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Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-25, Page 8 (2)
ri,• L()CAL DOINGS. the i;'sa°tcr carer cal le aeking for ten fm.v grivSitt'i Lied L . re -leer neon, X:e r, `11011,of Lac a:Jrail and ... chic of 4eeeter eateleingnd smite (era Sunday evening. Pete Rowe en of dge" wz , 1'orMer- `1eT .of .f t' tcv, Oen W �1�oglapal wit�b` the ett.Qa a ittrr owling::tc.acni.: ' • , e eve.Rt'of the eeation Zvi#! tzp the, Andes) Party onthe: ReetnrY AWN 'elGi t > eeetinigr Ianne .iesenteer of lna aasebc`idl ; #lett i' will Seld'at tins warebbbtre of 'Tome „& ark. ,Eketer, oh Friday; :Jona 2213, at tome (.,alt. J. Fri alt, Amt. 00 ', :oGrey' F'-¢n,.rARamrumms-..s�r:,•*ssea!�-j�r'!q'AGn9c `I .. Merchant �etsr, or, Ontario Messrs. W. D. Sciudees and 13. S. Phillips were re-elected President and Secretary, retiselyy, of the South Huron Farmers' institute at Hensel' onlYed.nn> .t? .1aRt we i:. A :E'zeter*nd trill* so li=clubv. 'play's . +....l ere ext•Thursday eV nip Sear at 6:30 ►'clock. Everybodyshould turn out see this game as it -+, "'the Brat of the season. Admission 10c. On Sun ' y next Rev. W. M. Martin will conduct services in the Presbyter- ian church along patriotic 1me, in keepingwith Dominion Day. "Can- ada, 0 anada will be Bung by the choir. Meat estimates, based on the up- ward tendency of real estate in sec- tions where York County Loan has its holdings, are that the -dividend to skanekokleFe i t'ie"A I .,�c is 1W-theco 11 reti llar and figures kslaessLocals -- Read center.*ma?erten areaah 50 Marriage vacate algiaeLicenses issued attb �f mTuesday, where Mir. Batman has gemmed a good situa- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Batman have been long residents' of our town and their learn of dear_ Behan: * enat re Ito a► our e mal„ a Mr. Wm.it to London a moved ' with his '10 Big Bitrgaiat.t in Mits/in Remnants, A 1-2 to 12 yd. ends. Come quick! Stewart. acre farm. situate west of the G. T. R. and noire of the saltiblock, Exe: $ix. Terms e .r y. Apply' L Q. Bobier. Are you yrt'ing Redpat1's Sugar 1 Stewart sells no ,►ther---it's best by test. Seamless Wilton Room Rugs. Reda, Brown'. Values all in your filltEor. Stewu, t's. • peg Lost On or about 'day 29th, a white bull- dog. wearing a leath_px collar with sil- ver plate, . Kindly leave information at this office •'r with John Morley,. Metropolitan Hotel Do you want a lovely 108 piece semi- Porcelain Chino Dinner Set—see the .r Condit!! Rr'+ ,' " set at Stewart's for $18.50. Sold .',r $16.50 in the city. many friends will very much regret to �+.44 .r F M lA�t 4 T ». Haring-thhe-•last`$fty"years'^-3,250,O00 Canadians have gone to the United States. The United Staters census of 1000 shows 1,191„255 from Canada. How times have changed. Canadians are no loner seeking emplo ment in the United States, while bot year nearly 100,000 citizens of the United States moved into Canadaa. ' The public hest great deal to re- member and its memory is mighty short. It needs to be constantly re- minded of your business. And the man who knew and bought of you yes- Mxday may be dead to -morrow. eanwhile a youngster who never heard of you is making his first pur- chase to -day. Don't depend on past prosperity. On July 1st next the act respecting the standard weight of bread will come into force in Ontario. All bread other than fancy bread must weigh either l fi lbs. or albs. per rax Facey breadmust either Ia-or onune- es per loaf, and have affixed to the