HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-21, Page 1 (2)a 4-0 subs t1 c� for rho AI'Va- CAT ` a,n] get 4,t)ar tn tCs ab ye ,stated. GI seise t k :dvreeklgo. of OUP lis Newest Typc3 ,On ns. SI P ore Tl .Fine t Wort:: APO /Wilt Primp T . dvate Olives Eete �,x:Tlie ,L31a eral t ' ,onten-4 itttle' lest eek. _ . . _ PIM is aisle to: gke aken°out odoors tai fi t at'. T4Ire. �o` e Cole underwent a serious surgical o eration on 'Wednesday afternoon, t result of which has not reached us the time of going to press. The Choir of the Trivitt Memori Church will hold a Social . Evening i the School Hall on Friday evening Ma 22nd, at,S o'clock. Refreshment ,.,.��" again alone cite the of et�'a # select ing me as the '° standard.bearer of the party in the coming Provincial con. test. After years of faithful and con- scieantious service as your representa- tive, I think that I` can with no small degree of confidence again solicit your auppo> t. Qurh.►.g . ►Y lrst. tear i art_ tlkte.._.afrsi'1;" ''jrauarme.-- „�.tlmiai+ioYt �l�ewic . --COMBINATION that -has made for us a reputation first-class merchants. COMBINATION that has kept our old customers and made new ones. thathas made tor car an oar custvmers Fends. -z Hsu ,tw TS7Pd S'�l'Vallgr. linmiik L'S ^r?iLJa 9N �aa.w.:a r Tartly f meszuler� seno_�' erfl�-c gen NT"QuaIity. THIS r innotto me�to a fog Xtit~A !LLowrices COMBINATION 0A1 " a iEl ,A µ Nom' ighest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs, Butter 23e, Eggs 16c CARLINGt BROS. G, •ir:�w >r'.t' h© a AI n r g• e d f • e • • • at. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cobbledick of Oalgary.Alta.. are on a visit to Ontario , relatives. Mrs. Cobbledick is at pre- sent in Toronto while Mr. Oobbledick is spending two or three days at the home of his father be ; . Later on they will both: visit in eter. Mr. Cobbledick reports the prospects as very bright in the West . this year. They bad a veryfavorable seeding time and a plentiul harvest is looked for._ Legislature. 1, with a faithful opposi- tion, fought sgs,lnst fearful odds to,ob- tain honesty and tairrplay as well as ju- dicious and righteous management of the-affaire of this Province. I nowarti supporting a +government formed to carry out' the principles for which w+� clove comparison of the conduct of of fairs with that .of the previous' Gov. ,, h s .. r-SLK°b"�Vtlr, --•. wM.:. ;fi�iY' ing man. I care not what hies po itics, to give it and its acts a hearty endor- eat on. I do not n this address intend to give ao•ext ded review of all the leg - Isla e3-paetfouirL ears. -as the platform. ie the _roper -place fn what -are- -known _ahid d strong party men among my op g- ents, will dorse me, no matter nW a n strong a case I nits make out for ..t Government, but I appeal to the hon- esty of the great independent elector- ate which'' does its own thinking, and makes and unmakes Governments ac- cording as they come up to its ideals. To this section of the electors, the true pedal Bargains in Seasonable Goodshope of our country, I can app! an honest man to, honest, tam-minded menIn every deo artment of the stare we are Riving Special Offerings• men and ask them to give the patriotic and bonen WhltnerGovernmetit an; other four years'. extension of tlieir support. Thanking you all in advancefor what, beliede will prove on election day. fulfillment�of my request. - _ -`` Iam, Yours sincerely. HENRY ,EILBER. LADIES' COTTON VESTS, fine quality. with or without sleeves. "Regular Price 18 eta. Special Offering at , ... 