inenan -being. mixture,of vteis Perkur treatinent with. i Olt -4%01 which secures much quiclec Allah when /the Ordinary method is used. It i4 precisely what has been reeeded for sewn eases and the result() obtained within the last two year have amply fulfilled Dr. iktarWs hopes., Furthermore 'the new forrn ei trig - Ment w 11 be of grat rrachetil eeilwin nuraiiio dogis,1 inasinuth as\ two,* Cons rapidly Immunize a deg against !ethics,- and • this Immunity lasts tor a year or men, ane you Dr xr staked a 1811, lea num, walking into ibe (Ate of a pro sl am," replied the doctor, look -Own' old Seller," remarked tho latter* arm gad to lind yet at last. D145 bar set a Um, in tdret Um' ior it '''Yess" add th*1oekr, ith tha prcs, * bit le. ztsthg b*ttre birnim that, *re lAwbroka Out ethir ao 1veo.lcMy.gadon ",.• Ott ieecreeceri .„ p0.5e of discovering the legendary hFarantain of perpetua.1 youth," said to exist -Eh aliatairirrewriecometty. Wlit Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oa will notir'per:er- petuate youth, it will remove the pains which make the young old before their time and harass the aged into un- timely graves. - • tygivhat & hlaNtikay (livid' mullet dub • months hauling J000 30, 1908, At ,the 'Rate of SIX PERWENT.- Per An • has Ms day been deOlatoill npon the paid-up Capital Stook a iho OorepaaY, sad the tame iwilt-ho-puyablee.t..the offices of.the Company, on and after July 2, 1900, and the Transfer Brake will be closed from Juno 20th tcauxte 30tb:btith diet hiatuses,. - .T.rostofjamiwizome._ JAMES J. WAlltjt Ifs„ PitimstOng Ofreetor. • • TROUBIL-:-. 7,- e ... - - Nan -"So you like Arcle.,4,- do you?" -1e always thought him justthe:-Ieragt tilt - ... effeminate." , - • - .- . Fan -"Well, he's certa'nly, a go6d deal more ladylike then you are. • , The hest *I the Tropes Safes nil, illemirs. It takes. away the ettero, "Ferrol.= is the best tout* to *us you up. It stimulates the rotes". lit makes the weak strong. 14 1. plots - eat to take. All rixaggiste ssfl1t_ FACE. ."Well,' said the custortex, as he paid the harbor and moved toward the door, "I feel Woe congratulating myself on getting eafely out of a *nighty bad scrape." egy - prig hirrierelle perimpfte-eare outside of the barber shop. he avoided gettaig himself iinto• a mighty ha Scrap. Iceland holds the.xecard for lengeviiy. the average duration of human.11ta there being GUI years. k \ „ MONEY.. PILLS t c,„ ' erriere ' '''.**" so CENT.g,k. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR e Pang4. Cintnpany, Toronto . ... -.7. WHOLINIALK • `i':.• . LYMAN BROS. „ft CO., Toronto find Montreal; LYMAN 'KNOX ' IL CLARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG CO,, London. - he- sear -you 'pocky fruit, vege1ab1e.5„. vAitit, cats; you mite cattle, sheep; you re interesWI in horses, in short, you are Muter, of all you survey. Formers ere the most proeperous class of eeople In Canada !o -day, therefore, you are getting rich. No? Breteropse 'ra Dught? Oh, a leek in your costs department. Eoonomy begins at home - Feint a Bicycle on the farm and reap e harvest of saved time, _money, and shoeeletV her. clismoN 'RARE . For Mt odd' niesia.ke into ,town, to the post -office, to dlie stem!, for a hurry -call to the doctor, the frcycle saves Ulna aosl SAVES TUE 110115B. • A horse ants- oats -a, Eeyelo wont. ,i The riilamy Silverellibborn Cleveland,. Brantford, Perfect, Im I ••*nd Rambler Bicycles are all built for_ servieo and sal.isfactonAn fig'd an Cush - IOU Flip* MOWS. , , ' nr - . rCANADA CYCLE ag M610R C9.1 thnitiod, Mir ivsOnto, c ADA - s • Saar -amorakati. watts PIM SATALOSIII*