HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-03-12, Page 5 (2)II vray- ('ouncfl
)044110 wet puriu4nt to soljo
;tient Usicli Anti 4
scuts Minutes of previoua woe i
read and ,aig nuMber of et -
counts. were pasiied. Movgan
thet 'the A.0 as re*tt be
e4otiteitatt4 the be prnted,-
led. ' ;4 ii -t t ,th
t *tele No,
3* '17411Or,
et tli
r order a,
)robto, tor the
wn.bip ,40cuteen
neitad404014 to -Meet in thaToWn
*11 00 the, ntlikt !onday iij'April At;
hmoters "
'ow ist the. tittle ' when the doctor
Was hoaY, 4144 the patent: medicine
manufacture reap reap the harvest, un-
Iwo:greet care is taken to are warm.
17y and keep.the "i-feetidry, 2141s la,the.
vice,Of an :Old eminent Autherit
10 sly* tbzt ftheuraetismend.
,.`4,40,:.1) tvti: e:00;000:bete,.,A0:0tati:
:40 ca.,s,cor 0.'attikckv
A mo theautifillinevfStatiter.
.e.ry, Bibles. Hymn Books,' etc., at
We waist, ourcolrse to be in every he in
Ontario where there are ladies. so have decided
' to give, direct to th public our improved $15
tine in dressmaking, including cur LacheS
. er System for wholesale prke. $5.00
' As there are 4, large =Tube; of people. esPec"
• ially (lressinakers say you cannot learn by mail
we will send system and first lesson (which
teaches how to make a perfect fitting waist,
•-_,4- registered-to-anraddressiir Ontario;'-=-Afffr-)---eu
are satisfied pra can Icarn, send $5.00 and we
1 ' will forward full course of teSsens. lease do
oat send unlezs you 'dill to team dir rnakinw
we are sure anyone can learn that e gear-
. an!eo to rAve $500 to anyone we cannot teach.
These lesions teach how to cut. fit and _put
tekrether. any great from the plainest shirt
Wt suit to t most elabOrkto dres.3. ' This is
the only course in Canada that the -whet° fami_ ly
can learn by one romber taking' it up. We
have been in business for ten l'ears, have taught
over 7..0)0. Beware of iinita.tions. as some
have_ been Imovra to copy our advs.. and even
- - elainsed where they -were not to be the
Cm:tutor ef this course. No adv. is genuiae
withnut our $500.00 guarantee. •
. Write for porticulait.
31 Elie Street- .Stratford. Ontario. Canada.
Highest paid officials were
once operators. Demand exceeds
supply. -Six thousand needed
during nextfew yesek -Opera
ors have secured increaaed sal-
aries and eight-hour day.stt. -,74111)
-ocietr Wiffseiszywarhermis
We prepare you in shortest
time and place you immediately
upon graduation.
Competent instructors, unsur-
passed equipment, wide expert,
Commercial subjects free
oar note. vacTitiiiii,
tall Business College
• .GeorgeScotton, Principal.
DenielE. Eby, Vice-
You 'won't toll your family slogtor
the whole story about yolor. -)?rlyate
illness Ott are too modest. You
nee1 netlx afraid to ll Mrs. Plnk-
ban_kat Lytkni nip: on
enMnOit YMir
otter be be d in the's
lidenee. From her vast correspond.,
cave with sick women during the
past thirty years she may have
gained the very knowledge that will
ITaroj °• ttg1,the
owing, rn gra ;ft Vr6iiien, es-
tablish beyond a doubt the powerof
to"eeturall - female diseases.
