Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-11, Page 7 (2)'6,,6n7P „ Anotlier Moder Paralysis Infieror Paral boom lisi$ 1140 oll f , milieu *but t� Paraliaeett • (rpm waist 'ati the !t, t4 bo ohalple%s , cripple. lotallY ‘depeivektit tariaon what.; •*there do for you, ts eendillen as wretched es man wad titellily. bear. Seale was the iitate of Mr. A.lian J. elei. Donald, of Rica Rona P.E.1. Foe over a year he was a helpless invalid. tie woe paralyzed from hal waist to his ---eiaie-oftieteeradeietetnineeseanatial , 't1 tho best doctors in Prin- co Edward Island were unabie to help lith and he seemed deemed to a hie o1 misery and dpaira But hopo came to him when he read of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pille had done for ether sufferers from partaysisi Ile procared a supply ta' tho. Pills and began ting them. . Gradual& they broke the chains of dis- ease that bound Min, and filled his wbole lexly with new blood, lifeaand vigor. Mr. McDonald says: --ti am • farmer and in eonsequene 4 4.671.1P4L4a.- ffig One Wiranbtiiif tnjwed my back, but at the time I paid little at,. tant'on to Me injury and continued rny Werk. As time went ott, though, the pain became more severe anil I coon found myself utoble to 1111 any- thing ea matter how hind. It was riot long before I had to stop work al- -, together and consult a doctor. He Pg 414 24:4.4=111s6=.: , Itracte trianently Cured Toot—Enouoil In Flute or Willi= tiro Yonote4 for , lavelir ti Chaig.0 in Ow.1 wae antelieget. eu elf lied and craw t aleingitho itenrio liaralinand kiron .; Gredtially •my m beeeme stoma le "'Socontil.walk with the, aid f a. cane end inside t nine inentits, utter I bad. /*gun -the u.se of the Pills I wit” Wally cured, and ence more a/Ai to do light Work. Noav 1 ern as etrong as ever / was and can Jo my work about the farm without Itallamst466.ca412264.16b.4116. 34. 4 for, beeeadee. my own case, I know of two other ewes of paralysis cured by them. Two young girls who had teen erippies and whom 1 advised to try the MIKA , In corroboration of what Mr. Mc- Donald' says, the .Rev. Maclaren Charlottetown, P. 'E. I., errites:-"I vis- ited Ma. McDonald many times during his illness.He was attended:.b t *Or more decruareneei ere • ' aeitaittryt n iinaginable lilZh might be of benefit was done for hini without sucierssi He haa lost all lower of his body from his waist down, and 1 think he was neariy Year un der treatment before he begen to use Dr Williams' Pink Pills. 1 was with 'him the, day he first moved his big too and from that time on he' gradually tame:wed and for the llist few years he has been . perfectly well. I can V ouch for the cure Dr. William Pink If yk,u are 5;1=trsitic*7nd tiheireaknent are • tieW ideas eietibrilp give Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills a fair trial. They have cured thou -seeds af- ter doctors arid 'other medical treat - merit had hopelessly failed. These Pills actually moke new, rich, red blood, feed the starved nerves anct bring health end strength to every part of the body. Th1.9 is why Dr. Wia liams'' Pink Pills cuge such apparently hopetes.s cases as Me. McDonald's, and .11, is why they have cured thousands and thousands of sick, discouraged people in every part of' the World. So by altierne e dettlemeir by mall - 50 cents a box Or six boxee for 82.53 Teem The Drs Medidine Co., Brockville, Ont. • 4 4.4 •r,•• aten -bap- me and I rapidly grata -Worse. 