HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-14, Page 3 (2)TO EVENT A NERVOUS . 1311ARDOWN itimaxf Pink PiJb v104 ortoOmiiro'lletto04 ttfr , . Atta LE', !&. 1....11iace3stn1atpansingtaienettlia $1, rattentairea rof.r. hhealti altar. 0444 ,4er 4t,rtf0.0,45tInatt4,441-10gattattrttin flteno ViaiOnttanre ; (told ltattt ;•-n• feeling et *a:eight elide fun :7 1)4i'not matie 'the mistake of 01114 tliat theee ore, diSeaseei in • 4itineelves. and bee eatielled with relief tor the time .being. *alai; It Means that. ,the blood has iviconie - IMpure and thin and cannot carry *MAIO- nouriehment to the nerves to keepthem healthy and, able to do their • work. - There. 19 .only- one way to prevent the anal breakdown of the nervee and. the more wious diseases which follo.w. PACKED 1:1\h THE FROZEN NORTH. Thee/400d must.he made rich, red and pure, and Dre Williams' Pink Pills ts ."Pacired away in the frozennorth. e the only medicine that cart do this she has been practically in refriger- pro rn p t ly and effectively. Every dose ator, maintaining her youth and the of her venerable liantere, et this medicine helps make new blood slout heart and strengthens the wak el worn-out while in less* frigid. Zeriel3 the aa,orld nerveee -----ereew4eavaSeeeteelesee.,..aemeee-has been getting older and older; salts Frederieten. have been superseded by StOfft..-ff:W • 'was cure• d b Dr witeame. tees ,been replaced bY sleek the old salt Pink Pills -after suffering from nervous of Captain Marryat's *Atte has had to breakdown, whieti resulted in partial intik° way for the modern sailor -me - paralysis Of the -face. She says: "The trouble came on quite •gradually, and at theeoutset I did not pay much at, tention to it-. Then it grew more seri- ous, and there 'Wee h ,generalbreak, down, of the nerves, which was follow- alep 1ieTrareorimi51e`..WITTaits-7oW" shape. 1 was leerier ..doctee'serare. for a eotteile7cif rnontlei, and one -treat- inent after another was tried without benefit. By this time I was confined to nry room.. and. the.doctor told Me he could not ,cure me. Atmest in despair • i V4,11S persuaded to 'try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The improvement was ekiw, but the bufkling up of h run &vim nervous system naturally is skrer. Slowly- but surely this medicine (11 t Its work,and after a time I was •• able to again opine down Metre. From that on the improvement ewas much -end naiv ever i was In my life. My friends look upon my cure as almost miraculous. Dr William's' Pink Pills did for me what the best medical treatment failed to de -they .brought Me back god health." It is the. blood) building, nerve restor- er in: Dr. Pink Pills - that enable thern to cure such troubles as anaemia, rheumatism,. the. after et ledse94 la drIPPer indigestion', • nL Vitus dance, partial- paralysis and the secret ailments of girlhood and *womanhood. Sold .by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 50e. a box (le six toles for V.50 from The Dr. Williams' niedicine , Brockville, Ont. •••-r, LOST fOR IIALF CENTURY Vtlr the eeeue by elaanee. Ile bed came antten teem the Reeelate, which by 41Oetnan 414 Ent: it Wen:1.Pa rrailfnata tititture traind ail Ids &ulna oeme to Ik CEC,43 floste. 11E5 hones were cen- tred on vOgLiugt ve the Inoretiga. to, °ILI he- Ilaeuglit gettitteranirce teem the Itesutute, and 6eclag the in- cident out to a !inlet. Benno awning to a aura elect:sten, tie went aireees ter the Reseluten Name he eonfereett vial) Catitnin I1y ilna tine Ine nth raren mann- hire 'men t,eit tr4nntnttntfe .ined' lin tied Ito ;atteanattte hut ta ttiatn tent 'is' An; Ittiteetineettq, tie': nee fate and acena VESSEL SENT IN SEA,B FOR SIR 5trange titetry ol tne Inveetigetor 0.4s Re* rotund A,ov 5 , • • .P5" 011, thee. -„gaea.tint, ant try, tate 41, aftiv •• 601,,c.trunt ' eeenee; ,tta'a 40nntitt*Ile taalaventeteler "k. Ran retetiond.'ef Mateetynt ntintelea Vesnatatter avearleatiencna tne .titit Int U. gOtAttn9t4t*Ittitntnt#14'lltinttnt. 