Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-11, Page 6 (2)).`
If MOM, elietttre' lexh.lbilii, mail entaes
.0 64;4iic eoutradiet;onseastriei ofiyhou,
c4str*,4,E,00 time elieed Will c);. Ill 'will
-hielai'/Orte tierson.'soin,ehrtrere;t "are-4in;
oUsr'4Ih cxa1 xt*Pa Lai ot
'44.11elettf* frkindshfP,• :411.
1-70,-Iri4441,*;-Ir .,
tiienelIee e in
, 1441.rt.
440 an .1
iuvng to eik•
' • was 341o:
tie Wok trona hie iitiraree ,
Stitt,. end, the tender, wiee ever afs
terwartl 'Franklin's friend. Mitt s&leap•
tictilaily truer in the gam of money
loan% 'Says, Potenlies: eleent Oft looes
bath tteelf and
trend,'e ejt Ike name of
'these who ere avoided and dieeeleed by
• -the Pet,telrlo whom they have hunted
rrione4 is Zen. But ibis Is only a
eipec.ffeetem under the broader fact that
men clt.et 1...ate hetet, titt whein they have
;Pt under obligOnt Mate tec Wally
isettneobligationienet they _ara. nne
• able to dievitarge, but -Zit when at is
eete,-114 .11-011feethetkibetteedeeitekt.,_,einten4,, r
enoeuragement to humanitarian sme but
the kinceboarted man *no. does rfrDt bear
this„ !rally .of human nature irt mine
writ eieeefikeeer'Serue galling dieapPeirde
• Another proverbial pecaltairity ,of the
Inman beart-at least, alleged pecullett
ttee7leelleiree teethelti -Theenesteer
.-sureeirr -the TWAfortuftos of his 'friend&
• Se'rne genereme nattiness will Ineignaetly
eleny tha_elkere is any tiutb, inetle-s-ia31-
ing, but manY 'others Who! ilre sharper
critics of human act:one are just es pose
ley° in admitting its truth. It is not
snetuit that every man Is Indifferent to.
hte friends welfare, or that he woute
net cheerfully sacrifice Much to relieee
les friend's distress. It is only meant
that at the ,same Utfle-centradic
though it be -he extracts sonie
pleasur,c from his fri;tnerts misery. ...
otreng sI anomaly in the list is the lit
will which a pelsen feels who can give
no reason for feeling it. This is what
is calt-d "prepare." and it 'tattle mast
invinottete and tru;1 tie all 'hatreds. I.
reveals Itself in absurd egeempts at lus
, teltearon, and the mon, these attempte
fait, the more v.trule,nt and unscrupuloue
the hared 'bittxnnea. Like all the reet.
.it is an trtetrutahleCrnyatert,
To burn as fuel sewegoesludete* Oa;
• Wash -nes. shale, and' other wasto is tne
latet fashion- in London. Tar, crud,
naphtha, or other terry substance e•
mixed w Lb. petroleum, shale, Texas oil.,
or ofirr b)dro:arbon oil in such a way
as to preduceea wed preeepitate which
• can be see arated from the • rernainint.
thn.lquor.• Tee th n fluid tr whien
• the pieripitatt has boen separated -e
wed' p. oluce a h_neing agent for the
arteicial ;Jae. For this puroFc rcsin-
,otis matter dtss Jived in the Itquor un•
tit the.' bolo lecomos at thick 'Ascot).-
• mass to fern) the. blad:ng agent. Inv
mass may le mixed with a Jerry sub-
stance. equi preport o s and a litt:c
ocmaren salt iidded. 'The. eamtetatible
, rubb's11 Is reduced teen dry powder and
thoroueley ritevel with a tthett propor-
. tort 'of the dried preeipita% produeed
as. deedribed. A little of the hindint
agent ie adied and the who 6 rooted
at a sueable temperature. Tho rMuit
.pre,sed he° blocks or briquettes ar
otherWece treaeed -to produee cirt:ficial
feol 'es ',desired. With slight changes
the', same forinues is iesed for ?flaking
artelceel eke, an achievement hitherei
andees Frooliolcainoes Were round in
• Gereeittey. •
r s o
ifrovs **1141424
d„st,txuro.tio iiL dcW•Ptis• in the VLOPer
chiemeter effort) lila betr.ayet 'thee He
Was going te lettleer.. The eireuxn.
