Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-11, Page 5 (2)$shot! Z rat an luiraaacreq
Vit. dst da ytu Lf dA si *o pas ,
Te Eintgerd States S ibscilt iril$>f •i9,
Ysalr Strictly iala'A4yaiscia,
NDF449 C4EE'i I; a7u ,ors.
Ila Fwd *ui 001$4'.►tti 0;
:]'iJstaluli .'e ireget.able, c oinpound
cured her after oirOrything ;
had fatledd, ' ,
Airs. '': I arrest, 092 Mo au
2 6 octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines, Bicycles,
Children's Wagons, at prices
* 4u egi-va :dde'C tY rm. �'..i.twat tw, . , t i v -ICK ' , 4,; �.
e tati°ne , oroin�r years Lydia .`
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
8. MA RT IN $ SONm roots and harmsbeen the
standard re► y� r feta
andhas positiWcured thousands o
women who have been troubled with
displaceMents, inflammation, ulcers,,
tion, pfib id tumors, irre ties,
riodic pains, backache,'t att.
-down, feeling, flatulency,
..bcx..ma.y silo n'at. ,�r.,oui ,Gr,
tlM:fkleiliallaJsrlMl'al«_drfJl On�l ifi� �
iron" female weaka;'lesaA, and ' espite
every remedy given lane and
doctors for
this trouble, I grew one instead of
better. 1 was . oast f iling in health,
and 1 was completely A i r . unaged.
" one day & friend advised ma to t
` Lydia lit nkham's Vegetable Loran
pound. I did so, and am than/dui
say that it cued the female weakness,
making me strong and well,
"Every woman who surfers from fe-
male troubles: ashouldtatyrdis__E. .
I,UC . I
John W.-4311;140 bailiff, is,ser2oe ,
trill with heart trou is and -dropsy,
Miss Ethel ° Mowbray, professteam
nurse iu the State Hospital, autfe►lo, is
her holidays at her home
here. John Reid of Neer -York City,
is,spd sending a few holiday -s in. the vile
lage, the guest of his sister; Mrs. W.
Stanley. . Reid contetoplates''a
trip to Itogland and Ptiptland and
ll eXai
t+o fe.t w tblt ""two wCck . 'ti s..
^ T- o t.,d big ihy n n t tiu "ally:
og'hd r sister, ftebeee3. r','Y' f .<'
ea<t. Wim Went Oe '‘,40,0* ':
b.ite3.Id` In`
+�; vetinzu c a ela t- wrel:r..
a -'t' r ju t► rn*rrle�d cnri
des t 4 u' Maar' ' the ev.,
' ap
torniei s °t a it intent.
ucan sand' r . +olnurrrrbe�a, Mia a'
., Fon home troM Saginaw
,i nd StrOthroY, W ere she \iiilvent th:e,.
last three menthe,---Allety Oitt, and
'Casal Modgine,/Mary 'p"oit and Alma
Stanleys are home from Toronto - coil=
can Sal " oa� t e st ."
the, left lest wfor =aura.
Place has been taken by Mr. , ,ud-
elrson, of the Allis CraigBanner.-=W
Sprung willfoccup te new dwell..
w i-
i g now being erected by George Baw-
d on Main street north. .
Dga ru-The death occurred en June
2 of an resident of town, Ileo
D. 'l us, aged 67 The f
eral too place from his late resident %
on Friday. Mr. Roden* has been a
tot/—boa' —h Ugh
nra. .iiaauG:r. .m.�:z
member 0 t1 • count" i all
tax collector since 1901 HAI was a
,member and Ictal secretarrtreasurer
of the A. ,: Ur « ' . ;end a. m4Mbet, cd'
the L. O.1 , e'devout nieniber'of' ' the
Church of England,., and a< Gonserva.
tivaa in politics. He is survived by his
widow and'Arnold. of Winn , Rus-
sel S., of Port ' . ur, anted .� _of
Thorold, Mrs. in. Guilfoyle, rtof
Brantford; Mrs. Fred Hogg, of Lon:
*threme °' Rus.e"S, ". "the
Mot/tons Bank. Port Arthur, and' -
old Hodgins, of the Bank of>Montreal,
Winnipeg, arrived home on Friday to
attend the funeral. ,
+Moth ,tt
,44 Kat iea Zillike.of ash o04 is vial.
Biqa wi ha lae • sister, Mre. A beet 41001-
r. obe t Pherson has hired with
I. +i . tiOodhaxn :t the o butt factory
at� ter f e -nary
this ar anon. Fraat'k and Chavlie Steep.
er-visited with their sister, Ms, \'1.
Woodburn of. Centralia last week.—
Xis* Elizabeth Thompson of Parkhill
arer-ned , iouda* ,trr enda1'
4eektuwithon 11Pr +bletQyr,, Mraf;- .ea i nL thading
do4. h officers,and tIa,..0 si ofthd
Weill�r i d ' d
`c><de;cto gait' ° annual. ;utentp, .aft
+raidl�. end...11 oxn oes.
