Exeter Advocate, 1908-05-28, Page 7 (2)AiRki ,E01 SA 'Fru and 18,,kunlito" .1' lies. Venus Elmngkpoir outfit and l'olY 03144, TrtinAtriu WI! any practis mgr. Imprioved, forms *15 tO$5. hittsx-- Ranc17011..1$.0 tr,t $41xr it7re. v.11' -.-41MM:lits.-1,0t..i Iber. MIX ,ENPLA. N. ctist dar.val t1ia ncRntal et th lue( eausea ef t xitcn and voy,tluk! s." may eotan why cur Memo tbekit/ool.tcot$.1* _., , '..•A * ; ilia) to * Abell slareit ito aitoteg,„ . . .44.F.tikfttli **A e OwitoVi . Moikete 'Will. b. zLxfl[tWej ;fl trio, ern'cbt tz, latteefi' xottO. irlht,erwteit ;ciame 'with 'fiillePartieiatteatic' _ y:ele lost yRer% hi4.5lielS. wheat , croA t onD bash3 ffrazcit'grain in te Lethbrldm District. E. PA ESON., Lethbridgeb , '11IV., 4-40, 41warelhat - .te_ey „can:411;11u to theie hearlis eienterit the.y beeee,o0 han4, 4 bottle of Dr. P. Kelloggie Dysentery rorilial, a Mcdi- are that Win give imam:hate relief, and ip .su.re cue for all summer oom- slier oomplainte. • • 'AlONT.51;VANTED- A relleble 104111 ht 1448W CURE r" MENIN.G11."5" ,to• Tit7irlat19,1470414#417-7wF sv wit* sa town le Varnida with waterwtatkv,tola • The alfirmifig 44.)*1:412 seatiebre- Actlisar foie mweer'beviiis 0000. FARM ..1..A.,.,_tret_paearuln=r4444*, saiwritiptici, anti 'description, end rria- tifor.iiiillas, State when psesesaica tau :WA ...Wilt deal with owners,oaly. Derbyshire, Hos OH, Rochester, N. Ir. 14. iSibile 044.1- th• Diplecec us intraceilutalea viroil Ly Weicht-olbaum in 18S7, was th- so,:ree of the ciisiase. A cora- neeeon wes appointed by the. board of hcaleli of he city of NeW loft( to study the diseeie with a view of discovering ri revent:ve. and curative reniethes. The , spe.late eftgrt_ of this commission under r S"nrari keener ofihri-lfa-Clititiliii in. s'itute for Marcel Reseerchwas to se- cure some wallet .4.tw,.,slyik, (N. ,,xpts1merkta1 infeeteoree' Were in - <tired in ci rie n thiim1s for the purpose of prepar.nig sett a "curative' &cram PrrErti3OROUGH CANADA rho liivistima Cheeped` . Ce140110.44711,1,fiunclumeta, UV FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OW PRIcts BEIrttle BUYING 1• THUMB Blifieee, illteee rind Pi4iis at First, but Now the _ na eon 'Thimbiti. I 'The thimble was originally called a, thumb bell by the English, because worn :en thi).! thumb. then a thimble, and fin - its present name. Itwas a Dutch inventkin and was first glass arel pearl. .1n China beautiful carved pearl thimbles 'sr* Seen, brought to England in 1691 Thirribles were formerly made only of. Iron and tom, but in comparatively tate • years they have bon made of geld, sit- -steel, horn. ivory, and even glass land pearl thimbles are seen, bound with igold and with the end of gold. The first thimble introduced into Siena was a bridal 'gift imp the Ring iJo Rib Queen; it is shaped Ince a lotus bud, made •at gold. and ,thiekly Studded. with dia- friends giranted to spell the Queen naine• HOW- TOE BANK WOS SAVED' , _ . -Teas how a young Mart saved Alai bent( by a wise trivestmenL Every stock .buyer and investor sleitild read thise -book; Not for Sale. Sent trto on request.