Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-23, Page 7 (2)),ICURRUNT 'Mr) „ ‘I'etelleiOn, teroUglit feri, c ;Otte() (et: reetediiees ocile I C5.i kc Oti:C fa `plangent ditea. ui Engkold, !rho diepatauts' hatiet s4 4 ilita two eaiglopei One Mat uP !ref theifienelleilteee project n:;: ti,(' ititheir , t1.10' • • • . xn,f):ner-.41. t.katte...1)??.;49pnV,' )1' e• ti , , I a I eta '11144• e elt . nes in the'llieatre priori but they re to be wetcomed rather thine the peo-- babtiaties inioleed " in, tele mealtime* 4 _ dezen ortistic enediecritie.s fa hot cal- eulated untoese the puree strings let the, judicious. :Competitive designing; • idotA net mince the best results horn -the arilist. The bathos et a huge, ()est - Pretentious, antlanediocre maritime* , teethe- geetit -testlietie egerfaireeteuarerace- is slot to be faced with equanimity. It would merit tbet eursos et hie shade and iirojeameeasieeneseamalaseia. ito pass lineetisingly under the vast she -- dew of our• banality. Shake,speare needs Tit: giant menxtrial. But If wo, of the twentteih century would honer ottreelvese -in honoring him let us roake-sure‘ihat our act ot honor be worthy efi 'mere_ The biggest satoolikeepor and liquor beteaczareeleithee in I -191-11-11-tre loons in his' vast domain, andeethus 'ICIN11.9 the biggest trust on earth with ornpetttrcLn_totally barred, with_ profits increasing enormously every year. The freat Whits eziarai-gernaecoecteirt eneour aged drink to .euch a degree last year , that the income derived from the stile of 'vodka. exceeded $390,000,000. Every pear the Burs:elan peasents and work- men are seed to get drunker, dirtier, - more nifserable, and mos* brutal. The imperial grog shop are small and un - Cease with a counter. at one end and voritts ef botties of various sizes all around the walls boom floor to, ceiling. The. people are not eilowed to drink on the premises, so they go to the door, slept brealp eft the neck of their bete tie end after swaleowing their centents, • Iling it into the street. The'bottle lsolds •about O. wine glassful -of the illperial drug and ocists 5 COILS. The daily wage of cameo •in the fields is from 10 5 cents., Tchelyseff is a _member iol, the thireisluma who ded-lare eil drink kills Massie and that neither a constitution nor a revolution ate so much tie as temperance. He says 0 /lumen bUdget is made up make him Icing seemed to have arrived. ede; ire t *. r ,Atat(p.,:k tv44:6frOM`•1!4.114t1/1.61iVec 61110,11,,CQUA'' nnd‘11:1141-1 44 ISattsitett°' Ito "tiVat ,worde et thanksgiving an 'Praise thee? wero obout to- depart. ho had gather aroured tlio"Ittaster to ad. 11 Quo „ Itl; ,• :•0 7001411 ....1t,46%4* 1.4 th* essliti;ren4i-t1 I. Odor •Igaleei Maar band. What dees Christ say eilXitit thou.? ' Wo ore all made in toe image 0 ' dene. A few words'conveyed thsde: sire to them; -"(,ether up tle fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." In theta is found one Of th enost WINE; °US and oeinforting fleoughis of the divine revelation. In the economy of` God netheag fe wasted: Christ. do- leen tha s!e 3i 'ay lAta! Etexleatilc a' matt at ittart tides„ Ute eartear2, One, Toit/frp later to, Flq-0,h(F4. ,a)egia, Itcet c ritc 2CQOP of tio real4-10dt1It everw it !tits Uwe e5.4;(iinafrn n fttnirnt of -the cria,ef SiSet,gd alsetly laaatert frotn.tAt5 Selleeto eatfY t tS,C147,111C11114:5-0131, tlteOcui; Piet elect pura-assf„ of S7;•lit OCAV11 ai;V11-10.1Plig "rezlinol. a'APPerently .1110, others had Itat rlieeze: ti\qn the„table,,toa1/41ita esns' ••se.