Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-09, Page 6 (2)STAM' IltitOzi PERIY VAIIICIASs ligh fird. Fife; Tied. *tier* rOttment ulet he :,e,easeal'y etill't, PreAlii, it it 0 doliiiMi to telng A t0 t., verY. PaZ O. of1,0liOr. in, The. color, f_tEro lla trkd \trnt ethe , t selected -strains T co rzsootmitit 3 3 great impre've t. o aouto e• '•, lever that 11.1ade fr4,rn the14lr2ery aemplea. flour from te be4t seZoction of Stanley (,,:laiitey Al is Of th0, Saineyeolor ea WO Red 1770. The beet,. kti'ttaf40,- litteen 'awl ,Iteltelillate.41414,bee i proveet lattenot ft!Ille 10 the's* " • .-,.: !tilt, $treplit, ,.„ t Ikea opn ' 'f; '" littl'P in k*t. , k.:Il e,tirk 10#. ., • 0111i1.•$ etiterel Itte ittle tete tut evotd The Rev. B. C. AU fn ;run reafinfi'lht qh.rtd' th4 elltn Atittldfnit„ Ott 41 Of Grove City tornted the oper t• at the-urent r. ttutait of the trlsoner„ 'who w*e'. leter liisreiteglit-lo-et- ' pttal here, where it b sad ihe will . over. four Oben were injured in the neck, eteleittrieles left les WU eetight Un- der the -clenealshed cars, and &welding steam from the passenger lo0Ornotive enveloped Wm in a doud. The Prisoner pulled out las pocket knife, and, hand-. gait '41:41teritt1y' end tit a 'Ulf Tieladttetta had Stv -tendon*, and MOttittrtek was -CeaVeze-- oe' Emma, Winner,a trittaW who was 8 11446tOttets 000_ Viet of her vett and atalitachad the w of blood, end then Ore ltfeKittrielt *Dor* plane and streollitheetoetieo the pan And slitnukte heart attionf Until be reached the baSpitil In Ste reilt04. .ettenotg**italleAegielltateatVelittiVillittelateetteeeea HAFPENINGS Flt031 ALL Oielea TUB '10n/a."11AP,t'22-tq " 1.4 v beeu lilladed kiom czses made at tts 1 EX,t)erinKstal 'ram tn thi atter .1883eettlit are et ttateentlelly the __Veleta* (Red Fife or 'White 1411404110. A.s ttanaltY firewn they are very ,much ,slike most reepeoLvind ettei not, aietingutsh- able front fiseb other , atter threetehtg. The kernels easembla Red Fite, but ttnY competent judge van, eestly detect the difference between that variety and theso *thane provided all the samples OM" StSt of properly Mettlred Vein in PUre ACiralditi011,e--1141xtUrets,..aefe;4hee4ewbesidtt. withlied rife cannot be accurate:1,Y saP- arltted by ccaralriation of the kernels. telegraph meta From Our Own and Mee Dumfries of Mesta Events. • CANADA- MacLaren ot. Knox_ .Collega U „glass optic. vice 43 strike brokers in, the ereut a walk -out of tho milk waggon. &he ers In .Chicago. The New Haven ft. R. has laid off 105 shop workers,' reitlueizig the force to 25 as against 800 when the shops are running full -handed. Volunteer liftmen used numerous kep ox beer io tight a sakam fire in . • ett-4tueli -ie,.-Sask. Milh he London_Ie to he 'redettexl_.ite p cents r quart. esecheot saiiiries-jfl Delleviller-fere400 are estimated at 419,900. A Galiciau boy named Goggle was killed by wolves neer Fulton Mille, Sask. • ---Ontarto- 30,000 --pop letion or ewer may have Beard el Centrol. The new wing to St. Joeeptea Hos- pital, Peterbero, Ls about ready for eao- cupation. The 6overnmeet Will remove the ern- argo on the export of tanbark lathe -1iutetS States. • The Alberta Government h.as purchas- e 1 the Bell Telephone-systern in that Province for $675,000. The C. P. R. has let nee contraet for construction of the new line from Leth- bridge