Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-18, Page 8 (2)X�, f..,,44ryV . Corroc t thing for thee, Spring WoRwookuoilie 4e ex„}tv due" --, r.-•al4: !cud,- * - 1 t e y''s 1314te' p . t the ` rrciat liotrtge,. U'i txrt fe :toe t ',thy. t nya1 r#t:e eke raft) on, the � toffy L* t ° k ver .pl June tb a` M { eteotiCe 'fp 't of thie' re'Veeteetieeeesfet9 i • hk 0 "ii�,' re... IlaWked the ` id 444t0:ob:tla •r "' >l ter *l'c . it ,proved. copeldeobiy y p httiug . ,;(1,:c rw ens OO r;st� cru th" ,.c l , ,'. When, a to : seeks ata la i ee .in'. hnreh.teed o es. tee: idf1ueitee 'thous. g}ccAAaiueaa,+�. ,foxy�xyj b ig. oWn 1•priv�ate gain saris that baa,viq eseti a ss rvi a o£ a competent o crater bis d o will bo open for busemes aa; in cede Monday. 2401t1 lost, Ma„a ►eeAtm 1 rn hal .. recrt i" : het 1 jtt haw`s; al#* batt, bni t' (aaaOr • c'oOte. teilide n:t 1 es 'b triete =fi t y' ellet igei ,iwa oI an +ion ne 1 to many :Irlends her. recti cry. ' ` ' WiaIle Die Driebt was d ttartisy' 14.0 irr r 'Ps3t'ee:aatxne fri htened, at a abbot tticedingUter. t" tow end w'l Cee artsres - 1➢ er end'} . bxic to xa * i, t� ei I;aiiiat., o la, 04411.1:4 er Mar10 e hak ng up. f Ste Oit. s ti a' His. i*t (Antek 0E heat. i�4 le RO'►I}* .R.4NpY941P 59 '•R9Faiw�rawaM:««4pr i Igh, SO Doc ioui , per" �e,a,,t� nily. I 49 r 2' 5. F'iour, Io . eft y. Boater t b r F kM•Y7etl;It-.„a .et,Lgp�R; Si7C "AFv�.M�I,F ►sa�'kF44,h.t'l•4.i Pa [7f have a. share this year, he fruit is a cal thnder_ control he was thrown expected to be a drug on the' market. from his rig onto the road, sustaining Our customs and habits are like the ' a rather painful injury to his shoulder. .ruts inroads. The wheels ditto set- We are pleased to note. however, that tle into them, and We jog along; the Doctor is speedily recovering. through the name, because it is too much trouble to get out of them. , It ie a pleasure to see a man look after his own bueineu, but' when he exerts himself to injury the other fellow who ill in another line altogeth- er different from his, he oversteps the bounds of decency. lir► ,y. W. We•Hogartiebeteisebessetetkeile No. 4, Usbornee, has tendered to the Trustee Board, his resignation to take effect in midsummer holidays. Mr. Iketertiteintesdie V Locals "'Read Them "' it Thar faaarm of Mr. Arch. McCurdy,M C u. Con. 2,,Usborne, was on Saturday �Afr. Thos. Cameron. to Mr. William e.tcott of Con. 3, Uaborne. This is aa�hd:. property and. is situated 1t m + south of the purchaser's home f&rzu. Dr. H mitean has ened the ser• cera o r. Mewilictd . of o doll de for few week*. havieg commencedr duties this week. The doctor comes highly reeocatnended ish bio profe on; having graduated over two years ago and has since been ou'the medical stat at Victoria Hospital. The Ontario . Government has issued an order.to the local lieenrae inspectors to make a special tour of the hotels and dee dist the fire eyes are all proved and in good 'condition. Es - pedal ,attention- is being peed to baV floe ropes in every room above the se- cond`story. These are to be used in case the smoke should cut off the in- mate from the hallway, and the regu- lar escapes. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad. mate office. Big Barg fins in Muslin Renanaizta, .q 24 to 12 yd. ends. Come gulch./ Stewart. - s acrearm, shiva W ie t orae Cad T. R, and n rth of the salt$block, Eat, ter. Terve easy. Apply A. Q. Bonier. Are you getting Redpatles Sugar, ,S'tewart setia no other -it's best b f teat. Seamless Wilton Room Rugs. Reeds) Greens. lir,.wzis. Values all in your favor.. Stewart's. Dose Lost - On or at,o it May 29th, a white bull- dog. wearing a leather collar with sil- ver plate. Kindly leave information at this office or with John Morley, Metropolitan Hotel. Do you w•,nt a lovely 108 piece semi- Porcelain (' dna .Dinner Set -see the " Cantil!! t;ose" set at Stewart's for $13.50. i .'