bottom of the wars label showing the name of the maker, the weight of the loaf and that the bread is fancy bread. On June 10th the marriage took place in Thorold of Rev. Charles W. Down of Exeter to Miss Bertha, daughter of R. B. Rowntree of Thorold. Only immediate relatives of the young couple were, present. The bride and groom were untittended. They will reside in Port Ihnibton, where Mr. Down, who was ordained at the recent conference, has been stationed. The best wishes of the many friends go With them. Messrs. Leon Bedard and Napoleon Hasse, two young men from St. Jos- edh, were turned back at Port Huron b. American officers. on Tuesday. T y were on their way to join a sail- ing crew at Detroit. Detectives canie with him as far as London, and before being let go they were weighed, meas- ured, innumerable questions were fired at them, and warned that if they came back to the United States within a year they were liable to_ a fine of $5,000.00 and several years imprison- ment. The boys returned to St. Jos - "oar -Wednesday --evening--- Znrielr erald.. Before their being shipped to Vir- den. Man., to the owner, Mr. Frank Weeks, we had the pleasant opportun- ity last week of viewing some of the work of this clever young artist and photographer. The walls of the home of :his father, Mr. W. D. Weekes, on Andrew street are lined with the work of the father and son; and a very in- terestinghoar may bespent in review- ing it. The son, who recently went to' Virden. Man., to take charge; of a photograph gallery, at the age of 12 years commenced -drawing an paint - tog, and rseveral very creditable pie - tures, particularly a group of doge, a. slime that..even at that age be wtis pore -elm of: talent.° Since diet time without, tuition, except wbat he got (cora hi3 father, he hes coatinned the rKork'fuel has to bisCredit many recce'. lergt cel- lert+ piecen setae't'oith pen, Tend! and ueb, notable pictures of Gladstone, aiteiThe Sea. Captain and_tinily other). Pyrography ha3 ala received share sof Iris alteration and, many fine txtiaple z of beret leather and wood are :sen aril"tl}o eollettl"on. fn Me by se- ated the chi ionsa at the Western Fair oridctan, and in the two or three'years lin towed at Leenden ' he • got tcielve, cut prizee. kie has (dee evr aa;el- 1'k'. gl a lr first .et 'different 'felre• f n nem County. 1 9(t.t1c:'t as au art. Pet netted bite greetlyEde thosen:: erg 3^ a;g rz phots* traplzer, a.tnd vee would resii:t, foe Lim e f:c lIlca L fcitV;r , in the stat Wnetw In Frsp' er.tl...--.Saturday.,._.a `°pair. Alf -- gold -rimmed ofgold-rimmed . 40.glaasses* with chain attached:- F- .r-t.t r -will -confer --a favor by having soul, at Darling's Store. \ 0:00 for a rt ` 11 nice Blade Moree,r tlllerskirt. R,r'dle silk lined. Stewart. Don't forge the Annual Garden L':er•t, on the td 'story Lawn Friday evening, Jtin.- ;.:iLh. C. H. Sandee ", was in Toronto' on Behcet -d a:y_ Dr. Kinsman is able to be out around and is letting well after his resent Operation for r.E'pendicicle, The howlers b tee divided the club into rinks, each rink having power,to elect its ow°n stzip. This will enable the r aka to t e. ,n shape for anatcbes. and to armee., *:s. )Ricks' Forc..tsts Far Jima. A Regular Storm Period begins on the 27th =cud extends to July 2nd, This period is Ce tatral Oft the2oth, with the Moon us cos junction with Easrth. and t:3un at a Sol r eclipse node 'and ]Moon at greatest no north declination. The crisis of this per od wall fall on; and tonchng