Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-18, Page 4 (2)OVPi.14e
guilt floron oc
cf.;0,51 Zt4b1C) 11.f0W14,kg 113fi loCt"
r(tin Sonth 4 eQ,n, that' tbo
4-0,as 00t ,p44 the
PrintPilZeturAit41' OtIleer4
g-I/uOtha itte;0, for tide*. ;MeImati-Aor-
ify;c.letiO0o: Mr. A.Oritragg,
vatked 44410 J1j':j fVeitiamen*
71A t., , ."f lapwing:
one; 'ef, bleb is repo lir .tli
t 4,
, ,7,,x004-00
• N
turwbg # * atevd,Ont. Ten e
be gov ,rumettt far tne expel** in
011eet ,on With% tha breleetiOn beld
. South aurae on, f " 0
„. If the
amounts, what da
Hon. W. 13. FIEL
Finence), Jens
9OOUflt$. *1,0*81
wo$, $1
titled• there
letttlens the, . 4c
i e ,
.41,1400c1 Ate" is 'Wet bur*
racing. but after ail i Prr
Dotleted race meet la no arm di
nliunianu,Vfligninate thP bettipg a
pii have:,p4uyal *port f horse an
. , . , .
mare i
41. IS 41.
LtaYIng en mor
soirtse ktrtite eIar
intty, t4lt too xccpt
Otn4. *WOO
er4lty 41I itkn
fats 'int Ii4Ourlar$0,e$ "
.cSeStheWgta*,ik'i.' •
Ave, .t,fret'
it •
*liven, 10 .004.
ot eteh thefeneetteti
the:edilbint*lields are
ize-ithoee,temetetiete that
t' kept True there
ire kept in • order &tit)
11 la
0 4
. 4
totbe Returni 001.
these accounts
piiI to the persons en-
t3ragains N
I 1
About MOO volunteer* are
at GO Web.
It is said that Mrs Torraueo
' Pettil nulY give Place to Wu.
irti 4r .1
nota shame and
Who UV* friends
t they *Raw
sr run with
*11, that in
ape alnioet
Is it not about
s s no onil*Tbiirthlt 'the d -
sr would
y were
their dead Whitt I am.eure
lik others to do foe ttestai
tist, ',Exeter e r
but Whet.abautthe 000g eboye?
I think it I* namoast.•Ittriee, and the
one on the Mitchell road near
Ran -
nock, and the old_ Otbodist cemetery
at Kirktorte *net ete teed& ,,,7,313exe;
if e
0 t o have these
saored 0 W re so many lov.
here .0 many tiara
bav..ben shed, andi.Vellere such truly
mournful scenes have been witneseed,
tth renovated and *dotted, and do not
lon let them an more be sue n
yaUve'j '9t
wondering w . But
Hone* GI•Atdrokrioan
triton unholy alliance Of Minor SOU
aThe Methodist eonfirence in eettilon
at Toronto after, ennsiderable discus-
sion passed a resolution critising Earl
'Grey, the, governor general, for at-
tending the Toronto and Montreal
races. •
Hon. Sydney Fisher's amendment
to the Inspection and Sale Act has
been passed at Ottawa. Mr. Fisher
'redueed the penalties for an infraction
.ofthe Fruit Marks Act. For the first
offence the penalty is not to exceed
„t)25.. for the second offence $50 and for
a third offence $200,
Taking Ontario and Quebec together,
'and judging from the results of these
provincial elections, Mr. Borden should
have in the next parliament a major-
ity- of 25 or 30 in these two provinces.
A:Mowing dui. defeat, of th
Brunswick_ Liberal-Governn2ent-in
campaign managed on the Govern-
ment side by Mr. Pugsley, these elect-
ions prove that the days of the Laurier
Administration are nun3bered. ,
„ .
When the fight was over, Sir Wil-
frid'a colleitoes gathered in with the
unhappy news that Whitney's Oonser-
ratite majority was increased from, 42
to'08, while the Liberal Government
at Quebec had its majority reduced
from 00 to 3% Mr. Graham "regrets
to report" majority of 500 against
hlin at home in BrockVille. Likewise
both Brants have gone agitinst • Air.
