Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-04, Page 3 (2)Ltr Gasoline
('otnitee *11 the " 4Volitlet IbM mete tor torafer •
ditithhtv Wit rtuatitt otiy the betti 22 to ft. A
cAnapitd and eabined. 'ikveTai harkatos n other make*.
lospectioo ryttienaelofr ps'id ia mkt O1perehase.
seaLitkitryet '
!, • joie-
t,f t
'4. 41Y4lii fi
'"i1J aV
di e- ijtkoT i1wunt"
amp.; WO is ttecoSt of lett4srptittnt
a• viscounty of the thille4.Kingd441,„
• atty,41.Ouden • ,
FO b"iitter rank the *ea amount to
11` I, u 10, willolt will fully
entitle him to own will have to paY
4350 kr the same, riedditIon to Palling
tetvinan ininiense attune in the slope
ocif 4t*W duties. 11 tie ehenge bad been
• that ef ti ritarquisate the fee would have
beetle4'3K , A newly imatte_Eart pa is
.050, a Baron 4150 and a Bazonet
, ver, are only part of
he expense entailed by a. man who is
iMiored with. a title. The -costa inveeti:
-- ture, heraktry, ie., cona(tterable effiek.
„einientsetiseearnount --Itliiiity be remora-
, red that when Lord Rolm* accepted
tuaearklorn itrlereelailiNv -
fy given. the Garter, he as presented
vetth e bill ter ,4050, which at first he
- TO the ltreeettge reader it Will probably
seem absurd that when such rewards for
serving the country are granted the re.
cipient should eo euffer in pocket. It is
not so bad nowadayeelenveveri as in the
time of James 1., for instance, who mulct-
eeeeetelehtialegoriets -Pretty, -kr
t 1 ' '71.figi.344,1-6a7". , , 1 - atil
rtittlifilititY4Atket UV. Wu& pur.
- pests or pay into the Eichaquer an
equivalent sum, which amounted to Lie
• Oft$ per year. Furthermore, to be quali-
fied for the honor in theiSe days one had
to be a "gentleman born" and have a
Clear estate of £1400 pet *tritium.
Originitly the fete were paid to cer-
tain officers of the Slide comtected with
aele-----1he businessaot-imstingiaitnateetzi
tine, but they are now more in the nature
of duties, and are pakl into the Exche-
quer, thus helping to swell the revenues
of the eountry. Recently it was proposed
that , at a further lax on titkere. 410 pe an.
num for a knight, 4100 -for an earl, and
45,000 for a duke -should be imposedi
and some Irv:0°1)MM° people have even
dared to suggest these titles slimed be
put up to auction And sold to the bighest
• bidder..
ItEt)tiE$"1`. S Km. FEES. •
• M Ithistrating 'the curious demaads
--made upon a num who becomes a titled
personage 114 might be nientkined :that at
•-the beginning of the yettr1100 celebrites,
who within the last four Yeers "lave been
• granted, the privilege of prefixing their
name with "gee each 'received a letter
• from the Walker Trustees, Edinburgh,
asking for a sum of £3 Os. 80., which
•I", was said, was due in respect of each
gentleman's Batton as knight of the
. UniteKi re In the ease of a baron-
et 45 was demanded. When inquiries
• were made it Was found that the Walker
• Truetees, of whom very few of the titled
gerittemen had ever licerd, had purchased
• the rights of the Heritable Usher of
Seotland, one of the many functionaries
Scattered about the United Kingdom who
were'entitted to perquisities in the shape
• . O' fees, from pemons whom the King
teetered by conferring titles upon them.
• Practically ell the oMeehoklers who
•were entitled to these perquisities ow• -
nndered their rights to the late Govern.
ment in return for an annual allowance,
The Heritable Usher of Scotland, tiow
ever, declined to do so, and consequent-
• ly the Walker. Trustees, as holders of
that office, sent out their much discuseed
requests for tees to newly, made knights
, and baronets.
COBALT simn, PrtonuenpN.-
• '
' A. I. Pattlsen k Co., Toronto, rerbrt
the follow:rig are the weekly shipments
from Cobalt camp, and_those from fare
t lo date: , , •
, Week end..
