HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-14, Page 8 (2)•'Mrs. Marshall is quite ill at h Mr. Thos. Flyer), 3114 street, is re'- fatie*blr IN tO, be •glilia• Jo Mc - odes' Hell Tbirrektkir niguts be betel IS.pritttnit' in 'Ong Oil, r. liohert Luker y14040./01104 ntier lila 00,0,0 On Iferlhortmit4 Ur. William Rusk n, Exeter 1,',,,Tortbb XETEll who Iraits teen in paer health for sem time, bita taken a ettange for the wors, CHANGED EACH WEDNESD.& and is now very low ard the end is t Tbe marriage took place in Winni, Oats .4, .. .....1... 47 ter'il former young. ladies, in the per- Potafoestree 1,?4,g - ..... ' lir; bite Mirror) iloopers awl tielee, of Flea; pe; ,cyrt.,' taret).7 so can de hesines Anti, y or very pleasantly eptertainedieouMber of her frientia -on Monday -evening. A numberfrem here Attended the Orraltstar V artelvailttfttil Mr. Thos. Prior was cerdined to the house the latter _part of last week through Ile is now out -again. Mr. Chas. Wilson Exeter North, is recoveriug frlist,;ro-weeks'----ettack of sciatica. an able to be around again. Mr. Wm. Consitt of Hillsgreen has been eppointed returing officer for South Huron for the Provincial elec- tion. Mr. %Valor, Exeter North, has re- signed as foreman of the Exeter Flex farm Mr. Wrn. Snell has moved from Ex- eter North to William street, and is Har y, The baseball boys made their first appearance on the ground Monday night. The same grounds have been ne race Mill street and he and his sister. Atm Hedden of Creditor), Wilt occupy it Dr. A. O. Ramsay last week sold his veterinary practice to Dr. Cairns of Ilderton, who took possessron this week. Dr. Ramsay leaves this week for Ingersoll to commence his duties as meat inspector. Mr. John Farmer is carrying a black eye, the result of his falling violently from his rig last week, by the horses pulling -him from the wagon after tug had broken, He was taking a, number of trees to his farm in MeGilli- It is now understood th!tt a change has been made in tbe project of hold -- Jug the military review at Quebec, and. that the rural corps will not attend The abandonmen of the larger plan while the city corfs go in full force. is due to lack of r ilivay facilities. Judge Holt presided at a sittings of the Division Court on Tuesday morn. ing. Two cases of The Liberty. Drug and National Oil Company against cit- izens were adfourned to the next court, judgment' was, givenin an -Ana - defended case for debt, and the usual number of judgment summons were disposed of, . TAIth Exeter, Ontario The milliwry trade is certainly boon- , ak-Steav Cs. There's ia reason _ he hum— strle and value -tell die- tale. 1101,50 to Rect. On Wie ,a street, brick story and half &see, in good state of repair. Hats. bti ,,art sells them. -Marriag, Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate otheio. 50c for lorely Raw Silk, natural shade. Warm !Or Soto. as sot . -.rat situate west of the G. T. It. ano rth of the saltiblock, Exe- ter. Terwei easy. Apply J1.. Q. Bobier. Buy your garden And _field seeds at Stewart's. Ike kind that groms. Dr. A. C. Ramsay wishes to acknow- ledge with :ranks the liberal patron- age that bae; been extended to him during his eyractice here and desires that tbe ..ue be extended to his suc- cessor. ss also wishes those owing hen to set t te the accounts as soon as possible wig h Mr. A. Pardon, Exeter. Persons %. r...go the doctor owes will render se •• tats to Mr. Pardon also. $7.25 fur 4 lovely Austrian -china ,Tea Sax rire white body with small pink rose decora-ious and gold traced. Stew- therzies or Sate. Car load new buggies for sale: MeLaughli,,, Canada Carriage, and Barrie makrs. Also good three drum land roller fa Ir *MOO. Wa,gons, plows, wheel.baren schttlers all sold Cheap. Call and see them. Did you say Mooney Biscuitsi Ywri, yam, but they are pod. Stewart sells thrm and good rich cheese too. For Sate. A, Illeint z than Grand Piano—nearly Sailor B Dy Japan -Tea 80c. Mica- wata Allred Tea and Black Beauty Blaek Tea still 80c at Stewart's. IThey are easikq worth 85 and 40c. Mr. A. G. Dyer, Exeter's assessor, has completed his round and place* the total aNsesement of the village at $595.450, whichisalividetiee follower—, Lind exclasive of buildings, $120,§23; buildings. 8301.020; Business Amway,* Fixed aSstnent $5.000; canning factory assessment (for sehool tax only) $10,, 000. The population is 1000. No of dogs 104. bitches 16. All accounts due Dr. T. A. Amos are requested be paid at once as hes leaves in a few aye for the west, bay- ing sold his pra tice. - 'laving purchased the Veterinary niactice of Dr. Ramsay, I beg:to an- nounce that I have Aitken possession . and- solicit tbe patronage of Exeter at the home of Mr. Peter frivrden will be promptly attended to.