Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-23, Page 4 (2)•1:401,t7„tv.„.
,X.`,1,1itia. •
Wilt LOOK.
We e very lin:4Y With.* (Jog or em
- t coutse,:hut net too hu tov slit>w
, ,s4tPatt.-W4trnsmset tisk
lefts a41 take' our order for a. Spring
• eatilt,. ••
If yo i can eo e here to -morrow, do,
. so„ and make a sehtioo early. If you
cannot onie to -morrow come soon
as you can, and we will do our h st t
VS/ItA011 ,
i'Ve„ I
Imple Home Root
'Ointott .
',.fir.rat_CIA)_asost-vAni. r,stsa-,11114"47,einratiti AiNterssi" 'haYA*(1,--a-1) r -Itrir.
-74i 't -----*----- rii0i--1phar stock of No. 1 Itcd. Clover, Timothy
c et the following: And AlaikocloVer seed for sale. A.Iso
Fluid gitmct - Dabdelion, 1 onelitlf • a limited ,quantity of 'Irish white".
ounce: Compound. Katgen, one ounce; seed oats,... This oat is white in color,
,t'ovnpo9nL Syrup:, Sarsapariiitt,.' • three if Pie!eP Rtid heavY rt9t arrect#444 lit#0.1t-
onnecso•, .! ' ',.. , ,, -.,-, • or rnstentfan hOmenac,.)leld'er„..
^ * She ,well .in,e4„, bottle, siod: -take" et .' ' ,„ . -: ... ..' . .. 9, .WWIPX144
1elitt....vv. e'1411.141eq# 414 ' r onsAf*,46eotiviertiagotaigi)fOrat.,
imonke, ,, v - ' .,inpitoritikkg. - fve,h4)400,41 'tivolotig:
. , .•
, il,ft otbovo. Onil $ tt. ,
antittitileri, ,,,, ' grain, tt ',11.4114 "It or,
:iptir,dittly. it-, 1411' 4 ' ta, att40,44',.,
'Ott:waist ramtiges‘
, . . :VII „., -.11
riPtilif P.. '. it lirVi
01,1138.,;, Aditfle* , 0 04.. , e ,P. . , 'A 't . *
d'all'1003 ,ot 1ta. k
i go es
litiltdef: . , (.',
•,Mofi,t9' *. . t 'n.
•,. ,
'''t 1.."
•=lile, Tort lisaldrelt,
weya taunt it &1048,1,T* tie
recommend the Dr. SlocUin Rem 0*
to my psrisbienerat. X believe t}r
'igething better for :,titroat and. Ise
troublee or °weakliest qr rtim4qw.H 47*
tig!„. Stilikkeel..114:1111 throat •hev..st
Chl'"•Svery ',S; 1. I': pp trP. iltr*,saitatioiVe • 04,
ti1ant my
fleseX at
s 4) tiriv:41tycolitnittaoH
ii*c os. \
CII01 .0 • 'e- ' (4 ney.,en..
s.bhng them to L.tliter .,,antl, strain, the
eld'and taste ttietter,froin
the blood '''Whibli.eatteezi 'Itheuntation,
Some pereona who suffer' with the
afflictionsmay. not feel inclineil to
places mutth'eo titlenee in _this ',Om; le
I, ,
.,. •, t .2
ORED-IT014. t&inly -comes h ghly recommended.
It IS the: prescription, of an eminent
authority, whose entire, reputation, It
is mild. Wail established by it.
A druggist here at home when ask.
ed stated that he coold either supply
the ingredients or mix the 0/reser'
. _ _
renal:wing effect without
ighteet injury t the stomech or
• exeter abuorate,
Stop the Bonus.
-it is time to cease paying a bounty
on immigrant" That le- the attitude
of the Opposition at Ottawa, and it is
--to the interest Of the people of Canada.
*Canada is now the only important
• country that buya immigrants. Unit-
. ed States makes thetkpat, te_tie.,_
..7_17.4191 i 1.*,,T. ra. .9.111W 11,
are paying for them, at the rate of $O
for adults and $250 for olaclren. In
the nine months from March, 1907, to
the end of the year we paid $123.0/9
bonuses for such.people as those who
nearly starved to death in Shacktriwn
last winter. In ten years We. 11.4e
. paid $800,000 to get people into Cana.
da-inostly people who are ;neither a,
Credit to themselves or to any country.