6ianoes 4)t lhe deliveryof these worths
rf fameteall were, pecul.ar. The dleCip:
te,, itaidequalet kg wa her eillicipae
Men au) not trzleig ell that woo 1 -
voived„ them ti ust Itave been \in their
nein& a leaeen of hope. These thing*
t thee- Seiltretreiretietattetettler net
cur. Semetheinf'woukt happen; 'seine
pewee would intereeeete Uwe' atoll' Yet
sec the hieststalt trinnWhant eikeetil/4410 Ileitis Iteeo end 'WIS. la With us in lite
rather than t 'cross, Yet MO bearte
wendoubt419 h. Alft W Att krutionstai
1,0 deiirair p,s they Ilstenid. . There wiell,
ne ittiegWneei about Jest& gray? of ;the
s1uazrn. Ile knew that Ile would have
.8 raii1 tIWT40 to the drogs. It was
then at Ills lips. Yet Ile did not
Al agd-11.*).t,pf,e)/f;44,4,0e4V).-retrel#
nfzel VI e gaiten, and on'
eraui, but Ile never Absolutely and
1 tb.143 10 tafext, that ow of nao
ibrught% Whieh euetained' Him. ire Qua
helir was that, no Matter how terrible
the way, how long the via do:eireatt,
low eattut the gateway of the cni at
the, end, He awful going to 'the Fat r.
le iseins -to add -Abe deelnetteene,sw
"litifirCitat „Ihrs'-iiias.art- ' lis,, inligi.vhen• .
tk repeat1 again and again that see. ertlineed the Payment hero is alt.that i sbi4ie"..snotte resuise st
a state' tent. Hee wore wee eenotee will he exacted. So Butt every human .
aver, although its most terieetelo.temes being who desires caw -Wok forward lot iravancore. ' --
weep te come, although it giertiest die- hla hour of trial it•wwel/ " in 443 day
mend was to be Ind; yet there was light ef triumph to' a welcome from the Fa- ' Despite the fact that yearly thousands
t the end, tor Ile was ping to the (her. or -persons in India lose their lives from
Fathers . "Thettgh your sins be aa Seetia.- they the bitea of snakes there are certain
lbw the mind i)f Jeeeph, lord el lower shall be as While as snow; though they' parts of the country where the worship
and upper Rapt, the vice regent of the fe red Ulm ertinseil, they shall be as Of snakes, especially the cobra, the most
world, went balk to that old Man. ins Wool." ' deadly of all, is curried on. Thie form
tabor in Pleliestbie Iletev the ':ivillet a . CYRUS TOWWEND 1111ABY; of woreiliP is especially Prevalent on the
southwest toot 41 India. '
Snake worshippers search for the. holm
6. On the right stdo Of the boat -They where their 'divinities are likely to be
luld apparently been lIshing On the op • founde and which more often than not
posite. or telt, Me, and, May have ate in the littleeneatmds rafeed, by the
tI;ought thatethe;Steenger'S .-adetett was lieriahs or white ants: When,they have
based Were bli having observed a .41s- found one they visit- it from time to Hine.
turhan.ott of the waters surface indteet- placing before it milk, beeentis and other
Ing tbe„presetiee of fish which had e.s- 'food which the Snake is likely to fancy.
caped, their nettee. . 1/ a snake happens to get Into a houee;.
The 1115‘42 Christ bY tile 7ietI"fgitld43111thw XT.° WITIltis3- fitresr trinitukritiinng ?tUtotethettee' fl:Itttelltreleft
...,.., e
Sea al Galilee. Golden Text, (vier the Identity ot the Stranger, Whier feed it plerdiftilik and otr ante:ices
L tS, 3IK • Peter waS RIP ,first to. set iipon iniakihg it daily. None 11$ so bold 'ea to lay sae.*
, . ..., .1. he discovery. 'This rerennestaitee well rilegious hands -upon et;
e TUE LES$ON WillIRD iiliniga.', Illuetrates the differerioe In character 'They are also worshipped at shrines*
''. between the two men, John being the them being in Travancore alone no Sewer
(Baled on. -the text, of .the Reviled more thoughtful and Wring apparently than 15,000 to 20,000 shrinee, dedicated
in honor of the minor divinitiet of the 1 ' is ' -
Verson. "- . ' . '` ; ,.. deeper intuitions, while Peter was the exclusively to the propitiatea7 .worship
An /Vended Chattier:4411e etan'ative '_triore impulsive and demonstrative in of snakes: These ehrines• are invariably
f Johns Gospel Was formally broughthattechtnent tor his Masten,
to a close with verses 30 and 31 of 8. Two hundred cubtte-About one ocuntry, some of them being of venerable
chapter 20. t:hape r 21. therefore, torn% hundred Yards.age and Morwthan Wel repute and pos-
an epilogue, or appendix, to the Gos- 9. A tiro of coals'L-Greek, "A fire or sessing extensive and valuable proper -
Rel, which to a certain extent balaners cluireoal." ,
the pralogue to the Gospel (John 1. 1.1l). Fish -Lit., "A. ftsh.". . ties for their Maintenance and tor the
cost of the numerous ceremonies which
l'his epilogue, however, unlike the pro- Bread -Or, 4a loaf."
