HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-06-25, Page 1 (2)0! '..,.,...„. • . ,.; .4 '''',-4,;',:, iT,;‘,a -, , ';'''.': /4;,:.:".".., IT ; ',.''' ti ,0 .1 1,,ig:•;.,..1 __J-4 a•••,..112.1•4Z1.,:...,:litir , T.,..t.,...,14..,,,e1, , •,,,,..,...1., • ..,, -.,........'',, 3,..• ''''' • ft •• . : • A TO\ JAN. • 9 NO'W IS TUE -TIME to -'--7t-i...subscrIbe for the ADVQ- 0A,T,E a4 -get oluirgaln a4libii,ye *dated; or .else take 4Ixantege df our, • • • , • • lub Rates • ,•• ki •-• .• t • 441'1:41,0 . • • • 1/4 t• , -.- • (r: : '1\ • e • • -...171 • ,• • r..",", • 1. • „ • Wedding Invitations In Type. Oz flet po **- Me- 14inebt• •Wotk, - • . • And Richt •. Prices • The Advocate Oilice,:Exeter • • ••• v ' • , • • ... I •••' •, • SANDERS it- OBEECE • jj, 44044... • e aire vfferilig t *Sto . s 'weeka , • Voriount ,-The Council itiet •On Friday. 'lupe 10th.The !members present •were -Ileeve-Bobievand-tkiiincillors,ffJohns: Knight and Fuke. The minutes of the meetings held on. May 23rd and • June 5th were read and approved.-- A conununication was read from the Can. Municipal -Journal re their Jour- 4.111n4Wareellt*SK. order 5 copiea of the Journal for the use of the different councillori.-Car- ried. Johns -Knight -that the fence view - council at the last wee ing be paid.- ers Account of $6.00, read before the Carried:. Knight -Johns -Abet the following accounts be paid: -W. Gillespie, haul. Ing Are engine $2; T. White, 2 weeks street watering 128.40; for labor. Geo. Cudinore *2, F. Mellott 11.50, A. Bias - D. Russell u r Journal 11.75; all amounting to $43.40. -Carried. for 100 cords of screened and unscreen- ed gravel to -be delivered within the corporation. The application of ten- ure fiw the . same are 7 to be..., in Use bands of the clerk before 7 p.m., June Wk. -Carried. Fuke-Jolms -that tenders be asked /orAha_construction_oLonlEinch_tile_ draIstio_bstiaid.along..Andresr.st.:./tons, - --Kniglst-Fukethot;W:- 0. --Bissett be paid 112 for rent of the Band -room to date. -Carried. The clerk was asked to instruct Messrs. Taylor and Sanders to com- mence work on the cement walk. Adjourned, to meet Friday 26th. 7 ' . • ,• • Now is your time to select from thelargest and best assortment • we have shown for years. • Prices as lipllows: 'Regular $1.00, now $ .90 Regular $2.00, now $1.50 I' 1.25 " 1.00 " -2.25 " 1.75 " 1.50 4' 1.25 " 2.75 " 2.25 1":504-113'''""'It(46'"v‘•*3:00-'41*-^"""2:50 „ • ,,,, fillts.441.11140.41440t,ee &ices? • Don't forget we still carry the • • • ig ASTORIA " SHOE. No finer in town for style and quality. • g12riee-paid-forlevduee,--- • - _ ARLING RRO-13.. earing Sale of 11 Su mer Goods • 1 Z : • Fancy Dresis Mullins White Dress Muslims Black Dress Muslins White and Colored Dress Ducks Chambrays and Gingham& . • . -Yard) WhiteUnderskirts ($1.60 skirt for $1.19) Corset„Covers (50c quality for 38c) Lawn Waists111.25. waist for 98c) - Bumbler Corsets (50c quality for 45c) • MMER MILLINERY LADIES, -Every Hat in our Show Room ust be sold. Some of the Prettiest Hats of the on to be disposed of at a Great Sacrifice. ELL & • ROWE • ibreinsestesiat Cards. T1XiL r. noutarrox, t- D. 5,0. D. II. enniftnir =mat Ns* IL O. D. IL of Ontario and Mawr of Taranto University. ONTSOM: Ores Deckesis.h Carling's Lw 061c., in JP& Alalbseasses farmer Dental Parlors. DOL. A.grf KINSMAN. L. D. 8.. D. D. B.. " oat* of Toronto Unlveristv. DENTIST. INS* =traded without, anipain, or any had tilts =yet Witham& letanburrs office. Main street Mind Dz. T. P. It cLAUGHLIN . • Mae resumed practice after upending a year (Col. bp) at British and Continental Tlospitals. General pesetke with special attention to Eye. (with refrac• Oen) tar. Nose and Throat. Office: Dashwood. Ont. • Zinged . in$0. lk CARLING. BARRISTERS. SOLICI- Jr. tem MoU.ries. Con:eyancers„ Commissioners. 