Bonusing is done mainly for the hem.
fit of the steamship and railWay coin.
p_ania. Partners are opposi to it.
The country not only ;suffers the Ion
of money paid, but the greater loss
' from receiving thousands of persons
•who are unable to maintain themsel-
veg. who are crowding the labour mar-
ket in the cities, tramping the coun.
roads, or occupying the hospitals,
. almshouses end prisons. Thousands
. of alleged farm labourers on whom
'bonuses were paid abroad, and another
. bonus to.the agent who found places
for them in Ontario, . are useleas for
. that servicesDr. Chisholm, ntember
, far East Buren, 'proposes that Osinat
dain fanners sheuld be encouraged to
• send a -delegate -from -each district -to
fivrabroad and select, the help required
for the farmers in this neighbor
the expenses of the agent to be paid'
by the Government with part of the
money now wasted in bonuses.
To Our Old Residents.
With the advent of Spring emirs
the awakening to. renewed life. gat -
tire. with the departure of whiter, in
whose embrace she has been held- for
so Iong, rouses herself as the melting
snows disappear and answers willingly
'joyously. raptuously and gladly tp the
warm sunshine, gentle rains andbahnv
air, and sends forth her bud.
-114-t---ens with Ong, ,puts Miter mantle
of -wlifte and puts on her intibtle Of
• green. And as it is with 'nature. pist
„. So it is with man. With the a it eat
.4 Of Ettster he responds to „the warn]
love of God, Kis epntle, chastisements
• and earnest pleadings as readily and
gladly as Nature !wields herAelf, re-
membering that it was on 111,0 Cross
or the world and where Bespoke thole
very beauti ul words, "Forgive them,
Father, for they know not what they
' do." Ani as we watch the peoplei go,
the old, middle-aged and young. l our
-hearts go out to them and we extend
them Easter greetings and hope that
• they may have a joyous Easter time.
And especially to the older people of
the town, whom the cold of Winter
has kept indoors for so long, we would
say that, although Death has thinned
your ranks since the snows began to
. fall, we are glad to see you on our
streets once more, give you the,. hand
of friendshipandbrotherly 'kw An
trust that theymay-many more
years of life before God zithers .them
„to their eternal home. As for the
middle-aged .and young, we hope that
• they will follow the good example set
.thent'hy the Patriarchs of the village
Od'country around.
'Then your blood must be In
41 very .bad condition. , You
'certainly knoll 'What to tike
;then "fake 'It--4.yees Strat4.
?parilia. If you-,' dolibt, then
tkottsiiit your doctor. NVu know
'Whit he' w41 'say About this
taut& old 'rattily medlelne.
, slot Ae els ietewieot bito. .4teotreot
tsar 'llowst* *costal_ rill Itaws
sit;,,thca bower* Isiwe attargmt
:iwtat Isar lisWitts litthit4 Watts*
a 41
a -
• ,,.• • II, ••• JI• %a y. . ,,, ,.
46 •. ,
Batik of ,Poultaerice '.. .ir . • ...
.. .
idge :Placed in frontot'their plaee of have aused.,,°/°14-110.°' Schin0,6dillingt t,hisatil"ii! .t4isgls;..„
busluetie.,-.1141 Sind Mr*At.: Betz, M.r. renlits.were-mitrveleue. keye visited
of Park Iiiii spent ;.GOOd. Friday in poopIs who 'state that they .never natsl:
troirn, the ats of Mr. and Mrs.'00hes. ta mil. *1 strongly recortment it.
Zwicker. School Trustees have
treea as eU will toa
of it Zrticker W,
en '
ping horses With hie. clipping Ins„chitse.
-August Huhn, Elmer Gower and
Herb Either _trestte In, London hist
Thursday and folipitleg
spent Easter Holiday* away- from
home: Miss Vivien•Beever in London
and Detrolt;Ed. Mahon of the Bank
n F. Brown in - Detrolk.-411.- fol.
. . lowing are visitiog friends here: 81020/1
Centralia Stahl of flaileybury; Mrs., Umixtelt of
L nunts-votoo ll
si Waterloo; Percy Benet of Pete_rbottei
ikritson Production airi
JA iltill-4f$101 _London Oonsarratory at Mu.te;\ Miss Inez Andrews of Ottervillei Mr.