•,:k1.?ilat.' lee; ter., ye , ',J5IL.,`,i'•,)iMfr,c:/t11)(0.4,0 14 k., ktlx43 AnA,t ' , •-•!. ' "IP '•3-‘4$ eCteltie Metre ereate lie.no reeetaneeristundieg bee net of liumbiee tervieiati • -AileijileieleemereeereitiWiliefetsieTtfeSie -weirder the dope meanitig ef is 'that diseiples et itehrist are mall wilily and LOUT .t.4-.01),aSellicatt L9beak rvelateoltien..--r • • 4,rtation might ‘well have'a more literal inettoing also. hardly so, howeler, for Ch114.51,1Ajansn ex,"arnapYle-. tideh lay not so tench ire the le,om o the eeryi. as in U e spirit whicliliad prompted it. 3Ceus taught both by. peet.ept and by personal -4-:;a3uParahlelers ax the nrrext-'t illimistrious ex- amples, of tJaa latter the- incident of Washing the diseepites• 1 t eta perhaps be Master Teacher of an ages both methods were eminently and perhaps equally effective. 16., A servitoteasigotegreateiratiatiteh -t4IW. declaration -which -tad - e *wady- been made to them b foree at itheabeginiting-otstbeereirpostri -work-, H reeeneled in Mall, 10. 24, an peva- - lei paissages. »tek, "an apostle." r Thle The litemi Englist enlvenLia-litrY Ow that Le se-GrZ teeed Itt a 6iightly different sense. 18. 1 know -Jesus) desires to have 210 room for doubt as la _Las prevision le betrayal, o hieh it is ovate) tiale that the disciplee shall not regard, when it earnes--to-fiteSS.-eS,A defeat of his- plans. Ile that tateth my bread -Or, "he that eateth his bread with me' -a ocinurion pledge .of friendship. we grow' la aseeing eye 01 the Pettier! If we could. SOO with. I -lig -pow- er of vision, With what horror we IgNould 6hrink from " THEMUGS PllitSENTED• what disgust iwould fill our souls! Yet .p,tieed *int rejeettett-,0L-oineit,--AinewAht. C-044-4'; et •-•thostra-- futility and follY human oottempt. fragmenti. Christ'a prayer, Christ's Ile knew the worth of the thing -for belie, was that none a them InIght bP which nobody cares, lost. Thentiveszirnage may ,ILdistorted and There is some ot divine in every human being. leten cannot, see it, but God e -an. Ile woold fain have netherig lc,st, and nothing will be lost unless it Isiithei legiebia of bensive,--anclusivo---prayereeenaya oom, mend of Christ? it is the old lessen o "skit4rneett9nogoQf otQuititnf°eIllhoeevvs*,441ofgetareit-ling e e"to discoeer the good In humanity rattle initaibetl:eutat The fragments, in the eyes of the setis. lied multitude, in the eyes even of Alio chosen few, were worth nothing. They Nyktro Jae-athrown--asideo --obandenea, 'madden- under foot of men. BritCliriSt .kriew that they feed,„eeine hun, soUTW1i had not enjoyed the ad- vantages of the five thousand in being In *Ouse terra With Him. He knew their use. Tho materiel providenee in ___4141-41104.4KfltgioMee-lheittiatat.pra„ much -more clothe you, 0 y of little the, grass (4. the field . shri lie not faithr Mere Is a -wretched women of the town, painted, tawdry, brazen:" here is AL. peer, groluid down; StientAlaill.nouo, ltThTh lere' is a siekly, ignorant. Warg OWW4.'t i‘..kg lieu. It, is a I issein ea brotherhood he ite, active sense. It says to us, ".ludge not." • "Gather -up the fragments." Ah, tee reader, are you not, after all, poly a ixagment youroelf for Oral's olhering? -CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY. THE SUNDAY MOE INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APIUL 21. Leivsecn IV. Jessie Tenches Golden Testi Sohn THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. (Based on the text of thoi Revised "Versien.) • 'King and Servant.