their keePers have to perform from time
iogue, does not seem to have been part 11. Up -Greek, "Abroad," that Is, back to time.
if the original plan of the Gospel. it into the boat A curious fact inoennectkut witheser-
seems evident that when verso 30 of the Great fishes. a hundred end fifty and pent worship in India is that ills women
;receding chapter' wig written the an. three -As a fisherman John never for. exclusively who expect favors from ihe
ator had no intention of narrating any go( the exact number, and the fact 'hat *divinities ,rropitiated. More particularly
more 'signs." having already brought the fishes had seemed to him at the time barren Weeden and those in expectation
Ws testimony to the divinity of Jesus unusually large.I b°°°
to the culminating point in the record 12. Break your fast -An expreseeAn °H11:1:s1Z,ittircETIE.Ihntalsar4I'Esth:36
et the resuireet on: The reasen e,r ad. tho significance of which is preserved in
41°ng another sectkin or i,aragraph s,eems our Weird "breakfast." In these shrines, whfch are usually Pre-
to have been the desire on the apostten'st hiinttkfeTbeofirtliecudriasieseiptyleenodurtsiotubinettuv6i7oetioldf toted y a mud 'wall, the natives set
part to give a full and tieeurate aceo demi, fantasUe idols of serpents .on a
et celestes woiele concerning himself, have prompted many itiquIrica, tut stone 1nsement. One of the most im-
ehout which there had evidently- been their teverencti for their risen L,orJ pedant of these Shrines date i; back into
..e.erietts inisund(Fretanding. In order, oenrPelled el/C7/tee.
refore. to mako the meaning of 13. Corneth; and taketh the hread, and tae'llVelinlitethees bettoY°Itci1°tis
selntoh1413•ollia leveAititY
christ's remark aa deer OA pOssibi0 f Iveth them- „.
101111 1h1 gives in -derail WO etreum. °rho& their appreach to him. - Hence and queen of the serpents are bathed
eetnees which ied :to its beirig. uttered. Jesus lomat ik neees6ary to WO the and fruit and milk are Offered to them:
ehe epitomic is found In every extant spell whkh bitpresence bad throw° cii -at noon cooked rice 13 offered' f°11°W4d
manueoript 41f the 'Gospel, and VIPs na- the group by himself ta7 the Uhl a. shortie' he' fried grain. On Otain estlee*
tku•alty into four parts: (I) The inane ',lye and advancing to whe they rto . tally holy days the klols in the grove 'end
teStatton of iteses to tho emelt. and 141
15, Simon, son: of lei e -The 'usu t in tee houtsehold temple are courted 40
tniraeuloies draught, of fishes 11.---14); way of designatieg a eeremee, complot peoceeepen to the house, where propitia-
ei Chrisrs commies:on to Peter and the identity Wong the Hebrews, equivtt. tare' Offerings are made.- The preskling
as tO lhe latter:es deatti us- lent to our writing out a name In fist. functionary it all these various c.e non-
Itn, 03) The inesunderslood2eng w. The custom of adopting a family naine tee lieneeeesarity.theeldeet, female ems
s'eeeting the apost'e John ( - eee of was not common among the Hebrews Let of the-faxtilly. -
APPeteW lia testimony to iauthenticity Utah eoniearatively recent tittles. ' , Once a year a great festival is held in
‘1 UM Cs:GNI (24. 2.5). , '
e Loveist thou me more than theme- bettor of the terpents. „ In the under-
, • ileferring apparently to Peter's earlier ground cellar of the -house, as well es
Vir (.00MIN10 Jortill 13. 37). Tho verb in the groVe 'to the eouthweit of the com-
pound, dough titid- Milk offetinge are
placed; •The door of the eellar is kept
elerhod `kir three day -g, and in tinier to
ereient prying eyes from penetrating the
secrete of the subterratuto chaMher the
women of the botisehekt cover every ittz-
A;lee with their big pallet keit timbeitilese
0 • the BUM day the dor is opened and
the **moan% Of thit tittering are thrown
lekt a tank as untie for human Use. '
' At. other shrines native; gather from
'1 parts toeCn in the veecithip and bring
votive, offeringe of Old, 'silver,' grain,
,oceoanuti, lime Spice*. Unit, tillogot,
eandetwOod, ilk and other thleigs. I*
Met, of the festivala is defrayed from the
revenue,. dertved from the paddy fields
tied gerdens attaehed to the shrine. -
• In Travencoee Ory2t of ..the,. celebrated
centree of 'worship is ehe little townehip
0 gagerceil. whfelt iteelf means .
