Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 2 (2)IY4 '4; •000-. 4uggiiscr TOPICS'. •Newadays to be up to ,dete retteo got * Mete% alteedi tip to dete • 10, 4 of Me, that% A tailor diee tozzlaitiv..PriOcgood..s•st, least te,:o o three w'oeJAS- Ntore thO'-'4eo ""s'.eleiciet"t'pa,y tate onie° 1+,1.4'2 d* tit V.9 . • -Ott tbo' 114*-04,006,40?'UW • 4I t;a they01100•.0,14 tn 'I', % ! 1'44 ‘..YISAS f70.1,W 0414 ise , :dor Y: 4, 1A41, .10 coat ttioneethilei t144v4) oxen:mon hind and class Of' gOadas o Utta*tder ta *40;11 1ot s ou1001 • and by not 0Velltittra1ng you will ecilize your investrient •more readily and Make latispr profit by Lot having y -Our Money LI up in ithe stock. , ' '-.• ,•• atee-notieo ••, ' bend the they rrrr 14,,•4 41r1 not be any betier. That is absurd en the face of it. . The peopli don't. Ile to Come into your store every day and see the same goods in the 6ame way. Give theta a novelty In a staple line and Lem tacitly , 4.4 14 ittd iimAree4 al 0 04, 1 I *itie 11*$ ' the weied _noel 1:t j not quiekenettexeelit tL dle." ' ' • 'Met 1.1,11 la like the growth of the flower *front ,tho Wed widenWhen It is 'Planted' t to ill intents end purposes ettiad and without tie least settiblanceof Hee but e„.ut 4 4, •e:P?::°.,4• .11141 tf LUbd.1 , Alas; •it i atedh ' t leetile newel; but Physient• el le ftdt In the resureeelioo it. L 0hanged ./And. rl'olsednr visieb°b4ilft‘°aSt'gl°ry 101 4:11:111libeAut4bta Vbther likeness of the body of alts gtory" by the mighty workieg Whereby lie s *Ole to sodue ell things unto. Himself. The meiint of trariellguretterl reminds us of what it &tall bossing' 'countenance stout° nW«ttoo,----Notbr,ngi wo u tm, *tr4ttitF40 to appe41, to, kr let hcilec,e-Thet fear* leetee LS,rot cviod tuLtie • n ilitie4 en rent() ta the gatilen. ei °ad Tim INGEST PAWNSIMP ' I s them's, pet/461454.11nd concerns us most, because it involves the questkm ot Ida. tety and of reoognition. There *re six polissof wards emPialed by the inspired writer in this, mpar- able Fifteenth `Chapter to the Cori Miens - that shoukt be put ...s.theetsmitte4tP4s.4.2- .."4-1174/seelli -112-1`1? /late man is ahead of the tiiTrelims -----tereabeweeivindowiiillied-welle a season,. 'able display long before the rush and a • 'week or two ahead of the other storm lie gets the business when the rush. be- • ginssand lie also hurries the rush, for settle peoptesee-the-sew-artielesenutsvamt, them, also they familiarize themselves ....-ameenetheefir,steeven* dow.sitaniterodemLo_10 ° peas to them and the g&intaut buy ahead efliine to -be quite sure thatssomebodyelegusw--on't eget- it. When the rush is on everybody buys be- cause he has -to. It is the numethet helps c,seale the rush and turn it 13 way that • Makes the money. ' 1 ---,IN.,--0110EttLY-CO=RA First--"Physleal, Spiritual" -the body seilental insehesgreve phySleatror natural body (like seed in the ground). But eontrast "t't is raised, a ;viable' 'Wier perhaps with, qualities and powers like Ludo. th� posteesurreetion body of out Divine Lord, in whieh He oould pass aseeoded to heaven, ..„SeoandleirlateshrensoltarseThis.,,ess -stialtsisastrnmeniateeauser it is sptritua n I. na Iteeleeltrieseerit• In of His nature. Such divine poten- tiaLities eshaiLhave as to render this immortal body immune toetho powera of teriayaand_ death, I& its bleorn and beauty shall be imperishable. Third -"Weakness, Power" -The tutu, raL, mortal body Is also a body of weak- Just because you have_ cue_ pomplele will satisfy your petrons and develop the steady .patron- age. that you dissire; you've got to have a stock , of everythingsbut the size of the stock la optkmal and the beet merchant , usually has the smelleit stock of the ensvest goode. A man hes got to bo up • to date in his business because the world, sretatea every .day. When we get mar- riedeand .settle down in. our own house Wt ' don't want whet mother had. Not n your 'Mel We want ene of these new • tangled cozy chairs and an umbrella . that can be packed in a suit case. -The stew As the universal cry. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. •• ten gime anal I, A14 Such shall be the glory Of the risen Imitate. • •• , Fifth -"Corruption,• Ineorruption"Do for our ,•leadleta t.vhat we Will. SO 4the •Rams oorruption in them conquer and they at lest decay. . But thleseornirdilee,bin. seseleil , ea i on ineerruntionend be no ion aliblectelestbealmWitglitainti4,4.e.„ _ 71Willre-41esleairroldiStsrattersersoorruer. ton n tho grave, so oUr resureeetion •bodice shall see none, and we shall never pow old or feeble or weak, but ehall &wish in eternal youth. *1 ter d• eathr v1toh meat* defeat and 4eep- aration, all the essential elements of this euetierateemortotoetteeeleieiliehtillnreete ger' 'ruPt7"4.:144eittli•UareltiAttlirel_reie '•; t 05 SOX:nt ie *elle r e ,pe booitglet to molt Vide by everting, piiejilit" w when they. Were 'unreel, had the veeli bleeried by the priest.: 11 is catty in bout• ef -greet. dietiveso that tiffs ie, brought, to 'the Meat de Mete, Where tour and S. hall frame ere always leet upon it.• is invariably redeemed. LIKE A DANK. atstfir: 11 be it1flthCNSUrXeCU0ttb0dY we - (never at home with -the Lor are Ms. - "Therefore, bekreett brethren, be 6te4141- fast, tinmotablee always eboentating in the werk of the Lord, for es much as you li-tiaw that yoar labor is pot in vain in Him." S. T. 'WILLIS, LL. D. 11111 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Interesting Gossip About Some ot the World's Prominent People. fler Majesty the Queen hes MeV' taken a great liking for fencing, and is now tak- ing lessons from one of iha bit -known fencing 'nesters in England. The mas- ter in question Wtk3 formerly Instructor to one of the regilnents of Household Cav- alry, and boasts of having trained more first-class, "swordsmen -than etny-othe own in Europe. He discribes Her Majes- ty as being a "born fencer," and as ono who, had she taken up the art earlier in life, 'would have achieved great promi- , tence ea it'. • The German, Crown Prince is not the only scion of Royalty in the Fatherland ,rho is learning a "trade." Three young sem, of -Prince Frederick Leopold of Pru -eta, nephews 'of the Kaiser, have gene to tlie manual labor (raining sehool at Gro..ss-1.4ehterfelde, for the pur- pose of taking a course in tiractkal, varelioni. This is in atoordan.ee with en aticient tradirion of the Hohenzollern _ leouse: The eldeet bov. ,Prinoe Friedrich Karl, Who is seventeen, is learning the lockernities . trade, and his younger brothem. ogod fifteen and thirteen, are being taught caleneloneker's work. Gantra.clor,., bulkier, Millionaire, art 'over, and first lefayor oi Paddington, Sir Ian Aird, who has II* relehrnted- his seventy-fourth birthday, has boa a stren- ectri and not uneventful life. His grand- father was a worliing men who was kilted during the blinding of the Regent's Canahewhile his father held a subordinate pesition in a 1, ndon gas oomnany. Sir _strFt -- lotur,e-front ' I- beginningee-has__ built up 'one of 'the argest anti mot auceese- ' bel coritracting firms in the World. Iter - ' taps -Sir JolinteibiggeritonderlakingeW/16. the dammin of the itei for flve or six years he teid 11,000 men working for Wm on the llatk4, 4f that great riven' and. the huge reservoir 'which he built, *Ming PaOtid.000,000 gallons ot water atanda SS one or lite engineering marvel* of Mel', age Sir John's spare time 1,1,4evoled to thi, colledien ot art tree:lures, and en- tertainir.g hierfriends io a right royal 'matinee. , Nothing has been more touching In eons 114,,aion with the delicate „Iteelfh of the , "Envrer Of Ail the celestes" Wan the *erotical ef the 'Cearina to her husband. 