Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-23, Page 6 (2)•
-4, • ••••17.
withthe ',Nettie
by th;
t3ittlio0 .11 .0soet
'torte elle tellowing eta tient
priva.tetn4viduaLs qrbY tete;
ether than the Dominion. Government.
wilt ba applied.strietly arid **lir to the
it en
-hatriplain kirceriterteieyti
it) That, at present -the aim of 11 e
conunission Is lei purchase the land
reeeseary to redeem the bettleflelds
. T.:
e at, eti '
• ,441
teethe landesenot at preeen
ve.etect In. thee Crieetin von ed.
.(3),Arrengernentsare about to ie
I. 0
theleguiLion e ventral vommittee
itt Ottawa.
° J. Geo. Garneau,- Chairman
National .Battieftehls Ceenuniselon.
Was Favorably Re terted by 1,1. S. Senzde
A despatch from Wa.shington ears:
Th,e ilehe.ries treaty between the United
States and Great Britain regulating
Belling in the lakes along the boundary
'Imo between tho United States and
4 a.44i-r,-7ritiOrisa".7-1064'7!-Vu•.,
maker * on foreige Indenting. Seeger-
400 of State Root wiint over the treaty
In detail with ineetommitteevettnit-eleo-
explained the treety providing tor tbe
demarcation of the boundary between
the United States and Canada. Upon
tho conclusion of his remarks the con1.
inittee deel ed to report the ilsiteri
' way
4.4 • .`
A despatch front Ottawa says: -The
Board of Railway Commissioners has
sent out a eircutar stating that owing
to the numerous reports the board hes
received teem iterinapee,tore relatin to
lerge number of loearnotive engines , n
use 00 the different railway systems tft
Gritted**, fhb board bee had ender, Von
eliteration-thiratilviSability-- teeter
llte railway .eomparties subject to its lure
isdiction to else; an electric system o
headlights, or some other 'good system,
that will give eatisfactory light for the
pFition Of life and p The
rnvoitThn was postponed until anot e.r writeezt'ee.
$74$0,10e.-11ALIA F011- LONDON
Plans of Obscure Young Architect to be
' Realized,
A despatch from ,London says: The
London County Council has deckled te
Proceed with the bultdirtg of the pre;
posed County Hall on the site selected
en the banks of the Thernee at West.
Minster. It is estimated that it will
arty a det
• -A
s 'possible,
make regarding the proposel of theloard
to Lew° an order as suggested herein.
Increase of 729 Recorded Dining Janu-
ary and Februm.
A despatch from Ottawa. says: A net
increase of 7e9 in tlieenumber of homo.
geed entries during January and Feb-
ruary, 1000. ts re0ortled. 43 compared
coat $7,000;000 and that seven years , wilh the sani months of lea Or a
°vet be eionsumed in ,Imildint That totet of '347 e irks verde in February
architect 1 flrtlph Knette who till he by persons c�ining front the \United
• wort that positkut- by competition was State., 120 were tem North. Dakota, 52
* on obscure eSsiistillit inthe ottY, fired- Jeorit Mittriesetaeand 22 front-Wieconsin.
teeter office. He is 20 ;year, al. The' fie. Peleruery:1007, the' member *of land
tees, as architect will eamotent ebeet.',patepts. -issued Was Mee; corering . an
$200,i100. time, of e63,4039 aeries. For 004w:wilt 0t
ruikor, 4008. there wa. a inerease
ONLY Two Now.wAaistiaps.. Sitein IneentreetberiotiWOleiectiver.
- — lag ineretuie of 74106 atrea in the
area, patented. '
4 .
Canada's Invitation to Washington
--AViatebe--- Accepter:I-
leer battlesbipe be provided for in the. A, despatch, beim Washington- says:
mem. eppeepeiatieleelen, that body re- A ftworabla'reaportsie, by
fused to authorLic more than two shit*, - (hilted . Stet** Navy et to
Representative fliehigen's iiteneethiRett 'the cotirettens invitation of the Monne
the naval mm11)010104, bill providing ion Geoverrirrient to he relietterited ,at
eleferited by the House.' 10 to 100., 41•03 .1)14 Prince of Wales to Canada
mull, was received with loud enplause. in July. The "preeetit intention 1S-10 dc -
MONEY FOR JUNKETING. et re, rectettlY Put 11110 tieinnti'zs"
itentelptailttee. One new bettle,1111 New
*/*/././..1 •
son, ementand of Capt, Cagier;
Claim That Former litiinnipeg Council oil Met!. Wfittekriiii/ The Welting tonal*
Was pisivialiiii4; es tire ei-OW being put on this vessel,.
