Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-04, Page 7 (2)CONDENSED EW
1114 uuri1
.t. ,4.11',
Mp4 wen. ,,,kup.0.44
,,.0*: . aeiere*Willi- tae
.Duaipun \ gktiCkst ' rtat*434; 11Wik ilee
°A I '
le,.. kilo
WuS the rains) et the stioaeter, 4
.John Clerk 'of St. j'ihn ana Edward
V4ti .of ex aro the survivor's. The
deal' aree-Ceptatit Tbontes Fay, her-
Datey, Ulnas Stesittten, Mi :tel
tiCrrestif,' 'the; tot*
MAckcetiztl.p, 61rai1e ',to cri/t1)64.0*,,
deraPhy3k4L ltr lott 'Atoec
40,ter(14 .imt. lity.tk.3 t4)1,. le,' Bet Oahe
etig,ries tiet'iaenittitenreedele. reite:Sit, 'Mkt
teni.e•eest into'. tate -kan-lytn
-etki.CL hir in w;`'
,Liteloara were. swung oat front *he
stearner,_but the wreetc lb* cheonee
had gone down. within two minutes,
end oath eega tha Blest n cruisal aro nil
eseinty,•.C1 rk.
,oundland, William Fitterand
Ray . eve Sea
nt ; al chaclof;e-
Williem flit ley, Bart ey ,,r of
st and s..x mom whasan me. ore
The Boston was cre-,p'ng along at
1110 *eel in the fag off Yarmout
hen the lights 4* the Frnne _wdidiIy
p!i1 narkatets;41erieltuiritillara-1ee
the liner* fray. When the hoarse
at of "Sell -loner dead ahead!' rang
By His Soh.
41, despatch from Cornwall says: Robert
oOrr end his wife separated when they
lived in Cornwatrsome thirty years ago.
,and drifted apart, the wife keeping the
rchildren. Last figt the son arias
tind e•-......irlige.
. lira
AiiiiatOrt, of 10 Collega'averine, fi-
le, and on her affidavit the husband wai
+declared legally dead, arid a portion of
othe eon's estate was turned over to her.
Mr. Orr, however, is alive. Ile has been
living at Ironton, Ohio. and is DOW in
rCernwalt to s his sister, Mrs, William
''''Teekilherra, an other old friends, who
..easity kientify h m. Ile claims to be his
• 4041r6 legal heir, and is ming after the
Miley. Ile called at his wife's Toronto
404res.s with a view toa settlement, but
4$110 &MIN to see him. i • .
Ghves nee to Woman Who Saved
A despatch ;from New Yerk saps: Mrs.
iEva Jovernicka, the young PolL911
41,vhia la.et Monday frustrated the at
of three men to rah eneseengers
,ot the Jefferson Bank of $0.000 on
^Thursday , reoehee a reward ef $e00
from the officers of th bank. She said
that she and her heshand will, at onee
eleturei to Poland.'where with ,the $500
-fee a nestegg, they will. be in 'compara-
tive independence. , She reeve that if
, *he retnitinea in this ereunery Hie Iliaelt
AinItante will get her fortune away front
Neer, saye.
lEight-year old Welland County Boy
'Meets Death.
A despatch "from Welland says: La-
-Verne, the eight-year-old eon of Roland
• Dodge. Stromness, was drewned in a
-well at. his father's barn on 1Vednesday,
'The lad went to the barn in the afternoon
4ond was not miss,ed until tea thne. It
Is. presumed he was attempting to draw
!Donates 5.01$ Great Northern Shares 10
king Edward' s 11101014 Vend.
A de•spalch from /London eays: Lord,
-_--).kettifeartiephen,-formerly-the president_
-tf the Canadian famine. Railway COM-
vitrty. who had previously donated '
"$2 -
.0,000 to the King Edward tiospital
fund; has now further donated 5,000
*shares of the Great Northern Railroad. of
‘tae United. Slates, to the same fund.
A. Man was cently being tried for
'itatrder, -brit tbe evidence neediest him
-Was.set• Weak that, the Judge direded the
• /bre' tei- find a vetdiet of "Not 'Guilty,"
aril notified the Court of hie intention
14 Slop the eine% • Ed the ,e0Uth1til cou
"i iota file Idefettek Wanted liD4)..ppor
1tyflarsainthiriainenen4effe rieked
IANSWil to address. the Court. "Certainty,
arr. Cantepout," reminhed the judge
4"We'11 bear ,you with pheiteure; but first
for safety's sake, Well CIVItaii• the prie-
e" rushed on dt1 LILL the v
sank tank, les fftt instantly, and be
was cartel (leen in the vortex, Going
do-,vskhe elteched a piece of wreolcagl
ttll this axone came to text =face.