tthe 1Btb.20th and 30th.. Within three daysof tbeZth, seismic cOta,vulsieit>'-►- .a.tel -volcanic_eruntiona. will reach .t general crisis. Masatie at niviuo Resifts, On411 aPtt'rnoonlast at4o'clock ' the member to of Lebanon. Forest Lodge, .No. i' 3, A. 1+ . & A.M.. together with eighteen Of the brethren 'of 'Zurich Lodges Bensall, attended divine sere vice fn t:he,l.twnesSt. Methodirsteburch. In ail atrone sixty masons weyrepresent. The cbapiaan of Exeter lodge. Ret. A. 11. Taxing. pester tt the church, preach- ed 4,11 eloquent wed inspiring address front the texts ' •`i.'he stone- which the lrlaliiaiera refuseii is become the head stone of the corner.". Psalm 118.. verse V. The eingiea by the choir and. the. solo by 51xe lien y. Soutbcatt Were stench .appreciat aid. OD tbv return of theQinonibeto to th© lodge hearty votes of thank° were ten- aler+ed Itev. eloie . the choir and the visiting btit'tlIrt.to. Spring ani smujer Good n lI l;a l4n 1t1'S12 net gpring 'wad eines wee • ORA D CLOT 0.10. Nigh etirt. , 'he Canadian\ Oxtlea of `oreeteis el4 tl els atataten High Court electiing t Bert l Clifteo, Niagara Palle. last ereekr Whet zgivent the »et ioioin (for tIcre Ian l;raraebe3 entaldc o3 Can - ac xis tt&nf; o teens 7,612 new rnerniters :nWi a;wa . �*c carr the past r3c w. During trat sottin year there were 4fte (Ina the, lr evitng tx total tzaeint eeebip at the close tnf the ^_ +r.,"c 03,42.1. Akre nmcanranee t03 ;6az t-7:10 fit eltty r 1 $23L l * L2- and tt elerctire ever thettotn1 e.nsoont of itee .ttat Oo ins u.1P S reeeisteel •to !tet Dat! atTat perIel (ueotti i z- ellett-o t'71.1.0 84Th' x3 21. 4o c c e .fin (, use. ' `xe e.'C'e: r c•` L rr e' 7 ` imet:ts- tet xil. I �t±!�, �' ; ,� 9 '' `o n� o • The bell °lingers of ` the ''ivitt Me, cnorinl Chureh sued their families wick. 'Sucked a report a erpleasent orating, grand Bend yesterday and W. ROI?. D. l '. + 'ollies, accon.>r ,anied by M•rs. Collie and lies Edith l y alrttan, ta,t$.entl ed,the? tteaoremo e, laying the n$:£ ' stoneof t •e fely Ip nceP a: l 014 fevorit 4bo t;d.cv'4 0, LI un, day,,mox i g.tnrhing ticpace ingiosome. '4r,cr 7wta y or Qfniyf.e,e+W (1y*; w rAlrg;yti).e lgsty�tis dia- ed n :epeeral:,ycan� em'''1en't ' tc$3. ThntIO eras lags: H: Knight are attendinn'tlee sv; d�;,ing in ,Lop u .. f. thein. nti etl; 1.•theI,; ,#�,7 *nigh." is t+ v Afr; Alfa' i rw, ate, _ nice of 21r. Wm. Pil.►x c 'iron `he even tock place yet tertlay.: A lnu►'vernen't"is being made by the business inen end,. others .to secure a :half holiday each:weeks.' Thursday is the miost s ablo day, and.: it is lined arrangements ian -mode. Shou '_ a ? r eee u e‘t-'• tyon, Je sign it at ' clues. �Thieentiance examinations. are be. in conductedn the various ' centres this week; comtuencing Wednesday end concluding Friday. aposition, spelling and geograpby were written on Wedaesda .. To -day arlt meds swd written ing are the subjects* ile English atnmar and writing are to en to -morrow. Promotion ex- at�uina ons:are also being held in the to er f "was. The programme at be Strawbe Social on the Reclt�ory flteGrounds ennrthrreee__ very var edand interesting one. Miss- es Carling, Johns and Martin and Messrs. McGuire .and 'Jennings will, sing solos. Instrumental selections by Messrs. McGuire and Berry and man- dolin solos. Rev. tali. Collins will give a ,couple of recitations. Everybody welcome. 