to Macleod. •, _ The -10(14m vtintge of-Seettelt,--B. • was almost destroyed by tire, and an cid oouple perished in the flames. A general light took place at a dance at Union, alberta, and a cowboy named • Stevenson shot Otto Taylor through the The Unton Dank has presented two of ths clerks with gold watohes for fru.e. trating .an attempt to rob theLogan avenue branch at Winnipeg. •The Canadian Northern Railway has • Twelve(' Information that nye thoueand Americans are expected to take up land in Alberta and Saskatchewan. GREAT EIRTAIN. The first of the three new warshtps • foe Brazil, building In Britain, will be • launched on the Tyne tais month. A resolution endorsing borne rule for !retard was adopted in the British Muse of commons by a vote of 313 to 157. Mr. Auguatine flirrell, Chief Secretory _retain-amiddenied til- House of stommenothattord-Hatk10---wie way r nneeket with the disappearanee ct tee DubTin j-eWete. Howard Mears died he -taritzto from teekjaw causzd, by a ger/shot •wound rereived March 10. , ResOlutions iritroduced. at Washina- ton by Spealtqr Cannon call for an In - the paper trust, • , Alive ailment, a dance hall girl of Dakersfielde Cal.. has inherited 875,000 froin an uncle in,rica.go. The &talena ts 'ew York Vniversity went on strike on hursdlay becatreeene of 'their number bad been Suspended. Michigan, territory has semi four --rage wave in tereen ofaeleverelgrity over -Spanish omit -Aire crime. Irehn }telly, of ateevarle N I.., was stabbel Oti tt elreet car by a priseen- a ger 'on who-st.,-,--foot be had acedentally atepped. " • - • Mr. has slept for 102 days in' the county, hospitals, Les tong to the VIM duo and have na ••elationship or similarity to Goose 'wheat. Tho distribiation of these varieties foam the Experimental Farms was be - pin many years, ago, before the char- ae.•*es of each, sort had been fulty nIp by selection; end hence, lies now w •Pf$14,400111 Ing -Mado telielthldenS# but by ri4 ;WOOS inswe - en the (ntestione that neturailly arise. The 11.0 general conolitaknaii may be here stated. As 4 rule Bed Fife Orem diletinetly higher In baking Strength lharytheteaother---wheatt;-prO- vided the sairiples oottpared 'have been grown 'under similar conditiOns and properly ripened. Erni when He con, &Owls have not been alike the fled info usually &kis the stronger flour. In one OW% boweltiltr, one or other of foe early wheats has tbo advantage. By "strength"' te meant the ability of the flourielrateertrwater and f.e prodireo a letturei-and good, shape. On a soak of points for th Medea tweak, 85 '104,4,'"4" Irk tied File has varkd from St to Jametteire'eal, veiling- erten -la rlitla#lititleteJete Tne deranged at Hid, .(lita, and jumped in _ tfrOat et A, trelneeellee-waseinstantlY-40114"- A.1 Oswego, N. Y. Jameis Holtz ,,v•as convicted or murder in the gree for killing .bis netglibor, •attltirphy ceoke, in a quarevl over Reitz's chick- -VI& ' A new' Wee, b-uilt by 'the Pima - 011 Company,/ wit" extend its pipe line.s none Southeast Ohio to tho Indiana and Illin•ois fields at • a oest of over tle,000,000. • Miss Addie M. Ilunt, a trained. nurse, wttoee -legs were ,cut off by a train at Great Neck, L. in June, 1905, has 'just &on eiwarded verdlet A1,4;25,6,10. Free distribution of ,:antitoodia to the poor; of Perinseivania; eceord, ing,. to the records of