the: eeeke divinity, abit once a ItIcar tbe
llet, 0410W •Pttgada Lk dedleated to
e4per ' gilt idol\ of the eerpent mother
is earried in preeee.sitin in a etit, During
SI% Mertills. Of Lite year a terge quantity
r bIeetratnet it throttle up Irene behind
,s Wel arid tar the ether SIX months
ilte sand. is Is done by A Oenteelei
!Milian agoney. although the devout are
I '1,, to ber le Did the serpent idol
Le lite send 'is gieeri to the de. ' te
bw:n3to Li ft lin,
'ond 4ivaithig
for 1%.,:a • bay 9. retternt`i" horkt-fti4 of
man Wills tfik eartOly fatheet Yea hear
• at dett .gioul• • swotticrst.
' pUwe 1L our affection;, have thc
.1. 0 to his , so we Way
• Our Father which ..ar1-. in heaven.,
Thet* le tits diffeee.nee'betWeele •QUe goe.
ng- and ChrtStVgoletgeeellit Want alone,
save -Oat the Rather was; with Him,
Weten wo go now the F-ather is With:Us
WE eArtmar go At.o..NE,
*kid there te Do. experience Which we
can eeseethrougli in OW Pretima toward
"the Father Witch is not exceeded
teriVea by thet through which or Sav-
1,, ettaPAINO.,44--141-ff *14
n every);. co:n go'telri retiree
met the willful, persistent, determined
You can go to the Father with the
guilt of murder on your soul, but. you
cannot go to the rather with ito spirit' •
'el linear in yotir heart., ,You can go :to INDIA THE. -CHIEF fe011eaftli OF
/Him red-handed if you go to Him THESE STRANGE RITES.
scentent,.and through; Chrlst ycmt oan go
to Hen "ex -aerated ant redeenead, Notre -
manner of -the pOst.14,taartY/4010,
se n.1 oertain, though. early .t.riaditiOn
jorte 10: 14. Um of tbe WrsePoliart
oder Foolperor Nero.; the (carblat
xekrcnlea to the apostle's death agree
that he. Wits ettieltitele Orlsen,,
!hal (*illy ,ellurek •faihet*,,says
10 efeen'eekinittOPeW-Wasero000ii
.bta head .elee "eiWitett, Art, teeing little,
clf worthy the
•'itultnner ' hiSi'144ter .164
OcitiliT**A -
, ti ma
avinfPx y 44,40
141irk eGriceralng
futuro ip.4110prOni 400t, "o
.1 41
Ing orb voriVer§at *
0.40, rebuke irnp!yai
th6 right of 'titans ' the ,des-
tkilY .01 eneht indivklual•44iciple; •.°That
the woMs of Palm were intsunderstood
'bluIPOrit that .one pre§ent, explained
yr ."--
chapter but, in. the entire OriepeL T
Words at this and the follow.hig vers
Iobres Gospel added by other bands,
probably, as . usually suppool, by
eidees, of the -church- at. 'Ephesus, in:
which city the Gospel, Is supposed to
belie been written,
25. The world dealt would not contain
the bookses-A strong hYperbote of which
the apost.kt himeelf would ecarcely have
thtelt though it is Otte tri,
twiny with 14e cuSeciirtary sty* of Orls
Oita" writers.
eeteeeweeir:ttee .er,eeretseeeeeekeeee
eteitll&eitee • IfeeeelifitaregtiffeeeaaSitr-
s. •
Lesson Xit.
Veree I. After these thing-_\
nstieation otl • time. Stich as heetes re-
reateilly in the gespel. The events re.
ereita to tee the., appearcuree of 'Jesus
ecordcd in the preceding chapter.
Again -Having airady aprearod to the
bseiplo,s on tw) spara.te• oN.asions
'lent:oiled by Ike author.
Tibv.aa- -Th leoinan name for the
Seia. of ,Gerei.e.,. oreureleg only In this
(teepee eutl tertelealey Lvtter known to
persons 'otilsleee el Pabesline than the
amo with which we are nit fainiltar
syr131iC ree,otils. ' •
Tltero were t4r.,ether.-Pietably alt
seven of ti diseiphei rettegred ritaeled
re the neighboritoed.
Ceited Delymeee-fLit., "twin."
