Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 4 (2)'
* At •
00 *Orr bokiy.'W
hat ot
s a1J tk ynr ordet or attrinit
9,4tOst. .
, .
• it you ean some here toanorrnw, do
to. tttid mekitaselectien,eitrly. ,Ifyou
ciamot come tiAitorrow come n* soon
a* you au. end We wiltdtt our best to
get you suit or coat ready for the
sunny fpring days;
toe siiiris le Intilsosis
The truthis that the •13irle re gets
i Ting the better of the boys ht many
, lin,...-3 of gentrel, omPtsynient. The I
ii boys may complotia of thifiao they will,
Lt the fact *Made. The young
' wcimerrin tide, and rany .towne, atter
s ettein hour, ate quite as ntuch in
ence on their wey to.w.ork as the
-yowg meat and'theinalrat. th , eiwilt-
lit, theyhOld tip tkithe' ds as
seettseeottuttAlter 100k. s'tli
,t101? **XV *PAO 4-10 meet the' ' itot
:avid thokettnpiO,:e:1*, izg.ber.b41.10?,),Ioll
cot the,:iippiso..0;ogei or havtoir': •deprived
' herntelt* Of thfS necetta.trittOotist'tis
seey or of settling ,,:ligoviatm: 0 mO,Pif ,
•thgto. • isOrOte'Rettiglgti
. . ,
THURSDAY, Apr. 30, 1908
GOOD DWIStLINIR 110V1314 rOlt,
good brick dtisellin housefor side.
AMP/ to. B. M. Ham uiR:. Real
Estate. gent, Dashw
AtstionSogursiT - The engagement
is announced f Oartrude Viand* A.,
YOnnitotst datIghter of Mr. and Mrs.
Anguit Surreys to Mr*.„Willinnt R. Ate,-
wood.'The ifli4llitigf 704 .414e.pLce
early in Jurn., •
„ and. fai1y, who
11441,beeuttendiug."'the &nua1 ("on
es00.00t,13 4001Itis,' etut-;ied to hu
bone ittt4
Rig t; bas been atationed
t w. Tliy m*y' uot; .stronj as
Oa bova*List 1heytalm`vatc (4 40
strength, , (t00% okr,;, they,
draft dtink. e duo% g Mine,' they
don't. loafs .firie put, _ u arbitr
rules for the gtele; and -they must abide
hy them or lose caste. The boys are,
suffered to make thetr own rules and
take the emisequencee. Many a boy
thinks he can be gay and deceive evert',
atwIJax aZonunbHb.loae;. _
sanetinder nod •
ao t
fitliaik quite past himself in Ariel -
mit to IrOuse
the guilty party. Buil-
ne is all he e putting up bars
agaIns th gay young num Pooltions
of trui, itiens requiring mit
and regularityare going closed* Mast
him. He has gime upon the eery
that it was nobody's business how he
occupied his time outside business
hours. Yet the growth of bad charac-
,1 A:WOW
as o intone as t growth of a corn
field. Cut it out boys or you will find
:cHuron Conservatives your chance in the world is a poor
The Conservatives of South Huron one. should attends -Dr. Du Vernet Jack
-meet in convention at Itensall 00- s1_ a huskiest trip to St. Marys on
Tuesday, May lith. for the purpose of
Crediton Monday lasts -The regular monthly
choosing a candidate to contest the Fon SALE. -The undersigned is offer- business meeting of the Y. P. A. was
riding for tisa islatiee Assembly bag forsalethefratne house and twoloteheld on Monday. night.
