Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 7 (2)• • rr, +On • ' cations Point o „ tPia ticsait$S0AS:s 1, cagey thetlittretigrat40fa•Th>• ifsrsrlt.4:".* htirdAtic-14' 0-1 thst `the IetLe erop •',itianit4lea.*$04410.,fi Wolf atifitli »ku UU, btw.eiity . agitater,,lhan ltst yar. AItad Uki‘4„s.. - n , g Wt h4/ •.‘g"itty f • -tit- fl bor 4 oord Yield in the „ e'in, •Slates„. ti thLML' rtEe ' ki*is up, land 'rtrft fsssia t la.,year WAllsiiss$104 Tokg.e.) 1110sictr494,' hair41. raWL110; ket0.14. Cons recentlyainit.be IneSe by -the GOV, 7,107AvonI..1014tOki...s ir,taut .>'ear-ssOurs's very, efiet .„ •IS a emit, agents of the de rl ▪ rt. ing month of last year. TWO MILIAONS A DAY. •Ithrormous Grolli in Conada's Foreign Trade. A deapatch from Ottawa says: Oar the fiscal year ending with last month ,Catuidtes total tratieenxiched the record figure of 8638,3a01291, an Increase ot )625,813,9t0 OVtr the orwresponding twelve months of 1916-07. The imperts the eyearejotalltel SKS 373 6 an 1 "atts-fiaraatf, $280,016,606, an increase of $7,810,000. The customs revenue for the year in- creased by 85.314,281, the totat being $.18,320,737. The largest increase in do- mestic exports was in agricultural pro - Jets, which totalled $66,069,939, 0$ atompared with $49.514427 for the pre- ced'ng twelve, months. Exporls, of marnifeetures totalledeleatO07,12a, ,ggr. 914, mine totalled $39,177,133. 4n increase *.y $4, reeA 44,1),reati0-114'irationary, 1 tolling S13 Sr 7,3687 ,A la ` sa_decrea,$e_lsestrovat ---e Alresexportaa-st anlinitIaaand their pro- -duce, 'whieh-reached- only- $55 -.101e260 - last year, as oonmared with $67,877,- -011 for \the preceding twelve months. Exports 'of the forest totalled S1a170.- - 470, a decrease of 81.652.702. For the last month the imports totalled $30,- iiha2.232. a decrease of $6,189.814. E: - $rt Ts $18,572:085, an In- ecrease of 82,442,080. • ee, arm LOG CAR RAN AWAY: Nene Men on the Susquehanna Railroad. A despatch from Ralston, Pa., says: ,A, work train 4an the Susquehanna le • -New 'York Railroad, _near Laquin, Pa., was wrecked on Wednesday moraine been runaway ear -which dashed into • Abe train after dee,cendfirg a steep grade. .E:gitt lumbermen were killed outright, -ione died latee while being taken to it 'hospital, and fifteen were seriously M- aimed. The wreck occurred on the La- __ egultaluOper-Cornpane2s-logsroad- dng into the linnoriRai ton. Thentchis, about twenty-six miles fro men were riding on the tog train. which was being pushed intothe steep 'assent by the engine. • A log car ran oway and came down the grade at ter- rific speed- toward the train. An at- tempt was Made to reverse the engine ss the tog train to avoid the sheen of the collisien, but the runaway ear crashed into the ears before anything -cculd be done The engineer aid fire. snail end those in the train who were +near the rengine eecaped injury. A DASH FOR LIBERTY. •••••••••••• -Chineman Tries to Eseape at Si. John, New Brunswick. A despatch, from $t. 3Ohn. N. see's: A. Chinaman who, %Vas held by or - _ape 01 the __customs hare, niatle- - dash for liberty on Thuredar, but was - recapturhd. -He caureeout a'-paseser- ger to St. John on the Allen liner Vie- _ ' was minus a queue. The (Aistoms pertinent deeided that lots features de - eared him a Chltiesel, and unlea-e 'I "eteild teaproven he were a Japane.0 he must pay $500 or go back. Ile was then plaoed nnder guard on the steamtr. On Tiltimdati he eluded his watchers and iiimehed. overboard. lie sworn ashore, ran g tims; refollowocl by an ex- talkah