HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-06-25, Page 5 (2)bittocate
O AiRio
*too it p41 IA aclva<,oa:s, •
*11-*11-11W.€at1 i! pee. sc.+ paid.
1 „ !Nit. Attu Heid. ori . rss1.!!o
• YiR `,r StrI*Uj int Advatt ,
SANDERS 43 CR q1 refs°.l,she „ '
ft 'w y
Our chool held theirr' pp. to o to the
Bend on l urd*y. *bout fatty ettsud-
ing and all ran rt a very good time as
the weather clerk behaved float clews
and tbe lake was very calm for b t-
ing«°bier-doe Bolton bas tha' trains
yr ovk of hit kitcbe ready for ';..diiog.
- -1Iv. and. Mrs. Frazer of Atwood vis-
ite d thea °lattera 'sister, Mise :Sita.
Irnetnn word f.unily' fora few day .-a:
.; Speneer »nd wife of Rirktou were
�nest* of Wm. Glenn and -f*nilly on
r::c lay,. -Mid Msxy eQueeu and
a d n etwo
a3 n ra c
t Harold from our ', Aohotil - t ,th n
tran ,e a� n clop+ ." a ie
gbkirk ira'ac o• rvritio
`:win .. f
tt 1.r'*t+ ;rGafts `; irk ems
fa y da s of this wbek Jif itchy 1, .
Fine Stationery.
• "' A CS
fsksJf.LR. F hll
w. n. cr � ,...
tx>ab +s Pour 74�'rrtai �aar
Wnuy'�zr am
�"�' C"3574,1iro.
psi on , 4>' Floe..
reprOot th&t Ly'ei
battle. sV egetab1eC.oipx e;
sick "womien., ;
Miss 31..R.MOri,n,835Ont io St.,
Montreal, writes to Piinkhani :
1 waa in very poor health and doe -
'foxed for month*. receiving very little
painful each month. ---=_-.- ..
Af era ada ted Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vftetable as the
proper m dietee for me. I procured ,a
bottle of thWr Miry andtak-
ing, efore it was finished, telt
▪ mach betterthst I tinned its use
and gasve ft s .t�l4erroMg tear with the • I sal 'to-dzy and a ranch
hsaltilerr (girl than I was three ran
Ago. I have no mors painful perks*
dimities', ler nervous troubles,"
eaura Lydia Pink -
ham's Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the.
N tiy 8
�M� t
w+oi en who have been troubled with
displacements, indammation, ulcera ;
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
leriodic^ i hIe, that t ar
j,ng-do Ifainiene
ion, orneervoous proetrra►t otr,
, vlt . arrh si.'k
woman' to writivlier dam''; A:dy `.
Sheh ed thousands , etc
health. A Lyan, Mos. \
TILO ieff 1e1epoge
NM Of ea� is
is about to publish a new issue
of the Official Telephone. Di-
rectory for the District of Wes-
tern Ontario, including , the
firm .names, changes of strut
addres es, or orders for 4upli•
cate entries should be blended
tn•-at once -to-
Pathe In Toorisi SleepingCars at small
extra out. if scoured In adrenal.
InformationppptorryanC.P.R. Ticket Agent tor full
Pamphlet, or writs copy of riomsssekers'
C. L rosrst. Diu. Pars. Aiest, Twists
Mrs.' Wm. Harkin , who has been
verr sick, is impro .-;41andy Me,
Eachen hair end its Wm. Fritz
of Grand Bend for the . su.1_mer.—The.
annual school picnic was held at Grand
1 don Pride, . A • , / '/ time was
John McGhaft last week for
Indian Hear . to visit his broth-
er, Archie, whole 1 ill and not
ex ted to ..-° e trustees
. h.ld.a-meeting
last week and .1 . to tear down
the old church and rslrulld it this eu t -
mer as the old bollwas considered
dangerous.—Mrs. W. . Wilson ,and
: • mot Y - J � .arrlvved
d /
• •f
with friends n Ba Ripley.—
Thos. Kerr and wi r ot Oreenbush are
is of A. M. Wilson and wife. —
Stewatdtaoo hada very enccses-
fIrl barn raising on Friday.—Miss Ar -
.J11 t ,•e• t. rw./tl } t 1 iii
near Perk .191 —Mr. and Mrs.
spenteaturday twtmat Ed. Mason's.
- Merkerson and bede of Bnt<iale
sm rs etai" hasrieymoon with
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
McPheerson.-.-Mrs. D. tenon spent
a few days with fried n Exeter.—
MI>ts Emma' McPhee of ,Bn feloy •is
spendln' her vacation at her home
here,—Miss Liffe Hartle left last week
for London to undergo an operation
and is•gettias Talonig as well as can be
expected. --Jas. Maui has been very
sick and is not impro very rapidly.