the:State Department. ot ffealth, ,has owed tha lives of 1,500 children in a year. •Theft luttleeetternplato_blaweopen the safe of the Farmers, Bank at Spring - town, Ark., the head of one of- the rob- bers was blown from his shoulders by rernature explosion of dynamite. he jury In a Sunday saloon Owing case at. Cblcago disagreed so thoroughly That several of- the nen wore" found re - lured and part of the furniture in the room, damaged when the report was flnafly made. • GENERAL. Pirated trade marks are an abuse whioh is nourishhig In Japan. Complete aneareby prevalts in Hayti, and the American warships are prepar- ing to land troops. Many Hayti:en officers have been ar- ested, charged with a:implicit). in a plot against the Governinent. A long -extinct volcano in Guatemata ,heie btoken into ereption, and the peo- ple on the mountainside are fleeing for their lives, The Cent has ordered the dissolutien athe-filitgaleitittiaeoe' solution exp In elanprielly witle three -len terror/its. „rttaCILASPa OraPHONg Alberta Mail borrow Money to Puy foe I* Mks Acquired. A despatch from Montreal says: The sttle of the Dell Telephone Company plant in the proienee%of Alberta to the province is officially , otentlrmed. Mr. Cushing, Minisfer Publie Alberta, who is In Montreal in on neetion with the deal, says that 1he pmvince wilt borrow the trioney to pay for the 600 mites they hate just secured, which,. A n 'by tho Alb-'rtaaet crated by theqz51ce, and -pro new extensions built. Mr. C. F. S presalent of the Roll Telephone Corn. pane, confirmed the report, that a. basis et agreement hos been arrived at, but contract has yet been signed, and neg,otiatiens ar am pending with re- gard to some dtaiLs. tina, pni a charge ter 'mord.* D. AfPnonard ;13 the 31X1 on Thurseley *shoti tletectEves Wm-. E. 0•11140,l0wC iounjeI throe ottztt initteete tinder, And wlo tam- aeriattiCy woonded. Mannetd had het% tried Zr dynamiting *terra and cfnirch" 40, Sandford at )-64ri A* law* *a tit* jure tootle] ita 1.101,k-001 ioniport otos 'drew * te, -11144 at-Proaentins /antes Cooper, jr., bat beceitise Cooper tipped" 'his, their xer backivards. NtzDonatti ,contitit0 lrng at • Ito cffizers seated aralm(1 the 0.403 Ddettive thvyee fell tkM. at the third shot. flotil!etriers and de. puty, sheriffs in the coluirdoM drew tel.' volvera end itnleroft tit* .on *Donald« who 'returned the Are, The tertVidted Marl Th1&y ieiL with half **own bul-7 eta $04100 Crane, who 1*,e. • Wet at the' trial, tax to the tailto fury to*, and, th. .1* tiotatosiotcs eels. of thareeone type. In or to jovercoma, This alectiiins -to ithprtare'the varieties as much as pos- 'Mei-mutt ,eispedally-to-get --rid-of-the kernels with a yellow ;We (which under -present- Grairrinspection Aet "re censidered inferior) a careful reeseleo• Men of these WitetS W113 undertaken a s -a thlie- Pwreit styli , were prOduced. Some of thieee are now being distributed, and" those ot the, ver), best aplenty (of which Only a =nail al -mount of seed Ls -yet available) are being propagated as idly as possliffe. A full description of each, variety need not be given 'here; but It May be mentioned that selected Preston- is a bearded wheat with yet. Jowl.