May 10. Since San. 1
Ore hi lb S. Oreist Ilia,
Ileffekt .... .... ..-* ' )563,
Coniagas .... .... ... ....-800,h10
Cobalt Lake. .,..„, ..... 63,1345 t46,455
Crewn Reierve 4 • e.. . .. 40.090
Crlikit Central .... .. 49:200 156,31l0
cty ef Cobalt .. .. .. ...
Dreamiond wir----Nrir- -irwsir--sw-Fr-r ;tar- -4044
two .... .... .4.. . . . t38.400
Kerr Lek. .... .... .. 61,000 $2,670
King EdWard .... ..;.
• La nosa .... .-. .... 1,981.65e
' tizitinkl .... .... ... 6040e0 1,t43,000
tcgcong .. . .... ....1$304:1 1,316 OX1
..,,,•-Nov, ar-Scotlar.-„;----.. ,., 1044,7* -„tel,S0,
Naltfey. Ilelal .. .. ... . 140.420
•011ilien — .... ..... iii,*8:iti 1,820,87
icgtit of Way 60,500 181,1f0
Provincial .... .‘.. - ..-.(,,.. 143110
Standard ..... ,..1., ..,. ......, ' $9;730•
elver tauten. .... .6 a • •••
IiftrAin • • . • co • • a • *40471 ,
gltVer Led *44* 0.4 71 *4 414 41 047147
VAVOr$314) . 4 4 '-* * • 0 ** * • * ,
rentiska ng - . to1„'174 , I125:000
' reini!skolo. its II. 114. 60.000 50,000
, trettiewey . 6 4. * • OS 71 71 4 • • 4179,916
,Wittts ...- .., ...i. 44.446 i .100,430, ,
, . The tolal Aipttientisior this week were,
IK.A240 Pounds, Or 411 ,ton. 'Ma totai.
ketnotts frcro. Jan. ,l. 'to dalie are 112,-
it,44$'4pouriels,,or 61,52 tons. IThe tAall
.4mentit f4r the yieer1100,7 were lith.•
001;010 pounds, or 14A10 tons, Valued
sit $6,000,;(0. In 19(4 the camp 'pro.
duCtri 158 keis, value4 at SlAtIt; in
l905, itItt, tons valued at $1,411.106: in
1906, 5129 tens! Tatted at $3.000,090.
Cr3wn tleserl
ve a stock Much liveried
itt btitt,, hasloto% plaoed on a diVidands
by it* declaration ot a 4141404
01113 $0.811 W1SV
ite One heart OW* aro to
fght 'Icuch 'ob *man p1ay
7' • 4k•
.7.474407•14*IY 1,4'7•••••*70141.40),Alle 0, • IPS***7'' •7747
00 =III
Tablets is coed for all
the feeblest haty, whese
ta .Ly it Ilzreact to the
litre ti
• vnE, -
pattOti t
• J:tev bave ira1e\iry,
•ThYt,titt itiii,t7resy-. •cbtkL •:-Lialsiys..k.00,.
bi)x .44 Tablelit itt .raty "tete," •
beentethelite deeters or. by • • .1 15.'
- •
7 :
The E h and Waterlee-.-
The whoie of Charles the First's reign
was marred by grave -errors of judg-
ment. which cost hira very dear. • But
perhaps the greeted, mistake he ever
suede was to forcibly detain in England
the very men who were to bring him
to the block.
In 1637 !he great Puritan emigration
had- commenced. Oliver Cionrwell •de-
termined to go to the New World.
tbe-Thamesereedyeteesaile in emee.at
them were embareed flawlrig, Hainee
den, Pym, and Cromwell. Ity a sudden
order in Council the tr\eels were detain-
ed. reee'
liPacharles hod only known! The
whole story of the Stuart dynasty might
have been changed if that ehip, which
contained those four men, had been al-
lowed to slip jt moorings and put to
A Successkil Medicine. - Everyone
teking in which he they engage. It Cs
therefore, extremely .gratifying to the
moprieters of Parmelee's Vegetabie
to know that their efforts to compound
a medicine which would prove it bless-
ing to mankind have been successful 1*
yond their expectations. Thp endoraa-
tien of these Pills by the public is a gu-
arantee that it pill has been produced
which' will fulfil everything elaimed for
• at tietref the PassOn•Play.
ti ti.. who took the,peat, of "Angi-
nes, tile soldier who had to Veree the
Christ in 'hi) side es Ile hung ,en the
Cress, was tag< .exc<ited and. frenzied by
Vie ogling, that he really k1cd the 10411
whatinipersorted Our ,
"he Oirto man, ;fame ,s0dik.n4 and
witwoot 4.1wfAiKket dovoi1 the
40.11,es:,% Ala*.
tbe itcmg 304 vio:0edolgit.;.g,:pin4
•,oxigons:..1100: -drawtig.