:Jh... r.'.
start ' T;il
•� ' Det aua>ur rrtaa
f $tom ey,Izattvt�,town 1Wit we
,and,wlirsoOn het. A into ttabl 6ettld
in t eiv new I uie:: r . nd� rs.
�hrtatt ► 'liar Duelaaaar nine :o, ar ate
'left on woesday for a visit N and
earound*d Axe,1111014',-Today is rhur-
toles Civic Holiday and everybody go.
es to Grand. Geerse +rata.
Cook% GAM Root Compountt
greet Uterine TOON sad,
064 age enema KOUtidi
Of 0
II/about to publish ti nett iellue'
, of the Official Telephone Di.
for theDist of -Wes.
tern taxi% including the
Town of Exeter, changes of
--firmattanie‘thanges',..of street
addressee, °Corder* for -dupli.
cote entriershould be handed
in at once to
Seaforthft m. Pearson i;ad the
inisfortume -have the tops of three
fingers on his right hand: taken off in
• thelointer at the furniture factory
a fers
perfeclly designed
erf(4:tly baked
erfect quality
women to write her for ad.viee.
Slim has guided thousands to
Itealtiot' A.M.resso Lynn. Nam
School ports
Following is the report for S. S. go.
Stephenjor the month of May. Sr.
IT. -19 Coughlin, L Helot, L Stahl*.
Sima. Yr. 1T-4.4 England, Cough.
England, I Stable. Jr. IIL—L Simi.
Stehle, If isitIVIOU. Pt. L—II cough -
Hemline Oitarmatf, Teacher.
The following is the report of S. S.
Zoe Sinew 80, Myrtle Mooditi_70. (hen-
*raj:Hazel Bissett -00,
are nr.,,Ebrionte 71,, Vera -Moodie
00. Sr. 111.—Rufus Kestle-78. Austin
Ford 00. 13r. Pt. II.—Maggie Moodie
66. Garnet McFall* 63. Pt. 1.—Fecrol
Biggins 74, Roy Perkins 00 Orby Nes-
tle 63. Thelum Ford 62. 1"lc. on roll 30,
ayerag.e 20.
- Bilsi Robinson. teacher.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will suiely destroy the sense Osman and
completely derange the wliole spite* when nattering
it through the =COM surfaces. Such articles should
never be used except on prescriptions from repute-
blephysicians, *Stile damage they will do is tim-fold
to the good you can possibly derlye from them.
kers Catarrh Cure, manufactured by O. 3. Chene.y
it Co., Toledo, 0., containv no mercury, and Is taken
lnternally, tinting directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying . Pere Catarrh
Duro be sure you get the genuine. ft isrtaken inter-
nely and made In Toledo, Ohio. bY F. Onglilgit
am Testimonies free.
• gold by all Druggists, Price 75c. p!r bottle..
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Joieph Simpson. aged 63 years, died
at his late residence. f.ondon. after
Oillivray township and lived there all
his life up until seven years ago, whet.
he MO'red to Port Huron. He lived
'there for five years, and then moved'
to London to reside; some two years
ago. He is survived by his wife. three
sons and four daiighters. They ere
lune., Port Huron; Thomas L.. Wm.
.J., Detroit; Mrs. Jaelet Morgan, Olan.
deboye; MroJames EL route, Palings.
4111e; Mies Delia, at me, and Miss
Violet, Whitworth. The deceased
was a meniber of the.I. O. F. and the
:residents of McGillivray. 'township.
reitionecii,Thursdey, morning to the
T. R. station, end the teinains be.
teken to the residence of Mrs.. jes.
Morgan McGillivray. burial being
held Friday.
ickene of Ingersoll is visiting
her'. raate, Mr. and Mrs. John Hey.
Babylon Lino. -.►Mr, and Mrs. /Wag.
aro Sou Soul -Band, I tin
the latter's p' rents, Mr. and Mu. Fred
Hera, ar.
'V!V" aaav—.AL.;quiet _ wedding was
celeb ted at the bome of Mrs. Bar-
Lung n Mon'dey„ when her daughter
Miss innie, was u llted in marriage
to Ho and Little. The marriage was
perfor head by ;Rev. . Ct 3..-,Ileass, and
Mies. The young couple will start
Eden church was closed on Sunday.
—Miss Rettta Emery spent a few dela
at Farquhar with friends.—Sam Fis-
ting /meat a few days at Toronto last
week with his sister, Mr*. *Andy Demp.
my. who It quite 111,—Mise Brownie
Andrew of Springfield is spending a
few days with Mends around beau—
Mr*. Geo. Buswell, who has been laid
.up for the past two weeks, is recover.
inge-RoedwOrk ottiumen last Thurs.