„ Your . name on a postal win bri\ag it. *Write to -4'4y * •' N. W. DAILEY • 33.1 Whim/ **matinee Mere sosvor, SO& ' A. -J. PATTISON & CO. Weekly Market Letter. ., A..3. Patfieeri & Co. in their weekly vtewe tettor to cliente, retort vs, fel!c‘lts: The mimibi: al Band niarliet has been Move active during, the Week than for . srJrile lime Rase. Large Model et' muni- cipal Bonds have been eaken up 14r hi - vestment to yield trent 5 to 5,f ler -cent. • 'Ile Stoeic niarhot, both 1;1 ;Toronto and' Xtv 1"1611t, has shown unusual tie - telly erre ,ativarreee in prices for the .higher ciase of diiiiikend payers ayes in & iininiler of ewes eubstantial. Seine of ea, _Aheithangesiwere -from -4 toialioires. Th ‘ ividengo et returning onfidenee in gen- fral condit ens and the. unprecedented . atecerritention of Money tit finanCial liens kr* are tutors in theeraresulte. We loek for temporary recessktns, but feel .Ihat purchases of the better class og, leoCks can tt,:_proritablv milde., T m Meg stri:k niatket iiPi eXper:ened very matted activite .iii the detelored t ., lioperVes. Trethew y, Faisteri Siaver af anil Crown Iteserve advanced trent to 8 Pellite on inereasing ' shipnzents of crc.. . , . &went .e t the nireli promiroot noll$ have!, ter eelee time lee ri tilakiegrlarge • ' taid iirithie shiliffietite amid . it is ex- ' . ° i 'eil.Liil l'I.i. Oat(' cif 11/1)S".! Will hp placed •,li a diveteirld heels witlia) a shavt Ow, Tielheatey and Past; r eppear to 1, %vol. , Yilailakcii Dild ere inekieg an excellent iih' wing; • , teeaireltig are the eaCelily sleepetrite kepi (eitalt, ennip, ana flits° itr6tnilariu try 1st to dil'e: , 1 ,jWiiiill eib-lbigi NiaY \Plh -titee Ja4Uar ,, ttutfaili V3,290. ti0.814, (:.!S8. reitie Genet Untie, IS0.610. Crown Ileeerr 41000, c2113 cfrilral 10,110. CitY 1.6 etheilt 33300, Drieranaried 02,31(1, retie Mier Ike310,710, Kiri ! • filietietel 112V010. tea fies'e 40,000, /,001 C,41Z. Al'cli:fifey 60,000. 1,10.900, NiVss.11 130S7.). N'Gvc Soctla le0Mot Rows, Itertn140.420. D'IlKon 121,5410„ 1,. 4.)1113X40, 11;.ght <4 Way fikillti 1t0, ''Irt`,16V:teal 143,t10,• Standard 39.7,10 • e, Q!.tett, 5r1.M.savir Gift laliplltii, r feela1eileSiii0i Ireiteheitai 0,100. Unlit. • •106 t311543, TorntKant:tur It. a It jJvO..1'0,a...welt OlOpiC whilta 114 exilerimental infect:one. . Coreiarteephial meiingUs l an. In- ' fleaurnatiry disease of the cereleal mem, bann -a and opinal cord. It occurs most gen. in welter and spring. It is 1E4 rf1Eliq" toarimiliiiiiltetieettereaiiitietere sutiels et tow vitality end among tee scataily'nouriehed dwellers of. tale. ments and slums,. It may peeve fatal in fulminent form Weida a fee; hours and is therefore a dreaded scourge. -the f piopertien ef recoveries' by the old ane- I thAis ci treatment was about twenty! p r cent. in the several cities where ihc caies unecr the mw tr4.-.a.trilent were .ITIL41.,, the reeults indicate that in forty- iree, n eaFes litirty4c)or , recovered and mile -ten dteJ. Four of the latter were or the fulminant type. and -therviore-past eoetrel. Eliminating tiles", fram the cat. culation, this changes the percentage eecovereea to 79.9 and of, deaths to .2(.1 -just reit,elog the former figures. The suctessful cases -reported, too,made cemplete and., rap:d recoveries -Juno Technicel World. 1. euro ..• , , ,ti::,..