12,1 eta 'IES' DRAWERS, nicely finished and well made. Extragood value. Special Offering 25 cts DIES' SLIP WAISTS, fine rib, quality Orth cts. A Genuine Baa�ain... Special Offering at 23 ets LADIES' CASHMERE RIB' VETS, warranted all pure wool. Guaranteed not to Shrink. Short sleeves. Special Offering at45 cts Ladies' Black Sateen Underskirts, 5 Frills. Special Ulering at... Witt L } for. %te Waist fora , . .. • • .. a • # W+ ► "asst for..,...,,. •...•..;1.88 00 Waist for. .......... ..• .$1.75 1,50 Waist for...........- ......$1.23 1.25 Waist for $1.00 76c Made of.gocid washiingBatiste, white With black polka dot, lace insertion tr :wed,1 sleeve. Special at......48c t for 480 ;i A. moat dainty colteetion of Elie Mulls, Hotel and fancy'atripes, in white and colors. The prettiestona goods that we halve ever shown. Special Prices.. i Women's and Children's Hosiery Special Showing of l ncyTan aad Brack Stockings le Plain and Fancy Styles. We ��jC are now showing a very pretty range of LACE GOODS in all sires, at .................. An Immense -stock of LACE CURTAIN'S to be cleared out Quickly. SEEAND GET THE GOODSpaid. • SN -ELL & ROW: t'rofbeassaal Cards. it O. B. *OULS'ION. L. D. ll.. D D. ae. DHNTIST iMe►belwr Of the $• O. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Helifineks of Toronto Uaiver$lty. Over Dickson ii Carling's Law Office. V Aadersom's former Dental Parlors. DS, A. E. KINSMAN, L. D. L. D. b. 8.• graduate of Toronto Usiveristy DENTIST. ',''Aislrlt attracted without any pats, or any bad elects OI[Ws oyer Madman A Btanbury's aloe, Malattarset SK. Medical DR. T. T. McLAVOIHL'IN Inca resumed practice after spending a year (Col- lege) Col- k a) at British and Continental Uosptais, General with special attention to Eye, (with refrac- ) Nae and Throat. Office: Dashwood. Ont. OMNI. OS it OABLINITRIS, BOLCConveyancers, *SAN* t r�s Barak, eta Iuy to Les* at lowest rates of late/wt. ollllaerT#iaia street, Eseeer,: k lk axantse, t3.A., LJ. Q. mow Bsek-�a��il�fer The undersigned has a large quantity of Ms+., -class bricicrandtilele on his yards situated ogpafte the grist fall at Crediton East. .Satisfaction guar- anteed. It will be to your interest to can and make an inspection Wore inr elsewhere. JOSEPH AIS' Crediton Fest - 'Barn tor Sale. Frame burn, 28300 feet, with an ad- dition of 18 feet. Will sell thehole or part. Will be sold cheap. For particularspply JOHNWOOD, Exeter. Building For Sale. Frame of a building 501E30, with 21 ft. posts, in flt=ast-class shape; also'lum- ber, at low rate. WM. M. BLATCHFORD. Exeter. Eeter_Couuci1,. - da , May 5th, 190' also Council of the V of Exeter met in the Town Hall. of all present. The minutes of the meeting held May let were read and approved. The following two prepaid accounts were sanctioned, per Fuke--Knight- Wm. Sweet, $f; D. Gilles, $1, --Car- ried. The following tenders for Dement sidewalk were opened and read: -- Messrs. Sweet Bros., Tarylor__SD _ _ Sand- err, P. Bawden & Son. Snight--Hea. man -That the tender of Messrs. Tay for & Sanders, being the lowest, viz: 9 cents per squad Boot, be accepted. -- Carried. Tenders for street watering were op- ened and read as follows: -Henry Ru- mohr, Thos. Creech, Henry Parsons, Thos. White and W. G. Gillespie. Knight -Johns ---That the tender of Mir Thos. White, being the oweat, viz $1420 per week, be accepted. - Carried. Mr. D. Russell. Sr., appeared before the Council, re the award of fence - viewers, claiming he had no part in the transaction. Referred to fefic+e- viewers. A petition, signed by Harvey Bros. A. Hastings, IL S. Richardson and others, asking that a cement walk he laid on the west side of Andrew street,- frcm Jai nes to Victoria streets, was read and discussed. No action. Neaman -- Fake - That Councillor Johns and the Commissioner 1 ok over the open ditch along Huron street east and place the same in proper repair.