4tteak •
uP.0•4' thg Atug4 41.4'41$1114c ti.ts
OP14,1 'PhhteetiIttat'
•OtaturA,... nOtilAtt‘.1431.tioi
OtOrtt ACP -AN lt:Avtt 41:'tlin:g-
Sittitittifk-#Exensertc. but Alai/ 1
loSic ,how". yett° manage sto . have111011'.'dck-
lielOttS 01146. to eetT"
igilbd ruler, and hohl her
my knee alter dinner."
Smitti-"Ilut what dace your wife say?'
Icries-"014, che doesn't ebject,. She's the
6••••••*•66444441111•66 rott ;T..* •
liferrittietttlAI t -a all -Kidney" Lher,
Bladder a Urinary Affeellons.
• iAn eminent physician intones OS
at.eri n hi his praetice for, a, uuroter
el yea s, and found it very successful
h the treettmeeti of Kidney,. Liver,
claims that a very kw doses will re.
helm lbe most severe pains in the' back,
arising from disordeNd Ithineye and
impure blood: One tempo ot sweet
spirits of nitre, one -ounce of 'Vimosa
Compound, and our ounces aot lierup
of rhobarb. These ingredients can to
ebtatiled at any reliable drug store. It
should be taken. in dessertspoonful
doses. after meals and et bedtime in
•ivskr. 11WAlga4SsALIOr ibo COO,
-Orrigtilthitatirlfrlitiff 1114Terz
WI -UMW 1116-SysTeiri;-/liirlirgitare
tuts are inexpeneive and harmless, and
cat) be given to children with itafety.
• If isome people who boast of always
saying what they think were to say only
as much es they think tbey would -be
far less talkative.
41 A.
This tounds iMpossible, yet it is a bet
that one of , Nelson's greatest victories
was won for England by his glass eye.
More than once he bad added to his own
and England's glory by 'splendid rdis.
obedience," but never More suacesetelly.
than at the Battle of Copenhagen.
itt wee then •Viee-Admiral and second
10 commend under Sir Hyde Pareer,
who, no particular ttglikr, lett the Main
• attack to Nelson.
He, nothing. loth, sailed into Cepen.
hagen Harbor and engaged the enemy..
aluriouti- light -ensued, and -is The Eng-
lish elap seemed overmatched, the peisia
lanimous Parker signalled to wahdraw.
A signalling officer brought Nelsonthe
news, up.on which the .hero clapped, his
telescope to his glass eye and said,
set no such signal • fight onmy men.
In minter- hour the victory was his,
and tbe guns from the city and fleet
were silenced.
Both as a lad and as it young officer
the puke of Wellington Audied military
tactics and strategy at Angers, in France
and. it wes there that he had -the advent.
tige of ?sitting at the feet or' one of the
greatest masters ef scientilac warfare
who ever lived. Vandamme. Wellington
henself is reoorded to have said :het be -
owed the idea of forming a square of
infantry to resist cavalry to his French
teacher. .
The formation bad been tried in the
eighteenth century by the Austrian -Leo -
pad regiment at, Villers-Cotterels,
trance, -- but our 15th Hussars broke the
equare. The French used it tri 1812 at
Solamanca, when again 4 failed before
"-afiffge "Eilgifilf
Guards. R was essentially a formation
only serviceable with- the steal'
The Iron Duke saw ite merita, knew
eio• lutth the eight material, and at Water -
loci it wit* the- French einutrea Van -
dentine's idea, which rotted back the lin-
perial Guard and broke the power Of No-
To Lord Wolseley ttie loss of his eye
in the Crimea preve-d of peat service,
to him one les army in his first Egyp.
an Campelgn. Ile could .g•ot no altar.