-After'spending the Sabbath at Bethany and at its close. attending an eVening, feast in his boa- • cf; Jesus proceeded early next morn- • ing on his jeurne toward Jerusakm, oompeny with ti diseipleS and other /eatel pilgrims. A rumor had already • reached the eity that he was coming, and an eager, ' enthusiastic multitude 'hastened out, along the highway to meet. him. Now at- last their opportunity to of poison. •• And Jesus, did riot this time repel their enthusiastic acclaim, bal, rather planned ,deliberately to augment the dignity end triumph Of hls • entry into the ,capital Oty. His time has at last fully tome. He accepts the royal homage tendered him by • tho Populace, nor once forbids their _cry _ "Holeanna to the Son , of leavidf' , A, king he enters the city, , emdecold. It Is harmless- end its neilliketifuntLaa-king inusLthoherarby-o1-tho CURES. Onien" Symp.-Take one large &two, ler three- small onions, slice them in a "dish, cover with sugar and let stand hour. This forms ,s-yrup which- is excellent eof_eetildren with bad cou h . ation -at -last ateeept-or -reject -WM.-11i , Egg Skin Good for Eyes. -The Hnthereforo, le the \prophecy fulfilled: • taken out of an egg shell is a simple but "0 daughter of Jeruselem: bebold,ethy good remedy for sore eyes. Just put on king -cometh mite thee; he is just, and IOP of lid told bandage over it and you having ealvation; lowly, and riding up - wilt he suiprised how awn theastvel- on an ass,- even the f o n til • an ie f • o ' ling will go down and the p jj &se'', (Zech. 9 0). M chaPters 11-17 of I: Wee) the eye. 'enervative 6.1% reek fd&I patting` Nee Woun.(y.1f .ey• psy on4 knew of words- of instruction and counsel na. tale remeey,. ___theie.mAi.anidenoa ,te_*e_ao.meany dressed by Jesus to his disciples on the • erescs leckjaw. 'memo the Wound' eve of his passion. Much still remain - well with warm water to remove elt par; el- 10 be 8* to th°s° men' who in Rio tides of (ere Then take the yolk of an tear futurei were to carry on in his egg, mix thieli with salt, spretid oho. stead tile voork of establishing arid half the mixture on a oteee of aJan building teii his kingdom .upon eorth. ten c twelve hours. -Then apoy the end that is that the attention and ek.thl.apply to the wonlie, leave on for must choose the most irriportant.r • rest f the rnieture. In neeirly every thought of , his disciplies be centered -Case "the wolind mill be well in twenty. cne-e •more 11144)a hirns4lti lour hours. that be the opproaching hour of When a person is badly barna nil- their • gore disappointment, when the • minister a dose of two tablespoonfuls iirgering hopes of an earthjy kingdoire if tweedy at awe. wrap up the wounde were to be shattered. they might stift lint eeneee In olive 'oil and lime. cherish_ theementoriti Ung' wetter on etual perm %vie/fp alliting for to him by faith u4fl the dew% of East - elector to (arrive., g is very neca- r 'morning walla brrng a hew anJ eery to administer stiermlants to the per. eileriotis nwssage of hope, and a larger rein who has been burnt. arid this Should ittP done witheas little delay as po.ssible. Sufferers from asthma have, ifound real tenet from the use et saltpetre pepers. ittake' a ,sting e4lution of salt- , teem ond vvatkaa setik bletting paper jp ---iLfind Wren, it to dry. Viten thiSmest •41istressing affectien come* or hike et irieee of are paper ,eteut three inches reilare, !Nee, on a plate, and ignite it. :fee fumes given eft offer() great relief te the sufferer. . • , PERTINENT QUERY. clieee.'' said ,the rdinn with the fringe •irr . the !colleen' of his Imagers, "I have eetowed the rneen ter. yeane." 'XOeireepeet et ,yeiur ever catielling lir them, is rale?" queried the e Passover feast, which on ate day of crucitlxion was still to be eaten. Mat- thew, Mark, and Luke, however, all -speak of this Meal, for which due and special preparatien. had been made; as the- regular , 'assayer feast (compare Passover Matt. 20. • 17-. a ; Mark 44. 