yrehrig crewel, but was reeaptine o as.1 put' back aboard the steamer. t 4.4W 1 I r , IMMIGRATION RETURNS. Palling Off in tlit Arrivals ist Last Three oaths. • A all -patch from Ottawa 'sayeeTti total inunigrati7 for the first hree months of the r,esent. calendar year wa.s 274444 as compared with 42,04S foe the same three moths 1907 showing a decrease of 14,90%. Ti British Mimi Tra.tion was EL,94 The continental immigration was 6,810, . tempered with 11,600, a decreose of 4.790. The immigration from the Unti- ed States was 11,390, as compared vAth 9426, an inereaee of 1764. The immigration for the last fiscal year, e ding with last. menthe-was-26Se 469, in de up of 120,182 British, 93,S75 rntnehta1 and 58,310 Inont the United E WORLD'S MARKETS ' trent $3 to $1.75 per pet!. _ $2:\50 te $3.50 per cwt. i, OWL wanged - A tons' erab:e ibti4lritaea: Vsie trans; acted in 11-stesigersserr-fa. toras mom ttlE LEADING Ming% P 'eel ivero uteelaanged at Si to $5 per ewl. for feeders, and $3.25 to $1 fOr Stociisr.s. Calves were. lower in vilse, op large offerings. Theft' ftieSSSicalagal trterit itl SO to $5 per .4S;s1„, S43,01*pol.r/!!„4501:7!,' ‘IFII.Stl StItalt'Ll?'g$04;.b:417:4 .,e ' 7' patetani. ' • . . .,„ ., , . , . . .iii .. . MADE CENTRES. eriet*.oI \Grids, (' pod*, st lion* , .; . 'Whett SU 'ate. e 10*#1110-0-tty. • PO ;, , . s‘dossetv ' sslisstlysv, *isstbess Lit; 0$4-- a whS31. 14 f shipment; No.. 2 red; t's 14.;•••:. ., !hero,. $ qt pot A , flit Var •desPahill frorn-W,in • Trflafl' h nipittess • and 07 Ic w ArnetcarI,. er''''' '-'• . ,,xx:x ,„ . „ e No. 3 yelleir, ,72)So Toronto Wight; inerninff, mit nothing wee giveneeit-i ilt«o. 3 mixed, le less. \either place. The officials Stbsolately Barley -Very dull; No; 2, 520 to 55e. refuEe' to talk on the staged, at all and pess-sss 2, eee to we, outside. it appears th.st neither •party seems to Rye -Strong; N. 2, Ole to 87e.' knimit INT theY AP" At. - Bultewheate-No. 2, 61)0 to 65e. The C.,-, . iii, intehartics were closet- thits,-No. 2 white, ed\with Grant Hall for Over onhour 47„%e on traek To onta; No. 2 mt mixed, an the el:rate/trice ended ' without a 45Xe outside, e 43 . singlo Ming being agreed upon. The a. Flour - Manitob. patents, special C. IN. D. Men sent-ncerly three brours breeds, $0; seconds, $5.40; strong bak. with A. Shields and T. R. Cameron. and . $5.30; winter wheat patents. $3.35. when the meeting ended both parties re- 4 "' r• • res i rg44; fa3-111 months of 190647 the nnnigratio era egi.leeetatfise 47costiussta ud 59,243 toss -the. United Siairse _The increase. ferrate) itreh'e asinths WaS 39,107. GRASPING TJIE MYER. 4...••••••• Enofneer Rigger ;i1km1 on C. N. R. • Near Robli , Manitoba. . A despatch from Roblin, Man. says. Carrattiate Nerthern toomrotiveadraer- in g a freight train on tha Edmonton qrialta line jumped the track ha a cut- ting about four miles east of Roblin en Thursday morning and weed over. crushing Engineer Edward Rigger to death. The fireman jumped and escaped without injury. The engineer met death at his post. When removing Iris body it was found that his hand was stitl tightly grasping the throttle. Ten, ears tended with wheat following the loco - ;Motive were &veiled. and coresiderateo wheat was spilled on the track. Me. Rigger was a single nran and lived in Dauphin. He was foemerly a resident of 'Winnilieg. •22•1.222*,•06.2.4,422....•••••••••••••• MS IS & CittEI\ BLOW. Ob•WANI.M.