Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-18, Page 6 (2)(1t b e 44 004144 att)ti.t .4147: C t!4:11,, yeareeSleit: a • 101W Wife, sitie4a01 n0% 414 t •teket •htinelt,,televilng the i• of•tcht IWO '15ff. , Thetragedy.. a !€-eI on. the i•eiiVF"-'•, pa *e• tlaarts'isinis'ailifeiliOiiii. the t.twn. Marehafi • fleet Met his *Ilia 1,0* he •\ woe attaelfeet• to a regiment, ot Mir( Eh S. A. etatloned in Fort Mager% boat five feats ago. Thy were married at Lewteton, N. Y., a year a They ciente, t •t Dec: 1.71h Jest to take up their abode, fdarehall getting work on the farm of his wife's braiber, ilaxnes Gray. Abate 4 week ago Marshall went back to Niagara Falls, his wife refusing to 11 tie s&yzig iltiet; ,..kV4A4t0 414,411n,p,-1,4 citi)he atotage bat vack vivtui*, (*ay I4*.$1 $ toowe 'the, tobett \Vzeiday Merning. tLng‘t 4 to tbo far4u he Sirti -•,„ CANADA. • re Viut 44) s tm/thpkt 10,,s Ok,*edtLe nttlitt',/14 "4 plitet2i0.„ PWPAiwtrtrdn luifolat 1**4 Uit numbdr, Of rshall'S father -in -1m eern- IP-gicalti $aisPeetithg that evenethlig •wes wreng he4torted towartt9 Ilia" house; 'When Within a few feetof the building he -heard four shots and on enteriog the house found Marahell lying on ,the din- ,9Lett,tthe top f 1* a Ownie Ouil kitchen dying. 'Wheri he .gat to daughter she s id, 111e killed sole, fa- ther," ond cxptreda \ She was ehot through the arm, rigi t thigh, and in the breast. WARSHIP ALMOST SANK. ' -Narrow Escape of the British Bretlerehm Irresieithle. - jasiar,404, ba• ship Irresistible had 'a. -narrow. es- cape fmrn sinking in -Portland harbor on Tuesday. The crew were engaged, ,_ testng the Kingston tioiodivg woo, which finally refused to eleses.T.Lte, ves- t01 began to Mt, rapfellyeilist airtr hciivily to starboard and it was necessary to call foi• as.sisaurie of tugs. The guns weee quickly tnaineil to the port sideSin, ender elites/ore, the latieem of thee warat as speedilyas pessibit, ander the salt- erintendeney \ Beresford, and finelly the leakage was of Admiral herd Charles ,stepped by .colasion Wats.. The veeSei has a heavy ltst, but the danger of her 'sinking has been avokk'd. ' ••••• A TOUGII AUTO TRIP. ANCIENT SHIP ON ARCTIC IBMs- Kloretilee Miner larkigs Word 01 a Strange Craft,.1T rn `, - OCII 1 imitation of a weltel•story groWeig one et the earlier days %of the Kleir4ilee gold .stranpeele, of the find- ing of the hnili,of et, elliP 10Poni the hills NOWA tin:Ant/4 circle* Is Airnish- ed,by:N. 4,11roWnoAtowe1t;known miner, jilet artived et Dawson. Brown looated the strange eraft, which'sahe ys, Is still in a fair state et prassirvertione aa ta leiaverteeklegries Chandeler River and peisSibly 200 vines front Ma Arctic circle.' Broavn says the big structure has crude doors1 and win- dows in the upper works similar to those a a ship, and bears letters or h.eroplyphics which baffle translation by those who have seen it, Ilussiane and natives Prussian Lieutenant, Ceessing Africa, Ha.s Reached Ithodeeia. A despatch from Bulwayo, Rhodesia, istlys: Lieut. Greetz, of the Prussian army, who started on Aug. 10 last to cross Africa from Dar-es-Salaam in. a epecially built automobile, teaelied erile, Rhodesia: on May 26 after a per lous passage. His route alternated wit racks'. swamps and 'torrents. He was compelled to build a track for many fon aementh tin the desert owing to his petrol beeom- Ing He had to send a na- tat L.eut. Graeles ;health is excel len t. 