1!ouL tee. ORAZEING Qra BARGAIN R"'at the Exe t '.8toon tursdayy. riday�=,ti,Satu day -and Mon- day, 25th, 26th, 27th and MI June. At this big Bargain Sale one hundred pairs of Girls', Boys' and Children's fine shoes go for just half Price. and 35 pairs of patent leather,fine and up.' to -date shoes, also 25 paed of white, canvas shoes. All go for half price. Also for sale cheap one steel safe and one handsome cash register. This will be a rattling cheap sale. J. W. BRODERICK Mr. John'Oillespie, our veteran bus driver, was a happy man during the torm on Monday evening. the reason Storm beingthe. recovery of his outfit with- out injury to either horses or vehicle. They were standing in front of the Mansion House when that place was struck by lightning, and the report startled the horses and they indulged in a little run by themselves. Going south along the London Road. it was ticedby people that -thee driver on top, but as ' the stor`was raging they thought that John would e inside --and looked In -to sea hon smiling and happy --but there was no John there. However, as the bus con- tained no passengers, not much appre- hension was felt, except as to the ulti- mate outcome of the episode to the outfit. The horses proceeded as far south as Mr. Robinson's place, and turning east in the lane, stopped be- fore his gate as caImlyy as though they were delivering a passenger, and then going beyond the barn, were in the act of turning round when overtaken. Had the road been adapted to the easy turning around of the bus, it is be - !loved, so strong is the force of habit that the horses would have returned to town without any guidance from map whatever. _. Print Thursday Next Week. Owing tc lst July coming on Wed- nesday the Times' and Advocate will not be issued until Thursday after- noon. Correspondents will send in their budgets at the usual time how- ever. Vera Smell Married. , A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Snell on Saturday at tore e'cloc in a >t ternoon, when their daughter Vera A. was given in marriage to Mr. Herbert G. McDonald of Chicago, The Rev. A. H. Going, pasta ot'Jannes St. church, officiated, only the immediate relatives of the bride witnessing the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her father," was ' becomingly attired in,a smart tailored costume of navy blue Sedan cloth. The happy couple were the recipients of anaoy marriage gifts and the congratulations of a host of friends in Ingersoll, Wood- stock and Exeter. Mr. antl Mrs. Me. Donald left on the evening train en route to Chicago, where they *ill ret side. The Advocate extends their beat wishes. PERSONAL. AL. dg�u�+ii Mr. Geo. Willie of London was heave over Sundey. ' Mr. titin. Baker of St. Marys was "horn over Sunday. , Geo. Armstrong of London is biers on a week's vacation, Dire. John Sweet returned fro- Lor. dawn mi Tuesday evening. fr. and Mr's. !Itch. Delver olof ntori.4a ora a trip to the; westt. Mie verirr Wit, offgri.e. has. 4E-0 t'ery fill at! etre. finery y Gould,a lids Anna 'bow of St. Thoamaa ft vis• itoath street. . and Mrc. ,Doren aro olt;earadin f their honeymoon in xetetrt J. Ra,1l lgbt of S i ton gee t l`' his`'br'otbi,. D. Might. nobzrough ,, of Hanni1ton le Cele (cider. Aix% J. 8. Digo* e it, W. 3. fleamatrr. was home from Cramp oven. teedele *itis 24`ifrcelit ►.` ;Sias Lvttirr Welsh or Elteter 6c the gneot Cf Matt. Jt oll(s t"o lr;'ll illi, McGilla� vy, this week. - Mre. ;Mort" 1 Ua:iris left 'Tuesday for 'parer ernes -e lle intends remaining to -ut7C ld' Tnerelay S'ir*onii'li�' { + t) test ref .et= vtsittog her :dvet h r,. l'rz. lte. T. 5i ?iler �+'.iilran antis gat h -�r 71,0 avling tL�nL'.lLW Lai PC,10- 1' " fo l.