Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-16, Page 8 (2)1"triraciie31 L. 0. rima ng Was \ati a to
'elle on Sunday utnd.is rea:)%'cz113
nicely. ,
A. nuin er pfng. .p!e spent a
ve pleat iatt it t at the homre of Mr.
and lifr+r. ,dohu ierslakee' last 'hair ay
**Os ru laza r► becei xieaao pl'en'tiful
tbis,y>eer ha..the prie has ,d p ,.e
1• 'id10010('0.0.•*. plat,: '
tho, v, 'tb'aaat�sora .itnasV 4L '' <. .'ttr ple ,f -.' 'that
*nit .: weet''i' ale 4it s ir
eelie eut , tt k of �Isk • . n
cf ber, sa riling t'ttce indleste8 t t aslte
asi ftftl;f^ C+rieveI d.
Order yo. Mot Cross Ilan tt Sarl
from W. J. Statham.
Sexsmith i ool is closed awing it
said, t4 the prluaalet ant vt.sn iQa,1 type()
scarlet fever. It is s:#fi.1 there ore tw
or three wits iiiar• t' t?' in town. but w
believes ti greatest caution is tl e
to prevent the disease sere xdisng,
A very heave wind seer B to hay
*wept os'er 011.0 *bele, of$004 re Cepa
ada'and Northern • '"nits mates 0
8at rday aaxid ;f3uti y..' `ConsIt1etrass ble
dao a inid r or was d0ateiu 1RCes
b(y�p([ Jy .nig7�,jmat' l q{'ravn biiii�t�■d�iiig . A
el) ie4' ieee.. .uu ' 1,^ f,+� Je Y,4 $,ti eetT!'.
aul►a# b::,; Ex t '.z`t was rabiit
_r .L•. . w. v.
' Pa 7
P(gyp• i.. i..N •, A. !•.A A.. • �a(� tw�n����
eaae...•.•r..•• f..• 0....M ;5 i` Ona
11''61 aatoe ss;a, per bag 7 i
e �yp�r� np �!(yp 2 ,��.j�
,^ 4w!'ton...9,r►e ..e 0w. 10410.. ...1i
Flour,per cwt., family ° 215
Sin ourr, Low grade ,per -cwt, 1 40 1' 1y•�
BftteMrl.�`w..NR�A#r^.w.A�, .rt • i s.
q�yr{{ff��y��';'1•�F H•w..11�;�pw. r=+r /t y.
e1#4g":Jr 4 R1V r i,IR 4e,N.x,
r -R1 ton* • y . D..:R114r4.�• rep,
dal."0, ri, • r:•••r:•.4 t•. rp,
.`.. •ye;+tw Rel n, .•...Rvi �' �'`
'�. #" ` g y fart►:'
a nsp ing s fgs tr. i consider iif . the
font, cern *tat.ss a choice morsel^ for'.
tile table, and teeny of ;them Ale.,
btered'for that pupo*e
The South Huron.Spring Fair waaii''
held at Bar celleld on Friday. The
,stoek on exhibition bition was good but -not
plentiful while the attendance was
innallifitG�Wf..��ffff. There ..iai..room }yy�f�oy�lrfi,�. nr roylve-
.Agrlcultural-Society* 8priog Show.
Mr. and AUL •Itobt. cDonald, Thane,
es Road, who was operated on for
th . t and other troubles at the home
of t. and Mrs. Peter Hamden, came
through the operation nicer and . was
able to be removed to. his home latest
■■ . The annual election of _ officers orf
glace at their regular *mestizo
r evenin 3 1. U tb
T. R. and n-.rtb of the salt block, Exe
ter. Terris easy. Apply A. Q. Bolsters
Merri>aasa'Licenses issued at. the Ad-
vocate oltle...
lase to Rest.
-01k it streetthrle r ,
fa -Weenie, in good-etate of repair.
s° ak arse#
% est
Any b . + caught destroying proper.
ty ur ineu•ili ng with anything on the
r T 'railroad a isi be severely dealt with.
O. BinsEY.
Cbeaiea Acfp'e clutter.