- ens, Mose and wife of sppeetit
slew days with the hates mother,
Mrs. M.
home of Mr. and Mrs. G..,,
scene Thompson, of B�°rs1' Alan., was
acne of a bsppy interesting event
on trews ng June Srd.
• .ter. daughter of 'J'osepb , Foster lot
GrCeenw y, uprs$,,, ,A...W._Tbomp•
ion of a Jarx&es Moaready Com
y 'n , onlyic i of Geolrge Thompt on'
obonds of mere malted in the. holy
trimony. the cerectony
being by Rea T.
Bethel of Stonewall. std ' by the
Rev. Boyle of Balmoral.
rfec tl ° d€ ip,nt'C1
erf& ct1 y" bak(sdi
e1•f e(t quality.
Nutritious in the
highest cele+ .
e tiOlt the most
About 7 tri t
1 ound.
leal`c>;rt%: The westing, took place
at St. Ja►amaeal' church on Wedneeda ,
June +uhf Inlet M- McQuaide. dsu h.
t q of ' l r. and Mrs, T. McQuade, of the
nittvio gofer. to' Dr. Milligan. of D tk.
Work on the Blake -Drysdale por-
tion of the telephone line was started
last week.—S. Rennie is going to build
a dwelling on the lot south of the Ev-
angelical church. —The Rev. A. D.
Giachler and Rev. S. M. Hauch of
Stratford exchanged pulpits last Sun-
day.—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Restemay-
•er of Cavalier, N. D., are visiting
friends and relatives here and at Dash-
wood.—Mrs. H. Yungblut and her
tither. John Deichert, left. last week
to visit relatives in Detroit, and New
Hoven. Mich. --The reoent Semi an-
nual election` ofos-ot.the---Tong
People`s Alliance of the Evangel'
church, resulted as follows: Pte,
Roy Geiger; Vice -Prep., Mrs. Carrie
Heyrock; (dor-Sec., Miss Diana Rick -
bell; Rec-Sec., Miami Annie Hese; Mis-
sionary Sec., Miss Laura Gei r;
�. Willies Ruby; profile,. Swl,,.
lily Faust ".des.tt.Organist, Miss Pearl
Warta; Chorister, Milne Rennie.—►
l 'odr voting inen from the Bauble Line
b.fore Magistrate Gree'b„ in
Town Hill last week. clad ° by
Falter Lia Menem►, with,making* die.
r� ea the Street. Mr. �ow
was natrr,*ied recently and too. -much
ser stadit g,; was the cause of the -
Able O>baf of the defendants was
guilty. dlrhile,theotbearthree
vatted charge end were each
tied d and costs. N'.edle.sss to say
,dna' were ,promptly, paid. and the
mray oongratulats them.lvei oil
ging off *0 Basil)'.
`Dz ru—Robert Doeglair,• au old and
rre petted resident of Stenlay Towe-
ship, near Blake, died on Wednesday
int the � year of his age. The fun-
eral took place from the reild'enee of
Meson. John Douglas, Friday at 1
o'clock to Front Road cemetery. r
beet wisher ofa.h 01
McGillivray '
WgDDiD.--A very prett bu-t quiet
wedding took plaoe on Wednesday,
June 17, at the residence of Ben Marr,
when his adopted daughter, Florence
Louise, was united in marriage to
Frank Ounnin ham. • llissMable Cun-
ningham was , and Garnet
Am groomsman. The ceremony way
performed by the Rev. Arthur Carlisle,
and only the immediate relatives and
a few friends were ' ant. After the
ceremony a seen i ' one repast was
served, after whic i • the, happy couple
took the evening train for . London.
where they spent their honeymoon.
Miss Maude Harrison of Toronto
and hiss • Vino Pearson of London
were guests of Miss Lila Taylor for a
few weeks. ,
Mt. Carmel.
Mr. Jno. O'Hara is busy baildin a
bent to his barn, 22feet long by 36 feet
wide. The work was commenced
week. Mr. Sosti le dothg the maeoa
work and Mr. Patton tie frame work.
InesH had a b raising.
on Saturday oolast Week, when about
fifty men were Wit. The founds -
Mtn is of brick sadstose thew
Was ons by Akx. Sir
frameworki~ dolls by Wm.
Win•—Fr. F " was in Bay' City,
stab•• t wel d the funen
of his mother. w died -there. re. Fr.
Forster has ties y' sof , his par-
ishioners ill 'fit. ---Fr.