1 —Itad-40-itakeetoim7 teed; and 'in the 'hope that. my 'spine might receive strength I was encased in plasternt parts east. This did not help me and 1 could feel the paralysis &lowly creep- ing over me till I wos totally paralys- ed from my waist to my feet. I lost all contr,ot over my bowels anti blad- der and my legs hrid no more feeling than ri they *ere made of wow. Three otlwr doctors strived to cune me, but their- treatme t also was a failure, ono • for- over eleven month o lay in bed unable to move. Dr. Williams' Pink Tills awero tben L advised and- I- was - •shown testimonials of others who had, been cured of paralysis through them.' 1 nougat a supply and in less than FROWERIN'S GREEN -ISLE vors_ty_mmw-niom-LRELANws- suom341. _ .. • happenings In the Emerald '11X1ti oI Interest to IriSh, men,. 6 A furniture store on the preznlse& of Peter Carrigan. Castleblayney, was gutt- • ed by neg. , A farm et Seafin, near Newry, contain- fnsix acres, held at a rental of $11.00, Was sold for 8500. Robert McBrien, aged 76, who had lived alone at Ardees, Caourity Ferman- . sigh, was found 'dead in his house. , .An inmate of the Belfast Union narned 'Bernard Maguire was choked tei 'death ., by a piece of meat while at dinner. Miss Alien Rice, postmistress Of Bur - yin, Co. Clare, has been promoted te be. • postmistress at Kinvara, County Galway. Michael Lee, of KlIgariff, Co. Galway, WILS struck by •the shaft of a cart, broak- int: his neck and killing him instantly. A new pipe organ, the gift of the late Mr- Sainuel Crosale, of Bangor, 'costing E3.000 lais been erected in the First Ban- gor church. . As a ' middle-aged man mama John 'Devlin, of Kilsbnan. Cookstown, tvaS on • Ills way to MOSS, he fell dead on tho road from heart diseaee. A badge of the Ckines Yeomen Cave airy, which existed at the end of the 1.8th century, Ives plooglied up IA a field a • Liseggerton, c4. Monaghan. 11 was learnild -that three eows found dead in a field in laing's county bad been - poisoned by eating leaves from palm trees, blown down near there. .A mountain ewe, the property of Min- as Scallan. of Hanish, County Tyiene. gave birth to five- lambs; 'All Ole little earth -rugs are' Hying and doing well. 'eines Costello, town postman, Cane reek-on-ihannotio.liaoiluta complekd his 'nerdy -fifth year of service, and has re- olved the fifth.4stripe, denoting his long end faithful service. - - i By a fire which was first -dimovered by the baalcirig of a dog, all the out. • bouses of Jos. Atka, a farmer., of Quig- • kv's Point, ,County Derry, were totally destroyed by fire'recently. In Ready Co. Armagh,, a cow being driven through the street suddenly, bolt - td, :rind. °entering the shop of a Marital*, ten tireliiiro and made HS way Into the &snip iflem, from MINI ,II was finally .1.GI &cm late hvaes 41a9ter of ' the CC-LIc t•• kali:epees National sehool. rantY, Deren. was made (het reeipient a VW purse ef,sovereigns and regalia ago c‘lf al address, on the occasion of his re- tirement from the position. A Magnificent limestone *raiment, in 4be form of a, Celtic cross si.1 to be erect - 1 -4o -the iinernoey-ofeiteNii—Jameso . •Flynn, C.C. whose early ittld lainenled death ha' Jiilyie 1006, caused widespread grief in Co,. Colway. -According to the last -census, the pop. ulation of Dungannon was 3,691 persons; Cookstown, 8,500; Omagh, 4,789; Stra- • bane , 5433. The statute area of Tyrone 778,043 acres, and the popnlation in 1001 was itated to be 150,567. The $500 in bank notes whichdisap- peared mysteriously born the &dingle- derreen postoffice soma months ago has •biten found ,by the postmistress. The „missing notes were jammed between the _drawer and the back of the safe. A presentation of a silver medal and illuminated address was made recently lc 'William D. Wall by his friends in Newry itt recognition of his splendid work °sliced master of the Newry Model school. from which he retired after 38 yr ars' service. "THE NEW FOOD" Have you.. tried a package of "Tale NEW FOOD ? 