Patterson, and the three zork ridings
against Mr. Ayleswortb. and Sit Rich-
artt'S Cartwright'S old home of Kings-
- ton bas gone over to •the ,Conserva-
The Ts4egram sums up the crop sit-
uation of the Dominion as ft,liorrs:
'Ooosi crops in Ontario for 1908 /yea n
an increase over 1907 of 55,0000,000
bushels of grain, and L585,521 tons of
hay. In money this means an in-
crease of $8%000,000 fel, grails /Ana $20,-
000,000 for hay. In 1900 Ontario's
crop was worth $250,000,000. .In 1907'
Ontario farmers Inst $80.000,000 ,on
their crops. This year, if the crops
are goad. Ontario's crop will wipe out
last year's loss and allow the Wow
to put something, in the bank. 4Banks.
other oiliciat institutions aud the Gov-
erninent,•have the most promising re -
porta from all-over Ontario, and every-
thing, is in line for a bumper herVest.
Because of the abundance of feed". the
battlers are already operating on the
morie3r they are making from dairying.
In 1907, with ' an increase of ' 300,000
acres under cultivation harvests were
tal Poor in Ontario that t he net de-
crease in bushels was 30,825,470. If
the harvest averages as ,good as in
1906 on the present acreage tale „a the
Increase over IOW K
will be 000,000
butthels. 'Ana if the eons are. as va1.
uttble only as .the trap* -tItf
loot they will be worth szo,000.000.
• ,
Therecare four,verses. Verael.
Ayers Hair Vigor stops filitni
h2lr. Verse 2. Ayer's Hitir
Vigor nukes the hair grow.
Verse 3. Ayees Hair Vigor
cures Verse,A.
Ayer' s& Hair Vigor b
bcittp Ikalthyt and keeps' it
I: is a regular hair -food; this,
is the real secret of its won-,
derfut _success.,
rokt2siet Watt *
*OA for chrer
.+4 '
stianityand -dise-r6di t�theneighlterhoo4 in which they are Ion t-
ed.- •-Trueting-thaver notthkeirup-
much of your •valu*ble time and space,
I remain
rours truly,
Ily. Hilbert, M.P.P. and. Ohas, Zwick.
er were in Toronto Tuesday ou bum -
nese. —Quite number attended the
Methodist Sunday School Picnic at
Grand Bend last Friday. The vreath-
er was fine and all enjoyed themselves
very-much.—Rapid progress is being
made with., the cement ' walks., The
n3en are now working op the street.
runningaiotith. There is some talk of
placing the sidewalks running north,
outside of the rote of trees. If, the
different property owners wilt keep a
little lawn sown along the walks, it
will give the street a very neat ftp -ar.
cirwederv Mra, Christisii Trick -an.
Miss Mary Wolf and. little Gladys left
last Sunday forDetroit on a visit with
relatives.—Mrs, Harry Rapley and
daughter, who have been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. W. Lewis for, tame time.
left for Finlay, Ohio, on Tuesday.—
Ezra is the proud father of . a
bouncing baby boy. Congratulations!
--Several of our citizens attended the
Doyle -McCarty wedding in Mount
Carmel on Tuesday.—John Young has
repainted his fence in front of his pre-
nses thereby adding greatly to its
appearance. -,-Miss Maud Davis of Ex-
eter was the guest of Mrs. Eli Lawson
Sunday.--Mre. Thos. Heywood of
Eliniville is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Jos. Metz. —Thos. Lawson of Detroit
is visiting his brother, Fri-
day evening a game of base ball was
played here between Allie Craig and
our Stars. A 7 inning game was play.
td and resulted in our boys winning
by a score of 5 to 4,--Theinas Kluinpp
is cutting wood with bis traction en-
gine in the village. It's away ahead
of the tild buckaaw.—Mr. McLeod and
Miss Clara Koehler of Zurich were the
guests of Miss Clara Kienzle 'on Sun-
day.—Our school Trustees have receiv-
ed a fine Union Jack from the:Govern-
merit. They intend,purchising a flag-
olea.nd will have thet_ag_hoisted on
o ay's and such other days as now
be necessary.
DEATH.—Death again visited our
midst on Saturday mght•and removed
Lis young man siql_ 25 yeer', in the
person of Arthur Beerbert Bet" -ben
of -Mr. and Mra. Joeeph Banes, The
deceased has been ill for some time.
His remains Were interred in the FAO -
field eetnetery on Titeaday, the Rev
Andtews 'officiatinfr. The sytnpath
of the community is extended. to the
bereaved family.