8obraeder, of took � of
service* at Mt. Qs 'a 1 during' she
os of `f'.' Fa sr. -1-A wed-
ding r at �l
attach 'Toa June 1d.
at 10 o'cloe k,.wlhesi united in
an'arfria ► rtgr. ,J , Doyle with M
Angela oOartbj', both of this pI• .
bras Malas by Miss Car-
ey: whiles Mr. b err►' %ir acted as
m They � a art
hi moon to L, Toronto
and other psi veg. "trrrr have the
atrdas f
'Goshen, Line Stephen Q.
Robert Mercier Has returned to his
home in London after.a pleasant visit
"'tau nd here, -William, Lawson • of
Crediton is visiting at 'Wien. Mart nit
for irfeair days.—Jacob IJenhoffer,
completed te mason work of Simon
Hartp�an's barn.—'fine people on the
tioehen lin held thei4annual picnic at
Grand Bend on bursdtay. It was a
record breaker; everybody came out
and enjoyed themselves.—Me. Wm.
MMwbinney is on the sick list.—,Alex.
Reggio' spent Sunday at his borne at
Grand Bend. --Jack Keys igen tbesick
list. Naar Beta Keys ,spent Sunday at
her home to ! tentoy.--.Younrtrt Bros. of
Crediton helve completed the root of
Geo. ttawbinney's t rn.--Jiran keys of
Stanley visited at isek eye' on Suin-
day.—Chester Mxwhintzey ill able to
be around after' nursing a. sprained
ankles. ---'Mrs. John Norry and two
chiklren of Exeter are spending a few
dabs rlrie, week with their grand-
pa ts, Mi:•and. Mrs. Mae. DI ey.
their futurawrhapptin„
While D McIs , aged 50 years,
of Tara, ,true a splinter from
a circular Aare i>ytt l smtillr wear Alvan*
try, Monda , he
sitierie and tb ,on hi back in by
of the sew. +Rlir' y was ccutnalmost
com�etely,mn;td, ,1
Linean t .� Mitebell: The hosuo+ of Mr. and Mrs.' Beware
bar, and Mrs. M. 0. Carey of Lang- .. - - -
don. Alberta, who ri ve bet Ali peutdiag
tate past: three weeks 'fin Luean and
Dtddulpb, left for the west op Thurs.
day. girl Carey is C. P., R. agent at
Langdon, and is well known in Strat-
ford and Sarnia, bluing for some years
been a resident of both •these cities.- .
The Lucai� Sun appeare to hive quit.
3 not beep -AU issue.stoco April
rt. Sprung has • gon. e- for the
et- ntoutttea to het old Lionie at
.--The r, a
yi'e� ` +� thecorner
stone of the. ` n apt pat Church
t;QoL • pl ce On. Vee ne+ a . afterneou,
J,nnn;iiftb.- to tley , d:Co.
> ed>f<b Ir s itay;,k�g�i�n,,,,g :+fie ,.a'rtpaent
ivy 0I.tt7orcMi.herg.'a!aje..:a sattlaes 04010: J es.Te
Ikere2totawta ern ° Wed'in�sd�►.�,��bfbroah, of'hieora�y�y.MYM iq tralin i
J c his hen -
44111 -at A1vitiston.-Mise Belle Miran
tett' on Thursday from 0 three
wee ' vacation at Ayton --It is forty-
tive ears sine HairTrinit Obur:oh
WAS uilt, and considerable a�irJollity is
shown over whet will be fon_ 4 under
• n+ _ F " j� �y R ',
g iii. --e 1 tiElr-A�ori _ IIM •Gr ,t;�'ia,r
��y+� y, iii
i i • Jigs, -able' {fret yeaA i R meal-
c�e at oronto with honors.—Prof.
Wm. Tier, of the Manitoba College,
Winnipeg, and Mrs. Tier " arrived on
usedday. and. will spend the summer
olidays in Western Ontario.
• DEATH --The death: took place here
'on Monday of John Atkinson in hie
52nd year. The funeral took place
from his late residence td St. James
oem►etery, Clandeboye, on Wednes-
,}xJ. tXtl,^:°"'.
war o et n i:owa
visitingher parents. -,-Miss Mabel Mc-
Lean Winnipegle home on • visit
to her parents.—r. and Mrs. Adams
of St. Marys are visiting at O. A. Mc.' i .bel me d_a_-
aie a union Sabbath School excursion
Tao D
have return from To nto. where
they were 'visiting. a atiyes.--.Thee.
niedias'1 students' from " eu 11
as have
passed successful a aminations in their
respective years, Jack McEwen, Art.