million of the s ieng_• or e
hen. AirAiTtb-SPy WaS-Capturid:prowl,
ing round tee Engem' campi 8 was
ten to one the sullen tellow knew every-
Lerd, WolFeleY questioned bimTtie
man stood stolidly silent between .the
iwo soldierS., A happy Idea struck the
kVitibria. Ile said in Arabi; no
use: your refusing' to answer, for I am
a wo.erd.and can destroy yeti and your
masters. Toprove this, ',will take Gilt
my eye, throw it up, eetch 111 end put
tothecbortor t1 ants.vercent.
wiese,krtec4 tif,§ glue
threw It up,' caught and replated
That ,tv as enzugh: the Arab. Whim -
tering, gave the General ands his.staff
total:alien which led 10 British vle-tory.
Tip histoq of Sweden,reterds an ex.
traordinary ingfilenit wlech, in 1513
t,ought the reign of King,ichn 11. to a
Vagkally sudden end. 14
' The Ktng and the Wirt were present
Landitely-"What's the matter with
that pie?' -
Boarder-" Trani fit fer a pig, and 1
ain't goin' .to eat it."
is Highly recommended as allotting° in.
skint relief from pain-Neuraigia, Hes&
ache, Gout, Rheutna tisne • CA:dental
Cokis. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists
or Lyman Bros. & Co., wholesale drug-
gists. Toronto.
"Yes." said Meekley, "I'm told that
were going to move to Swamphurst."
"But," said the old doctor, "the climate
there may disagree with your wife." "It
wouldn't darer •.
The transition loin winter's cold to,
sunimer's heat frequently puts a strain
upon The system that produces internal
complications, always painful arid often
serious. A Oorron0O, forrn of disorder is
dysentery, to which many are prone in
the spring and surnmer.The very best
medicine to use in subduing this pain-
ful ailment is Dr. I. D. Kellogg's Dy-
.eentere Cordial; ' n is a, standard rem-
yiesoldeeverytitherte, : eeiee---
rem....awas • !
"Now, John," said an irate wife to her
husband, lif thought you said had
been duck shooting." ' fee, dear -been
duck Shooting." "But - "these you've
broughte.hoine are tame ducks" "Yes,
dear; 14 tarfied 'am after I shot 'tar
. -.—..
You ,tan lengthen the life of 'aliir
holm and ere it a distinctive person -
ality amen t its knows' with the use
ef Ramsay Paints, guaranteed the
very best, full measure, loll value, tit
fair honeat prices. Your dealer hes them
end vvill show you the spier:1(1kt range
%melee], kr a ma of Souvenir Mature
Poet Cards of ltothes; '
• You may hive noUccd hew, much (ta-
ter Itis' to exchange your, meney for ex.
petiole° then it Is to swap your exper'.,
knee for money.
, .
li, 1,,,,in4netit for the Logger -Loggers
kod it'life *Kai exposes theak to many
per./s. 447iskundS; cult and braleas ten*
not be altogether avokleci in preparing
timber for the drive and in 4ver svoli„
w,bere wet ., (40 eoldtombined 'a, 1
daily "experier'eettialis Witte nftil
musetitar mine cannot batt*etistia,
Thomas' Eeleatrie '014 when applkd, to
Ike Injured or admintste'red ;to the ail-
ing, vi'orks Weridere. ,
• • • ....„-,....
It It It
.The reperter, hurried lip to the sene
dr the aecident. A werIcrrairf en Raged' on
scree eeaffoldingiliad missed his toottng
end had fatten many f(*i into tho itree
beki•tO. Then the 'reporter went tit 10
Inter -View the unfolittnate man, who,
1i:c1illy. had etaaped with a very tcvere
sl3aking and it law rwsty braise,S, and
asked, sympathetically: "Did you have
itrtigo. nty tivut?'' "Oh, no, sr, only
about thirly.flve' feet. OLlit.0 far enough
to me, iticuph."
The turglar wets tattlionely dezerkt.
ingitto staft, towards, tht, door with bia
arkil when an eleetrie gioto tuba tow
At owl the master of tbe ilvf.se eon.
flied 'gm. tint his amazement at (bit
tin xpe3ted vis‘kn, tvos 'nothing' OM
rel. with his surpre at %hat ho beftrd.
