Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-04, Page 2 (2)GI
mat atie lie
lcr well eneu
ir own Oka. but Ihese who
\te, r fo
,c3night better eon
‘Fer Ete7 have A. ,
ine con. 3 w)ch ,i.e,
., pr,iyi.ese 9! „,woott.t. 't4 moo,. • I
•tr.w. hien. atiOrtit'at oll it le Pa. teliett
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sWl,,for the .?,,i` .
4.1-'• 1 , ' f,''',:t1' 44.':..„v•I$1`..0411°1. ,lifrnit '14 'Ill '' lir* ii. ''.111. *.ifs.h411 ' IS°' 1 :' ::3$ 'I: 14:1: '11
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..;•.I.1 „,‘
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, ••Iot 11
, t 'L. .., , I ';
„ repidly 4t, w g 4i4bettiiiiiit•wd144filluing41.10L, .and*
k ..
ts the t le v I 1 t o . ••,'F‘'
. 'moons gialthootto and hiinga , this ",,waneteret . , . , May
lance lo -nes to*: to one itel*Itoy. aii) an tho story of hia, lite by thkOntitt a 'ottOsitut Vir4,1441114* hard
. 3#0 I ("oft sentiments instead lot exprestie Wan putioses and Cied dittPosee. 'IllitY 'WS "11 lilith: "44 Vital "
se zeev c... • ft le 'vulgar to' :sow* tirs rafing: . -4,olirtrtheli-stat And en we- can bre'
lug otteaelves without: and Vieeuty. It There are but feW ittlPoriebt ;del* in MO DOINO ilint l'IlEtt ALL OE apai '
affairs of men brew/flit. .00141. by their i
its videpr to starve our soul.** by‘ deny-
oWn cheice.m , ,., _
leg them -What they require, to chain, ft„ ie The alunnon, eicperienee„ °owe heillarts„4°e*hun°t twttrirfOrtlititia !*ritilia)attY 11.111tieg Altheloore..
them ta earth when they are winged • Parriallg.dtaneLatteye .
'-- '''s.r--"m•`:--.71if.10.11.017Y-Otti-'3W,ffii-tiltilk.4.#'7 e _ ._ Tiotfttlifnlitt..0
"If.2,,t0.5 ' r 'llefilliffinWatiot•Allititfixy.
ages on Ito life of the soul are sadder.
By ugtiness and squator the. heart 41,
brutel zei, the soul =erred.- Millions•of
erten and 'WOMell are Crippled, stult fied,
diseased of mind and months by reaon
pi their be4ggary. '
• •
tse iOrt YOUNGN.
, rart. ,0!. the WOrid UAW it*
fiertleat iettbnr '
One Atte, triglit•tt
ha it** weititt ,
latterence 0.ke,
' trig ,wi
It theta.
oter torcor .04 need •
mobiltifl$tiWliit;',ore ardiilit,.iox:r04,
' I' ' . 1 Pt
an r i '
, ., in
. , 'tta:f. • qingY.,,* s, fl 0, ,111 t ) ' ,
ldflOEs, t, 051„qie , at ,',4,
11:1411:41*IlYtt#:.c1*.otysild:tillaierlIttittli;f04'igaiCun4utt:hoollialol:Alintr:149;°':3:::4tx: ,e4..:'' ::4*7t1:111144:11:0g... r:,,,l'„,,jorll 4304,40-'. ' '""' 41:11;ritere''.41401:14-1114119vo' la:Ifi'. gt):: ,04 I, • , I it beirldi:41:: .ne' I leak OA ii IA,' celiZd do
ber th•rough altar , rs.:-
E,roirlds, ii„,voloy ,ot, t mar,* hams ot toilet; Ind passing much of the tittle In that he tete going to be sit eight and a
bem very Waded 'hut the beat torn% of `Piestitint Wettest, -
'in 'the echeol or retitegi the 'gymnasium %OW thenteelves to maktng elabqtatet ,fitlf of futt and "the other. boys Alec
while their h.usbands and nueetent Vie- ninety:: 'but ha hooked $00d*.n.A1Mrett..inir ,
UHThItr -.
'''4011PCIP. : . ' . 41141 1' 0 ft 0 :4:141:11 A 1 r . Off, Ilti h ti-i,,Ii.7i0:10.4:400: 40 .
*- rati- I, " i is; ',ardent,r1d
puiling,stitell,' , 4 •It:00,04,i0:'•,,i ilt:I.,11:4,:ty,: '' .,
exert* and the **slot and InOsit cart
-cillent 10 practise * walking. There Is FLOG WOMEN FOR -IDI. ...,F.S.Se „ Tb13eItlei_MO•gte- 4417117-'-i
iodeed nothing to equal it ea an all-round is
rrize.40- . ,...., ligitiful. e kefit'ill,enntttriwagstithrfees"!?sdaelt
, ,ft- .