Owing , the fact that those having
tried Es. iielor Brand Apple Butter
are calliaieret the factory for repeat
orders. . Ir will now be kept on sale at
the stores tap, town.
wait. Cause. Si Bea ter seta.
Pure -hr ed White Leghorn Eggs for
reale. 30c p -r dozen. Apply to
Waterloo St., Exeter.
• Peered Fid moan* Rosaatcsa..
• I awns ',tiering a limited number of
R eggs for * ..r. at $1.00 per setting of 13.
T. B. °a UZZ°.
. Ladles sat iieattiesued.
The 21 n •.f Maycornea on Sunday,
but on. Monday, the 25th, a grand con-
cert will Like place in theOpera House.
Look at Vic brilliant array of talent --
Mr. -Will niter entertainer, --of-Te-
ronto; Mie, Francis Wright, soprano.
soloist, of Toronto; Miss Jean Waikes•,
review, of London; Mr. Mack Vincent,
entertaiw a, of Exeter. Don't forget
Staath:a no's Sot Cross Buns are deli-
cious. Older early.
Special services will be held in the
k'ravitt ' Aleiuoriaal church on Easter
Sunday. The subject at morning and
evening 4a ill bethe Resurrection. The
choirwih vender Le/welt' mucic. Af--
ter -The .»� �^aelgjar .serif a r. rown
will render a short Organ recital. -
Msr. John Cookson, Exeter north, is
confined o his home as a result of a
fall from tut=e top of a sepiledriver. He -
was eoneeleigb y shaken up but no
bones are !woken. _
Co lflnenne": , n tr"a i." ss + islhow goods
TAMS eseh• . `. W. Ik oderrick..
'Rev. A. H. Going's serioen `ou Sun.
40,0 evening in the Jem`esstrut ebiir•cti
"to young men., contained mo,'e, excel-
lent advice, given in a most kindly
spirit the following of which,- advice
would lead young men to- more suc-
careers in' life, in a business
�wa . -an ,y.,{�{•,'
Y','lilal�1y�3a°L6a[:.,P�,.••"••il�{ ..
Bo$torr h�, a ►�,�
1 1 ve , u1n• .
drect '• welling houses and public build-
ings destroyed,1500 families' were
driven. from ther homes and 10,000
people made homeless. Fourpeep le
are dead and fifty injured. The .
started from a quantity of rags
in a marsh and was spread by aale
reaching sizty.niilea a n hour at tiinee.
G- Atkinson
r of their friends to
on tamed a nuw
A. Fear; 2nd ice, Miss Berney, Miss
Brooks; 3rd Vice, Miss May Sanders;
4th Vice, MIs. Powell; Secretary. Le-
roy Coultis; Tressu r,. W. W. Taman;
Organists, Miss E. rollick and Missals
W. Howard.
....Tted y th eve :nets
euon . ver io? i".°icer ha rjeat'c `
They are rea i the fields of A
tins- fn zriliklarb
r ary din•'#n-Msrele- + r °in~-Ap
ril, Gahinaati y Spain in Jenne. Iowa
in July, Can aa -ib gins , Sweden in
September, Norway in October, South
Africa in November, and Burma in
December. It is always harvest some-
where. The ripple of the ripened
grain goes round the world nd_ the
harvester follows it.
On all sides at various times you
hear the question of power being dis-
cussed. You hear the sty ngtb of
machinery referred to as horse -power,
probably two, five ten or twenty, and
at the same tr iehow many people use
this expression and really know its
true meaning? What' is .the actual
est ength of a horse -power and how
m ny of the worthy animals could
raise the -required weight? The - ex-
planation is as follows:- "One horse-
power is power necessary to lift 33,000
pounds one foot per minute." ,
Before Magistrates Kay and Farmer
on Monday Morning a boy, Arthur W.'
Geiser. ss 10 years, of Dashwood.
was tri on a charge o wrong u y
taking $10 from the' shoe store con-
Edi honer at Dashwood. ' • m the
evidence it appears that Mr. a • igbofer
was returned the money, but as con-
stable and the County Crown Attor-
ney had the boy sent to stloderich some
days previous. On a claim that the
proceedings were irregular the ease
was again tried here on Monday, when
the boy was released on bail to appear
before the judge.
