HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-21, Page 4 (2)i (1iE444 teat.;
Das it paid you to vote f •r• Tie ry
B dura d+ � Ott~. �'r'oli�. Silber t+ represent you in the Legi la
vo to !Elector's or, '13tigi IHuron
TIWR9DA C'>< May
p , — . tive Aeeetihbl}'Irlf the Province o u.
pus I, 1,90$ task ? I xcatuli a the fo la)vvifg i" i1 to
of your respective Muni ipa,l'ittee and
title what has been lone o assist • y. u ,
i,a reclt::-iug your bursa cies i Texea
:tki >.A' bitax yy ..dmi'taistrestion. laA'tbe
. wetter -of receipts d ,riv 3 (roue Reit*.
per :day is 'detlelete.40b`
every I.nlYin4 destttueepea eon confined,
Ann .sn,y. l c vipai#ii 'Asyltuu, svhe
TIN Facts" Coneerairig thQtt�e
rent With\ 144 Rose Mining Co.,
The .facts tvitb. vegeta air, the 1k lice«Y
wept for theetelneri t to the eel. 1, rMo
Mining Compete y ofl , tor 4I ueys
• d>ds them,
rf`�t. per
;eclat,.srev:" a.vrier
.... rl
t cf � hal G
� �.>� t taV erorasc:ia ta• fl^oitF
t O• ni
B?�e ARn
toughly speeliiiugb:a
Before this Covernmenes took office
a great c trug le took place between
the Ls Riese Mining Company and the
O'Brien Syndicate or combination. for
certAin mining roperties. The strug-
lew# ta,'rveiy bitter. - -
a. .
.. ..,
or otthe O'Brien pee e.
When the present overatnent came
into office it was stro gly urged upon
them by the La Rose 'people that the
O'Brien people bad procured their tit-
les by fraud, and the former asserted
their ability to . prove tltie_._..ip-.h
Courts, and to show beyond a doubt
diet the O'Brien leasee were basedd,on
Intent They declared that they had
already a large amount of evidence in
support of heir contentions, and wish-
ed the Go rnment to grant them a
flat in ord r that they might open up
a new fight with the O'Briens in the
; e, I0404overn, t:
to ,siege ,l ter '. at rest by take i
le�ltl- is gas, c ai tri. th the
The evidence collected by the La
Rose people was placed at the disposal
of -the -Governments _ The case - orsthe'
Government. was practically carried
onby the La Rose people. The end of
it all was, that an offer was made by
the O'Brien people to the Governor
..tea_ -
..�. -, paw.tlta.lr►tter4�.pe�..r.etlt�-oi'
- ""`T`- �'" t tee i -ofihe initis aE sibs p a moot
in ►erpetuity in full settlement.
After- carefull consideration by the
solicitors for the Government; and by
others called in for that purpose. it
was decided to accept this offer.
The question then arose, what were
the La Rose people to receive for the
part they had taken and the evidence
furnished by them in the litigation?
The Governmentalwaysadmitted that
it would deal fairly with the La Rose
people on
t decidthis ed hand. after consid-
eration,pay them the
$30,000 which they had disbursedand
to pay them also 40 per cent, of what
they might receive in the future from
the mine, up to the sum of $100.000.
This was a very favorable settle-
ment on the part of the Government,
the La Rose people claiming that they
(should be paid at least $350,000 and be-
ing quite dissatief led with the . settle-
ment. "
' So far. the fovernment has receiv-
ed as royalty from the O'Brien mine
about am000, not one dollar of
which would have been received had
not the Government taken the bold
Mand in defence of the rights of the
Province. And no good citizen will
suggest that proper remuneration
should not be given for the evidence
and assistance received by the Govern-
ment in this very remarkable litiga-
tion without which evidence and assis-
tance there would have been no chance
of success.
The electors will not forget that un-
der the Whitney Government a set of
reading books for schools was reduced
iu price from $1.30 to 49c.
or,• the
To succeed these days - you
mustthave plenty of grit, cour-
age, strength. How is it with
the children?' Are they thin,
pale,. delicate? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
Tb.ehhidrencana►oc salblyhave oodhealth
inters the bowels ars Cn proper condltlon. Cor -
't +an! eonsnt rattan by fxenin small lait*tive
arcs of. yer's ilis.Allveldaable,sagar-costed.
uds OT, &v r Co., Lswsil.1[sae. ,,
so tarn otorsra of
' Yers., 10- tam vtoa►lt.
ailltiIY tncTORAL.
W s haws se siesta t We voila'
the torsaalas of all our medlalnea.