• hen ter-tosigteenetie-a-ltelirLux- • ury This Season. A despatch Prom Chicago says: PruniS threaten to becoine a real luxury pod dreappear in the menu car.ils, of tenin\ty restaurants and le)areling- ho uses. Re- ner' from the Saeraniento Valley and Smone. •Nap, Telturna and Celusa counties In California 'indicate that late frosts have damaged -about 50 per cent. et the waiving 'crop. Damage in the Santa Clara Valley also is. thought to he heavy. A normal crep- of prunes will kdal about 170.000,000 pounds. Last year-fibout 75.000.000 pounds were env - direct!, and this year merchants say the crop is not expected to total emir 0,000,000 pounds.Thisdeficit is e pected to send prices skyward. • etEtaiiTEItEDMAIL STOLEN. Thieves' Work al Edanontone-One flaj _ _ _ _ _ Itecoveced. A SlesPateh from- E.:chile:11ton. Alta., says: A bag containing r.gistered 1 g Winnipeg train on Thursday. The seeks oere loaded on the mail wagon, and on arrival al tho postsoilice, 11 ap- pears, were overlooked. One contained nrgistered matter f tire Calgary and Eornonton ..1grArVal=12M0 •• • Bran- , ,ie eeee. vultmlarizrwam Dran-Fullcars, $24.50 to $25, Torone That matters are unsatisfactory is evi. h freights. •• deneed by the repeated esideSelacsa. Shorts-eSearee, $24 f.o.b. mills. which apparently era useieSs. ...111110111111.1.1.11. COUNTRY PRODUCE. GIRL'S HEROISM UNAVAILING. • Eggs-New-lald, 16c to 17c. Saved Children From iturriing Dutter-sls be:corning more. PientillIL' - 'Only to Lose -Them. - A despatch fermi Itsttlefeird, Sask., and the market Is easier. Creamery printe .... 30e to 32c -deiseintaisteenarreas-VaaVvsata4ftlia Dairy prints ,•„ „ „ „ „ 250 to 26,0 ,survisor o .family of live, as a result , 24040_260 of prairie firea lit the Tremping Lake -.e--.---2'kv2re-el'tistr-fthee-fttther-Lsvertt-etoe-lfghietl 111relsi°r • • ee :-.---..-.L..20a.to,21ta..4111111"rivtlintr-17.„gcs.74Wrieingliceitca jeseeto--iii%,„i4.1i5s04_4'10_,_6004 , thairliftre-home, and perished the •ware,- 95. $1-1 in- ear -Iota 06 Week -4[611g -1110 140--11” 14)-1- -"fret 04 - here. Anna Matthews, 18 yeara of age, with her elothes all ablaze, carried her- ilve. Beans -Firm; $1.70 to S1.75 for primes yeareeld brother and stsVer to a place and 81.80 to $1.85 •for. hand-picked. ' of safety, and then returned for her Hone} -Strained steady .at Ile to 12c Mettler, 'but too late. She ,fought her per pound for 60 -pound pails and 12c way agein through the sea of fire only to 13c for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Ceornbs ae-St.751eal2a-50-atear dozen': ------4°'-finfiLthart-The-ethe"htiltsd-w"- dereel again into the fire zone and per. Cheese --14c fee large and 14Xc for twins. In job lets here; new -make, 1343••••••+•.***0;.**P.2210 fi..."^ large and 133'e for twins. • hiaple Syrup -$1 to $1.10 per gallon. TUREI3 GIWLS POISONED. Baled Straw .53 to $9 er ton Two Little 14%1;4.1; e4teb • Net , danghtei.ssof- 14'.41441,;;.OsEsci0 a2tt41 soars; iiaSt,1101 es SarrAlOir 'vsity t atie Stqy AIFTS;- sTbers, •arld .to clarldren were_ in the I ablts.4, iskm_s _a shart,'4's4 Under tlee a TScotia G4rJa. Meet iithe warn ItleAs43 le 'snot, In :ea P. w tee •4 't, .knifl wbee4;.nist4e'irtskt*".aP11:: gsVhheet Whn" ate. e' WY Amos 14-40 -0„71illisitsittOriNe'm Thi, men noticing the Oh - aeration, etopped tbe maahinet, and s , ' • **4 _GOND. ENSEI NEWS ITEMS ere' *banquet ill New York . Byrn% At the American Newspa r Publish - suggested a non-partisan typ of paper, with signed editorials on both eides of IA/PENINUS FROM ALL Ms.; TUB CLOVIS t • r x. Other Countries el Items. bests. • CANADA. The eubaeriptiOns for the Bell 1110 - mallet at Brantford arnsunt to $t0,700. Toronto's tax rate