'addict eneka*Onntartarlitttl tagaaVt kibit, Franklin end hin cOurageocin eerie panions," „seiya The Telegraph. ' "Now ali the !11c 2s5 ot tWe aaxteus,, he- roic times have teen ono more revived &d the report that whalers have found • 'Ag* ptpo tnee;iree,t.0 Itaa. iite..; , . me tit ttbat rie 01"Ws/I'' git.01'. 'wan tre the ;foe emelt...W/111'e tor tan atal ntecW iattiCtrtntaan'tintrel:t tVittt grip a ter the Lapse of fifty-six years. Our New 'York correspondent eels sug- gested that the old man -of -weir !nay Oen be sufficiently sound to be navigan el aceues the Atlantic to her yid home country. HOW EINK-EILLERS ARE KILLED. Ifhe Dreadful Fate 'Which Sane of Them Undergo. These amongst the assassins of the late King of -Portugaleind Ids son WU tell victims to the sabres and bullets al the soithery and police were lucky. For evrn in these hummtuntarian days the lot -of the regicide, wnen caught; is not ust&ally a veV envienie one. To be hanged Is the least he can expect. . Perpetual sotitary imprisonment is a tar Imre dieadful fate. It drove Brest', the assassin of King Humbert of Rely, .4,te suicide. and it has transforrned Lluc who murdered- the EMISIV.Ss01 • Austria, into a hopeless imbecitec., Amongst the pi:otters irnpLcated in the murder of the tate Shah of Persia, one was tortured to death in prison, whpe'another was incased in wet plas- -e-of.pitrise Whiehe einesettingeestele y eruSlied the 'life out of him. , . Three of the assashis of a previoes Shah were boiled alive in huge conker pauldrons. So late as the year 1831, the tem ittavrom:chaelie, who slew Ceunt Cape d Istria, the first prendent of Greece, were immured with claw bricir walls, built round them up to their chins, end supplied with salted' food (but no drink) u•ntl they died'. - neurons, Who attempted the life •of &Jag- Louis XV., was first barbarously tieetured; and. then torn to pieces by WIN) horses. This awful riuntshment carricd out in. onneof the aptiarratpat equines of ---Paris no --longer than March 28th, 1757. litavailac, o assassinated Henry rr, ettaltranee-, etifferen a similar fate. The murder of Salim III. of Turkey Wee Publicly impaled, lingering five and- * bar days hi greedier Weritent. Tbant Who did to death his Immediate suc. lets.sor,' Mustapha IV„ were tortuted and starved on alternate days, and de. attired el sntep 4by n1g1114 until death, tame to their relief. ‘1) niereeterted V' the atentta Star, and teeelead Engtand On.Sentember 28, 1854, 13113148 TEXEING TOR 184 lagfiLilliS TIN -When baby -is --Se taing. ehea whole heuechold le tweet. lie tei der little PIM • ere Inflamed and se, lktn, tile !WOElittle child suffere end e ten cries: day Iliad raght, wearing elle niotter iiit and,l'i ceplieg the Peet *Jr ,the tcwilly en- edge,i : ifeC ilie liattiteh Where Deby's..Own rablets nre,need there.“is Re sttcP .wor''' The Tablets"• alley Ihe 'intleirenae tiot,:k1W.411' tile Itatitatinn atial4Ithtntt Vie ttqli'lltiOug4 fiptute4ii:t str-*; '8, W14." Ilonts.; -st;AO,....4.1-.41, Ont., §n)-kt ,'N'tY- ii ' .babyeenfteiiiel.--learibly ;viten getttill•'e t te.e4,li' and, the , dietee 4:ttint.th,dtt Aneltil ''44ttco .