Mrs. Frank Emsley, dsay,
Ontario, les to Mrs. linkham
• When t Wrote to you some time
ego, 1 was a very sick women Suffering
from female troubles. I had indamMa-
tion of -the feminine organa and could
he ('aunelt of .tbe To n
bempreeent exccpt, iIr
inutistrOf previeue meet's)
and .adopted_ Keliermaii
cejved'snd they be paid -their
amounting to SEC each.-Carri
. ers-that the IrteCOUll
of the Exeter Advocate Printing Co.
be paid.-Oartied. Sanders-Yearly—
that the Reeve call on the Township
Engineer to enforce the completion of
the McLellan Award on the South
• 7 Concession, as soon as
mann-Benders-that the chit -roe Of
the Engineer re -John to enforce maintenan be con
-John Bat4y.. requisi-
sidered atthe next meeting of the
Council and that in the meantime the
tbat e Lnatter of c Wag the ro&d on
the 21st -Con.. iyieg between the pro-
p_erties ceened by Robert Pollock and
Caesium* Disjardine be laid over until
the April meeting.--,Cerried. Follow -
log orders were passed: -0. Bluett
and H. Sweitzer, salary as Auditors,
Peach; Advocate Ptg. 0o., printing
and books. $138.82; O. Wolfe and
othersr shovelling snow, $8.50; Mud
Creek Debenture. Tp'aportion _el M.
$138.3Q;W Waiker, rep. culvert
6 Istiluseltr '
Woodh*iu;Rev., Boirtleit preached
special, ser on to the Canadian Or.
er,Attroreeters,00 lioOdariv*olOg.
• _111Amdsardi Owing to the' inneaa or
Edward Kennedy, our assessor, Thos.
11. Driver has been appointed to the
Seaforthz.-There pissed% awar in
Mclaitork'rown-ship, 'Mitch 4, ary
'40.rdi wile Of
'Wet in, her byaarndhad bee in
t14110$11e th,forootent,
104. ' '
Tuesday ,
• titsi
*I* i f
' I 0.t -'BIumatittni'
itehe* Or-yoeeIll!
At MO „ k ,
be IS. apkrndtd kidney
41MOSt *We
heumat . whic
, ,
17$ LZ$LL LO s,
ilyprepare .thii at borne and at
flrugIists in this town and vicinity.
When; own the prescript on, etated
that they can either supply these in-
grediente, or, if our readers perfer,
they will compound the mixture for
- - ---_-.11ensa \
Mrs. Itoutcliff has been visiting with
her sisiter. Mrs. Popplestone, at Blyth.
--James Logan bas moved his furni-
ture into the residence ' et vacated by
11.--We1eh1-Bob--Or nir..:...„-w
.held *, positioirintbelio ereigh Bank
m34 Bank of Commerce haz been ftp.
pointed to the Malone Bank. Mr.
Scott was transferred to London
branch. -Mr. Sellery who has been
here for some weeke, owing to the ill-
ness of hiss wife, left for his -home. Kin -
cardiac., 'Wednesday morning* -R.
Bonthron left last week for Wroxeter
to assist his son-in-law Cecil Sitopeon,
who has rented a store there' and is
putting iu a new stock of oods.-
,Olinton__and--Hensall -hockey- team
pbIZed a tie1091.0 iter...4 Mei-night,'
._ihrr-ert-ecra-t- -tx-akiiiit ,;z;',
Vegetable Compound. After using three
bottles of it. 1 feel like it new woman.
"1 most heitrtily reooramsnd Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all
For thirty years
ham's Vegetable Com made
from roots tad her)** been the
standard remedy for female
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammatio 'deem.
tion, fibroid tumors,
periodic pains, backache,.,
ing.dorou feeling, flatulency
The Presbytery of Huron met in
Vilhis Church, Clinton. on Tuesday
2nd inst., Mr. Anderson, of Knox
Church, Goderich, was appointed
The greater part of the tune Wag
taken upin reacting and discussing re.
ports on SutidaySchools, Young Peo-
ple's Societies, Church Life, work and
Statistics. Although these were in
some respects disappointing, they
were in others. encouraging.
Mr. Fletcher reported that the con-
gregations of Grand Bend and Corbett
had promised to contribute $0.00
more than forrperlv to the minister&
stipend, anrtthat tliegrant from the
Augmentation Fund, vrould be reduc-
ed by tbe same amount.