1211,26; Luke 22 7-30). • Per laps the key to a eorree understanding of .theso apparently di,- vergentestatements is to be found in Me werels of 'testis, .recerded, by Luke: "1 have desired , to at this axissaver with you before I suffer: for I say tone you, I shall not oat It, until It be -fulfilled in the kingdom of God" (Luke 22.15,10) -the regular Passover being Urns aiati cipated by one dey, Since ;43sus knew "that on the morrotti he must suffer and die. The devil having already put into the heart of Judas -This fact is here Intro, diteed try -ex -Wain the subsequent -refer- -en& to the betrayer. It also ser eee as a backgroiind for a further reference to -our Lord's magrienimity and love. • Betray him-Or,eueletiver hhn up." 3. -From God . . -. unto God- —Rolle 'phrases are emphatic from their post - tion in the sentence: --e-ourses-otstheamealain-oreteratisetta eferevierethlinetaisitton by 1 -is exafiaple o humble and humiliating service. • Layeth aside his garments -The loose otiWr mantle, together with the girdle, beth of which would' be in the way in performing_ an act of terviee such as -followed.- .5. Tiegan to ti,;aSh the disciples' feet - Thus pertaining for them- . t menial eervlee oti_aasheeteea__Thera_oon misuaderstanding the intended mean- ing of thee net on the part of Jesus, in view of the foolish oantreversy in which they had just been- engeged. • 0. Cometh to Sinion-Poter-Aggerently In ilegul r eiotirse, several of the dis- act of Jesus. eiples having alreedy submitted to the Dost thou wash my feet? -4n •(he ori- ginal the pronoun, stand itogethe're hie sharp contrtest. The remonstrenee is eaaraateristio of Peter's !melt -lisle* and outspoken, thottgif' loyal Ind (leveret. *---- 7. What r do- thettlatoweAttin&-lignin Rio pereonal pronouns are emphatic, in. --drenting a contras . Petees •ta1s4.! bu- ‘ision of , the" faster's misele on upon utility had brought With it Imeainseletts 'earth. In our lessen passage it Is his ,presumption. Jese ,rerninds him that example of seltiohnegation and service his knowledge, is a disciple, Vt his that he -would. have thein oonsider. as, ;Masters plans its too incomplete to war. in subsequent parts of the conversation rant his passing upon the consistency -which folfews itilifiediatei 'upon the or ineonsisteney or the:, pr6enealet..• • &el& here narrated 11 le to lifinielt Titou shaltatinerstond bereaiter-TW ea "the way, -tho truth, the life," and tim, simincome bt thb Niter's al ethe tee "the true' vine.; Mot he Colts alien- example became! evidein to the dis-aples teen. i later. Peke ae well as the 4therneed- 4. Risen' from the.supper-Before the meal was completed, as is ',dor from verses 12 25, and \26 below. P,erliaP-5 the disagreement among. the disciples concerning which of them sheraid be "accounted to be greatest" (Luke 22. 24, prompted Jesus to interrupt the •Theee are ceveral dilf4Int trands ef tkve. The leve of c cannibal for hisf. tcw, ntln ts one kinti. OteCil drz,tcys loon c*n. inaprovtoleti aaeasse • ye'41 het 1'4 eta*. , Nr*C7S0 L New before the fep.st-Of the i assetier-That is, betere the, regularly appointee' day oP lime tor the feast. Jesus knowing -Since, ,or because, he !Anew. i rlig both' W09 oon0----U1ltil. wlrieli lime althe plots against his life en thei part of iiiii enemies heel necess-arily been futile. . Ilis eavne-Those 'ho bad becerne such by elLfgle0 through \Olth in Mtn., The fspres.sisri nut he %ken togelheti with the phrase, that WO* in tlie weeid. Tle. ing in the evoittd they were., noverihe. tas, ro longer Nit' the world,* Int toMbers ef the kingdom of tleavat,' of Ilich he, their ,Master, was liIng.. Unto the icud-Ntargin, "the ,nttet.. :Era" e. 1)nrIng suppo-rocm San 1. 