Ile saw men dragged devote all armlet
him when the vesset sank, but when
heir to the' surface there were only,
ertre!ttatdteieeelahltreeitisme. -
sserWitiers, and ona by one thif
after telt an hour from the time tbe
Inheener was tate
1141110 lattee CarthaginItal Brine* Two
Sailors to Ilalita.x.
A despite* fram Harfax says.: The
Allan liner Carthaginian, which arrend
from- leiveteool on Timrelay, laratigat
in two Freith salors, Collet Victor and.
Obigot August. wheel' .she pt.lioi. up' at
1...eli-letat ' ei.i.Valletie ...-
, - : :.'-tta.ttittereattillattatar.._,
„eutse, ail -St., tette. -.They got teat tn.
log. Met }Way niorning and.. bad been,
adrift in the's dary, without food or
water, for live .days atel a hail, Wherl
the. Carthaginiwa pleked limn up iril.
Wednesday theywere lying prone in
the bete -in -of ther dory UPC ,nictuul,.
and Oat not r.,cover tle-eir SIITFeS t 11 they,
had ben tin , oar.1 for soma time. Their
Legs and met owere sweetie to almost
&Ole the n." mal size, ani ,Cone of the,
tivet was coverall wen b Ws, -watch had
broken out during the days they were'
adv ft. They euffered terribly from the
cold. When. Constaousnese a Verne& do -
„spite thee sufferirigs, tlei .nem wept wIth
joy taat they were saved, for they had
given up hie e. Half an hour alter tap
Carthagientin deeketi LI) the dory , =the
fog shut, down again. , Had they. not
been teen 'teen th 'y e-crial tualy have
per-saate, The si a was very rouga whin
the eeeene- was erde. end in affecting
it the Carthagniates b atswain fill over- \
beorit and was nearly:drowned. He had'
a very came call.
Young Woman Threw wirer( at a Horse's
A despatch from Montreal says: Two
giris lie at the point of (knelt and two
young men are seriously injured as the
result of a foolish trick on Wednesday
night. The four were out driving, and
tin. girls were eating chocolate. When
the box was empty Mate May Loekerby
threw the box( at the horse's bead, and
the antinal was seared and rah away,
landing up against a telegraph - post and
upsetting the buggy. Miss larkerby and
Mies Lizzie Hull had their skulls frac-
tured. and had to be operreed on at once,
but there is little chance of sowing their
thee. Moe. tockerby was driving and
ie pot !melt hurt, but feelie Cameron
was badly 'cut Mend, the head.
Peel County Murderer Insane 'tVhen fle
'Slew Employer.
•Aedeanatele-frotnetiatawie i4ayse--
aeatit sentence of John Pearse, a young
lletglistunan who murdered his empleyer,
a Peel Calmly farmer named Currie, last
winter, has been, commuted to -life im-
prisonment,/ Pearse was to have been
hanged early In June. - His sentence has
teen commuted' on the ground of insan-
( Vie friss of Li Selene -11.4Mdslide Are
Washed Ashore.
A despatch from °time_ says: The
hadtes of Iwo. vklims' of. list Lot Selette
land slide we -re' reeovered on Thursday;
al Cox's Landing, on the Lievre-,River,
where they hail .been washed upon the
tanks. One of them Was a boy. named
A:leen-letting. and; the other the body of a
1Im1js not ,hrtownee
at. 1ntraL.
eeeter eadea.t.lay? ' Wdteritten •
.alontisel( edit* d
A Chireeee eitundriman at Austin; Ma.,
suffeteng with leprosy. bee been anal
hack to Caldera, China.
The C. Pe R. crop repect ol. the oeri-
tfittetitiYis'on.. Int the WA 'ilttraftiWet
•Oeer g.-50 rarest, of cotillion! -oraaalitt at a
.etist4u$20C.000 or 83o3,00/3.
0se servant girls are copying the-
Haent tort runteer itnifotens, the latter
Vent a special *leave et'cloth for thole
uniforms. •
Th a Ontario Ilalway and htunielpal
4.,:kle8l.*nlateta Laritataleetatteental.. ee.