President Roosevelt's Request for Four
Ignored by Comfy's» •
A despatch from Washington: SAW In
spit•e of the Presidentis urgent recom-
mendation contained in his epeeist mos -
siege Fent te"-Congness. on Tuesday th
tor tour battleships inStead of twit Jeetes (iollebet by awar veresel at the vetting
alreet railway las entered. s.remarkable
,defenee in a suit brought by thee city,
to compel the company to pay deetages
tor failure to- Minn the rtinnittit$01geltilie
demanded by the trafflet The tom -
peaty will maintain that whot the court.
eh 01 1907 . passed hyelaw unl
the --actien----tsretakerri a Inalnrity
-of the Aldermen and Contrellerie re -
Two Men Traveled tee 31 the Gulf
01 itifeetko,
A &Valet' from Vera Cruet Mesh*.
sa,Ws4ttet 1'04 engineer and the (look of
"theedLiabled_siteuner Sonora, has
beetextrifti -the•-e-oreor
voi k, v city on Tuelidity in
iiecepted expense moneys for junketing
tripe through. the United States, oore
Retry to. the ehartere ft created a eget-
setion in civic circles.
'KISSING G.!(siPS Plt0111111TED.
fltily on 31e4lent Grotinds--New 'Rule
" for London Schools.
ft despatch from London eases: The
twenty Council bas tutted an ordinance
forbidding children attendiq Count,
fietnien-siebteelir to 'eTtiteititriee w„Itielt
kisNng toms, a pert. The head teaCh-
-ere ate hi, hada to see Ilea• suet'
•games ate diseeritinued. The reaeore
tor the prohibition -lee einiteinedillt-it,
• sentence; ot the Ordinance, reeding:,
"On, 'medical ground% the °practice IS
congidered undeeirribie.* • ••
. . -
tar13 it"
kunt Q eltivneetti N
” Ott
corn -Firm; N. O. 3 yellow 'America ,
itelee. Ton:age freigtd; No. 3 mixed; 10
to 60e.
Peas -No. it, 63c (outside.
.Rya -Strong; No., 2, 86 tq Kee
Buckwheale-No. 2, 01* to 65e-
Oats-No.2 white, 46c outside,
track Toronto; No. 2 mixed, 43%0;
liter& i--- Manitoba,- 'patent, isPeetal
Winds, $6; atone's, $3.50: strong bakers?,
--30ei winter wheat patent & $1.40.
Bren--Pull cap, $24.50 to 1425, Toronto'
Shorte-Searee, $24, Le.h. mills.
etett the rit
eline 1610, Singapore,' which,* • laity'
enagnificent port, with innumerable ware-
I' •
, •
r ; • v. •
swanipy land, wind' noleadY
thought of any value. NobiglY, thitt Is,
eircept Sir Starriferd 114111e3, 4 10411hOltt
CA0100141 'Ctovornor, who had forced hiS
01), VA): Ace
to the frontobnysheri e. merit.
nenteriemate __unerring „instinct, -sew
what the swampy island might become.
He wee at the time Governor of Bere
cooler*, in. Sumatra, and, through hie
nuttere-Sittkeeit ilande
, Millie . 31c to 32o
• do olids . • 20e to ,30e
Dairy prints 250 (0 260
de large -rens 24e Wear:-
-do' *solidi
we to 24c
Haney -Strained eteady 117 tow0.1e 212
per lb for 60;lb pails and 120 to 13c for
5 10 .10 lb pails. Combs at $1.75 to .$2.50
85e to 90c Deja
Beate -Firm; *tan to $1.75 for primes
and $1.60 to $1.85 for hand-picked. '
Cheese -Firm:- Ite for lergel rind 14
eir- twins -in job lettehereenew-inakee 1
tor large and 13Xc tor twin&
uNiatie stletruvr.--$,,-481 toto oglp.elOr topenr. gallon
Baled Hay -Timothy le quoted at $
te $15.50 in car 1ot on trades here.
s ii. 'at -L(4'01 ,11. i, , ' *. '..'k ' tiT .