"'You have onl_e .too..ge,_ ,three mike.
out of Seaforth to find a quartette of
brothers who can place the Hay Bross.
record quoted last week far in the
shade. These brothers are John,
Thomas, Edward and aand Robert Devereux
whose respective ages are S.. 83, 72,
end 08 years. making a grand total of
Mr. L il.+s -beenan, who has n with,: 308 Years. The ri
ere. ell activend e
-1.1r.--W•-S. Howey learning the d g, erget-ncmen. I,heeldestbrotlier,John,
e>, iraess f,�r.�some months, left qday, summer or winter,
«r •ed, y morning for his home
that le does not perform work that
ilkg:e!a•e,, to remain until Saturday, keepau ordinary man well em.
when h. .noesis to Detroit for three ployed. In addition to this, Messrs.
weekm sand thence to Williston, North vereux have a sinter in Chicago,
pitons. a., live with his brother, Dr. Mt'e. Arm' who 1* 77 years of a age.
H Gag1
s , 0 slid work in a_ _ drug store..` This *wens the :grand total of ii.,
: " f,aanari " b ._ ..... enerel fasvorit ' 1 asipostit . __
with old and young alike during bats
sojourn in town, and the beet ,wishes
of all accompany him to the West.
In conversation with several of the
merchants in town they express geh-
eeral ssatf'tactiosn with the „quarterly
system'' of collecting accounts. A
nuniber of them adopted the three
-' Months' system at the New Year and
they find this month that it is becom-
ing as eource of eatisfactio'n to them.
selves and their cueloners, as their
runs aura ieapondi-ag nobly to the
*vomits sent out the first of April
and 'state that they would rather ssset.
quarterly Lien
It is the business of a newspaper
man to boom the town for it is worth
tsnontb aafter'ma nth, and then see $10
worth of printing go out of the town
because 10 cents can be saved by so do-
lug. It is the business of t e news-
paper to give every local a Lerthen
entS Martin that the immediate rr
'husisasetic "send offs." as 'd thenquirts
catch seheol bee ausee-he failed to record merits enumerated in they Inspector's'
the facet that some prominent citizen seuggestion for the 13. S. Dept. be po-
ints had his delivery wagon painted. cured as, soon as . _practicable. Per R.
To subscribe liberally to every„ ptubli. • N. Rowe _and Srl artin that H. fees.
charitable and church enterprise, ad ° the-thea-l-nspector pend
rertiee them Inc nothing, pa,� r. his own Secretary be a committee , to receive
way to everything aria l called the equipment required es r the f ore
Tr t etid-bn er reprriEr 'Lecauee ` ' n iii fir. - er TI. a on a .
as column is not devoted to that .pots .S. Martin that the, Secretary be author-
ic: lar affair. Do you wonder that i*wed to secutrn not more than elix copies
there are se many cranks in :the news-, of the Educational Association reports
paper business? It is bound to make for 1907- ' Per 11. Haneston and S. Mate
either a crank or a philoiopber out of in that the first Actor be.scrubbed
a mach. throughout during the Sep roschin
Batter' holidays. Per R. N. Rowe as
jean sxalente- 'J. Grigg, Secy.
asf i. e. c = in
anniversary of their wedding. The
host and hostess were the recipient* of
a number of choice presents in china-
ware. That they might • live to see
many more anniversaries is the wish
of their many
-. Ou"was J,ear
iiiiiiit' iiiiiet Interest
readers and serve to
='d'aysX-- ----� - --
istelir t --sputa itr their . net for ens.
Mr. Wm, Tapp reminds us this week
of an /teaming race run SI- ,years ago
by the late James Oke and himself
from Main street to the James street
church, which had to be run twice in
order that the judges might make a
decision. which . was fluidly awarded
Mr. Trapp.
What is defied- in Millinery "The
Merry -Widow Hat"on account of its
size seems to be canning trouble in
places of meeting in many of the cities.