, ,•- . tie slaves of
air end looking out sere,ss the bay. and
. ee,
. .. . e .- _. btaltbands. 41./14. do all of the herd b./ and by ba made everybody laugh by
* 7 ** 1' labor. They catch the fieh, turtles, crab -
In.' the first_ place. walking rat
IN THE LOT OF TILE LOWLY Slim glistes Ifie tO the nOn* fish, and shellfish. from the eiee. The sa/\itirlige "MY' "14°1 kh°w them was
tut tn. that of . thate Mat "sit in tha *eats 4tv-erf Irdesidt ntrtrures. osinall 4,114 irtP a(481*4*- t40' thati-Thinae4aCan 4414 ea
everir n varied from. the women work the Soli for yams end to- VI inueohn'al;terunerrYwher. in the w°rItt
Of the migntY." ' tualoat‘' and gather 40) eepotinuts and
those who do not *01140 bOUIPoitt but "051' Xellt term eit MuSetillie eiteretst breed .fruits. The men spend T meet -a ' That -wall net.:111.4311117 laugh the .thet '
to one of the moat violent; trout the slow. v , ..
4111s mercy h ever *II II* work" 112_111 AWAY* 1101009 the WINO)* *ad their lime making an Into
our being.'
'In Him we live and move and have bleillawlf the bleasalgat land savinlif oe-
savable, and so we hoo (he riot to Say tee stride ata five -mile -an -hour gait.. The
h... quiet stroll to the breath -tatting heel -and- Wir_dheet ir3eseessocirenittnit weiy tz4.1 hteuvettingwthweesir becu • 13therehireaCsirtore indthe ianiato.caltia!linip" anatialwal f4c/edk.
HiteueteleusegnWancee_asie i . it * delicate and thexobtlet-cair therefOrr - ,ntigerting their work they flog them se. ...lin ththe,k_in_udt Jinnie slipped overboard
. . titfleri -this exercise.
favored few only. It la over us all. It
And the almighty dollar le the only provides for all men . and bkosess ell I sat? 10 thee, do thou repeat Another advantage„ *rid, this la MOat 11-'14' 4*Vr.- .1.1Zinr, 4046.411e5k4"41010.4"°1040E6litirnt ---T:.
ArradnirAtieltkitrallti411614nd Wrprr tith tre. It is wealth that refines, beauti- men •ire proportions ae they are willing To !the Ilret man: thou merest meet imported, is that the walking la dione In iihtiro hie .ts rio cuter . solt „bnildis tpt ,....,,. --,,
If.r_soff" A, - -, opcn., r If its,elont re
d was territlingly aiii ea
tttot.vitaavgge..**.fttoit...' i i
an ul reoognise Uwe. hone
, rk OA- 44011.,,,,f,ii
in wi- hen het began tO nut. his feet taw* In
- body, then WV, brabolishing the emut Providenese that is OVer us alL Jtehould Vatter a cancPY Act. love draw fet great quantities of uppeison
leaF ' •.., •,,,,
1414t-;* and ' l''''' e'fier the child -
air, avhich oxygenate. the blood and all yen In war most of the ,men are tau lintels isoaceft. miruht other areibeboyfelstlit'dove4wn.himilat upon,
ond defilement. by surrounding the eye ha the ground of our cionfidenco and the Ai hived as the bhie eley Owe.. cf tire and spirit, but in times of peace
with beauty and filling the ear with strength of our hope for Ourselves and . the tissues of the body, and removes the they lounge and sleep. and ,The
off the mod KS well as they
sweet sounds, by giving the fingers de;, ter our fellow men. , • - REV. • A . W. SNYDER. ettrbont acid gas and the Waste matters eouid, and he get well laughed at. But
which t e bkent brings to the lungs. CATTLE MORE VALUABLE.
, when he found how foolish he had been,
fighlful things to touch, and the. nos- . and that there was really nO dan hn
'-=-- lathe-,---peate-----de4ectilile77-flaveart4e,
bits redolent perfumea to inhale, and i t
e 1 I i bearing_ on_ the iforitiVedien _01_64.1S.
1 '411i, AnterItretethzr -1.
end'so strengthens the heart, the eentral The Hottentots think themselves ex. leughed es loudly 84 any of ih
W:14kin,g aleofulckens th:,:iteuteit.,,io.:
... ss 0., - - 1W-1:---- ---41'1X-411-1-7.k-g-EZ VindttiaglainitTW-
' clan mold of figure and daintily chisel- ell tort/Were** throttgh faith .in, ChriSL RaPid walking, whieh all peresons whose to their labors. If . -------------------- o 0 a ,crab which he found later on, on
-----What-is-the•difteience ti-tiveen the patri- , . .......... , ,...