Shoe Polish
A wise dealer will always
show► hili honest" desire to
irv± you by giving what
you ask for.
died(( mei all t tare,
at all desiose
les. sed.231
'9G`La1��1�;�rN �ha�lii Yah11(�"af
c><rIar4�on�;ie. 1
i Art i i d1 ra>aqut•' per eity. , .
et cid
xn to
on an unfortunate and undesir&bl
class of people, who may be' dumped'
into the Province from otliercountries,
eln l f� S888
h • -
4/1m4 SWUM' !IR§
0 GI
028 se
es •
t •
- .-e,
• aw
The equivalent to the Legisiat
grant for t uipment and Accommo-
dation whic 4 is furnished by
County, viz: $1,598.57, isincluded
the above figures.
�" t t 4'
.HENRY EtenER, bi.Pit".
Mr. H. Eilber is this week holding
public political meetinggs at the follow-
ini places: ---. Beyfleld, .. Wednesday, -
May 2Oth; Varna; Thursday. May 21st;
Zurich. FridayeMay 22nd f aahwood,
Saturday, May 23rd; Grand Bend,
Tuesday. May .20th; Goderich Tp. Hall,
Wednesday, May . '1tb; ° 'uckerswitb
(Strong s Hall). ,Thursday, May
b Klrkton Hall, Friday, May29th;
Centralia, Saturday. May SOth. Mr.
Hugh o
nS Montgomery, candidate for East
tnbtone its expected lo.....atteri -the.
and Bend ` [ o"' "" y hn; Net
sob Monte, ,.,t +►�11. r� . u
er"t i. the Kirk' ton, meeting. ' Meet-
ings commence in each case at eight
o'clock. Mr. Kellermann is invited ..to
be pr ent. Tod cave_ the King.
Fon SALE.—The_ undersigned is of er-
situate east of the Methodietparsonage,
in Crediton. The h tier► is two storey,
bas seven living roods. in good repair.,
Good well of water. Good cistern and
wood -shed. Apply to
ave Mus. R. McMuaaeat, Crediton.
the Messrs. Samuel G. Lamport and
in Walter W. Baxter last week sold their
fine stallion, Nagy Prince, to Clou-
tier Bros., of, Ottawa and had the an-
imal there vie Parkhill on
had been owned -in -Ws die=
West tract and farmers will regret losing
OD him. Mr. Lamport will manage Bar
in One V.. owned by Messrs. Bawdeu &
McDone�ll of Exeter, this -year and will
travel him over the route advertised
for Nateby Prince.
ng Victor Stanley and sister Pearl,ranid
tO Fred Lankin and sister Myrtle, of
good Granton spent last Sunday here: the
guests of Mr. and Aire. Francis Clark.
er --�.. Andrews was moved - from
ed Russeldale last Frida ' and is now rest-
ing easily at her ho e. Her twiny
use friends trust she will -have a speedy
ae recovery. -Mise Girwia "pent last Sun-
day in Zurich the gut -Set of der (amid
Miss Koehler. -Our seball team has
purchased" new snits.', They appeared
in their new uniforms last night in the
first game of the season with Centra-
lia. They certainly made a fine ap-
pearance. The suits were furnished
byTheHarry Love Co. of Torouto.-
Miss Armstrong spent Sunday with
her parents in Exeter. -=Aaron Brown
of Bright and Mr. Hauch of Zurich
spent a few days here last week visit-
ing John Haugh. who has been very
ill. We are pleased to state he is re-
covering. -Our school closed on Wed-
nesday evening. The -teachers will at-
tend the annual Teachers' Convention
to held in ' Goderich on Thursday
an Friday of this .week. -Christian
Zed )ter of London is. visiting his son
Charles for a few days. -A shed has
been erected in the township lumber
yard, for storing the road grader. as
well ae a woe room for the men who
will construct concrete tile. Messrs.
Kuhn and Oestreicber have engaged
to construct the necessary tile requir-
ed for the township. -Next Sunday
night the cantata "Priest and King'
will be repeated in the fivangeikar
church. A chorus of 00 voices will
give the program and a treat is in
store for' those who attend. Messrs.
Pink of London and N. E. Hicks of
Centralia will assist in the ph�ogrem.
to Cgediton Victoria Day. the 25th of
May if you want to have a good time:
At 9:30 p. m. a grand procession will
assemble, including Trades, schools
and calithumpians and will „march
through town headed by the Brads
Band. Two games of baseball will
take place between. the Stars and Dun-
erief at 10:30 a.m. and 2:,`10 p.m. These
teams are awonR the fastest playing
in Western Oiitarin.aiul 8- treat- wilt -
be in store for the fans. A series of
sports have been decided upon by the
Committee for which liberal 'prizes are
offered. In the evening n grand con -
Andrew Porter. son of the late Roble.
ert Porter, a forever M. P. for
Huron, was chosen in..Olintcn
Thursday to contest Centre Huron
the Conservative interests.