0. larrA 1$. e81, 11 seeml. Wiltb.ut thnt I lend boil, ,.‘kurth akirtgoUst rfi.SIKS spetitIt'aNy , 'I id4Ingatslt th1Ou ppet, twin !* *1010 4 icd this lessen, of humility. • - 8. No, pall With me.A 'word of sektiTti: warning to Peter, 'the import of whic/s be is not slow to gr4v. ' ii. Not (my feet oply---Peter is as bra- „petai„ve ItZwf in the” ono directicri as tte was, previously in the ether:. The subtle play on the word "wash"' Which , lear14, 1441, used in a .twtroid• mcatalog. hed' &10 p,pto gbell a fleeel ef light up...410 Tho deeper significanee4 el what ifat.;.."Sfas-'! ier w1i4 deina. 1 Al tip the!, Is battled nisei:tett net "gave tiV wash, tes •teiet-Jes03 '43 now nicating lin figurative taneerage. The eerie* of, Vs la`ords teems to be: ,t'llo that fe tit. ination arid teniplatiOn frtre witWat. ready qnrmadered', to la' ,, w; 111? -.63 art, gneedeth Vat to miard a' atrist ecntaq.-tr. that be romarxi ta tit ft, cknn troZ' v,41411,," • ,, ,• 1 • And p) Aro eTtan-.A rit'arat,!iptr.st tAn.1 eneram • telute., t/t,.‘ 11 tzItt..7(:4WIY. 4. Iik.l'ilikitpXelt. • 1!; IN MERRY OLD INLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BILILI. • AND JUS PEOPLE. * See Occurrences In the Land* That Deigns Supreme in the Commercial • Wor14, During a run w;th the East Kent the Dover streets and killed in a Hunt the fox was chased through ine at Oarq,-11- Tdeieoss itinarates -to- the -Woolwich txmough colincil en empty houses and "irrecoverables" is esjimated at up- wards of $50,000. A Well-dressed man of thirty was found shot on Hampstead Heath. In .ble cigarette case was a card bearing Rio name of C. II. Hibbert. A man who has not been identified dropped dead at the corner of latter - ,sea Park road andQueens road while oPParentiy waiting for a tramcar. A man named Jack Price of Ponty- pridd, fell 300 feet from the Clifton Ficcks Carleton and was afterwards pick- eup alive, though terriblyainjured. ing cards at Tamworth, a uarrel arose over flvepenee, and a man named Al- fred Faulkner received a fatal kick. " George Wells, a Crimean and Indian Mutiny veteran, who recently -Sold boote 'faces and nitalehese was buried with inliteary -honours at eSouthehurch, Es, ex. • ill was piing home .to eteal come in1iveae--forke-andespoorealeregetemarried with," said a num, who at West Lon- don wa.s committed for trial on -a charge of -burglary. , Sick loom influenza, Walter Swain, * barman of Battersea, left his bed to get'es locket containing a Mature of his sweetheart, and suffered ft, fatal re- lapse. A Charterhouse schoolboy who "stole ,eix $250 butterflies from the school iniestum for his owea collection has boon expelled and the lost treasures. reaternd. '1 -beg -Yeur. pardon, -air,- but -1-Inive eta my threat; said: a, toad -.sweeper -ori entering Acton Police Station. TVS Was reminded, charged with attempted tuicide. Mr. 1,30yd-George stated in the Bri- tish, House of Comons that the number of ,foreign sailors in. lindish ships had increased from 31,000 in 1891 to 38,000 "ni 1901a In the last :twelve inenths den Gas X.Ight end (74kee'Coniparly teat's] is naming of pennteg,- weigh log 1.336 tona, from their penny-in-the- elot gas meters,. The 16104 -term air hooligantelet in Leede 15 throwing spirit varnish upon ladieS' dresses, tifida latlinher fit ilttSca. 