+i for $16.50 in the city. Fs4Olsmsrtast._,_ __ d a xl i.. oil" tea. Il . i', a 'pair gold-t•inewat eye -glasses, with chat. attached. Finder will confer a favor by leaving name at Carling's Store. -32.00 r;.a• a real nice :Black --Noreen ITndersareirt. Russle silhlmeal. Stewart. There ury "ane or two nhen in -this town wh ..t 'old like to gobble all the business e, .11 the lines; Decoration Day. It has been decided to hold Dccora- tion day on Thursday. June 23, at 4 o'clock in stn afternoon.. The differ- e.ht lodges of town will take part and as in former years the citizens geper- aa11v of town and country are invited to j nn in decorating the graves of de- hputed 1.' . hers and friiends.. The our b:r ' ec-°iflied at four o'clock to give the business then a chance of closing their places of business at that hour fair they balance of the day, so that alt may take part in paying tri- bute to the departed ones. reeneasheTaylor. 1 A pretty borne wedding took place on Wednesday at blab noon at the home' of Mr. John W. Taylor, Main Setae. Exeter, when his third daugh- ter, Miss Margaret Jean, . was united in mruriage•to Mr. Joseph McTavish; • of Slhsake-pearare. The ceremony was ,,pe1'f n !z eri..t.y Rev.. A. II. Going in ,the iresence-of only it -few of the i mmedi- a,te relati vela and friends of the con- tracting parties. The bride was beau-. tit :t}y-g ;wne4 in cream pnna. She was assisted by her sister, Miss Maud T Taylor, of London. who was dressed in flowered nuistin. The groom was ate misted by Mr. B,. N. Taylor, brother of the bride. After the ceremony and congratulations arhl! enjoyed a eumptih- oaal' wedding dinner. The young cou- ple left on the evening train for God. erich, where they take a trip up the lakes. On their More they will reside in Shakespeare and: Will be et ` home after August 1st. The best wishes of °' their many friends is .extended to the happy couple, in which the Advocate heartily joins. In- linton a quiet wedding took place t Wesley_personage ou.. Wed- nesda , when Mason and Miss Mary Heideman wee married by Reg. W. JoilifTe. Both are well known in. Olintou, and have the good wishes of their miter friend... --Clinton News - Record. The bride is the daughter of -Exrod ter, a n . r The Annus/ People's picnic held in Wm. Hernickts Grove on 'ride fait: fine and cool aid a good crow i ` in at. tendance. Sports of all -kinds were carried on.; anti the races were watched with much interest. The following is a list of the races and the winners: - Rays oe underd yr*.,, 0. Merallir''-' Perkins;.1oys race under 0 yrs., R. • estle, F. Perkins; Girls race under 0 I. Ford,. E. Fisher; Boys race un - Ars., E. 8ohtbcot H. Collor hits 11:11W ettiltej s biros "undi c v"y►r'a., ; Daymau, E. Southcott; Boys raee over 2i yrs. B. Martin, E.Westcott Chia race over 21 yrie and under 40 yrs.. 'Miss Hepburn, Mimes Kerslake; Three- legged mice, .B. KesUe and W. Wair- ren, G. Westcott and B.. Horton; Needle race, A. Penhale and J. Wayne, 0. Westcott and Mists Hepburn;Shoe race, E. Westcott, B. Martin. F'rbnh Mail and Empire's answers to legal question: P. S., Clinton. -Qu. - If a man who is able does not provide necessaries to enable his wife to keep trap the home, end refuses to pays any household" accounts abe may incur, what action can she taak to force her husband to properly proy e. for her? Ans.