The debate on the Union question,
which had been adjourned at the last
meeting of the Presbytery, was re -
stunted, but no tolution was pawed,
andnosuggeeti nit were made to the
Union Committee.
Oattoa Atiralf vesrantatit,
'Canadian rretterbie
=heolute tetteln _tine tor *sem. Acne
SoseskTetter,, kstreniziacznenele, Mt=
• Itch. Se* Rend, voisgritis.
Sores. and cutaneous moillaciel _blemilehts
beett-thetettZ ferczersity toted
lIa treretizs•timMte any • 4111ethermaepilk •
or anbseinetitrtzalt ahnas btaees eon or pm
, .1ooAfertIonewin coedece that id
✓ edttioeemerit
pomade lo Came* A good:bosest Claw
$0,Senncil adjourned to meet in
tbe Town Hall, Monday, April 0, at 1
Eilber, Clerk..
School Reports
Follovrieg is the report of S.S. No.
0, Usberne„ for the months of *Tannery
and February; Names are in order
of merit. V. ,-T-Ellat Washburn, Lill*
Ileytor,_.,_ _MA rdalletcybill-JSu. -
DEMI Cornish Lulu Godbolt,
Mae Heywood. Ella Heywood, Olar-
ence Oreery,TRaylrietchen EarlJohns.
Ju. IV.- John Oreery, Rhea Godbolt,
Sherwood Brock. Bit. 111. - MMUS
Heywood, Alex.Berrybill, John Brock.
Jr.. III -Jennie Campbell, Earl °ow-
ned, Arnold Clark, Charles
11 -Inez °teem Roy Gouling,
Eric Coward. JE. II-Hat4wick Corn -
kb, Dia Cornish; May Clark, Ina Hey-
The following is the school- report
for February, of S„ $, No. 0. Stepten.
The names are in order of merit. -V.
Ohas. Rimier, Jacob Querin, Harry
Yearley, Georgina Herta:sail, Edmuncl
Kraft. III -Chas. Yearley, John Wil-
helm, Leona rinkbeiner,. Emma Oun-
ningham, Ella 'Wilhelm, Harold Gow-
er, Roy John, Clara Jacob, James Ma-
whinney, Flossie Hartman, Lewis
John, Jos. Regier, 11-jchn Cunning-
ham, Francis Flynn, Veronica Mao.
over, Wilton Jacob, Gladys ,Mawhin-
ney,, Wilbert Ifartman, Arthur Han-
over. Pt. 1I -Irene Matviiinntry,Reter
Regier. Pt. 1 -Edith Flynn. Num-
ber on roll, 37; average attendance 25.
E. R. gin.% Teacher.
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No, • 13,
Stephen, for February. . Sr. -
Pfaff 72,'N Ford O. Jr. III. -A Green
75,0 Hooper 07, E Carrick M. Sr, IL
It Smith 90. Pt. 11-0 Hooper. Pt.
The following is the report of 8.8
No. 1, Stephen. for February basted on
conductonctgenera/ ticiencr.
CleasV.--41 Hepburn. A Mason, H
Hicks, L Robinson, J White, G
I{ Sims. Sr. Roma), .1 11"
artb, M Elliott. Jr. Baker,
Davey, v. Dow,et. Nithite„
G J Devi,, Oalifes. Sr. 111
-A White. Jr. -1.1L-V Hogarth,
M Wires; M Elitist; Mc-
Curdy, W Baker. Si'. IL -hi Elliott)
E Bowden, II Neil. Jr. 11.-0 Davey,
0 Dallis, I McCurdy. Pt, IL -41., Rob -
Mem, Hogarth. M,Suilth, a Wilton.
Sr. Pt, L...t.17 Jr.. Pt. 1.-N
Brokenshire, L Belot; J
Wisittington,:lg Bowden.
sa PaC Catty= tr teats. or ve boons
- -
melee toss", eddrelle Ott reotipt etemigeglee.