'heve recently been reported to have tae hen Plaiie In goodeeless, thoroughfares. in merttory of his late wife, Mr. A. Lillie Wright, a flutterley 11311,, Der. byshire. has offered to build and equip ,ward for children in thcs Dertollit,e Royal Irdirmary at a Np't pOwetien earet100 and MAO. „ KiA,o'e Lynn inVistrates ha vO rfer. red '‘ifive more ilicanace _ler compensiee lien. tnd tvhert th? formalities ere cent - :etre), tee fe'sver ittan twenlyethree i. et -DSO Win IMO in .estingtfisbed itt Vivoyearq,„ cn • the tailaay line att Waiidcavertli Cornateri Statieri, M11. 11, Srnithant,.kt St lainea Uandsv/v_4111 fkv.raon, !aid lict • the r3;14 and Was tilled by a trlin. t«-Nde, dnring .14thiritory .frionilaiwas• verd:tt IN AR -AWAY 6,REENL. N r SIMMERS PLEASANT AND Vit :WV SO itAlf), Wisite 1,:t -ave an 'Writes 'mat • , 4.4 rititourete .fli;:f;te.niteir4 ttk'01: ",„ !;- 4„ ' ifOrifOW: 4Ottis'4,• 11* :00,011v, -4 'ltrt .P-i.e)" tilkvi), &Arty ettitIkle4ileaeureS ,the 11400 'elaildren:,..are,: happy and readfa and the, native.s are eirriple„ jollY esaeteabiriaasee'oaawawtiaaseaaaaoeeeesv,, Tia) Walter says that 'life is not irlo some,. though the eoast bleak and the winter :in v, are 'deep. She lives AritoctoOtlifiAPeeett.lei - 4 ,;:‹):.;.:11:(4,cr:7:41i110.034,;r:1:,t4:1',9:4:::Yh:;ei:,:z7:.‘tto.ti:"t.440;tzli.vw4:„.1:,::),14:41;!5,417161:eifttlit':',:rg::,4,A4:17:411; c riVO , k '11140 ia' 'iiiit0; ',ow ptsitkfs 41 J4l. -t 1 , 47:' not, :.i.' iy,.61°-..s:'e,t111:46;:,:ili,',,,o,,,I,:fs4(.;:st:iii3r,,i , ' ',t, et *.e , Ladd t ma,,,,,, ,,, ea , Ilk le'iakNi rig ,lec:11t0 .11.ie' , 7),V1(11010rer•-itlfaAleeeriiiteilit-t ifeig I r 4-AVatter,1411g" IiiiiC*ItUli 1 'kir whet) She went out to join her friend.% . and. have a pleasant time in jumping thero t, she had but to say. "Ciurtie . 9 -• t .,,•__ lie hille or in the gardens. wieuld. sit by the door until she caree. '1y, liarden," she rites, "from -the Do you wooder that Mary Louise and eiises. A broad walk el ides it into two world? / Mend point of, vie , iiS a great sue- Toby were the best trier) in all the parts. On one side beets, radishes, A.d one day somealin happened ieribbages, and some oilier vegetables •ohi It !nude all the people in the neigh - grow lusely. 'end mature even in beurood tulle Mary Louise had 0. little .444.1g 441,101a SUMMED, - -1141,Y,--iten-,IC 170„S-4.Ntargaer*„ _ '' 1-. "On the other As a ' beaatiful grass ik, and wbo did not 'mew how 1,6 plot, iserinitied eith glandellons end but She could stand up by a chair. . daisie.s, , and in a.eorner Ls a little bon One morning, as she ,etoed bottling on Me wine ber• be4la hands.Tob afraid, baby, for I will protect yeu." DOI face, pest as if he sad, iiDo not Jae 1 pean 1 •wers an s sri whWiT10 fectiorr. Near the entrance are garden chairs. and a little table, and often, in 'eatteelloonesell the-sie thee-oolonyeesitehereesevithatheirea enjoying their tett and the bollipeete t" idin, -just as it undefeteedieelief- atoseseaniseoinoneeeerio mooch.. eheiiihoesehe_ wanted to oeily. Then Toby began le v.aik slowly away -, from the etuair, and little Marguerite tookher first- step, then • another, arid another; and alt' .the lime To kept his eyes on ilaer little feet. ihinegedwireao.ereheeeouldeatiotafallia----, tic -wait - • 11."43111 and saw it. and clapped her hands Tereeleitigliti wet , , mainat_ papa -grandma. granitpa-aall of you tome here! Toby isateaehing the -baby w to wallir The papa and mama and granama and, grandpa curie running into the___ romoi 'But Toby did not condeseend to take notice of them, but walked along very skralywatering the baby's step& as Oka walked along zt his side with her arm over his neck. Atter they had walked across the room the baby set down on the floor, and