Xindont/tediv Mr. -*PIT Eilber- the Itituitte eastofthe Methodistparsomigesivery attendances and the literary
- ere was a
piiaent ineaber thi- and -itt-Cretlitow-Thtrhoutiests-two-stOrer.` Ittoittstuntaltastifthirlen'ecillted
only name put gefore the convention. has seven living rooms, in good repair. Bibs Eleonor& Ilartiein, who was the
The wink of Mr. Either 19 and out of Good well of wa •r, Good -cistern and hed App itelubestdrioumt
fher boon uch -vgngt
con _dericesantlaalt,
--Revs-Es-H.Beanisits-reterried from-
• -TctssstIutitWsrs-7;
opponentL airrtitembeti-litsiatobe, Wheretie-ittehdedlhirCen-tellmiumwa
• .theAssembly are most enthusiastic' insference- -of the- Evangelical church. tbasitrbet ctiistsduen esskerh-sins
their praise of the work of South We are pleased to etate that he will at Tilbury on Friday last. -Mr. and
Huron's member. Earnest Iliad pains- be the pastor in thie village for anoth- Mrs. Thonuis Coward spent Friday in
-taking in everthing .he has been of er term. -Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hay- London. -Mr. and Mrs. William ¶t
great assistanee to -his Chief an4paxty. lock of London have been vielting the tor, formerly of Chicago, after spend -
and no riding in the province h been latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Ina a few days with friends here, left
more ably represented. Wein, the past week.-Dz. and Mrs. for New York on Saturday where they
ommeimuiremerimik016 ,Orme of Centralia spent leat Sunday bread to scsidekimesruses
ttOTE AND COMMON ZS In town. -Mr. and Mrs. Morley of
'North Dakota are visiting, Mr. and
The (Hobe last week got mixed is Mrs. Henry Motz, Jr.. of Creditors Whalen
little whenit stated that -there was a East. -Miss Woods of Forest is visit- Miss Ethel Parkinson of tSt. MrB
possibility of Mr. "t. B. Carling enter. ing her sister; Mrs. Maude Bluett.--
ing the political field as an independ-
ent against Mr. Harry BOWE, Assur-
edly. the Globe does not know Mr.
Carling or his leanings, nor does it
know that he has nothing but the
warmest feeling in his heart for Mr.
Either, otherwise the Globe would hes-
itate before circulating any such ridic-
ulous statement.
tion at:Toronto,.0 ti
School re4enetEon MOndity.with the.
eeVerattietchera4n-Sthitk. positiOne.,
'Ur. getticben hats. go..' movedinto
thei,dwelling be recently , purchased,
Mr. Witmer of Zurich. has been busy
In the' eillsge lately. psper.hanrin
Mtf.,s*9 lok," wbohas vivitlng
, .
an. on
Tuesday morning, --A load of our
young people took in the entertain-
ment at Credit= on Friday_ tifightlast.
-Mr. Ross Iohiston and Children, of
Blake. visited a the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Ed ghoffer on Sunday.;
(Tr001 Another Source)
Some new scholars are attending
school since Rosters -Mr. O. W Snell
and Mr. Louis Simon, Sr., calIed on
trio e tkoktiNAlukkil.
ball enthusiasts will be held tomight
(Thursday) when the Mom for the
season will be elected.All interested
The Ontario Government has Made,
an important change in the wording
of Local. Option, balloti: _Formerly,
it read: -
For the By -Law.
Against thelly-La .
And etectorawere ate . confine
Hereafter the ballots iyill read:-
' Aattouch
For Local Option,
This s uch simpler and ibetter.
A. few months ago the- attitude of
the Liberal newapapers towsusli the
WhitneyGovernment was distinguish-
ed for amiable if somewhat ostenta-
tious patronage. Much of its legisla-
tion was blessed altogether. There
was a snuggling up towards the minis-
ters, whieh was both touching and
beautiful. Mr. MacKay was set aside
in syfiipathetic paragraphs. The min-
isteraluxuriated in columns of temper-
ed eulogy. It was a far journey to
Owen Sound. The Legislature build-
ing" were just at the head of Univer-
sity avenue., So day after day we had
cheerful accounts of the work of the
Governments and seldom even a cons-
torting bidletin from the bedside of
the Opposition. But suddenly the
Government has become deptaved.
_Mr. MacKay is riding on to a glorious
Viet -4y. and Mr. Charles N. Smith has
itettoineaetatesmatis-thesseeret of it
all is that we are on the eve of an elec-
tion, and that for a few weeks the
drums must limit and the cymbels
clash and the Liberal pipers blow on
wind instruments. Does any indepen-
dent journal or any independent citi-
ten seriously believe that the interests
of the provinces wouldtbe Wellerved
by the defeat of the Government? Its
record may not be perfect: e do
not expect perfection in human insti-
tutions. But is it not true that in the
efdciency of it. administration, in the
hoaesty of its ' electoral methods, in
the_greet bulk of Progressive. legisla-
- tion_whic f'• i • illi IPA Sirs.
- last three -or four yearti7-the w rile res
cord ornstitutet the . best chapter in
the legislative history of the province?
-Toronto News (Independent).