--- Carried. Messrs. J. J. White, R. N. Creech and Geo. Anderson waited on the Council. regards getting a grant so as to procure ground foe the Base -Ball. Club and other Clubsf the ''mill �. ,a. be given, payable to Mr. R. N, Creech, Treasurer.--Car7rled: °. Mr. McGee of Parkhill waited on the Comte', regardslicense, for the ea.1, , Zv ;ii- Weekes Wits in- London tablishing of d billiatrd r naE -wedrielguy on httsiners. with the object of also placing in a ' Miss Mabel • llaara of Lucan, is visit`'. bowling alley. The proposition of ell- roof; her surer, h[rs. CgIe. tablishing a pool and billiard roo• Mr. Wilson of Peterbo li is visits was not entertained. by the Council, . Alfare+d .Bedfa� but they would -gallant a license for air' with fir. bowlinpt alley. rat x.00 per alley. ale omits ,of London was the tame to be conducted upder provisigns truestoc aver Bur s . of a by -lar . Mt* J. V. Crocker cnf Buffido is lir. !Cita . Harriss asked `to rent to resit '* fe+ wee" trtiflat frler le ilia! Tiodigotillil for, the pix of tovursAild. icx the eve of �ay . Mr. Arthur n skite#a of Ifntforci Jo i s-nuke-'pb.attr the uest ln#r--bl i thin lreek, owing to the granted for the sum of ,00. Mr. Haar► fiathelw zison becoming responsible for any flay of the teachers of Exeter and damage tci tutsnulldinit.• Carried. rri+ed. setil'�a autiadiflq rll"iaga leent !Dubiety let►re The folkeeing accounts were passed: GoderiCh to, alattitnac tl►o Geos. Hawkins • & Son, bell stl hest, rs Convention at C + L CU. *00.70; Times Printing Co'y'. :, ;Mr. M Joh..: Maoris .Ori pp►�e�-x�blinthitt by $19.110; i , N m *to *MU* firlsn lr- ai 'ebsb. Is li . 2 t. tial AtkIn000, .►t Huron. .T12* Utter "I labor, *8.50; Henry Iter aohr, do $3.5(0; . f l iniac L 'reitgood and resided (Silas Handford, do. $8.75; Thomlia+i ziurlens Creech, do $11; Jos. fiutton do, 46.00; Rd. Quante,°do, $3.50; Rd.Dards, do, $10.50;. Albert Eiseett, do, .: ,....... , tile, .00; '' ''» T, ia« �,.1�. ��� �.:W. graier l►i dpi r"a orts*'own.bip Clerk, .for too of road Jno. 01111, C rirlan, V ritleg 1tt all tO of F ike Dania Gin TO LOAN wo falai shags rgs sassoupt of pa ivtte toads to tees *Wm sad til ♦lag �e pro,perttes at law tette+or lane* tiarrUtlerrs, 8o&icttors $(5jn at,. Exeter 0* S.ILGIPS, EMME . � L1i � Astct%ltosr. Salta attended ie all parts. Satisfaction • teed or no paxx.'ice r ssbie, AnOeai sot ae t Advocate Office will be promptly attended to. Jua11RW• ,• illia' in Brown let incorgoratfiek Of vittt rite sl s, Hareaaaray aad Theory applicaties. Easter.0at. 4. SENIOR eration Life Assurance ty, also Vire Insurance in teed - adieu and British Coldpentes. Ifehi-St.. Exeter. SUPERIORITY, iii 1 CA Aorc !:nem. progressiveness. utili y, enthusiasm, doersarect� r watchword,' leer - dal. Stencgraphy. Tel iphy. Mali ('Dines tit ani- su No vacation. CUM** Beisineres College Geo: Spotten, Principal. Houseand Land for Sale. The onet[r t�ftlimg for sale flit house and lawd'on ilorcn C et �r borne! 11 of tram In Se is good • . The Isrdcoaseiet. of 4 acres alp Bend t on. Hood rra�e-hard and eott Good static. a good Halt tress}, etc. Bonesdos given new cr En the fail. Apply at the borne Of Abrnham Dearing, Jr., 'Mascot Meet. WM. S. BASER Tenders for Bide -Wing. Tb aslie ed. Bede[ the BaUn- to* of - ttes e Fact .ce Y�t s.i Cruises eat metve. seated"ta dere rra: "Teodoro fee !liewwaikal,14 up to 7 dusk pay,, the' !rd dry et ¥ay, 1108, to cue- aatruet SAO Kure 'octet omelet eigewarke aid midst* le the Polis V l of C -'rod ten. � Settles. caaa be seta at H. ett ORdr, CredJtos Perahs teaderin , meet Ado The heard of Po a Tramw isett Mod Istelfmoreftto accept the Brest ct'anj Tender. rl imaaaaa, Lrrris, Becht �y�� -.