Toby stood gazing at her and wagging his (alt, ns Touch as to say, "If you are tired, dear little Marguerite, we willreet a while, and hen you, are ready I will give you another lesson in walking." And so in the afternoon' the baba took another Venni, with Toby, and the next (ley she walked round the room' and Now do you not think Toby vilas a 'th. dey after she wined alone. geotteleacher? . And would it not .be fun. ny if Toby should advertise to give Its - Soils in walking, and send his -card to ail the babies of his acquaintance? - Perhaps he would sign hes mune -Pro- fessor Toby, and I do not believe his pricesewonid -be Tery-high,--beicause he is so fond of babies. I am sure they would be quite moderate. Do you think a bone a lesson too niMehe I ran sure It would be, a good way to pay him -- Youth's Compation. , home provides," , The Danish -mothers and their chil- dren are oftenon iln eurnme.r. eiien days climbing 1h4 bills be.hin the sea entieeturitmeit etheirestietra _tabor .-e---ayleale----ereiver- basket of fresh baked _calie_ere enrried by young Esquimaux. In SUCtilei place.s, protected from the wind, the picnic) Iarty elljOrS the &rams view ,oi Me blue sea, and the entertainment L9 vil,ed by visits from the village (oat, im rted from Europe generatiorie ago and thriving in their new home. The single street of Godthaab is lined' with houses and bears the name of Lange Linte, in Memory, of the famous promenade of ihat name in Copenhag- en. It is a noisy street in summate for it is the centre of thei happy out of door life of the people and the playground el the children, _both Greenlanders -and European. The little folks recognize no racial distinction. They are nil playmates to- getheri end in feet., there is a -large Ennopean admixture inall the Esqui- tuaux, old and young. • . "Sometimes." the narrative continues/ we bear a ',leyents shent, "THE POST, THE POSTE' and in an instant tne whole colony. is Out of doors. "We see a boat corning up the tin) propelled by ihe paddle Of eine of tht Esquimaux whose Imisiness is tostravel from one -settlement Id another with the mail. The Esquimanx are just as inter- ested as we are, for, all can read and write and are eager for news from tbeir friends in the other' colonies. Only a few old women standing in their (14:Jars dr sitting on the flat roofs have no part iii the general excitement. _ * . • "But the stir and bustle are grealest if an oar is fixed- upright like a mast ie the boat. This means that the boat Ls from,one of the southernisettlements, where a vessel from Denmark has arriv- ed, and the Fesquimaux pestmen are trusted with letters from our dear ones in the home landi_e_e_WgVele15 iune adiag -par of he and - will net arrive for several deers. The V- erna of the colony - Opens the etog and its contents are for days the chief topic of conversation." A different aspect Godthaab wears in the winter Menthe. Even in 'Sopth Greenland there is it -long -period when the moon and stars are. the only ilium- inatien • and there , its 1'4;1. ono_ugh_ot their- ligrif to Make tho settlement look diMly ghostlike, nearly buried, as ft is. in the deep snow, • Some of the Esquitnaux give all their time to shovelling the snow •atit ot Lange Link. so that there may be one plc e of promenade between the dwel ' lin , -the school house, ' the • kirk, the stet and the meat houses where r3UP- plies of frozenflesh and birds are kept. The path is wide and walled In on tither side., by snow plies. But even in this gloomy • season the- white we- ostraerapped in furs, have their walks -614: TI-PietplEilreije ..'1-..S Zi7.4.4"40' IN Tilt AIR, i