'100,000 time each day.
,boes it send out good blood
or bsuibloodP You know, for
pod Mood is good health;
bad blood, had liwith. And
yOu know precisely whit to
take for, hal 61oo4—Ayerta
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 00 years.
oo• eim.•• bikt *10.**6 ologaish
Pttei. Th, whom* Penottsknen„PiSi
Henry Voelker has built a kitchen to
the rear of his dwellinisand will find
it more covafortable to live in. -Miss
Armstrong spent last Sunday in Ere -
ter with her parents. -Mrs. Flora
Walker has returned from Detroit, -
where she visited friends for a few
days. -Miss Ida Ewald of Fairfield
spent Sunday at home with her pars
ents.-Mrs. Sewar and Mrs. Decker of
Londozi have been visiting their broth-
er Mathew Ginter and sister Mrs.
Gottfried Geiser the past week.--tir.
aod Mrs. Daniel Coughlin of Centralia of buggies. -Mrs. 0 Connell of Ordlia,
spent last Sunday in town with Dr. who came here to attend the funeral
andMrs McCue.-Sebool re -opened otter sister,sttrir-J-Atethatysalitt has
.been visiting with friends around here,
left for her home in Muskoka Satur-
day -Timber is becoming a scarce ar-
ticle, so Mr. Harvey Sutherby has cut
down the fruit trees on his. lot here.
What about the old song, Harvey
“In the shade of the old apple tree."
-Victor Sandershas taken an agency
for a book House in Toronto.
if visiting with friends here. -quite a
number of fish -and good ones too -
are being taken from \ the small
streams here evenings by the bops -
The land in this -locality is in excellent
condition for seeding. thus the farmers
have considerable of the crops in. -
Newton Millson, who has been equip-
ping himself as telegraph eperator.has
taken a position with the UrandTrunk
in St. Marys. We Wish him every
success. -Mr. Kenny has been engsged
by W. Ogden in the shop. -Mr. Ogden
has just received a fine, ilirtestrabs lot
on Monday after the Easter. Holidays.
-Charles Roeszler has bad hit kitchen
painted and papered. Fred Harris did
the work and made a good job of it. -
Quarterly services were held in the
Methodist church lastSunday. In the
evening the Lord's Supper WAS solemn-
ized. -Rev. S. F. Brown of Rostern,
Sask., occupied the pulpit in the Ev-
angelical church. Rev. Brown is an
old Crediton boy and bisdiscourses are Greenway
always listened to with great atten-
tion by his many friends. -Our brick- T. A. Stinson and bride of Hayfield
yards and tile yards will commeuee spent the past week at W.J, Wilson'e.
the season's work this week, weather -Miss Helen Rickhorn entertained is
permitting. ;This year, the working- number of her schoolmates to a birth -
men have demanded higher wages and 'day party in honor of her littlecousin,
are now rceiving wages greatly .ex- Linwood Purdy. -Mies Jean Haytereeding hat they received a few spent a pleasant afrernoon with her
years ago) Increased c st of living tic- friend Miss Milly Fester. -Miss /Stable
counts for this. as well 8 the scarcity
of laliorers.-Our boys h ve been prac- their Easter vacation with the later's
;Hutehinson and Gordon Moos anent
tieing base -bail on the grounds the aunt, Mrs. Mathews of Denfield. -Mise
last few nights. They are anxious to Mae McLean of Oorbet spent a few
get in shape for the Victoria Day Oele- dayai the past Week the guest of Miss
bretion.-Our Town Fathers have de- .Milly Foater.-Jas, Brophy -called on
cided to finish the walks in town with Robert McLinchey on Saturday' lasts -s
eementlimknostoubtaend.ers..vr ItfllirowiliworttiLneywruhr.
called for before long. When the -A. Stinson of Ripley spent Tuesday
walks are finished, our town can boast last at W. J. Wilson's. Ile was as -
of being the most beautiful* in the companied back to Hayfield by Mrs.
County. -Last Friday night, the Can. Eliza Stinson. -Miss E. Geek of Grand
tate. entitled 'Priest and King" was Bend was a guest of Mrs. D. if. Ed -
given in the Evangelical church. A wards. -Mrs. R. Harvey -and Miss Eva
Chorus of fifty voices sang the differ- and Master Buzz ofParkhillcalled on
ent anthems and alt Were greatly Mrs. W',...1. Wilson one daylaet week.
pleesed with the progrent The music -Miss E. Pickering of Shipka spent
especially WAS Inspiring and also the past week with Mts. A. Gotten.