An exchange gives the following dir-
ections for manufacturing one of these
"delightful creations": --T ke one bic.
ycle wheel. Superimposen the hub
one deep gran ite saucepan, first snip-
ping off the handle with . an axe.
Stitch on cover of wine -colored velvet
from your season before last's coat
suit. Put on three-inch binding
around brim of canary -colored taffetta
sick from your great- mother's
party dress. Rip 10 yards ruch-
ing off your shirt waist box and wrap
• die- a
joint fork will give a jaunty effect if
a _ _ •. _� - .— -
pJ.•'.. w v -vera yam*s��.+s 1rrJt"1•rirch,r4m0+h:
anon ea
Us a pure soap and you will never
lose durgoodcomplexion. At present
we are showing the la t and beat
collection of ,FINE. TOMET SOAPS
imp •a lr zeter
Coati no more to get the best.
Per Satre.
A Iieinttman Grand Piano -nearly
new. Apply to Mrs. A. Q. Bobier.
Weed Board ];Suets e.
Minutes of Board meeting ,held in
the Town Hall, Monday, April 13th, at
S p. m., with all remembers present.
'The following is the order of business
dully submitted and approved, Per
•chair, minutes of revious meeting.
• •rte,. -o osnrn,.- pplie!a-desk re-
quired- for Dept. No. 2 not yet procur-
ed. Teachers Supply -that Miss Jean
Dixon had been secured ail Principal's
relief and that Mies A. Martin was
ready to supply `No. a until further
notice. Per T'. W, Gladnaan and S.
Martin that the action of the teacher
Supply. Com. -receive -the --endo ment
of the board. Per _F. W. Gladrnan
and 11. N. Rowe that cornmunication
be opened with Mr. J. D. Campbell of
Toronto University in reference to the
possible vacancy of the rincipal's
room'. Per F. W. (Madras and S.
Martin the Ground and Sanitary Cerra.
empowered -rw) make sneh Im rove
rnenteJin the - undis- and -Walks as
may seem desirable. Per It N. Rowe
and F. W. Diedrnan that the In _
toy's report be accepted as read, Per
S. Martin and F. Wood that H. Hues.
ton be the Beard delegate to the April
meeting of the Educational Aesocfa-
tion id Toronto. Per H'. lineston and
Elena' rerelests Per Aprti.
Regular Storm Periodsavers the
.10th to the 23rd. This period is_ fully
within the Mars and Venus periods,
And near the centre th
of e sMercurr
period.4 Moon is at extreme eoutb, dem
cllnaation and last quarter; As we
.enter into Ulla period the tempera.
ture. will r phrnomenally high in
'Southern, western and central sections
the barometer will fall to cotrospOnd.
. Ingle Iowa readings. Sand from about
the 21st to ;the ,- twiny. -*ideas
stosrr af�af` lightning, thunder, aiac, sand
halt ill visit wide sithes"ii the ` *torus
rent sweep from rarest to emit Elves
the country.' At the cutimination of .
' 'thin ppeerl'od„ say About the 2let, d'
and 23rd, rio reader of these totem's
'should be wholly sturprlesed by ,'violent
'if n t totes:die. etorWer. Central and
'norther* grits of i the country ' ma
reartonably anticipate *noir and en
s chane to wise ssotnabl l oti
western and northern tangent of
storms, *ay from the 23rd to
As the Jupiter end .Seturr n in.
fluencesersnoWdecreming, we believe
thaat the Mars pyo 'will t t'a siten
n usouch ged cold As un -
risible conditions** prevailed in
irtnitrof 1907, in'which event the
herr'will.:, be, warmer, rains *t d
Will be Meth tropital and .be fo17
t 114 M`ildev changes to cooler.
for; Spring and tl
has beton) Mresdy.
Let c ► TAKE i
aft seAicty.
Our Germs are
the Best
tyre►, Fit and Finn
If yelir .get it at COLE'S it's good.
Mr. John E. Tom, is inspecting
schools i this neighborhood. ,
Mr. and t ii *3o itisand son ' visit-
isited friends in Crediton this week.
A number of young people drove out
to Mr. Fred Bunking; and enjoyed it
taffy pull Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spackman leave
to -day for St. Thomas and Taalbotville
to visit friendet during the Easter boll.