Will notb'a towed ttioteueV lionleteata
en area car.s.
• 4Iy a score of .beave„burglairies
ever litogearalinginineetre
\ two 'Werke, •larwi --ameturts et Anon -
bra le of the Grand Trunk. Pacifle be -
hewn IloaestaWn and Plaster Rot* he
been let to the Toronto Cotrestrectiop
A rocket., wlach a &mall boy had fait
ed to set Off, exploded in a store at
Ferule, B. C., eetteng firer to the whol
stock f Remoras. mat bueiting_ down
• Cnn----N�. 3 ellow, nontinat at Bic
te 8.20. Xerante• featithl. bUt no hrst-
teas dJing. 1rto 1)0 high.
ers wInier w t Patents, dell
at $3.50, --
nallereeNat 2. 55e te 00e °Wide.
Peae-Ne. ;, 92c to 93e, otlistae.
Rye -Na. matte and wanted. P2c-
Duckwh.mt-No. IWO to 650.
Oats -No. white, ree to 50c outelle;
No. $ zif..3f2ic outside&
---1.4aartesPle "Teacinaloa---a-
EggN:y-taid. 17e 1') 18c.
flutfo'-Pr'ce, have declined another
rnety. p ,zao
„' do 6•034s ttativo
- Dairy pint; ..... . 2101022a
do large moo. Is 19c te 20e
Infereor 16e to 170
' lieney-Strained steady at. Ito to 12e
per pound, for 60 -pound pails, and lit
e to 13e for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Ocala
at 41:73-1e--$.41.50- Tee dozen. -
Checeo-The new 'make is offering
anise freely; 14c f er large on4 1430 for
twins, in job Its here; r.ew make, 12c
fo • largo and 123c for twirs.
Bean ---$1.9O to $2 ter primes. and $2
te. $2.10, ter handpieked.
alapai Syrup -41 to $1.10 per gallon.
Bated Straw -s$8 to $9 per tone
Bated Ilay-rinothy quoted et $15
per ton in car lots on track here.
The British Socialists are opposing -the
proposed. visit of King Edward to the
czar or, ramie.
A bill -providing for hone rule eer Scot-
land was 'introduced in the. Briteeh laths°
of Commons on Wednesday.
President Fallieres of France has been
profoundly impressed twilit the magnifi-
cent reception accorded him in Lon
Carrie Nation was fined $25 and costa
for disorderly conduct at Pittsburg.
Prohibition has been carried In North
Carolinaby a majority' of peobably 40,-
000. \
Charles Letripke was struck by a base-
ball at Plouglikeereele, N.Y., and almost
intitantly killed. ,
Gen. Staphen taeleee, who directed the
firing Of the first shot in the civil war,
is dehd at Vickeburg, , Miss.
Freak Merritt, a middle-aged man in
New York, has allowed doctors to inocu-
late 'him with tuberculosis germ in order
to experinient with verious reinedick
Six-year.old Aorta Sheedy, of West
1Gth Street. New York. fell from aeourth
storey window, but struck eeverarlinee
and was only slightly bruised.
Claude F. Day, of New York, Is suing
ih !nether -in-law. Mrs. Turner; for $100.-
601; for alienating his wife's affections.
Day says Mrs. Turner thought sae was
trio piling to be a grandmother, and so
objected to her daughter having children.
• GariE.RAle
Tee outer etc, at the Mormaed titbits -
men in India is milaesing.
The inhabitant., of the leland af Sae
rues ate in revolt ngainstetheir Prince.
The fluseian warShip Peter the Great
is rag age\ s nd in 'the Gulf of Finland.
Mee gram e, the Rent% a( eoplan
neeeever six mit s with his machine at
Rine on Wrdneseay.
• Th Per -Ternrsi auegosts that the
time hes C.1MO to substotate an Atiglo-
Ft011\11 alliencii tor the rrerent exit rite.
Peceleas ecriescatalcal plate and other
tnaeurei have leen stolen from the
Cativedral of St. Etienne, Limogeti,
FraFiter, _
emit. Men Persist in Dentands for Con-
• citation Hoard.