11 13 made of the Choic- est Whiie Wheat, then sterim-catikedand flake!. No kitchen can produce a, bet- ter made or cleaner article for human Co.nelemptien. In order to iptivolude "TOE NEW FOOD" e a prize has been placed in every paci. age. Already THIIITY.SIX Blue Cards ifor EAMES! C001.0 WAT01,14S, -hate bcen I redeemed, and SEVENTY - FMB Iled Cards. Eaeh ODA of theses tante has been found in a package of "NEW FOOD." , The lied Cards gve • the finder the caolee of the frillew.ng artnies: ' Boys" Niel*, Watch. "Our Mica" G�tt Nb Fountain Pen. Batman Cover, Ducte,sa Pattern, Four Pieces. , mask - Table Cont One Yard Squat*, Dee Belay Ring, Pd Gold. S:deboard Covera, To Yards Longa Linea. en Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling Sliver Top. - Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated, &VOSS Veit Make.• ' fs1,..ele Chitlins, 14k GA/titled, Place foe' I It/rates, ,Laditia Bek COrniek T40401110 Shell, SO With Brillarner,-- , S'gnet Irn14 10it -66144, Vivo tee rWitt * '• A.:fatty' /et of otios, have betri, :placed in. the paekeges. • WILSOlt S (.4 1 Ask anew wirer for a oteckage of 'YOB NEW FOOD.ar ItOrost Corporation recently pretented ,`F.arli of 8101cf,bury with the tree&rri • tht the city,. in a 1Vdol casket, in wow. , tit). I h 01 hit eltal • Ar oth efiTL Ire ag ktii'WC thrt n of his sort/lees ee Load Maybe. 'kis McCaffrey, Irish lace rinstructr-og Temps, while cycling down a steep W3 s seriously Injured by the ma. no dashing into a stene trhige. n consequence ot the strike at the IfIns mines, the peop/e of Carrick and er towns in Leitritri are getting large signments of mai from other parts of land. •1' he empleves, at. titurPhY &Sttsvn. '8 weaving fader% tiromort, CO. 1/014 have' struck tit rk as a protest alitst the system or fin. About rice* ttrei Inverted, Villisto Pettey,* stetiOneo,„ for Mi. Ite, disposed of a brat et *bout *1 11 *CPA neer Borrlsoteleh by publ the WO ofsa,00 and 1 SACRIFICE 4a,aait E1flL%Ni.g. eb,Yeat Ot-ea italt.ifeens eitilib;ory-ist licraitairt to lioattlea. i°e agar rci 00004 to Lordat Lods. the ivoAloll naliket Cho word. that city u' e' 600 tifril! 0 iviot-7* wbb isl4=191 the zs,aerdloo 43 4P.000. .does n,et„ swan, that that nopter. aniznOs, was 1,444,1, • Pelare,; top - ivory tas.-for" thf,3,-.snw4Te °,4ins.013,10„ pf '4**,0 hu.re of esit@IC Win 'te1.4:4:4- 51!11 44-'' eite ve , 2 tar ' "dilalit4a eteitillit.e, kr.g.tto 1, a- lta;44,419-rttlilliltioirfl',,J.I'lleXi14-t-ties D. f.4 :Presatt t1: J,( &ION LI1, 'eStintate.4„ Treory ti,^olth 474000, kt, OlIKtI1101414e• wells4,drisTon,-,61 aai., "at" • t)f: 4145 Mot. of the iveral's supply of Wog comes 'trim ietrica, with ismall qoanti- tes foam Ceylon crii 1dL. Taut from Africa. however, is the most valuable on Recount et its SiZe and ,gRatty, oltetelisitroiRtftili "s.,%, • r a d brought $1,530. Th a reiord weight fot a tui (3 180 pow -4s. THE ELDER SISTER. There Ls no character In the home Or' - ch more useittl and, beautiful than a devoted eidee ssailaxisier taho 4rltih iguatids areninebya , alt tier cares and- burdeas. How beau- tiful the household maciainery roves on with et:eh efficient helot Now ehe pre. skits taa the teible in her mothers aa - &lance, always so neatly attated that it Ls wail patio the father inteoduees tee to his guest as "our oldest datbghter." Now shit takes a, Little troop into the gardea with ber and eimuses them, so mother may not be ersturbed in her work or her rest. Now ishe helps *the l\y5 with Iteir' hard ssons or treads restaltis-4ir ytitirnuiT7 arw :ariVerre-w pays' niereattineene payee loemei out any ,'anxiatie fOri-IfiliirY wii-gild& her house wisely and happily in her ab - smote But in ibe e-ck room her pries,. enee Is an especial blessing./ Her hand is next tmother's 43 moth's own in' gentleness and sk 11. Her sweet Music ciati charm any pain, anti ,brighten, the weariest hours. There eke elder sisters whoa° presence is net such a blessing in.the home. Their own selfish ends and aims are the main pursuits in life, and any- thing that stand's in the way of these Is regarded with great impati . Such daughtersare no comfort 14.3, a nathers kart. kind ot an 0 are,you in the household? 