011adtstre for Moleona Bank, etc. to *Loan at lowest rates of Interest. Mee!, Main street, Exeter. L. U. Dicaeon MONKT TO LOAN. 7, 'Re have slug. ansount' of private hinds to loan a tam and 'Wage properties at low Irides of Inter & 6TA.4 BURT. Earrietert.Solicitors' .Main st.;Eseter Oa set - .._114••.•••77-7••••••,..----1" ,•`' • 13.8. I'S. EtcrEn. Licensed Iliectioneer. • attended In ill parts: Satisfaction guaran- :,, bed or no say'._ Terms reasonable. All orders left te Ote will t.. ptomptly attended to Milliam Brown Dpo et n4lineotill"Fritgt Sietrital traefer. Grams. Ilsrmony and Theory 'AM Mak, 'Terms en irplkation. tatter. Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance oimmininy. also Fire Insurance in lead- bec Canadian and' British Companies. .'i;; • • ., Main -St.. Exeter. For Sale. _ tba Vin•c• it utry,s!tnstrd�oFtnortyiet. * Bums direlnag. t 'torte*. klkhon arsd etoodthocc.. 4 piabis,- gond wellhb , NA fSere of haul. All g 1!eseatitila. be"sed 'reran able. 'Aro, at ft!, • .4.•••••••••••.... -41iitfago t ,dra, wt.& r ••••• , • • t. teasonabld rental. Apply .it '.-Ibrailtr; • • ' . •• I " • - ,•", • F. CAIRNS, VETERIN'ARY SUM:MO:4. 8:1,-,eeaor to De. RAII1AT, Special 'Attention to Dentbstry. Night calls left at the home ef Mr. Peter Bawden Main street , (cpp. THOU Memorial Church), will be protnPtly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. „ OtBot-Dr. Ramsay's old stand. corner of Motivated Nnettretretta. (cpp. Pyttes Illaekamith Shop). Tour patronage solicited. Brick and Title for Sale Tseseateptenee bas a late* quantity of Ilrat-ciase brick and the for sale on his ye:desalinated opposite the grist Bill at Crediton Eaet. Satisfaction guar. antacid.. It will be toyour interest to call and maks an inspection before buying eke., her:. JOSEPH HAIST, Credlton East • 4411-44-1-1-4-1-4-4-1441-1-4-1+14-4-14+ SUMMER SCHOOL... Our management trains more yoOng ;ran any ,othei in Ontario! e thmint be • reaaon: write tor It. •Special Conroe for Teachers - Mall coarsen. ' CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Geo_ Spotton; rrinripal. House and Land for Sale. The undersigned is otTe.ries: fro tale his hokure and land on Huron Street P.441 11) house is Of tramp and la in good repair Th. land consists of 4.( acre's in rood ' cception. -Good wato.r-hard 'and soft., Good stable. Rome .good frit trey", etc. Posses. sion Oren now k4r fa the fall Appey at the home of Abraham Iva vini, 3r , t4La.oe Street, r 11131. (DAKF.R. Ontario Liquor License Act Lioenac District of South ilnron Noti,e li bore. by given that Thor's* Cook i>f • the Tiger, of Eter has made arplivation tet pertnispion to transfer his Village tart,/ Hemp. At Etetet ti 14bert AT. llinaly of Varet: land that the saki, aprdication win te, considered at she meeting°, the Board of Lkease Comroisticr ere. to be held at the flantion Moat. in yillsg. a Exeter, on the etth day of Junei1'.c3. at the hour of 10 s. m, AV persons Interested will govern themselves a,- cordIngty. Johth Terrine...Liof noo 1,11,1*ktor. Dated et Clinton. this nth day of Joke.- 10(.11, Farm Help Wanted. An exporienced farm boort boort wastes. rpty in croon at the Advocate 44111.01., For Stto.• (mos* do..,141-o1• tors ard startle, Lets Noo, thk, the so,;tbS'1,74. &the Lake Remo, pyrsee, (Intarin,. peoriree a the latt* is' r- pir.e!rilart apply to• , 111crf.,el .;4rNftitirtie.71k-tzftVOTILT.`f7:17'..'7 1.1.Vrk • et ifs. 7 • • GLAINIA:!« Barrisltro. trotter • ,•••• !"•.