I* Omit to publistra new lotus
rectory fortbe Distrkt of Wes.
tern Ont,ario, including the
• Town of Exeter. Okantree of
rin name*, change.of street
addressee; or orders for dupli;
eat* entries should be handed
, in at once to
BotterHI, teecher.
2, S ti, for the month of rehruarv.-
Engieral. M Entriand, I 0oubHn,
King, V Cornish, I Stahl", L Mims -
pa. Class II -M Sim, °Coughlin. It
Plat en, Jones i Sim*. Sr.- Pt. II.
0Saone& ° Pt. L11-0
Beak Otetsibis. Jr. pt. 14,44( Law-
son, H Onngblln. , • •
,Ottittliite, Teacher,.
A pit**Int etient took
place onneadii eveningt March 10th,
house of Mr. ankt
ItOttoss, whet ,their
*tighter* Mt* Moir Jsnn-heosime Abe
. beide of * :perdueyoung tamer of
:*The.reristsony * perftwased by Re
:thie towns. - 11r,';,..Tehn3V4---LEtorrie
Toil ofIlenssit in the present* of �nlv
the istottediatO relatives. The ynrng
eoupte Were iiroitterWed oxen% by th
bri,de's rtv.• 06,,des„ Broad.
tOot sod 11,90i,,r,rdriftle, who aeted
losiiug hAsster it)swet g1 reetie'r.
eel . Teo ee na,y over Ail enloved
stipner. .skfier, Jen 4r pi **era even-
fort- !C$18 't0t1kft 41, t program be -
tog given. ....,prewotei %tile tamer.
Ott%IId looty er4,,ty., • Th. young
'ompto Its vo tho Itif their
roam frtendfi.. TIS ial reselo on thei
groo estisi Itots? fa CM ra U41$01* it* tositn.
4)0444 On 'Wesieloalrise evening
Feb 201 ii• fe he home the bride
Meetiottb tho ecetiok
tIrwetiding„ of Pi ton hssn,1i'
ter Katbsrlae, ' was eri1teln ow
*reit :IS
11 :a*aone of the vortoklest re*.
Stems lowO,
ble at.theage`,0t,-,L yeapf..Ile
In St Marrs, for tno lessa ° than
o'clock Tue.day
, the wordage was
04, church
merchant tailor, and Milia KateMoore
niece of Mrs. S. Burns, Norili-1,ar
-Gotleriah; The deltas of one of Gqd
erich's old resideots took place Marpt
4, at the (tuelph. Hospital,. when Fra
cis Ashton Smith' liaised away in his
82nd year. Mr. Smith calms here,_ from
be Steles many years ago, and went
Lieury: Mr. and 31re. 'Units -PO**
ter, $th con., were agreeably surprised
on the evening of March 3rd,' when o
number of young people iron' town,
jadby others from the Ith con. and
tea Aittike)&107.
one admired the heipitality on the
part of the hostess and cheers were
given before leaving.—
Tuckersmith: Robert Charters, of
the Mill reed, has a record which few
can equal. If he lives till June next
PO. Oliarters will have resided contln.
smugly on his present farm for 00 yestro,
and in all that timatha-.1ongeet. time,
he has been away from it at any one
time waselm week., the occasion being
trvisitlo'btonativo-hotrie In Sotitisiiid.'
-t11/4 ,
Mr. Matthews of Seaforth visited
Mr. and Ura. John Geiger Bromism)
Line. -Mr. and Mrs. Henri Weseloh;
are on a few weeks' visit with relativ-
es in Berlin and Waterloo. -Mrs.
Thciabold Bauch and daughter Rose,
left Friday for Roomier, where they
expect to visit for several weeks. -Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob B. Gingerich have gone
toStephen, Idinn,where they expect
Troyer. the veteran merchant of
green, is Fthe
ill at present. His',
many frier] in e Township wish
him a stieedy recovery. -,Chas. McAl-
lister of the Parr Line, received a kick
lathe face, from a "colt on Monday.