SeASt. ilVelarly .esdilent_ atiii-diselP I
,101 - hay_It _ .,,,_ Ile .-Aist.,.:441-tils.400t.nn,sa,glant
- lawirite. way or punishing woes ta t -,i, add- andgot'one of We Miser" badly nipped
.4ny .pqt
llnew•Of 'or
rtai4 poitsink
;n tie. Weit4
eze toe carry loeothriser tbre-glad tidings Acirtrol
the beach. Avid on the way heme, when
- the- differenee between Aveatth- and pov--
.regularity of face lace_and._form_it-it is not
ed features and th.e stubby plebeian Jr -
Lessee X. .Sesus Appears to the Apos-
T ..• . . ec Thomas ... ..Ditionut,;...:„The fornwr- alone the leg muscles, but tnose-of the keep them, out of mischief."
-announce the terms' Of-iliort-la . . 4,1
strength will. permit should practise. In of this the men sayi "When we glve oor
-161em'ce--141-similingt -millrejselk nal ' women
n-44entY 'Qt.- work
' ttrh:Ilantboalt7:111.7,""rirl con 1117-Ilia:::13"4"et aim
back, of the chest, and even of the ,arnle, Moilloof the lower African oebee be. o.ar came out of the' water, fel over in
to it. he 'caught ii, crab," and w.bert hie
ATIONAL LESSON, TUNE 1 . It tat to be part of *dr work *leo te
erty? ellefinement and kraGe 431 body name 13 tilt. Ikbril'w equIvslent 4"he The schoOlgiri the rest of great fun Rwho4uld always be made l
ti past the running lieve women are good- druges and malt -
letter, whieh is the Greek um. m ' aand skipping age s ' ag more. The 'Itafftra conskler their All this was 10and perfection of . feature are the firet ties. Golden Text... Sohn 20. 28. which signifies "tWitt."
. legacies of the rich. But only the first to walk to and from sehoot in all wrath- , cattle better property than their wives. the toes, and Jimmie himself did not .
The tweive.-NOw-achsally but eleven,
since .Sudas Iscariot had droppedout ens, and if the school is not far enough They watch the great, where the cattle
,........ mein to mind it much; hnt_Wnew_it_was..
of many. IL is through wealth that these .. . ,
from- hem° to live 'a wan; otet. least ettreekeptoend--theirewomett- worts Itt-the edlluit"Iiinnifi etaiitd not swim. 1 1,
Litlititthilts°!, wtowfillial'e--Weililettosea,121%y-taktoeitt.-hasY thrt* et for..1-• Mile*, the deficit, should be fields, draw the Witter, and carry the learned to swim almost as soon as he
dainty 11=4. are taught. to paint beauty THE LESSON INORD STUDIES. was diffetenL In, Fairport every &toy ;,
cut of marble and to weave it .marvele
with .wonderful colors and to ,-ntold it
(Based , on the text of the Revised recorded in Acts' made up before the evening meet. heavy loads. When they go. to market
(souk! watice and by ....e time they avere
Version.) 24. Excipt I shalt see . . . and put my There Is the added qualtilcattort tut! the women carry the produce Oa their ...
this valuable form ol exercise Calls tor heads: The lords walk behind with a °gat cr nine Yegrs °id agt GI thent e°u14
ously out of music. it, le through wealth - , Items Chronological. -Mary Magda- finger . - -Seeing aleac had sufficed no outlay, no mitchinety, no appertitos stidr, ready to. use it on the sligittest float, dis "dog -paddle" and , overhand,
ithat the fine faculties of theentellect are 'ink. tted iniStelied 10 tell Tha diSeipleit IlistscOrtoVrtiateeheMe.necessioihetr;.er taTtsri -lir, ittsci4ern- beyond a pair of wel-fitting shots and-, provocation. .. • 'and dive and bring, tip., pebbles., It be-
edurect. that they are cuddled by the -et' what had occurred et the temb, and examination. to make sure that he with a good. rad..e-Youth's Companion., lit it not unusual to hearrthese men gan , to bothought that perhaps Jimmie
, tkn, creation, imagination, and the un- fore the events Willett ate reoarded in
aborted knowledge of the, ages, ihakthey
win their petered efflorescence in JAM. . also to whom Jesus revealed himself be -
:thew and Lae Mention other evoinen.
beW les-us_lutd appeared unto her. Mate
.opitical delusion ,
the restehall riot be the victim •of some
I Will net believe -4A., 41n 'no wieee
• .