That Henry Eilber will win is a cer-
tainty but it is the duty of the rids~
to roll up a handeo a majority
show that they eudoraa fully the
work of the Governnteilt.
Rev. Dr. Hos*ack-he of the. lett
writing fame -has- been offered a
accepted the nomination for the Li
ale in North Toronto. fiossack m
be some relation to the Irishman w
Bald his politiescouldbe expressed in
three words: -"Against the Govern-
hie horse was one of the
beet t t
The lodges of the Independent Order
of Foresters are vigorously kicking
about the prospective increase ip rates.
The objection is not to increasing fu-
ture payments, but to the plan ofcom-
pelling the payment of back dues, in-
ter t, etc. If such a plan is ever car-
ried out, it will mean a wholesale dropp
in the membership. 11 is also a much
discussed question whether the law
.would allow any such action, as the
members have always paid all that
was required of them.. ,
The coming provincial general elec-
tion will he the first appeal to the peo-
ple of Ontario by a Conservative ad-
ministration, and it will be the twelfth
general election held since the passing
of the British North America Act.
Following confederation, the Benfield
MacDonald administration, a coalition
rninistr•y,remained in power frons July.
1807, to Dec. •19, 1871. Then came the
Blake Government, which held office
ftom Dec. 20, 1871, to Oct. 25, 1872, fol-
lowing which Sir Oliver Mowat was
in power from Oct. 2si 1872, to°Jcly 19,
18N. On July 25 the \Hardy Govern-
ment came into power and continued
in oflice'until Oct. 17. 1899. The Hon.
Geo. W. Ross first took office on Oct.
21. 1899, and his administration contin-
ued until Feb. 7, 1905, when the Con-
servatives were returned under the
leadership of' the presept premier.
The lLeglsl+ature at present is cowpota•
ed of 98 members --72 Conservatives,
24 Liberals, one Independent Liberal
and one Labor representative. The
next House will contain 100 members,
four additional representatives for
Northern Ontario in the_uhw ridings
of Temisk,aming, Sudbury, Fort Fran-.
ces-and-Sturgeon Valls, and yout.more
for the city of Toronto. ---Transcript,
Clandeboye, _
Weddireghells 'will 6Ooti be ringing.
Rev. Allen, of Parkhill, occupied the
Methodist church pulpit le .re on "Jun.
day. Ile gave a very interesting dis-
course on •' The Bread of Life." --F. E
Kestle and wife gave Clandeboye ss
dying visit hast week.-.1re. Herbert
has returned (rots visiting her Sister
Kinloss. - Harold Bice has returned
from Idondon.--Miss Jean Bruce. of
Londesborough, is visiting her aunt.
Mrs. Aedrew Cunninghiane-Victor
Sanders visited with. friends here this
week. -The farmer and barefoot boy
are happy after the recent rains. -
Mrs. Drowning has returned from 1 ie-
tt r. -Lewis Downing, M.D.. has gene
to Alberta, where he intends �pprectis.
ing.--The eonverition of :the 4Vont n'e
Missionary Socias i to be held In Lu-
nn, May 'stud.- -bii II Rose Torrents,
of Ailsa Craig, and Miss Violet Dxyley
spent a couple of days with Miss Hod-
gins last week. --Miss Della liarlton.
.+f London. dpnt Sunday under the
parental root -Mr. Lsniport wns call-
ed to the bedside of hie father,. who is
very low at )resent. --Everard Mallard
of Parkhill and Esti Harlton of Lurwisn
+lent Sunday in the 1'Ur ..Normsan
Martin. Public School Teacher. of this
place, is going to hr ld down the twirl
erg's sat.Crec icon for the Cepntlalin
to to ..-�Eii Kindf Credit' n I wife rredit u
visited friends King,
this week: -Ws d
linligina is preparing for a barn -rat>
ing. look out for sa delves. -We are g.rs
ins; to E'c ti -t for the 25th of May.
Permanent Results
"1 lied -tech suffering for' over two
mg.tbs with an obstinate cough, as lad
also my little girl. • Wo tried several
roadies colaumen to any dreg ,stege
'without "obt�ieg afiy tappareist 8t def, d
le fact v v were growlug worse. I got a
Wale of Celesfoete Expecte�ri+nt frazn:
y druggist sa ai inside of t s) ;d.4 ,a tko
eougb wad stop'vd,, ep,11 the 'eetltat' so .
earthanent and .ra lci that: ,we deeided
keels it le 0ii�r ome •eonzknu .