+......-.,. v C e. Orta a URON COUNTY COUNCIL I Olt et Tho enn:,-1.1 ci the County be Hoot MI te to toot. wet fit at "Everybody Welcome." Next• Sunday being Empire Da lel-services Will be held in th rivitt lMemarial church, morning an eyenitig. _ ,In the morning the ruble! wi<ll:be "The influence of a great reign.' In the evening "Some problems o Empire." Special music will be render � ISA Xi :w t tathirrer rgnatfon"o 'se era of the reeently elected directors of th Exeter Canning and Preservin Com directere. were appointed to the and which frill now in all liklihood concis of MONA%. S. Martin, W. D. Sande J. G. Jones, A. Marchand, C. H. San dere, Thos, Hove , John Hunter. F �rad�:^ ...�,uli� 1 tl!ie auetian l~•De. a. ent-for• hol )ng a rtittutaer itabOO Y for' teacher the Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. ,The terns will be for four weeks,commencing Thursday, July 2 and dolingFriday July 31. Instruc- tions will' given in Eve courses and studenta may select any one of these. No .students will be permitted to take more than one course. The Energetic Threshing Company hate ke r i giip;ecla their foreman. he mp y- Jim -secured -in -Mr. qtr. Dalrym- ple one of the best Yuen in the county for the potation. Me bas had a long experience and Is thoroughly compet- \ent in every way, The ompany, and also the farmers employing the ,na- chine, may expect the very beet .possi- ble results from the cowing season. A Victoria Day Banana Festival will be held on the St. Patrick's church grounds, Saintsbury, on Monday even- ing, commencing at 5 o'clock. A choice PrOgramine will be rendered *- eluding an addrdie from Mr. Nelson Monteith. M.P.P., ell is expe .- to b`e resent. mi. -Jahn Fox of Lucan o ut O chaiThoset' c'ein,gpy pests wilt ter. regret It, here•who fore come one,, come all •attd spend a pleasant evening.-- :Geo. . y. Tell me,ye winged winds that a ,ound my pathway roar, do ye not know some quiet spot where wives clean house no more; some Ione, sequestered dale2 some island, ocean -girt, where life is not one ceaseless war with cob- webs and with dirt; where only Na. tures carpet spreads beneath their tired feet, and wretched men are neer ;impelled mpelled its emerald folds to beat? e lake breeze fanned d my heated face a said: "" Beat onl There's no such plaice." • Y This race is teracting a great deal of interest among -the long i will �'; d stun � t �@riaG. It be run over a -six mile -co :.:_up hill . and .d wn dale. In this like all the other events Excellent Prizes are being All the other spoor the horse races, the ._r., cions, etc, will be excel a tionall eine; 1J a...., xeter,.. �ICtQII���y, offered NAC - Mr, and Mrs. Fratk Triebner, of Stephen, bad a narrow escape from serious injury in a runaway accident while returning home from town on ! . • ... I ; , I .,,, r en :. es one and one-quarter Daher when the .bores stumbled, then taking a fractious turn ran away. Crossing the road into the ditch several times, Mr. Triebner was thrown from the rig unto the hard road and was rendered unconscious; while Mrs. Triebner clung to the rig and .succeeded in getting the horse stopped without in jury. , The buggy was slightly damaged. Mr. Triebner was taken to his home, and, while con- siderably bruised, his injuries are not serious. - ,Pleats tar 8s1e. A large supply of Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower. Geranium, Ferns and all kinds of flower Wants. - Hanging bas- kets filled to order. All hanging' bas- kets filled by us delivered at cemetery free. Agent for ,Canning Factory to- mato