HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-07, Page 5 (2)` ONTA V4 too f .pg.s , ar t ales a1d.�r ss'Yes?ar.. t _ sst .f..._.++ -. ,cam. - +-n...�•--w"'4"' 1014:11g k C#th#ll, I'ea�t tCp1ien Conjtell The council of the Towrnshi of €a Ste hen eonven in , t Town alt. • ' diton,XO-.. , ,Ma 4th at 0 • ;All members. ere prrehe t.• T win. .. eS of rev. e i eett wet � osis � the aA s smentRoll, . filed with • the fo `t a year r . • -be aacee t ',004 . that the -Mise r..be dt' fes ,- hit' air, ,c+�s. Crikedt.' !"isi:�say" .. tit thu ... auk #,� ` '' �' t1el+att1 the' ..,own:itil;" rii an,'� o0 a * -.400%,4t141. . •in.. ('id._... e1te arr*nn, Saagide. s -ahs► fl3► w Po ti of 1i 4, ;to app000 t ' tbn ,A ` •.p&tb a ...po!n+nd• e.09e$ i1d esnee- • viewer ; aviin beers read. the.; third.' ',bine" he s sli and signed l . the, Reeves.•ahc1 clerk and. the ,deal, o`f - the rYhe Wib�r thereto. -Car- " ' 0.;WChrie elm lank' $20.93;, . e w. Railway. freight, $378>Jos. Ainen.. - Aeaessers salaryp $89; Frank ' Taylor, :drawing brickbats, - C.; Rd., $12.25; Climax Road Machine CO., art ► y- is about to publish a new issue" of the Official Telephone Di- rectory farthestrictof Wes- t z n Ontario. including the Town of Exeter. Ohangeee of firm names, changes\ of street addresses. or orders for dupli- cate entries-sheuldhe handed in at once to LOCAL MANAGER Is surgreilWeration. We can state without fear of a contradiction that there are hun. dreds, yes tonsaarads, of operations performed upon women in Our bhe pitala• which are entirely unnieces. seary•aund many have been a VEGETABLE COMPOUND For proof of this statement read the following letter. ' Mrs. Letitia Blair, Csnniifton, Ont.,, Wri , A ," Pl xaln "I was sick for five years. One doc- tor told me it wsa ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor knows what .I suffered,send the sang t own pa n - were ► e. - "I wrote tori sister ationt ate advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham'rs. vegetable Compound. • "It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera. tion after all. The Compound also helpednee toxo safe_-throMk Change of Life. FACTS •FOR.SICK *OMEN. For thirty years Lydia IC. Piinkc- ham's Vegetable, Compound, und, made from roots and herbs, hu been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thou of- wolnen who have been troubled with displacements, inflamftnatio ulcera- tion, fibroid tumore, irrre` sittie, periodic: pains and backs e. Hrs. Pinkl4ta►ltla invites all sick women to write .her . for *dvIce .•- She haa guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Stephen The following are the results of -pro•. motion examinations for 8. S. No IQ, Stephen. Jr, IV. tto Sr. , IV. --Total , to pass 987. --Alice Turner 483, .John Cronyn 458; Harvey atnble.41.9. Will Hicks 400, Alice Mellin 405, Ger- tie McLinchey 300. Sr. 11 to Jr. I11. - Total 525 pass 202. -;-Melissa Bullock 375, Willie Love 858, Etledh Cronyn 308, Wilfrid McGregor 285. V. M. Hodgins, Teacher. 2ND CLASS Notad.�._.... �—-Til T bursas ppCilA lANfrQ3A pa 1 �C SASKATCHEWAN �acawnr ALBERTA GOING DATES 141, ti haat M Mg. e, IS sy lZ $ 7,21 Sspt. 1, ts, Vacate &ea to Mara riddles° dais VERY LOW RATE.! 'fr.Otnta1 rioits Itaaging ZWinn teg aural in tit i32.00 between eEdar nors ,.n;1 WW2' $42.50 • tek,ts issued to' ail North-Wsss poiarta. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited Tourist MooingCora wrAl be rue k sxeursinn, i tlyrpeed with bsddnig. ete. Berths shoui sian Ipaid aur .� through local agent at least six days before sxeauauoa lows. Rates sad, full infannition contained in fr. I om ekaxi►' pant'ldec. Ask neat- • C.P.R. a;geat for a copy, ar w7rnts to C.J . MOM rms. alil., tea. Thos.