Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-04, Page 4 (2)1
'ors et Cycles:33s ,Ps01)3.
c,iTo ihs Elactors of S00% Hiroo
Three, and a
)Warts ago yea bon.
ored me with the psessentation
this Rislisg. .Aftsr &sir sessions
THURSDAY, June 4 1008
Atorvi,44tvi) cofit.44,uffrs.
. , .
ar, (43 i, 3 at t Ii6 W hits
e1 y...nifiijoritprs ' . -
ot evesiass of *Stasis, , la ,
.34,10s ssi.dsst .o. sat
'e 0 ill,
e. tbiee-flftbe1ut..1hkth
n ement
°Sii Frederick
*ill torah bly
retire as minister (4 Militia.
It Is the dtitt Of every man to Yore
as he bellevei is right. Because your
party may be weak Or etroo$ in the
riding is no reason why you should
stay at home. You would be angry
eneog were you disfranchised or your
eu. froftt he lists. -then get out,
.j vote a loonies *man who knows
his dutv and is willing to perform It.
There surely has been no failure of
duty bY-Whitney in the taxation of
railways when he he has increstsed the
railway tax $33,502.90 in 1002 to Mks
587.80 in 1907„ a large share of which
goo" to the inanipipalitiee for the first
time in the history of Ontario.
•"wavowit..1.1.1.zw.t.t.r.vtarre.swes -710,44-qattootnoz.vTukitypsttortko4t,tretuoty
The a su personal charges oleo e
recently by The Times against Mr.
Eilber will simply have the effect of
increasing Mrs gilbees PoPilisoritsriand
reflecting discredit upon e mes
for descending to pernonalitlea.
It is prophesized that Whitney will
he returned by even a Jaeger majority
than before. The estimate generally
resdi -Liberahr,
11111lbtrOlaTS MIleht ..14$' A
coMpoaed of 1 Conserves 27 Mb=
erals and one Labor.
Seven Conservatives were elected by
acclamation on Monday,being Mc-
Keoun ofTsufferin; W. J. Paul of Ad-
dington; J. J. Preston of E. Durham;
Ool. Matheson" of S. Lanark; A. A.
Mahaffy of Muskoka; Alex. Ferguson
01 8. Simeoe and J. yr. Carnegie of E.
The Toronto News (Ind.) ;said on
Tuesday: 'The Canadian Northern
guarantee will never cost the treasury
a dollar, and, it improves the Provin-
cial Mortgage and ensurer; 'necessary
railway extensions in the Northern
country. There le neither waste EtOr
scandal in the transaction, and tomer/.
nify it into.s gross public wrong is
diculoue. Moreover, in the Legis-
lature the proposal bed the united sup-
port of Mr. -MacKay and his fellowe
No one aeriously believes that there is
any jobbery in the LaRose payrnen
It was necessitated by exceptional ci -
curastances, by which the Provincial
Treasury greatly benefitted, and
which could be dealt with only in an
The News goes on to say: 'IsAbove
these petty charges stands out three
and a half years of energetic adminis.
tration. a great volume of sound and
progreesive leglidation, singularly hon-
orable election methods, and a remark-
able fidelity to the public interest. A
decisite victory now for Mr. Whitney
and his colleagues will go farto make
these the permanent characteristics of
our politics."
Nearly every one likes a fine
make the hair more manage*
able; to keep it from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that Will feed the hair at the
same time, a regular httir-Todd.
Wall -fed hair wiltbe stroug,and
wilt tettialirivhefeltbelongs--
" head, Sidt on the coitutol
t Wade* is teeth:4*W -
oillces the Governelexat is asking the
elestors.of 'the rroviw.,,..e for a renewel
°teen tideness Thopeople have_a rikht
te# ask, us fosi an.aseotint01 nr stew-
1'am devoting sas rout%
my time as1 Sao tosineetlost these
sntsetimy tin; e, 'cry •sec*
toro of t1,10 P4411Pitt, hot tir.1,10
(soinfo POlots icy Wit,
'•1 thrtlizOilot,49'c'14%ir t
• ive_proettc.c:41 to co'Immo
't"111°)t; 'V° gotco bo,
1). •
Ogidast patiot Bente ,
that we
books a la
in the lekiittur of nearly every
State in the tir u atC1 PC,Voiillee of
thia Dorninion as the Inas% advanced,
and pmetkal on the sabSset of auto.
mobiles ir; any statute' boolc.
X **--To this Qo:flr,i1,t-pallooe. tbe fJI-
lowing s were Patd "
1 c ritsei*Itoolo
ed the la
nirig of automobiles
04 Pot, litatIttgt
Ixon 'trove; to
uaysiOf: the' eproilnco
e fe'itrost help th'at •Mo.