-fAX.'zir,'114tiyi4 -t.i..le -t 4)104 And toildid tiee-to /Mich goiel that I eaneot sey tetotigh.iii ileer fever. You allay ,le 'sure that I eiliveys lieep after • an. absenee' -of .fomr. years and.lhe.,Tahlets in, the house now.'old .t. all medieine dealers or by mall at 25e. per box trete' The Dr. Williainie Aledicine Co., Brochville, Ont. • _ eight months. It WaS en evenitu wee' ago. and now the home -coming, Investigator, after hal a century ,nn Ata 41.0.....1,111411.11;" the erat Meet CHILD'S SEVERE BURNS. Healed by Zaimatuk. The little girl of Mrs. Lewis B t of Curb -etc P. recently tell against\ tiie etove and burned her forehead eery badly. Mrs. Beet .says:- "The burn wae about tie -size .a a fifty cent piece and was near the bone. It made my little girl's eye swell tin it almost shut, and then she got cold in it. R began to run, matter wrry badly, and I could atelnkttkAirengtgnitholettetkatkatirAtand. every night and morning. At last sent for some &unlink 'which soon stopped the matteration and very quick- -lv healed the wound. I have never charte. le the, lore of the sea every- a burn heal so quickly, and 1 a:Insure thing has changed since her Malealtr's Zam-Ban nee no eqeal. for .ouriag eutee ship' Investigator began her long rest cr be the Rip an In • the ice. lf she is really rescued Winkle a the eaEeLerYof es-Zilsn qu7k..aurni;ButyielmsAltil vd tisk- she will world's fleets. She will need to be ree All druggists and stetreeefiffeeenteedebeence "st4iireete-teitenftgifkeiesgini.OsAlker - other British port on fil_e caner—MO et the Attanti and_iben. ulade'reSaelleWilh_ num relF_ .ftrennemosts. the\ White EnsIgii1 the Linton leek battling wisth the breeze, she eleduld Experhurots Demoastrate the Value ot make her furrow once more acroes the Mercury. water to her long-lbst home. "Practically 8111 who sailed in her That Mercury ram be used as an el - have gone, though Admiral -Sir Vesey fective weapon against the ravages of Hamilton, 'who was the mate of the tuberculosis is deserted by Naval Sur - companion ship Assistance, is still alive germ Barton Lisle Wright in the last to tell the story of the struggle with issue of the United States Naval Itua tar; elements over fifty years ago. The Min. . . investigator was commanded by one of Administered by deep muscular injec- the herees of Arctic exploration - the tons, the inereprial treatment under - lute Viceetdrairal-Sir Robert -Jane-Le- -takeneby-Dr: Wright ,basethuse-farebee tMesiirier McClure, who wes born at se. zu.ccessful that general attention Wexford fifteen roonths after the bat- has been directed to the results, and tie of Trate-War. Medical Inspector C. T. Ilibbert, with other authorities, is conalneed that IN SEARCH OF FRANKLIN. scienee sh.ould look more deeply into Me imbibe of mercury as a specific for the "In 1848 he was offered and accept, ed n appoinrment as first lieutenant dreaded disease. _ Dr. Wright firet observed the effects in. bee Meleety'e slap Investigator 61 mercury on tubercular patients in the \Rip Vale Winkle of the British - e spring of 1905, during the latter firet.\ She had been purehaeed orom th thmercbentervleeand was about part cif tour Of duty at the United e ' e, States Ni avai Hospital, l'effimeo , a., to leave England to make the first of where the Bureau of MedSur- hid from the world's view all traces C. Medicine and . many efforts to pierce the veil *which rery had established a temporary camp to the treatment of tubel-culosts. He of- Sir Jehn Franklin and his oempan- & had under his cere patients infected kris. England' at the moment was in- n fever of nervous excitement; all eyes pulmonary lesions of Mesh With the disease and Idureil that the patients im- were on the pathetic but courageous proved rapidly under the Influence of figure of Lady Franklin, hoping against hoe° and prepared to risk her all on mercury. He was at the same time adthinistering other reinedife, but 41. be - the faint chance of rescuins her hus- band and his daring party 17orn death, came evident to him that the mercury ut, at least finding seine traces of them. was the agent most effective in COM - Sir James Clark Ross was the captain hating the disease. Last September, Dr. Wright had an of her Niaiestyis