„, loam's Sr.rston, Clerk. Deeksi it Cap. Goderich, June' 22. -The drowning of one man'a' broken blood vapid which proved fatal to another, and a member of the artillery in the camp hospital with a broken leg, is the gist of SundaY's accidents at the camp- grounds. Harry Porter, 18 • years of age. a private in No. 4 company, Thirty -Sec- ond Regiment, whale home is In Cita- ton was drowned- here Suaday even. tbe-river.-The----87 drowned man was a clerk in the ROyal Bank, of Clinton. The young man was a brother -In-law of Mr. 81Ies Stan - lake, Jr., Lake Road, Stephen, wbo, with Mrs: Stenlake, attendetthe fuss. eral. Duncan McKenzie, 20 years of age, an orderly of the Twenty -864h Regi- ment, whose home Is in Glenroe, as practicing jumping with some 'other members of his regiment, preparatory to the field day on Satunlay, when suddenly he complained of pain in the region of bis heart, and be died on •, , , •. , ,Sanday.Morning:",f; • • • • • .Ed.Vri4i1.-POwell,'" 111114,-:81Xth'Field,13.ittery, a boree into toll: night•--Wheti .the'lorse stumbled. And fel3.' Powell'. wattletied under theAnitualy, • T military camp was treated to a _storm_ Monday • night, when ma ,y tentsyrere blown down, and one mad, Tiny Lawrence, injured b a .101F14 ed th• e camp grounds on Mintay, but would not state whethe Goderich would have tIss camp next ear. • • I. F. Rites. There are several hundred members of tbe Indepoilent Order of Foresters reachedesintedthill!beericrionsedasprosietorlio railretescodoutrttheypoirmardnery. •tisso4oldev. • 1 •' • In the abetter. which was - y a vote of 128 to 58. is as followist,' 'Mutt the „ members b. re -rated be. sanliws4, -. seek re -rating .to start Odebir '-' 'walk -die optioti of pay's*** ' rate and getting a deduced polierosr a new option to borrow from iste_s1OLIv_snontb_ tbe od- Alilonaipiressiens rnked. the same - "Wti-e=clissWM aemiillas front 18 to 54. as fellows: yn „........ The new rate propoeed is know as the 1895-98 scalivand covers the ears Age. New rate. Old rate. 14 •1&82 1 . • • 19 .... . 0.84 20 .... OM \ OA 21. • 0.89 0.63 - 22 0.92 0.64 23 0.95 0.65 24 L'.. LOO 0.66 95 ' 1.05 0.07 26 . .. . 1.10 0.18 27 9.69 ...,... L16 28 ..‘. L21 0.70 29 .L25 0.71 30 . -.. 1.10 0.72 81 1.37 0.73 82 ..... L43 : 0.74 .33 • 1.50 ' 0.75 31 ... .... 4 L57 ,. 13.76 35 96 ' 1.72 • ...- ....... list Sale Registers.' Friday, July 3rd-vasams 100 acre farm In Stanley, the property of Messrs. Traquair. Sale at 3 o'clock. T. Cameron, Auct. Friday, June 26th -Household effects in Ext. ter.'the property of Dr. Amos. Bale at 1 o'clock. John Gill, Auct. &dowdily. Joao 27tIs -Real estate and Mum' hold effects In Exeter, the property of Rcbt, Dinney. Bale at 1 o'clock. John 0111, Auct. Auction Sale -OF- Valuable FEU in Staley Tough). The undersigned Auctioneer haji been instructed to sell by public auction at Schaffer's Hotel, Kipper:, on FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1908 at 8 o'clock sharp, The Cottoning valuable property: A choke farm in'the Township of Stanley, being Lot a, South Boundary, containing 96 acres, fo3 of which are cleared and In first -clan coAltIon. There is a good, frame residence, bank barn. and other gond out-bulkling4. itt. within a m'1 of Elopes. elation. TERMS- Usdeknoun t'sy Ef salt _Positively net reserve *slim estate has to be wound up. mEssas. THAQUAIR. Prop. T. CA.ME,BON, Auctioneer. Auction Sale Town Property and Household Egects There will be aftrol for sale Itv awlion on thekpretnises part to it 0 and 10, bangers street, Exeter, on Petunia), Jam. rth. at 1.50 k' 14, tn.' There is on the prensfew a a sr.w.1 (sante h u4e In first - elan repair. frame sb tae, hard id .1 alt water at d a number choli-e trust trr.. A number he u..hold fects will alto be s. lei at the some tin, and p'aee. J011): Gil.L. Au. t. ROOT. NIS, Prop -Farm For Sale -.