‘,‘70:4. " ;1*(10 ,‘04 34, •;,,, , '04,1
' n:outh.ibe.ii1,•'
. i!e -Vv'i', )%SIT1b,$ie
trg t., ,i, i
1 in
iteoess ItY floated Ole ".
„ .t,,inCreg, ,
.ene relint,lidie Lindi tete
'She slid off the
- ttotPt
Owhig te a he s�iiibeest storm $0 -
ting in she was bHged to make Lunen -
berg it rbor for shelter at 11.30 Wednesi
13 •
0 1 0
• • 't • ' A
'ht; ieti
ftuit.'lbo underwriters, ogret
• ,
eiver gis"itii'iel':ei's,ilil.,ihtariti''' eh ilea,
„ e
' 'ere 'save. ' 'SW 11 term' iei ilaideat
, *4
its. The.stesruee had been etrhie -
,literd .ors tho rod& to save the lives e4 •
the passengers. and the reeks protred-
e, tharaein
ver p1a.-
Joe, A
Atlantic coast, and the succese of t
salvors la regarded by matte° experts*
as a notable achlevement.
tie responsible for what happened to
them. Litter on the New Zealand Land
Gemparty was, Prated10 1.4ko the lb*
Mem toweatl- --changing Abet bea.utiful
telartd into a British bolony. John Bull
was quite enextyed. Ile didn't warn
New Zealand. Ho 41d eVer thing he
-449tatioimbilbet.1400: the the neW COIfl..
is was altogether to entererising a pow IN, fi wobstacJls in us WAY -
"dear to- Please Mond John Bull -or his FRENCH EAflLY GOT NEV ZEALAND
Government of the etl. It was not until nearly eighty year's
Sir Stientfobd are Orientally re- after its discovery by Captain Cookithat
celled in disgrace, and the Goterit nt John gave a riulky *omega_ loiltise flag
wepthavo-Itteldett eSingapore-& kr -t'eing-forrnally Ore up over Stexv.Zeoland..
viesuitart -had- they- dared. 13t,t pubtie- 7Rilett then he only cemented beeeneeole
entitiget reanapelledthemeto-leeep-41.. --How was informed that if he didn't the white
utnitiltibadyy could say. te. lend, is. worth. now, ,eeit more
dtmur o'othls_gep•atino.Prisand ate
The whole' of the Straits Settlements P'rennh flag would e eivoteliol epee:
,renite-6104133- Zee --
want lo bei bethetied. -wilt' -The
Maya or thotr-fisiandelluElibt't,tt
prising on went out there and took
peseesskin on their own actiount. Ono
Englishman, SiVitmestrooke, hettleini-
eeieselt made Rejeit 01 Sitraeteete 0,-eieetere
State, without waiting to ask for: per -Mite
sion from the Itortio antberitiesi and
when he requested to be teniett, along
it with his, newly -acquired kingdom, under
Vie protection of the Britt* flag, hie ree
rel; $17.30 to gig, ,
Porke-Short rut, $2t $21.50 per bar-
Ler4-Tierces, t bstitieCei
Sleeked and Dry Salted Meds -Lo
clear bacon, 100 to Vigo; tenet 'Old VILSe4
hams, mean:inf. and ligli`tt;;Ite to
burns,- loge,' 11Xe to 120; back., 16e
%Sic; shouldel, OM to loe; rolls'. I
brealtheSt bacon 130 to lee; areen znea
quest was acceded to only in the moist
grudging *Phil- •
lebn didn't bele any notion of taking
Gibrielter for bitnistrit "*.woriderfuletion
ee ot his, named Adintral: Sir GetergielIoolo,,
returning home both' 'a Mere 'or •less 'tine
yeoessful cruise, meek a'.enitklene untie,
etedi swoop' ,e5.111,the'reek"enitia :own
10 account;*14.04it from a
*tem( APtiniatt
uc; gorriSon lietare they knew that 13
Out of piekle, leeles$ than
ts really .1hOlVt, no to etty. ,At
eiontreal, April 21.-Flot,re-Cholee\
spring wheat patents, $6.1o; seconds,
0.50; winter 'wheat patents, $5.50;
straight 'rollers, $5 to $5.25; do in bags,
al 10-42:50; extras,- *1.80-10 $1.90.
tifillteed-Manitehe bran, ee2 to $231-
sborte, $im' to OM; Ontario vale, shorts,
$22 to 10450; middlings, $24 to
shorts, $25 to \$27 -pee ton, ,includfnie
bags, and pure grain meal% 1132 lo
$34. Moderate trade is Passing at firm
Roiled Oats --$3.12X pei- bag.
