Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 3 (2)ERUPTIONS - o44: Ite-00. a TORIC: in 8jiIn tPurifysntI isuna.lip._talo 0 3 4 r.t.4itae pear ; ,lleatiare' Indeer lata ititre. 4 eel& 'taiaiethaeati '4'05,PLII r etittletakett a , Sleet ettra:ttlieelie't ,„ f.A6010;',:tftiVrN, ' - tir ' ' ,f tZ ..." •I'A '!•• W ...01iiii 't iatie . 'awe; et 44: , rat ii .1%0111;eii: et .allettn 01, eie te heiiate e .eltiliaing pains ..et aemigita 1. Pew'at ktitte frequent bead-- , aeliee, and a (eelre to 41.-(04 exertlen is 'oleo dee to .tati Wood. Any 41' OM of theee trioubles cart be boniehed by the fair ieei ef mat a Narita medicine OS 1)r . 'eVilleanee Pine Pala Everyi dee& Of thee trallicine helps to make new, lett redlleaolle which drivae fait i - ,.. 'gj,' e0;, .„ aliilltPaIlirittir# to weak.. t red out, ailing men °lid wca Meta Item is proof that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is tbe gredlest of all rearing niedicinea. Mr. Henry Baker, Chipman, N. B., says.. -"Lust, spring I wa9 so weak slid neserable (hit 1 could hard - is drag rnylitlf about. My appetite was teslope-well;-andadread- * rs ',OP"ft4tedvel*r.Wier.7- te*- dition, 'which caused pimples and ! Mal boils to bre alt Out all over me. eel roe* much trouble. I tried several Taree would Itch old ',Vain aria eaus- ;reedit:41e% bet, without the 'met One - fit, when are day a friend asked Me I 1 el did -notia, .tietillatiange -Mak* fettle that I decided to lake his advice --/Itiie)01tC lea ai this. land gtv. the pills a trial. I got a half • dozen boxes and the result was, that by „JvAC--trietSWitif tiV013!-Aratit- 'an altogether different man. They purl- .• ere rayiletoodiabiliiteup ma-vehlaileasy tam 'and 1 have e -net lint itrii-flesla not a sick (ley since. POT 'this reason I can highly recommend Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills as a blood Wider and purifier." Sold l•y all me- dicine dealers or ,t)y mail at 50 centa 'item or six boxes, for $2.50 from the Dr. 1Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. , 1.11.$ I MASTERPIECE OF THE AGES. fly it. Banker.) Tho most mighty structure ever (vet by mortal wan since the creation -the world dates tram the very con rnentement of civilization; and althoug constructed se tar back, down the di vista or the ages, yet so mase an So adarnenline- is 1149 great monome iot the poet Met the deselaling ana ra !aing band of time has -Searee lotiche it in fact had it not been; despoile by the vandal Saracens, who, with vul- gar bari uninati.hed in all' hietory, tripped poushed anarble-e tog in order to build their mosqueg harems, that great mausoleum. of Cheops • of Ii fam-Buk reaches the root of thedasetiso nt ' y so frig through the stein end tissue and ils itawerful hotel jukes expel 1 d dliesse and- niake th k a beVererg Hee retecetiUtt01 tient/era* et eentleitinatie need ky Eteileal eieeiaiiiieeritieeeeehaaii • ON A SMALL SAL/kali NOV 110;AL. ° It' Means PreOature Old Aga for 1 Vk'orson, teemi1ih at 1-:;_cf.x1.44&t i:iiygfixt, coAry, t liAtt!et,,roctt 5Yd 11* , Or4i4y,' 611111iV 4,1 -filar, ateat s 1,1xi :ebiltippo • t ,tt4„13v9Gil ,„ ounnino. toenialeen atial r• 11 p-Avz.lo's4t,40 , TX4Ykregii ;tie &iViitai. of leelt . „ matikro 401ujri Zlc.!i:ret fiteree". 'thee aweetos leer. Teidre tutLione liens taat cen eampeneato ree hating leeetlh, tetiiityemit *social stable lion for Which the restrieted' ineefee reaPOnialle'. and trait is inutile' love - the love that works °lit in ehe World ter tile love at Nome, and tae love at heme that U)ork beneath the roof -tree k- au.