* ratite" cilia; Huron, bearded iiith' reddish chaff; Stanley, beardless with reddish, chaff, Ind, Percy, beard- less with yellowish Chaff. When questions are *eked in regard -to theae- svheats ihA enewet4 are usual- ly desired in the torin of a comparison with' Red Fife. This rnehodeetherefore. scone the best to adopt irreonsidering the varloaa. twines here disousaed. -Earltnesse-Theso varieties usually rip- en from about roue to twelve daysibi. rote RiscIfilre.lraown on the same day and grown under exactly the satne *tra- ditions. ftt the Northwest Province.s, Preston on sunurter-fallow• \will usuaPy ri at about the Alamo tune 43 Tied • perk Fife n stubble. act weather towards ham- t reduces the difference in time of ripening. Cool weather lengthens ft. Stiffness- andelength of -straw. Ree sister:co to Rust; Smut and other Des- eesete-1n regard to these exants the early varieties show no striking dila ferenoes from Red Fife. NUM. -Experiments in regard to yield often give eontradictory reaults-under same conditions. Spealdng generally, tiowever, one may expect a large yield front any of these wheats, often lam. , Ora , *kt. TheCgnadt `Forsittueo (e. *Vlach part,41co'- oorn andltdi,1441% thtt etta4 Wettle", wits damaged to the extent of about $15.000. Tha blase originated in the elevater Shaft and had gained such headway that the. Creme% ilonibie3- Naar efforts -10 preveating 'Spread to adjointng won Ft 4 , Da* .serieusly inju sadly Injured and, -1,‘ foam are entertained kV snritited, * that to May be Injured internally. , About aeventy-floe mon will be thieteett OM' -at employment, but the employ-- wdl, rebuild sit on. • ' ,pure grain $34 to $.3,1; * tallied grades, $25 to $29 per ton. ProvisionsBarrels short cut mesa, VI; half Lillis., $10.75; cliar tat haelgh $22 to $23; long cut heavy 11111$.3 tat bb. 40.411040; dry salt 1bzag Cr 11.;r4V1)3"1410 44775 ; f bb . do., $7. - ; I=Vy mess beef, sta to pi; half bbles - Fife being tis-ually &bat ahead. This trukcates a considerable difference in favoree Red Flfe tn, Oda inaxelant matter, the "strength" of the wheat from the Manitoba inspection Division being ,ene of the chief' SaOtoro in maintaining Its high Oleo in stle. land. The moat desiMie strength for evelloureteenelmittee erleakeelee ..11,-Tolia--aeleealteteAft-eitireeoandlWam ationgeet tours do n�% neceassrlty make the best brae. ,,Fenemixtug pur- ee/sees, bewever, the Strongtat wheat* or flours 911a1,1Y.S.ML94.74374,0.4=4.444. r'filiKest price; and while In Eng - lane all kinds, of clean_. Wheet are read. Ily saleable*, the demand for really 'strong wheat if generelly very great. Vali at duo respeet to . the viewti of anyone who _fudges by oppea=ee onlye 1 am of the opinion that if their relative quanta% were clearly ,utiderstood the difference ia price between, fon* Red Fife and thee other Wheats' on the 1,i:olden market would usually be con. sialerably, more than thrtioquertere,,11 a cent. alaushel. it must be remember, ed, however, lhat tho ordinary Western. graded wheat ts by no Means -puma fled • cplitirritY PRODUCE. though tionskiting Chiefly Of that • Apples--Wbitert $1.% to $3* per bar variety. . r.0 - -Conchislort.-eln spite - Of tholr matey • Deems -Prime. 