Mrs. William 'Snell who has been re-
siding in Winnipeg for some time, is
again visitingamong friends here, hav-
ing. arrived ednesday evening of Test
wefk, -
Mr. acid Mrie R. N. Sweet and little
daughter, of Clinton, are spending the
Easter -holidays under -the- parents
roof, with Mr. and Mrs. James Sweet,
d mouth.
Miss Ena Box, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas," Box, of the 4th
Concession of Stephen, returned home
on Friday from Ottawa, where eine
visited for three months.
-rxi. --Y.
ffirwhatthe o. ewant a..w :bt:.�n- .. _q-
furniture wehandle., Sone
people are -willing to pay -lav-
��e�i�tjrle ccimZlried� "rkifr't. t • ..at.a,.mrndeacata...•. ,
oulineshe hill exactly, being rich in desiggnn'
and reasonably t om,- Our extensive lines include SIDE-
�. etc., ere.
are a line which we are introducing and we are showing
a.apec Tally line.setection in elegant designs. _ .
The Lig Home .: fishers and Funeral Directors.
From the flower farmsof F ance
the rose gardens of Bulgaria, and
the, spice -growing- fiends of the
Orient, come the materials 'for the
makingof perfumes. Copare-
tively no
few perfumers know how to
rightly use their, A perfect per-
fume is a work of aart. We have
the finest of the world's produc-
tione, selecting from the lists of
the best, makers - ' -
those odors that excel.
Both Imported
and Domestic
I'crfum = ,
Cali: said See
Our New Odors.
for Easter ?
Just a few more shopping days.
ASTER is only a few days away. and every woman should have her
_$prfn Outfit complete. Come to this store and you will find ev-.
-try t o-g•-r+sad -for your Basterrdebut.-_..
LLovely.- Styles in, raster
tioveiy sty1ea;without nuniber grace the show cases and tables of
our millinery section. All th prime favorite* are- here, trimmed
atnd-ready to -hie -trimmed,- to -Suit- titer wearer's s fancy, - -Our large
staff of milliners are very busy, so do not leave your orders too
Our Spring'Coats
and Separate Skirts
are made up in the height of fanchioi,
and of the very -beast and toniest ma-
..Nothing nattier than one4Qf our
New Spring Coate.
They are Perfect Fitters.
Our New Skirts are very neat
Tweed, Black, Navy* and the
Popular Browne, in all the New Fab -
ries: Yon cannot do better than- get
One of them to be neatly dressed. "
Come to This Store fo
'Tour teautiful _gasi
+odds.. That' are loved
1 e. T`oung', (n
owls Waiting- % rst is here.
r. Frank Vireekeeof idowel is
ittng his father. Mr,: Win:, Werk
titre. Viraln ghter -fitstret��iaiawd-��r'>1at
Lottie. of Detroit, are guises of the
fora ''s father, 'Mr. Hoskin*, Estate
North. '
Beers) '0;
Nothing won '.. you better than el ler& through oeir Whited
l r. iat'tmen ithie ite a ote You will find uss with the niieest
di . hliayra! +as'yer•+ . Dainty New Whit* Watrsssti, New
►k�rt a Netw Gotrsto,r 20* (si'lorr et Coves. In fact everything new
in this department.
t Sk
aver *ease.X
as►Srea� I be. *a: the
isnatlbsr 1 was as well sager» it
great teats for weak *at . ra eie;rrnass
ple, Therm 3s sew life 1* ire dp
Jam, LI
Sddetoway Oat, . 1p 1�
It.i� -A alai yet"t'ir �
aassiianit auris wade `ctl p'r car%p1
'T ate, la,g sad stoieaekk tro*btt
;ail` a dkofsaraws o sdnfi�s s' nfekly.. i
my >xtsa use. At all di iggasts, otic
$1r n ar Dr.'1'. A. Vileeam. L*did} Tot
' ..
rh"1 �1.p➢!7 �1��*.tr 4.i,es! r'� i�.,
�fAd 11t, R'. = r T.J7ti;o�lA.
�r'/+ Y