( it is worked tor, liveirt‘ for and .g4-41PPAYP,.. tikes of litgr-4-411-691111en A WOMAN'S POWER. As a wife and mother, woman can nuilie the fortune and titippineas of her liesband end ehikirert, and it ale did teething else, urely this wouid beasum- eient destiny. By her thrift, prudence, and tact he COO. wore to her partite andel atiersaltairealaffe- _-. or how adverse a fate may be theirs. By ke*.chtertillness she can restore her hus- bandat spirit, shaken by the anxiety ot business. fly her tender care she can often restore the to health if disease bas overtaskett hie powers. By her eouneel ..aniLloreiste--eariewin tine Wm -bad -Tony poly, If- temptation- in an erabouta ed him astray. By her extimple, her precePts, end her sex's Insight into char- aater aeleaSieseemon ;evereaselverilielial'adispeiiffilns, -ink; noble men and women And taaJeattitilt -nraliethings-aattairatidlia iaceialfizI liteTebe alin-areettevate, and spiritualise all who come within her reachso that, with others of ber sex emulating end es.sisti ing her, she can do more to regenerate Mt world UmrSall the statesmen or re- formers that ever legislated. r -DISFIGURING FACE SO -RES. •••••••••• WE ARE pimp,Ataimut,- 'tat 1 NOw., In view.° all that Ns been said about the. fall irsLb4eatb rate it We= strange to realize, says Health Culture, Uiat we are not living ao long as our grind - tethers and grandmothers did. More babies live to grew up nowadayei n tormerlyabutpeoltlettnaleter vs, , average man or woman has fewer yearet el survival to expect. This sterns on the face of it so ifurpris- Ira a elatement that in order to, be ace cepted it should be backed up by data al:Wattle and indisputable. Such data, ftre.flarlialbett ateathealgtureseot•Uweinsuta- anceiaompanies (veldele all egree-ort-- the punt), .but it is easier to rider to the Gov- ernment census reports, whseh tell the talajn le-. niJsflIJi _atid_oarelaskie yrstheate among_ all-persans over 55 mew -very - death 1101.111Ar PP ij Pimples, fees sores, and the kindr4 eruptions coalmen to late winter ana early, spring, are .the worst disfigure, meats the fair sex have to bear. To re - hove them the pores must be Opened and the functions of the skin stimulate rd, by the vigorous applications of Zana Bak morning and night, and washing Irequetttly with ZatteBuk Medicinal Soap. oemadelabiy. ...***•......0,14.••••••...araemar•• Proper sanitatiolt and a good water supply reduce tae death -rate of a town h. most, astonishing feshion. At Crape don, England, for •instanett, the death.. rate, with proper „drainage, fell to 19 • 1,06(1.-.11,--hadabeen-24---previotesin and caees typhoid fell /rem 15 per 10,000 -to 5. • 4•MIS .111/ • SOM. A NEW FINANCIAL FIRM. The firm 91 A. I. Pattison and Cont.\ ParkY, bankers and financial agents, has been formed lit Toronto, The senior member a/ the firm was until recently prei4ident of the Brantford Street Hall- way, the Grand Valley .1latlway end the Woodstock Thames Valley and Ingersoll Railway. Mr. Pattison sold 'the control. ing interest in his railways to a Pitts - erg railway magneto!. Mr. Pattison is Canadian by birth, a Lambton county hey, and has been 'in,business in a fidu- ciary -position -in Toronto-for-twenty4iv ears and has been a resident of Toren - I Ihryb as- bleb can't be done simply by the use ° et internal medicine. mess Encl.) Smith of Somerville Ave.,. Taranto. sasse aely fad greatiy dingured by a skin 'I eruption *Inch annoyed me dreadfialy rt Would te this day have been oltnost ate perfect as when tbe hundred thousand laborers, who for thirty years had toiled from alawn'to dusk, had completed their AVOliC. And there it now steads, wi tteatellotes; mighty relic of the pas and deaulittese it will still there sten until time shall be no more. • But one result of 'lie vandalism The Saracens is that it is possible, wit the aid of two -or three Arabs, to clim U p' to the sunimit. One of the Sheiks Command having told off a couple lof Arabs to each tourist -..and if he,. be stout and heavy .11 he would prefer tatit his armee shelled not be pulled ou or:the:4r ,sockets, he will engage a third to assist by pesbing-the wild Iledett file Seize their pre ek by -ibe arms), on Mt each side, and *kith main force drag W04 or her, up the great stone .