'tery appropriate for such 'an occa- Sorry to report that Mrs. A. M. Wil -
eon. It has been reported that the is very sick. -Win. ttaker haepurchas-
Cantata., might be repeated at some ed a handsome new driver.
future date. -Las t Thursday Mrs.Gott-
lieb Brown entertained a few of bier
-Ail- h
a very pleasant -A .)-
Wittich of _Port Elgin has returned
„home, after visiting her father. George
Brown, who has been very 111. -Last
Sunday shout thirty geests assembled
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs, Mathew
Winer to celebrate their Golden Wed-
ding. Mr. and 31r&. Winer were two
of the first settlers in ourmidst and.
(hive won this 'respect eild friendship
of a tow Ann -Aber of our Citizens, vibo
in with the Advocate in congratulat.
• ng thfrri upon 'having, attained this
stage of their married life and we ail
hope that they will 1* spared for many
years to come. Mr. and Mrs.Winer•
Were been blessed etitti seven sons and
itie --daughters as follows; John of
Manitoba, Williani and Wesley, of this
Village, tifetheer of rod. William,
Jere** arid Paul of Marlette. Mich..
and Sawn of Sandusky. Mich., Mrs.
Eli Link and MrS. MOW] Link of
Winnipeg. Mii.Oittert Dick Of Kip.
pen, 3n.. Geo. Ilobineyer'of Hanover
and M Jones -of Marlette. Mieh.
II Dr. Wiff�uhb I) di
oronb3. Alta 28 -lion.. Dr.
Oughby, minister without portfolio in
0:m00 -art° cabinet., died at Colborne.
00r., this morning. lite had been ill
fo sometimr.
lqtall born in Sinteee Om on
213110 lir graduated as
in IO7.• After setting as wittden be
tutted In the Legislature rot
IC*st Nokwatherlaaatio ISM and, has
fter As*. IOW bon
the Wbitoty estiSuat fax
four rearS!
Mrs. -Bs -Mulligan -of Dublin- -is at
present visiting her former old homes
Miss Nellie McCaffery, who has been
visiting here for the past two •monthe,
returned to her home in Batt** on
Wednesday. -• Alonzo McCann' has
gone to gzeter to work for Mr. Gould.
Alonzo its SI_ gond worker And.no doubt
«111 give good satisfaction to his boss.
Mies Katie Currie was visiting her
perents in Mount Cirinel on Sanctity's
Thoraitt McCann .walt In Oranton
one day this week on bueiness.st-Mte.
Anfttlit McDonald was in Parkhill on
Thursday and returned with a •Illee
Mae gitri, which she intends to raise.
It isa. good'hon3e for thelittleone.
' Intended fbrlut wait. ,
Miss Nora Collins and Miss Ella
O'Rourke wereivisfting friends in De..
troit oyer &Stet...Mitt Katie Currie
and Mists Emma iCuintingbans were
41sithitt trietekhl Clantittboyer4s, raw
days last week. -404* .1.1**ie Baty is
ottptestrit vtgting her sister, 'Mrs. J..
toottoo, ot Lit000-6010*Onclit McCOr«
mtrjr li laid elfiwork on account of *
sort Iowa. Rope Laiancii4 will ,soon
better..5.Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney
and family' were visiting Mr. Charlie
atilt over Sunday..,,,,Mrs. Sohn Stitt
and ditughto Of Crediton, were renew.
int 014acqUaltitances at*
week.-s-Jeretniih Hairy hat * very Ono
Celts He my* it it. *et* to taktt it to
, lb, Ulf, Oho Alt he imukt tiate tbe
001xot Mr the *hottest tail ealf.
tbe report of the
recent pr.Lotlfn examination held IP
. Names in order of
anerit; Se. 111 to Jr. IV - Horece,
Pfaff, Norman Ford. Jr. III to Sr. ll
Annie Green. Edith Carrick., °rapt
Doper: Su 11 to.. Jr. Ethel
mith. Its 11 to Sr IL -Elena Stacey.
to rtIr.iizan 4airiek, Allse. StAttr
virtues aztlit
Ind t
, 'AitOttyi,
tirig sit'heit honiel
has returned. --Fred Page an
,smiWaltersitee now in.- Pert Flanks
inaking cementbrick.--Mr. Ed. Gill,
sr., sntTueaday and Wednesday - at
dgete,ttS •.10 „.