was struck by the Board of Control -at laSe It is seid at Ottawa that the Insur- ItT SornettTorouwar.tooetors are objeitn anted flay -Timothy is quoted at\'$15 Daughters 0 Alr- George Sears 01 to $15.50 In car lots on tracks here, bind fled sam" Mame& • A despatch from Welland says: The PROVISIONS. • three daughters of Mr. George Sears • Pork -Short •cut., $21 to $21.50 per of The' Welland Telegraph estaft were barrel; mese, $17.50 to $18. poisoned by :ptomaine through eating , Lard-Tierees, 113c, tubs, 11,34c; poets), tanned rcifmon, on ',Wednesday night 12e. . They dt4rtet notice any 111. -effects until Smoked _end Dry Salted Meats -Lang about 10 o'clock4 when intense, nausea clear bacon. 10.6 to leigc,•tons and.cas- set In, followed try vabitIng. The quick ei. hams, medium and light, 12e to 13e; appearance' of Dr. Howell prevented hams. large. 1130 to I2e; treat. 16c to more diSastrous consequences. Mr. 16%e; shoulders. Mc to 10c: rolls. 10c Seers, who also partook freely of the to 10,1Se; breakfast basen, 1.403 to lac; salnioa, was not effected, or were green mears-Cial ol piclele, le to than any other members of the family. ° meted. FEARS TUE YELLOW MAN. 212IsmisokINIMi• • SEEDS. -Following are the prices paid at out- side ,points:-.AlsIte. No. 1. $12 for fancy ietseNo-.-2sItit --No. 3, $8.50 to V. Sam- p!ss mixed with timothy, trefoil or weeds, according to qualitf. Red Clover -Firmer; No. cleaned, 812.50 to $13. and a little higher for extra fancy lots; No. 2. $11 to $11.25; ordinary lots, mixed with weeds, ac. cording to quality. • MONTREAL NtArticorS. M nitreal. Apr! 28.--A steady volume of trade it.%c passing in flour. Choice swh ;ring at patents, $6.10; second, .ss.5o; winter wheat potents, $5.50; straight rollers, $ to $515; -doe hags. $2.35 to $2.50; extras, $1.80 to 81.00. IsessUsstessninitOWbriuss$22 lo $23; tO 824; Ontario_srain shorts 821: to $22.50; middling% $24 to $25; shcarts. $25 to $27 per ton, including 1, TT jgrs nt. Cereals --Rolled date. $3.12,14 per bag; eernmeal. $L674 to $1.75 per bag. Eggs. -A geed- demand prevails far eggs on the !Real market. Receipts are south., A search I hardly keep:fig pace with the consump. revealed, the calgary and Edinonton bag ton. and prices are therefore firm, beneath serne empty sacits near by, but without change. Freelt eggs are toslay selling at 16Xc per Sezen in jobbing tots. -and -at, 17e to -lac-ha-single- enees. Clieese-Coloredrioted 'at 12% to de the other we'o se. Two or tbree'su. seeets are under surveillanee, -rests are probable. x rao dinary M ti LOIS Judge. Ifortnation, A deepsteli trlsi Rollin cuss Md., saye: •Zuttlgsoras Se John itaplans Ils1iiit tine, an atilepsr(kil the body 'dr Judge tfetelteighan, ei St. Louis, were cess Ioniel:eit 4o 4Lecover-lbeteinst‘cal et. (Iv- , usual sellingst the organs, Mass is the bcdy ssettersd at- ut ittago Osissi stibelievatre wap. Ilis seart'wai turnts1 En a pssiXon the reverse of lusts hcs kbinys New unitsi by it lige- silent tn the shape oft a horsessboe, and the User was uss_Sas down,' with the la 'Welter en to. Many a ttzo itelfser crgaol SSW ti SISK% et entang- si sells end 'fatty substarikee. ts,s' Isdge AtiCelShan lived 1st% such sttangssVsnsratttCsn ,st• the r33- 'chale.11,t f \Ms' teilY 1.1,PISear,4 msrvet. sus, ,SurgeOrSt re mystMed 4tt. -,Villtthee he wsS Mot, with -Mt torgsna ItIonorote voctlatt‘ or INT *late 444 r e. 4 . 1111 fq (MS late through disease Sfilse &sec f nature fa nal keown. ledge 11tc-Helghtal lived to be sixty-s5x years ed, and woe censktered 0011, of, theratreat liSayets Sf.