ship Investigetor. This officer, his first leutenant and Admiral opportunity to Again prackse the teat, rnent in California. The first results daring assistants, Si- Leopold McClintock, one of his ,most have all passed there were not satisfactory, but when away. The Investigator, in company the- quantities of mercury Injected wene Increased immediate .and decided irre with the Enterprise, went outeby way prevenient look place. ef Lanotaster Sound, and wintered at Several practically hopetess cases Leopold Island, near the northeast haws been given the treatment, and paint of North Devon. 11.10 two ships i. made a fruitless search, and in the tot- It s asserted, steady improvementwith lowing year came back. gain of strength and weight, ha sre. suited LAST VOYAGE TO THE NORTH. . "By this time the Government and DANISH GIRL GOT CARDS. the whole nation were in a condition recktese determination to 'eolve the Australian School Girls All Clamed mystery; it kee be_ solve11.1 Plane - Title -of fleverestes to.* a renewed effort were immediately i A Dansh girl, \living in ber• father's witted.. Canatain Coliinson wee given house in Denmark, having probably the cemmend, with the Enterprise as tmard mething about Sydney, au. the senior Infilear's 11.3)., 'and McClure. stralia, and anxious to add to her tel - who had shown himself well fitted for vtion of. postcard views from Austra- the post by his resourcefulness and en- ha, hit upon a plan, the -sucee o companion vessel, f ergy, was Riven the Tnroaand of Ow the Id Investigator. which will probably astonish her. Hav- ing selected a card with a very pretty The expedition also included the As- enrol scene of. the hem° vrhich she eistanee, In which Admiral Hamilton thed, the little maiden oddressed the served, and the Resolute; but the lat. card in Enos.n. le" snips had a more or less indepen- "To the cleverest girl fp , the biggest 'school in Sydney, and dant eommassion, under Captain Aus- twMild she please eend a card in m- ien; they were to search the Darrow turn?' The card xvtis. delivered by the Strait. Our concern is with McClure, peeiman to the wet school t,rt and -thtt -InveStIgaiktr 0114- Enter7P18t"`Elizatiteth street: The pupils. numbering The vessels sailed from Plymouth on wine. 50€4. arer goiaargetrulvard. ranietrY go, 18-ra, and sinee that, event- a earel to their unknown Danish frieni. ful day no one in England has cast eyes on the former little tnanhe wel, therefore, receive 600 post- onware- , tants. ehe IS only of 500 or 600 tons displace- ea_e_ive_e_e_e_ ment. Signale of Danger.-4Iavie you !est BAY OF GM§ MERCY. your appetite? Have axitt e coated ' Ultimately the Invtongue? Have you an unpleasant taste Investigator was fore. re. the mouth? von .r ed into what proved to be half et ten- 444 eon head eche tury'e tantshinent trt an, inlet on Ithe and have e-oti dizziness?' If no, your stomach Is out of order and you need ntedicine. But you do mit Lilco eine. He that 'prefer e slckness to me- dielne must .suffer, but under the dr- eumetances ,the wine man would pro. euro a box -of Par tee's 'Venaltahte Pills, and speedily get himself in health, and strive to keep so. . northern shore of Books' Land. Me - (lure • had been no buffeted ebout that One 41kalluota damn make a SUM- 1141 arCepted thfs fate with Foine amount11111 Th s what the weather man ts sathenietien, because his tot, raigt t have been worse. In the ffkling 01 r lief he named the inlet 'the Bay of Gods Mercy,' and there the Investigator has lain, abealutely arazen ap, undergentg a protteas of refrigeration for upwards of hall a eeritury. "Frani September. 