and in fine weather the ivornen njoy a scramble among the frazen .hills and Vtilleyst• and if fresh enow lies ,deep and soft they wear arrowshees.' .11 ,Is a busy time for the ESquirriaux, for Abele main busineSs is to look out tor tGlirp%t:larnittlet *4111,0;14buentnet hrelfert* fols'rgienfc Weillo Mut elettli,' • • :' , ereaunnner they ea' ivy .witifies-in thaw beats aleng the coal, and in winter dig paths ter .INIR through The snow The vcastal teeters are not 'aiways 110 Ur over,in winler, and the boats striito Vino maw their way ottng the ,borkos Oirrying trezen,hprea 0 birds tit other -needed' aupplits froth 'one ffest to an- other. , The horiaee elf the, white* ore wartaly built el woe() and stone,with come- elteus rooms arid an air of genuine cent. reit The winter inonthe C1,4*$ quieletie. (or they are filled witli iltitY.end avail soolal'interourse, Iwti!ehYlA alinesi in. visriably pleasant, 1 ,between the whZte fatnitieg and lire native* arnong whom they Lim Some tmaten wtoldi etop to 'rob witch they have coinettling n 1510%* tkaittg. inslarance tta. 4,0 the potZty 414wtotst.41lt. matior robi multiply the .7....-....e....—. .TRKINfkG TIIE APPETITE. • ' the queition -is often asked, "Should eandren bo compelled to eat food that they dislikee'"I'lle question is rather a puzzling one, and there may be as many views open it as there fag upon most " educational queries. A few deeades ago ' Ile&---qoeretatiosiwaixarrili lilie.-----aZiisaa. saying wee handed on from go , eration - to generation. that "children sh iuhl be made to eat xvhat was set before them," 013(1 '(hat was all there was 1.0 it. - The-viriter stilt -walla the loathing dise Nate with Which, some three Bine* a, week' ell through his extrente' youth, lie • wate'ffeer The 'bring MI bi a 'certain -nate - fa' dumpling and gravy dish at the isehoolemiddey-dinner. le -was- the-aver.- eiOn• of lits youth, end 'It vimuid never hew been' "downed" had it not been for the fact that be feared his master more than be(11(1his qualms. Ilutout of evil may -come forth good, and hones- ty compete him. to confess that the re- sult of this ever-reneweal. battle between_ heelastes and his dumpling is thee with Ib.' exception of .parsnips, he iicincaniatnowo tie, anything eatable with resig II not enjoyment. , One would have to turn to_ a nursery governed by an exaggerated form of usl4 e,oheeiesion .to obtainethe ecnipan. km picture to this one, but undinibliry " i lane, sue' meries-are to be_found.a__ _ Here one may discover as many lites • and dislikes as there are young people ;0 form them. Mary connote bear toot! km. and a speeial d h Must he prepare el" tor her on ehop 'day. leak deirsta soup,' and 1otly- alt uncanny Awen. With -century Bobby -Will net fetich jam. tt is imiloselble tee -help a, certain Wilkie- preetieo- lit 4,01-Se_like this; and.. Where ing VA' $010 of Ill 'good ottl-teeglikeited - Rio kind .61 ,lOod 41r/eritnitta1ed against is a reap ticeecary One in the &Atty., • as inillc, for,exatriplecathe child stientet ' ' Lc made, in the eld-fashiened p11rase,10. 'alsrillidtetn° iiiwVotilave flitid; In the' reatte'r et food aliould never lie allow44 to teuch '- feed belve'xp Metilectut shoutd etway4 \ 0 to tile table hungry.' Their hkes and (11,5104,3 cald nevee, t,' diecireed Le, tore them. Walt , ploity Of water tO drink between teepee* a goed lei:either ti,t,nOr to carry to the.talp, end . oho pie titirserYlalistee apprtiziargly served, filei$t 4,111ro will eat wzitli4ut, .qutstion the ir 3,6dntt.t tekre them.' riouth's CAnt 's ricn.. ftqther ttUri pe<plie tide bob .1.4pcak ycift, mrd if 116W ICU Ipt6'e 11 tit. - '