Tee stens of Zebeetee-Jernea
otlkir of his disziptes-„No
trebaOly Andriv: 414 though
tare their ditte3. are not given, pos-
ibly tete othee'VEeetpete %lee t(tere not
ttembees of the neasearc group. •
3.eeneort ItMer east/los-Se-1ton le still
teetetv rinU
wr., 11,3laing-lrisliing Iron the
toczoatian 1,7veral of 'the -3T' !c
th,y boot. cart,Itt tyr teierkei
he departure+ of 14-1.I.e frier/ thr11 they
c;i-411/ litavo fwon stfil nacertnitt fo
future. Iletee it: wee n'ilertil for
teem to. i- t11 teeteteraeity Mete:tete
wee etteztoetetn.
Ttete t nettgng•-tteen Itioegh Cie
t.est ewe ter eittlent \teas raVkt. sunset,
arm isre.ene suereee. leotteerie the s,eni
Mr CU; En ree 'te!, 41, En '1,ueet 3. 1.14.
littet,L'2,14itrleettee.len etetreeeeroet otent
r 411 raqtja ev,ents to lfs. to Inc prolun.
efeeteeteektv -tk 04 timon,„ t'a 1.4,:,,1;110.413 ttie iltee VruPlo.
? la; cl.ttzt • 'Jt.',* Alastztr• here tItelers Ital*
angtoit to eatt slave yo trlatvii dmilf wh"b' $'1141t tr4
tty tblef Itteer, !Lii it 'heti So Titer limo
oivai 'ashes, tiaVe, bent r
blown 5.000 tiereet* the Ailantic
Coin ,eraford In -Central Antertea, have
been found deposited on hut snow if: n
Butee diffeeelit ploeet Germany, 'name,
ty in -the villsg* tear Berle), another
village tn. Peariorania, and a teinl val.
Item in least Pritstget. „
The cisZets toeeteelel:ke duet of a tome rt
what utectsucti tofer, and ettreceee. ,at- I
lenttan' beeetise ifetEr Peesence on the
white sneer appearted inexpiteeetee
tit:pears that theete rethee feh during Lee
atom of Jerez:are C. aed the Royal !trete 4'
Can 0) elleg cal ,In titute.Xlivalletenst Se
44 !Wine. has ritoostee Tvtr,
1114„,..slich orarr ports ,•lat
Eurokae, t• itle ash'.; acrid -•
Abu to A as.s. tha, •,inti-lc,tit of
tC en' Me re' I
kitiW ONE.
• Wigevle-"Yeate wife line a wonlerteli
nand.. It tweets ineettaustibte.q
Itenpeekle----t"TeaVe tight She 1113
ale .plele eit t-vc,ry day Mom
we wen, married and surns to have Evnit,
.1*041 it part of the ft4iire we tv.i.w2c.,
about e'teterdey. ,
Two wormen who hate flee peeeree
eilteitys etet *knit welt teg:tter,
M yet, swe eel* teite tittemptel te. eeeiteeet
e, tale tide, ketkatta4 loOt
eetetitee tWo friaVh.
• -44 RIO eAtt htad list
4 ekee.
tOve tteed by .Iraus in this and the
beet evrset denotes eeteeni .,ralher itisn
drecteen; that stele, of V•pling that
13 eksefs 1644 lo the* judgment and
Abe motel cense."
Thou knriwest-Peter Is not boastful
Tit*, tut 'eivea it fo the Master's it.
juegmeat pit*, his, heArt,
1 love thee -The word 'love" used by
Peter througheut and by lesus in his
third question (verse 17). hitt the -Same
„we the word item] by Jesus he WS ursit
und &mond guftlions ivemes 144 icy.,
'Peter 13 empluetizIng deep' and pas.
Monate affertion for his Lord, and UPS
a term exPressing, this attachment. Un-
fartunately the „English tertienage has
but one verb to (*press, the meaningef-
bolle ‘,6f the Greek Words need in this
passegie . ,
Peva any tenths -The' oectipaten of
flehernten iseto give elareeto,that ef the
. doves", 1/toet 2nel-et/omits deelee the
*41119 *More Van fize,o' whi et the
huneeted (Velvet, had lieeitates] to *its
ewer. but re4a-des h!s own word le
keoe the ernehasts if the (motion, slid
Wing on the- kirzil, of live requeve
ct follewers.
ni my sbet-o-The !anal; if itrs
.11,0e1 alictrwirtlitnent prinreptily; lite s„
reen:rpeen.fal gneeen'te. twe'l t'a 6011.