81:70 to $1.75,- 'anie eatrritrable qualities, 1 cannot mom- handepleki, $1.60. to 81.85. mend thee Our eerlyeti/httats for the Honey -12 to 13c per . pound far purpose ofettfltaOlhat-Rey-rifte as a vtio trained, and ra, SLIS t VI& for riety for export put* Itses, in those (Ilse combs. ' tricts where early autumn frosts are -not Hay -No. 1 thiaothy quoted at $16 in. feared. - Wherever. in , the, '. western car kits. * • prairie provinees, Red'. Fife can be de. Straw -410 to $10.50 a ton on brit& pended upon it sheuld be the main here. • - vheatiseavrt, lbese-earlier-sorla.,if -used Potatoes-Qtreleb-of-Ontee.-altd atofl belng sown in relatively small Delay/nice, 90c per bag out,slale; euenttlies merety !cc make paelble a Poeltry-Turkeys, di -eased, .14 to 17c somewbatearlier commencement of the pet pound' !ter choice; chleicene, fake harvest.— •7, to 9c per pound; dressed, 10 to 1.2e; In these distrkste where Red Filo doee ducks, dressed, 10 to ltc. 'hot usually eseape frost these early wheals (particularly Stanley, Prestoet and Moon) should ho-ttied. • Irrinany easel they will no 'doubt prove o im- monse value. They are the $,Aly state able varieties avettable at present for, suet distritts. except Prhiglets Chen- Olititt. boarded 'wheat Of similar per. enta and character, whtch- can also baminended. 'Claeose-Prioes here ruling- at taX to • ,14e per pound fa a jobbing 'way. Farmers in „localities where a fair de- gree of sureese Ls obtained with .Red . cr than that 4.4 ?LII File. On the Fife but where\ it is occasionally touehed _Other Dairy roam it -110me...., vP P,,',',V4t05,,,,NI,Fetir.lvoz,,,,,,,t,E,Fmw?Q, a `Forontor sprit 7.._---Etainntarki 'wheat 90 per oent. patents are quoted at $3.45 In buyers ° sacks ouletie for export. Manitoba !lour unchanged; petents, $5.60 to *6; secone- pat- ents, .5.35 to $5.40, and (shoos bak- artee-$513:7 --Yr7s--ifitidy, -iv., quoted- tr--$11o34, lake, wits. 4(4:1 iat $11634, lake ports. No. 1 feed wheat, 67o; N,o. 2, 62c. taittaTirWhear--:etro'.` ftih quoted at 90ate eutsiele, and No. 2 mix -- at 6934 to/90e outside. oats -No. 2 whik on track, Toronto, 0;34 to and outside at 46ge. - 4.feenet-44e4-3-Anierlean-new-ae- quoted at 72c. Toeonto; kiln dried; a 74c,-anit No. 3 mixed at 710 Tomato. • Ilyet-4sio.- 2 quoted at $5c outside. Peas --No. 2 quoted at 87 to Eitic. _..,1Blar:le!--,413:17::4teo34114relittm• gr-„. tsde $.14,p) 40_05 In bulk, outside, . 4 r OW** fir C411. 1434 to 15ge; fresh killed Abattoir idresawr hogs, teri91-611/ -SC1 to $6.65. fautter--Pall grades, 28 10 Sc; fresh receipts, 31 ti 32e;. dairy, MG to tft. to 3y4c. Eggs= Sales of round lots were made at 170, and &lotto castle at jeaveaterojele 6t Loi, April L. -Wheat -04s% 984 May, alge; July, 65X-6; Seffe-iitli*— Minneepolis, April 7. -Wheat -No. bard, $1.0534 to $1.06; No. 1 Northern, $1.00% $1.61; No. 2 Northern, 51.0 134 to $1.04; Na. 3 Northern, Digo to 98„t„ 0; May.- $L02% to 81/02X; July, $L01 second -patents. $5.15 to $5.39; tirei dears, $4.1.5 $4.25; sewed eb.lars4 82.20 to 83.30. Dtan-la bulk, $21.25/ $41.56. Duluth., April 7. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, .• $1.04; No. 1 Northern, 81.02X; May, 81.00afe tfuly, $1.02. able/ado*, April 7. -Wheat -No. NorthIrtt. $1.0534 to $1:07; No. 2 North- . era, gat to $1.03,11;.May. 923e. Rye -- No. 1, 7710 7.3e.- Barley No. 2, 87c; Samplee, 63 to 65e. Corn -No. 2 62 to 63e; May, 06e asked. • ,--Dutter--Poim4 prints, 55 to Nei and -terve rolls,. 24 to 25e; -do., Inferior. -24 to ate. Creainery rules at 31 to .and Wt, 5.9 to Ne. - Eggs -Case, lots of nevi lac per dozen\ .1100 PRODUCTS. -the --bearded vari'et:ieii"--v4-th,n,.