-0::-iiiit Ittit' 1 Rei4aitiliille. tiOA pr.Ottrat tit ;O. Ilt ,0,134 :0 ;,5, ' *.ow:i Ps•4 .mc 1,149. „ . zee n , • nefee i.Centnio.ut:syinpleV,s.: ss. of: the- onus, oft,,t e 01 .tirelath end' Pat tatiou,',of the heart , rafter the elieibie.se ,exertion, i1Otis vead Toss of iiieeetite. Anaelinia itself is clangeeouie disease ps into conzunip- cured toy treating the poor condition . o bioed Inust he made rich and red, thereby enelating it to',ear. p.y.II and maY gradually Lame it een only its eauee--whie Dr, Wil air TkiliPine are the re C. inedicihe in the world Mr making new, rich Eood and they have- been curing enaenea and °trd ier Wood SeaSes fornearle a generation, and are le ev re- ootenized the werld over as an invale- esUng ncletEze pc -:y salifes whitla eieta t ithe-tdo•of .5ta;e. Tho thrzt Eurt,,tan art,te Nur AnDer.iel was flachll, i'vho was Fersoadell t) fort,aTio her native iQnd the v rcf$.40,1.00 for fifty perfo4nanz. T/ :rot --aft,letidf 4,41.00 artiste* et to., elit' at Such an offer.Mute • ir*truacei• n4.wer,' 11 ii:- (11. ng ektniwt.4 folik-Zi than $1G4O, A 104141 .4 Ireake $4,11?sgt9 '641•ItIrnrths, 0 ;iLh 'La l( .1)o •':'.fs $ •••ii tht,kt. th,' 0. :w ;tit: n.«,41; 80,4 h triode tea:tee iiel!iiriaei'r tee- r • igbtk • pi, viid;t0V1.1011 eikiVO'g oro f Oanikitiono royal',1e, and reut t.Li'ier $41,001) singieg •et parteias we:lathy pixel -ins in Hui Slatiseea lead .1,1„ Slet9eia0 ayeari • le r thei r,eat lOur ;teems; hewever. he will .surpaSs slim. lie s•gra‘'d a contract last summer heeling himself to Air. 'Courted, el the New -York M. tree-iota/en Opera House, at rat r.t of _.2,99,4004ift."-t11,411.1ni-O.Laig3A19 Itriwit , ari slAs. noiagli no draWing such large fecis a,s Melba, Patti, bass, engatieel by the saint manage. Inept as Caruso for ton) eriformances, at a fee of 84,000 each. For a 'hie monthst- Cortieo, are pal ex rcerdinary setae- trs.. Shaliapene th fashionalee Russian . Mrs. D. Estabroolt, }toad, tPur in America Mine. Calve Nceived Neeltereeaeriseirailiyeedeughleeeillerlitlidee 4Sit"09; breitheeseefee_Beeekeeeeere who is now in her sixteenth year, was -PtilirStWit -per night; Van Dyck and ackly_freirin erlychildhood, we were Memel.. from $1,000 to 8050; Alveree einietesteein.dialIreltlfativeig".ker% rQreliZetleastbut ile'tiditilit‘e;141;ialarnent lad eiec'arkitim;„2614-elev:414114' 'Pa141"tl'ootliketrastornoartirto, • Did you, erer -destide th*s it ,.you purchased sip omen. you vronld like Islay cer- tain wake ot instrument? lf So, you pro:trebly find it on thialist. Every organ .14 *II ex eptioually oott ene and ix priced away 'below uptial trel • ?lug values. An early o r advisable to secure the omen of your ehoice. Vetter Acrid Your seeond end ird choices in case tire lira, *heath' be sold before your order to received. ILLS OF BABIHOOD AND OF einionon The ills of babyhood and chi/dhood are many'and may prove striou,s if not promptly cured. In homes where trilby's I Own Tablets are kept there is a prompt cure at hand for such troubles es indi- gtstion, sour stomach, on°. eoristipa- ew as isle greeea e et she bellied iteeitit'Inonelor Vfie miTity,'It-s only grow weaker. She was always pale neeee'iearli lo Mention that <ine American and belles!, suffered from headaches, %eerie COMpany-tho Metropetitan-has ',004 ofter4 joss and moan the Nina* night. !ewe- Wior 81,200,000 for ith° instrumentalists, are up .4. -.;he did not rest at night, and. would a week, legowaon. s i Finally she had to discontinue going te tees