BANISH THAT TIRED "FEELING.. - women practice the strictest economy ad
............ 'toy: "My - wives are my mien. I buy
there. therefoare they must labor." The
. . . . , ashamed
tntleasort:ro hi"mco.ward.," and -that made
hirn feel very badly. and also made his
cousin' Lawrence, in tame degree,
- toldmerit of genius. The few poor boys our preseut lesson. These also,. pethho The negative form *mid Ls the strongest Are you one of the women who eay: i • . 13ut it wilt not bang tefare something
that their husbands can -buy second
pessible in Greek. " w ves. • • 1
In company with Mary Magdalene, to happened •which made them chenge their.
whom4Jesus appeared first. made haste 26. After eight days --On the next. First hyr if you do, you are one of thou- if they do not work hard 4.17,atto mind% The boys were ell in swiinming
41 am PerlecI4 welt, only I get tiPed l'-elik• in Tibeite tiiii women re cast aside
who haye become lemon" in arts, learn. -
leg, tenets, %et. science, nearly, if not tei to ri to the -disciples all that, had dal °I. th° wee -h- The exPreasio, Q"w one hot afternoon at the end -of the
• _riulte, alt -have been belled. by fairy god- lia.P.PaliA, For two •specifie events omit- that was nt common use _and_ was pot
n .ii ono sands, And ' vet don t vou know that
gtitiliglired "MY Is 41161”-°1 itself 4 411.3'' their husbands. The men go off n'raids wharf. -- ' One after another _they had
atiother in human _masa Avhia. _discerned ted from Joim's narrative at •this point" -
vatent to "a week later."
, and hUnta which' last for font .• • The
ease/ lic. 31101,V$ a letting clown of the siapped off their Clothes anpl Mel them
per -we are frickabled to Matthew and Luke Thomas with Them -Evidently their %Mal forces that requi attention and Women take eare of the cabins, children, up en the string.piece or the wharf, and
their promise and kijuipped theni for rspectively. maittiew earlier in his. 114. testimony to* Thomas had snot been en- teeing bp. chamois and pate. s They buy and sell then with, a. glad shout tad leaped like
tormance. Lucky wights 10• be thug count, had mentioned the fee.r and flight tirejestyttswciothomeutut _effineettut same mysterious - You need,' first of all, re rest, not and, -,g4,141..,..rato• „,_tho, in_te_rio.ri.,_ To chew tobac- big white frogs. heed -firm, into'. the mot,
raised above the unthappy ease of , the or the guard, and now relates their side ,deep water. At Iasi Jimmaeoevas the only
toiling minions , whose parrs may be as sequent aceon in reporting all that hats and • miracnious .manner.. and with the nece. %wily' More hours of sleep at nights, CO is tu'-'-`" cwv, '''''"'",111,un.•
tut little half, hours of rest snatched here one left on the 'wharf. Ike sat there
happened to the softie! priests and J'ew- same greeting as on the *Vinous oc- and there in your homes of work. Arid 00 THE FIGHTING IN SENEGAL.,
, gloomily, vvatching his playinates (lily -
promising but whose. lilies ore hopeless -
le bound to the grinding wheels of in- these had assembled and had -taken eastlic:riTlaen.H . saith he to Th)maeo-Witti rest that comes from lying down. Dena 'Senegal, besides working in the fields
by rest isn't menet simply the physiciat Among the Bobo, in the northwest of ing end splashing betow him, need wish-
eJ that he could share ther fun, but ;he
ish authoritieo at Jerusalem. When -
degence, fereordained to perpetual grafi- etunsel they gaveenuch money- unto the reference to the declaration. of Thomas lie down to think over your plans for and caring for the children, the women was• afraid he could never ?earn to swan.
piing with bread and.'buiter problems,. soldiers, 'saying, Shy ye the altaciPies
, Prelously • recorded. ii. is corn. tie had 11 ed and tried, in shallevi‘vatere
came by night and stole him away while 28. My Lord and my God -The clirnax etattinnogtneisey,.or for enbesrtaining, or for any make- the implement, of war.
mon for husbands tta send them to do hut siceeeded only in getting , his nose
- , •
es •
we slept. And if this come to the 'gayer- (11 faith in Jesus* which has been ttie When you lie down to rest shut your the fighting.and eyandmouth full of water. and
It is , futile and naively barbaric to ifer's ears we .will persuade -him, anti great theme of John's Gospel through- eyes and stop thinking. Ten ninutes of The Monbutti Mete in the Ubangi, hold then becoming frightened °ill slnktfig•
ropose tte simple life near to natures
rid you of ' care. 'otd. The confession Ls addeosed direct- this is better than an hour of the other. it a. disgrace to do any the work.