% each atom about Ilove feet In helght. Toil • pomely. In _the itot-Pebruery-sun-they ascend higher and higher; from the base appearirig like _ _ tor months, I was advased to try Mine a Suk and I am glad 1 did for it removed the tmuble and my face is now elear of ell eruptions." Zam-Buk contains no animal fat what- t eller, but Is a pure healing salve. It cures cuts, burns, chaflngs, coId sores, a itch, emir*, running sores, ringworm, yn at! diseased. Injured and irritated con- ditions of the skin. Obtainable at all or over uu8y-,nve years. Tfle recOrd- 1 the Canadian Hoin•teatead Loan and Savings Association under his admires» ration for over twenty years, Warsaw 'pen mortgage that is one foreclosure, as !not been equalled by any Toronto caning oomistg.- The thin *ill lasee strong reputation for Integrity and ad- inigrative ability, .and a high Anew al rating. Direct New York, Boston, Philadelphia rtd Mistreat. Stock Exchange wires -ith one of the largest New York and Motility* leas been arranged for. The rm will have direct wires *Iso to Chie ego* and Cobalt, and are in a.. position give not only /excellent service but L most conservative advice upon Ansa'. al investmerits that can possibly be had. he flrofs adverUsement appears, In ther'ooluritn. piles, bad legs, inflamed patches and eruggists, and stores 50e.. or poet -paid m ,te tethe Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Bo A BENEFACTOR OF IIUMANITia - fe,) "Itas your husband ever done ant:- t thmg to benefit his fellow-marir 61 should shy so! If he had had halt T bis original excuses for. getting home * tate copyrighted, he'd be la the mil- lionaire class, now."' ••••••.a••••• Wodolineerings were worn by lx)th xvs end Bernitifs -dates long prior thristlan era. Je SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT'. to 1141rV4141iallgrtittaltnramatais lightlet running and nen convenient of any. Try see owl b. esayletat. Only WI, tn. Lager elem. Loeh far thi Red X. ehtne or 6 flaws or more write Singer Antr emeriti isteol any make ai *twin, $iei I? *chimp Cc,Stemming Chootlitro. oriloi /Or benutifirl ad of tow tower Wiwi of Ontario. awe fee ISIP*Os*. "Cheer up? Ttere'e a silver lining to every cloud!" "Well, what ',geed is that? I haven't got an eirshipt" ' lng ._ ha • way, *nil realizing that if they tteritimte the ascent they willprobablypuntehed' by stiffness rif the tetras for a week, then making The almost equally laborious descent, ethers yaliantly continuing until they each the summit. And whet a pros- pect rewards ell this strenuous toil. On the; one side the rolling Libyan de -cert Stretching Out, on and on, to the bori. sons 'dreary wildernesa of arid sand; then, In the distance the pyrarnide of Salthera, one of which, in which occur AAA 1),Y_All a 101,11--roidel- withautraweeta.- -believe elites; hero ----the au botelered river 1p. flecked with dnhaloyas and folticea.salled craft: *ere c net y a • ro with its mensions and its gardens lied its minarets; and. bare, imniediately beneath, the Wiper, hatable sphinx, still, as where . first lotted there th sndr ot yedraalage, looking sapiently into the urAlmewn. ' And thcrt the thought flashes through the inini4t at nineteen oeriturieS ago One, then -but 'a, young ,thild, wag trOught into Egypt, and perhap S stood that,very spot, gazing at these ola yr,anide. But He Will the Vivito Ile - who. 'bough the Sari of Geld, had 1.