Mr. end Mrs. HenrT of Sts Marys
are visiting at, Geo. Cues foi a few
days. -M!& 13.13. Ross, who as visit-
ing 'Indere. parental , roof, has re-
turned to her home in Byron. -Mr.
and"Mrs.' Sidney Andrews of Eliraville
visited at Win. Whites on Sunday. -
Mr. White is able to he around again
after 131s sievere illnees.-N. Jarrott
has been laid up with lumbago for sots
ral da but is able to be out around
will leave for the chi county in abou
a week. Mr. WNW intends brintiiing
out a number of Clyde fillies', with im
on his return, if he CAD secure the kind
he is in quest of. We wish him sue -
coo in the undertaking. -Seeding has
been in fait swing, but the wet weath-
er has given it a set backs -The farm -
mare looking forward for spring.
whenthe. atuek.carspiek their own lir,
ing.-s-The beef ring has been started
again in this neighborhood.
*L'n E. CAS—Volos Production 'au'd
lieedest-Coneerratorrel Mushr.
see••Charles White.London, Eng.
Ernest-Pardisys Levadou. Eng. A limited number of
pupils son beaecested
Miss Elsie Handford, London, is vis-
iting her cousins, the daughters of
James thadford.-There are times
when we feel the need of a magistrate,
especially when respectable citizens
are bothered with trainps and disturb-
ed by drunk brawlers. -Mr& (Rev.)
Butt 1. 1» on attending the Bible
readings of the•celebrated Miss Chap-
MAU of Boston. -Wm Abbott and wife
have been visithig friends at Strath.
roy and Arkons4--Miss Ala Wilson,
whehas been SID an 'extended visit
of several weeks, has returned home.
-An auction sale of cows at Moftett's
'hotel. on Friday brought good prices.
-Misses Swann and .tterill have re-
turned from their holidays and have
taken charge of their Ospective
schools.. -Wm. J. Ptah and Miss May
Irene Morrison of Detroit visited the
former's parents, London Road North.
Sunday and Monday.' • .
_A number ..of. onr Tillage teieher
have returned for the reopening of
the schools atter having spent the hol-
idays at their various homes. -Among
the old boys and girls who holidayed
in town we noticed: Miss Dulcie Mar-
tin, Mass Holly Martin, Miss Ida Mara,
Mrs.. W.S. Cole. Miss .Laura Sutton,
Miss Brett, Mies Mildred Hodgins..
Misses Kathleen and Madge Hodgins,
Rob. Fox, Arthur Carter, Art. Hawk-
iihawt Percy Simpson, Rich. Hodgine,
Reggie Gilfillan, Harold Abbott. -
Walter Gibson who has been engaged
as pitcher with the International
League team for this season, has been
spending* few weeks at his home
here, but spent the holidays in Lon-
don. -The Box Social held here under
the auspice* of the Ladies' Guild of the
Anglican church WAS a complete suc-
eel*. Under the directions of our able
auctioneer the boxes quickly dis-
appeared front the platform at prices
varying from one dollar to two dollars
eac_2_Is Theproceeds amounted to near.
ly $7O.----.Thepoupo Illtittit ten-
dered to Holy Trinity congregation
the use of Ibe Township Hall as si
plifte-rif erection
of the new atureb. since James Ross
haspurchased the old church and in-
tends tearing it down In a month. -
Miss Ethel Steltardson of London is
spending a. ter weeks, at her home
here.-Arthu Waring spent Good
Friday at bis home in St. Marys. -
Fishing was very much the order of
the day the past week. Some of the
boys tiering caught such a number
they brought them to town and sold
thein. -Weare sorry to learn of the
serious illness of alba Butler of Lon-
don owinglo Melt
ent4ifthrled, Whei bedside on
Wednesday:-The-tn int friends
sch'oolurlites of Miss Mae Miller were
sorry to hear the news of her sudden
demises Mae was a general favorite
and left many friends to mourn her
loss. All extend their deepest spiv
thy te all the invaites of a saddeised
'The reponts from' MeGill University,
at Montreelshow that Peter Hints
Obineee student and son of a .. Chi nese
miesionary in 'Vancoever, has heeded
thehonor list of the, year. Ile is it
/mare of 'Canada.