'the pomp end eircuattlanee Of the Title, *ion Court bee made no change itt the • sin*, unalifieeted Peineose AIN -wheel Nietriolas IL Wooed and W011 on the bank% Of the Thames. Ifer tspplee.1 hours are whets she can lay ',Mike her treown and ,rtay with her ebedren, ettiell other mar- rit0 litie, in feetedisa been eperit in homey' iioneitetie dittieS„ er in' studying the ,let 01 the ItuSaian puor. Ste 41_1 read 'all Abe heat works oh the tingtieti' Poor Law. gaid his ,pueed ,hetwielf at ilit head 011ie tvdy charged with the tailionents for Mot Lew Mkt. Her Majoaly can speak irt iholodutliel• and can paint, aketr,b, ▪ and SWIM; As a etitteeentst ehe "foetid totele ' ilitide the Mettinte Of any nevereper4 rive fivin all lear of the tetiors she Isni..4rawn terrible pickax* n't the•ttar,,--drawn 'hkn let * aelenin Areilit *Wit lh POW, 00%04 amatroiattitV, Ill 01111404 liotted , INTERNATIONAL 'LES • 1 IV,• MAY 3. what we know Of him in the' go riarratiee, in the habit of seeking acuities, and, demanding explanations. lie was thus of a critteal turn Of mind, and in the present crisis doeS•not quite see the relation, of whit the Master has been saying to the immediate need, or • te his futellinent of the Nfessienic prom - 1 „,. and the mode up 1 he p1CgeS ere taken from their shelves.- checked, and then placed hi the headquarters wig- gon and driven off. ilere they are ex- amlned, registered and put away upon unie$ 011elvesi or in vast steel vaults, accosting to their size. and valUe. g.11111011.4141P4Y` awn asitoinebiles and thing4 which n� cedift.- .24%.,MILIMtlaMrltal..fsvallmanv:4 oePtitelf. There aro thousard?"4 cedes chestitut roasters,verambulators, and even the furniture of married couplei without children, who may have left • Paris- for a pleasure tour. it is quite the thing, by the way, for • udentesto-letiveeeaseofebooks,..- wpitinest their tools,efor safe-lreeping. In this way not only are the charges of -ij1.4set wriAt.3/14 .oelepcOstor-Aletel Lesson V. Our Ileuvenly !tome. Goldeh 6. No one come% -unto the Father, Tpitt, John II. 2. . •but -by me -Jesus continues. to speak in THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. spiritual,- terms, not eonsenting to be • dawn 'Ate a diecuesion of objective Version.) 7. If ye, had known hie -Their , alaeed en the text of the Revised details. reta- The Way, the Truth, and the Life,.- tion to himself as the feitieei" of the To _rightly appreciate the opening Veto* Father ,Was of Supreme importance, es of this xvooderiul chapter we must remind ourselves of the peculiar de- cumstanees under which the words which it contains "were spoken. Jesus and the eleven diseiples -were still In Rio upper elentiber in which they had partaken of the last Passover meal to- gether, and froni %Wei Judas, the be- trayer, had just (levelled. Thereupon the Master had spoken once morewith Et. Philip -In. John's Gosexe mentioned his disciples of his impending depar- four theme, usually in connection with lure from them. Then it was that Peter Aratrew. lie was like Thomas Irt his declared, in Te9P011Se aneentimetion foreiness- tor ensistinge-ottetlie epteefietiait trout Jesus, that his disciples, would test of personal experience. not be able to follow him this Urne, "Isar& ,why