-suirted human -fart in ordcr,-ly -tat. n upon .11iinsoll the chastisement due who hove transgrealsed, to akeuro • a. ▪ s •••••••••••••••• WIIAT CAUSES HEADACHE. Ir at Octeber le Itoz-Celitt_arolkaL menet4 LAKATIVX XX03(0 VI IXX rokoietoteansa. X. W. Grey Football was known in England a vnriv as the year 1175 • •••••••••••••• A Clear Healthy Slanilacrupitens of eh° skin and the blot4es whh-lt blem- ish beauty ere the result. et impure, -Mad tateedlty urlhca1h3l action ',11 the liver end lildneye. In coereeting thie unhealthy action and rettleng the organs to their normal omtlition,' Par- melteg 'Vegetable Pingwdl at thesame time cleanse the 'blood, and the blotches and eruptions will distippeair Withotit leaving any trapa 13131114INCT BANICANXITES; When * Dank of England note) mums to the bank It is never re -issued. It Is cancelled by having the signature of the, chief Nobler trti off. A dtty's alga*. tillart thus detaelied otters, *Mount to a, !eight of 'Nib., so borneidea may be gothered, of; the enormous quantity of , notes dealt withldung e day's laistriees. Atter the signatures, are torn off the notes ate Pricked off Inithe register, and Sorted lnto the dales ot iscue. • "they are then plaeed In boxes in the'Valufs, Where they art kept for tios,yeam, lifter *Web WO re burnt in a furnace Placed 'In* court- yard. Evory nonling at often o'clock Uda Ora 1:1040, rid the notes whieh, ved back at the bank fivia eara FEV1oU&13 .5* tottalteed to t2te fierneati 410,00G ttot*i Witt eoutt.g iirt„ it* westi, • taVa _atirete. a • ileate a you tried Holloway's, Corn Cure? It has AO equal for retriovin,g these troiiblesome exereeeneet as many have testified who have 'tried it The &crease to ilia werld's shipping by Wreak and breaking up ev-eragett 725,000 tons e early. Regent Vier Strength by sea* jes eirst (exit over oolop000elet It nonitheboo twit the whelo oystone., Theabloo441irowne out -by -the- travels seven mil* in art *WA. ru, 110 1.0 W years. 111 It Is ICnown tvettywhereo-Thero 15 not )a city: 101471 or hamlet in Canada Whom , Thomas' Eeleciric 011 it not 1,316*n-wherever intradtteed 11 Makft a 150thol4 ter 'Melt :and mentaineditt - Stufze imeriehents May suergast Mine oilier remedy as equal!, beneficial. Suoh t000mmendatrons shouldhe reeeived with doubt There'15 only- one teleotrie Oil.' and that is Or. Thome?. Take ro, thing else. A Widrs wing Is, in, prOpartiOn toit wrieert avetglit, "twentrtiiniarais *kohl' liS a man's, ortn. ' 4 mini% Lim) or CANADA, ?ow Eetiritated in the te1ghborhopa *1 I 113.1814.11411 Accts. Three hundred , tillien' MO. emits the latest estieeate of 'the area of Canada. This was given reteill Y ly Or. 11. EA Pernoxv. Dean of the Faulty f Foreitry in the enivertity or Taranto. Dr. Fernow Was,. tor years head of the 'krealry •aserk of the United Statoi, and Is regarded &son Of the beet atilherilieS It Sol*stry, and timber oti *tit oonlinesit. 1 Dr. Vito*? **kl: °It wt, 100k at this vast to_rest arra tier) Alit minutaplurees point i view, from the itandpatit tt **pplie* r Ow ids aid india4risas, *4 * 0041.• 1 404,140 leileteeleateat safee ZletCIslafilltteti and study merely Ike ggr.phy lital-nattiatt Of The eaelitttrY 'In the iigM of ilia reporta Ott the more lo nt4Ing :parti 45/, the, anie we. will hii- Ed fully the Centinercially velable lira- eree, 0,etuiti end petentlei, Or not twit Mere tbete eine-half Of the reati- eiret.,0.4010,1:fe;/41-es:Irsoattthoufri,ticroocl..Vn.knitiVio.SI:tte;,!' ws the *Orally k4jj of )44,0714,T)10 Al 4 thPhate$tiPernitati tot Fore5txy tr , 'ttliaktil Velvety Ei.tjO. irI. v: .]#A1 hr'aiattiattialit Plainteliore tt aiiout:53• 41 0111 10 torial aria. a a talergeiaileed latio uebec .. .120 eta lirenawiele Neva Scotia . , " . book at It ss May, one thing wine clear, avid that is that, on further know- ledge, Canada's "inexhaustible" forests and forest area are isliriniting, and teat _ , • • i • retVAIA litArtiunfarlr in; a rous anadaii duty to loti look come lly after what she has and carefullY preserve ittsind also make provisien that theae areas shall be so hetulted that a future ,supply of -Umber frorn theo ear,* areas can be obtained. And this.,liteariis the introduction of for- estry inallegeinetat Ot these timberlands. val**** .1 • 1 a WE CUA AN TEE MATERIALCONS RUC 10P4 A ta alet f**4**444414arlitvirli lir . vi -w it* 'instal. taste Supplied in low sizes; 3 It,, ft. 6 inebie it feet and 4 feet 6 incites 'wade, If this bed