A despatch from Winnipeg says: Ttio
members of the meeltanical unions heto
ore not alarmed by tho despatch front
Montreal on 'Wednesday stating that tho
triay lock theta out if they persied
• n their, demands for a common trivettll
•gstien ot conditions in the cest 'and West
be •a Ward of Conciliaihni. - They mt.
dently antteipated such a move, and de
attire that they-witt-not-roisb
slightest from the 'ground they have
taken. They are ready for trouble If
it must wine. Ail indieatione point to a
deetsion or the company to ignore the
board entirely.
0(;paklt frenA Olttlwa s0y4: The
In Nei in Hui dieett-oe es'ablrea-
_0 rew euttat for tveitern expurto to
Abe sfahoardva thoprepakof Itasca s
ri,ay t01.4e is 1161V behig made by the
Geitelitinetite A survey t avly, urolcr
the Of M. Alarreer. it Mt I
Sent ent the trveti.,..r Der.artrnolt to.
,140-oullto twIts.-'3•1,1e of Pkitt Chmre:Alt,
the bine," txtmpers Itolieres Ray
*rtif th!, tkrtr‘rtua cf tha ttipcsed
toOn%flig Bslwav, The !Oboe Uty
'will befo,14,14d n ct, osteravedect the
?Ariz, toto4g. ith 1b)[! 41„Old 'krt.
Irritto.”01 Wa1e3„ 4tn4 etav..sa VI* Vivr
It:1M the it!„*Is-os•• Ipy AU,antiany ltd
t yr:* *04 )11)101010
IzarIvir ore also toelng prereired under
no Are ti fl iot the department.
The pi fSflat populatooa of Fort
Chtnellia ootisgte of 'four hallbeeed
families. a numeteell pet ecitrin and one
settat named William Beeeh. The lab
ter is the only man whese hoetire is
112h 4en tae future t evesite. Ito 'se-,
tlaW there th hie writ 1f re tire area,
nuest en was reeerved for settlement,
end is, therefeve, dilated to ektm
lye %paler seetien of 160 aetelt ot dty
rat enLitc.' „
is kApr.vted that the (loyoraniffht
hvasure tvolvading Vit the toostructlort
of a 'rale'altl•toiIuJe..ns 13*; will bit
10141-04,4-4510.0 itt th* Corilhotla*hotliz.
Two Swedish liareepectetis IrPeet Voir*
A despatch from Cobalt says: A double
drotvning actideht, teak .place last week
BlY whest two Swedish pros.
tetars for Mr. Archie 6011t5 von*
owned while out flatting , canoe.
,ttc'y were' Forte 11140)05t:0A tisrolty*.
kight, s and Otto Pyyliko, allt4dthirty.,
ore'. They were not long Att, WiletAV
oan ettddelly tirefie terld tapered their
onoe. Itoth bodies were reeovered trotrt•
the lake ettortlY, afterwards, and were
taken in eharge by Mr.' Charlet Camp
uittlerkiker,\ qf Cobalt. Another
Swedi6lt prespetior la Wowing itt the
Artatna.Nalng , region, And it it
thought that he, too, has beendrowned.
mg ,sAut WAS 110101tEN,
Ott Attkor Ma* looped Prom *
too Trod.
stioryitch fipro Pott A.rihor says:
mn rt,.)trttd Mtn*. atitakiyed be.
fatally injured on Wed.
ntsday hi& by both*, thistmitt
I o V* givAirbd while alighting ft4it *
trovIng **In, )6 *it blithe b"rcen-
He h4
Molded the 104 some
trindigo�d-b, an4 Wii4.ct 4014,1400,
Pok --Short cut. $21 to $21.50Aeer
barrel; • mites, $17.50 te $18.
Lard-Tterces, llerc; tubs, llerce
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats --Long
clear bacon. 10X -c, tons and cases;
haMS. 01041.11111 aed l'ght, 12e to 13yee;
trims. Mtge. 11)ac to 12c; •tales_ 16.c to
leeee: shoulders. Tic to 10e; rolls, 10e
10 10X -,c; breakeret bacon, lie to 15c;
green tneats; esatof pickki, lc less ta)en
New York, .1 Iwo - Wheat - Spot
easy; No. 2 red, $1.04, elevator; No. 2
rid, $1.01%, f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 north -
Duluth, $1.19 f.o.b., atkeit; No. 2
hard winter, $1.12%, f.o.b. afloat.
hfordreal, June 2. -Flour- Manitoba
sering wheat patents, $6.10 to $6.20; sec -
end patents, $5.50 to $5.70; winter' wheat
patents, $5.25 to $5.75; straight rollers,
$4.50 to $5; in, bags, $2.15 14 $2.25; ex-
tra, $1.50 to $L90. -
Roiled Oats -$2.75, in bags of90MS:-
Oais-No. 2, 51.3‘ 0 to 52)re; No. 3. 490
te 50e; No,. 4, 470 to 48c; rejected. 45c to
46c; Manitoba rejected, 50e, North Bay.