1101, T A N
.. B. , cation Ottawa.
f ts,0
esti.: t
77 •n
4 e,r
e. 0,sq b 'h6' icedical';;pro f sziou fe G
Loth ;
�ciCroup, Qd n
ig t4es. of the •Cbz t. Children o
It. To introduce it i to every. bttwQ we
will seed a free sample to�' every. penton
Pending their name and address to Pr. -
T. A. Slocum, Limited; Toronto. Sold
by all u -to-date Ora 'eft • r ,rye
Of several of the large Awericap cities
and were received with the greatest
enthusiasm. Miss Elliott is favorably
known far and near as an eloc tionist
of exceptionable ability. Th doors
open at 7:15. Concert at 8 p. . Re-
edseate35o, general admicsi n 25c.
Plan of hall at H. Eilber's office. Two
years ago Crediton gave a celebration
and all were well pleased with the
day's proceedings. This year, we can
promise a similar treat for those who
will spend the day here. Come and be
one of ue.
vg r are
M 1.
t'!' �Rp�• Wanner . of the
Fanners' Battik` of Canada, while in
Middlesex Co. this week, purchased a
valuable 3-y -dict"TexalJack driver.
-The ratepayers of the village assemb-
led in Zimmer's Hall last Thursday
night to discuss the question of fire
protection for the village. No conclu
• • s arrived at, Balt e ; . id :q,
o f 1 q ;'esti. n to eitan . or as
indefin to time. -Dr. McLaughlin was
in London on professional business
Wednesday. --Jonas Hartleib lost, a
valuable driver last week. -Mr. Tom
bill, sec'y-treas. of the Canada Flax
Fibre Co., of Montreal; visited the
company's mills here on Monday last.
-Drs. McLaughlin and Jack visited
Cantinas city on Sunday afternoon. -
J. Preeter. of Zurich. and S. Brown. of
Crediton. were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Siebert on Sunday last -
Mr. 1. Hither, candidate for South
Huron, will speak in Zixnwer's Hall on
Saturday night, the 23rd inst. Meet -
Ing open at 8 o'clock. ---Mr. McLeod,
Prin ipal of the Zurich Public School,
was the guest of Mr. Shore, the Prin-
cipal of our Public School, on Satur-
day last. --A new awning now decor-
ates the front of Peter Mc1saac'e furn-
iture store and adds greatly to the ap-
pearance of the building. -The annual
business meeting of the Tennis_ Club
was held in the school house on Mon-
day night for the purpose of re -organ -
'Ong for the present season. The fol-
lowing officem _.were elected s -Pres.,
Miss Ada Siebert; Vice -Pres.. Wesley
Miller; Seely-Treas., O. W. Graybiel;
Managing Qom., Pres., Vise -Pres., Miss
W. Carling, Ed. Siebert ani R. T. Dull
lop. ,
Mrs. Forbes, of the 7th con.. lost a
valuable cow on Sunday. It 'fell into
the creek on its back, and when found
it was dead. -Mr. A. G. McLeish, of
West McGillivray, one of the pupils of
the Toronto University of S. P. S;, has
been holidaying at home for the past
few weeks., He has accepted a posi-
tion as Electrical Engineer in a - large
manufactory, at Glasgow.
' Lumley
Miss Gertrude Short of Crediton
spent a short time here- with her
grandmother, Mrs, McTaggart. -john
McQueen is having the interior of his
residence remodeled. -Mrs. McLinchey
and daughter May, accompanied by
Miss Carrot, of Seaforth, visited their
aunt Mre. John Glenn, Saturday and
Sundray.-Mise Govenlock was the
guest of Miss Annie Horton. on - Sun-
day. -David Gibb has the foundation
for his new house completed. -Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Wilson of•near Zurich was
the guest of JohnlGlenn and family oni
Sabbath. -The patrons of the beef
ring complain of the scarcity of the
standard quality of beefs in the coun-
try tb supply the demand. -H. G. Bol-
tn is preparing to build an addition to
h\s house. which will be a convenience
a well as add to the a arance.•---Mr.
Davidson and sister offWalton spr.,nt
a few days with •their cousin, Miss Til-
lie Simmons. '
Ellinvi le
Tile congregations of -the -Methodst.t
urcbes in this circuit are well pleas -
with the prospect of retaining Rev.