15 Witen thou wilqi yoUtig-llerhat:m
NW:* tycla atecat,IY past, the etenie. et
%o'h r str)VI e-ttel the*. end ferry'
84 :aattq in tti)o to 11‘1,K. tvla th timmt t refs
419i,in the ghherlmuid of one o Mos
• - never prove fatal. It is *
wn fact that In Travancore the eked -
Of the Niniehold play about feittlew-
Ix In the neighborhqed of the grovc.,
even while their serpentine friends aro
gliding 0001; in the undergrowth or itcc
•tasliing in the son, and they have never
tken tutoWn' ,he harr10., Wiken soul
the, poivs., boviTrurt *Oh ;Se
rds the ottplAS 1:40tatiok-Is ellte0111
EilFi5dirttd-roalt-tirat itikr sh Thor
• cilt• :Part% Of TIV.AnV44* 4491
:ar 8310'„••AFO° 0,Prgtat,4:-.4PP144
v_psnak trout one gtOA
iit;,o' fri0.4
• 40 41
'tkts o!' ',ash wen p0Vid'a• Uri
were very kin tura and allowed Yclir4e or $uPPti\S" *tArrt.• •Itiesitaiee e
to lake ttis Pie et rOVII, but 'the
Invatiatery refused to allow hint to tali
any of the multitudes ,Of sea: §natie.
which thew iadvertently captured. Tiles
they always carefully put beck Into th
e,... --
- ,
NfitgrOdt0,014:e110A •atk!'n•c5, .*•
• .,,54a.u/0.•0 etl& i• -•(1.4P3. '
Inoern .irtiirtn s.'attache
Yok0 ot real laCO- A ,
The „kari4iejatne weitring a pink Jerz
y see over her '
c The (oat With body and Meeves in orlis ,
s 18 highly favored .tteo wawa.
e Loeg angel &toes, drooping over
e stetee under aleeves; are sten in late
y '
• tended beyond- beundaries ,4tf In-
• die a/ one time. \The ancient Egyptians
atred them and attributed to their pro-
• feetton the preservation of grain and al-
• lowed them to live tbe midst of thee
or aboma, wes at one
time worshipped as a god by the ancient
Mexicans, who often offered to it human
sacrifices. The /Arius are great worship-
pers el ancesteirs, who are '.tholight
appear le the Riven of snakek. while acs
other islands of the South Seas the earth
• mite upon a gigantic eerpent. Two days
• or each month snakes are Worshipped be
elrethinese, as they are thought, on those
days to have a potent- effect on human
destiny. In northern Guiana snakes are
considered sacred because they lire stip-
metal to contain the spirits of the dead.
It has long been a belief aniong the
,R.:!*37that-411e--rat: tt
toiCta41-S. trent. .1:aitht,
y hat Inst before -Mb -great tight cif the
sew:noel Jviinst Gen. .14050.11 a largo
rattlesnake crawled, from tho barks of
a lake and came into the ,canip. When
it departed ilwent west, indicating that
e‘tvhnzitheioteileflorensa7aunpitlda iiFbaetvNellivi.rue, nuteos. westward,
In 1881 on old Uutuoise mine at Bon
after haeing been elobed teeny ears In
V, were found, all riesling together, at
least two hundred rattlesnakes of differ-
ent spectra, also long thin red snakes,
ili • ckinatimilaleligladittidhreeeptioni:uste‘ess.tedi ‘T1:11LefehyP:uilreahwtiohleedisnandablinseust
were his servants. They look the killed
snakes most devoutly and lamented their
t• urn. many of the South Sea islands the
Stake is oftenjesid to be saerede as it is
mitight b be cofirilieted with a spirit,
At Valtiwa there Aro snakes which al,rtin-
gent are not allowed to see lest "some
misfortune should follow. Those thrtt
are held ore not fed or worshippoi, but
settle as aro the familiars of individuate
who know them- receive sacrifices. In
thti New Hebrides 41191Ce.,5 are highly re.
garded. A native of Pentecost ttslanittit
he sees one In a weed place or in la
house, will think that there is sorne. rea-
Son -for its appearing. fo him. He will
poem over himself the !Rio of a young
cocoanut and ever afterward expect to
find the world- go well with him through
the influence of the soiriL
Army scheme of China--
THE SC41(301. AGE.
Th3- man or woman in middle life
who Nee not paid much anent on of the
modern theories. of edueation is con-
stantly struck by the fact of the com-
parat beeclavardno 3 In many ways of
the ch2ldr .n of the pre:y.ent day as c
pate.' children f arty ee ty years
, One constantly trews the remark,
-"Why, 1-ooteld read as veal as I do now
-Ong' lx.faret I was the need thet
end the present wieter eon femme -
Ler more .flian one family te which :t
was one ef the traditeinse cher shed
thlough the generatione, that the boys
sroukl, steet the".r Greet: by the fifth
ever. ,
' The persons who dep'ore th's chang-
,condilLn are apt to leame th, .ktn.