1851, until the ion lottniag Mintier 01.0 IrC2e14..up, ship was MoClinans Ilendquaricts. At last \ih situation began to ashume a \grave as pt. Peed was running short, and the crew were suffering hem illness. There was no prenpeitt cf relief. M. Clare at length dec-nied tbet he IttiA conine but to atandon 'the littie vessel to her fate, and ek sakty for 'Ierniele and bla ettnpaniens, if eueb. woe to be Sound anywhere fn Roe*" at. lent rtl/tla. THE cnnw. RESCUED. lie hid corn. ick Ibit* dttermtni ben 14.11W/wilt Ryilord uappooted 11 yeti, would size up a man coineenn listen to what T says about Ing neigh bor. 4 SAME THING. "Witoin dtd you say she was marry,/ 'A Hangar:en' Mull" ttatentiht youtsaid torragin) 1P1=8 CURED IN $ TO DAV. PAXO Orixstaitf it iroviaukat t) cao a* ta at itebt at Pinte4 In • to 14 illiatay ridandest sat ing to erterrre.7.1i6. y Z.T.7.1 Fathere-"Now, Watt say when you slipwed Wien I tiered yu w Son -"He said that - did .Me teacher bile the trans-. ,Lb last night ?\' 1 wee Ati more and more stupid every da TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIvit BROW) Quinine Tablets. Szattarr:17:177.11,1121trett 0.111••••••001.0 Constable -"Don't cry, little 'boy; 1!! take you home?' Little Boy --"Thanks, Jftrizf:!it.ik..kMqrA3-72!.o#AC,wg,A.tts,i,-$.: puttinr handcuffs on ine son peopnll think rm really arrested " Oer readers te note Inat the eetebrated Fre en renta1-37 PANG% Wittch:.haa beennd Is soid Mader a guarannenethat in caeta tito Oadeyard appllhon, es, directed, tiUtts to relietat pain, meetere ,pc4 tentl be raftpadedrentilit .standars...tlaa nO:easee lien% wiOtalitintinn ;the rgen triareanta#sQie1 atin a 'refired beca. A a11 or rtial.er Miteden tor „reruaalgal.,; neactaChas rhenttia,ttatlit ut diage , eertip e and, do net acaeat a subtentitte. Yoa will 11;0 Plettawtb t. 25. ant 50 ceati. The Pang° Company, Toronto .7 11 Lyman Bros. & Co, Mont*" Toronto. THE 1111LBEC TERCENTENARY • ONWARD, the young people's:paper of Canada. Issues *pedal Quebec slumber of 8 quarto pages, I artless on the founding. 2. *togas and conga/NM of Quebec, 24 sugravlaga. $1.00 per hundred; ;11,4;i4#710400pusiotiaid.. :Send tor ample. inn. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human nnilaattermsred aro, SJWo!-; fardnatentiftarer Latent. ttnecer !MIX 5014.1 by bil druggist& enerthing thatnanever loo' -nig ,...torertwir „ rtiTirseir VET.= PETERBOR0111111 CANOE CO. Ltd., WANTED— to hear from awner'haring A G 0 0 D' for sale. Noll particular about location. Please give price asul deseriptIon, nod ran - Sian tor -salting. State' when possession' man ithrorrnerwonly. tt al d ca *Up- atrian tte--tIaiis- -ieoiaye,l*atv,*or hdyuolul pevtly issastasLissuinocl eeutr owa motor. Who* you buys Canoe, Skiff or Launches* that tiIta1212411teP ftt.- lett— rhoromitoccm015.cov„._ • Atte' the huiffist,, Gana" „ and Maw In Canada* Zen The friends Ulat weetia mekes are as FINANCIAL DEPRESSION'. the qufclisands, but the friends of pover- ty are like the fixed stars in heaven. •Ilmemon.i.max• There is nothi g equal to Mother Graves' Worm le 'terminator for-' de- stroying worms. No article of its kind has ,given such satisfaction. - --. 1........011.0.0 "Bliggaas is always tell'ng something smart that his baby said." "Yes." an- swered nhe crusty bachelor; "if that tally knew -howeits fatherelseneting" would be soery It ever learned to talk.' nii'zion 'exam, yourself to hewn* alarmed because you hare lost you appetite and are losing Nb, but compence taking " Ferraris' " the be4 goody. It will build you up quickly. "But, why do\ you call your bora° Nails?' cleked Mies licsebud. "Bernaiese no W4311)811 cnn drive him,' "elICTthe neted whip, preudly. V s Cern Cure is [hi- medicine to remove alNiinds\ed corns end warts, and only costs the small eurn of twenty - live cents. 