etinnot, 1 ibee now? • 1 will lay down my life ,for thee." Sad- ly no doubts, Jesus eereinded Peter -of 140 awn frailty. and at the same time • foretold his threefold denial. Tho con- versation at this point was such as would' be likely to disturb -the peaoe-Of mind of the diseiples, who' began to have gloomy forebodings eoncerning what, the immediate future might Wive in store for them. Ilenee the ,epeeitil eppropriateness „ of the comforting w rds with which Jesus turns the eeat- v Mien, from the to g parturo • from them, to the 'thought ot their ultimate reunion and the heavens le home 'Mall Je31.1.3 de/elated W03 in store tor them With -the Fathers -The - entire 'chapter, together witb 'the three following chapters (15-17). belongs to Ra same group of farewell discourses • Jesus. Vow, 1, Troubled -The prediction. of fix impending departure of -theft. Mas- k,' from theme togethe.r with the pre- diction of Ilia -betrayal ot the Master by tretrusted eifiiembereede had filled the disciples .With sorrow and amazement • ' Relieve in God -A Miele exhortation g-efeeitte- in Jehovah -en -who ehey hitt always trusted. EelleVe also in mei-The apostleo hake • now, been with Je.sue sufficiently long and "have come to ,know his diviite ehrtv. totter and power suffiekittly Welt to svatrant faith ift )1I111 alSO, 0'011 ifi a Unto of Uncertainty and after he shall • haveleit thetu„ • n. 2. My fialtert3r leeuse-The eternal devaing pla&t of, the infinite Gad. And hcnce an elipreslort whieh *ria bart'. • ly warranted inteoteting in any flo,- 0414, 1101tYkOr Theeeseehtial- Idea et that of the reaenees of Oa. heaVenly Father to 'tilos?. who Share hislove and favor, and consequently his ataing ptate. Marty IninsUMS-",itot neeesSartly 441 relent sphere*. of -fx1stetioe or 'ration% Al44rets ,Or bikeeeeditees, refererg 'primarily tho it4/2010s, of, the ,roort for 441 Christ's tollizra., 'The Word he the original was often used to des. T.g. tte* Statlons an a 1.1111110, gm bavin Itt it tho suggestEcn both Of rest nod, pmgram . *would haw, NM you -An appeal, to !ter tai,th En Itl% (Aoki, and the truth., fulnet% 'his Vitinlous Mkehing3, 4 '0 kllow the wety,----Worets s.1:41;zott ' tet tett iindeestanling of %hat Sem* had a".read,v taligtt theztt trentorn.,- himeelf 4*M"ii,;4 Motion 4•114, Q T CHIEF OF PO I E < LRS itEFOMIED THE can cuwaxiiri, 0u4. ed i ,elci. , 1, Ire;oxfijory:4C:1:714:ii:t1:14e C'' le e 4'4 ' • lateri,,,, fli I 4 0,'*:,t., til te411Y..*:t: t-, abiiut`tOr-wrivi441;i, :10 t . !,c „eie hte, re 4 ttik: ltie efeve 'Rave thilegiee ILO . .e* It0tit‘aaviiineeet leinieteel q ulatit5°W,Iti retePeate lite standing, M hie' comniiinitY, i ite leisitieo with lea onipleyer, , Ile also `00Sew Bait tlie 'claief ,loy of the fateidetied .P141e6ret mprtvloewirtiontil. "EN14/110te0tillinVeti:l'he' 411ZIllet: from experienee that having "been 1111 lie- t4ro was a itiorlal off, ea„ tit the police le ' Wa& fiVe * -otetet ped the wrong way. --- SPIRIT, NOT LETTER. Kohter oUt.) believed that minor laws of the eity might on Otml'aS1011 be broken with no great detriment to the eivie. or- gani.stri. Petty brawls, harmless eases 4of letoxleatiees violation of tint traffic rifinieeSaoil Uie 1ik, ile-a.TTUTrdly reasons ..fof.,*sthLins.eseellee..aittAe4 earned his mea togeth,er and LbSiled an order directing them to be as "kind aiid considerate as possible to unfortunate offenders against the laws and ordinencee when the cases are intidetpeanons only, provided (hey svelessratistledetlea-alle.gedeMenee-wae purposely or maliciously eornttede with a view to inuring the pe.rson property of another." fie and '1h e• nittrelerittees'In