U. Ruthvess imousw, Choke Whitt,Londonanre. and Mrs. Wes. Kerr of Winchelsea;
Erawit IttrdleT,„ Imitden, Eng. A ihulted nun of
pupils will tosierootee Mime Melinda Trick of Stratford and
•- - * Frazer Brown of- Ohathanti3Ohaat
Mt' l'°E.c3r Sillit*f4, a' ri°4-46-rn galre Kim*, has been gradisiglhe'Creditsto
us a pleasant visit over Easter. -Mr. road thepast week and. "hal nitiAla -a
and Mrs. -Spencer of Chicago spent the. splimlid •Job of IL -Re*. S. F. ' ltrown
holidays with the latter's. mother. Mrs. ot Roatheen, Eisak.,- *Ul 'Occupy the
work-nrith•Mr.11,-Esser --on-filond
Andertson.-Prank Boyle resented hiss , uipit fil the Etans77:70,11gt
r_.7...- 0,,......
, •,:i. '' '..: I.
,.. .......,.. ,.......a,.....
..jr..... „1,4 ....‘
0 It, 1011 ,at I $,:..1 f I
.4** -
west. -Geo. Brown urat present , ver
I. As hetes reached -au- advert
esti poor hopes are entertained- for,. t
his recoveryw4.0 wing to the abeettoe orlas
Rev. E. H. Bean last Sureley ironing, : Dashwood
there WAS no service in the Evatigeli- Archie Routledge of London visited
cal church. A special Easter.„.ftng here on Sundey.--It being Conference
Service was given 'in the Methodist teSonnfl
Sundayandattheandthsameeministtherere was
nino ser -
church and was well attended. All da
enjoyed the singing of the choir and VICO in the Evangelical church on Sun -
the soloists. Next Sunday the ' last day. -George galettnan who haithad
quarterly service *gibe held. tn, that an attack of rheumatism sower bet.
ence, which will be held in Exeter the
8e951""? Ite.r1).4.4.,S,9,bvniartefiCtialhilirbilrinotler? °Viler. BIce-
church prior to the
beginning of next month.. -Don't for. Laughlin* doting the Pad Weekei-Elev
get the giantata,entitled "The Priest OatfromtdliJohnhiii viBrogeakneanehtirxbosafe-
and King" which will he ere,* hi this en
Evangelw,dchurobun Frfilay evening, on Ttieeday....Miss Edna Haug hats
thhi week. A chorus of fifty voice* C01111110not4 working for Mra. George
win render this veryinte4.eeungeente,, Kellertnan..Miss ,ftinta Callfes, who
ti and street h, in aturotrur th0.0 who has been working in London for some
attent1.--Our hotelier has badasmoke time lane* at her home hereo-Ifise
handous:eusageo4rected at th, 601,7 .,,. ot,,his 'iritoL„. Seta ' Overholt *pent Sunday: *ith
which he will itae for smoking *nes 'friends here. --Daniel Osstreicher of
Crediton visited, hie brother Ott Sim.
from. Vermillion, Alta., 4,t. the. Mar.
wxnnsp.,,,word bat bola received day.-fTheTMlasesistapk sTipeungtealhec. few days
rill° of 141*. Clara Clark, 'd".13:ter9t OBIT altV-Thi eekiwn-all again
Ciark.forOarly of friendstrin the oue,g:the past, week.
Mr. And Mrs. Ae11
slrulage„ ---Mheriplark was- mixtbst tretniadedot tbes ortness OLa40 sue MITA4
to Mr. Andrea, Brett, k prooperousi the certainty of d th fn the passing
farmer and member of he dietriet away on Tuesday of Mts. Isaac Miller.
of Duberry, Alta., by thesoilage in Vermillion. The bride was Wall let down as above stated. The
council, lltev. for so. Mailerhasasmheanbedetninthe
Aldridge on the &hinst., at the Par.
dressed in a. travelling suit Of navy funeral on Thursday was largely- at.
blue with hat to match and Was unat. tended, service being held in the Luth•
tended. The following evening a re- aerflaainthcputirtncheemobef wr.histed
ception was given at their home in leectievaes:ad bus. ,
Duberry, About : tbirty,fire_,Auesta band, and.two )ions,.. mother, brOthet-/
were present and all had an enjoyable and several slaters to mourn her de.
time. A large number of friends in parture. The most sincere sympathy
this villege and vicinity extend their of the community is felt for the • be -
hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, reeved friends in this their sad trial.