The eyelid and cheek bone are badly
cut, but it is not expected that any
*mien* results will to -nom -Miss Min-
nie Hartung of Detroit is visiting 'her
home here for it few weeks.-. 0.
Ai:shier has been taken on the Mol.
sons Bank at this- branch. -Herman
Wel/attended the _funeral- of hisaors-
in-lawi the late Mr. McWatters, at
the /41h Oen., fell on the ice an Tues-
day, dislocating" his shoulder. -The
Township Council met here on Wed-
nesday, with all members present. A
number of accounts were passed and a
motion abolishing statute labor was
adopted and a bylaw will be passed to
that effect. The Council adjourned to
Wednesday April let. -A. S. Faust
undertaker, and Charles Welker,
eryman, while attending, the funeral
oftheriate-Mrs. David -Plan -met -wit
an accident. While turning at Mr.
Plant's house, the hearse was upset,
breaking one of the plates in the tide,
entailing it loss of over $30. Mr. Wel,
ker the driver was thrown under the
horses heels and it is fortunate that
tbe doubietrees broke or the accident
might havebeen even more serious.
The horsettget cleats imot_tbe_velucle,,
but iiiiiiiUuglit-bWrit going yerylar.
will move to the Northwest next
month. Mr. and Mrs. O. Dowker, 71h
con. Will accompany them. -Another
of our young men has joined the ranks
of the beneilicts. On Wednesday.
*arch 4tj, Chao. Bed of the Eith con.,
wal ed to Mies Rd.e Uotnies
daughter of 0Orr Loomis, 'of the Ith
ctn. The wedding, which was a vary
quiet affair, was celebrated at the
ethodiet parsonage, Parkhill, Bev.
C. 0. °onsets tying the nuptial knot.
Mr. and Mr* Rea have gone on it trlp
to Undo attult territory, where'j they
will visit friend*. On their return,
they Will take up their residence on
neelltrinfilffbers lbejr- .
'at ho " to their many friend*.
Tho Tetisrine Chowileat CO.
' Sold in Bitter Browning,
Howey and 8 oole, Drust7.;
gist*. •
Oot.. who haa. been_ home an
,'Ilyron, held it bay dr*w-
iag bee on
'Friday batt. in the even.
Ing be young people joirld in a merry
slaote wed most pleas* t time watt
plortittn Jarrott had shwond
noMilinday. While trim
Jarii.iptt tnety with a pain
by 'hoving bit bend eaugh
wood,In Ibe with the reenit that the
seend get-.*** broken ,akt. the fits
as been comp#11.1 to lay
few days.. -.The roods in
a bad tontlitlion, o*.
ratherIs*g to tbe soft weather.1,-14liss
thort; *Ito bavi been
Ito pait few weeks,
luunt,,tlear London,
Datideein, Who
Mr. john Pat-
k-r.�st, bit. reterned So
'boa to
tr VOn TEM/ or It
A itolOti ir4 °OW
• YOU $44314,0
*4011111ST start** 0 CA/ILV
the peat:Hai
. informition
you .Tteed
to owed 0.100
• • attrettiosornitto ,
with-basketA :Mortise ylia•
Mr. and Mrs. McLean were
asked co forward -and zifr-r-Gee.
W. Wren had read a short address,
'John Vide* presented Ur. McLean
with a purse cif gold in recognition of
his services as choir leader, it also be-
ing the 200h anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. MeLean's marriage. Rev. W. M.
Martin, on behalf of mt.. MeLeart, in ft
few well chosen words expressed
thanks for their kindness,. Afterwards
• the ladies'.