'MUST PAY TO FISH. New York State Will Charge Canadians, a Fee. A despatch from Albany, N. Y. says: State Forest, Fish and Game Commis - sealer Whipple on Wedneseay muiounc- et' that the Stree would exact a feafrom all ‘Canadian teshermen fishing lil New Yerk State waters along the border line. The tax will be 85 for a single red, and KM for a family rod. This action le taken as a re-ult of the Canedian Gov- ernment Imposing a similar fee upon American fishermen using Canadian Waters. Houblelaracang of C. P. 11. From Win- nipeg to Lake. - A ;l'o,patch from Winnipeg says: Ex - relic progreis has been made on tne deuhketracking operatiens et the L. 1}. R. and greeting will te finished this week. • There aro still seventy miles of steel to lay, but - UVoilicittia of The eimpany exeect to be able to open the second track some Ulm early in SClikln- Ikr A MONTREAL_OONSHINER. 'A Whitley Still "Was Pound tri the Heart ot the City. A despatch from Montreal says: en Illicit still has been found in th* faetory at L David, 'Visitation /street, this city, by intend devalue oMeers. Two hundred gellons of "rneionehine. whis- key and a still were seized. David, wa.13 arrested and will'be A ,despatch front Port Arthur says: A monument to the 'Russian dead at Port Arthur was unveiled here on Wed -nes. day. The memorial has been erected by Jaham It standat Antzcshan, in the midst of graves of more than 14,000 RrilansiiindrieeteetetheirellYeertnatheicke fence of the fortress. It has Espial) two* year to erect the monument. Detach - took part en the dedicat'on ceremorriesi The Ilussan detachment came down trent Harbin at the invention of the Japanese maitary authirires. Ties jtn- pei,r of Russla was represented by Gen- eral Gerngros, and the Emperor of Ja- pan by G.eneral Nogi. - its new eiervice between Toeonte Sudtinrye ° trick O'Leary, yareforeman. of this C.P. at Lint 04 was run ol'a e•IA killed on Thursday. • .Montreal . bricklayers , ave t :era bora union finale. The total new arrevals in Canada in April, were W,755, os compared with 44,- 051 0: April last Fear. The shortage of W. P. Fiewellinge late DePutt Surveyor -General of New Bruns- wick, nuts up to $20„000. • It is reported at Ottawa, that the Gov. eritment wilt give Manitoha more tefris Wry than wee originally intended. Special pensions wilt he issued at the 1 stance of poi. Hughes. ;M.P., the • roo_ Canada. Chief itastioe Mulolc ha written 'a let- ter to the Hellen, court interpreter at Hamilton adyLsing the formatien of some organization to, earry en a propaganoa to eliminate leniFecarrying. Gee*, t. aera. )�lry Poidtsga, 1410401* • 04 Mato .644, ntZelo NVWtt io 'Other ..fiftfiu and o ot,c,k,canei-1 011.'xit0ktitt,,4 t iun,, , eporperfalivell 7e %Oneida; 14,',,iVtirerlir ;404 )';iTie4 7tneobut still anove the, anarket e Eitiotose., Flour - Manitoba ipatent e special; bratiels, $G; seconete, $5.40; .tring hak- ere::;11in5gw .30n;owinatert $,0 W3h3ee. Petents, easier, off I I pioz.te.:,,2pc.ractically ti4114'• ;41%19';' isiMiltree ., ttsing otiioeiNe. 