-Isittii.Ilis train slid/ilia' seem to etiffee three] "b fle)e etat 'of /its orgOrrs rid he tvis dt4e to heartilY Until withEn a few, %Wks of Match I, when he was tttught to the kilns lielplans /tests. tat In a er:tcai arslition. Ile Sad &estate seriously ill in St. toles in February, end hi4 physzslans -ere (pito unafre his syszpi, 41, 1» was b!aught to ths ishrrt Iffamstal, where SA 4.14,4 • real f.erforrned, during whtsh, Shis' °stem wets made ,of guilt Atart. 111% /Muff that the family eseepeeseey 4 thes-stAnsrs. 101,4t *811 IkirlSorssi _most, Imrsotritsiss dettts, et Ausetrlian Premler ,Peo. pie a Struggle is Coming. desliateh from London says: .In addressing a gathering in the Liverpool Produce Exchange on Thursday, the Sion. T.. Price, !vernier of South Au- stralia, said that Great Britain cohld not keep the country going by flying the flag over it. The Australians, he Said, saw the e4eilow peril ahead, and were tiftting ready to facelta Ile -hoped • that every man udder 30 would 'learn howt9 use it rifle, so that he Wou/d bo cible to assist in resisting the advance rt the yellow Men. PIERCED IRS BREAST. 11. Cate 'Instantly Killed in Lumber reeitainttamea " The rail null at Sault Ste. Marie has been clewed anidefinnelysawing ea, la of orders. - Tho -steam ef Inunisrants ,oszniss to the (Province from the old country is falling off. • The foreign trade of Canada for the last 0.scal year amounted to $638,200e 291„-aeleege-inereasta The Fornebo', from Sydney, C. 13„. with Portl, was We first sea boat to arrive at Quebee thts season. Magistrate Kingsford, of Toronto, has deeded that an automatic *ordeal-the- sloA machine must not sell chewug gum on Sunday. The Cataract 'Power Company has a eepted She-4011er of the city of Hared- ti.n, modifying the terms �t the street railway Srartehise. 3, B. Corrivertu, dirk for a Montreal horse dealer, 'has disappeared with a sum ofltis employer's money. accom- panied, it 1.s said, .by a young- woman- employed • as bookkeeper by • another arm. Deposits in esenridian banks. which have beerssteadily ideclining, increased 'by fifteen, infillone during _March. The statement of the banks for the month shows a healthy rovival and prospect of easier money GREAT BRITAIN. Speaking at Menchester, Mr, Winston Churchill declared himself 'a 'favor of settling the. Irish question on broad and generous lines. Mr. Walter fnmeircum, Pres the Board of Education, the first of Mr. AFquith's new Cabinet Ministers to go to fits constituents, was re-elected in Dewsbury by 1,143 votes. g f...1 4 UNITED STATES. Two boys at Hawthorne, Pa., .were poisoned by eating wild parsnips. The United States Senate ratified the arbitration ii*ely with Great Britain. The anti -bucket sbop bflL has passed toth !louses of the :Legislature at .11- 4 - -A-despatch-from Fern1e,-11. Csfsayss Details of an riseldeitt in the lumber mills a Wa• e killed, have ben rieceived.,•C.odee was putting it belt on a pulley, and, finding that it was too stiff for his Winds, he took a pies° of heavy steam pipe with which to slip on the leather. As lie was mitinpulating the belt the pipe Was caught in the revolving pulley, and in. stantly the ironvite reversed, and shot Ahnough his breast, entering the wall behind and pinioning him there. _ Mite-0MM • Lee and old evbite el 12%e, to tagc. Re- • ceipts toelay were_ 74 -boxes. • Provisions -Tire s short strt, mess. RI; half barrels do., $10.75; clear fat backs, $22 to $23; long cut heavy metes,' A despatch from Montreal says: hfr. 20; holt boirels do., $10.50; dry salt Charles Di inMvater 1 ass'stant, to the -ng eear barks, logei baroels" plate Prceed, ent of the CI P. 11., died on et, $13.50 to 415 .km1 barrels 40,-Virursday night after an fibers of orily e7.25 to $7.75; barrels heavY mess,beket, silt days' duration. Ile contracted it cold 13111 to 811; half barrels de s 4*.50 to $6; 8. 