Shirseitoritieniso felon orliabitual vohdnr - Kohler ordered his men to warn arid advisethemilenders peieemallyr-prov the offense i'as of a trivial nature; and ut case of a more serious offense, and where the patrolman believed an arrest weold result in more harm than good Cie- complished by warning. he might amain- panystassprisoner to the waif* station -wheiss-thesileutenantstemddspaste.. matter, releasing the olie,nder should las judgment warrant; his action was to be gcverned, however, by rnernor which in part is as follows: - EASY ON BOOZERS. "I would advise that no person be ar- rested on the charge of Intoxicition, un- less it is for the persona own protection or for the proteetion, of another or dis- turbing the peace orjhe quiet of the city. ,Also whenever the person under the in- fluence resides on your' pest or adloinbig the same, take him to his home and re- port the facts. "This ,proeedure is not to apply to any offence of a serious nature, or to per- , sistent rialatorsein which cage the arrest is to be made.Neither Is the'system of giving a tautioher warning to be made an excuse for falling to properly attend te complaints or the proper enforcement of the laws and ordinances, but it 13 140 he used in the spirit defined." Officers and patrolmen were admon- ished to be particularly careful not to form hasty conclusions, and officers In charge of station hoace were • ordered .to keep u complete -record of alt offend- ers, aril in eiteh morning's report to fur- rilsh his captain with the total number of Warnings --Owen and the number of persons released.- VEWS IN UNDERWORLD. Kohler found himself caught up in a whirlwind ed praise and censure.% Even -the-mittistemeif the towntookesidetaand • hayed and lauded the 4hiet ley turn; Most quarters and explained she was too poor.' Ol those who made public expressions. ••is t • • tertiiiialleeepeaiieray is in sit keePing. MUCH JEWELI.ERY. On the ffrit floor are of immense sates pantaitting jewellery, ond many. pieeeee among them worth SiAttOlti For my lady knows, when 'goes eolith to Nice or Mentone or to take the watere of Abe:les-Ileitis, that there- is no rillige of eepingolike-41uo-Goveromeld-Mo de Piete. There are hundreds of thou.sankof watches, and simply miles of gold chums coiled up in cotton wool like hibernating snakes. Storeys °beet contain the wearing ap- parel. of a greet eity; then come Inde- scribably "nisoellaneous" regkins, and highest of all one eornee, upon what the director sadly calls "the regton of sorrow and privation."'" Ilere are „the .mattreakes and bed clothing of the poor, parted With only when -their owners are in desper- ate straits. Alt bedding', by the way, is most carefully disinfected by up-to.dati and eelentille hygienic machinery. before being put away. • ints. C. t - t kit4t iewe'l long tn Per.294tlits'r fashigin4 .r% zo'litle" lieu ii!e 1 1fl). "Itiatee thaw ?o• • liiteleariately headed lielte Lep ed by fashion, • All the new jewele ane earge° and ori-. entail ui design. Braceleas :nay grow until they are two inches. wide. Sontaehe, worked into deaigns, is ot- ter' alli„ed with lace. The one I • ebeiue .bflitt C. • erirdresCtoile . Cameo braetlets are # favored fern' of this year's jewelr,y. Suit poets of the tailor finish ace nearly pill semi -fated: Arbutus Is taking a decidedly Protrtei, meat part, in millinery EinineeiCiel7 end ieee are. playing 9.0,1Writa: 4,..Z7 coves traTilf-Fe-lif he long and tight fitting. • There Is et strong tendeue.y in the new e4.41.3 10 dip in tho bark. Instead icif going up and down, stripes in the new rollers go around. Chinese enibroidery. Lsthe thing to 6,e,t, fo. • •-, - Embruidered