fortunate. Pad.erewski, Ike moat . setool, and as she was continually telt- PoPular*Planiet the 'World. took Mee. Ing doctors' medlcine withelit beneet I 000 en one Amerigan tour; Ma.cagnI and • gettiiiier *tifitiVeriitts-liianelleeeeseeari , .1"4-soL114;.:- Dr. Willituris' Pink . Pills, and 1 finally 114:11se, -ft8JX4nib:11anitlIllgireit)indthl3s;antlicrgave, Ilerty concerts, ter each of which: they I ere pied $1400; while Kubellic made ee00llie during three months in New York; decided to do so. I3y the thneshe had takem throe boxes there was an improve- ment, and a lift later she, was able to rehein to school. From that on she grew stronger, had an excellent appe- tite, slept well at night, and Is now as healthy a girl as you will see. I be- lieve that Dr. Will;ams' Pink Pill.e saved her life, and as a mother I would re- commend' these -pills to every family in which there are young girls. All medicine dealers sell these pills, a: you can get them by mail at 50 Cents a box or six boxes for t2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • WORSE THAN 'FITE REVOLUTION. "The internal coeid:Voa of Fair France during that memorable flevolutioe," ex- claimed the lecturer, in his peroration, quite beggars description. To convey I) the fiend an adequate idea of the chafes, the desolation, then prevailing is I submit, a ,physleal Le re is hardly a parallel that one can point to, for-" 'Oh, yeS, there is, mestere interrupt - d a voice from the back, near the doerayi "arid you can come and eee it fear yturself.' "aty deari sir," remarked the lectur- er, "I'm efraid you are taking on a greater responsiblity-a much more serious task -then you imagine in try- would suffer with it for life. When 1 se to find a parall,eleto the Feench Re- Was almost, tn despair I heard. of Zama.. elution." • Bilk and. commenced using it. Other 'Not at all, mister; not at re 'Come salves I had used caused me much, suf. and see it for yourself. We're spring tering', but Zatn-Buk soothod the pain, • snd as soon as the wound became clean lion, d arrhoea, w0 ni, teething t.ouhtes and other minor aliments and the Tab- lets can be administered as safely 10s new born baby as to the well grown child. Mrs. Octave Paulin, tartupiet, N. says; "I have u.sed Baby "e Own Tab- lets for both my little boy and girl Mr the various ailments of childhood and have found them always a spiendid me- dicine. No Mother should te Without the Tablets in the berm. ' Sold by Medi - eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents 'a hex from The Dr. `Williams' Medicine Co., Breckville, Ont. ' • TO MARE SURE. A Than walked into a grocer's shop, and handee 1) the assiltant a paper containing eome white po vder. "I say,' he asked, "what 4.0 you „think that is? Jest taste it, and tell me your opinion." The grocer smelled it, then touched 11 with his tongue. "Well. I should say that was soda." "That's just what I say," was tee tri. • immhent toply. 'tut iny wifeisaid 4 was rut poisonlieu might try it.aga:u to make sure." •••••••r. 9 YEARS BAD LEG HEALED BY ZAM-litile. • Mr. C. Johnson, of Poplar Hill Creek,. Athabasca Landing, Alla., says: "About meneed ein my right leg caused by al n:rie years ago a running sere tom. ruptured 'blood vessel. As time went en it got worse and my sufferings Were ; Intense. 