111......10.111/1111110 If a men hasn t any enemies it's hia own fault. A wiDnian seldom' dresses to suit her husband' unless- she pays the bills. SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS. real ones at Singer Stereo. Buy here And deal frith the manufacturers. The Kinzer Company hi -permanent and responsible ; its representatives are atwaye at hand to ears for Binger, and Wheeler & 'Wilson, machines. Look for the Red 14. or 6 years or more write Singer machine Any kuly having used any make of sewing Sewing achfne Ikfarinin# Chambers. Toonto. for beautOd set of ten souvenir Weiss of Ontario. Free for asking: ••••••••••••••••• women have such goodme les they con recall -the flame; of the hired girls they ever had. The reading of blue-booln le one -of fhe' few iliwitsients which conscientious members ef Parliament, permie them- iselvee. - or - alt It Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain. - fair petite Ire the reliete and Inas and for rheumatic pains, neuralgia and lembago, Dr. Thomas' Eclectria 011 is Without a peer. 'Well rubbed in, the skin absorbs* a and it. quickly and per- manently relieves the effected part Its value lies in its magic property of re- moving pain fro the body, and for that good quality t is prized. .Some men get stage fright tri their knees every time they seea polareman. 1.11,411.01.*. woman cares net who listens so long as she Is permitted to do the tail tog.- • AMANI•111.01M111.1111.MY The little "Yalleve,bird". ef North Axnerl- Ameriee to the Arctic regions, a alintanan of 3,800 miles.' R is rtecessagete ,place some men ipi;hind tliirlars In order to induce them to' live the stand° life. • It ?elms a clever -plintegrapher I to produce a speaking likeness 01. a duirib person. Altbough she may not get much ere- dit, the,women behind the broom rats- esa lot,. ef dost.. Sam -"What am dat deep depression in yo head, Peter , Pete -"Dat am wheh Lucy hit me w:d , de Jeolling pin when Ali asked foh 50 oents ob her wash money." ____,eeen-"Huhl One oh dese heah fin- ancial depreaeatiris .111.1.1•••••••0•1.1•1111 tithe Most Popular Pill. -The pill is the most popular of all forms of medi- earre,--and of pillsette-nrcatepoputerrarert rmelee's aVege able Pills, I, eca use, they do what it is esserted they can do, and are not 'put forward on any 'ficti- tious claims to excellence. They, are compact and portable, they are easily Olken, they do not nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stub- born cases. ••••••• ' A YOUNG DIPLOMAT. "Your mother tells me you've been naughty egain to -day. When I was a b:;riy lwa.swhipped bared every time I was bad" "But you hadn't as good or wise a tattier as I have._" WIIAT CAUSES IlEADACnIE. From October to May. Colsh are the tss' hst Ins* ' lust% cause of Headache. LAXATIVE BUONO QUININE remorse cause. E. W. Orovs ou box No 1 SAFE MEASURE. Acquaintance -"You eay' you have four boys and have named thein :all Witlie. Why was thatr Father-"BecaLese when WO Cali' at least one of them shows up." 11 Is astonishing to find how far ri teW gallons ef Ram -says Paints will go te make a house look fre.sh and skinny ; Everybody should see the fine color cerds with .suggestions for painting anti the stock 4arrfed by your dealer. Write A. Ramsar & SOn Co., Montreal, for peek of Souvenir Picture Post Cards of Homes. TO,BE EXPECTED; , - Small Eimer was deeply interested In an illustrated book of anatemy. , "alumna," he saki, notriting to one of the colored platen, "this shows where a man's liver fs but where's hes !m- oon?" , A waft THAT nuttNs with emus*, and Govited w ith eruptions that discharge a- this tinid. may be made ;smooth and sightly with Weave?. Gent,. But this external remedy should be us•d In sontauctloa with wimivier Syrup. orkomorsorom FEARFUL. "Is your wle superstit.ous?" "I think so. There ore thirteen but- tons off my clothes, and I can't get her eew t tern on. Very many