*t roll In system ,for -it. While Meese. who
hail 'it as change for hie better pro-
pieesy that it will grow rather than tes-
It is. en the whole, and w:th n reaeon.
able limits. und4ubtedly ,ter the Wier -
and is a direct motel of tee increased
10t -'.-:est in hytenies generally, and
atm'e all in the -r_syni.tl'gy of chilihood
aft atfect ng phy.s,'Cal welfare.
Trat ettesuelt Mill, the, :hi d WO the
oftener/vitae brain backrd by the fine
P0t4pre. liv:11 folio ahead $p te of
151inditeelliemrgehtil"wd., bree°a'ne
the eld does ,of ritteless forcing. Pe..
teetveielape are skeptical 4,1 thl
fant prolg' es, ore' it is welt that tiwy
shaur.d Le.
Hie eese of 'Ow' avfrage Ord of fair
hi2ed.ty and irdelngenee„ it, is vostly
ii ff.e' favcir that he Ahmed recog-,
irt4e,1 to: th, Filial! animal he fa anb
leriYagungt404e:rtsstire:t a6rit,,atinittnelittneti itno
Mtilkeenie. Thee brairre cies erg yet
re:AY to: nitiett appliraten, e:,.ther
•qtant'tv iptatity. Titer grow-
ly--41ifs need, the fperi sit and ite
owe -A .an arat,vtrder, frotivity that ehaesee
.tenetla ail, tatarel chielren.
Meta' metter at commies, it has been,
provcd aga:n and itgan that thlt thtki
tvto to.ln julf...oltsty bee* in
.erilly tie will 16 folind (Is ty t), ca!eh,
Ili'with t'Ae MI] wee tat, bcn f ire ea
eware, f* Lae a le:et:cid .a rd.
fent310 eterod.up beatte and Vizor,
• S'S nal Vole fee a elan -at d e
✓ any t'fiere 1re7h ,ftqlle ng
cdtrt,V035 ler eleler.n ee equate; el Li
„A wry eiteetsatere, tied wee tett be
0 apt, It is rater latiyeet tgairst
11. Ere begirt kee (ere%) against
nt la Si h iclaxyrat for I mg
st5so_ezA., tertinet eity fa' (.+4u:,.
ote lieke. eeter2n of live -Or
• 3-03r* *1 etil, te pay
it -Melte or tee eeet 4110 s-a,td t't reitt 6
in, t -.1v .111 PAO, * „Ink Ye tha
Thapits have aft° btra treitil In their
;p0,141 hottor. There' fit •peirliettlerly
amotiscrin c tern ?*14.vS'ot't et a place
tied stormy,* Joh.; Whiett Pt Ithe-
Me Of the groat tgrinto% to lotion turn,'
TO in llindu :fable5, Evcry year ift ti
ryttittt '41f Month& * foot it st
'tett in litit Aii dribrinOtts onm.
kr 01 ritliZtot bee, .ceitietegitted ht*, 11*
Itis ktlki-edity osti,vert uuiviiroacoGi
si,o4 k *it
'et , sees.
petticoat. drawers makes only 'two gar-
ments necessary.
Tan is the most •popular tether for
young people's ehoes; gun in lel tho
..telection for the older Gees.
Many of the smartest new linen waists
sl:ow 4 tiny bit of color in sprays ems
broidered between tucks and plates.
For cool rnorning$ in summer a dm*.
trig sack made of some veiling fabric or
daintily flowered challies would be prac-
The most beautiful of Ow evening
shades are founil inexpereeee Anaters
late theac ebeteereserereeeetheneepane-eee.-„..e
rem -et
nitie UngtteSti011gibbr the fashionettlet
color of the season, and, comes' in-suen
a number of shades thA all Mertall'a'
suitable selection.,
The one featuee that .almoel all the
new coals have minium is ateesena* •
fitted cloak and cutaway effeet that has
2 thousand different variatians,
he neer- 'helm frocks that are madein
Steeit`iiititibei-4'raf -
The tunic or over drapery is 'a feature
prominent on fashionable gowns Atlas
spring, and the Influence of Gpeclan Idlest
and 'empire styles is also noticeable to a
marked degree.
Tho Weitealt colorings Witikdove for ,
the groinidWorlt and sprigged zure and
pink designs upon it are tor girlish mil-
linery schemes extremely lovely, and will
be made much of iltieeSeaseet...
Dull blue, dull. grepny And violet -that
sympathetic coloreepre :twee often used
In touches 01 embroidery... tetbreictered
dots Or Vaeloes sizes aro agliin Much
liked *teatime, but the embeoldery runs
laward delicacy rather' than elaboration.