1 had a very sore kg indeed) 1 and had very small hopes of ever see- I ing it heakei, in facial was told by sev- eral who had known such sores that 1 The mote pas little staying power, dying if deprived of sustenance for a single day. • How to Cleanse the System.-Parme- lees Vegetable Pills are the result of scientific study of the effects of extracts tiertain roots and herbs upon the di- gti esve organs. Their use has demon. *trate& in many instances Ibat they re- gulate the action of the Deer and tile kidneys, purify the bkiod, and carry off all morbid accumulations) from the sys- tem. They are easy to takeand their action is _mild and beneficial. tIAS TIIAT IN PLENTY. "A prephet without honor in his owt country," remarked the moralize.r. "Trire,1 rejoined - the demoralizer, 'but he is never without. competition.' A Wide _Sphere of Upefulness.-The etaistimption et Dr, Thomes' Eelectric 01 has grown to groat peopoetions. Not- withstanding the fact that it ha e -nowt bete en the market for ever thirty-one years. its prwperity is as great as ever, and the demand for it in that period has •very greatly inercesed.. It.is beneficial all eountri, and wherever introdue- el fresh supplies 11/4ro constantly asked 4)r. 11 was only a matter of three cif four Magistrate (to witriesse--“You say you tele before 11 was heated." have -known the prisoner all your life?" WitlieSS:—"VS, sir." Magistratee-riNow teem; ringwarin, i and Ale stifert i diaei Zam-Buk cures cuts-, burns, pimples, In your opiniorp, do you. think he ,00ulit easee. All stores and druggists, 50c be guilty of stealing this money?" Wit - nese -"Hew much waili?" box, Or Iron Zam-B Co., Toronto. Not a Nauseating Pitt -The excipient of a pill IS the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes Up, the pill mass, 'That of Parmelee*, regetabie Pills is so tomPounded as to preserve their moiseurei and they tan bo tarried into any latitude without impairing their strength. • Many pine, in order ;to keep them from adhering, are rotted in.pow- (km, which prove nauseating to the taste. Parineleeis Vegetable. Pill,s are so prepared that they are agreeable le the roost delicate. 61181 (fearful et ri-a1)-allobby, does a yeung man call herrin the evening to see your sieter?" Eahlyz-"'Well, not exarty to ee4 her, 'estise thcres no light in the room 'when they're there." epl.110111•1141114 Wk set keep up poor km** velik aso appoinkars. It auiliso ovorybody itspp a-paistai-aro- . ft, • tkii4s clout sad *Am aa Ivo lo ar life to tiso ammo. Lot leer ow yo*Alto colors vritli orsizootioao bew 10 it. Writs A. latoesey Aron cik, paoir of putters pest Wird* Itst. The oldest living Seotsman 15gam bs te Atthihald '7.stoeCrtnni.on, of Skye, aged 1® j'ears. , • Tie blrd of potaditei feund Illy on lac f$1,104. of N'cw 'Guinea and th kiting �cast cf An.,tr,slia. , Aim h!gh if 1,•• would sued --but thrji Is . 