LI rj•••4411.cis ,tisetnisot thieSsrstLia
erais end Conscesmtstives was
blot on this Province daring the year.
prior to January l90. We hove dorM
so, with t he result that eight bye:elee-
tions and over three years of Gover,n-
ment have Caine and gone 'without a.
single corrupt act being charged by
either political party against the oth-
er, a tiling for vthich Liberals and
Consereatiteso alike ere grateful to the
III. -We promised to put an end to
the bucket shops that for years had
been Dupont:4g openlyatWest Toronto
Junction and Fort Fries We have
done so.
pro:rased to reornize the
County Councils Act so that each
Municipality would have direct re, -
voloiAtew.Bettsesuitm !o:
have done Wo.
V. -We promised to strengthen the
election law. We have heavily penal-
ized not only the man who bribes but
the man who accepts the money. ,
VL -We promised that we would
secure the water powers of the Pro-
vince for the people. We have done
monef bfwaysofs
unless, in very exceptional
have not given an acre of laid or
dollar to any railway.. Not only so
but we have recovered for the peop
half g..naillion acres of the land gran
whia-li our predecessors gave the Gran
Trunk Pacific for Its Fort William e
tension. We have extended the tins
limit for two land grants made by th
preceding Government to railways o
which considerable work bad :dread
been done; and in the case of the Jam
es Bay Railway we have, in order t
better the security held by the Pro-
vince. given an additional guarantee
of two and a half millions of dollars
enable us to obtain * mortgage tha
will give absolutely age security t
the Province, not only for the guaran
tee of live and a haltutillions given b
the old Government but also for th
additional guarantee given by tits
obtain this security..
VIIL-We proMmed that sales o
timber should be bytender and by th
thousand feet Instead ef without otun
petition and by the Township, thus se
curing better pricer and making -I
n:ible for the small dealer to buy
We have done so, with the result tha
the timber sold by us has realized by
the old Government. We have pro
vided that it shall be paid for from
year to year as cut and upon the act.
ual cut; and that the lease shall ter
minate in fifteen years from its dat
and that nothing shall be cut unde
we've inches, thus securing to th
Province the return of the land at th
nd of fifteen years with a suMcien
tend of timber to reforest -it so tha
t may again be available at- an early
Lay for the use of this Province. Th
leases of the former Government were
ractically perpetual and permitted
he licensee to cut everything 'on th
and covered by his lease.
IX. -We promised that the agricul
ural land in New Ontario with the
imber and minimal on its wbuld be fo
he settler instead of reserving the
Wier rights for lumbermen and the
usining rights for the miner. We
ave done so.
X. -We promised, to adopt better
usiness methods in seeming for the
1 returns- fo .rthwtimber and
n sand ininerals of New Ontario,
nd in collecting therevenues of the
rovince. We -live done so, with the
result that the normal revenue of the
covince has increased upwards of
wo millions,.of dollar* per year with.
ut one cent of this increase having
eten drawn from the packets of the
lectors. This increased revenue is
ing spent annually as follows: -
For Public-School-sEdu
tease apartfrom the trniveroity Aid,
$650,000.00: for:Aviculture and Roadi„
u Increase of tilW,800.00; for the Aid
f Hospitals and Charities,, thus re-
riatVirig the Sick- And *Mots i
11000(frfeo Mei :Matileipiffilieas
heir share of the railway_ taxation
80,000.00: oAtilitutTSu us hi Citablis
heTrattonrr, averasta AMA*.
t'::-. „, •.,o
nce ,, .an girk Jias o ‘,
. :!done-a*.ai'ivitkiantil:..tbe gi1*.10 the
,ntutfbOr. of MO Plat;ed...4 $0.94,- ..bp4tes.
in thisTeu.late.-:. -
thesis mut plan for iv Ich the nseeeY-
has been.sin, part vdtest le carried - out.
prison labor wilt ao longer be In cow -
petition with free lobar in this "rrovi.
ince. This competition has .been ko-
ing on for upwards ' of twenty -Jive
years, but we home solv the queotion
to the complete so tion of the
labor orgenhations in the Provinces
and in a manner which will result a
great saving of expense to the- Treas.
urkIX.-We promised a measure of
ISM reform that would reduce tha Cost
of litigation to the suitor and would
reduce the number of appeals. This le
being done.