' shrmedr zmkt the hutisehOet.
le Act
0.00 geetritisi
etograelt and 41 • 5fr: ° 4 tli"e'
eei o t lost Oga:n. 'The
Inoant:tortYrolnitiftiebouPtselletintt., otbet geds_isaopelct
steps on the road to heolth that 11W
who have tried 11)\-:i toneratretittnek4
member. distinctly. •
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic
eve constittient of Which is beleftd 10
titerefore-are-the--Very 'bestr-rerfiedy--- for
chrenie cases of stomach trouble. The
isuctoaii of 'the treatinent le shown by
Mra. Writ Dunn, Prince Dale, N.
S., says: -"For upwerds of seven years
1 WM an Wiriest continuous sufferer
from stomach teauble, whieh was ag-
was not only distasteful, but every
PIT-0MP' I ate was painful. The trouble
fe effeefed My heart . that at times 1
thought I could not live. I was. con,
staidly doctoring, but did net get the
least relief, Indeed I was Pouting
wow, and in the summer of 100 Wel
got to bad that I Went to the *City of
Heston, .where .1 spent some time' under
the care of a eipeeialist. I returned
„hemeeloweireteentelietteitheerate •
44:41See,. an41111°w, e at eerp r-gaeettt tattl I y*e;:tv
n up _hope of even 'being well again
when my mother urged me to try Dr.
Williame Pink Pitts. How thankful I
now an that t took her advice. My ease
was a. severe one and did not yield
readily, but once an imerovemetit was
noticed the curt progressed steadily and
satisfactorily, and alter the use of ten
f- the -Pills --t
wanen. Every symptom of the trouble
disappeared, and it is years since 1 en -
keyed as good 'health as arfi doing now.
Ail who -know me look upon my cure
almost a miracle; and I strongly urge
alt suffering from Stomach, trouble 10.
give this medicine a fair trial."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all medicine dealers or you ean get them
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
eine CO.. Brockville, Ont.
•••• ,
Terteher--",Iohnny, what is a hype:.
Iotteriy-"A boy wot comes to ;school
with a smile on his face."
If your •children are troubled with
worms, give them Mother •.Gratres'
Worm Exterminator; safe, sure and ef-
fectual. Tryeit, and mark the improve.
went in your
"You have it model husband," saki the
lady who was congratulating the bride.
The next day the brkte bethought her to
look up the word "model" in the diction-
ary, and this is what she found: "Model
-A small imitation of the real thing."
Money paid, will be refunded where
Pango 'falls, when applied u directed,
to relieve pain. Specially recommended
tor Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism,
Gant, Catarrhal Cottle, etc. For sale 50
ceote at all druggists or Lyman, Knox
k Clarkson, wholesale druggists, .0-
."What you ignorantly term the stairs
IX:MS. Bridget, aea really •Us eyes."
Bridget: "Glory bet Phwat an litigant ar-
rangement fur lukini through a key -
hotel" ,
•eltinseVitt, WHAT Iterrt Ulf the aeon et
tea beattoxic. Ubutt& up Oa systole. Elm
stew His, *Ass people Well and strove. Be safe
you get the geanisie " Verreriait,"
..•••••••••••• 1
People who boast of their ability to
attend to their own affairs usually butt
into tlie affairs of others.
11,1ittirmeeleoole and shoes
Holloway's Corn Cur -ii a
use:Ge.t-a-bettleal. once anti -cure your
4•4•14•••••••• •
nerlt4 hi con -
!Ave el Abe
f the Vt.*
' •fron:
w: • 49 I es
fiYA, 41 ‘,.7:14V4V.. 10. t;
'4tbe't 9j4for I°t Te lte,t
4E04::ef tt:o 'rixwy. , ev,riifaL
'.1,ri itte'.1,tiond state Of tito tr.g,•Ie'ieen
Alpri(a,unstl &Janie, hilawn' fp cattlenien
45 '.12g..:. 44 Jilin'
: 8 ••
' ,by sioat, s
was bad In places, but this insect, only
mks% short strips of ebuntrk and by
jiasng through by Wald, loss was evert.
ed. •
,Lhau were, also" persistent and follow-
ed the cattle down Omsk -to nee Zane
best„ but strange to say did not. matte
tbeir • Keirea-iter-oiee
south of.the river. Whilst'making o it
oiethe.-nectesal tripeetcrossitheelly , It
Mr. neyeard had rather an ceelling OX-
,perinece w:th tons.
reSling throughout the day and at sun-
set the order to roarch was given. The
Leant 'vis split up into four lots, tech
in eharo of a reliable native.