44042, tsioonenlixtut_swinquiry,. but none , Eluelewheat-No. 2, market pretty well cteened Up; nominally 1;00W 64e4o to 65a, • Bran-Prios begin to deeline; offered outside at $1$.50 to $19; about $20.50 trule.frre. .. Shorts -421 outeide, reetteitireeseeeereeiateweeteseereseet,iiieie, esee, COaNTRY 'PriciDuc4. Wholesale., quotatiomi wee:- Egesa-NeWelaiti, 17c 0,1730. Miley -Strained steady at Ile to 12e gaer pound for 00 -pound pails, and 120 to 13e for 5 to 10 -pound palls. Combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per dozen. Butter -The market fs stoady, but prio- o or) pot sots down to a storate_Lor ex- tje,Veloo$ „ „..,, I• - CROPS ARE FLOURISHING. Trip of C. P. IL Land Comniissioner Throuah Three Provinces. A despatch loom Winnipeg says: Ar. J. Doupe, Assistant Land Gozternioner for the C. P. R. has returned from a trip cevering elhoo4 the entire three Prov- inces, and givis It as his opinfon that he has never &eon such magnificent crops Tier the promise of such abund- ant yields.. Out in Alberta the fall wheat is up from teventY-four to thirty inches, and in some places is in the shot blade. A despatch from Lethbri ige says: The benefit to the traps from the great rain i will more than eionmensele for tiny os from high wafer. Fall whi at can now gel along withinit any mere rain till' the larvegittmeeiiii TWO 1.11'TLE putts ,;:o1ovvr4;ED. one eI1 fn,fo Michel River) and Other AthentroWen A iilespritell froni (Michel,' 13. C., saps: Two little Oise nged twiei and fotni fur yearsi, chldren ef John Latrotr, [miner% were drowned ein Tuesday mom. Mg in the Michel River, near here. Thwy. Were playing near the water, when •the younger one fell iree the raging tote. Irene The elder ore 'attempted to save her little eister, and both lost their .lives, A tiepatch" foi)nt ,Oet reye Chester Dectileiriugh, a rear' about thirty year; of ago, and well,known 15..b..10, town, was erre:ilea by Previnvial Deteeteie Meier ehorey after 2 o'dorit en Thineday often (ort co suspicien ef .heirigv.4aneerrietil an the burning ef the neetas Hole: on May 20 laet, i\shen Ulric pereme test their lives and five elhees were eieriota9ly injured. De -testy° ateler and Cleef of P lelatentitere-have- beet toriety eresii ens the eau) ever Est hi.. 4.'0;4'0 they' heap a filming esavinst. priseter. They have cs,tab:f.sLvd Q **terse and Ve,itiq eVi(ailtV that tiotte i'Vera*Mtreroaly toward Beetibeiatigh. 1,14 ettlettres alter Vitartehereneh had Win I on IVY "fist es 3 rereen twhom' tibt riot be. al -vita," 331La1L WAD, 'Of t 'Anal h3tclt bad hira Or trovol. n icdd tLat man Oursod a paasietta!e des're for ee: pamee, and was heard by F4A-erzil tor- si -es tie aesert that he eviuld: one day tet even with Mere:3 At ihe time if Ole. fa ta I,. lite ,EueLbes'eugh 'was) .otoerv., 04t-lianOng eremite \ tito ly rgtor Lh Warm IN(w c4;vc-n. ' Tito pr:s3nev of the Poaee HTili and Sliiiiir4n and rite ecitieletl. far a wee. 1fwa9 then re- m4A-edto WnaistoeI il ani wil t -ye ne J, wen -trr-util be beiught tele% fielhlteenteire foe lerelftrenaey !leering en a (tare° ef 119.e7,1„, o ,,t 111:p I:11'11,1a ID513 QL%e)t v,icn a b!ac14iniltb. ta,t, not std h 11 IL Li ter nay reenieeile seg. \ireitttied tietelfs'iiPdtev1/4'? sitioteril to Vail -ply hI tth Itrini-x., 1 but $C11.1e finiel beC, p:.4ated !in 4is Steel r-ricis are to he !educed by the U. te. t t1Giioratton. fh anti -race track gambEng bfls were ea sant /Many on iiiissiursday. .0n Thursday 10500 first -e tourists started for Europe from Ne v York. _ The ehortage ef cetfle will cause a rise in the price 9f meat izi the United Sta tea. Seven were drowned by flotels in, Montena, eix being the anembera of on John Mulls, 49 years old, was ground • to death lira rotary coal chute in Jersey 'City. Two