. J. Fair and Mr. J. M. Keys for tal-
lier ye:tr� the quarterly board bav-
g invited therm backer_ Their return
siibjeet to the action of the stration-
g committee of the conference. This
ould mean a folu'tb year for Mr.
lwair who is well liked by all his people.
cert will be given in the_Tttwn _ Beale in
The Imperial Rale Quartette and Miss is
Kate Elliott of London have been en- in
gaged to give the evening's concert. a'
The Qdartette recently trade a tour
®Lq '
.e Farmers Bank of Canada
Tneoh'po ated by Special Act of Parliament. -
Member of the
W. R. TRAVE RS, Gonerala 'Mang r.
DASt TAT 'D BRA 'C a e
A branch of this Beek hes been opened in 'Dashwood and a
general hankie! business will he tt>rtttt.ar•te-d at this branch.
Interest al owed in the Sas Ings Rick onN1 DOLLAR
and upwards at the highest currant east's mid pend t timesai year.
Special pr�ivtleges extended to accounts of Tow isbips, Farm-
ers and others.
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.
Do your bang business at home and
keep your acunt in the Farmers ink of
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager,
Dashwood, Ont
�. ► K _.: FOR
a Pale
"Ig# . ,fir
tK .'
waF,;vQui gvr�ll'�,t�tarit�.-f�,�'��g.•fs�z� ir�a�•l:• :Pal&�tticbjexiiie'�S dabs. t �' a
ed- bt tows. egaaatitt;cl;tiy iesrR nleih3ogla f' the Brice ,i bci* 1111 t'.tt llgati
. "1 Y•
#rZTT ! /7
is the leading business training school in We )ern
Qatario. we give a thorouzh, practical trairain' en
Commercial Subjects, `
laic Pittuan*-Sherthired.
Touch Typewriting. and in
Commercial and Railroad OperntIn .
Each department la in the hands of experienced
instructors. We asdiat students to positions.. Our
nates always succeed, for our coulees are the
(let our free catalogue and learn more about
sae.. You may enter now.
JrTsue m tzls • �,,.
nervous syd si t, n
• in 'o old lmakes
one. 1.strat Yt1etes
seas Debility.estal and Drabs ''otry, s -
Malmo* s* Rrrtistrio*s•
snrxtorrhara, and Ai escts 4buse m" EA i.s a.
Meeuure z+"six ac 4lst t pt
p2aRin . o otew pa
maff roe. . 11490103A10.0*
�`OrtPk i is dada
Clubbing Rates
We can equal any club- .
ELLIOTT & MCLAOBLAN, fbin rate offered. Cal .
Principal s ansee.
(Inoorparatoi by Act of Parliament 186:b)
gid. Office,
• Montreal -
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
�3„ 3'72,�50Q
0FFI0E SOURS 10 a. tn. tat p, ca. SATURDAYS. 10 a. m. to 1 p. a.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
'Ong Bank Department; Until tnrther aetrea 1nGra01 h ar t rutoi is wfll bi
et�edittd gnarter� ia+atsad o! holt earl as tarmsrllr.
Deposits of $t and upwards recefr.d.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DIOKSON & CARLING, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDO:N, ))tanager,
\ Guaranteed Cured or No Piy.
If you ever had any contracted or hereditary
blood disease, you ars never safe until the virus
or poison has ,been remoiaed from the system.
You may have had some disease years ago, but
now and then some symptom alarms you. Som.
poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford
to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear-
ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury
or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may
ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the
treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe
specific remedies that will positively cure all blood
disease t` of the worst character. leaving no bad
effects on the system. Our New Method Treat-
ment will purify and cnri . the blood, heal up
all ulcers, clear the skin, re' . • ve bone pain , fallen
out Bair will grow in, and swollen glands ill re -
tura to a normal onditiori, and the patie ht -will
feet and look like a different person. Alt eases
we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com-
plete cure if instructions are foli'owed..
Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE
CF C iAIIGF. Beware of incompetent -doctors who have no reputation
or lailiablli --r. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years,
• WE CI= Nervous Debility. Voicocele, Stricture, Blood and
Se Bret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Firbe.
II unable to ea* write ler a Question List ter Home Treatment.
Cor. Michigan It Criisw ld Sts. Detroit, Mich.
i1 1
01711 NEW STOCK OF '
Watches, JewelierU, Silverware, Tollet
sets, Ete., EV.,
We have undoubtedly the finest lines
goods that have ever been shown in this
district. We can suit you in quality and
price every time. ,
Wedding Presents
Weddings occur a,teall seasons, bathe big
season is now approaching. We are ready
for it with the finest rings & best presents.
Call and Examine Earn