-or Rnt. The UndeiSko.-41.1. off/ring for sale or rent that deSltable fetus in thr 1..., t1 of N thIlivray; be- fog Lot 4 Cn 11, ciaaa.sano 3fr0 a. era -I Cr.& 114.0 la6d. Then It 4 T. therremi,... a stied bri •k tons.e. a hank barn sod r hind it g4. to a, rya good hush, all well dtaii.. A a .1?, oo..1 1 h i• one the best farm, in 31, t,11,1, 1 vb,s 4 . Ifl 1,, 1,1 or rride on reansaibte toi•pg.,,• „,ratt,,,„ ap.s ply to STEWART, Oi. SILO, VANTED. A'ANTI1)-- to purclao- stave\ silo In glol A01,13 to L PAY, COWS IOR SALE. Two mow p1153 cons. .1114.441 grade cows. A pr ly i'..CoN1.1S. trots ilia, Farm for Sale. Tbat rhoblt tarn,. teirg criverevid of tjt lk In Core:;4, Vet -ogre. itt.tho Cooctit flat( rt. re ntalnrett. ' 1170 s. r. 0. P.', ritorcit Tatedwrwel buds. Good .1*(111141.14r> 4.„ n11rm...406,1 5 1 sr. 1 Tarr ; Lea,.. pi"! Wows.*' ' 'et ar.1, trip-U*11ra •4.41. .flver, t44 a • t,v+rto fame ehich cAte• e.vnt to ober h 41..4 stbok.i. and, witWir 41,40)v. ' riblet 15 • .6 , 1,1614::11- torn,. 4.4 rartk.stor, • 11005, AVE1.4,9.0 • ,,A4.1,1.1.41ttr, . • „ \ • I •"; " • " t •'' ; • •0‘, , , - -•,, • „." • , , • • ,,• •- ' • .4 38 .., 1.91 ag ,' 2.08 40 , - 2.15 41'1 • 41 -th :lel 43 /51 44 .... 2.61 45 .•.4 .4 - 0 46 2.80 47 2.81 48 .. 40 • 2.90 50 ..... • ... 3.18 51 3.37 52 • 3.03 ' 53 3.07 54 . 4.31 9.78_ 0.80 h 0.82 0.81 0.86 • 0.90 0.95 1.e° • 1.110 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.00 1.00 120 2.50 2.00 2.70 2.85 3.00 COAt9; With 4tiiiretent., An tbe t formedwiM) Dann Of Lotidon 'pehedvery tn -.quire; COR iOUCilinfg, impressive d patriotic Aar- m:Therf 'on. 33rd Hum Regiment are getqustinto.gooikshake...and.,itive.t-po.. pie of -Goderieti* good time and the meaare appreCiet- hag It iu right good style:, they have the name of being one of the best be- haved regitnents in camp. , One unfor- tunate affair ccur ed In the ' 'rd R. 41CIAV by the name of Porter. from Clinton. were out bathing In the River Malt. land, syhen one was supposed to have en Icramps and sonk before his brbseeou1d reach him, the would-be reetuer being nearly drowned in at- tempting to save his brother. They were both taken from the water and the Army Medical Corps were quickly on the spot, but alter one hour's work at artificial respiration one only was saved. The remains were taken to naember, marched to the station. o e as a pc=“16Litirbead arc in San and "Nearer asy God to Thee." This is the second death In camp during oar et) rn here. General Otter in- speeted tbe Cans last week and found everything tory. Sir F. Bot‘ den, Minister of Militia, also visited our Camp y y oftensoon And at. .4. • . . • Tradecittigetliartilthirse-831rd officer -s.- - On Wednesday night there is going to be a grand military tattoo and display of firewotits. Thistislay will bring forth a sham fight in which all Corps in Camp will take part. Excursion traios are going to be run into Gode- rich for that porpoise. Friday the men will strike Camp and return to their respective beadmiarter&-F.E. H. AIIIM•111AL LOCALS Miss Florence .McDonald- of- Detroit visited Mrs. Will Gillespie over Sun- day. Mr. Park. who luur been working for Mr. Chas. Hackney, haa gone to the Old Country for the summer. Rev. W. M. Martin left Monday for cllount Forest to attendtbefuneral of is brother-in-law. Dickson. The option referred to is for mem- bers who do not wish to increase the ammint of their assessment payments They can take out a reduced policy calculatedfor the amount their present premiums will carry, according to the following scale: Tablealsowing the future amount of the member's certificates for each orig- inal $1,000, if he continues to pay his present rate. Age at -Constitution-- Entry. 