rg(-11 areunder arrest at Pitts- burg, Pa., charged with stealingdie, nionds worth $75,000 from a Birming- ham Oran. ;New York meat packers are complain- ing because the purchasers .of meat by 45 43 Isseent. A lion walked out of an unfaseened cage at a circus In Greenwich, Conn., and was led back, mere frightened than the people around. Because niany peeple at St. Cbarle.s, Mo. wanted to see Wh a picnic parade and a hanging, William Jeffries was reprieved three and G half hour. GENERAL. A growing state of anarchy is reported from Paris, • FNe.persons were killed in a railroad wreok in Belgium on Thuraday. The Volcano Mu on Sava:I Island, one of the Samosa group, is in eruption. A t °trifled forest of two miles Is re. ported from German West Africa. - Mutat Hatid, the insurgent Moroccan Sultan, has entered Fez with.12,000 men. N ne Italian pitmans were ltillest hi a railroad • wreck in the Province of No- vara. Italy. A Social Democratic depety was sus- pended' frun the Dame for making at religion. A plot to Move up the Members of the Portuguese royal family has been discov- eied at Liston. -The ,metoopmeo4s.....4 -the Casino, ?Onto Carlo, exceeded tles year all re- enrd's by $1,000,000. It is believed that eigbly elf.rirse wore drowned in the week of the Britie,h steamer. Pow An off Lantao Island. During four days the Japaneso forties in Corea fought 26 erigagemente with eat insurgents., and tech: 2t3,000 prisoners. Emergency measures adopted Ly the Viee-regal Ceuriett in leira royale sterii 'penalties for benah crave and con- spiracies. ..!..rattleh'ver;.-77,PrtrFice-ereeesies-- :41a4-2,2ia do solids .... '19016200 Dairy Prints, cboice ... Itte 1.00 de prInts, ordinary 16o tole° do tub .... 17o te 18e Inferior 15e to leo Potatoes-PriceS of Ontarlos about 10e" KT few Dela off wo Ontario% at fo 05c in cart, • . Tel ir eo $2 for primes, and S2 qt.handipteked.. Che -Per pound, II% he 12C. Waled Straw -At $7.50 to $8.50. Bekel Hae-Tenothy is ettoted at $11 to $12 per ton in car lots on track here. PROVISIONS. IWO: titanic ' ell over 1.1* :#410.i1 19 Pe V4P- .t uIariy hojefuL. -- 'CV WOlflxi not ittoir, be epee gale* Heentinuid' Mr. WalkgA "'And perhapS it Is ,beeause we Wive not been badly enough punished that iwe de not fully realize that. The West may think Stat the 4 re,solo was caused by a erop was on y an 14ent, The &pre& salon would have witaout it; lo ithe $tates' t ey had ciedeeeps, mallow° for-eitetriteleas, arid 'their «eke Ulan befere, but ba4rivacs, twuble On- andelly than Canada hod. • "Tho retal eatiSe a depression was the tendency and ithe practice\ of people in living ahead 41 themselvei. If there is a splendid crap and Canadians have not learned their lessaa, they will stut.cuta ting theatune. widta _swath...of esiver*Pae inevitable troubtd following; 'The i eettire- try needs a -year of economy; - - "The natural result of a. good crop be that !money will be easier. Mani. cipalittes will find thernseives able to sell their bonds. SomeOof theme- Per* d6pritat rcmN30,ttykiw, ikio;; intrIfivar W.r.ticorgO'DrOnurt theAltnli efMeiltr-Ras' g14.'Mni,,t4Y,OrAle •!$ t!Coth out jeth efbililikOkilhDpla'gitiatita try. She .Gooeg, isa'd ttmt he 4i411441. .4, expect to- sPe a. otztaiptete recoMery 0• trade oonoliVons in a .rry new future* but with geed emits thea DonVniork WOUld strrey exparien,N a complete roe -, •xes, tooa "necessarily depeades pn th 5tte4egit et cur next'llarvest, and frn present ins- anktOri9 every reason to pate* pet bountiful maps. 