Cornmeal -$1.00 to $1.70 per bag.
Milifeed-Ontario bran. In bags, itM to
85.3.50e shorts, $25 to $26.
Provisions -Barrels short ent mesa,
822.50; half barrels, 511.50: dear fat
tacks, $23; dry salt long dear becks.
ids do, SS; compound lard. 8Xt to ec;
lice barrels plate beet. $1450; half pr.
pure lard, lej,ac to 13c; kettle rendered.
Se to lagc; hams, 1230 to 14e. *mood-
ing to e;- breakfast bacon,- 14e -to. 15c;
erattoir dressed hogs, $2.23; live, $6.60 to
• Cheese -The market is quiet, with
eeesterns quoted at 11c to Ileac and
easterrts at 11%c hell*. • Local receipts
t'.-dayavere 7.745 boxes.. compared with
6.50 for the corresponding day of hut
• flutter -The market is steady to -day at
the recent decline, finest creamery being
quoted at. etc In round kits and 24-30, to
grocers. Local receipts to -day 'were 3,-
O6i packages.'comaared- with 831 for the
•earne day lest year. - •
- -LIVE, --;arietate Manger. -
TOronto. June Z.: ---One load of sry
fancy Ctri brought as high a e
$0.35. and several others sokl at over
$6. Chatce butchetn! eeers sold up Lo
eest ef ifte Offerings wee rather small,
and the, prices keep very strorige-The
beet1 specirnera' eellt den -toed Urn to
$5. and the tenurial eines all the way
dOtien to $3.
&tory and lamlp ore lower, cioll Luto
,f0info wire lave. and The 41e'ret0od
nit so- strong. Spring lamb; ore etiS•er
Stt h, eis the (patty of thelliejer
On larti:ffeeingse,but the frie- at"
ity Of t is riot up le the ma& A
Itaege arrepartiati of what are ofkring
have not been aniehlA tet uticteefly.,
re'a nes, than 1,700 Lep neve teleeitel
and in &age of fife .1840 rain&r, tto
tharket 'remained steady cti $6 per
teel 4114.1 waterned, Toronto.
pa I; rm*-4).<0:-Atitw.::•0, 444
•AlAt_oltibkiNtedne y'night, hen it tKIal
%tava krhter rue:lied, down the .Curreld
ititt'theeostihtiootzw;',6*VeasIkthouittnitt .ortitero,:1141.te"e,
and, greoting a. weeektige ..which will
amennt bundredSof tlieusands et dot -
tors. Piic Wes were lostphy the wreck
:Of a frefght teain whicitanlangmb 11
'Irtetattip:ifrent- H
gee lifietintiifis mtssing.
The disaster Was caused ,by -the break-
ing of the dam on the citraent 'liver, used
for the generation Of power, owing to the
abnorrnal height of the river, caused by
the heavy rains. All the buildings in
taw City Para wereeariled away, and tiros
r,ower house was inundated. Two C.P.R.
bridges -event out „with theellocenexim
'about -theta -quarters of a milei of track
WasWhveih t%declufloodt. was at its Wiret it
•feeightelratnelreft-41ter EtetiVcittit ilettitt
end 'plunged. into” The ewirl of 'eters
Fresh .AIr. •
The primary cause of a cold is want
of pure, float air. Badly ventilated
living -rooms- are necessarily full of ime
pure air. and If artificial iight-espoci-
gaseleglit-is 'sea in them the air,
becomes vitiated.
11`wo predisposing ceases of a tern
must be carefully noted. Either the body
is exPosed When weakened by -fitigue or
constitutionally depressed to a cold cur-
rent of air, as on . a draughty railway
-platform., to damp sheets or denies, Of
even to tho devitalized atinosPhcre re-
sulting from -belting a, fire becto which
one has been carefully dozing -get gra-
dually low, or the pores of the skin are
opened in a vitiated and warm entitle -
'there, such as a crowded church, chap&
or theatre-. These tatiSe9 may comb:no,
and a coat then bemires doubly severe.