petrams die annually from Cholera andkindred tomalley -tofu-- plaints, who might have been saved If proper remedies- had been -used: Ord -- tacked do not delay in getting a nottle of Dr. J. I). Kellogg's Dysentery Core (Mile the medieine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have need it say it cola promptly, rind thoroughly Subdues the ',aim/end dtteage. SLICING UP • MONSTER- DIAMON Fatuous GM, Ilavc,. seen ,Greatly dueed i Size. It is io be hoped that in the Crest) ot the great Cullinan dienirnn, now hetng cut for the King at Adisttertlam. Inere (May he no repetition of thn blundering 'tide% tate so terittetny roared the Value of that ()Reg Bane% Merril gran, 11i4e veconntannees Koh -keen , 'This latter, evh'c'eh vale erig,nitly ',Mown - cs the Great Megul, weighed to its rough tale nerrly SGO earate. When, however, it came Info the pea> esten of Shah A -hart, 11 wrai entratned by Mot trienerch bo elite Ifortensio Ear- ghete, a Venetian lopidary, to be cut. So unentinally was the oaeraVen pet- R:rnie 1 flat 11V,3 Lage 45,050E4 tinerd tit a mere fragment, ae:glatiag telly 1n0 Carets. Alen wee tel carat:ea tlrat Le Ea te,y rctusett 16 pay the 14.., p£nary, Lt he ellehiit h,:ot one !Molt. Ineeta,teleit tur met -angel itint riertsar Six '3WO, vitt ran d'side tkoprictnls." • The Intl wertt et We, tanacrat re." certirsla as wo tansy, must be tto tot upon the incuritaiint tut in the unto. -NV ateente" . • A. 41, PATTIScil & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO -7 , PHONE IA 1311 Stocks bought and sold on New York; Boston, Montreal and . Toronto Stock Exchanges tor cash or margin. Orders for Cobalt Stocks execut- ed on Teeonto Mining Ex- change or .Boston and New or Curb tan cash. 101...14.1•••• PHIVATE Correspondents Chas. Head ib Co., members of the New 'York and Boston Stork Exchange. Alf "HOW THE PAK WAS SAVED" Tells how a young Irian saved the bank by al wise investment. EN ry stock buyer and- investor sh ld uread this beols. • Not for sale. Sent free on request. Your nanie on a postai will bring st. Write to -day R : W. einLIEY • 3111 linnasay Exe4susia Inds., BMW, MOO. FREE Seed no easseend for ts wiss sof awesstssic...s. TM* mkt 'Frei esti* a, 0 we 'Mimed pre tams TWO SOLID COLD BOWS. We trait yee absatire .7sirsiry sae willseedi it all themes este. Seed tai feer moue *ad addreepsew. STAR AIM Moittaft,ranDirraiLLAtta, ger— Tbe diamond was again cut, by. order of Queen V‘ctoria, in 1852, an operation which resulted in its weight beeig still farther redueed, ths tame to ,1623-1 car- at,. In• other words, nearly. seven - eighths of the anginal. stone. has been ground and sliced. away, in order to odd, to the symmetry. and appearance ;Oahe ,, peer is the eeeteanoor therenly fame. ous 0iiii- to teae been thus nunalaten. 4P4ked. there seel'is lo be a peeulter faienta -rata-chin. - 'the nullin.graind_re_ polishing ot big di monds. • --7.--.-- . , Thus, the magnifieent Star of the , &Guth, a pure white Brazaten stone of the first water, - diseenered In 1655, v.vagtied *fig:tinily 255' carats, exeelly • Leif at which was Vat. theiatigli clumsy cutting. The beautiful Ilenthiell Melton - ditenoild was .reilue,ed teem 7S7 carats la 3676.31to Pitt or Ilegent diernend from 410 to taa, and the TaVerttlitr from 243 tclftving. regard lo these ftgenese ft would seem as if ISUgmstre kinge el Penh:gal have been well advieen in ret tearing to have cut,. their Inige Itraganza nioneond, vntt cn weighs Inati carats ' and has been vatted at S293.000,000. SIO*t be worst..f0:19. the shapest cough Clare tty 4 on aguir- anti° of notes tneney back it At deentet actually CURE finteker, than anytinag You • alter Wed. Sal* to kaelloth'ing itk S it to lout even a baby. 3,4 ran of EtiCast totarnen4 ik,Sitil,ottsochrsClupro-si, 71. Oert's