Cornmeal -41,67X to $1.75 per bag.
Oats -Eastern Canada No. 2 white,
1.,13V. declined Xe; eastern Canada No.!
white oats, 49c; No. 3, 46Xte No. 4
_ .
5Xe; rejected, 4eXe per bushel ex store;
and Manitoba rejected, 4511C to 460gle
t -m rway.
•... • ''Cleiegie-september westerns ere seliing
at 130 for white and 1330 for colored
Septerriber eastern, 13Xic for -white and
pee° for colored. •
fluttere-Vresh erearthiry, 33e to 35e per
lin best tall make, 32c per lb.
Egg. --18c per dozen for eingle kits and
15c,10 17W-foiewholosetle Wei -0 -
Provisions Barrels Stein tut mess,
cut heavy mess, $e0; bon
barie1s do. $10.50i dry salt long dear
OXii; barrels plate beef. ,$13.50 i.0
15; half barrels do. 7.25 to $7.15; bulk
heavy entail; beet $10 $11; belt baffeets
414, $5.50 to $0: our, und lard, tqie, to
ier; pere, lard. 113e to 11Xei kettle reni
dered, 1130 to I2e; hams, 12e to 13,Ye,
tuirording to sireebreakfaist bacon, 14cto
treiNindhsor bacon 1,430 to 1.5get fresh
killed abattoir drees hoge. $9.55 to Sue
live, $7 to
at the f le' end ell
of the They left thedisabled vessel,
Senday loaning at daybreak in The
beat off the Triangle Islands, near the
Yucatan *oast Vessels have been sent
out loeate the redesing steamer. She
Iris a cargo of cattle.
.$2116 ON 5411DEREIt'S • HEAD.
Reward for Cepittre of Man 'Who,Shiet
• Constable at Prenk.
desPatelt tem Ottawa say:T1
orn 'frole
Menintod Police has authorized the ote
terhig of the pagelar reward tit $40
inforination which will lead. to the
arrest and conviction of the man. Or
inert wive shot Constable Wilmot t
FriirtkleAlbertit, be other day.
and amide p
- ,
1 ' tie deepitich from ilielertit, Mont. stlys:'
, \:\ , tAtt rAtm!ontseisige it )04 113 meet)/ ad-
' VairtNiltt UP011 GNU ralt3.* a en ! of 15.
• WI peputatien, and itI:_4 'bellieeti that
•tlho Oaston -and Menfins stam r, Grip
nt the /invest 41. the ,wot,41, 1,3 )02t0fil
I ) tItStratWoo. The, /*new, %Kt ts
Plat on th6 riittr,124415, elt1950yed mate
Hien 1,506 Men. • '
The finiploytit ftvert engs0,1 till Ttiere
illoy !Veit in Ott ri.z,t61,4.4ztion of a %frig
dititi" nriiiitid the Etler! Prepatetions
UT.- *tea . Wert Milk solt that Ate dant
ereieli 'Pelts, f elite sinetter.
14113V riamited •
a lest resoel.
4raig, Atonlapit. piohe , eee wiped
- the Wilt eillietigh as tar tVi.c.4
,ritrttC.VIt, ait et tile, lett intabitente
ped. tfeeeaile. a !tree Of 400 Pepittai
V.11 frien Ifii end irti melee
erilt cif ctittg, f ziw tinier teeter erid•
(tenger' of being steep! „ewer. Tiee
tieri th:ekly etreen elehrie
artier lietreee. eterni aniniale at: lett-
ithe fee Dieir reeeet in, the rood,. '
, • OA *
elateffaloreeptit et-WireateeSpritig dull;
No. 1-- Noethern, $ AN; earloads- Win -
11E4 strong; No. 2. ed, Otic. Corn Firm -
2, yellotte 713e. (kits -Strong; No. 2
ieed, We; No. 2 white, fi5e; to 566. Bar.