`' Canadian Hair Restorer Clinton: The wife of Chas. Heliger, " _ �i-#cc�lhfi�eiC�ii�ith �licd gait fs; "s<rsnewz- ps ct 11y on Saturday. Will restorer tray hair to its natural color. Stops falling hair, causes to grow on bald heads. Cntesdsndruif itching, scalpdiseasea. By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly.Contains no oily or greasy ingredients,. is entirely unlike any other hair prepara- tion ever ofrered for sale; A good, reliable Canadian preparation, Casell tted Testimonials. Edith A: Burke, Mirlona yr it. M. Church Akh * 1m Egypt, and friends, greatly pleased with resnttsgafterbwo$ears` using. tecrorettr and wh3*kTropes, natural color, My hair brown, by using Canadian Mir Restorer. M. Ortii a,Burgessville. Ont. Canadian Mir Restorer le the best I have over used. JohnGr. >h►1, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton. -CansAlian ) I*l? Iteldorer has worked wonders. My, head 14 nearly all covered with thick growth black hair, original color. Sold by dntgtMailed tp any address in the retailiviiz dworiiilil on.recciptet Weer LOC. Manufactured by 1111ESWIN CO.* 'Windsor, Ont., caanede. Sold in Exeter Il J W. Brow:, + ♦ W.S. Lowrey an W,.1 S. Cole, Drug - g iate. 1 FUIINITUDE. IN LONDON Your fare paid ' MST 'BOLD inttNITIIIE- Aia to fever&1 PEOPLE fe ycrr town. To laden srcm 'atm tattea us they were astcthhtal et t immensity, of onr,stock its '11 tt e a . masst fEe din Western ilisa ." ) ar- 1 the 1x- css pro; (We Cain easily save yc "3 per crrt). tM all erc'4'ere of ,«i".Oo sal• &et we: will refund railroad fare. And we f sy 't e 13 T;RA6:e3 i TRt2imED. $7 a► 50 'this eatyfte to ...irked at the price et It will certainly pay you -- ane pair you h4odsottel�yy...tai s t scat farnitaro at our eterel D03C.d think WO wand vend aur ey advertilie g is this paper it we were hat sb. I *stately cotta p that ares c; uld ahowtre the been Ot� !ergset stack and luwtst prt tae: Western Also carry a complete stook oRugs, Linoleum; and Lace Curtains. r nt onf. Fof.Adds- , ^YI V.__isat - a p. William Walker, u r; $ t4. '►' 0.. Beaver, bal. of Exp. re -Indian's b r1sl $5; A. Hodgins Co. Ltd.. meter • d gas $12.20 M. ' Finkbeiner, lumber ice;' William White, *bevelling , snow, lat S. R. Si 4th, $10; F.- McKee'v- er, putti ► • in concrete culvert $8; Jno. Gower l_C. • ► ; .e, y0,lest $2 Chester r urs u radix Co cil ad- journed to reset in the own MIl, on Tuesday, May 20, at 10 a;m. H. Silber, Clerk. .Usborne •�T•he ollow n> its the report of 8.. 8,- .4T •ro ' i,.;W�.. for April. Sr. IV.- Mary Kydd.,.Myrtle Moodie, Zoe Sill- ery,- (honors Hazel -Bissett. Jr.IV.-. Elva Ford, Vera' Moodiie. Sr. 1.-- . `..Zia. -re Moodie. Ora •ere: o ►us._ - `1 -Robinson;-teacher. • Mrs. J« Hannan has been on the sick. test. --Mises Sarah McCormick - of : Lon- don isvisiting�her -nts for a few weekx..-B..McK -.' * asi andfanailymov- ed to Parkhill rrece , tiy, where they in- tend to rertde.--Mrs. Mcleaac, Sr.. was taken suddenly ill on Sunday, but she lsr.again better. --Geo. Sutton has purchased the stock and business of John B. Martin of Ripley, which he takes possession of shortly. Grad Bend Mrs. Canning, who has been visiting at lira, Fritz's, left for her home in Clandebo y`e Saturday. -Mrs. McLin- chey of Stanley vfslted at Mr. Zapfe's Sunda .