striped eollars haveeut - broidered striped bows to match them. Jet = in good Tete for general and trail literhad eonee lo regard him „ MANY _RENEWALS. _ as sueh they could not.he said to really The long vistas of. walls are pigeon - know him. • holed for boxes and bundles. Each. time From heneefoitheents revt'lltlinn• of a. renewal is made 0, new ticket is stithtd the Father and hie iniMite love would „peer ebee old one. Count these tiekots now soon be complete, and their un and you will see how 'tang the article derstanding of the peat purpose of lira eat been there. 1 flowed one with Val lift and 'death would bericeloette also be rickets. There vote another little bundle more nearly perfect. (n which but three francs hatt been lent. and yet it was covered with a masa of tickets of many- hues, bectiese there Is a onkir for each year. . - About. this little biendies by the way, • there beg story. Maize, the director, otticing- the sinalitriess 44 the loan and Rio astonisaing mtrnber \ of renewals, caused a litter to be written to the pied - ger, asking why the butane -had rot been - redeemed. The woman came to head - 4 ,4 1, int 9. Dost Mitt not know me, Philip? - The verb "to know" in this verse, as in verse 7 ohove, is to be taken in the sense of "lo recognize." The direct per, serial addrees of • Jesus to Philip indi- cates the surprise and pain caused by Philip's question. 11. Or. else. believe me for the very works' saks-An appeal to faith on a higher ground being of no avail. :testis reminds them of the Moro material raid (tangible evidenee -01-Ifeeeelevinity and his relation to the Father, 'which the entraelee of his -entire public ad furnished.- --- - 12. Verily, verily -The usual formula et solenth assurance. . Greater wot'lit than these shall he do -referring-to- Tilltade3 • of ziesplritual neture, such as still oceur to.diay ink the transformatkin of character through faith tn. Christ. though -probably also reference to thre ertiricelee of healing and similar, acts perfernied by Rio diseiples in the early- apostolic days. 13.Whatsoever- ye shall ask in my name -The setoritt please isittseriefiethIC nom the first. It velem to- the spiritelt Which prayer. -In ord-Of lee be Teree-tiefee must be offered.-- That spirit is the same which lespis,_ exemplified in hi5 -0W11 prarcr,LI 18. Another' Mit-darter-Or, "adVO, cate"* or. *helper" ; Greek. paraciete. et,iho 'this Comforter ands Advocate is' to be Is indieated the next Seititheo: It lire spirit of truth -Whose Tort it is to interpret ond maintaitithe r truth. , , 21. He that' bath my eornmaniltnenta, and kee-,leth them -Again the 'femur clause, inseparabte from the, first. fliodience „is thre oficrefteiated:WoditiOir , Win ITfese nwspli unto granting ct fuller revelailon his and n tullare understanding Ar)f. the truth 2. ,Itetee son Of scinetime* slatted Thaddietts or 14,bbeetts tocravare Malt.,10; 3: Max* 3 161. .13: 'Make ofir abCat, Mi"ith t1191 Witt Ot ii* batV0 114.0,1*.X114 rether"s dtvellitig plow Oorpnere ,*erae lryd, pct fir pallet verse 91 ts very valuable to you, is it kkoir rivestioned the teaoibility of the Golden Maize tisked curiously. ' The poor women burst into 'tears., "Ali, leteresieur," she solthedi `tit le the only • Ring 1 havo to emend ine of my mother:, -4117tite- -wee -We entucheeven ler eireFrene •gevernment Official. The director promptly gave her back the .bundle and -V pa or mse n in mere eri old dimity petticoat. •4.4' eiVH,tk,',T1 r , • \interPrettlion, of the flguratIve language mplOYed. M. In my ttara6.0iS tiay 10. Not at lb& wollit tlyclit-A,Vitlt an ulterior Waite of selfishnesa.' • ta, Tho,pittwr protitor than r atte 1;4 men:Vino a% rellevitutte*.