'week agow11011 developed bite tompeurra lard, 8S-10 to Oes pure lard, Lute PneumoniaMrDrinkweter was in Ids io nue: lions estefero; year, having been born at . Ash- . . 12s;hams, /2e .to 1330. actording to' toy, England, itt 1843. Ile boon, hts s'?e; freakiest Wiesen, lie to 151; Wind.' railway earrer in England at the ago ssr bacon, 1Sge to' is, frosh,killed Of sixteen yearSand bad-, thersfore, statteirstre.ssed hogs. $6./5 f� $10i live tsen nearly half a senhlry engaged in .1.1 The Ilottiseltild* of London will take Wile at $10.000410iLeiL40yeer_1 per Mt. bonds of the Pennsylvania Reit- rort • oomm Ito At bas been appelnted Ity ,the United States House of jlepre- sentatives, le inquire into the question f the price ef prIrit pap. The New York State Senate has passed a bill pioming telegraph- and-telephon companks; under the jurisdiction of ttke Publie Service Commission. GENERAL The port of La Guaira, Venzuela, has been closed on account of the plague. - - raseieeereWbeactreMiltleiestiseesieSSe ive expedition against the Mahmotids, tn. the Afahan frontier. Corean tnsurgents made an unsues ,mesefule attempt to wreck a, train fa Which Marquis Ito was travelling. • Eighteen pe ns have been shot at per ons for aemspiring to assassin- ate the Preside it, entLother eseectittene will follow. _Theeneunneers =elle Pe agassaslaikaiagre i • o Vic - uums, who are menaced by it linesian •li• -n:0-34,1•Lon,_...,_ 4,0 rilegssinst Vattcan by receiving Communion at the hands of the• Pepe and,. then_ spitting .out. the- .00nseerated wafers.. OSLERISM A MISTAKE. 4414.••••••• Records Put a Man's Best preoducing etAmattle Rather Than lilt It appears that to backseat men at 40 %own simply rob the worm of most of sis masterrneoes, the creation of which depends on the intellect. An interest. ing article in the Century gives the av- erage age at which the best work in various lines has been produced. Aesording to the writer of the art4lo the records give an average age Of 50 tor the performance of the masterwork. Fot workerthe overage age is 47 and for thinners 52. Chemists and physt- ;sts sverage the youngest, reaching hex highest efficiency at 41;; w,bleht ay• adcount for the theories of Dr. Os- ler. Dramatists and playwrights, poets and inventors follow at 44; novelists gift, an average of 46; explerers and wnrri- collect =laical composer -a -and -actor*. 43; ertsits and divines octupy the po- sition of equilibrium at 50; essayists and reformers stand at 51; physicians and surgeons tine rip 'with the statesmen at 52; philosophers give an average ot 54; astronomers -Ind mathematicians, ssbrists and humorists 56: historians, 57, naturattsts and jurists 58. "As :limy be noted," says the writer, "there Ls a rearrangement of the order • r. fore. and as wou/d naturally ,be expect- ed attain their full maturity at a later per:od than the workers. Ms corollary is evident. Provided health and optim- fsarr remain the Aran 01 50 can command' suceels as readily as the man of _30." 