„m_bj.,,umlttktd"l't1"tustt--fbeidr--ewa-4-ttdg.t---- (Preston and Huron). are rattier inorea- n nuitts: -Of fact, to WftiFtx,,-717-: to lie; short:cut, W.% pram -Ore than thi others. lt nowt be oernembered that these comparisonS am : generallrmado-nrider-venditiorts faVor-•:- th011ki 11Se these earlier wheeda. .. '!' ' Hame......atot to meeatiee„, /2)ito to 131...4 ClIAS...„.E. SANDERSON. , ,, do ; -.,-, coy.;, -I -t- -tia-12c; _rolls.- 9,ito .. abbtato Ited Fife. lie cases viliewiro4 'centre, ttxperime- n' in- 1 F'erm; ' C°61141st. '18;.*b„ti al'°".. lea, "1°' bUt;'I 16c; bre'llc- , t.• 3.,, t -ham to be conolderealt the early variv-- ottawat Much, toot , Lardo,Tlerees, 111're; tubs, 11* Iles usually give di.stinelly heavier yields than Ited Fife. .. • 1 . ...............-.4.---:-........ -pails, 11,10, Appearance. of Grain, Selling Prite.--a novsjtNos OF tAvEs sttvED , _ eo__ There early. Wheats are 43 hard es Red , 1 ' '' DUSIteESS AT alueetaneA.L. Fife -and witert the kernel9 Wtth yellow • , :- skins are eliminated. are -of a, rt!* red-, Itenror: itabl . 11.,_eau, Inisl,.;illti From Vaccination Montt'), April 7. -Grain - Caate diedi color whith to (if any difference 4r1.suu IrtPli 0 • ' ii;#1. Caftan:44; IN4:11o* 4.777XL ?I. tNco.°a4isattg414;54ktel: be ) rather darker than fled %Fife. ' 14., despatch from. Manila, PhIllpoine 4 ge, end rejected at 41 to 4$3;c4 Pez 1.44 ng, therefore, tis the Onto In:4w- , falanda, stlYS: The Ward 'of floalth dur- -bushel, oie store, and--Maniteba rej tion Act requires the higher gralee tet eng the 'teat Wee yeers Im cerrted on 04 at 48 ' to 48,Xc per bush, ex traek , eentaire certain Intoportione` of liereteoeste i - e ass. thinevarie,.. iiiiiyitwout,tbe falisii ,' with the mqult wheat partents,,44.t0 seoen alba. 0.-04g1"4"1401-t-;That-emalipox-',,-tyfte-so ipreVattatt,'-ialiti-,-41siej-,; Whiter- Wli,eat- patents. . The grade, of oursey largely, mast wholly era,dicate,-3. Stattstio„show steeaghe eaters, gim ea se; ' do, • trots „theeaale rleee hi 4'.;orialla. that, in the six provinet3, aurrtitindbeging; 423 to $2.35- extra, 413to 1 tt The opinion -of ' English expert in menus, whero previously deaths ran slaw. Feeca-mahitol;a4 bran, 823 to regard to sangr4ee of fled rife, ---Pres-. 4m aigh-ea: olze thon4and eternally,. there pj.a(); atellse,$25; Ontario 'trail, .$21.- 1411„ nley and Percy, grown at In- was not a sieg3e, death leet, year. . tt. &an Head, Sask., In. 1902, was that, the ,irs tstfmated that the number oi &Allis Stanley and Percy would sell In boudoir". town thlg owe el the arehtpelego; irp, at theolatrie price as the Rol rife. hut -eluding the Mora provinces, have b -en the Preston wouldht command about reae,,a telt_th6tufa,na armestry edans. ,threctiters.of--* ticoeL -er hitSiteletesit oarel with Wiener years.. Sine" the oimpulsery law'lliero hog boort slightly excreeding AO 'Million va&aritons, th, the reinarkable resell that ne &ails, no maiming and no Carriplainti rim dtte le virus- injettion, The, best '.'previena record was in GerroanY thirttee 'nee deetita in taft$ -theft thrtitt4 '11,k4 'vaocinatioriet; ,e. •CATILE'fifilttite, -Toronto, April 7.