FrequenUr ateens aseribe their exeds
he going from- some warm place to the
opert air, when, as. a rrestter of fact, they
twee already kitten cola in a clese,
StigIfr partial attacks of cold may
Le tree ed successfaily by immediate re-
couree to fresh, pure air, gentlywalk-
ing the the best part of a day. taking
a warm bath at night, soak'ng the legs
itt teat mustard and water to remove tne
head congestion, and drinhing \a wallet,
thin gruel before sleeping to induce na-
tural persplation. The windews should
be partiany open if the weather is dry.
To mites.* the astuffr email on about
the nose •there is nothing better than
the application of toe tallow candle of
our grandmothers. As, however, mod-
ern tulaevi candles frequently contain
arsenic, plain- urtsatted lard, oralmost
any kind of thick grease, may be sub-
stituted. For the tiekiing sensation in
the throat there es no romedy superior
Inee d ton 'wide by pouting bolleg
water on fresh teed. then slightly s-vavt-
ened, acidulated with !emelt juice, and
tee weal rquorice left out, • •
The tightness of the chest Ls Ixest re-
lieved by a warm baili at bed-iiine; fol-
bWed by rubbing into the chest a spoon-
ful of, itot,olive oil ,er lanolittaetther of
e ec e purpose, hong
the stria of the . letter is against its
Widespread use. If this !steer samatale
of Vgeitness, cr pain in the ctest, is at
an severe the patient 'must be put' le
bod in en airy room, a fire burning, and
window a few inches opeys,
. .
Theta must be only lust enough bed -
covering to be comfortable. Waft)
warm bath it given it tohould be in the
,beittemin, the window,* Mould be shut,
and the inuners'On must re all over ex.
cepa the head, and net one part at. a
tenete___ •
For the first' twenteefour hour*, or
even. longer, accordingeta the severity
of the aymptome, nothing but a Week-
fashierpful let bfirley water- and irelk,
in equal_ proportions, every taut' hears
are a Iitfle treat ntuatatkAtiven.
on e an 1 fee-Vholifirbe tifial,ced w ti
, water ni4lit, and morning.. Whin
the so.traty of the syrnpt\Taits ilitten'shet,
bread' and milk, macaroni or ride pud-
Wng.- sow?, or otitt light diet should'
be eontihnel until the' apaetile reitutis
Fatal iNplosIon of * god* Water
A despatch front itatfax says: Mrs.
Philip Ein, wife iof * wc11,1%-nown con.
etuotter of Glee* Rey. Aval tritlabilY
tiled Olt Thatefay by etc-
lOaton of * soda *MK cylinder. Mrs.
In was aged about 14 years. and !wiles
wo *coati thibtreo. The itokterit
Mrs. Zit, ,,,,as,thottag Ths cyUrt-
50 tM done of the *tore trit)ite 1{;ing
ame ing.up. Thccylinder Is soiil
overchargNi a* Vett s de,.
taoe twat ottipletoty *hat.
frornth.,iMitige.. The 040**
'gars. Wtg 41144
-dowi) 10 4,eattfi::. TO, 4d4d,
.aNaardi vngincer,.of -Scigetin
4antes ,
brake:01On. Klett WIIIItuna. Twei
known men beefing thetr Way +Width*
train. Conductor ROse -was severelyi -
lured, but the Other trein hands eses
property-, and ctit oft the supply tor. Ma
car system, as well as light and water.
TerillierarY Pewere\for\--th. local plant6
is being procured from ' lhe Canadian
Northern, and it is expected assistance
will be procured by connecting with the
Kaministiquia lines at Fort Weliam..The
damage is esittinated, at aboutaalf
ittrotc• -
Passengers etere being transferred
twines the flo41ed ,treeck in gasoline
tateheasePt444ettnere4eatos,Are bekt
tuctudun4 a akelat civith steamship p
an be taken. but
Oeribleoppoitinity to get gentle outdoor
exercise. Teda, treatment Is for the' sti,
vent form of oolds.