in , 2 isnot entirely satisfactory either quality or price, we will exchange drift or ritual your money and pay all tranepoeiation charges. Bed only tati T. EATON Crrio TORONTO, - -0, . OA - BIM Tlit 13181; A another who has *rice Weed Baby's OWA Tablets for her children will al, waits use them for the minor *Omen that come to all little ones. The Tablets are the- for the currava indigestion, collo, tonstipae tion, dierrhoee, teething troubles and breaking tip colds. And the mother has the .Vtaft4 lateaviettegameTetlolalltelaalYAli ous -opiate-or rierecitic, Mrs. Wm. P was • Aosassasa,as 4. te-sa inahy's Owna-Tatiletsewltbat best -tilts and know of inotbingato equal them for the,cure of stomach watei bowel troubles, I do not feel sate unkse I have a box ot Baby's -Own Tablets in the house." Sold by medicine deep lers of by mail at. t,45 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cie„. atioeak .villei--Oriteala --- Western Australia has the hi percentage of crime of any of the Aus- trallan Colonies; but the average num- ber of crimes. is lower than that in any ,Part of taa Southern' States of A.merica. ,sassstt.ssas•sass . . saCCUESCAltallia."1•1=11 -91440(64.41 • •a•tattasuasato.1....5•=1010ms, Ws," MatalaarAXM1004 4.4 ASK. YOUR bitiLIO:OIST FOR iair4k-t-waeirwn—iirsw.survzRsdwa- HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, GOUT, Rllalkilit1811_, I .-- -0400lillnilng-ttrooheeno..--yrerrtilsourkni- alohnore. Y, 9. tu ,,,biter t me* se:.01"nitee:hlateadwoiosmoitrztioirrodeire.stontel.c..amesulAionta, Thema, Sales Cie *0211 it. Dertetni 0 .. --witoursotti- laWIAN *ROS. 411 CO., LTD. - Torosto and liiosttrkal LYMAN, KNOX,* CLARKSON, LTD. Toronlo iked riso.rea r*'- ----11TORObinr ' Agent $103,54 PER 1101! N •••••••••••0 Sickles Anti.Coniumptive Syrup needs recoinineadation. To all who are familiar with It, it speaks for itself, leans ef use in the areatment ef ateas and conegles end- all affections of the throat bas ummestiOnably established itty lacef:uAinitasel.uyou nit the beat itatr medlcines kiai pint alfil not regret it. You will find it 25 cents well invested. Passenger trains would be motto apt to run on shodule lime if brakemen didnit have to pry so rnany kissing females apart at stations. PILES CURED IN $ TO 14 DAYS. atezo eneautater gotranteol CIA .**7 aeolooiret 111114. Binding or "Prated!** nook to IA dors or nolusy reloaded. En. The most wetly war in the world was the American Civil War. It cost the North $7,000,000,000 and tbe South *4 000,000-,000. ITCH. Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch 011 Immo' et animals cured in 30 niffititei by WO.. ford's Sanitary Letien. It never faili. Sold by all drtiggillts, Youlms•li The word "slothful" is rather it nets. nomer, for in its native habitat -ea large treei-a sloth can, and does, travel very rapidly. Oe There a Will Wisdoni Points the but he dislikes sending for the doctor, which mean l .bettiet deltas never Vonetirited. ife has not 'the resolution to load his Stomach with oompoimda WWII smell villainously and taste ta,,orse. But. it he have the will: to deal himself with his ailment, Wisdom will direct his attention,, to Pailielee's •Vegeb fikb* Pins, which, as- a -*peak for Ill. digestion and •dilsordez* et the digestive organs, -have no toe!. - -THE POPULAiteetiftei "SO I tan't induceist jot -....hatidituret. neotiVeiii-d—iftl" said the potent medid einet:salesnnin, -16 ls t10.5edgripa., Dohit the citizen* IMMO Were use any kind of cured" OnlY lb° 'rest cure; stranger," drawh ed the eineprietor eit the generttl stall& Aileu ran find hklf a littlaired'Of thealleten tee fence and on the Poe0t and tad 110 atove using U,iat mire now" Cenceiled Amateur t $tarned the violin whert'l was' eight years o1,4 Cru0t5t* Profeitelonal.mhideed. lkiw al* were kou when i you fOrt$1,7,' Doims KIDNEY PILLS s tvi laL s AH.r_ , • terCANDLE FISH. • Ist parts of Alaska is found a kind of fish that' makes a capital- candle - it ts-dried. The tail of the fish Is stuck Into a crack of a woodenetable I a) hold it upright, and its nose is lighted. 