---Akeaa".CitY of good cattle coratinues, aid medium and com- mon cattle had to, 44- • their piride,s, 4111 Only a few odd -lo 1 export eat were on sale. Their pr* -%-ranged from L to 85.35 per cwt. ' 1 butchers' (TAM .'were wanted, teeked butchers' -cattle, 85 cboiee load, 81.50 to $5.10; medium, fli to $4.50; ecerunon.' 83.25 to Si; c,1101Ce COWS. $3.0 tO 81.25; mediunt cows, 83 1f., $3.50; common cows, 82,50 to 83; bulls, $2.50 to 11.50 per cwt. - . • . Calves were steady in price at .3 to -6-xc per, pound. Ewes, 85 to .$5.25; bucks. and culla, 81.113 10 81.50; lambs. grain -fed, 87.25 • .. q; Was. $5 to t6 per cwt. Spring lambs were worth '81 to $7 each. - • .-1310:ce hog were 11116tOd -til SG- ,„. cwt. and lights and fats at 85.75 pee cwt. . Of the lame eariettese, grown -eleOtteWit ltelieved the .Perey and Red Fife smell Ir:nw (qua1 prices and 9'3 pros - Iota and -,S,Itanty atout thrz.qqaarier3 .a.`,Ieent beetiaileee. • • eati,!le.--In their ceriduzi in • ka!Alltie:ie four pibat a el.osely r- 111 'Mt -bail -44atat&I . the eprepertion • of middlin largo end the, middlintea maustially , difficult ,to reduced rneana ytekl 'of 1!patontis. The lotal,)ield ot flonr la wry, pcod and tot nit:At *break" flour pn-duad. ?lase Wts Kto stated' ea, lhenateeine d ttrenly miffing tests of. pie" Of pure Red 'Fifa and twenty. tLr'e.teats of amplei et the 4Ilur ear - Ler *4).tahr. rbei 'to% :haelng been tried, 1134* vi41tuiteedsuriper)ong• ttillosarlpsasti, 'them?' rat r1, k,70....,4,realott 1,40 theist! Iber Mita have, like Bed' fife, 1h6 dnintohiro tit produting now not P.** ettottitt Sot th* poput.r yIeId deed, ate flo**ofad IMa ittedst ft int ft Sala tO 4,1;24 1ikl4lina, $24 tO $27e, sheets 825.50 to 26 per ton, indluding • Fir* Shipment Made to Various, • et the Ceenlry. A despatch from otetwa says: The first, sloopient of silver coin was made ° • from tha (enadian 'loyal Mint on Wed- ramday afternoon, a total of 821,0116 bee • :ng sent to various parts of the country," • The irons %%ere of all denominate:tin,. 4an1 an eqUal quantity. 611 far asavalue ceneercea, or cacti' "elees was • ri out. There WM' 12,000 50-etett p;:e .400 25.cent pieces. 60,000 10,-Ccnt pfei,ca 120.1)09 5-e*3t pifecl. making !Si' worth or erich, d&ittointnanou. . Tim GnoLIa Town to& verend other •eltiei. who %ill deal the oolns out as th2y are applied for. Ship. mente of sitIveg, well be made ri,gtdorly •trmr-dIng 0511P. supply -.5etit is okhauslerl., lime will be re e',ent out foe erre time, as the relineries tzeone not yet errieed. A clOPtith from . .a ayavitoystatOlitg near a hall earlo:id , 'giant ,POWdet- a mito talps,, a the Xliatourt and Kanses Siock VW*, inn TOettialY1 :twat ' it it i118- 11 t44,t as to 'whether the powi' or bad« They 4itteratinatt to kwt ' applied rt :niateli. An expio4un itk wat beilW tor milt*. 'The aa tiott 111)(4 ittkittlIktlit, and rtjt Watt ,141*it fetirit their: feet 'Ike Mad. 'Sit aleOjile Wers. ithoissly tom* on. goblet Grays ire ciiiid1baying isktea 444, , ttly -tont Itontitea hP. 300 kands bate just he tar ,yin1cUot \Canadian, Veto flalwy ue pa. me, ,14c ident ot the C. P. Its pany act 2iett running lhie it at table priew bolla ft the eviriea at „.1Iii) Gran Tt•tilIC 1 81 1kintSt, aarkt Wati Widneadey' Wet t ta tit the pOint ei srknig tot Mterit fluter we In siiine deortmen it itt the( ortistivItcirlAupi l by the eatningiss: tat Its alloW pel�ittm When Ilia tar* trstficretort* alow slioa"got at* pit oat Ida tIttt,, cata *to