• one Who still,dwoll% tt),Itt 00 earth. Ift-Otsle'r to thus. Nies**, one.ot - lekt eke* iv **too* of: 11W Vslivr. ftA, 44 OW GOITING Soon anglers veill be out again. - And by the brooklet's shore wilt idly be and fish and then Go home and lie esQine .more. MAMA AAA.. . SAME OLD 110Y. t' Tee man who sigi)., for the by -gone do .1.V -tett a' bareka bb'' -13-4he- obeneeeekl bey Area to Alt "Gee; t wish 1 was -a trianr' An old physician Woo netted% tori=i brusque manner tut asidoned 40*k- :••• lettereileets. .8 Rule as a police, measure, "Slim Jake," of "Chi," and. "Dead Ann." of "York:1 and all the rest of their kind got .the news by under -world wireless, -and. puLting•CAeveland/dounzas `tan -cosy burg," dropped he as fast as through freights would bring 0*ln. Then these r,. eliaorresdre ir.:ttivenews4vertingssouteesttreresessess-seess tinet-terielener-tesseatelisgeweiseelers..--7--7 tSouttich braid makes a part-mi./tarty- " sireautiing on the dresetierwalidnie sleets. in summer alt white Is considered as deep mournMg 'as 4s the hot. and sombre' a II bleek WORIete.ti hats of rotieh Jae -braid are offered in brown, navy blue, burnt ani black. leeektooessofeseektewettr-trarbiric-pends- ants' or serole)rectous stones now are *n favor. A middle-aged i.videW wears the crepe ell in her bsnnet, the young one e:,iften on a round hat. ' • Bordered silks are sure to be extol- sively used ia the no* Wale gowns so much in vow Many hat brims are encircled- by rears of wings „that give the semblance, of a Terry go round. ' The newest. Ot the new soft shodesi which is called peech blossoms, is the exaet shade Of the flower of the fruit. Tailor made linen waists for out ot door sports are made with long or short sleeves and with or without col- s • ot, 'elide's over the heads, with blackjacks and slung shots. -14,611.1er look notice' at ohce and "Slim" and "Dead Anti" and seen- as were not "sent down° for the winter. talked it over on ohthound freights and dee that In some re- spects at letzt Kohler was not a succesS as a Gorden Rule chief. • MEN FOLLOWED IDEA. Ore the whole, Kohler says he is pleased with his Utopian police eystem. He has cue down the number of arrests to a poInt beleivir tteve- -land-tor years.---Thougle hasepuetled ghtIly isomeof the force who- were-ca$t itt ttte scihetne_411 things rather tr.ore. Jars,. •-• The chief' effort01tht,isniakei lust. now is to make her e ett as slender. from Shoulder to skirt as paesible. A pretty effect in a lingette waist is achieeed by a chifu-shaped ruffle, sup- plemented by another ruffile over the sieeves.• , . 1.apis4azull, lade. malachite.- ruhY, crystal. and -coral are among the stones most frequently used for earringa. For mourning patent leather shoes sometimes are Wont- but these of dull -finished kid are in better taste. Napoleonic collars, the upstanding rail in which the i"Little Corporal" buried his determined chin, now \are seen on many coats. •Ivir A dainty 'novelty, 10 neckwear hand embroitered 'strip of mull, edged with blue, to be plaitedi on the, collar and fastened with a fancy 4t1n. A new tailored rig from Paris bas a , skirt of sineke grey, but o'root of white, nearly covered with gray soutacheit has, a waistecoat of black eatin. - Many- of the -newest bats are huge, creations Of Mored or shot metal tis- sue, and the trimming must be welt attred-rt-p t1W----a-owns1rsofterr the, effect. Ilenr:ettft cloths, nun's veiling, Crepe dt, thine, chiffon cloths, dull sales, broadcloths, serges and inciheira aro among the favorite& for mourning 'tab. ries. So necessary have scarfs beteme te every sole of 'costume he ra.ris that teachere of °deportment there are , now giving lessons in the proper manner of carrying them. • Paris Is • unreaSonably Insisting that -umfrarisirorks. -shall- have traines-tha - will-sasesteltsnpoissalsiesitoorsslett den has been slow to -fellow 'thee man - dale.' and _America yeill ignore_ IL s reethode.