ply to Christ. • y oNow as iiiiiIne
'A wtted theeller boys
money. 11-1111 did as they So they took the were taught: , Then you need more food probably. Not Every .bit of the agricultural Work is &me he 'saw that Arthur Holmes, WaS acttng
heart. As evolution advances -Organ- 29. 11...eszed are they that have not more food at meats necessarily, but food Ly tm
he-woen. When they migrate, their strangely. His face looked very •while,
15113 wax 71101V. intrc
:ate and refitted, ertvmg 1 he Jews, and continue% until
and this ',saying was Spread .abroall seen, and yet have .believor_words tam „wiener.
and his breath was •cemieg in little short
wiVeS, beCOMe beasta of burden.
end physical as well ti.9 mental and this der falatt., tee12-15). It is to Luke Willett cOnvey the impression that faith instead Of waiting 'until -luncheon take In travelling, the Alipottes •of Brazil gasps. Ile had furned.toword the wharf
spirinial pabulum must needs grow in that we owe our knowledge of the aP. Which depend* on evidenoe of the 1 cup of -beef tea dining the forenoon." load their women down with everything and was swimming in, cr trying to. He
complexity end.
r delicacy and variety. pearance of Jesus to the two disciples senses is, after all, not the highest kind le the aftetetoart take a „gates of 'Talk • that is heavy. Among seine or the tribee, leaked up at J:nien e'and tria to can' out,
on the road to Emmaut. It is a beau- of faith. Out spiritual *intuitions. idea and a Wenn, if that agreto es with yok here it is neceeaey few the trees this Boned ng, but with the shouts of the
etmafon o revert to: lin- Mut story and one which shows are it, , . be trumany °mar signs thepefore dosted. And then get a little 'fresh air every da. . emto employment, is given the women. Other ays. Jm
imie could nm
ot a 1
ke out , 7'4
Than pointe.s. Rather let them abet the Jesus, even alter his rasurrection, io 30
what it was.
`Tis not y, met,how
development of trees and tuber, et MS last association with hie disciples. Jesue-Referring to the whole public yAg goat. it in the exercise of walkin.g if In JaVa the tvomen &cam attend the
ministry of Jesus, not merely to the markets and conduct all the 'business of Then the other boys saw, too. but in- ,
patiently and with -higheet pedagogical
iherses. sheep, and kit -e into men. end period succeeding Ids zesurrection. buying and selling. • alea.d of doing anything, titer began to
sain sought to teed them ante -a know- This veree and the, next form the. we. ,......7.......-4................,
. laugh. "Look *UAW eneef thein cried.
It is mete -futile to cluneel money mak- led.ge of the larer and fuller intik time' eorteluskm to the entire Gospel., . 4! •. ._
"Lsn't he doing it great!" They,- thought
which' -chapter-It areinS-16- har• - a.- SWAIN DISAPPitaitral.
ne eta.e...trylltgAtie Amalie._ .b i' drown,: „: .,...
ing. The pursuit of go:er proves an un. eerning,h1Welf_and_116ailialen... „At_ _,
land tackles tile souls that are to be lib- at test permitted to riecognize their own- •
31. That ye may helieve that Jestte is laiiitid.'V's'Ofiittiemy--vvoiitea---4, - - '1NET VOlt-st.tt PNIN‘N-
oorray,,, , , , . , Dr. william stevens tsy-s that loom. many tricks 'played an him that .for il,
grateful- eeninft-rver. and terribb--WerPs °veiling when these tw° titsetPlea *era' an appendix or posts-01PC -to tool JittiiifeT and -Jimmie bad hall sit
erateta, narrowing • their vision upon panion and guest. and so tilled With ers chreseepeThensurrvoalxv.ede. foirpose, of tba., under the alenning heading, "The' Oita is not a disease itself, but the effect moment Ito thought so. to4. .
But by this bane Arthur had reached
wonder and joy were. they that, it ttike, • titt Gas t• ti. - ----. tesappeereere of 'Eogierel,"‘The Gautois' of an nithealthY condition 01 body or the piling on which. the- Wharf stood,
*hose sordidnesses they w?titd shim. records, "(bey rose' up, that very !me
gaess idle, as the ‘vorid is, ntiw erdeied, . . . and found the eleven gathered
MAN EATING TAMIL • ot pates "piubliehes an ertiekt by M. Guy mind. • When the cauge is removed the and made a grasp for ace of the posts.