'I eere is as nattetV money in 'Canada: to -day as ever; but 401(W se -a certain leek of present eon* fine, whci, her.vever, Will gradually dreappear. In some quarters people area asking for cbeaper inoneY, but I do no expect to see ""owor mites in Canute, 4 least for the plasma. GI the opinion that speculaticire ' tispresent'bustneas cone ditierne do notwarrant it. However, fait to see any reason for imeaelness ae eigne indiottle that there will steady end certain revery in, all et products and tnduetrieee" Perk -Short cut, $22 to $22.50 per bar- rel; Inesse118.40 to $19. 12eic. Smoked dnd Dry Salted Meats -Long ear bacon l4,tatecettre 2 • hams, medium and light, 13X0 le 14c; hams, large, lleeo to lte; backs, 160 to 163e2c; etroulders, 9hfio to 10c; rolls, 10e 10ieso; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15c; green meats, aut of pickier, le less thaa awaked. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, June 16. -Flour -Manitoba spalitg wheat patents, $6.1.0 to $6.20; • seer -ad patents, $5.50 to $5.70; winter wheat, patents, 15.25 to $5.75; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.50; , in- bap, 22 to $2.15; extra, $1.50 to $1.75. Roiled Oats -$2.75 in bags of po pounds. Oats -No, 2, 52o to 53c; No. 9, 49c to 50e; No. 4, 48c to 48%c; rejected, 463e to 47c;.ltlan1teita rejected, 48o to 48aec. Cornmeal -$1.75 to $1.85iper bag. Millfced-Ontario bran in has, $21 to $22; shorts, $2.3 to $24; Manitoba bran in bilgs, $23; shorts, $24 to $25. Butter -1s quoted at a witfeeritnge, 20c toi223Sc per rouni Eggs -Selected, 1 c; No. 1, 1630 to 17e, and NO. 2, 14o per dozen. Plour-Choice spring wheat patents, $6.10; seeonde, $5.50; winter wheat pate ients, 115e straighterollerse $4.50 $41 -,ea: • do.. tri bags, $2.12 to $2.25; extra, $1.70 to $1.00. • Provisionse-Barrele short cut mess, • $22,50; half barrels, $11.50; dear tat backs, $23; dry telt long' clear Wicket, 11e; barrels plate beef, $17,442; half bar. refs do., $9; compound lard, 8hlo to 910; pure lard, 123‘c to 13e; kettle ten - &wait, 13c to Eige. hams' • 12c to 14c, according to size;iheakfast bacon. 14e te 15e; Windster bac , 15e to 1Ge; fresh -I ed. As to the new ce anal, the schem kited atiattoliedressed hep, $3.25 to would reduce the number of locks 75 Per• cent., and though he could not say dennitol.Yhe thought the oast w.oukl ap- proximate , $25.000.000 et' $30,000,000. There Were advantagea in the new canal I.7 1iTearteat.e, saw te, mai; o' owing to the shetter diso4noea and taw - filta 14111ers at rktroit -Meet the Proiposed • Polity. • • A despatch from Detroit, Mich., says: 'the GOO millers Atom all parte of the reuntry whet are atteodifig the 601h est- ruml convention of th3 Miters' Nationel Federaeon in this city applauded lbud- ly thvtiddr0.is Ina& *before them on ' lansday by ,e,saCongressinan Wm.' C. of1hs City, in wleca he arta foie closer beide ie./tons with rinC4.1 grad an aabolitien etf this duties etweitin 'the netted States and that Wary, • • e "Fre, Ude fa a rifeie-nierei sar:d Mr. trybery,* "Ier4-Theke iit-fair trade In- ead, ant byesti actions have The Cen. 