Of my own personal ' 11
not here s k,,except * sa,o
on my own amount and an account of
the constitutency which I have had
the honor to represent. 4 him, now
been before the electors of &nth Hors
on since 1807. - I have been a member
of the Leitialature since I808. In all
that time, by the testimony of both
friends and opponeutv, my record has.
been without stain.
*bowing. and tipesPo
al or issreneifriii-Ofryour oupport for
for your vote Monday, th of Ione
the remainder; the campaign, and -
next. .
t have the honor to be '
Urediton, June 2, 1008.
Besides this, we have I "Wooed
debt of the Province $223,4
annum' $871,600,00. in ells
trot -Oita -increased -
Weird to in the house. / this&
you ust wee, is ad extellent allow-
ing. It should be remembirea„
that we took power at a thrielebiso,
according to Mr. G.' W.
ry'rnearrie of the P
. a millien d011art les* per ' annum
tfiat the. ordhistr exPeedlture. "
XI. -.We promised sehoolbooks at a
liable' cost.; We have reduced
the ce of these books to , lest than
o.ha1f oi:of tittle" fernier trait as the
oontr*cts made by the government
ive duc In tsisices billy forth , in
len In, With the alto* tore.
,1. ter to' you by. oie '
XU 'We milied that ibsi Publie
Ise Provino, pettieulatly
hoot*, would be aided and
so SO that the boys and girls
1 the 'it try sehoole would have as
good opportanity as la given in the
orn achools. 1'iti is beinfc done as
quickly as time will permit without.
a tditiottoost to the seetions, the in,
rtioised t of the Public &boots be -
aa bakt, out Of' the increased 'Severn*
he Provisiets
X11E-We promised you a fair sn-
otto411,1efit Of the Uglitioe License Aet
of the Province, Ail the 003100% le.
getilleft Cf, the* view* on tii# terkspitr.
toce tint/AWN agree that we are 'stir -
an liOneStsatal her entot cement.,
‘ i
. I
ArthinliGartliner, who has been ill of
typhoict ever and diphtheria, is, we
are glad to hear, iroprining nicely. -
home of h son, Thor. Allensslast
Mrs. Alien, of Stratford, visited at the
weeks -Fred Stewart loot a valuable
horse, by lightning, during the storm
on Saturday last.tt-Miss Arlo slaugh.
ter of Mr. Samuel Pasemore, was unit.
ed in marriage with Mr. John Hackney.
On of Mr. Alex. Hackney. of Thainee
Road„ Wedness Mar 20th. -Other
wedding bells are ringing this, week,
also. Congratulations.
. ,
Foil S./a.m.-The undersigned le offer-
ine forgets; the frame house aSud ttro Iota
situate east of the Methodist parsonage,
In Creditor*. 'The hokum is two storey,
has seven rising rooms, in goodrepalr.
Good well of water. Good cistern and
• re
wood-shed. Apply to
Mues R. Ilicakonator. 0 iton.
Mrs. (Rev.) KIIOWlee of Fullerton is
visiting Mrs. Charles Zwicker.-Rev.
A. Y. Heist, Presiding Elder of Berlin,
conducted the special Quarterly ser-
vices in the Evangelical church last
Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday
evening the Rally Day service was
held. The program was given by the
members of the Senior and Junior Al-
liances. -Joseph Lawson with his gang
of men has started work on the cement
walks. The most of the old board
walks' have been torn up and eold to
private parties. The dee ditch at the
grist mill has been Mled in and now
this once dangerous spot will be a
thinsirof the past. -Miss Brownie And.
rews of Springfield is visiting her
cousin, Miss Stella. Andrews.-Itev.
Dewey, B.A., B.D.c:ar Toronto_vti
preachthe fsrerh- oehisrch next
Sunday evening and will likely sing
else. Don't fail te hear him as he is
one of the greatest speakers of the
Methodist body. -Herb Either is kept
busy finishing photos of the views he
took Victoria Day. Ile,has a nice col.
are pleased to see John
Rauch und again after his recent
illness.- st Friday night theJuniors
of Centralia came ba k here to la
ur rown es; a game at base
They returned 'home udder and Irraer.
Our lads played ball All through the
game ' and conducted themselves; as.
veterens. In fact some Of their plays
would do credit to some of the serdor
Teams IWO .core stood 4-2 in Our
favor. Our battery smaistintot Art,
Holtzman and Herb tratnier are hard
to beats -Next Sunday evening Rev.