Artztonmeriertr.- Mr. and Mrs.
as W. *Orison, tof 326
West, Detroit, announce the en -
merit * their third daughbtr,
May Irene, to Mr. Wm. Smith,
of Exeter. Mr. Smith is erldelyknowr.
ss a shoe V= in Detroit, being fore-
man for the Menzies Shoe 0o. of that
place. and Miss Morrison is very
hex intimate! circle., being* tate
of the Detroit Conservatori. platt*
Miss Mary Hepburn of Toronto is
,home for her holiftys.—Rev.P.SMUM
of Fullerton, visited his daughter. our
popular echcol teacher; one dey last
week.—W, II. Butt. Jr., floe pasted his
'first year in the Medical College, Tor.
onto, while Edgar /3uswell has passed
hie final, capturing the silver medal,-
Oongratulations.—The monthly. meet.
church, Tuesday afternoan.—Rev. H.
J. Fair preaches in the Methodist
Church on Sunday mornitm next.—
Mrs. D. L. O'Beirne and baby' Francis
re visiting Mrs. H. B. Quaray at
Election passed' off eery quietly
here.—Thomae Fats lost - valuable
brood mare four yeariold lest week.
despite the skill of the veterinarlee,
foal .seems to be doing well so tar.-..
Mrs. George Sherritthes beet .nonfin.
ed to the honse for the past two Weeks'.
with theininithm in the ankles. We'
ho_pe she Pay soon recover complete -1n'
flodgins. who is wending the
suniiner with -W. Brock of Ellinville.
epent Sunday at home. returning on
Tuesday morning titer the election.—
John Turnbull a,nd wife of Sarniaspei3t
a week with friends here ona at Brew.
"ster.—Mrs. Love. Sr.. ie *PettaitieL the
Week with her daughter, webb
on A. B. Linete—Isesic, Bosterd heti bit"
a phosant visit from hiss cousin iron:"
Buffalo during the past weitit.—TelpYa
arry Taylor, and the IMO, milt
and Cowan were Sunday evening visit.
ors at T. LOW/A.—The first picnic or'
the seam_ n pawed throtigh en •,route to
Grand BeW on the inet,...Robert
-Elone'i new Brentford
he recently treeted tieing
truntn.t.The home of Mr. and
James Harris was the st_tte of a
pretty wedding on Jane 3rd when
.rearried to Neilson ft, Couch Strat.
I tilt performed the ceremony le the
nee of * ritunber of Invited gueets.
her travelling:gown was of blute with
*ilk waist. Milo Agnes Youngehalf
titter of the bride, piayed the wedding
march. The younateouple wore unat.
tended. They will reside in Stratford
and have the heat wishesi of their mor
atritions in the
Might tile m
McGillivray Council -
The Council the Township of M.
urday, the 30t May, ;All ' member*
4')Iillivray met i the Town Ball on Set.
present,. Mintitesiof hist meeting read
and 'Signed. A large number of ae.
counts were pawed.
Pootle--41organt—Tbat the tender of
the Stretford Bridge Co. for the eteet.
- ay afternoon with her Mies
few dos. —Rev. A. _Thibiodettit , and
tote* and 3, Turner's on their Way to
tended eounty council its Loudon the
children of Buffelo are *hilly
fa/Wilder*" patent*, Rd. tic
it. "mon. witrerank irsiugh.
JAL Hicks 'hast added yretitly
the appterance a hi*
erecting a nest wire fence , ;
Strethroy tbcis Cutts spent
Monday. even' ng at BMA. 1Cnglithie,
Brother* of Winnipeg le -slating her
bet of her friends to a hirtis4 y
fr. ening.
good din . detest et
and thirv IL
Hee is s proof—auad.:our stare is crsmmv i ?deb hundreds of other Immense furniture values,
*Past W pd,xertf iu today le ' w die,,a�Itta�ary *chidtAtioka ed-, Oerradau Iced. The �o d favorite"
ma* * A ` r*4p dt . It yo a, want ons or severe ay �abOutd. sect us our Dodd at o
unser' p etuars leered will be fi rpW*ed on request
------" Western Ontario's Largest Furniture 'Mouse
hy. Hill.
Mrs. James McMartin of Barrie is
the guts/tor her mother. Mrs. IL Bon.
thron.—Mise MeTaggart went to Olin.
ton Wednesday to attend the wedding
of Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Maiimert.
stitien /went at Blyth,—James Bon.
thron, Jr., hat purchased the residence
"'velem _ . 4kur.-11
don are visiting reletives in town.
We understand that Robert Jarrott
Intends 'moving Weetshortly, with his
femily.—Our fetiotball team drove to
Brno/Meld on Wednesday night and
had sane game with the team of that
*o. Utt, result wait tle.—Will
Gel thtir McAllister and lsetig
M wen, ruedicatettidente. are home
after spending *wither year at Toron.