44 4. SpID ALS FOR ALL CHILDREN Disease attacks tho little ones. through the digestive organs. taleyeo Clwa Tablets are the best thing in. the %weld for all stomach and towel trou- bles of children. They act quickly anu are. 1eeeia4a. tra---11'11"0.Lgittaf; tuk Tablets can be crushed to a. powder or dssolved in water. Mrs. Wm. F. Cay, St. Eleariols, P. E. I., says: -"I know of nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets kr the cure of stomath and bowel trotrales. 1 cannot speak leo highly of thia nualicino and do not feel safe with- out a box of Tablets In the bou.se." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. Irate, but Unmusical Father -"For gracious sake, Mary, give us a rest!" Daughter (still playingt-"Can't do it .pa. There's wino ha Abe musk." PANGO. 15 Highly reconunended es affording in- stant relief from pain -Neuralgia. Head- ache, Gout, fiherunatism, Catarrhal Cokls. Sample, 5a cents. All druggists or Lyroini Bros. & Co., wholesale drug- gists, Toronto. A trialiapi applying for a job was asked ;whether iw could - any. geld "Yes'm," replied the seedy one. Will you Plant these shrubs?" al don't think I weld do that, leg." a "Then, what can you do?" asked the rnistrees of Ole house. "Weil, nitaiun. if you'll give 'me one of•oour husbandis cigars 111 tit in the green -house and ernoke out the in- sects, that's eating the kaves off them roses." . Mother' Graves' Worm Exterminator has thelargest tale of any similar pre- paration eald in Canada. It always gives satisfaction by restoring loolth to the little folks. • "I data think it's very good edvioe't9 give a boy to .count twenty before he getit angry and hita antithez boy for hitting him," saki Archie. tried it lo -day itt &Writ where' Willie Anderson lilt me, end before I .got to three flied bit •ine again. -Then 1 began all over again, and just as I got tai lit he gave me ianother under the car.” "You should count by tens, my boy," sakl Archfe's father. .4-.4.. r• ( Mabel-194,nd did your grandfather liate to it green old eget' lack ---"Well, should say sot He was swindled three tithes after he was SaaelAY-9 The Zudge (in the 6ourt 11161ternaiata1 ere lost my rataL" 'The LawyertiiaLost your hat? Tbitie Viething. , Whys, 1 lest whole Mgt tibee eiciaerdityr • Many a. Man^ who claitts. .13e telt. nettole was made what he is, by hs wife. T gfr "6, ' .. , xi . ,a.,,0 iiittitite ireeri is Oat - Ne !mitt* t p, iiiniallig Co. • 40 ta,4iitit,tte, I.,' l• 6iee.. ta , eaxelfores 1)t S,$ t *ilea !toeing- p\ lei. " ‘J'hive lifilit 'rainy ' (10112 ri all it'd VA4tiat41 remedies far -Pilo but , got no relief.' A friend of whit earl:red eve. to try Zant•Iltdc, 1 hid but little faith in may remedy to cure me, but tried one by* iid 1 got relief at onee. I have Anitd four boxes and -am completely cur . I cannot thank you- enough for buil* wouterfui etwetirra t I PP Pr, P.. . ed iji SpId by all drug. 04111 1144 storm XXIC. or or UM, 'OA Co..Toronso WHY WEAR HATS? Away hack In primitive times, there is every reason to believe, n3ank.nd hod a head ef thie and abundant hair. With tlin the pasiing ceaturiese thisito got thinner, til Mem seems a good pnaspeet of it, ultimately dieappearing a:toigether. 