-S5 to tieie. 11ye4,o. t, ontreek
ilull liklieleekete
the key of 'falter -ranee* was gob
to. be to hint.
John Bull pereonally-ealways,
,ehttrsec 'as 'typified by his Grternintin
had very little to 'de with Inc feundht
of tds Iniliaii.'Entpire. In iphe,eorly do
declined 10 eterrit'ioilleinr reeireeente.
tivee tie India, but elleWed bridy'rtt ort
vote raerthents, who banded' themeert
together las the Mitt India CoinPeneft
try their. luck , in the"' Ens
pirereAttiret ttirceitifintity Sitiatied
with strips. of land on which to build
their fatted/tit ett4 'ivarehotises; and lea,ve
to trade With the tetitireS., •
It was the FrienehjGevernment who
first alined at a European Ireiltart Einpire,
and eollit two 'brilliant adventurers, Du -
plebs arta Lolly', to see it they could win
It Thereit eves Wet the company began
le fight, *A flret with
inakillTAle-rilutiut. simply to save
thernseives'from being swept into -the -ea
L.3 their French rivals. -
Afterwerdee hOWe'l'Ort .1,h‘r boon 10
werefer it they couldn't turn the tab*,
rajahs .followed. john
Wa$III, best elletteed when news reachej.
laid, the ton"l'-undatiold"rtir*Illtirna of 'the i Em-
pe.in Itedia by 1440014 the great' battle
et- Pleseete The, 'gentleman
vision of :More i'responsibility for WM.
Teta grumbled, as uaiief.--
The first greet toriqtrests in India were
Made by seldiens Whet were, strictly
speaking, net John 13ull'Os 'at all. They
were made by trete)* enlisted and paid
Iby the COM1)41)y„, tit$ it iv43 itrOhtt Corn-.
party," es the ,eepoy$ ealfeil tvhielt
gave Clive •ItS' first totnit00$100. -Tit6
r 4 Mind
era, the Brit lt froverenter-it took
etheetttekr. - -
-- Tire CharteteideCeinpany oreed-a big
itritek Of Attlee Oil John He luld no
Wish to ROO it bititelf, and "'meld hieve
looked on 'with '•ealfti indifference while
'emit tracke'et South Africa Were being
;annexed' by the CterMat15 and the Ober&
But '1116 Chertered Company, 'vkith Cecil
s Alm-. Its „eoul, ' -
and completed Matabeleland and cheek-
ee the lloer and German 'advanee. —
Ifed leiltrietiot held ble gene in cheek
els, :frowned on them When they wanted
te .be enterprising, the German Empire
tt--SoulltAkict Afriot
et er litive been feunded," becauee that
1 art Of the etiorid'eveuld have been, elite: -
111 Britten reit hetete lite 81,11*VIS id tilt'
1(,ar 11.
'3141%C.11; gt•11111t11
land Mistretta en hie Own irrilienit* But
•ttu,Net.v, 'tele' Abt Owing, fo'
Itintsdi that "Goa's (two. tSolutol,
filottitivnut itto1041a14. floCa.atiodlaiitinntexi.COOpafd ha L)
tee seine year, by flee wee, too,'
%teats take but, for goirratiotis
4Ghtt fluit u;43utit 110vo rotting to do with
it. It terve lett alone,. for cure wee
tit!iv.e:edlateit..ats,eti•staftilicoi 4:10. t? 4644
tOid the miAskihatiis %item -0d to Neirie
land to try 10 iSonort the S*tig thatisk ;
h- lheir 1111;1';?t':Atitt).0!0411)(7 .14!,;t4;°11hOgic‘Itv'1":914:17
.11 , •r!
• „
Governor be eitting lit the scat of thelate
It fe entlrely John Bull's own; fault that
the whole of the island et New Guinea,
which is neeu-ly three times as large es
Great -Brindle deeCtleat beiongTeitim.
Nev Guinea, wee acitteity peeses-
'Sion of John In 1793; but he was inditter-
ent to It, and telt It lyirtg unguarded and
unclaimed in the etc
The Dutch took part of IL And the Ger-
mans looked longingly's= the reels- And,
as New Gut** Is very cloak, to 'Queens.
land, the people of the 'tatter colon
were uneasy at thee prollieet of having
Germtut and Dutch nelghboreilie nein
their encores.