—F. Calms. bormg trrnmer BOOdSsas E 1110 RUSH o Spring and Summer ORDERED CLOTHING \ h begun already. LET ES Mr Oir GOA* are the Beet re. Fit awl Finish Olin, eon of Mr. A. Hooper of Olin- ton„.and grandson of Mt% Jane Atkin- son, Exeter, was married in Hullett township on Thursday of hist week to Miss Erneline, daughter of Mr. N. Sundefc-ock of Hullett. The young man will look after his father's inter - este in Smith Huror. as representative of the Manufacturers' Life Insurance Co. He will reside in Hensel,. It takes a substantial reward to Cap- ture a man like' Moir, the slayer of Sergeant Lloyd. The reward was authorized by the Dominion Govern- 'ment on the fith and Moir wis captur- ed at 6 p. in. on the 0th on a fano four miles north of Elora, where he had been -Hiking fortwo- weekrrwithis-fairr. ily timed Robb. Constables Farrell and Coughlin of Arthur made the cap- tures after a rough and tumble fight. Masse Matters. • 64110N110ititt0Otiltit Att, :day night. If the clati's ehances Air a erlitlithe-irritial meeting. the 'ebauces sent and -everybody *Its .6rithttstaStio. 0044t ay. vIrrin: Pres., Gees Ander- Mr. John H. 'Scott is visiting relas son; Pres. J. J. White; Vice, W. W. tives in Downie. Tamen; Amager, R. N. Creech; Sec'y. perey Wo spent a few days in W. R. Alger; Treas.. R. A. Stewart; Toronto this week. Committee of Management, to consist Mrs. Wm. auncey is visiting relas of president, manager, secretary, car viivitain ceeditonvga week, -tato and Fred-Hawkshavr- and W. . Beaman. Mrs. Atkinson shows some signs of Sold Procne*, Mrs. E. W. Horne is the guest of Dr. T. A. Amos on Tueriday sold out her parento, hlr. and Mrs. Farmer. bits medical peactice to Dr. H.R. Bright me. and mea, Hayes of st, marya of Dra,yton, Ont., togethet with hi* 'were guests of Mrs. Hawkshast. henna and lot on Andrew street, Pork Gro. Avery, ar London. is visits session is given at once. Dr, Amos in» 'ing friends here, and also in Stevihen. .to, partneraper 'with Dr. Rivers; tor. guest of friends n teen; ove y. r Sunda improvement the last few days. merly of iton. Duririg the hymn-. Mr. Wm. Bowman left Monde tor Etteter. he has enjoyed e and Mrs. R. A. Cranston, of Palmerston, lucrative practice, and the community is the guest of her mother, Mts. (Rev.) will regret the dep!trture of the doctor W. M. Martin. and his family., Mr". _Amos and the Mra. J. Floyd and daujrhter Miss • will endouittedistseoureivfairshire or daughter, MI. R. G. Seidon. returned hisliationsge of the people ef Exeter to Ingersoll last week. and vicinity. „ Mr. Alf. Bowie left Wednesday WhouNothisit tiappoui. morning for Winnipeg, where he will Frequently nu pick up a local Parer, spend the summer. and after glancing at the headel nes G. D. Hurdon sons of Mr. you ever stop to think what the phrase —means? It 0300.11$ that in the w k just _passed, that no misforturre a , befallen anyone in our town; that o ° fire bait wipectout-aneighbor's-worldiv--ac goods; that the grim angel , of death Messrs, obn• Charlton and 'Ed. has crossed no threshold of a 'friend; '13eavere, Mi Minnie Puruphrey, and fallen arty citizen; that no ones Ttiesday for the t. that no unfortunate accident has be- Mrs. Ww. Mi ell and family\ left been forded by the pressure of circuits- Rev. A. H. Going eft WedeesdaY stances into bankruptcy; that no one morning for Tomtit() attend the an - has become so heart -broken and dis- nual meeting of the Boa , of Regents couraged that they have committed of Victoria College on Th •., 3* - suicide; that nobody has entered into. Mr. Case Howard, wbo has in *let- s, matrimonial alliance. which they ed an apprenticeship at the `k, mes may *egret in the years to come; that ;ace, left Monday morning for • .zt. no little one has been horil into thi omas to accept a,position in one o world of -sin and—sorrow, to su er. printintriffleis in that -city., So if you pick up yottr local paper and Miss Eira Carling, after spending a,nd find nO startling news. Just give- -several weeks et her home here, re- ths,nks and _quit grumbling -, to -New york-Mundaymortift -there's **nothing init." ' where she willresurne her course as Nicks' Foractesta For May. nurse in that ci.ty. It ie expected A Reactionary Storm Period centres she will graduate m the course of a on the 19tb, 20th and 21st, the Moon fess sr,eck* being near last miarter. at extreme Main street League anniversary is to declination south and in perigee. All be held next Sunday, Rev. Grahatn of who are familiar with the astronomic st. Marys taking charge of the service. in Buffalo and left for dust p ace last iss Ethel Street and Miss Fairless, Marys. were guests at the for - mother**, Mrs. John Sweet's, casts. will remember the fact we have often explained, that , the "focus of solar energy," in itis annual swing from soutirto north, lies along the belt of Central states from west to east, during the month of May. This fact, beyond all other causes, accounti for Bo many tornadoes, as a rule, during this mentb. The period,10th to 22nd, is not especially threatening.