The touches of subdued or vivid colors
which are teatimes. ofethis year's white
gowns an seen en jumpef dresses of
it‘rbito or cern linent Faithfully applied,
they are the most attractive, and give a
character Which would oftentimes be lack-
Mg. , ,
- Silk„voiles and lightweight woolen mite-
terial for all kinds, will be used in jumper
diesses, but the models of linen are par-
eicularly attractive,* arid shown \over
fitlirePts of sheer white eaee trimmed and
hand embreidered,. l‘eok. suggest vely
summerdike. - ---
Little balls and dangles of irtili crochet
lace are ono of the distingutshin ouches
of tho imported lingerie gow . l'hese
little balls are used lavishly o edgeeieeves and draperies and to outline over-
ekirts-in fact, anywhere that they can
tie applied they are found. '
Skirts of jumper drosses are again cut
on the side plaited model or occasionally
circular. As these frocks are for Mformal
wear, the sitirts are always walking
length. They are most often made with.
out trimming. except for bias fotds, al-
though Sometimes 1°dr:bee of embroidery
ere discreetly applied toward the hem.
An invention that helps one 14.) make
puffs of one's owe hair weliout diffi-
culty mere tn the shape of a -wooden
roller. Which has a groove in one side
and is.accompanied by halt a dozen big
safety pine. The hair is wound around
the roller, the pin is slipped through the
groove and caught, and the miller is re.;
moved -and the: hair pulled out ht a glassy
puff. '
The woman who is neither Ds tall.nor .
ae /slight es she should be aeltievee height
and stenderneet by the gititeefur oitilltie
of tbe hate that trails into the long lines
of her train, , It Owe her dignity, grace,
distinctionesa\ touch :teat reieee her be-
yend the ordinary and the insignificance
that is the bei6. noir of the sinall woman.
Everything is done to enceaueage skirts
te-cling, even to thedieearding tf lingerie
and the stebstilefforeof satin kniekerbock-
Ne one 'slim. The Paquin. establishment
tete produced another new skirt. quite 43
ecceritrie as. lbe first one. l'he plaits have?
alrnortt disappeareel and are merely Mtg. .
gested In the dreping,ef the cloth. This.
OM 61dtri,LiAuite.m,itarrow and, quite
as frank ie. Um orig:4141.
The otelltan Who wilt {Were that Me'
present .faehlOns are tittbe&millig is tin.
gracefol: . Not only . areettey beautiful' in
tueruselves. .but they aro so diversifira
that, luttidled„by tto Clever, Wtonienethey
bccomeepliant ritediUlt* concealing: had .
pcintg And einpliositing go44 OW& Thei
event:an 'Wile Ilittle that „the clalwly .ifith.#1
princess ,gOwn- 13 lintiolfrringly truthful
iii .itg. rrogel*tion AA her 'figkire .ail tees
refuge iflefitetetair theiteirette anct empii0
vud mandarin :effects that total them.
&Ores admirably, to tittle otultiAr.16 og
drea4. - ,f
Na rOsivie in re:,411,relaga Lai broi
U., iviiiin:41 such a tiOon of cianfert, 1
vkfina, and becoming -ova 45 hits '
summer- priritii4s dreA. Tlic, ,011ptcryit.4 ,
4. 1 thea6"1itUo Alre;teis" 4,40..tilt nwrety cf
v. i4.,mt waiA. 004 Atilyi) joined at% the ,
v.v.3Littiro. by a licit itailo of hie frininling !
11,aVig ti.:4:11 14 firts,h llip,rick.,1,!; arid rde;Ne.
In some/Wm:fel! (r: -k, 0E,, l'irins....q el.
tot 14 chhilaryd by .Ilier front' ilitt 1.•x:k '
ore3 Of :the ikirt and: litrupEl, bt•iiig‘ ,in -
ate, vith a, s4te sect:on of each ioiried
a's the Watilliete, the l?rit terminating -4,h •
each side of tha magi:mons gbre3. A
twnparativOy Veil linen er $git, suni-ptr.
dress will Leconte quite„ dressy WOrtt
with a fate or oppraderod ritil.girirrip..
$APAN CAVAr.ftif IllOttfil,;,,
n has la,**trit an3 .fa hip.
L ,r4 of scontmity liersft for,
, *giturnis of tho otripire. \
ii t troVing ritrtio* *iv) prtfort
I:u,' 4$ tit tile Ileefeet ere,* ate a ,
1,4yrz,txt.4 U,..1‘ life itipansSe silv1004,
. ,
tit ASA '