40, tr(2r, 'in taking aAm you: gun ti leaded. Clottes May not make the Bldrit tint ppyalg for. his waes doilies may betel; 11111. „elle (after twelve o'Clobii)-"And yeu -really put yourself out for .rny wouildr 47hcn do it, please. Tin swfully sleepy I ' • not, uge Prattle &Teletex end every for of tenhigkilet lieli rn huniati er animals cured;fn 30 minute* by Wol. .ford's Sanitary Milan. It never italle. Sold by *11 drug reists, , • • SURE. Hugging by another' name would be soucez!ng; just the earne. • Pale-, sickly children should me..kto- Uier Cruxes' Worm Exterminator. -Wormsittre one of the principal C;kliStS et Auffering in children and should he expelled from the System. The Queen of Holland, who is very fond of animals, distikee and discour- ages the killing of them for sport. tate wittrzir BLOOD coottes true% trefaliti. Thi toed feeling mad %VW mart lam= fol ia its wake. Trp " omits& t &cif tisk to auks ion strong sad. Well. All dr*ggIstss.Utt. rombilmieho The average' annual consumption oj tobacco in Englia.nd is thirty, ounces per head -CT the population, • tiolloway's Corn Cure it, a specific tot the removal of corns and warts. • We have never heard �t its failing to re. moire even 'the worst kind, -USIMILY)----- .8Pri, what Is a wolf in sheep's clot be, ,14,4t took ogmt, zttifif,O'*WlrsVt'iifi'- •L''',i'At . , rest. Organs over .201-$111 citali a. a se per, montb,Meithout interest- . diseduat or to% ear cash. . \ / TERMS OF SALS Every oijigen tulle guaranteed.1 <1 Ever* kr gen eldpped subject to. 41.Prii0Y10. , , We pay . the retura . freight if not fully setisfactory. . A handsonie-stool accompanies each orgati. ., -- . =I witItEkk_--5-Pei..-1.9rsAno......hz:,.W.,..11e11.,,,a,-00..,Xhistipli,.....4*-.4ttreetive----eta h"' WO rack and _lamp stands; luta 10 *tope. 2 sets of reeds inthe 1211. treble and one In the bass, coupler and knee swell. Special Salo Price wvw z.",,RA,1441firaArvaaaii- aSe wtb eXtc13494 49Sit,414-41441_ .4tAla'th"r4t;k"LU4"180 ;,-1**iretitiO0,1-riliaAtii *weU.eiteeeiatr" - ' e.ARN-4,oetave organ, by D. W. Kern a Co., Woodstock. In very hautlrome wat nut case attractively carved ad panelled; 3/sie lamp staindsmusic rack, 0 stopi & sets of roods in the treble and ono In the ban. conPiere, 2 knee -Special-Exle_ DOHERTY-A very hendiiiiene 5 octave walnut 'organ. by W. Do& pet. -elintonrhair-12-stope. 2 ects-nrree0. -throughOut. lamp Stands, music Ma. IL COUplerSi and 2 knee swells. Specie' Sale Price . DOMINION -A eery handsome organ. by The Dominion Go., Exhibition model design of case. Mirror. brackets and cupboard for music under the musk, desk; halt 10 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, coupler and 2 tee* swells. ning Co.. London., with high back, attractively terve& with mirror; has 13 stops. 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 coupler,. 1 knee swells. inoue&prool Alga pedals. Used less than six mouths. Special Sale Peke ..... lea THOMAII-6-octieve walnut piano -cote organ. by The Ttioznas Orgarr Co.. /read. 'stock., Vilth_nrivror, rail -top and fret -carved panels; has 11..stops. 1 ets`ofs tip • reed. throughout. 2 coupler.. 2 knee swells. Special Salo Price OCIIIERTY-Cooetave piano.case organ, by The Do. hertY Co., Clinton, in atiere aged case, vrith mirror top and lamp stands; has 11 stops. 2 seta of reeds ego throughout, conelers, knee sirens. Special Sale Price ....................... • t1 BELL-6-octsive• piano -case organ, by W. Bell & CO.. Guelph. In attractive wal- nut ease with mirror, reit top, and fret -carved panels; hits11 dope. 2 sets gaq • otreedsithroughout, couplers. 2 /auto swella Special. Salo Price 't ......... /Putt DolditNION-,-6-ectiere hir The 3:;araton oixan-Co.. 1Wirtnan.