• The annual festered ottheVethodis
- plicit will be held on the
25th of June.—The annusl Lawn So-
cial and Strawberry Festiesd. of St.
janlee church will, be held Toeeda
June 23rd, on the lawn of Mr. Geo
G. Cater. An 'excellent program is
ing prepitted and a good time milky
expected. -11r. and Mrs. F. E. Ke*.
le "pent Sunday in the village. --411r.
and Mr*. Munte of /Merton w
uests' St Mr. Latiiportis lettuday.--
ee. Chria Biimpson has returne4. to:
van. stecompaniedbyhisititter. Mitee/
um. who intend* reinaining for ei
conp1 ,Oftitoteths.e-Austin Bite
a. few dityleof bat Week in Ditto t4
iincl lir& Cenning Woe return
ed home.—EritaiBiee lein town no
e-Arthie Routlege visked refends he *
this seeek,—Mr., Jeeeph Ilargey wat
In Detroit this week,.4Werd floeIgi
has his rtew barn just` totriplettd
he framers have g4've _workat
Vatter Hodgine*.-ellev. Ebner /I
ft:11S And wife Of E huontou, Alta ar
isitit*friende /Oa vieiulty.
nr Atki0,00 laputting att
thin ta his liatiea.3134itimprovin
*ppeiiiinee *rd convenience. gar
&nit h'atid 04!rneltIsaac retUrited Mon.
licm visit to Detreit.----Jasr. Cat -
a At tended the *lading of his tor it-
Cutiningloatt6 in ?gelid -
ic'edrewlaYte--Mt*, 3.11. Oerden
visiting Her daughter., Mrs - 4. H.
;l..sge rozoinest Wes. Colbert is
rattiug fontidatliaarlowe Nis Nr1)*
: .1 •
• 1
ipg o the specid
people on
Rev. Btstt4 13 a
at Zion
ed here,
ttowoZioturtte' t..1),,rui'"'or04'444t1:8,41ilt
adiug, event 'don !suet *Ltttt on basun
* .Mu
the villa
iversarytaer. zkykl.of
, ge. laraCaser
pent 4totiday I
,L 01
or 2:14.4 eterveltit,s i her pa
in and,
pr#aehi *VOW. rid
0$' Ile Will ast address_tbe iT-
the, alterneon with the Itev. Fair -
n Ttleada'y :there wfl 00,.astrawberty7
14'14'.otufeir-o: tnusiP,t' .4
, , .
Otleit ,iiigeor,
qfctiOx„i *Of in,
afoot '4141,4th
itt MO .xt
1 -
a'0 v Kt; ,. .„1114-
,t.t. .: .
0 I ".#110°' of
,er 4#,,,;
CarrhY his :retitrnk at ,
101V:thepastrear in New Ontario an
the$erth Welt. , '
Mr.CannitlE,. who has been working
ith Wm. Fz,1t as hostler.htts ret_urn-
to When* ClentlebOTee-qtrsi
aria GUI ardyed home front British
Columbia last u and
Mre. laws hstosed of Loudon are
visaing at Robert,Haralltott's.—Nel-
eon needle and wife at "Tort
leitStuxter,-=Z-11enetre visittel at
Port Huron Fridity.—Ii; Revell. Was
In Pothili Saturday on on ' sinew—
rt .Senders and 0.11. era of
et- weriifidlitalei7 'burg
Thursday.—eramei Truanleft-Wednete
day for his home in Port Stanley.
Reuben Stebbens is happy' Over t,Itet
arrival of a *ctn.—Mrs; Maurke Bren.
ner has gone to London Hospital to
Exeter came out for a dies sport on
Friday and nearly claimed „out /the
lake. --The cottages are now rapitil
filling and by the end of the mont
our Reputation will be largely increas-
ed.—Picnics from outlying places. ro-
of almostalsily_nocurence. ,
workers el this place drove. over to
Zurich on Tuesday evening and took
part in the meeting in connection with
Alliance work in that place. They re-
port a. pleasant tinze..--The, anima
Civic tioliday rill be held on Friday,
theta!), 10340 2111 connection with the
Public School Mcrae. A stood Pro-
gram has been prepared and if the day
is favorable a good done Mar be es-
peeted.—Mr. Kellerman is busy build-
ing a kitchen to • his dwelling.—Miss
Entine Calffas, who has been, working
in London for some time, returned
home 011 Saturday evening.—Mr. E.