McAllister and Will Gei er.—Miss I t -
es Davis her Brat year exams.
at the University. Carrie Knight
obtained the Governor Generals gold
medal for highest honor in final year
oleo the i1icosul gold medal in Classics.
H. F. Johnston obtained first clans
honors in mathematics and �prhysics in
second year. Miss M. A. Gillespie al-
so obtained honors in m►atbennatice
and physic".
Robert Warrener, who has been
conducting;► livery here . fair several
years, has decided to open out at Hen
sass, and will move his effects there.
' os.--O000k bas bought the building
latel oc�ca itd by Mr. Warrener, pay-
-In . . a'tha reforand willut in a new-
an,.up-to-date liTery- outHta—Clinton
-New Era.
• REATI—After a long illness borne
with "matinee and Christian resign*.
on. Du McLearn over
to' the great majority on •Tu�esd y of
last week,at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. arry Horton. The deceas-
ed had lived for some years with her
husband in Manitoba but after his
death, which occurred three years ago,
she moved to Ontario. She had reach-
ed the_ good age of 73 years, wawa de-
voted Presbyterian, and a woman most
highly respected and loved. The fun
eral took place Thursday afternoon
from the residence of H. Horton, . to
McTaggart's cemetery.
Winghann: Mrs. Wm.lik' rd died
Monday at the age of years and 8
'months. In October 1858 she and her
husband settled on the B. line, Turn -
berry. Her maiden name was Lily
Ann Darrah.
Seafortb: One of the oldest reel -
dents of the town, passed awaa�py on
use 18, in the person.of Wm. Camp-
bell. Deceased was 80 years of ago
send had been 'in falling health for
tome time. For many years he con-
ducted *merchant tailoring buainees
ill the town and was very successful.
For some years he boar lived retired.
. Tuckersmith: On Wednesday of
,fast week, in the Ontario street par-
sonage. Clinton. the ceremony was
performed by Rev. W. E. Kerr, which
united Wilbert Alvin °rich of Sea -
forth, and Cora May, Rowcliffe of
Tuckersmitb, in holy wedlock. They
will reside in Seaforth. Their many
rieends extend hearty congratulations.
eeforth: GeorgeIrwin,one' of the
Old residents of Hlett, ied et his
house on the Huron Hoed, on Taesda
of lett week, after only ,a few days ill•
sass. Although her bad been troubled
beuin'a to for some years, the
watts able to be around and at-
tending to work until Frida Ile -
was' 70 years of age,and wait,
therefore. one of • the olest residents
of Hallett.
Biddulph: The death occurred in
Sliver Park, Saskatchewan, recenti
or Mics. John Kelly, formerlyof
duiph. .Last July Mrs. Keiy,went to
Silver Park to live watts her soul. Be-
sides her husband the it survived by
one stint Arthur, and two daughter*„
Mrs. Bert Sheere and Miss Fainly, all
of Silver Park. Wm. Revingtoo of
• I3tddulpli is a barother, and Meal. Saran.
Oitthro of London and Mrs. Prank Abs.
bott ofitteditort, sister". ,The funeral
was held at Mellott, 1
Brue ellelld: Monday of lest wiek
was a red letter day for the penple of
rueefle>`ld. Stores were closed, and
all could be seen wending their way to
see the tat ing of the corner atone of
thenew Preeebyteeriin ehurch. Neigh -
tag town* and villages were wrlell,
tepreeented. The patter, Rev. E. H.
Sewaers, held the chair. Rev. Dr.
Stewart of Clinton read appropriate
selections from (Throttle!** end the
New Testament suitable for theCita-
tion of church building. The eontrac.
, S.S., p:nted Mr. Kett.
(thee, who �tbe bOttitiP' +stens, with
a►kenitiome sliver trowol, beautifully'
n Au offering was taken up,
wh asatglouni) oyer $100. e, •
>rnesday, Jentrp I. h,1� winetn that Contain Metury,
�t' a prosperous p..sin er and aa alert tkry will ri dy a Crag ¢flu xar� ioi amen and
f•thns town, joined bands , •.5wiilo: dcrata_aoat�owi cle,aye, t.Caonwabe:r? A
�p marrfay a with Miss sabelle May tt tlaa_q`] Cho cissa o� ,trofrtiatca, 9za1.dalma, tea eco
Thompson of Toru. ileacs lt9 est c2u:opt Ca arealolpIlens tcUz_�a rerata•
Eippcn: The many old friends of hie Ph3aa.ie nt. 23 the daao;zo they Berl do 13 tee -kik
Andrew Bell, sr., and Robert Tlbptjjnnp-' to t1�, aa3 )D.i oa, ai41:, dosis tt-ota 044 -
son, +fir„ will be a rrv., to learn th tt • its.3Latirvh Care. �,anVilaAca li h ', i. c.�hcleef
these worthy gensu t:Ron are notenjoy-. t t:,►•.'iirlod,, 4):, remit, iQaalaw talo. , : atzat916 ta,k';�n.