„ but the. presence of the Venus arid Mars, per-, i . blended with those of Jupiter au Saturn, should incite cautious vra hfliTness at this and all other per- iods in'May.- From about tbe 21st to the 22rd. higher barometer snd change tia much cooler may be expected gen- erally., Of course it is understood -thatfal*to,olear- -sit comes with rising barometer and Act shows the following fines collected change to cooler. not only •in this mOnth, hut at all seasons of tbe year. "P4E)ErTterreeeldsor"Iti and h-istoric, Orange Lodge *as re -opened on Thursday an act amending the Act for the n The Ontario Legislature has passed mevaenneinyg. lt, aftraamaaniTem ongteh:d.d a -tam; tendance of the bia members and rso tection of sheep, and imposing en deg., by giving power to incaresse ,r),..!_wicnngetn° 7rOunintY,BmirdterninrhresendDpaovits aPpoint an inspector of sheep who will make enquiry and report on the k1111114t Municipal councils are given power to District muter Th("xstss "jaiscer skrid* of sheep by dogs. - e owner of. any ,nd r. ,paat Grand senotars ummut dog may apply to the inspector and the litter shall assess the amount of and the following officers were delft lance ofitili6r—W; M_... jag. It. Britt- Ita soul Committee* j". A. Oillespie, Wtn. will meet on the lst , Friday 'In the r0Onthc eta will ,go to .Goderkh ,00 - the coming 14th July to the big. dem, onstratiou with at least 25 good and true men and to, churchAkervice. dresserwerirmade at the °pooh) The lodgl, flu ilnelittsotets of * Mtge And it#ieter.,-Voni, from_ Huron County, _.*---Weat Huron. II1477; 1000-7, f100; South Huron, Shoop loud Mat& • payable try the tutinleirsality in the not being known.' , There passed away at the hme of flagel,law on Saturd hist .13sgs13aw* relict of the late.Dan- Itansom* At the sire 02 years. deceased has 'been In a *very,, • ondition tip several weeks* suffering frOttt int/oust', tumor, and during Born nest, estnington* &ties many yearateilded hi the to Stephen.on,the -21,44404 for over Went* year* bea 'been \ *Idiot of Better. Deetelied Ora thotough Cbriatiert *04 wow mkt), reit petted by ber 'friend*. flbe 104140 tO limn of tOtatt And Semtlel of Toimito.' The funeral took gob on lifoodeit l'Aft to the Et.teter•OeMetery. Ts. Satifiriuttory Itseter Otero. .441 Another cheapsele it this Boutain Store. This cracking tikes') Nile will Bargain:84* *boot one htimitied coy psir goes tor one,•dolisar per pelt s tint Oftits Of 'One oboes In sizes Meer?' per SOes tor emittIV Ptio. BMW Mon* '4)tir *Moil a easy. to swim, ktoeselb: trbisetsteking will, to k Zech* had tailless Tt Is • eat Beautiful Stationery In Handsome Boxes :: Not cheap stationery in gandy Styles. u eight in every way. ' PRICES 25c, 60c and 15: Neat Tablets in cloth texture* with envelopes. Visiting Cards to snatch. • . See our 24th ifs Post Cards. S.ITQWEY, ketinfr by Miakiiss • • ParlorS Music Cabinets Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Byifeets • Kitchen Cabinets Dining Room Tables • ' Dining Chairs and all Bedroom. Furnitute steek fu line of furniture, and it pays to fu rn is h your ; home from our ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading. Home Furnishers and Funeral Direotors. ONES PHONE NO. 82 CLARK ist rCSS C1018 1111114... We are right into the midst of Our Dress Goods Season. Now is the time for you to buy before the dif- ferent lines are sold out. The Best will be found here in _all the New- Things. This is headquarters for Dress Goods. So you are sure to get what you want. Panama Cloth The very newest cloth for a swell suit or separate skirt. The colors are Black, Blue, Brown and Cream. 50e to $1 per yard. Venetian* . very reliable and suitable cloth for Suits or Skirts, All the colors that are worn—Black. Blue, Brown, Cream, Green and 5c0e to $1 per yard. Voiles and Eoliennes In Stripes, Embroidered, Spots or Plain. These goods are very neat and are selling extra well. 500 to $1.50 per yard. and Mohairs .10 Bleck, Blue, Cream, Brown and Green. Striped or Plain. One of the beet wearing fabrics we have. 50e to 75e per yard. 'Black SILK Underskirts -Wear fully guarantee0y the maker. or 5.00 > Grey and Navy Blue, with a large Baia running tbrougb., • aists 00 Black or Black Underskirts We have a big lot of different *tees to ahow yoti some Judas_ The styles change very quick in this line. Out we *Imo try And keep pate* siith it. Iron wilt the novelties in vouge White through our White If not, do, not fail to ou do our buying. We have a TS, GOWN'S