11. D.,Moyer of St. Thorn" a member
of the Landon District of the listIsti.
diet Ootsferente which 1st
ItzRefthUtWeek-,-iidlispy the pu
pit in the Nottngelical Oott
Nomination Dili in Hansall,
t44iite * number of young politiciatis
a.tte.041.,ed ,the ,Por candidate
and townocuata. 11. rSilber, will held a.
meeting in the Tow n Halloo Yatnrday
evening, lie will also *peak in the
Opera, liouse. Exeter, on Friday, the
fith; inst. .Ladies are cordially' invited.
We feel Onlident that be will he re.
elected with a sttlistantial..majoritys'
. s
.alenoo ScbouP his wife: ant
,fkicutit tholiOnse
Merge Itellerrsan, un- .'Tliur
etsv,d bootatlop4 04-.pitt
$4,, -$0 4.41
hureV•on r .
, wastakeii staident,0 'o
Saturda night €1134 cqrisequence
was tuia le.totike kis appoiatMent on
Sunday. he Sacrament will be att.
steneldicalchfi -
tier' is- all smiles these days -a *011 bas
brightened his home's -The Cotner -
Stone of the new Lutherian church
***laid on Sunday afternoon. .The
service* were in charge, of the PostAt
and Mitchell Congregetionss A la e
misted. by the Pastore of the Login
crowd was present to witness the i
preesive ceremony. -Several from here
attendedthenoMinittionAtieeting- .14t -
Hensel on Mondey..-What of oak
public school picnic and Civic Holiday?
We have in the past always had ,such
an -occasion .which bee always,.eeu
pleasant and profit:01610 sill who rt -
'ciliated therein and if we are to have
such an outing this . year its about
time preparations were begun, Let
our village truttees and school trot.-
. catirleNehetir Vitt3tOkeithet*
and make some arrangement.
Dirant-On Saturday afternoon the
infant child of Mr. and \ Mrs. Charles
Schroeder was laid torrntin the Gosh,
en Line cemetery; aged 18 days. May
the -bereaved friends find comfort in
the words of Him who said, -1"Suffer
the little children to come unto me
*eft tbigt thentmoLlor_Auch
Geo, Schrader, who hasheen visiti
in Fort Wayne. Ind.,; returned hoM
last week. Accompanied by his dough -
ter* Mieelleis, who. will remain here
for, the summers -Miss: Emma Tie-
rnan, who has been ill for. the Toast
week, has improved somewhat and we
are pleased to see her around again. -
Mrs. Dan Hartlieb of Exeter visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gosio-
man, the forepart orthe week. -A bus.
load our local politicians attended
the nomination in Hansen on Monday
the ist inst.-Zones Hairtlieb has com-
menced the erection of a new stable at
fine two -ye
h a. str.old
the 7 purchased of the brick blocks -Ed. Nadi.
driverfrom Conrad Walper of the
Like Rottd.-Last Thursday being At.
cension Day the stores in our village
,were closed in, the afternoon.-Owin
to the Illtiess-of the Rev. L. K. Eldt..
on Sunday
l Oh MI
the Quarterly Serwere not held
in the Evangelica
last. Th.ey will be held, however, next
Sunday morning. -Mr. and Miss sY. A.
Wambold visited in Hensall on Mon.
day last. -Miss M. Mero of St. Ioseph
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs,
3. Oorri-
vesu.-Dr. T. P. McLaughlin spent it
few days in Hamilton last week. -Mr*.
(Dr.) Jack of St. Marys, visited her
husband, Dr. Jack, of the village, for a
few days last weeke-Raily Dior of the
Young People's Alliance woo observed
babe Evangelical ()burets holt Sunday..
Three excellent topics were given ima
the singing was 12ighly appreciated
by all who attended, -The laying of
the corner stone of the new Lutheran
Church took place last Sunday aftert,
noon *1 330. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Thun, the Psalter,
while the done was laid by Messrs. L.
Schumacher and Hy. Kraft. Two ser.
mons were preached, one in German
and the ether in Engliah. Despite the
unfavorable weather, the attendance
was very large.
The following i the report of the
standing of the papihrof the Dashwood
Public School for May. Names in or-
derof Merit. Div. Gray -
bell, P Willert, 13 Graybiel, N
mann, Nellermann, Sr, .-F Mor..
enz, 0 SchroedeisssOlel issess_Iesset
ne ers,7E-Guenther, A. liar
W Grayhiel,11Mcloute, IL Miser.
Oalifes. Jr. 1Vis....1*.i Guenther,- V
Brokenshire, E Guenther, G GO0k$4 V
SiebertsE Mimi. Sr. ULs-L Siebert,
W Pfeff.,L Stire, E Neeb, M Ehlers, 0
field, A Tinian.