�'jt at Van. VOL'. !Q `w)Cu+ry taJ (iJ ri5,1cOIt 1, 1 L 1. ryr`r G 7 i�.:I "-;1o!" V �J��Ayy f r � "��' .� ' "•° '.Ff=11e'. ,otta_ �'v' YICVr .�, �1'`7�I.V.9r'kIW���.,.1�W •,`4� it '" ar beat ..... • a... ,. 83 On Harley Orate .... '.. , • 47 12:A.1,1. 1 ,�0 1 f + ! Vag' �jSf' 1../%4Qti'iele, per lag • .. • a,.. 4145 • ;Weyer ton R + . +':� ♦ 1, /Y' p'1Qtr, -.r "cwt, fatally:. Moor, g ue per cwt. 1 "4 y p O .r ,yy�eepd i�jes • A• M' Ai .L1411:19Perwt»- ati Pee ton k, ......... tints, . Specialty troli' , 'Roofing n " bif g,, all branh be con- vinced that is. th itcheapest .spot in town. FIS reen Why use a second quality whenon can get the best �9 9 9 Ives- Enlist +at 40c *pound, securely Wrapped in full -weight Fresh Hellebore, )3121 Death, London Purple, Pte., Etc.,Etc., i always n stock: W. 3 Cole, Phrn.D1 Dispensing a Speciality. EXETER, ONTARIO. Miss Vine, Pearson of London return- ed home on Saturday after an extend- ed visit in and around Exeter. Mrs. Lynch who has been !biting' her father, 'Mr'. G. Lewis, returned Tuesday to her home in Wafitsbury, Wash. Miss AmeliteOkeleft .Monday� anon_ ing for Kingsville where she intends retneinin for- some-- three- with - brother, Mr. Thos. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Oobbledick. after a pleasant visit with Ontario friends, returned to Calgary this week, leaving here',Tueaday morning. Messrs. Richard Welsh .and John Charlton returned last week* from a lengthy trip through the West. Mr. Welsh was inspecting farm lands for several buyers. He went as far as Ed- monton' dmonton' and reports conditions excel- lent for a tine crop; 1 FORNIT RE and UNDERTAKING *vit. ' - 4n stock a full line of furniture, and it pars to furnish your home from our stock. : . . • . OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT 18 COMPLETE. 414111141 4. Parlor Suites Parlor Tables tr Mx.epy�uwe.,iyW�rWM vsJL'b ' A' • inn«. iieiC Cabinets t Ciouehes Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining Room Tables Dining Chairs and all Bedroom Furnitute ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Rome Furnishers and Funeral rectors. 017 Takiug Him (11 the run"` - YOU .,.. �..„ can do that too with A bipt ailatirrtrirt�riat.. : Catalouge free,. S. HORSY: +host and Optician 'EXETER �qu4 A Una ousV'erdic 'IN ZAVOlt • OF r .¢ A t #� oe Better and Was food. o. cannot *fiord to be ith. tit at. ,Gedeire left at the ill dill ttx potriptll' attended to.', —Menufeetored e tylri Sf� $•,' t PHONE NO. 3 per c off all IiI1iner� off means a .big •c t --t. butt our loss -is your gain ! " haves some vex' r nice i ummex Hats tr.: n watt.. goo As_th i lfinactg o hTe season. Now is Your Chance for a Cheap- - at ! They are all to be cleaned ont is the next two weeks, so come a, long early and .have first choice. • site Pe ber—Oxie Quarter Off* a Big Saving! - this\ hot weather m E P OOL VIhite Waists Our (imp SALE Ile stilt on and is clearing them out. But 'estill lots left. Whitewear This warm *cattier will make yon think. We,have everything you may . knit underwear, Short oileeves no tIeeveL4., From lifts to Me. • Spripg tit ri This is the Place to do it 1 some very dainty denigns ita colored muslioQ,; also White mus. lino of all kinds. lee to 40a a yd. In all the different colored At I2,1;cener yard- , Hosiery Black, Wta'ite, Tan; Pink. Ilhie —these rokao are ell iming worn this Omen or Lkleg 24' pt r lb. live weight dreLZed z 4"Turl:eyt4, 12e drca,ed •