-The wife cannot bc any ac- tion. Notwithstanding all, thelegisla- tion that has taker, piaci the hue- band is still considered as the head of Ate household-. his is the die cfin mind: s-wie--Imai-right-to--buy° aarticles,for the house against his will, unless she is prepared tp pay for them herself. Of course. Whet* a wife buys 'necessaries" or the household, which her husband has neglected or refused to pus base, , the merchants from xoom shebuys such necessaries can sue the husband and compel him to pay, provided they did not know that the ltusba " d had forbidden his wife to make pur stases. But the undevlying principle covering the whole Matter is that the wife is the agent of ber bus. band for the purchase of necessaries for the use ,of . the household. The husband can pelt an end . to that ag,.n- cy and can notify 'the public or mer- chants, either by advestisement or let- ter, that he will not pay for any goods purchased by his wife. If such notice bei given the merchants must look to the wife alone for payment. Got toot Await. Rattling cheap sale at the Exeter cin Store all this week. Two bun red and fifty pairs of boots and shoes go for half price per pair. Very big bargains before alternation of store. -J. W. Broderick. eseport Tour tiateSrprtsss. The only men of worth to a town or Comm ity are thosewho forget their` ends long eutougb, an, are liberal enough in their ideas to en- courage its vdawrrietnss public and p►rrivatee: enterprises. who are willing with brain and purse to push every project caleu- late41 to build up thee town aen- hence its importance. The erste rise And push of the town orircowmen ty is the foundation of its permanent sue- s. A town unssr�welepreperree for its funeral as to become indifferent to thee enterprise* sled industries in its midst. i. 0.e. Attars. Cearck. .. The Independent Order Foresters at- tended divine Wettsbip fn.the Presby torten church on Sunday afternoon last., Owing to. the ° lksagreesible weather' the atteendane aas net. so large as usual, therebeinbout qty in the procesition. After form in line at the Lodge root* tote b��ciwn marrched to the church, Wherethe Pact+ , Rev. W 11. Martina of the .eeriricee, taking for his tett Rte mains XIV' suet verse. 'orr none of us lereth to bites f, and no man dieth to li rt elr. The text was an appro. mat one in tom its't ; - Rev. n. ' ;`.an, exce1l t, ,gedis- + u> lch be brethren "lieatei* d wrltlit dead Iptia t. At the on of'thes thss Omen Wormed bulli,, wits away v to tl Ftrinita+s �. t. . , to SInstead of taking regular texts on tunday last Rev. Going in the morn- ing read The Pastoral Address, and in the evening spokeof the lessons and benefits of thee°late conference to the members of the co nnce end .the eopits- of ' Exeter. In tri course of is remarks he mentioned that the en- tertaining of the conference was a big undertaking, but it bad been well done, and with much,less friction and difficulty than. was usually the case in much larger towns. He believed the fpeople of Exeter would be well repaid or their trouble and possibly slight. unconvenience in some cases. The boys in red went into camnp at Goderich on Monday for two weeks. "F" Company is under the command- of Capt. H. T. Rance, Lieut. W J. Hearnan and and Ser.-MajoraFred Hector. The company is over thirty strong and composed of a fine lot of young men, several of whom have attended camp on previous occasions. It is under- stood that a composite regiment will be picked fr<+orn the different regiments att. Goderich to be sent to Quebec in. Aug- ust and the boys may yet have an op- portunity of witnessing the big dem- onstration at Quebec. ,Hicks' Forecasts For Julie. AReactionary Storm Period is cen- tral on the 22nd. 23rd and 24th. The Moon is at last quarter and on- the cel_r estiaal equator on the 21st, And these facts will cause decided tendency to electrical aftor s at the beginning of this per.- urni point, of au. inmer solstice is coincident with- this reactionary period. The Saturn period is still in eictive force, and the Jupiter period Will lend its de- parting influence. Hence we may reasonably look for a period of abnor- mal electrical activity, covering and next to the 21st, 22nd, 23rd 'b. ird 24th. Some of thee' grandest, m . panorit+- miec scenes of the whole year occur, as a , rule, at thee crisis of the June solstice, Afternoon and evening thunder show- ers tents r saonabl. 