Brett and wish them every joy during (From Another Boum) '
their married life. ' Geo. Wambold of Blyth visited . hi
47s gketat
, cf.agw;;$4. ;*
: !is**
‘posi4te NM red, mi
,11,44e -e rtika, .aay,, other Porter itt
Alnited States or pada.
7102' We YeirY At lesi Wag°.
1\,boltroo rareltina sli fAtzttaii for ft."
Thses an earned _preacher* et Gs
gospel •of Vayablinsi 'rho knew where -
et titer speak. Psw..kine Cltreff all
threat, hunt sad Stecuch trouble*. It
voles, streagtketisr, utiag
&retire .ergaas, thus epeohdly adaeted
to public speakers. At all druggist.,
fiOs sua stoo, or Dr, T. A. Slocum, Ltd.,
• .
tbey have for years. and prospects are
Tett? good if bite frosta 40 110U Inter.
fere. Twig blight has been prevalent.
in the apple tatherde for the last two
Tears; atitttheitOW growth 'hal been
,eeriously injured,* If the blight per,
sistwthe ver existence of the a , pl.
i .•
sons & Da is Company for the sum-
mer, -..A. Brawn, our harher, was.
in Alias 0 ig•on busines* Mon'dey.-
Richard, Simpson of LUCalil Malta on
.friends here last week. -.The "battle
royal" scheduledto take place between
"Trimly Burns" and **Battling Nel.
son"last Thursday failed to material-
ise. owing to the purse not being large
enough and ii failure to arrange the
side to. The backers of both pugil.
geese. decided that (Item ion was the
ists were anxious to see t e match but
after getting all their money on.. the
better Wirt of valor and succeeded in
calling the affair off. Whether, the
match will ever come elf now im a
question., - -
Mr. J. McOlarty of London spent
Easter holidays with ItrarOoehrarte.-
Miss Swann is visiting at her home in
•Fullartort,-Mrs. I. Cochrane and s11-7,
tecof Millegreen aPtitit SUM'S), With
their cousin Miss •AU. :. ie Anderson...-.
Mrs. fireoripilltvid ot (Hinton. is visit.
ingtriends i the villisge.-,-T. Ethrarda
of London spent Hester with hiss/4er,
Mts. Duplani.-Misa Lillian and Master
Harold Boyle of Exeter are ' visitin
with trifir, grandmother, in thefirilbi
Austin Duplan. of , the Lucan H h
School, is spending the holidays with
his parents, Mr. anditirs. 0. DOPlan.---
Mao Katie Elliott and her aunt, - Miss
Hancock, spent Easter at Mrs. W. R.
Elliott's.-Mrs. Richard Hick" is visit.
ing herion,,rank. who lives a short
distauce north of Toronto.-Dirs. Nel-
son Rieke returned a week ago from
the funeral of her father, at /sTorwich,
accompanied -by her Miter. Miss Addl.
eon. -W. H. Butt, Jr., of the Toronto
Medical College, is spending his Easter
holidays with his parents at the par-
sonage. -Mr. II. FL Brown, who is
choir leader of one of the Toronto
churches, and who has been visiting
vs. (Rev.) Butt, wag g y
pleased_uwith th,c!.inusicat.-part,of--Sun-
day'a servIces and spoke in compli-
mentary terms of both the leader and
the Choir. -Mrs. Thos. Neil and daugh-
ter, Marion, are visiting friends in
faisedori. -Miss Bottrill, teacher of the
FiOrifeld seboel. i§ Stiendirig lter Easter
hat:1417s at her home_ in .Mitchell. -
Mr. and Mrs: O. 3`. --Pink and family sti
a •
trun . The eaves wither, and appear
.if thejwistwere broken from the
et' on ,
Clandeboye. eiv ;If our local sports took in the
'Raster pissed riff quietly- i'll'Rirlit-EnTerkiiillircid'-wiag•--
STBAT 011110,-; CNT.
la thi isadittg husiStsta trAtittlet id
Outatio. Woolye a aeI
Commercial aubJects•
istuo Pitnuurs Shoethaud.