-Mem. Lawan son and Soear- ville Of l London were here planting trees at Maple Grove last week. -Mr. and.Mrs. Prigs were his _. Parkhill business Thursday., Mr. and Mrai. Kennedy of Sarnia visited Mr.' and Hrts..Za►pfe. MATH -Ur. -Stetter' received the sad news ofathe death of his4son, Sim-! oft In London 1*st Friday. - .He was in his 86thfear, and had beifen living. in London for the past six years. The remains were brought here on Bator - day and were laid to rest Sunday Grand Bend cemetery. The funeral was largely attended. and the family have the sympathy of thecommunity. Olandeboye. Dr. W. A. Jones has gone to Battle - ford. --Miss Jennie Cunningham has returned from a visit in Exeter. -Mr. Case of Hensel' is visiting his brother here. --Mrs. J. W. Kennedy has re- turned to her home in Georgetown. - Mr. and Mrs. Canning of Grand Bend spent Sunday here. The many friends of Rev. Simpson sympathize with hirit in the loss of hie wife. -We are sorry to hear Mr. Moses Hodgins is under the doctor's care.-xonis Downing, M. D.. was here Monday. We congratu- late him on his success in graduating at the medical ,school. ---The sas crament of the Lord's Snapper was held in the Methodist church Sunday. -Mrs. Her- bert hits gone to Kinloesr to spend a time with her sister. -Burly Hodgins has accepted a position with Russell Redden of Crediton. -Mrs. Samuel L+import and Miss Lou Hennessey spent a couple of days In Exeter last week. Ile r;i, ..11 Miss Margaret 1I t' ► kirk has return- ed to business college in Toronto. Mims Janet- itis returned to „sheer grandf ether's home at Lucaao. of tear , as visit frith herr araentse here. T. Welsh epossed-o rs new ;fie King St. in which 1L Arnold resides to Mr. Sterling of Biiyfiel'd for sai• neat figure. -David Wren, B...., 11.D'.. is expected borne this Week. Ile ,will be m•W ained at the confeiew n'ce which neet-s at Exeter and appointed onted o at res .- Mrse. Meters and daughter Ethel. left fat week for Milestone. Sask.; where they intend to. remain.-- Ab. emain.-- Ab. Johnston, wife and children aarriv- ed from Ninga, MAO., on Friday. Alf. has sold .his business out there.- -Mispr Madeline 1e Merman, who hasbeeli visiting with Mrs. 11. Bonthrc'on, has returned to her home inLucknow..-i- While inCapt. Ferguson of Hayfield was moving into the residence known as thorium* house, hie -horse ran awe -k. The driver 11. Darrow ,;' sust*ined a. broken leg. -' F, aank Blatchford is home from Dental College sit Toronto. We were all pleased to see John Jacksonin town after *three mentb's.. sojourn in the house with rheumatism. he Mistier* organized ,for the soil with the following .odleerie., Hon. 'l Pres.. Geo.eRirern; ree., Dr. files ;r Vic a -P c 1). . Oan ont Se., W. �abull, Treed, 3. 'Stehle ; BoHoardf., a M icaageilierit. O. MeDsarsri- ell, D. J. l i'llingas;, N. Cook, F. 8 atI* acornrie and A. B, King; Anditoxs,, Erendt and D. Caantelon. - - Together with a 'err number of visitors from Exeter and SOLtorrtb ran Sunday afternoon the member* the lel lodge of 1, + . +A►. F. attended Di- vine 'titsica and helloed an excel int addte s 4, 114*, Met.. Smith. Agree with M. Mr. Artist r Terswa, 8 1. nden Street, Tercet°, w'it s tipth.ttsi3st1rall cf the melts of Psy'el lue. for a4 k #ek...txtut iii,:, P'or'eve years t bv'ea: a:l ,4 a digos, :tine ani, :spry ...• I.: triad, sseoxrs of. res ew. rrru w .L s +l 1 * ;dai)y. e'o !�1:'lith, ». rs►tsraiu * ` aEeb, b d huo 'l►t'. ialY 1 u'e _. Pchi e acs . Bove 10 . bteugbt..p+rrrattuett read:" %All threat, lung. ani ateT,0011 troubles, uic eureal.'°by tke... preseriptiOz, "uf :n ,t c brsta . At .$ d gists. 0.04 0.n^ ":41.4*, . S ,e saatr Lts'uited, Torentif.;d ;figs C'3w►+ �i1�+ 1 �8x Stet aSw' engars e±eal o t ton Day celebration, --Louis Jeffrey ham purchased another lot from Samuel Rannie.