Macarthur purchased back ids reel&
enc. hem Mr. Dooldale ond will move
into the bome as soon as it vetant.
—Mrs. J. McMartin of Barrie hid at
°Oration pert nod at the 'home 'of
her father R. thron Wednes.
day....Thes dee marred in lidertOn
Pr. MAIM who fornierly kept hotel,
here.--liotion on behelf Of ,Cox, -
omenta Oth ' that twenty persons
owortttbt.vtootgrrquaiiiih etnlissat_oe local"Optte_groon. brubtoW
voted, illegal y. The judge holds that
the *wilt was not affected by the
votes of those not entitled 'to vote and
disinissies the motion. -
DuaTrt—On Moeday death entered
-the hope Of WgiAiM ficAllieter, Lot
23; 'etiietori.pf tifty,' taking away 'the
wife Ondanother. She died from the
effect" of a. clot of blood flopping the
dreidatton in -one lung. Talon am,
lonsly on Saturday night, she lin.
gered till Monday morning. The de.
ceased was in- her 41st year and besid-
es her sorrowing husband leaves two
grown up boys to mourn her Iona The
funeral took place yesterday littera-eon
to iiillsgreen Ceroetery. The sad
mrent has east. a shadow over the
whole neighborhood. .
Griswold, maim, lest week, as t
two daughters and one son. To _add
Mr. johnson is very ill with kidney
trouble. "
Mr. and Mrs. John Moir left Wz.d-
nesday of this week to visit their sons
et Latchfird, New Cntario.—William
Bletchfo of Prospect Hill visited his
brother R ch. Blatchford during the
week.—Dew Brothers have the foun-
dation ot their barn about completed.
lune 8. --John Friel ahifigii-
ly respected citizens of the fifth con-
cession of Hibbert Township, met with
tett *evident while amistingin the tear.
ing down of an old barn, that resulted
in altruist instant death.
Ile Wall standing on the top of *
beam when he lost his balance .and
feast alighting on a Piece of timber. re.
suiting iu the breaking of eleven ribs,
Ile expired a fiter minutes later. Vhe
sad fatality 'has cast a gloom (Met the
entire community.
-411.114 LAM, CieseralManapr
I Paid -tip Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, 5,000,000
Muds* throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
CQUNTRY BUSINESS Mgrtistre.tt:ttri7oelPtit
backing businem Sales notes Italie cashed -or taWa fiw eoirection.
BANKINi 'BY MAIL Acc"414 ati4
this way with equal 110
All climes of peopie feel the
desire for prim* , in connection
with their bank accoimt: If it Is
kept In another city one's friend;
or relatives learn- nothing about
it. They have no means of
'mowing unless the depositor so
By depositing your meney with
this Company, or by '.taking a
debenture you save -more soh-
factorily :Ind successfully.
There is nornorio sound financial
institution in Canada in which to
place your money. Interest on
deposits is compounded quarterly
and debentures *re issued at
4 per cent. per annum half yearly.
Write to Aids Company 'tor
partiCutare respecting banking by
ne►f�asld: The corner atone ;of the
ibyterian cbnrt ch Will be hild
on Monday, IOUs 15th.Fant Parte
killers in connection with this
ant mission will begiven Liter. Hot,
ever, all interested in this important
Omit should keep this date open, end
be -on hamlet June
Eittnellatille: Many friends will re -
to - learn of°tbe death 'OM* 'Sole
t, which occurred at herr hom e
ivite on FrIyCiaorrning Wt. after ton.
ly i *est' hours' lluaeaare.Ilts. Spree*
in her ' aecuetouaied health
omni, t „the do previous when she we*
attacked by paralysis and n verraarllied.,
Clinton: The people Of Clint/id Will
learn with deep a n sincere regret of
dhe eath of titre. Nell Meth o,
hitt. occdrrred cu June atter etlet-
_, Alin She` leets ao,up
Tiney_ yba ' q .. bt . a1. -Mary- _..
��*.���1((eJ at hoe*, end Mrs. Fr aannk Smith
of "etrrote a, and one son, Peter of Dur.
The Connell then adjourned tO meet
n the Town flail on Monday. the tlOth
alty of *t one o'clock m.
II D. Drithimond, *Clerk.
it bettke
Report/. . show that .two Of our 60
hinge *on merited standing In
clod of atnedieltne of o> to
ity. , . 'Hamilton milton Wa ►� one Of
the, five of aal Cleaamof sone hundred alk
glut who ps a+a`d, with honors e!'aac a
Our y� thus entltling him
Veted etteding _cif a
+ir r
Fire put out, soleke)pipe
Fire 5tsys in, srni4te.;pipe stayt 'Up ors
citittaNi out any ti in
tiirt, or fear of 'Chilling