Tow* typtsalt.bm, 104 in
Commetelel and llialireacl OPeralinc
Each lepartmeatinAke hands of experienced
inetrittetori. We uil,t student* to. posit***,,,Osc
graduates always miccried, for our cosines am the
beet. *sour free ogue sad learn usors about
us, you may enter now.
4001 In Western
Ical training on
ate -_e
••••6 f I
Wood's Tho
SU Great Thiel
erica Port= •
wilt cuzia.
Wain ou
IN •
tied -b dug.
Capital.Paid try
Reserve runii
Assets Over
' Oa:UO.0
°MON nouns Loa IN.,. tag p, m. lIATIMDAYS, 1.0 a.m. to 1 IP. IN
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Vila NOHR nVparaaiko tratlyttAher tape! matt ace'euntiwa* lto
nvontreuntutiqutftiofsittramaavwuda sa tc"24161Y4
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Dicsotr '4k Cuo, Selicitors. N. D UURDON, Mansger,
• Drs. K. & K. Established 201rein.
He was sursrlsod at how thar.
soros haalod-- **1 took your Nor
MICTROD TitrATIOCNT for a serious blood
disemwett„tirlech bad.. been Inftletad.
fur ifea years. I had consulted &score
et physteians, taken all kinds of blood
medicine, visited Ilot Springs and other
mineral w-ater resorts, but only got tem-
. raw relief. They would help me for*
e, but after discontinuing the medi-
cines the sy, raptoms would break out
orion-runtitug sorts, blotches, rheum-
atic pains, looseness of the hair, swellings
hinds. baluis of the hands
T. Dttelop, manager of the Partners
Mi, former station agent here, Bank of Canada. here,
left on Tuesday.morning with hisin
ity for their new home in Galt. His with his parents at Sprinspent. Easter
L. K. &it is at present attending 'the
many friends wish them prosperity in
their new home. --Mrs. Fred Brown Conference at St.. Jacobs. -Mr. , and
.returned home from Georgetown._ Mrs. Ezra Tiernan have returned from
Edna windier 1. .11.011d84464-.4.„ tratfordc where they -haver been visit.
ter,Mrs S Lireland.-
es Theo Iltirtleib is Spending the
Easter vacation with her parents here.' ,
-71r 3 Delbridge of Exeter called on
friends in our village last week. -Mrs.
Ig Welton returned from Berlin on
Saturday !night, where she was attend.
mg the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry
Dietrich. -Miss E A Graybeil of Tor.
onto is visiting her pariinte
Wm Henderson of Londett was the
guest of -Miss Selina Nadiger over Ent -
ter. -David Bettschen is renovating
the house which he recently porches,
ed from Mr. nSue Itepa ban.-Willamr. Tie.
mann left forlitratfard on Pritiati
where he haeprocurestit. M
I oo
Mrs. Schmidt of. bringville Were the
gents of Mr and liftss_Jonas Bartlett)
on Eater Monday. --The Mese* 'Ads,
and Nora Siebert spent Easter with'
their cousin Dells Brown of Orediton.
been member a he legislature for
Monck for 30 years end was for ,rnany
to tvithdraw front public life., He has!
Bon. Richard Itarcourt has decided
years a member of Liberal eatimets.
I I I 11
a. I I •
r. an
Mrs. Andrew flicks over Sunday.-
fiEasrent SERVICEL-The Easter ser-
vices in the Methodist church last Sun.
day Were largely , attended. In the
morning Rev. W. El. Butt conducted
a Bible service on Christ's resurrection
and it was very interesting indeed. A
song sermon on the Rose" and the
" Lily " in the evening waxen attraet.
ion. with Mr. O. J. Pink of London as
chief soloist. The solos **Theo.:Holy
City" and "The ninety And Nine"
were exceptionally fine. and Mr. Pink
well deierved the praise accorded hina
•brtherpestocorthe-church.,--Air-f, •
therthimicomder theableleaderehi o
Mr Nelson flicks, they simply., our.
riste.sedthiSinselves. The choruses Were
grand, the mull° being inspirational
In its character end in keeping with
the obcaslon, many *eying at the doe*
of the meeting it was one of the best
services they ever attended. Sunday
was made Connexions' Dey and the
pitesor asked for $75 for Conferenet
huit-got **bold Oro:- The people,
of our village never do thing* in'a half.
hearted way. ,
ceding is programing rather slowly
owing to the hatkward 'weenier.
wad MOW* Margaret Mci4tieert
s nt Sinday with Mr_. Todd and fern.