plants. L. D,AY, Mark t Gardener - Eden Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Coates agent. Sunday fin Biddulph with friends. -- Mr. John Emery spenta few digs in Toronto with his sister; Mrs. ,:Demp- sey, emp-sey, who has been quite ill at her home in that •;' 'city, -Mrs. Adair Of London.. is mending sit few day, with her brother. Mr. Wm. Craves: -Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Brooks visited friends in 'Exeter Sunil Mr. and Mrs. W. "'spa 4-- unday at ftherst Hunter's. MARIIIAOBS. WALSU--DoYLE--At Mt. Carmel, on May 13th, Richard Walsh of Strat- ford, to Miss 'Phoebe, daughter of _ Henry Doyle of Mt. Carmel. Court of Revision Yiiage of Exetor. TAKE NOTICE that the ision of the Village of Exeter will held :its first sitting in the. Town Hall, for the purpose of hearing the appeals against the Assess hent Roll of the Village for the Year 1908, on; FRIDAY, THE ATH DAY OF JUNE, at 8 p.m. All parties interested are requested to attend. J18th.-dOSEFay-oI3 SENIf-MaOR, Olerk. 11)0 � Liberal Candldate Suicides. Forest, May 14. -Montagu Smith, Liberal candidate in East Lambton and private banker here, committed suicide here about 800 o'clock this morning. No one witnessed the deed, the victim of his own hand being found shot to death probably half.. an hour after he had fired the shots. He left a letter which said: 'I find the mental strain in connec- tion with the political campaign such as to worry the all day and cause me loss of sleep at night. I find, too, that I have not the tact for this kind of life. The result must be only to . bring dis- grace upon myself and the Liberal part - . The onl wa out is what I LEG a+•n o .o. now w1 ': a great blow to my brother and sisters. but I cannot help it. For the past three years 1 have had some trouble which caused loss of sleep." Mr. Smith was the picture of robust health, and so far as anyone here knows he had no mental worry what- ever. No one understands what he refers to as having troubled him for the past three years. The suicide of Smith was most delib- erate: He had repaired to the water closet at the rear of his bank building, and when found was still clutebt the 32 -calibre revolver. Head fired four shots into himself. p BIRTHS HAELzwoon--In KIrkton, on May 10, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Hazlewood, a SOD. ` sboree-on--Mate- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood, a daugh- ter. ° Epwsune-Akt Crediton East, Ms 14, o Mr., and Mts. John _ Eft,* . a da -ugh . _ .. . Corz r.Altn-In Woodham" on Tose day, May 12th, 'to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Copeland, a daughter. ! of Dr. Motto It t. bottler -of Psythisi. believe it weal& ay. iiiesititassi year to aillyosid *leo tits& Court of Revision Township of Stephen. NOTICE is hereby given that at Court of Revision for the Assessment . Roll of the Township of Stephen, will hold its first meeting for the ��ppresent year, in TOWN HALL. ©REDITON, on TUESDAY, MAY 20th, 1008, at 1(} o'clock a.m. HENRY EILBER, - Township Clerk. Orton, May 5th. 1008. Follow the Crowd on the 25th, TO OUR STORE and see the many good things we , have in Tont Aril' C es SKIN Fo HAiit and Sh al— CALP TONICS, PA MIS, COLD ILEMEDIES, tinct. HEAR THE LATEST BONGS. BANDS and COMICS se produced by ournodspenjoy on t forget to call and yourselves. egrapi � of all ecdddita edraaxl repaire�s d. h� N for all Disc Wain** . Biribg the Children! L:mitch Windoir. Coal Oil Stoves, mall 'to $1.86 14 One inhiute,, wickless. . for $10.00 Only', Vapor tlasolend Stoves, .5.00 Gasolene Canal hold 4 ,01,4 with - Screen .41.00 to $1.50 ht S very latest. 4E00 to .$1.50 Paint. ,25o and