-Thie after time theiRttehliSlentlere Int -
Weed John LiuI4 to '11iteip andtetie
-$00eatiit# Sew Guinea. Ile wouldn'1 do
it. /* let the coreigners, take bit titter
bit of ft. PtRallY, In On, Sir Thorne.
Nteltiftsitti;--Alle PrInfie 'trif
Queen&itutile' we driven to despeettion,
and, resoluta, biking action into his
own hands, =instructions for 'the an-
liteAPPENINGS $11031 ALL 0% TIM
GLOBE. _.,
1, g It
reseireele Deists 'Trent Our' Owa sag
Mei Countries *1 WOW
.The Dominion Government haa induce.
the British auntie -neer lo continue the
eubsidy- to the overesem mail eierifftitee7.
With the possible exception of t
eiffe -tifenteta Wilt: re
Dr. McNamara has been pfttnoteie
trent the Local iGoverrunent Board •to
b,.- Partianientary Secretary to ther lute --
mitalty. A
Toronto caterers have been 4$1;04 ttlk
assist in feeding those who attend the
tercentenary celebration at Quebec.
A letter received in Toronto elate*
thet' Cenedn 'capital 13 wanted Lod
tablish an electric ear se'rviee in Are!.
IMO*, Peru.
Montreal longshoremen °bled to kit*
berme sestet' trittodeeeid by the shipping
men, but the latter Muse to abolestt it.
.frfeme Pogsfor.,Innouneed
the ,ffonso that, misi.0otsIdering Ih
question of deepening the bartiors on A
the lakes to twenty-1We feet. •
losPettor letalie is 'working'on Malt
14) • ve normal * sehool pupils three
menthe Guelph to take a emirs.* ` kit
industrial treheingebefore graduating as
Bills of the PrOvinee of Ontario for
nvijotoriBtili .was..accutniskunini,ver7 bad tern" nearly if a rainier' sterling haver been •
,Pered over uhis. tleeltkillet refereed "rib: diseeun. ted_uNin 'nLondon at et cent. el1V-7‘
solutely *to, aeow the armexatione If the
, •
ir The Mine Outliers. and Operatorei
sedation at Fairbanks Alaska. baa
4o Seattle for ten. thousand -inert. -
A bill providing for -the appointment of
conunission to investigate Welt :street
seeeulotion was introduced into the -Sen-
ate at New York.
• Qusionslandera had not stood resolute
-es by their Prime Minieter. evottld Pro
to arty have ine4ted*401. the Portkin 01 the
jeituld leinesepured being
frthwith obandoned.
In the end, however; he growlingly
consented to keep wbat his sons in
Queensland had forted on him as a pres-
ent All through his own fault, instead
of being proprietor eef the whole of New
Guinea, John Bull owns something less
than a quarter of it.
article does not by any -means ex.
. •
I ,
Nee -theta, 05ie Ielii„ . etterither.
Ntlitneipolls, April 21.-Wheat-itiaie
....eel,: Julie* Ofkii Se--ptonwr, nei No. I
hard, $1.0114; Nee .1 Northern,: $1.02X;
Ni. -2- Norther -re, 99xe 14 $1.00,34; NO, 3
Nerthern. 0914 to 073e. Flour -inter
patents, $5.13, lo $1:10; isemnd patentg.
E41.-03 to t020; first ettalt, $1,05' $L15;
second el.eare. $3.19 to N.20, Mien In
lerri. int
Milevatiliee, Alia -4Ie-WIN'ai-No.
Nerliteeta. St.01 to Stkii; Niii. 2 Northern
.VI.02 hi. lit.i'ir4; .Alay. 9130'c b Aye, -
N,' „lc 'tfil!' to 81e. Ilartey-No. f., 87e;
repIeerteto Ftre. COtti.:-No. 3 taeh, 65
be CON elte, GZiele asked., .
u vi 1,•pra.tir. NVItilatl-N .1 hard,
1.01,t!** NO `I Nerther11: . 1
et •
09 ie'e. • - '
New 'Yoe:. 4rii'1 -Spot Arm; No.