.............. It
are the consWations of philasephy and Stiller. anti -them that were with them
religion, There is no tot. however hose • • .p . •••,..i... . DC16761 °II the er"len 44 the gllglisli llirvile141111t7sTelbeanitxtee'liad Pullto5441)tais-rm LitIniih udp,Ititilit was° calivterldantitrthav 1
And y rehe,araed the 'Things:that inaa solve Aiways knows where me C(‘41astl.'he writer Pe: '14 .fera the nrediotkms Of ' el of it which would not yiekt to • any green Slime ?eft by the U.da. 'Gni was 90
luiperied theiii the Way, and Now be was
-WI- eampensation to an heroic heart. bread' (Luke 24. 33-3re
5).* I lie was whik
and PaRrY. but Yields fanintlet1113" lavf knoten of them •Iti the baldng of the I have rymtyerb:::akoeslattlit.etitime 411,00 .0ertign. nrittekee‘eattete, whom he oft treatment end for 'which a change of air slippery that rot even (Cent (mild have
teed sem one dee et of scene became niemary. lanksuch eung to it, and s'arsik he &lipped hack,
tigers. Looking down from the hilliide Jle says that this terrib% news has fai- occur only when ihe suite ,,has neglect- ,A*I the other hays. ilmught A rai3 only
dtiptipolkaaler'Olitahleth _. beneath the waves.
iAnd there is no soul so mean but bud§ tbey were tines essenthket• behind* elesed small, well defined 'forests Coniailialg caw Aks these should not oecur, end do and w:th a *pitiful cry earra -out of s'afht.
Itself, be its environs rta they will. ..
and floo-ers In ,some beeuty 'peculiar to 41°°rs •that - ies°13 'himself aPPel to a
son. Luke links these events with the
them; as recorded In our present lee- Looatniavhelrewayhso tewlasl wrlittlkatilliggettntdwaswboenn the bitte, and leave% his Feenah readere . taken when the. trenbte first ittsideltself frightened eye..3. and quick as, a flesh fte
kat on the British public, like a bolt from ell 'PreeilititiOns • that shot la • have been a • poke. but Jirtunie . bed Ste,n Arthur's-
.._._ ..............
anaiis---ivith--these wordst--1-Wad."-aivattear
arrival of 'the two,dtttipies from Eli
mews lifoto „i,,,rtcd, brscretioirnoirth. te te tet
reedfar ell them agy_lt.. ine the emotion. and stuporPrkt.. ' Etothlre-3t. '
u: rtsultsltram,---eauses---Which- was not a IhingkflUlir Vftrft that Zcotiti t Ire • - • . . gawea :na, . tete lay down to , move. Aptikb
3 ka larger, -Inner, anet lovelier meek, spake these thirties, •Ite. himself' steod in , wnitei ,I. D. ncva in. the calcutto statei. ft...tinder pressure otif pubite sopinion, he eon be, removed if attended „to in season. lielp,h'm except the boys" teltthes.' With
and chattering apes bear the fret*
/tOweeur, for imfectmatsity comes the midst of themtual saint unto them. tantenues, the -King, in order to allay The moat tonlmon- maw.. Is found In the one grab he eezet21 two eltirec _knotted
. , tee fear* of his aubjeCts.. appointed a digestive organs. - Either unsuitable food, the sleeves tooathet,.. and dsopped lbe
through The evolutien of inch conditions Peace be unto you" {Lae atte-36):,-;
es provide -13r -civilized Irian the some "114 the le • ietegraphylinet by t rittnission of. Inquiry. M. Dorval' then drawing filSomnia is a kature of Indigcs• dangling toil of or et ther C, INTr2e401
. . woodcraft tv'wmi is born in theni,:. by Ocoeds briefly to summarize the , find. WA, or insufficient food..causing the pa. down the Sitio ot the r....Jif., AritAir hid
.....iavage s2i0ely .in-lropicat-tields-and-fc -rani-4145--tilne--4°1**:rd-43b3r".41 "114t
. fie° bTantF, ih31 i..§ furnished simple , Verse 10. The Rest day critic we4ek It2.3ittiltn=yairetatatts.(1% cpoetral In. 144,:m1comsat's:afar'. 'yr bail& %IMZ:_t,Tg:atirft-gtfi;.b"u_ emne uP 8g3'1'.' 611 i t'rellEfig
la n , ..
eSts by ilir:? timppfig friAS antl fp:Se:0115 Chrl.SlialiS as a day, or worship and posted regarding the mat nt beasts. troll , Ito relietda his conviction that ihe Brit. tversally reCommended as diet for sttp- stoti ach Jima) e 'aoutki Viet ieeleh him
Christian , fenowship iconiteemoration particular!, regerding the tigere.' In fsh Isle3 will soaner or latein
r sink under leSsness, sce-what will agree withy _the withlite shirt-slecve, 11,02lite.s300* :Met the
tarsp. ringing INViitiii. $Z211 meager. ne. .of Abe resurrection 'of lasus frran the their neighberimad. Thea eater is Meer:a:ear: ninlestshetheeani2truh4bctIonllitrartit)csre Ititiva4Nivillitsn 4J
2• betit 1•1%4f11:TeuTtobeentilVgiteyitieletifdf1)-er fill•Itre gat'
esitiel as the enide ,ergeteastn of the denti oil, that„day, At first, hotvever, well known over the it,vhole .61 his some, wive vii.orks. .