'But, way? For the answer to -toil questien we must look to tile itticatern conditions of life. The meat obvietis cause is-tho hat ef civilization. 'The liat causes haldneee, by two diger- ent Methods. First, it eteatis a fatally warm and moist atmosphere about the leadand this stops the rays of light, ao necessery for the obi terating of bac- teria. lii seed, the hat forms -a very ,.. - 11 ....K.1••••..0 tile, I 0116664445! . '6t3 ES OF Siit1[E yeel. tor. Ewa -1W% lies to eirraitore. Wilt, le' oak le alio 'of the Pala vattlia' tristribitted and ot,anutemiaIly.irpportant Lees of the Ifnitxr)States, eni its tetaa tattlittal Prectact 'ea -over 2 ,Ett lunaber Is 'Mare tiiiiizi dcn any etPeraiiria'itia,W '11:'iatv*.7:::),44:A'c:7t11-4-476-titit. :Q4:7g ' :44;44 Wgicsirir42' "1,? far: ti1C414 a c llA741Jgr 13,7 !I OW(tS: 4 rn :eut ncartY , „ 0 .1. IWiOt7a: e4v., ,4 in U xi ooni.tve. 414tig.,„,sontely% it . 0140.1'14' ,0*•fr41d-44-.).• q tyitir*i *, , . White oak 14 the (al./elite, tirxdRi.,* lib' raitior.41' ._rot:;sTlies, *and a tli, 90,030,04-41 tt,fli .2)aritle'c'oir e4aice,4:ctibw 'Yeg4rtatlilearal',IPYlis°t n el An1;141.114ctebriaar towrhitteigrit4. coolpEertsa.goalesut3a4rluidleoac! ture. -Other uses are for ear stork, bearils, plank rig, b ams, dne.'n-i al' tuff of all sizes', ship buliding, tori _ 000 feet' 'that° CI, 3 .1.4f467t667 ',tibia • , elite Red oak and bleck, Oak cwblte oak In rapid growth and early matur- ity, but ths latter hue a marked advent, - age in: itslgreater ability to withstand shading, in its longevity, and in ite in- herent resistance to decay, lusecte and fungi. NIOklEY SAVEDSMOut EARNED. • eeanoteeiseieev•, well for every one to look around and see where they can obtain their home and eersorial needs at the lowest cost. The Y. if. Scroggiei Limited, ,Departi ncent, W., Montreet, Otte., are fast mak- ing an enviable reputation for theirn selves as "Universaa Providers," and th people of Clailitlitaffreatettrislow to tak adventage of the xplendid money Ing offers thie firm -makes to custome net residing inMontreal. This Mini tau just -issued -4 apien.did 4arge bea 0 v. ra el" 44464 44 , 4.., .4 Pt 'IP $1441.0.1kor. tiesirtXr, SO '14040 ,ref011giN,11.7111 " IrMfa I lima treelaintnridit las)issotioa alai digits* 1:704/ Misr* *diary af 04* **so, rs 4000e11, • 1444. Wieall1404. 'tir0104.14. 1 etle41 001Vrli 1001,10144 ltql0011111e617 1-1/001 404 al. bravest �4i.rs riatif * fat - \ WAS QUICK WOIIK. • Cbapple--Have a cigarette, old num? Sapleigh-No; 1 don t smoke fooaldb i?iaitraaiaaaae'iaaiiia'aeWaaeec'iaaaaaaaaiaaa='=iaiaaaaaaaiee Choepie-Well, I aril' blame you for refesing to take chances. A Requisite aor the Rancher.-Onithe cattle raniaes' el the West, whore men and Mack are tar from dochers and apothecaries, Dr. Thames' Eelectric 011 is kept on hand by the intelligent as a „ready made medicine, not only formany human illsi but as -a horse and cattle medicine of surpassing merit. A tiers° inland -tattle rancher will find matters ip-eiineetitteeeeliyi - thosaimicriebeseitela.Whicividepleteeour• atiled--freeetoaanyone---whoeaske hair. Tto.hat also retainseits. posalon...fletter,send_forAan&leatilaa,.....We.,undere oyi tbe heed "eddy by pressure, and thus compresses the aykr:es.and veins. The blood cannot flow freely,, and the organs wh'cli produce tbe hatr wok nourashmenti So the hat le fatal to the pesseeslon of good hair. On the other hand, it Lsn t really a nerneeity. Mon would seen get used to going barehead- ed if they made the aitempta-in fact, they would, in most eases, be very much be.alihier. It is only necessary to read tbe testa trionials to be convinced . that Hello. way aa CaniniCiiraa uneqiitaW fair- the removal of