All went well until about 10 o'clock
night wa$ eat ess:vely dark and sudden-
ly vibratiewthrough the darkness came
the roar of lions. The marauders were
otitic.king the hut mob of cattle. • The
herd boys fled in all'elirections and the
cattie stampeded. • It was too black the
tee the attacking force, but the frighten-
ed below of the cattie and :now and then
a cry which plainly told a beast had re-
ceived its death blow was evidencethat
Iiiellant Remedy.
There are ns*.iny
• directly dependent- volt cow
stipation* such as
inactive liver, dr"
worked kidneys and
Iteasove consppatlats
all et these allments,
OroccUle was scitteHred, and it was- not
unt:1 evrning :that they Were collected.
Threceows and calves were found kilkd
and partly .aevoured. Two other cows
Were badly , mauled. During the trek
down the herd wns attacked five times
ihr liens. and on one occasP.on a bullock
was carried off right under the eyes or
the frightened Emetics.
Another cause of less was the numer-
ous game pits made by the waives.
are , the
cattle track and eeveral beasts 'fell into
thee pite, hidden by the long grass, and
Were impaled on the Sharp stakes.
lohnson-"Don't you think It easier to
coax a woman than to drive her?
Jackson --"Can't say; but I think it"5 it
great deal eaferr
tdprednee a
the bovrelsp making las and
•drastic catMrtics entirely tati.
A dose or twii .
advisabht In slight f
tin =tit* kot
A Carefully Prepared Pill. -Much time
and attention were expended In the ex-
tnenting with the ingredients_ mat
eretr int° lb& composition laf Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills before they were brought
to the state in which they were first. -of-
fered to the public. Whate;er other
pills May be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pitts
are the result of much expert study, and
ail remains suffering from dyseepeia or
disordered liver and kidneys may eon.
fidently ace,ept them as being whet their
art represented to be.,
A certain nobleman, well known to
society, while oneelay strolling round his
stables, came across his coachman's lite
tle boy on a seat, playing %vital his toys.
After talking to the youngster fora short
time, he said: "Well, my little man, do
yOu know who 1 am?"' "Ohoyes," re-
plied, the bay; "you're the man Who
In -my father's carriage)"
ritlitZ0V1ht, WHAT 151?? Me the asses ot
the heat teak. It builds up the system, gives
mew life,ssakes people will end etroeg. ssure
you get the genuine "removing."
"How do you keep those bores out of
, always tenet them it little money,
atter which theyiever come Lack.'
Will -afford "instant relief loom pai
calms!, by enaigia, Headaches, Gout,
Itheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. httipiti
56 'cents. 'Ail ilruggists er Nationat
Drug Co, Lendon.
"Suppose,- doctor, this operation does
not succeed?" "My dear fellow, lf it
&isn't you'll' never know it."' "
• T
"Do you know that °Mr. TiKUTIPS01%
WOS, just SpeakingtoT" asked the lady
to her. "Oh, yes."' • "I at pose be says
those things to all the woolen be uteets?'!'
"Na; he never says them to me
(kW! .And you know bleat' 'Oh, yes:,
rin his wifer • „
, 4
rigt id& IvegJildirf.
ours. My father and Mother go drwhig
every day."'" iSevond- '13y-- -"My 'Iathcr
drives every day, too." 'First lloy
don't %Vhat does he drivel
ntt H "
T'NNW .114 •m.41111 41.4.
tor N44 .pootleelior trioet loottleie.
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Thirsesidy Its* No Essol
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Spray stool** in fhw••",r:141* 11;1•114111l wi
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Every stock_ buyer end invisliar
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Oders f* Cobalt Stack
atti Tetorite, Ex«
eloSage 01 ttoetron and New
Vk. carh for cash,:
rrespondents-Ch.ts. Heat It
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41:ak's' railiii_:"rtlidlettlisailphigroww,osehirdwiraisot
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