'agitate join with ug'iw free interaurse ticvfoit ilm ofAMPrIFSI in every way, parteuldily from a eernitercial poiritP itonlEm ,11010. rtiffiial Mrs. Bekile and 1%o1be1 ifouSe -Uttsband In,Cardetn. A (II& opatOlifri fantreal ,5eys: J. fl4 4..t,Lk.7,144.14-111 to lireeinzial pollee tha eot atiereay regiat te1i1i0 he eves Kitting kie greaten Sea ineskeil athletes c f4,7 -cd and :XclulirCA $3 eihileh tie Led en harail to pat througit lar„Saleie t4 to net day. Mr8, it414- via3 n tho LeXo. cklitoovast tizroai. a!kooln if slw tOisM an cut. Txo P tdkt<',7,i1P4vt..3 haVe. t• to Tekle roo the Zeno. .A deepateh from Ottawa says: A num- ber of valuable poem on subjeots re- bating to the medical professikm were given at Wednesdayi seasleinS of the Canadian (Medical Assiootatitin. Dr. C. J 0. Hastings of Tarrant*, in a paper theeimpartaneeeotemreeinak, read before the section on public health, de- clared tbet impu milk was 'primarily 30.600 children who. do!e antinallY Canada, Ile, strongly urged a more sintriellgveecrytrninsPtmieectPtaiwilitY°efanthde rniik supply be einpliasiz. ed the paramount impertatice of the proper pasteurizing of milk in all At the conclusion of the. paper a, ciimmittee was appeinted to wait on. the . anent with a view to securing . atria int re I:Cations govorninte ^ •down to $2.50 for old grease cows. There is stilea go-erdernand for stork- ers. They }ming from $3.25 to $4.50. Milk cows are hot wanted quite se much, but good ones can always de- • mand a. good price. Although there was a pretty liberal run of calves tho market was firm at 85 to $6.50-. Sheep were sfeady, -but the trade in them -Js quiet at present. There has been a scarcity of good quality lam ts this spieng, which makes a wide range in the prices. All the hogs were taken for the local trade at unchanged prices, niunely, SG, fed and watered off cars Toronto, and $5.75 f.o.b.., MAV BUILD ?TIN 'tVELLAND CANAL. Important Statelment by the Mintster in the House. , despatch from Ottawa ratys: In .the nowt a Comments on Thursday morn- ing.„13on. Mao Graham :hitima tied 'that_ it was the intentien of the Government* to procure esEmates of the cost of deepen- ing the Welland Canal to a draught of it.5 feet, .and also of the cost of an en - ((rely new canal. He had Leen told by engineers it woUld be cbtaper to build O new' tonal. In reply to Mr. Lancas- ter, Mr. Grnham said he Wa.9 prepared to say that if 3.V0 were to carry obe own trafric as well as American !rattle the 'Weiland Canal Wroukl have to be deepen- uNrrso STATES MARKETS. • hfilwaukee, June He -Wheat -Quiet; e t ok/ Northrrn. $1.07 its 11.08X; .July, sag to e ie• Ilye-No. 1, 79e. Barley 'Dull, No. 1, 57e; ,satnple, 47 to, 58c. Corn -i- No 3, 713le; July, 07Nie Wald. Afinnearolis, June 10.---Wheet-No. I hard. $1.07,;',o $1.08;;;;,No. 1 Nerthern, $1.051.1 $1.001‘; No. 2 'Northern, 1.03 lo to $14431; No. 3 Northern.. 99n $1.02M, July, *1.02;- Sept., 87,4 to lalga: Bran -In 41)tilk,$t9.75 to kVA*. Flour -I -First potent's, $5.45 to 85,06: sec. ond pattpts, $5.30 to 8145; firs $4.25 b $1.3.5; beeondr lears, kJ 65. Beff010, June Id. 4-- Wheat $pring, easy; No. INorttrern. 8I.07 carleada; Winter, steady.; No. .1 J,§Ge. •ra-CaRit, Viivor,1 No. 2 yellow, lex; N4). 2 white, We. Oats--.1.Strady; No. 2 A d wilt% ftorn waW SA white, 55 to 55,4e; Nb. 2 mixed,. 51ge.