corns, warts; ex. it Ls a complete extingutsher. Mistress Onidnighti-"I don't intend to mine down -stair e told you in at this time or night again:" New Girl (rens- suringly)-"You won't have to, mum. One of my friends took an aimieression our lock and heis maRiliiii a like keY for me." PANGO. Mild will be refended where °iv a a li•ed as directed, Pango fails, w to relieve pain. Specially ler Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Gout, Catarrhal Colds, etc. For sale 50 cezits at all druggists or Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, wholesale druggists, io- ronto. otand that while these ,prices ore excepi alenallY low they also pa y transporaa- aton charges on the goods they eeli„ something Which no other firm of Ms kind in Canada does. They are a thor- oughly reliable house and readily ex- change anything which &es not gne oratiri!jakii"liabl.-rlg absoliate satisfaction or you can get ewe 11,47111141,Zod :4•01bboio. otj a year money baek if you prefer 4. isnot ire nuebIng IMO° * day. writes at Obe. to I pentientath14. Sae at night. DROWN. can ....allellolaidriedeyoungeMr.-Newliwedeen- — tering tha kitcben, "makingseine bread, chi Or is it cake?" "1' don't know," re- plied the dear little bride, with 11 despair- ing frown. "I haven't finished yeL" Fuzzard-"Why do all Mr. Wyzbam, the undertaker, a wolf in sheep's cloth- /MAIM -am Ono. T. Colo, Owen Sonood, °Marl c ing?" aluzzard-"He never drives the boys •out of his green -apple orchard." • . _ In 'Nature's Storehouse There are Cu ei.-Med at experiment; havestiovin ecticlusively that tbere are medicinal virtues in even ordinary plants .growing ilp around uari which ghe thern a value that cannot' be estimakd. It is held by sem* that Nature provides a cure for every disease which neglect and ignpr- anceahave visited upon man. However, this may be, 4 is; well known that Par - Melee's Vegetable - PJ1s distilkd front roots and therbs, are a sovereign rem- edy in curing all disorders ,of the The average woman gets a double it -in'oyment out of it preseet ire trying to find quail -the present 1 out the cost. PANGO. "I never saw such a woman in all Will afford 'instant relief fr,om pain my life," said Bass; "you are never sat- -caused by Neuralgia, Headaches, Gout, 'stied with anything." "People who Ritetimatism, Catarrhal CoIds. Sample know the man I took -for--a hitsband,' 50 cents. All druggists. or National milled Mn. B., "think, on the con- Drug Co., London. , trary, that I arn easily satisfied." • WITAT DO PSOPLIC TOCV11 trio liven dorm, nemnie,„ pa* Iferroylm, this °ea (Ask. It builds, rubot strong, Weirs/ flaw Ilfo. Vlore as nanny tonics but only *SO " WM:WM A publioachool magazine contains Ibis eourteous ,announcernent: "The edi- tor will be very pleated to hear of the deaths ' of any el the old boys." No doubt the oki bays will oblige the edi- tor frOin time to Erna. itilsr-erweltimown-fact-thatvRemsars- Paint, beautify and give life to tatty - thing they knot., Their brilliancy, pur- ity of color and power for ooverin gives them unchallenged- lesdershiP. Your dealer /elks them it it price ibal Will Please you, and gliacanteses'eiCry can. Write A. Itamsay & Son Co., Montreal, for pack of Souvenir Picture Peat Cardirot Ilomes. • 46.6444.6446. - Teener (instructing class on manners) --'Now, Willie Brown, tor example; it you were sitting hi a ear, every seat occupied, and an okl tidy entered' what would you dor torrlity—Vitase, sir, I would pretend I was sloppin? In Oki treatenerit ol *unmet COM - plantar, the Meat effectliiit ateriedy ,thet cainbe used Ls Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dy-. senkry Cordial, 11 19 ft Standard Pro' paration, and engly people employ it in preferenco to at r Inventions. it is highly concentrated medicine end Its sedative and curative qualltfos are be- yond questkAl. 