The amongedestrian.
Gentletaerit-t ,
-a's1 was a latartyr to catarrh of the'
bead. threat eel stomach. I was so bait
the dectota felltcd consumption.
.tried waxy, physiciass- sad "hitdIciaep.
A: Mead migrated reirchiate. 1 tried
it atultit was Abe ettly thing 'ever did
tee Lep gett s I an no* perlectty,weli.
It is titp, grextest rettioy 1111,A word
ha* drvc,?1, Itn3110. t do not heed it for
rak heatab bat 1 use it as a
strongttent:t totsy 'Whir* matehes.1
oriersecutieetrttehlipof Iny ptiyiiiesd ettaiiteince to
• tort Hope. Ost.
rod** like greatest rare for
:stares of tke thtoat or *outlets
Vie; icotll. It as% wort4ert41,torie
ani ettztaittitetter et tea dows *Teton,
actingsiireetly tkes
lvsg• yituithfal viger ised *brow
eft. At 01051c. aval
A. Vet Tarent'41
Is the leading business training (0001 in Western
Ositario. .We give a thorough, practical trainiog on
Commercial Subjects,
hub Pitman's Sttorthead,
Touch Typewriti .n and In
Contaterefal and Railroad Operating.
Each department Is in the hands of experienced
instructors. We assist students to poeitions. Our
uatie always succeed, tor our courses are the
Get our free catalogue and learn more about
UL You may enter now.
.14 =10."1/7SAMANILW
(1llenrporlated by Act of Parliament 1855)
----itentreal -
Capital Paid Up
- Assets Over
SATURpATS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. L.
narinnat. RANKIN(' 011_131N1185 TRANSACTED.-- -
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
aving Bank Department' Vntil further notice Interest on Savin accotusts will be
. credited quarterly instead of half yeal as formerly.
Depoeits of fitt and upwards reeeiv
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
• Dimming & CABLING, Solicitors." N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Kennedy oa: Keigan
Thousands of young and mi le aged men are anua1y swept
to a Premature grave t ugh IMARIN INDISCRItTION�,
EXCESSES ANI) BLOOD ISEASES. If you lutve any of the
following symptoms consult us before 111s too late. Are you
nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy-, specks before tht -
eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys init.*.
blepalpitation of the heart, beshful, dreams end losses, sedi-
imen1 in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks
careworn expression, poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack
energy aad strength, tired mornings. restlesei nights, change-
able moods, weak manhood, premature deray,,bone pains, hair
loose. sore throat etc.
Owing to Dr. Ker-
gan being dedeased#
Dr. J. D. Kennedy,
Stedital - Director, -
has associated with.
him Dr.Kennedyjr.
Who has been with
the firm for several
years, ao hereafter
business will con-
ducted under the
name of
BI.09a POISO S fg:11111:11VAt:
pre ent an most serious diseases, T ey sap the very life
, , blood of the victim, and unless entirely eradicated front the
system may affect the future_ generation. !Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the
synaptorus.--OVE NEW METKOD cures them. ,
OUR Nig_
nuns or you. . under its influence the Drain becomes active, the blood purified so that ell.
NEW METHOD TRJEATmENT alone can cure you, and =keit
Pimples, blotches, and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong as steel, so that net-
VOUllitilkebashfulaess *ad despondency vanish, the eye becomes bright. the face full and
clam en rgy returns to the body, and the moral, physical. and vital systems are invite*.
crated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system. Dont let quacks and fakirs
rob you of your hard corned dollars. We will ours you or no ray.
Ft itAritR 1,,,f, raver. wItio Ili rate it_you , .witti "tor an tuiiiiiingniOn **CC-
U "The °Wert Monitor" (illuStrated)
Qii01141.0 Olt ter twee Treatment Seat 4Th nosultst.
Cots Michigan Avai and Griswold $ill DETROIT, MICR,
W,..tcherst Jewelleru, Silverware, - Toilet
Sets, Eta., Etc:,
We have undoubtedly the finest 1, lines op
goods.that have ever bseia shown in this
district. We can Butt 7oU in quality and
price every, time.
' Wedding' Presents
W4'xidings ocpur at all settSpiasi, but the big
season is now approaching. We are read,
for it with the finest rings &best presents
Call and tr*Oftline Early