1881.91 1801-95 1895-98 18 1789 1789 1789 _ m 20 775 775 175- 21 708 708 706. 22 •• • ••• 7tn 782 702 23 756 roe 750 24 733 733 733 25 713 713 713 26 004 O91 094 27 676 676 070 .28 . 000 0001 000 29 045 615 643 . . .. • • 032 032 032 31 019 019 019 32 007 007 007 503 693 593 570 570 570 503 505 503 530 5511 530 5(7 517, 517 538 538 •. 538 t.31 531- 531 524 524 .530 511 511 510 .• 500 WO M3 Gto 571 Go0 10 SI 36 so 37 .38 ..... 40 41 42 43 44 43 46. 1- 47 .41) (10 f*1 53 • 51 • • .. • • ... • 5(10 (4x) (304) 500 WO 012 • . . rioo 509 0;00 r •-•-11411.116• 54111.1 - 1500- 760 -• 500 fo.0 • 8!5 • • t- t4A) 8112 . , 4.1 839 Fa) ..... .500 818 " 818 54'10 7:T2 7.2 5 .0 itg) 769 Them zi 11111•111111),)1111111. Itia*t ter*ns th.) (v1.4,41E11 of 1..slattien. This wean dealt sv,to I.y redociee tittr rapt eine beCketAr.$ '0'4 82.1x)),akt,141 the stipretne rtlostostiet hy,183.0k.U. Dr salaries ,Illst4ift1 8. C. It. 815.100 • Spersetsry •5,001 14. Trensuty •4 WO 7,001 • 8. Atitiktin .14.,cte 2AX) The Boys at Camp, sal. Jon& 22416: .03 , The Valid:1foot'Csntp. thie year int yeastat .0041cftelP, , ly-ett sisietz, walk rit'lrt ti tirrite.ofit..., pine.. Mints.', 1501. The own getitn4 infant:4 wok ,0•4t ••" It is earneilly desired that all filiall take part in the Decoration Services to -day. commencing at 4 o'clock. west tis Gold Modal. The results of the *hieing exercises of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- by. have been published and among the successful students we note partic- ularly the name of Miss Hazel Brown- ing, she having passed successfully and *on the Gold Medal, given by Senator Cox, for highest standing in the M. E. L. Course. Miss Browning is to be congratulated on the excellent success she has attained, N owey-Fear. The Main street Methodist parson- age is probably noted for its many wedding oce.asions, but we venture to say no more interesting event in the matrimonial sphere than that which was perforrned there yesterday (Wed- needaat high noon, the occasion be- ing th marriage of Mr. Wesley Sam'l Howe, one of onr‘ leading business men, to Miss Luella frlizabeth Jocylin Fear, daughter of Rey. E. A. Fear. The ceremony was performed In the preeence of about forty guests by the father, and the wedding march was played by_Miss Davidson of Strat- ford. -The -bride -looked Chs1111110g-III beautiful gown Of cream silk over which was point de sprit, and wearing the usual bridal veil and carrying handsome bouquet of flowers, while ber going away dress was ,grey with hat to match. .The bride,was assisted by Miss Gr* Lisekhans" of Assent - burg, while little Miss Mildred fl*i. vey made a very pre4ty. Solver •, girl. Tbe groom was supported by his brother. Mr. Melville Howey. -.After the ceremony all sat down.; to it' -wed- ding breakfast. • The bride Is well and favorably known in Exeter and' -her sunny ws, 1,5 and sweet disposition have won -for her countless friends: as • triditied lay the- numerous and costly piesents bestowed upon her on this occasion. Thp happy couple took the evening train for Windsor tend other vointleto spend a short hotiey- moun, and on their return 1011 Make their Iloule in Exeter. wberethe grothn is engaged lo pie drug buI;Iness. The young couple will have the best wish - 444 of a ho•t of friends for their future happinesis Sind prosperity. 