I y, near Sessmith..,;-The reniains ot
the late dirs. Bos. of Chistellfurst. Were
interred -in MeTeggert'm tenietery on
Sattirday..-Mies-Verst Olerto, teacher
ricer Dundalk,' :Proton towlihip. is,
visitinvher .parints 4na
Mr*. Wirt) are gettingeettled in their-
, new home on the imolai!: cr*itgro-We
are pleased to hote this week that Mrs.
Tublike Ityclunan and Mrs...T. Franklin
1 their recent tattier. Miss
Horton are both improving nicely from
Miners, is spending the Roister helidays
at her home in Exeter...4re. 110
Chesney and daughter ot
mandville. were visitore here daring
the Roster lielideys.-A number in
I this vicinity attended the danceglven
by the Iliebelors andllettediets
etfr on, Thartioltatevening 'And 'repat
exceptionzilly good time. -141 •
afOestis ft Atte
eirtiermetheritti.- ityciioste.
Ur. pold Mee. ix. poi viiiiteit
itioltow 404 honilt 00.mier.
Sunday, in Crediton. -Mr. Yager has
returned from Manito a.--111,1chard
Carter and Miss Carrie Mollard of
Parkhill were 'married on Wednesday
last We wish them it long and hep-
py life. -Mrs. W. H.Taylor of Niseouri
and Mrs. J. W. Kennedy of George-
town ;went it few days at their sister's
Mrs. Fred Brolon.-Ess. I* all *miles -
it is it girl. --Among those who .spent
Hester here were: -Miss McLoed and
M. A. 0. 0011108, Charlie Cunningham.
Erney .110111nan., James Certer anti
Clifford Bice, all of London. -S. S.
onecandiamity of Londontsvere here-
tt Good Friday, -Gilbert Carte
moved to.Mooreeville.
Ainslie, Neil. of London, end his
bride, are visiting at his parents, con.
2 of McGillivray. Mr. Neil occupies it
positIon in the shipping department of
McClary'.. . London:-Jaines Eiutton,
hasrentedbisfarmfoi gran to Mr.
George, of Putman. Mr. George in-
tends stechintthe _plaoe_ with .1101110 of
his Kohitehis. Mr. Sutton will still
occupY his honse,..-1. Iludion, rif Mc.,
Gittlivrii , has rented Matthias Doyles
hu Imre farm The rent will be
ID t neighborhood of .$100 per an.
num. Mr. 'Hudson obtains possession
this e6ming atiturnit..-Ferm help
seerns fairly plentiful in this section
this spring. Dr. )avitt -Collins-, -Whii
recently hired his help for the simmer,
,says be had bit choice of quite a num-
ber of men..41. N. Jell, of this Oate,
who for the pastmonth has beenvisit-
ing friepds in Montreal, has returned
hoirse....Perry Bice or • Detroit, -who:
was /flatting lite intimate "here . for a
moats, returned on Tuesday.-+-,Qoite
a bomber around here are ill \With
grippe. -Mrs. !button and daughter,
Min* have returned after spending it
few weeks with her sister in Fortnum.
on. -les. Donelly of London spent Tnes.
dayith Askona ' friends. ----Mrs.
Deovni is visiting friends in Exeter.
Mre. 'niers of London is spending
.iftesv days with her brother. Ben
Merretilise Aida' of Totile is violting
friends here..; -,F4111 wheat hes winteted'
feirly *ell in this eettion. and if eon.
ditione tontinue favosable .it fairly'
good'etbir ritioy be exteseted.''Sinail
frulte and Ortiarnen t:41 ehrn hi' and ever.,
gtoeae have ***titlett well, and pros.
or * ,plentifol berry
trees aktolgrApe viers
bare eacep.d Ib. 'ftosit better than
11111,0/0 ,
Pws.$,tltord. 4, it
ititt J.ij7,21 $spt.132g
rtotiese lig** to rahsintwii* 60atata
VERVI.OW *ATVS, ,tr Points
peg and 1532M
ton sad worn titt.00
Iliostft:Wessoisiti6 '
t*S listdted.
twat( 44,
11 1* rat* on reek
**41: *10* *Mt**.
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