(-0. tyr,;(1 fierce/or; No. e reit. $1.00,1ei,
tel;. afloat: 'Ne. I no !hien, Datintie $1.0re
teen. nilosi; N. 'hetet winter, 81.ti3!,c
Le.b. are.eat. ,
The Xing ,tei I eloye flit Obeli: !lanai
tatiewni , lotritety en. or.
iiiestnin ettlitelroeloieti.tertlefeetioree reit a
nen awe littitert are -
• ormr•••••••••..
A Government hill has pegged the Dan-
ish Folkething eltowing%wench to vote.,
all .coontivitinal dectiens.
median Dour miller named Rennie
urnrenroverbortrd -from nittrunett
leaved on John Buller eceeptarto. ;
SWUM be '81411det to prove that, what-
ever hie Eons may have done on their
own account in the grabbing line the,
old gentleman in the white breeclui; end.
tep-begite Le not blmself quite such
glumly grabber as efirtain of liLs externiei
„iiifte:ei-OetireerCs, Mreeld
Explosion In the Old Mine at Cali ore,
A deiipeteltefroun Winnipeg says: Three
men were killed and tour others serious-
ly burned in an ;explosion at ,„witat is
knowrt as the Okt Cutmore, Al-
berta, shortly after 10 o'clock on Wedne
day morning. The dead are:e--9. tee Cap
son and Matt Seari, Fintansitite, and it
.1,Vitmott, an Englisnihan, itetitt„girte Ili
bees. The latter laveda if anit
Ily of fottreittiteenese,' *Nevin froth* o t
tiere a few menthe oleo. It Is TiOt yet
thin what caused theeinkhelon, and
the fire has not been extinguished es, yet.
The four fajtviied men are In the general
hos/Utah The Gormley • will tie brought
teem Mtinkhead as eoon as poiiiiibie"for
the invitee.
an* baed for CeintseatIOnt
4, • Mi4hkii170
.A despatch from Ottawa Premier. .
Louis Doti*, of the Transvaal, bas sent
bertiectlreWithitretituriere-pointhrer- - --
out that the Transvaal Governinent, Li
tooperetion with the Troirewaal Cham-
ber of Mines, has. arranged for a prac-
tical trial of sleet rok drz, suitable
for . narrow &toping work, under 'the
werking eonditkins obtaining on the Wit.
water's Rand. All types of rock drill are
eligibbto compete. Drills using oente
preS30 AO will be efuppiledi with a ores- .
tereilettriiirtglitim (10 t) 15 Donn& Vete
mare heih at theieworliteg time. 'Iws
psOf 4,4,014iterid 't1.600 reepeetivelf
fed: Thetimottition
ITAltitts early in 1909 and will last about
eel. months.
Girls, who make it their ihteeineis teo
leek for huebandit are apt to find them, •
but they seldom boast of their finite lit
hit r year.
r; ;
1 •
the Peciiliax Se4 in Alber
Jailed for \Arson.
A, 4.10spakik freee Medne net erre
The ereest ef eine tealiiis'e of th
known as i'Dreartiezie" Iseauate a ser
Jecieph Leihra tartiier, aiteeied
erne tisaii to helve- Caiierriel the entirety
t the seei. 'Lately tie reetered Tellers
L Gainer". segted
jug le LIM Vis tie -nee. tee eiateeelisie
ght hct-9 yeenie 391t tine newt ieteil Ily
heitrEnii neleti, • ted r -J ow
)4:44, ia itineee, Tire tiltr A
4:44 isiX.4tet,iiii:r 'toot and ni
ifetag loern,
notated at $5,009.
insialPie 'vibe; et' the Nfeunted 1*,4).4/60
hood the Mori and rode eut
irive-stigste tee oiiettrrertee. Ile int-
wiceet for teitiforeeititeriti.
"i -P- tlaiiiiiVe two cetristablee arid Ashe,
'tie ell 'night driving. arreeket the
ode of8 tite "Itreeiters'''' fainilfee.
reensiretien feriiii was neeeeiery
eveza'aei the $i.ottl," Wiee
lieitieret 9te a6-1,Q.,st was tarthitri,ount
Wttg:tfn t,r.rd; -$ *
C4!„1 441. 16Q ,Ir".31,
!, 0-
rettine _ektettidleitHigelittntegtellige°1114111t121411Marize' eleetteititierlirekirt*
' itereertiltaineetse....