11 luiS* keit a.poptilar Medicine tor many yeah; and thousands Can attest its sui*rior . qualities "in Overcoming, dystntcry arid:kindred ounk.• 466466,466446.40 • A OENVWK COXIFOIITEit. • Dennis -"Goin' t' shpead th' wake -end at Zalleban's, are yez? Ana privet do yez call thi wake -end?" Terence - "Shure, thot's 'Sithurday noight Beim th. toime yez dhraw yure pay till the saloons close." • • MASS THIS _DISTMOTION ; A pittsly dissass of Mt shin, like barber's itcla. cluist by Wassor's /Carat* atone. Bat whore tho 1014•4 , with laspatity, such OA sett Wiivier's Spiv kb* obes14 to,e41.4 SIrs....flugge.-.."Wity_do„yoit dislike Mr- ' Curem?" Mtt.,Muggs-ulle cured tray busbandai rheurnatism, se he can' never tell when it Is going to rain, and It week 1 spoiled a brand-new hat." - A i6itie for Creativeriesit.-Cestaveneee comes from the Martel of the excretory. organs to ,perforan their (lures regularly froth contributhv causes, ucually ordered digestiOn. Parnielees Vegetable Pills, firepered on scientific pr:nripks„ are so compounded that perthin cants hi tbem pass 'through Hie atortitich and adt upon- the bowas was to re. move their torpor And arriuse -them le proper action.* Manythousands are prepared -10 bear :testimony to their power •in "this raved. Yessurn," said Sandy Pikes, as he de- clared the • wedge of puthpkiri "I, sternly object to the nefarious practice of clipping, ofit de tails of *Ab. 1 sm glad you are so If -rider -hearted, iny poorman.".AYiliPatliiied the good Muse. wife, "''c" 11. CA exactly dot, mum, tut' When a deg hasn't any tail I can't tell by de Wag if liet IS in a good hinnot Or not, and„ 4 tualms me &eery abouV approaching 4 tionSer ,46 14111e'What LS. troise. ra-ilorhat's Aherold umelenkho nom "My 6oy Jimmy,'" said re, kiln' 4r's Wit4i or the itikiobtt" to an acquaintance, His Atileit a trial4lea that sloW that nuilasseed run up liM ta.S. teen he'd slitte doWn." , "Iletter'n kin' fast like MY ice," slid the Otnforter. "You Can a tout yilr hand on elm', trite" k "Well ilmthy's so homely it damright annoys merjrp -w , "Well that's better than ilev ifee who's so good -fooling that the way the gills run after lairit keeps my heart in my. month all tho tie, so 11 1411111, lirriMPS ent.4 lof big, that 'Hs en annoyance to icon et Ural' • 4'AI14" geld the comforter, "Sure he can use thorn- to brush the ites off the top. t b head with? , are clzarged tvith treakin di a1 wite's head." Ifs - net -"11 t4.;as Alt acciacnt, Year ittIWN .‘,14.14141.‘5,141! ,icit intend to 141; her? tt.t 1 (140 tu., nd to break 14* •414alt," , 4,4 , yttw,...: FOR SALE. eiee Undlay "pi/4_0mo 14 stool. ;'$1.5 Cash anal 4141 per trontlf, 7-14-netzreas-thren- band5nas natual wood onto. 4onblo V0110.i. 02 ithrsovPrY tuakeYnatk, 4.fineruutenyegituandiutteciattio,A=61, ' in O. W. LINDSAY, 1.1rnitoOk .5.1* St. Catherine St. Went, *troll« W ANTE, bear from 01111.1? /wits ' GOODFARM f r, talo. Not paritenlit, about tocallon- naso giro pet*. and diserliption, *441 ton. non tor salting. State whom poisons/on oast be had. Will deal with owners *say. -L Darbyablro. Don 144. itorbortor, N. Y. arellailireall$111111$1111111.111111111111NIN ,11111111111111110 ALLII-JA Li COMPANY ,BANKERS AND FINANCIAL. ApE;4TS .$3 sem -111TREET01 reitamte viuma m tin • Steaks ' bought end •*Oa an New Yea, Boston Montreal and Toronto Sto* kIchanges_ easiii els margin. Orderer fer Colsin Sneka meow ei.00 Trirorito ittottoie and itie ifork Curb .ker caehi. 6 'PRIVATE WIRES. Correaporairotitia-Cbina, Ire Co. mentbers of the Now 1141.00, :ook Sachet*. WATER* iv h /4' 6