11 gtves a good, steady light threeicandle power, and consktette able heat, and will burn for about three haws., osmaimarmssowat THERES EVERWRING -1N. liEllqty FIRST. The Arid train in Canada was °Perste(' on what lo now a part of the Grand Ti =IC Railway and this great system has ever been on the alert to stay in the tirst rank. In keeping witbi thts general polley the uleiterristionel tame Re," the premier train of the Grand Trunk System, is also tbe finest and fastest train in Canada, and) one of thei fastest long distance trains in the world. Leaves Montreal every day at 9.00 Lail., Toronto 4.40 p.m., arriving at Detroit at 10.00 p.no.„ and, Chiceiti at 7.40 a.m. Sunday School. Teitcheraahnot you have no brothers or sisters?" LitUe Edna -"No, nal'arn. I'm all theehildren weave gate, • Use the safe, leasent and effectual. _worm killer, MotTser Ceara' Worm Ex- lerrninator nothing equals IL Procure a Iota iatc,f take it, hOme. The-Paris-Atiderriy---ef-41edielne-xdr- text1 prizo every year for the disoovery of an absolute cure for tuberculosis. So far, no one has. wortItt - .14•,••••••••nomt • TO -CCEICA: COLD IN ONE DAY Tot' taxamii satnito gitihr• teee stem imeasa wit taus to sere. IL W. Q*UViIalp.atnr.ls,ftmbb.z sea The porteri., in Constantinople are salt- to .pe the *Wriest men, in the World, and after them, the Chillait min els and the bearers! of Northern China, yet aut taatiti. 15 s!tato, sittailaivatt - 004 Itt tents per square, yard« per year *to keep clean: 'but in; Berlin they are's° muck more economical 1hs.1 the oil is only 1 cents per fiptare yard. "fra east t:0 paw, *tat 'Oa palat It okti saialeata. Mad laalia so tr.ab.' oars Palate ere ittiolt itittateaseita al way.tineausit. atelier Mae* JI te** altooll be Welled se,Witat Illeisiteeire Palatka, 'Veer *oder bUs hill atoek Raiaaa Yrilate the thiataalet to islet rigid. Write, 'Ai *lay £Saz iht0Sttio,10vOillikit likialeate Pieter* pert Cardial ofteate, ti • EL-OPED ItY4 dnprnent by bobsleigh has *tent,. lliOkne, where it youllit Swi$si kwi-hlden to visit ht$ etkeeethetirra hattee 'ati-led oft the girl by an Ingot** ,The girl pctsnittled- ber, poen iteeempany her, Up " the m.unttm r.uk' to ,Eiilard to. walelt ,the lgoning. !Jolt war up, Abouts of Iht rn. ng were heard, a sleigh eanie leafing itown and every one ran to the he curse. The girl *Ione stool stfl, The loVer and his 'friends, who wac pthe sLeIgi, slackened sived, oaugM thc gai in their arms and flashed down, k) the bottetn ef the run. There the, lovkar taught * *fain lo RaaIe.*litre their. MIlittiage will' lake ply* :iarrnexli,, ‘4, 4.6••• ' eiorio •ei said trilk the Um:trim owior twin' A VG' 0 0 ID F A IR IM1 at Kt& -2144 partiegar about lociktio*. Pismo One ink. sod deorrtglion, aust tea?. SOU foristitig. Sta.tarolkeo possooslien talk WIII olonl *ilk woo?* may. L. thutirtahlt*,, 10i itoolleetor. CC4014144,„ raves eie 4410. '`•••' <••••••* PETERBOROUGH cANAPA rho f a sno rot maws ium atom ritIcES • A* pArnsoN at COMPANY- BANKRItt Ar INANCIAL AGENTS Transact an Inwestment and • Ilitancial business. Stocks bought 'Outright or on morello. , Direct Wires to Easton, NewYork .Chititgo Montreal. Also a ,ditstt Wire to CabalL IIItlit$PIHOS$1ItE tit IMO as G. Dun, Com. piny, The tOradstreets Comer- A ••• • A POS In a merry company, eh Ottowas toitSk ottleatiati; 11 11 tos-exiewered,__ elpfid ferfaitt keuTd bait& , r it hirwit he paid. krkit Ons tion was:. ° ije* did the little avoundAuirret dig , tut hole Without showing any dirt about , ettiratioer fr 4 • , When they all gave Op, rthe Ilaier *aid: "Mitt you Ste: be began at :fhb, mther end 'of the liole.?" One of 1(1.i*St exelalined;"Out how: 4loca get corer 0.Ahr will the re0,3t, 'that's your quesUnn-ein you onSwer it $cur. • to tajl co*. 9 A