. titarlqinal rovnr.z.s aro au Ms kr t ut the lewilli SIlb 3th Iv" II4t 4313' this 'le' Mh(s ("11.13 14' hest*
fragile exertions. And h:s,sitagga$h Mimi.. coibut disre ' . ' The toroptete sub.' ' A Vortsman .arriVing-ttrovided the the, entente tordiotei, iNt. ;Yaryan's* in-
' - rot(tinitended ate lettuesand eelery. jili.
0 •1 ond l'oldinq' ti the, tiirt 'i f2 cae h 'pl,
, in . big., anxiety' oattreerning the tate of UteS, So. shill iyitn,, ion Ls 4,07ilathi.
,siliwatk.,ot 'met fortnor, day,. for the tta. „vinao's have/confidence in him, and tie:viewed aeyeret rrenoli• sgientlits on '' ' fl. he reache& for tinAh.rar a.!ir,k 'with iii3 0 -
it tgsee It lf(1-,x1 in its dun ddights• IQ' e6Ine about gradually. ' : ,- ierrgeepecit4eala.eforetety Inuit the: ,,stojjett ,, st. multi& de ik 01,3.16; other land. and tkirr41710 ,amii,t1stibl:, r
twiwn, . laza corao *Iwo, alittr in -;•thiy inia.stiiit ''•eicpri.riiii retained linaVii 'ilieTr sitan-wiii hove to dtiTitalty ft member cf the Insigut4. has sMIXwItIt. ._ soittii IL' 11011 %You 4E1, te-eVforid-
litefto Ms sUrratmlariga, sa harinarozts lliy the, Anwecont. Itevision with sane whatever. in,A)tiag areoratey isaw!eaHe guerAr
niarnitd Ile wila a bard*Workingt fancY (tester/. froe hand, Ito ted Wet etirt ao teetthere.
irganisne to envirenteent that (3 1. re. _It Iteographreal authority', . th6ugh not ('01140111*the nutivekterL7s ulowmuiti., esient tw
po, 45,1,0,14,h5 in 4..,tatfittaung im raw lt, ertil , let had lanaticked tisa ,WhOle Of hi a lit., coax n3 ttp„ or.,4 w_„.1.411 .04 .
fireo,thirds of rt truie in tk,th6u. shop iirt. 1ga efforts to lo a
•ri Old lady Efe-lina fit 4S ita, ral crge.-4:•fo •; ,
,at.eirlq 3erWily to itie eittpr. hs pitiful opptored 4 many et me boat writers tut .whetivr he Aval persuade 11 at vit. sm kety statea
s $ hi $ who 1 1,yantedto prhasa rresa
• tacd ltt- thanot to hereA. and f
w . ,,-t43teld on i • , -
of Jig )m , . lage'tee to Irole hint le get UP i0 iliS quer- ,pttionat °pitiful th4t tho Eagy,,i,b pew, outwitting 'Tally Alice" 'for her. grand- tight, hci %vat:1o, ezang tha E",:lge, of the '
t,:iliZei fee existence well Cern° to an mit. ' 2I. Recathrel en Diemo-A aYinbolle 0 i'' ,W41- depend entirety upon' his -person., pie ivoukt )*:?. ,timIng in eh,tsggerat4ig fee'
'WeaDth teal *bawd. , Trivial Mit Will felt. .a:Saiitt'igg MO1
' 91.1tarlinffltik the a 1("J 140 ptfin- 1 , dAig,14,4 ot 140 itiituirktfol.. \ , pkked up•kind cliWally.:fisa..mi,ried a Vied ith WM. Mild the • AVatO igi,'0 41,131Ww,
ctpxy bit Ito. gvAIL itratir2c3 Nil tee& or les (14"Ti SPirit \':eottlilere titkk.-37- It LI, 54 "laugh t6 dl 'i 1 /1/130 rc"1/41. ictxtrtstrsgiltr rsortriot '641Idehist3muin,leTth*3111:tillt,i's' 4:.:":",,,A1:11;1:011:"Lqr:ii:ot:eur.:711111 ItItt:t: g:: wn't:41:3ht:;h,iott'ttio:cirrAbto\•:tl'Slti' et.:14;::ceee'llint:1;:1:::"14L°nA't11:1
The Holy Spird-4lie arti.'eUJ Es want. serse:h Litt a (too over a, pool and 10 Si
etel Lis swell) mental and apieitual teteg to the caginaL sigraiy•tng that, the WO ikti'? ;WV 1' 711 atfc' tight' HI the
crz,cs *at 100 st.),' t at ti-4surz--1 to eng3g43 gift tv61' PIrt.ot that cf The persanal Iffly 4.0,1. to drink trt tizo
it azoantigyet set,itilit the (aanSternatioit of the Dritish' ;tins tiligakist War' OH" 111.411"4.