'fie counted ori about the 21st, fid, . ed and counted_ Haymakers, and others who Might suffer inconvenient* and loss,, will do well to watch conditions and Plan theirs Work stecordingiy, through all this solsttee perlod. We • repeat our, annusl Warning against the danger Ira taking shelter under green trete doure ing the Jet* thunder storm.. este MCet` ties etie �! eeatck'ly' Mse is t r tiny 'one who d not need linen statute andr shirt -saki dam'? I'm moult to tel" you about 'she at-�r, tractive ones that c af► be *tatted on sg cool day and 8nisihed before that) is ra change in the temperature*_says Heeler �'kel. -Loyyd i+a�' .hs ::July` ` Ilhs taarcx-' .axon, • heh, Gib.On waatlat with. half-inch tucks itott the blow, ° wtrit the open thrum', and. croft tatrustlown: s llo. And the skirts? Well, ' w; sewing for speed* I would eh s of jhe; new gore estr tla'l rias writb° sus feh'ar 444111 ml► , uu anyr avoirdupois absolute' deaataaamda t1a elk>el et ' f ne etty g batebegnn alaf d;y� telt re TAK* \ YOE* PirAlltitZ Our O' ;► ' s ate the est. 'Stytc . Fit and Finish Cth''wflentleed* heart tan button I ear a t Cen " don*is car It r� st ovate new snood e telt,, att "t ►t airiad au: k end th onte azo« If .yOtt its Ice lrr jusatist *milt role ate**. 14 ur,a tetlll y hitt tau be -1'" A t+carr d t w nude lista p of littittoisl bb to +Wet line« C t out mem the side for traihh short seats und r fermi **off Asia *it Ether It Iu at the ,.' a cit a, e It'ou tine F,,�,.RIS GREE HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER and all other GERMICIDES of • unknown quality? Your time and one has M" 'leen alru tl± s y wasted: you can'depend upon the quality, PARIS. IGREEN--Be gger's English .always -reliable.. • HELLEBORE -.Guaranteed pure end frjesh., the unopened buds of the Persian Chamomile. We pay for the best and get it and it will pay you to get the same. Costs no more than the unreliable. sS CoIe u Dispensing a Speciality. EXETER. ,ONTARIO. laic Cabbie -is douches S{ideboard , Rall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining Boom Tables - Dining Chairs and an Bedroom Furnitute Dr. A. R. Kingsman is recovering from his recent operation and the ROWE .,', ATi:SON nu e hnas been allowed to return to Leading Homo arnsere and Funeral directors: A. large brown horned owl furnishedThe Le � � 'lh,y considerable amusement to the juven- ile element and others on Main street,. it: havebeerr:captured--..-by r. Fr ! Hawkshsaw is the Commer- cial Bial House stables: How his owrlship came there eeems•to be a mystery. Now tbart the bantam season is on it is well to remind users of r this fruit t's who eat it on the streenot to th ow the peelings on the pavement.. Many a pedestrian has received a bad fall and • some have evert got broken or sprained ankles by slipping on one of these treacberoust peeling's. WE FITRiiLASSES AND SPECTACLES AND FIT THEM RIGHT PHONE NO. 32 For the next two weeks we are giving off all our White Waists. 'Every waist in the store will ,be cleared out at this sale. You cannot afford to miss this. 'ow is the time to get a good Supp r for the srnoiner at small cost, We want to "Repea " last year's .selling its we -°salt. cont every waist. -and. are > n -#g --to -dam the same this season. 1.670 Waist for 750 $2.50 Waists ►r $1.91 1.25+ 95c 1, 3.00 - 2.25 1.50 " 1.10 t ' _ 4.00 " ' 3.00 2.00 .Iu 1.50 4.50 " - 3.35 Sizes 32 to 40. 20- different styles. Parasols- id Sunshades, : This will be apt big season for them. You' will find them here in abundance In Plate or Fancy. - . - ice Fancy Parasolsfor !MOO *LW 12.00 Good Black 81.0y $2M0 $3.00 'iltar base the " 1shg loosed for H erIt Ser' l now on ourr'wont. Ra e><ie,iher le�aoom , one ,of g tbe finest ,00das :: must' as good and rustles IMO alk land iasa taking the 0larce fsalk for itettteuats andlining, . rig th u� br ae�asitl that rirree ire, eff rd to be with. left et the noxi: sly *ttF tided to,