1- • Wand Mi 1•Ve•ler Iwiac and. tlee,laiigitter D,efia, ,of grata' visited Mrs. Isatio's Mother. Mrs. Sp'in. • 1Dearitig, of town, on Sunday. Miss • . Della, &bright littlagirl of: )2, k try. 1DX • tbei, entranciiraxiniiiiationr ossit"=-Lt*•4•:;,,,- • • , will visit for some tittle with relatives • and friends in Exeter and vicinity be- fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm -Johns of Kalida. Man.. arS visitin among friende in I • • ".,"1 • • ••,,• • ' 01$0,41P.43,1=M6.441(i. tr..- • r. Johns was siettiong the number- who went out to the preirie province over prover has .coniequently one would ' twenty yea. Ond taking up land not wonder t him thinking there Is no place like the West. Burris \ LuTlimn-In McGillivray, on June 13. to George Luther and wife, a daugh- ter. • 22nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sand • - • adtartnintnetsutt01.141=fltnom ALDBWORif -In Hay. 4th Con., to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldswortb, a daugh- ter. ••• MARNIA0113. ODNNINOIIA.M-MANA-In McGillivray - on Juno 17tb, b Rev OsrUsle,Fl�- - ivN-ROANTAIN-At Thorold, June 10th. by Rey. Francis Mothers, •Miss Bertha, daughter of Mr. R. B. Roantree. to Rev. Chas. W. Down of Exeter. McKgrms-Muonocx-In Brucefleid. on June 17th, by Rer. E. H. Sewers. Margaret, eldest daughter of Robert Murdock, to William McKenzie of Stanley. McDortam--firucu..-In Exeter. on June 20th, Herbert G. McDonald, of Chicago, to Miss Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. of Exeter. Howxt -FRAIL-At the Main Street Methodist Parsonage, on June 24th, by the bride's father, Mr. Wesley Samuel Howey to Miss Luella Elisa- beth Jocylin, daughter of Rev. E. A. Fear. HiLits-VBALK-At the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. ' Yetile._Xirkton._oalune 1Rtk Miss - Mary Isabelle Veale to Rev. William . L. Hiles, B. A., of Bayfleid. Thoxreort-FOSTER .,-- At Balmoral, Man.. on June 3, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thou:pion. A'. W...., Thompson of Winnipeg. to Mies Millicent Myrtle, daughter of Joseph Foster of Greenway. • • I DEATHS • McLE4til-In Tuckerstnitb, on June 16, Mrs. Duncan McLean, aged 73 years. ,SANDERS -In Exeter' North, on June 22nd, infant. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barley Sanders. YORKE-In Parkhill, on June 17, Ethel Cooper, beloved wife of Finlay Yorke. aged 29 years. Munrwv-In ton. on Juno 11, Jane Millar, relict of the late William Murphy, aged 77 years. SIMPSON-Atlndian,Ifead. Sask., on June 14, Mabsel Gerald Simpson, son of GeorgetSimpson of Parkhill, aged 33 years. ATKINSON-At Litcan, on June =ad, John Atkinson, in his 52nd year. • dir.,1111&.4kuilbardkaikelktfla Get the Habit of dropping into tbe store for vourToiletRequisites,Perfumee, ' irlaforing Extracts/, WrltIng Pada, Envelopes and PcotOords. •'•New cards each week. - , 'all kinds -77/M prices. TRY US HOW. ABOUT, A • fhollograpt We have -them all prices. Records. Needles, Etc., In stock. Call and see for yourseig at. 11), THE PURFrY , Watch Window. Can.Exp.Bidg. serignewisormiswirner • 11 / Gasoline Stoves from to $2b. 'Coal Oil Sto68 ir .7o to $19 . / • Asbestos Wicks nd Flat Wicks, 5c and 1.0c Screen Doors Screen, Windows aU sizesirom $.1. to $1.50. • • . 10C to 80c yard • •4‘Co* Ease tr 17 v • - A preparatiOnlo prevent Fly Pest on Cattle 'and liorses ,,,„ „' • .:11ZiittlU4');iO7 st.)44.467: . • , 20c to 40c, • Screen Wire 1 1 r,-.",!•:, • ':'••.'‘," •'• s' .0 I, t .* 5,.' " . 0,, • t .li :r. ' . ., . 'tn.. V 18A'•;',4.Vitt..** ""M1:7.4 ' . . ., 1. if. inn f totiiy:rios evil et -etifi . lning w11113.:41 tvot hp 4Nly p..x. :Mn '.j-»tiI iia4 eti,71,!..4 a thii ..11:1- , . :. • '• - . . .,•••-i ,• :. ,%,. : .,,; " • ARDWARE & STOVE STORE r, • -1„ :•4 '•:* • • ,r‘ ' , •, "'"'"t":7",:, • , „ . •