'X have not ,tkeen without otottto of
Coltafoote Ittlieeterarst in the house for:
over nine years. At that tins* X crocar-
ed it for a bad told 1 had. It worktd
• such, Wenders then that it hos ,been
oesehold rented". -ever 1,tns'
.wiU bliVe` )10: Ober for coOgist ani elig*
't I fio Oleitsivi totake, and '.*11-• of
04 look for itAs. scio' u as tire
Solkat t1era
W,C,,,i41#0,40 Atsc
FreeS1001414. •
wi)r.be seat ti any persOu's,44ine their, ,
ntiolo, satAddress_stier ',naming. this
T#0 -010141a. '/69.3,449,4.14
$1.-0:iellifilt ',OKI 'rot
cold, sore threat eroup,-h9oing
cough, bronchitis and all ireitat co
eitioes ef Sise mit-1mA-Ira
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
Send for Ites easPie To -day.
Parltisill; B. A. Dickson. clerk of
the Division Court, Parkhill. appeared -
before Magistrate McTavish on Friday
and leaded guilty to a charge of em-
eeztainfunda which be hand-
Restitution having been medic -the -
Magistrate allowed, the man to go on •
suspended sentence, Crown Attorney
McKillop. of London, appeased for
.the aratIVD. _ .
"ItY44r7Ortic Atirtfaftregagliiiireir'
to his eternal test one of the oldest
and most respected residents of the
town, in the ,person of Mr, it.sbert
Luintiden. The late Mr. Lurnsden wits
born in Aberdeen. Scotland, in the
year 1820, and came to Canada while
quit,e it young man. After remeining
in Hamilton for a nn her of year*,he
name ). and fir noeny
Tears carried on a very successful drug
stCeterrh,thatresasel, emit- by -Hairs Catarrh
r. glignar..kge.....Teleds. 0.
We the undersigned have known E. J. Cheney foe
the last 15 years, sad believe hint pettedly bonorahle
In all busineas transactions and fleancially able to
wry out any obligations:wide by his arm.
Watrone, Now k Unarm
Wholende.Druggists, Toledo, 0
JEW* caturh Curti, taken internally, acting di.
teeny on the blood and OnleauS surfaces *Ms
spatft. Testimonials sent tree. Price Me, per bet.
, •
Titiosiritruosyrub p?uotipatipm
POS I) 'In
..e1P9-.......4:-.1si;4":1,..r-: fArif 1:V.:1,,i.
1 4 I tiPi,Arid, ic
.), - IA% I
-.% 4 ,Vii
(it poppiet sey* "our
an toceptionally fore raiz-
by Or th,f4 IOW W*;
baTeit,r.L" VW. wlfleve abroietelefree
psclgecltbeeeaeeda" to 'Teti perm* who
*Misted for oar sew Itaaittrouset*iiissitareil
1110$ Catilatiiila if yo* prefer, yOtt say
ba** .pseigsgeot esseisaCesa ten*
otatiaders- Pride Toie:atO seed *04e or
Write today age wee
'death occurred on -
5 of ottutis 3uckoon Blacker '
There pasted twity:
motatiop •,;;Tatisda7. reornirig,Mar
Soyd„; wife of Win. Kyle. Deeetteed
was in hetenvesitieth year and
besoln falling health for tome time. .,
The reopaltna! were taken to Sarnia for
Tp: Deeds .claimed
otber -6ri Fir or trOilerithLTV.'o Sat-
urdsy, 10
tbe person 'of Mrs. Cantelon,
rliet of the bite- Aattin- Oarkt*Ion.
former Treasurer of the teWnshi
r in * bet 84th pow,: a
death was doe to i *cop:It'd detline.
sorrow we, re. .
ter the death of John PAO% vouch
took nine on Niaren'ist sifter
iiirses1 of sevi;tr:1 monthi.,
rid was in, that et of the Orange
Otder.* :Nine ste the heartfel
sympatby of the entire' tommussitY
be 'vement,
Ons of theplootere of Mor
**Aron iThursda
, Robert IL toskirlaw. 1.
lmROtb 'vear. Ile.eettleta on Mere