M. Brokenshire visited friends at Ore-
diton East on Sunday.—Mr. land Mks.
udrew ¥uaser of '
Moyer and dangliter,i' li
,erl.eirr;otitt,04ffo.a,iineteikI:0; !o., Zettt‘htzie,s4,:ge:
4910'. W. ' tiitherti
1lag on
4,. . few..., • , ,
. itiiiat',,;
re ilOwn4'0,‘,14
W.:friend* in the Village
--40eilEhlti,WhO has het
rsonte time, return
.._,ere r
are vititi
iftss ,
MARAUD'S A very_ pleasant event
took piece at the residenoe of -Mr. and
Mrs. Gottfried Maim on TueedaY,
Ju. 9, at o'clock Ile_ the .afterno011,
when theiryottngeot daughter, Selina.
,beettase 'the Wide of Wililant T. 11
demon, a pmetpoottsyou,
palnter, of Chithm. WbBe tbe w,
i moron was -being Plorod by
Ella -Henderson. oetteitecti the
Mai death o,cai
31cKiliap op Thursday eveuin
‚a Wsrden. *loved daughte
andeury Warden., Deeea
washut. eyeu year e end eight moot
oid eod tbeIrmpatLy of * very Witi
circle of friends end I re3thes, s e
tended to the bereaved.
the Eremite* lekplatetteitetlie perior
beneath- 01. beautiful arch of evergreens
and - waisted by. the bride'sb r, Nediger, the bride follow.
. • °,° •
et v 4)w hi ki 141k7,14°trilirmaln°tedWarlhitthe
sinftwore a bridal veil
ht U with of the valley,
and cot ed beautiful ',bouquet of
*KO earnattotue and nutiden 141
ferns. The brides w
" 4..•
of qt
n; and carrk
the dining-rocim, wb
11 4
repot was_provided by and
hostess. The following Thessalty be
happyscouple left for their hurtle in
Chatham, where the,' willre#046, Th
ceremony was pertortned by Re
Tune of Dathwood, in the pretence of
a large numberof guests from ..Lon.
don, Mount Olemens„ Mich., Kalama-
zoo, Ingersoll.. Thortulale, Evelyn,
Clinton and many other places. The
splendid array of presents, both beau -
Ufa' and costlY, testified to the high
esteem in which the young couple are
held. After4ea the reMainder of the
evening was spent in music and danc-
Now is the thne to &sr your Wash
t 1 4
our stock complete in all line* of Minding*
fancy striped. Also Dimities, Linen, Dress
We are offering special value in La-
dies' White Wear of an kinds. Under-
skirts. Gowns, Corset Covers, Ladies'
Vesta, Dra.were, White Waists, Bette.
&e.. &e.
A full range of Black White and
Tan Hosiery. Call early and secure
kolir white and tau hose as they are in
great demand and likely to be scarce
later 00 -10 the season.
Special ba.rgeins in Sateen Prints
while they last. Regular 200 and 25e
the yard for 100 yard.
A nice range of Long Gloves in blank
and white' in Silk, Lisle Thread and
'Lace, from 25e a pair upwards.
MILLINERY All the latest style* in Footwear in
Don't forget that we have a first- Patent Leather, Tans. Chocolate+,
class MiIHner in connection with our Blucher Outs and Oxfords. Renton.
store in the person of Miss Kerr. who ber that these are not the cheap kind
is capable of satisfying you in all your that will not wear, but these shoes are
requtrements in her -lines Our Millin. the good kind at cheap prices and
ery stock Mali new and up-to-date in guaranteed to wear. Our price* are
all the latest styles. Prices that will lower than theslotrest.
snit you.
Vita -have just opened out a jot, of
new Floor Rugs in all patterns and
sizes in the verylatest designs and
colorings. Do not fail to see those
rugs before making your selections. A
full range of Carpets at low -pricer. —
s for Summer. You will find
Gingham* in plain, checked and
ucks, etc. Prices as low as the,
' Our stodris now complete in Men's
Stiff Hats,. We have the new smart
shapes for Men, young -men and smart
boys. Also a full range of Fedora
Hats. Fancy Shirts, Collars, Ties,
Fancy Vests. Braces, and everything
to make you look neat and stnart. AU
the latest.
Do not fail to see, ottelarge range of
new Summer Sititings in all styles and
natters in Browns, Orem Navy. Black,
etc., at low prices.
gomplete line of Spade*, Shovels.
:Forks. Rope, Paints. 'Varnishes, Oils
,oe alt kind.s. Naile, Glasa,1 Coil Spring
Wire, Barb Wire, ale& Ideal Wire
Fencing. 'Pride as low as the loVirest..
Just to Null the finest line of Toilet A full line of Fresh , Groceries con.