peeplo fs.px5ed on pcoritillo facts: Ife hat Artht:r tVa3 tzdt ticurig. but -fuel -
Matose, e tfe tetere'whceta as thelr 6VirLt. tut ratlicr„ an tamest et that .tind cannot be ' missed, tut it is titWe **Positives madam," ',troth the dider. beon aeized LI ersirn1)-V. MZ1 they had
trcper anl wortIll'cttp!Oyment. gitt: an othisilert elf the $.pirit.' anothcr (Wiz to beat ott land toz.e., the 4uptr ,in" .,valor,, but tteye that YratiCe,
.0emosrci tpeanti. to a large, piot.,•. or. .r shot Oat alltotor niyiettl! , 31114 SwilninIng lit ., to helP., nut tha t,"
........i.......0.......•...,- 23. Wiessoever .3:n4 yo+All itsev;0 pros. mut oiler on • nA COn5eltraltill • the in the stme plight, eind m hurl ''"rsitiialT,13,1rit'rtiktrtitiefi*Ile :4'here;f' Firitithriteite ,
ant.' epoSttet end otherifp alike. are tid-
42!"-cz'sd. .0ne aPcatle et teest wee ' trilletTallni=rr:urgellett!!,4Leet•t,Iletrgtree'GereIcitliA4 tP•141,1:41;lit...te gPt")11 when It ten cfr 1" tte*4". '
ititittiff, 'EA preenred trent tto CLI'di cle•
1131hLtii. Wttieli has sIntiar EMv.ts .'ki cent., end Cittellt tr3i fricrialvra of .1 lit villegons do na kit/oil' Where td is, eaM1 114`,-t. Thq tiani3 in tntand IS, ..........a
CVed , t1 'l Indian hanp. ' opastaJiz, gi.6. tip *Ivo ! przp,ent: •IN.?,r,ze. Whe, r.,000, Pt it is Itti teztilie'who 41-00 kilgnoritnoe pi geolate al vivo**. ttid- IMAM YOU ileein "Illed6
eteeee %het:aver the pstvcr et Intermit, 1)y ehriist, taa.$ ,Prils Ott, MAIL • ' e. ' eel '
. Tto. ted WI abott .fortp' Y imtvor. There 'Fs Ite warrant
a! that time. all 1)C:ever's calk* silare,i, 'tyhtlytet'44t!i:likh.:41esttrrquriLit'Avciotrloteltit ,
r$64rttun41",'na't nfott"tr,' 10.19'llotiti-Mtlii:-W14
ttga yearly. 84:-.7:tAttrie kr limiting it to the Oerfy. man otte. tvh4?:,o it aleatt* tilt.o.:
Ecrgro . ..- . metath-Tho st,11,-,entrn 'atti ettertrirtattItt t • the ttitill. "Think ha, they 'not tomtr "Ott,
141V made nm44. he Enlierpri401 fri t ' .•abie 4.0er VW „$64 .stAllo ie try to t4llott 941 'owe biro.. 'Su ,p.„'se
VjQOttno ail right: tot Amos- , 1,4,406 at
ii -,14 laf 0110, Zticiv Itslantolit lb, ahouid Vire kit HI was . t-ing
takerxertilit bath
irtgr *liked 'Perkins.' Orkin.*
011'11, rik.'01( r
et' -.44e
Lie was all over One they got
tone. • • 1
it WMa prcity stel" glv-11)1cf bnye
hit went Cans, itelleieje Attlitir to '
end 'when ot4.1 Capt. -Merin:let
Myer* hard.wheit reitiVe i0K1 dee* jle ,
effed m Ott the .shoulder
ott ere ItObOdre kb/. aw ItOY,
if you, didn't ',yawl! Mit Arafer,lift this
1.rsTet.4 A toot head ta
'nst tetkr titan & Strutt A
Uk •Jninwi n aittiettfelf,