G, W. Shore, Teache;
• Div. IL -.Jr, Tiernan,. 0 Ho
Mello 3 Routledge, A Koch. L Schroe-
der, Mastic, Mid. IL -L Musser, T.
Wan.la. W Milier, P Willert.
IL.H.!Schroeder, • L Steinhagen,
Hotlines), T Mcisaac. " Pt. IL --F irtn,
0013, R Netts V Meitner., W. Vitesoldd
Sr. Pt. 1.-! Held. N�.Onroll'oll, aver-
• M. V. Carllpg, Teacher,
to. IL.A480 roeder,..K Stir*,
01. Vincent 0 itenerogin.
.roeder, II,Snbcoeder. 0
u ntber. I Zimmer.. ,
T i'mater, Soho.
L Ed
L Schumac
*tattier. Pt. 11.
ozi roll
0 Far
ineorporaad by Speselal Act Of Par-lista:tint,
• TOAOLTO RANitigttrAttilOtt/ITAIN and the
gtA,D :oiessitos • TORONTO.
W. 4.irrtAv OA, Oen Man�.ger
tdifilitnk has been opened in Dashwood and
buslnee "TM he trartsacted at this branch. S
, the Savings Ittrik 'on ONE DOLLAR
be blgtaest trent, rates paid tames ay r.
Ito actomit44 of Townships, FA
*1. Notes Weds' •
homo and,
a�ount in be. Parretezi Bank of
R. T. tUNLOP,' tit
Da8llwood1 Ont
Ciati. 40.0*
140. g ,4st
te ts,ts4011.' tysix
- .t4e 4.4
Miss Nellie Holmes, •
k 704,0 -
2211d' year-appedj
id -a
best of health until early in *sultry
lost when she was attacked by tuber.
cnieeie of the Mane s. From that
to her death* e was conftned
Thio Great ,Rna
toirtvi,locsate hot
' Otui fr,,ott131, *sakes nos*
1nt old Wok Cam Nemo
ous Debanz _41211tA and .ThYti.111
vonticrieg FrOidosessi Retiasknee.
ltaterrhawi 074 Area,* 41, *Owe zovawes
reerbessiSzese OaswUl
w cure. Sold by alt cr
y Windaort
re the leadieg bflainext training Khoo) in Wieteru,
Ontario. We give thorough. radical- Wanks on.
Commercial iluZettand ,
IMO litssanas
Touch Typewriting. main
..Votamirrialenditatlr514101,4140,01t, „ .
4rrsdh departmeat is be the h.ande ot exPeritneed
i =tem We madat students to polvitioss. Our
nate* alwaye rouCceed, for oar courses Us the
Clet our free cataloioue and learn more **et
us. Youriky settarsow.
81\LIOTT madkonL.407;,.
• (ineorper‘atini hy lit of raillarne*nt 141)i
Read Office, Montreal.,
. 33,000,000
ON OF 0ANA.D\ik,
OPIUM Etowah 40 a. to p. Es.
SATitlf.DATO, 10 a. as. y. nte
rianalltAL NANKING 1111811‘113111-111tANSACTI11).-
DEPOSIT Receipts isaued and highest current rate of lute 'stallovistit
'lit Bank Depa ant* Until further notice Interest on Splays accounts will IA
• tad quarterly Instead of half yearly as forstwelt. •
...ts of $1 and upwards received.
Agents at xeter fer the Dominion Government.
Dlonow & amigo, Solicitors., N. D. litint,DON,
Question Blank
for Herne
TreatMent sent
- Pets fer
Wei *tutu le Cure ill Corals Casa et Striders, Varloseelr,
Ilentems BsblIIty, ilkOd Pelstolso Vita -
Olney, Illesdor aad UtilaWy illsosissi ena ell
Blueses Pseeliar to nee old Wein&
our thee and stotts,10•••04, ,olkenz_dangecousii_esperlinio;taLtrintto•nt.,
Vitit‘OwitonoltYour tooftitingfby bsingesporissentod en int114 remedies
torejn.st dbootretpd. But cm. to nt• 1st cool:dew, . Vie.** trent
roOwWAr farliffullA olurreotAn you to hailt1t pos.
dlitonifot and,'
Our liorriNstissoll
-14144,4. De*. iti'm
WittcheseJewellerg; siiverw re, Toilet
•Set*, 'Etc., Etc.* -„
We ave undoubtedly , the est lin
goods that have ever, been shown In tllis
district. We can suit, you in quality an
price eve e. 1
, i
) , ,
\ \
\ ' 1
' WedIing Presents
dings occur at all seasons, but the big
on 18 now approaching;We are ready
with tha Uneat rings & best presen
• 44»