014•••••1•••••••••••••••••,4 room.. CIGARETTE IGNITED FUSE. Frank Iroulsham. Employed on C. P. R. • Near Fort Will4ms Loses lissiods.. icbe-eireai-eatianipegeee ret Frank Poulsharn, a young man employ- edsieestile_se%nstruction camp of the -C,. hands eihattered b detonator on - ret For( N't ilium, had his Thus:Way. Ile was sent to set the fuse, and the accident was the result of in- excus4ble" enrelesenesse He was amok. trig a cigarette. and a spark from this Ignited the fuse, which explesled the 1mWI-Igor1In Ws lisnds, blowing both of them almost off. Ile is now in Port Withlam Hospital. 1 1 I jinn 41 1 f WressAssietailt -itelhes Its:esident ei C. P. IL Company. #6.50 to $6.75. - • NEW Ylott1C witrA,T NSA:111CM% New April ?A. -Wheat .gpot, arm; No. 2 red, $1.G3: elevator; No. 2 tett$1.0134, f.o.b., ficat; No. 1 porth. 'Ct. Duluth. ILL% -afloat; No,, herd -si,Snt(r, $1.1111,, f.o.b. atlpat. xtkligM. Terento, Apra eS.--.k few lots of tit spertcrs' setts wese SOld around li pier evil The. range of ObigS0 Skiff %-tiS E.CA to eiS psr ewt. Slediusa01 pastas' unitzels sold around $5.25 1 s.3,40, and testy bulls were quoted $4.25 fo $5 stir 111st/ere SAWN ellesses fit wt.!! tots $;164,53) tt°3 $$1:5;11: 't;$1.11%e -t1:41,341 I Nstrassn and tosd'imeni yrese,t, $1450 fit.:50; tstvs, stoW., '04,25 to 111‘.-ril t.idicirn, 0.0 10 111; yews, ,oarartt4Q(1, MIS te , , e , ‘ST,A,i0ING AVINITs , The Prete Now •tireolitate Id nve Meets san4 111 Rank A despatch frorn , Ottawa °says: The militia orders Issued today stiVe the te.v tabilahreents of the variotts permanent eorps for this yokr, 'and ttio, reespitu., lotion MOWS that Cststdes efand:ng army troW totele 4,85t oftlsers and 'tiler,. littrkgIAN WAit811Wg. Od-ViU-imFirritslair 1-,-.4sgrpsi •asyS: Tht ereeetritterit, iteileding to a Irade'loUrnalf has ordered Ore at. hip, each one to Iss litOr that* Dresitnought, frost * flrn at Oyde 4. orts,a1 N 1I I Annual Repoli of the OAtario Railway _a .4 T` Muuioipal 13o4rd. 'A des-,patelt 'trim Tersnio-says,i That i:wicpai'ossners1Sp psys.15 ene of the aims? the tirAnd annual roost dal the r -Ontario itai way 1loartt bit'JWS. 11 paid. 1906 lith wigt *-10fict, 46r over 41111st 41 fon. , important tigurss ,srs gsen roi. ing pUblie ubLt:m in IS erovince. Mtsi5t14* divided toltows3,-Witteiritssts, $1.94- 101's116:, litectice' . PeWeei,' 11067; Gtss 'Weeks, $916.71); Tees phones, $106,41. • Oehenture and othelk 'debts ate: wettroworta,„$1glietadi; .Elettii0. Ste 313.,810s Gas, $737P43;'Tefeplione_s, SEA,. it53. , ror tits past yssr tha rsterns w es fel/sees: Wit?rWatka, gr0SS friss , 11,04'4101i; rists4331,113: E1ettre4 'sraSst $15140: tot; fl.152;. Ots, gross $1*. ISts, Stet, $10.101sTo..' IV. Oct, 'Plus flioriiit 4hits:s84t leer .11* rt sioNled, fa the iirstnis:'pall 'SAS 4vsnitylg Com It* *est: ;Ott profits leeeinte el , $5s5.,170, sites ' psying all sitar es erul gisIng' 541:eon it cost bis. 3..1„.PEISONS KILLED. During tfle year 32 sersonss tvers Med and 3:10 .1s0rs4 /On the, sagssays oft& ths, finisdistfon., ct tliS tkarli ; Ills kilted sever( were peseta -twee: , len firipleyas; 17 IsavelZers en the ' lve?,0Devgr,ti-v,pcoSiskitseittittri.'7.3.-,iir,$1,0eltteetateiktIoestientti.er: ,i, last - \,) . treaeed aft !Ong the One\ daring the Tr The , Meat ite Saly business 1ft. • The miteasot fistrscest froosi 401 te 416; resssrigors strakt trans 111,316,517 lo, -10.117,057; grcizs , etaral 1 telt frost 1130304t% to Emmet,* the net earn,ngs tram $41.07.443 to $3‘4, - fess The report 1140 0034, tv:th iitt Stkiiii, ' I ri ot juKsflistos ani stssftirms Vs,..i s't'ork 'ss sot 6ft:1d '10 the :11ter , Chertuati ts.-Ish ,to ilitssist Whits - ty, ksliSrt Mrs, sifs, 'he' istissrattitt,14- Tdti "4 Otfile plan!; isitenstsite gilt' - v at, u- ,Q shs reVietrild st line f • 4