iii god
haL>e1t#g, il�asgiao bea�p trortBaae. ink�Q;tulip, n,•c4r, p�. .* . laza etn1,1)::ii.,:eixi.1 ��:L�.e coati for ome €rys. The .'� levan q Coo by-bt7,,. to tr ui*r', f7�taalrrti��?.teiam��(.aa[�t b�;aaurp�u.t�e� tha��tnx}�k}e. 'a� n!�.�°
tQ hhd'1, tl,. >n t aa- s
tic4' Rei�` �ft'.e<`htl�► irr thKt t�lrr��Y I �� + �ap�l.�� asedt w��inf� �'�atl�A�. U��ai-2►+��1",ZiF.'�tk�Y,•
boom be stored to:. hnealth, unci at 1 s� cam. .Trl:.tet , ,dreg. they wit again be able .:to, take thea PALM 4 ilr.D, i3 q,. 't r .d74i'ett10.- r O AP1"5 F(t9•diy_Tj',Pzi fo`a' t'..,ai,1it.imr . • �', a
.p' ifke amongst us$
o'-..;'�t�fKWi�Y��`�i f- ��,, S;�YG•:�� •aM°.;J'e�w ,+I.�A,n q�:i,
ars littl.�°S�o >old.dbt tentaaht►t. �"
u escaped, noon a ►rrrnag43, t
des►t by .bur. t np. Thelittle `tot .�waa4ar a Maggie Isabel, da t �r.
.e gra Mrs. �
,�� , . l.. Ives just n , rout a '�. S. Br �Siatid. On . W � oe4di>sJ 0�f'
handling'mate' es'wh n theyignited Mr : iMtitaa 11factt;�rnzi
and set re to her dress. In en ' ifs The e r emia oo p a" ' 2:30. .
stent she was enveloped data
whin were soon scoot aged but s
will likely be marked for 1if .
tliptan: After, a lingering illness of
1011+11:9 ..., a 1 , res
i ' ►i P ' i i�) r' �. p e. Alter
ppeerson of Mrs. "WWilllifhr` °
mingfrom the County of Ferman-
au b, reland, in the year x8'12, she
settled with tier father, ° flve brothers
and one sister on the bas line. ' In
the year.1800 was married tc William
Bullet: An old and respected resi-
dent of the Township of Mullet passed
away► June 17th, in the person o Geo..
Irwin. Deceased was in his seventy.
miarkyea • but• .bats beyen_ enjoyingre-
markably health being about
townie is usual earth on Friday
last. The remains Were laid ;latest in
the Ma tl n b ;nk cennete, ' i ,rids►
a, r. Po tr y..,.
. IJ
�S. ts� w
Parkhill: George Simpson received
a message on June 15th of the death of
bis youngest son, Mansel, of Indian
Head, Sask., bydrowningon Sunday,
4th inst.=- aldes'a- wife- aid young
dam; titer, the decease ke
... tea,.. ��yyyy
Parkhill; one sister, Mrs. ,rci a Camp-
of London; and four brothers, R.
pf Winnipeg; �J: W., °Marnia; H.
, of -N ara Palls; and Homer, of
Virden, Min.
s.1c.w .. '
ddu CSpfat. $iO,QDR;
ALZZ.' l Itn, Elsacsarrat alnraafw >r Deserve Fund,- 5;000,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS soka, and y� transfairai by
telegraph or letter. . "
COLLECMIT4 made in an pato of Canada and in foreign Co mut .
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheviot knit drafts on the United
and other foreign count ie bowl* and sold. :#
'Branches at Exeter and Credito*
Mit Write
on • .oest-
sM.d; *Soot
Brad mall
t o Ners*t
lino 'rho
rest wvii
gladly nes
tri tet.
shield be. '` is
vne:• other 'aain pion of con.
cwt wherein liar its ability to, be sassy
so feet euiti in actioo, simple ki
seiritien7‘ .1
"mss usury is ioriefiy toil in A kis Welk
sailed "Naos Pleb? k's not a>rn sats. a1'
tiaaawnrsart. Ne .fertakee maiis asedettea.
e ndyou ran rel l the wits iceiyin 5 tsricsrates.
To the arty jet torhimiel
mop sea pitfalls, esactly r>.
we, etentasias' et r td