-The prospects for a bowling club for the Village are good. Nearly twenty so ler have nirc hOm. ' 'ir Ca lfas is furnishing the motive powrer,',with his big traction engine. --J. J. Merner is busily engag- ed excavating for - addition to bis store. --Mi.. Laub 'I ► oie, is, taking a four months' course at the London Conservatory of music. She will re- turn to town- in June. -4e. alai.; tel ct C i ser fTro at Hilbagreen, wars the' l!,f.iS'r ' ton. Thea d WO* genera , erite. d known by everyone in the Township of Hays beam been tax collector - of tbies municipality for quite' number of eal�. Mrs. Hamacher, whose death attook Osborne, Kansas, recent• ly, Vit,%;,'�A . e by the older residents o is i tion. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Roeder, She was born in Germany, and came to this Oedetich\ On April th the death occuid of Charlotte L';uter, wife of Win. +Cole, tai be lith con . She {leaves a husband and four .gruwz: ! up sone.' .Clinton: XL. largo rf geti_onal a beetsang i + `he d lo• t iby,t+ ,r ,r►.: hitreh here on M. atterneott *h a It. ;vs. decided'. build ,„a ' new Chu li the, ismer rate ;of the :e ngr$ti►ta.1.'' tl:Q� on �y 10#.1 R r. c`hntops.. 1unzo4 Rl« edold tad°� t lied l?'�if ,b; �#, the e11 :i Ot• .i )Iteby - year �r at lot _�. 11..et ci .r`t� 'Mt'. .nrr'e �n intendsbu dt.�gau°np.toidete,bntaw. Asap oto the o i° piece..: itr4 e dW OM, Com ez 17eLsee, a tka;Vaa C.01 -51M ' Fuaak J. Mem nla:c3 eit la race #o @ etre Ak er: tlAa� c J. n.cy g o..del a b .- srtaseas •m t o t my � i° t o ztate aura a!, a J Chart:oil rrra . 1➢ ayTisre :e!ohklart �}ar ;ter-�,._.e1 t rtli thit fi . ane otzcl# by tb u a t Jkla.. �aCcaxrDl��;�rrrtr. .:t'ti.,��i�, �. �'ll��il'�'Sar2>s'al toto o ub+ sit {i. ; ,.i�;, r . R#ter Gita 1$;. A>,1.TiA 1's aye leis td'set tett yr fid,."''Ratm. t•' - yy' y!�y�"4d•+ +'i.;5.t li fht'.. I ,M,�,y ' l 1. 4: �E'koy''.F+:7�' :&; A, iN`N F4 -, - Te4ke 1IA's r:: 44x r ecs^r' t,►tl a., And the Pennies cam hcmset e 1>�g''r. ,y , �• u.�� ±i1�i 'y +n� p !4'41. � .3 } a P . �y µ t' �'•.4 _ w..count:up tater Consistent -sail • place you beyond:b af' need- - ". DEPOSIT YOUR SAYINGS HERE. •\:. - 1 Interest is paid quarterly upon deposit., and Heron` Debentures earn 4 per . cent. per annum. AN INDICATION OF STRENGTH. Cash Value of Mortgages... .. • ..... tin e Paid-up Capital.... 1,900,000 00 2 1#P:f rc:c. ,i •1i7+v "%f+�•'np.F %Y4” i. Nr7 YY_:7r rE.1t-1F +M;.. k 'N`+r^ywiMrevo•wxr.,....:.... . w• . o•,,.... �y�y��" There is no stronger Company with whicb tq do botiness im Canada. Correspondence gladly entered into. . Setiforth: The death occurred last week of A. E. r Wnrgo:laand, Jr. He had been ill of tutnor on the brain since the New Year. St. Marrs: prettyA wedding took place on'ij. ednesay morning, In Knox church, When Rev. J.. M. Austin of eaten, Mao., was united in hely mat- rimony to Miss 0. Wright, of Hanley, formerly of St. Marlys. Bs. Selo: On the evening of Friday, April 24th._ Wm. Ferguson of Bayfield, and er I eonura, eldest dsughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Grivenlock of Mc- Killop, were qulietl7 married at the. Seaforth Presbyterian manse, by Rev. 11. Lankin. • - Hey: John Mosileau of : thistowd- ship..has a Leicester ewe, which meas- ured 18 inches around the girth, was I71 inches high and .weighed 13 lbw As the ave ralige.lamb_ weighs about g pounds, this was a monster. It is• Thriving immensely. Mitchell: Mitchell lost a good citi- zen recently. when death carried away Mrs. Earnest Ronneriberg, at the age of 00 years. A grown up family of five sons and two daughters survive her. Her husband predeceased her by seventeen years. - Clinton: T. Cottle has completed his roll and places the total assessment' of the town at $787,157, divided as fol- lowss:. St. Andrew's ward $24005, St. James $203,333, St. John's $104,200, 81. - George's $100,800. There was an In- crease in population during the year., Kippen: Many in this community will regret to learn. of the death of Mrs. E. Grant. who for many years has made her home in the west. De- ceased was mother of Miss Beatrice Grant, who was a resident of our vii. lege for some time. and to whom will be extended the sincerest sympathy of Woodham: A ver _pretty wedding took place last W.dnesday at the home of Jas. Swallow, it being the marriage of his eldest daughter,. Mies Edith, to Wesley Shiers The cern. , irony was'performed by Rea►, Bartlett in the presence of the immediate friends of both. parties. The music'. was furnished by the serenade club in the evening. - Staffs: The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dugald MacMillan, of Van- eouver,- Co- wilt regret to learn of - the death of their youngest daughter Elizabeth, which sad event occurred on Sattarrrdieg evrninng,_ April She had,been sick for several months and her death was not unexpected. The deceased was,a bright clever girl and will be greatly missed, not . only in the home, but among her marry Wends. - F'usllarton: , Another of the. old set - tiers passed away toter reward S n - day night, aged 70 years, in the per; ora of Mrs. Fawcett. relict of the rate .m e.. Fawcett. H.er death sok.pleaee at the horde of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. But- son in Hibber-t-, end the direct eaose of. here death was due to p arelyssie. She 1s survived by two sisters And one breather,. „Tunes Irvine, Mrs. D. Camp. bell anti -Mrs. Nicholls, al of Fuller -1 icn:.alsna gr°okriro u D bunt 4 Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament. , ' Member of the - TORONTC► BA.NKERS'S iL&T110N1nd- e TORONTO OLEARING nom/. HED OPE1011- - :TORONTO. W. R. TRAVERS, General Manager. pAsnw OD a. A branch of this Bank has been opened in Dashwood and s general banking business will be transacted at this branch. Interest allowed in the Savings Bank on ONE DOLLAR and upwards at the highest current rates-atid paid 4 throes year. Special privileges extended to accounts of Townships, Far - crslannd others. lFarrmers' 1e Notte dlscQ'upiteds,. Do your banking business at home and keep your account m the flamers uk of Canada. R. 1'. b1NLOP, Manager, Dashwood, Ont off a Fisk ter! •Gas is, liable to pull out of the front door i.f aiay furnace unprovided for gas escape. . "Suaaghine" Fuirnace has Automatic : Gas Damper ■ directly connected with smoke.pipe. Gas preaaur+ sways damper sufficiently for ttoesc`apeupchimnry (sees illustrsat;onj, but heat - doe 't escape. What does "Sunshine" Means protection to the furnace parts swains errat effectsof gas. ` Whss►t does "Sunshine" Gas Damper mean to "Sunshine" householder'?" Melts- furnace can b+ � 'j-rtted without fear as to ' puffng:gas,furnucc curt be 1cf1, without doutt a:t to whereabouts of 'sy. • Vitha eases "Sonatina" Gag l;f, easper mean to °$aase.ipiszc" c a1 a,.. waant J ltAleang, imteaad of oyrao.r taittr "ordinary furnace" kar 'having 14 I�cef'a --.�,.<- ate.,-•,�..yy,, clams k -draft andolinitely ctot ed to "let off" gas then there's tsv,+-atairtls .parts oPl;;eut-enetmyT ire alis rrt o �i sbaig up claicrn � a iC1 ewe c ani` all ssufety bo tyircra+etl, and basal. asatrcd toe► another da 'sq.ateaty. • Invitations here beenis r County C"ouneil to *trend a leifttletiCh on Thus da et. 41.1z.'Anu ria wi g bete hoe signified 'ter ati being ifl attnd*n..;rat it Inieed, ti era �.Yf"'art/ th.,i ry !► ' ,epYear Bruit. uniqu I e..IsQe oiily 1)y, \outielvfse 64 to the I . Your dealer will supply you. If not, wt4i direct to