•• • Itartty-60e. 88e; No. on trio. eiene.s butting ion the nellieal, reguta. Wets Move b the Bank 1 St. lobs •, FaBore. . • * A despatch from Monttfil'l sriys: An- imeortant roove was mad in hi Bank of St. Johnyaffairs on Thursd y night d when Han. Philippefernier ilippe Roy, Prost - dent of the hank, was arresied on' & charge of making false returns to the- Goveriutent. It is alleged that, in the current toan columns of the returns tent. to the Government were found pruner, sory notes long since outlawed, and which are without any value whatever.. The arrest was made through Crown Preseeutor Hibbard, who acted under inetructions horn the Attorney-Gereral. Mr. Roy was allowed out on bail of 82,060, and %vitt be teed as soon as the - necessary, steps can be teken. • It is said that the liabilities of the bank amount to over e590,000, end the asaits to not. move than 8200,000- Mr Bey is pereonally very wealthy, be;ng the own - 43. er the St. John's waterworks 00 electric light plant, and other indult.- trireeins.lhe • - of!roviriceo Ileor was Speaker of the 1st Provinc:allieg- !stature, and ran for Mayar of Montreal laSt February, being defeated by Mr. Lows Payette. , _ . Too swtrrron MM. Mrs. Stimb--"Graciousolohnd We neve er will -get through with this house -clean-, Ing Why, you lia‘e only moved five picture; in the last fifteen minutes.',', • Mr. Stubb-"1,Vell, great Pluto, Maria, I'm. no moving fecture machine." ' best thing you eon do le to do your Cfinal frights, Vheat, 5ii te'New Ye ik; tiele4 \goVerning itturkgral'on 'was given ?,(v' 'Yollii• Ilirti) 111 ?&V ' t \ t Di. P. 11. trye .., 14;11(-ett 11/414.elical 'Ofti. ter of 'iti.is inttnigraibit Iii)artrivnt, i.e. f(t Vte Agrieultut-al Committee, on WQdrvttla:ki. Ile stat'd' that Ito Peat(st -tikater et pli3rielaiLly tijczAt e 7 cops \ fife. to.iri the ruiirury 1.4)-tV7.4 t GrcAt• Tor,olqul, Juno le., _01. to a issaasa f Irillvililta..411LTh'zIllal‘pr' ellotra'tfte. of 'azrInIt'lcuct?lin'YtodEinctigi very akteet c,:c ifet's. cv0:0 C.1) I I iteireiesa awe, in We, opiniene eh ()Kir* list. end far t ,rse front OW fa $6.4() ;.'1,z-14, cug:1 as. ilt.ei r, tele.:t 0 ,tL.41.t..e.n5, %arrant - paid. it feAv very eizoi,!•0 huteliN.s' g,74d ‘ (4.1- Mr- Iltaki L‘tri,:iT•z!e 1 that tix3 tkivc at cater SG. Goad cotto weco ratt'wr , r',1-nlillf•nt, 61R44t11,1z0V0 h rhatZoian rim 1.,'Y'lel 1) 0t, Wit" "tvii10 in str nlemzttm4, tocufd every .t.TS. el r43? ?liP t,tritlire sit In etiesise eteee ei3 high rie Fieee, ct, kis l• a'a Wetl,v`aig ac, IN 04 iJr It c3 1.1triJ gat /057, Eittty g4283 (ace. Tee reisier fii. Deere! iiireighi thet 0 tte stc3n:_itip cU'adOi le-iwdeli-tV5 Iveae weak, toe:leg ectieatira:tee tire'Nefe I .a p14,1(a., ra / to.AA N. red, 0A3 elevater; No, 2 reel, oaa Spot Loeb. afioat; Ni!, 1 northern 1)u:0W, :LW;.b f.;. aflottl; N. 2 Mr0 'ship he Itrar'-g7D11 ir tp3ill an extra mini to " act far the Gavaenanent, , Dr. 11ntyre (Stratia,ona) Wee filapTAA to tlaiq wiggcs., ' tau. ft la.-..aqtti ' ie a coS-t.4 a the 4cefor cieil6lig Cw,) 'tzro !ega.latad that', ,.vould not he snlisfaf:I., . ‘ . Queltii ned tiolt4 roped, to iirancitnit, Dr. Bryee eaie3 tiaes2 were net- eo ninny peaptl in CcIrro.13 eufferinei,„ feint that treearee os; Wee; teriii,esel. la Ibla re. sped; qhyre tz14 bera a ovat Zmprqvt'. nwnt itt r,,--64ttt, 21i C,)r.., . AfV. hiftnlii Su OA .4 -tat N-o-ta'gi;zints zti, ;z11,41' tally .tiaolx-c•I',5_1.4.o tty t€1 fa';,,r,on. adra. Dr. 131 -yo -.3 cnii te 1331 E- 115`444.4 that pirtz..o cf th,..-_, fp:tat:fn. „Ho ttix cpinEicit tc'4a TrAY,:iiLl t'62:4,1;-'41 ilf, Olive.. _t u!11 lk dizp tn itat nititv01Vn then 'si, AS 41 at . at prczeire4 at ,ftio ./e2.etia' ef ttavit. *