Drugs, honiceopa.thic or allmeelie, ere
fleetly treeless, and poultices are not
needed if the above directions arecar-
r.e7taaltat fresh lellantadeeeer.temarinscaee aeee,....e.a.e.....-
. The Here% Is test Pet:eyed by
ite !Vier avold-rtetritno
whit* opens the y•Aciree of the sInn, gime
tir exercise, moderate clothing, and
abundant fresh air are the essential re-
. Beeides these general rules it will be
welt if persons very liable to cokle
new care that no ingress be given* to
the malady% Thus, if a cold usually corn.
inemees in the teeth, these should le ale
tended to, and decayed or unhealthy
slumps rernovol.
If the eyes \are first attacked they
must. not be unduly tried, exposed to
dust, etronerartificiel light, or bad air.
If the symptoms commonly commence
In the throat, than a daily gargle went
cold water should \ be bad, the throat
s:uteed every morning with cold water,
and nether unduly exposed nor muffled
ur with handkrrchiefs, natitilers, boas,
oe high fur ecoaars.
Should the ehest or bronchial tubes
b. ch'elly owetot,,, the same precautions
as to clothing must le ebserved; porous
and nohloo heavy flannel or eater vesta
should be worn, and nitsnanied chest
'protectors!' thrown eside.-London'Tot-
Wreclied on Ducee Unmet, hi the South
Few More stlring stories are word- .
*ed. in the annals of the tea. *than that
recently made publie by the fifteen sure
viVors of the -British, barque Dundonald,
who were east away on Insanpolitment
island. Tins istlated fregment of peat -
covered to* is satiated right Out of the
track of shipping near the edge of the
Antarctic ,ice, and is barrea and deso-
late to an alerrist, inconee:vable degree.
\ Yet the nifil mortal:tee to subsist there,
et i for dela months, living on penguin
• 'flesh and seal -meat, 'varied by an cc-
easional ctIsh 'of sea -breast eggs. Tbee
tad, howeve.r, all but given .up l)op.
when they were rescued, on Noveinbbr
161-11, by the exploring ship, Ilincenoti,
which brought them in due course tie
-NewsZettittent--ae-- --es" • s
Censtdered simply es a feat of en- •
durance, their explo:t is regarded- by old
navigators in these waters as little
taloa of eriarvellouse Four to-ftve months --
is generally considered as about the
limit during whichceetawaya can ea -
Let ender such eircinnstaneel in these
144itildes. Indeed, the crew of ekeeen
men- bele rig to Ibe Norweglon s 'p.
Kiwi, which was wrecked on this very
seine pone in Anvil., 1883, were all
foimd dead of shtrvaticn, and expeeuett
within Itss than nine weeks afterwar-dre
Sailors- cast 'away en uninhabited is -
Iamb In More temperate regions. biewe •
lengereperiads. Tfius, The ere -met the
Cavorne, wrecked on Dude Island. In
g•tita Petite, in July. 188.7.. lived
there ritble ceinfortably untiltaken off
in May, 18e5; while tWeeurv:v S'a ef the
witeereLgeeeseee Were three years arvi tour
inontiToa (ho trigtthoring liendersota
Island, en hong found and tv.f4ucd.
Soma nen nuirry at leisure, limn In*
tle'for lite divore court.
despo cit trqtri New Ycrt4 .
det orders frcin Inutigralk,n Comte
S'ener Sargent, ogeni f the ittronlrig,t.
lion Human; nit 'Wednesday inveet gated
reVort-ollet tivetve Chit:tallest Wile Wise
.ariIugghd ift!ci aellatee ever the
Iiiteticark botfkr defleet terdly 1 h
ablaPeir Ittat I}rs),,„Texast fet
Vtki *et *lion th-y relettro
thte 161y. ItOtuors•toweriotg the
(teeth. t 'irhortlfoost 't,tula et in
*Sett raw
1"rcl, V -oe tire ineagralel iiie;-ittlere
literal a ..1, ny that a te.cgraut had b(ct,
meciveal %ego. liwint a 'Nktw Y.M;., tlini-
intni. tat iv Viet leedees Wee i v. tar:114
thsteorta.* a tad tont to ovist„ htlt
that t re ria 14 Mt. 0to..4:!tt,
, Al:EVIO C.rarn15,94anr,,atlget ha
(rd rd an iftvoligato.
n It ,$)y3, (!i31.
146 d 0iot,-Agorii 'thi‘liery 15.,,,xrro,
hi cv4:,ing riii,..,ir that to .talt4', igla
Leen jiit rift # e v.,i.uat,d II, v i'llfttaiwolt
IA ',Jc 4,41f3te a .4.1:a