Setts, Dinner Set Water Sett*, ever straitly on hand. Matches, regular
shown in Dash*, $ and et prices that 15e for 10e. Prunes, 3 lb: packages for
will snit you. • We purchased • a large 200. Salmon, 2 for 230.- Corn and
line of those goods, at a special price Peat,. 3 eatet for 23e. 2 Image bottles
and we are giving 'you the benefit of Catsup 25e. - Seeded Raisins 10c pkg.
the same. Call early. Our prices are right, Q
Call and take a loek through:our stoik before purchasing. •
Market Prices for-I—arra Produce
TragAlq •SV toxGnorrEttii
Corner Store, DOBAI/WI)
0 Farmers�ank. of
IncorporaiedtylfrOCIai Act of 'Perna t
tSOCilh61:ATION and the
IV: It, TILWERSi.General. Manager. •
brancl, otlibio,Bioicha *on opud in Dash dad, and *
genetal bermiter insittese *Ill Ise transanteLl kit thie ithineb.
Interest allowed in the Oiavings Iltok on ONE DOLLAR
and drivrtirila at the highest ihitrent rates and paid 4 tinisau year.
Special privilegea extended to accinints of Townshippjarin,
ors and other*. r -
-IroornierefraTelTotes disemmted.
Do your banking business at home and
kesi),your account in the Farmer Bank
of •
Ai A
Comaterad Sub „
raw Pilmaa'sElsertImatt,
T , aad
ItillrOM °iteratin
uj Yousterenteeg.
Unit delextateatiabs the heads of experienced
lallartletcra. We amiet Modesto tar Politica& Out
agree gagoli masted, for our coureee are thil
get Otti tit* enoloitt,4 wawa" leant more about
- •
3flct ror
.., -Move ms,,s4ce
AT ST. 1.605 =KM
\ 1904.
y modal foe At. kt CAWS.
• (1toorporated by Act of Parllameat laff) °
Raul Office. Montreal
Capital Paid Up $3,370,1100
Reserve Fund
000;0 -
OFFICE mugs ies. Ea. tas p. EATUADAYS. 10 a. to I a. fa.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interestailowed
ving Bank Department:!atz=moduyetertetztticritriarntr
uppeotiotsvi 10,1 *swards near .
• Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DIMON & CARLIN% 801/040111. • IT N, manner,
a* Wasi/surplittatt• at how thei
sato_ a I took your Ere
atirratOD TazaraiLvr for s senotes bleed.
ASO with WW1 I bad been inflicted
twelve ream I bad cOnsuited *score
'detains. taken *11 kinds 'of blood
rnedzne, visited Hot Springs and other
mineral w)ster resorts, tot only got tern -
relief. They woukl help me for a
11 after discontinuing the medi-
Ines the symptoms would break out
ataid--runnIng sores, blotches, theurs-
and Pain"; lotieenesa of the hair. swellings
et the glandtt, palms of the handsscaling,
sot)* iittiermitor ItehitteatOt the Ming dyspeptic stomach. Arm" TREstrittrr
etc., I had given up in despair when, a
friend advised me to epesuit you, akyou bad cured him of a siruliar disease S. years ago.
lb*/ vio locPe, laittoostsniovitek. in three weeks' time the *tares commenced to heal
and I became encouraged, I continued the New Ammon Taralircirr tor four months an
at the end of that time everyasymptom had disappeared. / nits cured 7 years ago and vo
signs of any disease since. My boy, three years old„ s &mud and healthy. I certainly
can ree0Mmend year treatment with. all my heart You 01,34refer anyVertion to we
privately. but you can use tids testimonial as you wish."t W. H. S.
soknoa awl Woo**
Brenta Are yea* victim? Useyou lost hope! An you intending. to marry? Has
m.nueitt your blood been d Have you any Wrakneaa! Our Ns* Arrant)
111t*ATIWIL2rr WiU eUre you. Virhat It bas done for others it will do for you. Coaspariairm
Er... No *batter who has treaveld_strts,, write for an honest 'opinion Prose of Chlirelt$
ChargeSrestionttbfr, Reeks Pree—t7betiolden Monitor."' tillustrated, On DleeseeSOCRett.,
ffortfASIES 'Ow watipuT manor corisocr. ematuo# imotamits#4,
iiiiiteataast et Haw Trattaioat ERE&
OUR is7Bytt STOCK Or
Watches,Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc.;
We have uwioubthdly the finest iines.
gosihat lave ever 14beert-shown in tb
dlatri�t.4, Wo can suit you in quality, an
parsons, btiftle bi
iing. We are read
r n
AP Stet
.rt• ^