- vine, in rrolid walnut eastiewith carved panels and mirror seal top: has full length =Usk) desk, lamp stands, inousepropf pedels, etea has8 steps, 12roeemteig.reltil:ectihritiousgatourrt, iteeou_plers, 2 knee swells-. amulet he told In HOUS3-6-oets.ve plario-cape organ. by The Thoreau; Organ Co., Woodstock. in handtiorne mahogany eltS6 With ,rairron Tan top and attraetilk marque- try design in the panels; has 12 stop* including couplers, vox humans. etc.. 2 cemplete acts of reeds, knee awells u mouse -proof pedals. etc, g q" 'lightly' need instrument. Specie], Sale Price . . fr' HERLOCK-MMININC-A very beatitifiet Sherlock -Manning organ in mahogany . cuedouble veneered and piano finiehed throughout. with 'full lentil* plain panels and music desk; has 13 stops, 2 sets „ot_reeds throughout, 289,10-coulapileres4.162 lipnreieoestwell, inouie:p.rpoof.pedals, etc. Used less than a year. IRR • • RI DOMINION -Six octave pinta ease organ. hy The D,o„minionCirgati Co.. In hand.' amine stolid walnut ease with mirrorrail top and frill swing carved panel; , heit 11" stopsincluding ceupleri. vox humans. etc., 2 complete set* of reeds, monseiproof pedals. special fettling pedal cover, ate. Special Sale tot ESTIEY-i-Six octave *piano ogle organby the EsteY Organ Co., Brottleborcr. Vt. Thie superb make of eistrumeateethe standard of the world In organ build- ing." is in eolid walnut ease with cared panels, 114stops. 2 pets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee. retells. Used less than a year. Special Sala 105 Pelee Bonds yielding 4 to 6- 1-2% always 'on hand in amounts to suit investors requirements, Stocks bought and sold for cash or margin ,on New York, Boston, Montreal and -Toronto stock exchanges. Orders for Nipissing, Silver Queen, inter and all. other Cobalt swam executed for cash in 1ew Irork and Toronto. • Correipondents—Chas. Head & Co., Members of New, York and -Biatton-stiitk exchanges. , 'CANDOR .A.N13 sAPETY. • "Don't 'yen, kinsider it:hotierahl.e lo tell ti MSS his faults to hiv tate' quer1. ed the, yOulli. "Yes,' rolW t' wise guy, Ittut 1 Molder it safer to them nOghbor." o'? The tinge tcos !Width havt4C401 plfit141. grand opra: faxoritos ,dur:ifg Rio past two or Unto yearsfitite l'-.mIuLked an ox., traordinary situatkm in the, musical. Althcugh 'Ettroe strodutfIng. the fine....1 strigers in the Ward„ it tio; to opportunity tor ,retaining thtni, wily the trasks acIficvo \tam they tire certain to suzeurnb L Eo atlueng S3ttr. i4-3 offerod by AnntZzan opera coriiplil* , BA even Aim-Tice3 tr*,e,IE.'n paying sm.%t6ff‘:,.. re, s ft'3. vOcat t 1;-:= lta,t ran Inlernation f itt„;;a VA; aff.ZCt1*.thas bsn ulTa itn:t1 rithr.$ t ara dflh1 tsA t!.e Iwo true& cXArn- t 40-,'Leil the 'Var" 0t. rut9t, bOalrittr Our roadois 'to ,note that the telelanated rench remedy, .141000 Ishtar iiits bee&and iirsoldilindq.a gU4itntr:e..4111t_ in effete_ *Belle1h outiyarci-apOlicaticitioot,direeit,'Icis t ellovc, pain4 nooneys°patil will bc telunaed-Istilt *hinds.. In irk iilv:04 **ending' the largfr trio inCitalfrig aide, ha* 1,ttitu.1,beur 'st.cdt 'tor. 'lloccatitnendkd tqr nettralg, dab i$C14,111cMitrit4 Out, caterthel *olds, still Write, eke. Ask Your diagg,St for aconite and do not apt a anhailtute. You wilt be pieeeed with it 'Pride 218 itut 00 Mitt, The ettittc) o