• A lady ealled him. in to treat her baby. Who was slightly idlieg, The 'dear prestribed castor oil. "Heti do - tor' paolested the _rung _mother,. *testae , 7 • (A is Such ,an, 61' otaahloned, remedy. °Modern:" replied the. doetor, *babies are ofd.leslikautd things." • , A Xi.' who nev pocket, orney solve 14:4 n tsiichokts. nrowz, Oder Mrs. George VeMettilt. tittle Johnny, Who ft now *even Vet* 15 heir to $10,;0(4.04. *M the Aisne be 1N-. twenty will be worth *Witt+ $30,000,900. ,lle has, throe peittlel 11.. dente% owl* yacht, -and *ben travel, bt'is,acoottipttiled )ay vt special phisidm 4,troz,c‘ *Valet, tWo helditednt Mx Mates; fitervaritc- SOMA' 11..13`t , tidiest baby America, . bow he bby boiy lately born to Mr;, Vandtt'Ult* bPotitottl! .1:11)04i0t1c. mertbor000, *!ilould retard ,spelt *r* top settiott, with * 0ontemotoeus,anlif; for 00, ibets firOWles baby by OeMe fOu. Vie Vanderbilt.lotingiter *tat*. fortune of $60.0ROMei, lila Mother being * 141Aa Virginia, Fair, gotob0 $10,000,4300-ot bet,' own at her Mittlistaa roam .10 AM to ber-buaband'i tiorturie onya: 4040. lb* tieheid. be)* 4* the. lainead, 1gnOrtit&,„ 1%,/tin**11-Vietil,,gmt emit*, reer414 ,mittionitiest,*hal*, rand a a the men live, ,geeteettl, liv to ithe idea, Petty family (tilde have been Wetted up; boy gunge, full ot chief rather than 'have been showriAlte-eroroftlitir iveysrand Avant ,deting. toot have best guided home, ltr. too of to !the station bottle.11 th - /kite wooktrather P,'rttn, Odin ,in," it has not 44iraed, to say SO. ***** AconsAA.4.40.1‘ .4.144.A.14,01 ,p`,PAIMAISNIT$r. <Wen sitlextutdr0 private apartnierits' in 'BUtkiristbain Patre are itif Style bte fitting her ***lied rank: The *Maras, obtli*4 Is an lmmenae reeitm.in'tifitheoenitlittlig ,One 4side itentItt the bedsteitd.-a mentor :be *mar ot ettt,v41.v., touttutindopturty.t, sitcuit,slablorktsixdan At *11 round. Cittlein% are rei. " entirely letteetaree itt Rio roput *100, *Oa loge 4, 11,'*4V11:4401.4"tobSbeltritlituity itkottit* riot loot On on ‘t bed behito ,ariother room toheo4 Oti the oppoine bother are the beillt. 1 tted lip with mob*, lier, and the botAtir, 44000., , atitieie A , - • q. now is used to edge the skirt. It is iut in o arabesques; ° with a finish bt soutalte. end ttitit a further onaanientation \Of fitaittess embroidery - ,te toutid on tha t----fregile---of-ttet frock's, Maid' Vaffets-14 are smart. The Mg. ttoel:s are most used. km the stiespherits plaid. and the btoeta effeet SONIt 1:6 .11ave more ;titan The neWeidea is to elit e0e. silt see that. ,• 'there., he * front and ili4J,•on the bias. The son Of rieleaVaYelietrit tnialtge by bittl, but by no AaVage Inhis merinos.' fle * tighly riiitizM Ulu, eptaking tly4 w,(,*rinit ttirepten . ot011teat tat * tp*Itsioft 14t playing ithe 'end illatetting to the gramo bane. TO hf. peels Jiirntulil is Cleat hospit- .b1indlieettereittie 11° you peld hint * leitkyOtt,IVOuld find * etwatiat brick build. itig act *pert tot you,vsnct *it go speekttig, ow* valet ‘toll at to looIC atter you; The valet ateep6 at ue dorit at night -Ail ani eilgt,t P,`,4 carol Sot. At night str On have I *lit& 0,060000.4, Ute itutat, dor, ef 11,,h. pley to you oei tott Magktyo*I0G.TM 11,s hie home*, * Ile leaflet 01-w4sala Jet wile MOW' fsq 4144, Itte„*'...‘.111C•o..„ .1\ St -re • 4,400444